Author: Malek, Roman

Chinese face of Jesus Christ
Publish_locationSankt Augustin
PublisherInstitut Monumenta Serica
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, German
SeriesMonumenta serica monograph series ; 50
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBT203.C45 2002
Description[3] v. : ill. ; 25 cm.
NoteThe Chinese face of Jesus Christ / edited by Roman Malek.
Jointly published by Institut Monumenta Serica and China-Zentrum, 2002.
Projected 5 volumes. Library has v. 1-3b. Paged continuously. English and German. Includes bibliographical references.

Description from Monumenta Serica: This collection in five volumes tries to realize the desideratum of a comprehensive interdisciplinary work on the manifold faces and images of Jesus in China, which unites the Sinological, mission-historical, theological, art-historical, and other aspects. The first three volumes (vols. L/1-3) contain articles and texts which discuss the faces and images of Jesus Christ from the Tang dynasty to the present time. In a separate volume (vol. L/4) follows an annotated bibliography of the Western and Chinese writings on Jesus Christ in China and a general index with glossary. The iconography, i.e., the attempts of the Western missionaries and the Chinese to portray Jesus in an artistic way, will be presented in the fifth volume of this collection (vol. L/5).

Contents of Volume 1:
Introductory Essays: ROMAN MALEK, S.V.D.: Faces and Images of Jesus Christ in Chinese Context. Introduction — PAUL H. WELTE, O.P.: Does Jesus Christ Need A Facelift? A Critical Voice to the Project "The Chinese Face of Christ." Remarks on Some Problems of Inculturation — Preliminary Contextual Considerations: Dao — Logos — Yesu: LIVIA KOHN: Embodiment and Transcendence in Medieval Taoism — JOSEPH H. WONG, O.S.B. CAM.: Tao — Logos — Jesus. Lao Tzu, Philo, and John Compared — J.D.M. DERRETT: St. John's Jesus and the Buddha — JOST O. ZETZSCHE: Indigenizing the "Name Above All Names": Chinese Transliterations of Jesus Christ — Part I: Faces and Images of Jesus Christ from Tang to Yuan: YVES RAGUIN, S.J. (1912—1998): China's First Evangelization by the 7th and 8th Century Eastern Syrian Monks. Some Problems Posed by the First Chinese Expressions of the Christian Traditions — STEVE ESKILDSEN: Christology and Soteriology in the Chinese Nestorian Texts — GUNNER B. MIKKELSEN: "Quickly guide me to the peace of the Pure Land": Christology and Buddhist Terminology in the Chinese Manichaean Hymnscroll — HANS-JOACHIM KLIMKEIT (1939—1999): Jesus' Entry into Parinirvana. Manichaean Identity in Buddhist Central Asia — HANS-JOACHIM KLIMKEIT (1939—1999): Das Kreuzessymbol in der zentralasiatischen Religionsbegegnung. Zum Verhältnis von Christologie und Buddhologie in der zentralasiatischen Kunst — FRANZ XAVER PEINTINGER: In Nomine Domini. Ein christlicher Grabstein in Yangzhou (1344)
Anthology I: Hsü-t'ing Messiah Sutra or Jesus Messiah Sutra (ca. 635) — The Lord of the Universe's Discourse On Alms-Giving (ca. 640) — The Sutra on Mysterious Rest and Joy (ca. 780) — The Luminous Lord of the Universe. From the "Nestorian Monument" (781) — A Nestorian Motwa Hymn in Adoration of the Holy Trinity (8th c.) — King Messiah: Syriac Texts from Gaochang (9th—12th c.) — Manichäische Jesus-Hymnen aus China (8.—9. Jh.) — Christ described in a Poem by Li Bai (701—762). Interpretation proposed by WU QIMING. Presented by ADRIAN DUDINK

Contents of Volume 2:
Part II: Faces and Images of Jesus Christ from Ming to Qing:
GAUVIN ALEXANDER BAILEY: The Image of Jesus in Chinese Art during the Time of the Jesuit Mission (16th—18th centuries) — CARMEN GUARINO: Images of Jesus in Matteo Ricci's Pictures for Chengshi moyuan — GIANNI CRIVELLER, P.I.M.E.: Christ Introduced to Late Ming by Giulio Aleni S.J. (1582—1649) — SUN YUMING: Cultural Translatability and the Presentation of Christ as Portrayed in Visual Images from Ricci to Aleni — PAUL RULE: The Jesus of the "Confucian Christians" of the Seventeenth Century — WHALEN LAI: Jesus in the Shengshui jiyan of the Early Yang Tingyun (1557—1627) — DOMINIC SACHSENMAIER: The Jesus of Zhu Zongyuan (1616—1660). A Complex Pattern of Inculturation — CLAUDIA VON COLLANI: Jesus of the Figurists — MIGUEL ÁNGEL SAN ROMÁN, O.P.: Jesus Christ Proclaimed in the Early Dominican Mission in China — GIOVANNI STARY: Jesus Introduced to the Manchus — P. RICHARD BOHR: Jesus, Christianity, and Rebellion in China. The Evangelical Roots of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom — LAUREN F. PFISTER: Reconsidering Three Faces of the "Revived One" from Mid-19th Century China — MARGO S. GEWURTZ: The "Jesus Sect" and "Jesus Opium": Creating a Christian Community in Rural North Honan, 1890—1912 — RALPH R. COVELL: Jesus in Protestant Writings in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries — JESSIE G. LUTZ: The Jesus of the Early Chinese Protestant Evangelists.

Anthology II: Early Jesuits on Jesus Christ — MICHELE RUGGIERI, S.J. (1543—1607): On the Birthday of God (Twelve Poems) — Matteo Ricci, Jesus und das Kreuz — XU GUANGQI (1562—1633): Eulogies and Hymns on Jesus — WEN XIANGFENG (1577—1642) a.o.: Jesus, the Barbarian — Giulio Aleni S.J. (1582—1642) on Jesus Christ — YANG GUANGXIAN (1597—1669): Jesus: A Subversive Rebel Leader — LUDOVICO BUGLIO, S.J. (1606—1682): Jesus in Budeyi bian — FERDINAND VERBIEST, S.J. (1623—1688): The Passion of Jesus — WU YUSHAN (WU LI), S.J. (1632—1718): Poems on Jesus — BLAISE PASCAL (1623—1662): Dieu crucifié: Le scandale de la Croix — BENNO M. BIERMANN, O.P. (1884—1970): Die Predigt des Kreuzes — GEORGE H. DUNNE, S.J.: Jesuit Suppression of the Doctrine of the Cross? — NICOLAS STANDAERT, S.J. (introduction): Jesus Christ in the Lidai shenxian tongjian — E.T.C. WERNER (1864—1954): Christ in the Li-tai shen-hsien t'ung-chien — K.L. Reichelt (1877—1952): Eine "taoistische" Geschichte Jesu aus Shenxian gangjian (1701) — The Chinese Text from Lidai shenxian tongjian (or Shenxian jian) — Taiping Texts on Jesus — ZHIGANG (19th. c.): An Ordinary Person: Jesus — ANONYMOUS (19th. c.): Jesus, the Only Hog.

Contents of Volume 3a
Part III: Modern Faces and Images of Jesus Christ.
Donald Daniel Leslie and Yang Daye: Jesus the Prophet in Chinese Islam -- Françoise Aubin: Jesus in the Confrontation between Islam and Christianity Transposed into China -- Francis K.H. So: The Subverted Image of Christ in the May Fourth Era -- Lewis S. Robinson: Medicine for the Soul? Christ-like Sacrifice and Filial Piety in Lu Xun’s Yao and Mo Yan’s Lingyao -- Liang Gong: The Image of Jesus in The Death of Jesus by Mao Dun -- Anna Bujatti: Lu Xun, Xu Zhimo, Ai Qing, and Mao Dun: The Human Face of Jesus Christ -- Roman Malek, s.v.d.: Der Sozialreformer Jesus. Das Leben Jesu nach Wu Leichuan (1869–1944) -- Ekman P.C. Tam: The Cross and the Lotus: Karl Ludvig Reichelt’s (1877–1952) Mission Theology and Methodology -- Winfried Glüer: Jesus in the Theology of T.C. Chao (1888–1979) -- Gotelind Müller: Lin Yutang (1895–1976), Christianity, and Jesus : A Bundle of Contradictions -- Matthias Christian, s.v.d.: John C.H. Wu (1899–1986) on Christ and China -- Poling J. Sun: Jesus in the Writings of Wang Mingdao -- Anthony S.K. Lam: The Image of Jesus in Kung Kao Po 1928 to 1930.

Anthology III: Richard Wilhelm (1873–1930): Jesus von Nazareth -- Hu Shi (1891–1962): The Death of Jesus -- Chu Chih-hsin [Zhu Zhixin] (1885–1920): What is Jesus? -- Ch’en Tu-hsiu [Chen Duxiu] (1879–1942): Jesus, the Incarnation of Universal Love -- Bing Xin (1900–1999): Gethsemane and Golgatha -- Lu Xun (1881–1936): Revenge (II) -- Wang Jingzhi (1902–1996): The Cross -- P.C. Hsu [Xu Baoqian] (1892–1944): Uniqueness of Jesus from a Chinese Standpoint -- T.C. Chao [Zhao Zichen] (1888–1979): What Jesus Means to Me -- L.C. Wu [Wu Leichuan] (1869–1944): Jesus as I Know Him -- T.C. Chao [Zhao Zichen] (1888–1979): The Pathway by Which I Know Jesus -- Wu Yao Tsong [Wu Yaozong] (1893–1979): My Conception of the Universe and of Life since I Knew Jesus -- Hoh Loan Shi: My Most Vital Sermon. The Spirit of the One Hundred and Twenty (Acts 1:12-14) -- Zia Nai-Zing [Xie Fuya] (1892–1991): Jesus as I Know Him -- Wang Shih Tsing: What Jesus Means To Me -- Peter S. Kuan: Jesus as I Know Him -- K.S. Wang: The Christ of the Chinese Road -- Xu Zhimo (1897–1931): Kalvarienberg -- Paul G. Hayes: The Virgin Birth in Chinese Thought -- George A. Young: Jesus, the Fourth Gospel and New China -- Lo Ch’uan-fang [Luo Chuanfang]: Jesus as a Missionary -- Andrew C.Y. Cheng [Cheng Zhiyi] (1898–1939): Follow­ing Jesus -- T.C. Chao [Zhao Zichen] (1888–1979): Jesus and the Reality of God -- Chiang Kai-shek [Jiang Jieshi] (1887–1975): Jesus Christus als Revolutionär.

Contents of Volume 3b:
Part IV: Contemporary Faces and Images of Jesus Christ.
Philip Clart: Jesus in Chinese Popular Sects; Marián Gálik: Jesus the Proletarian. A Biography by Zhu Weizhi (1905–1999); Wang Xiaochao: Marxist Interpretations of Jesus in China (1949–1999); Kristin Kupfer: Images of Jesus Christ in Christian Inspired Spiritual and Religious Movements in China since 1978; Barbara Hoster: “Rereading the Bible.” Jesus in Chinese Poems of the Late 20th Century; Peter C. Phan: Jesus with a Chinese Face. C.S. Song’s Jesus-Oriented Christology; Benoît Vermander, S.J.: Jesus Christ as Seen by Chinese Catholic Theologians Today; Gotthard Oblau: Himmlischer Arzt, Fürsprecher, Mahner und Weiser. Das Christusbild in chinesischen (evangelischen) Zeugnissen der Gegenwart; Heup Young Kim: Toward a Christotao: Christ as the Theanthropocosmic Tao; Jonathan Tan Yun-ka: Jesus, the Crucified and Risen Sage. Constructing a Contemporary Confucian Christology; Edmond Tang: The Cosmic Christ. The Search for a Chinese Theology; Joseph H. Wong, O.S.B. Cam.: Homo nobilis and Christ the Perfect Man. Fang Tung-mei, Karl Rahner, and the Chinese Face of Jesus; Liu Xiaofeng: A Trinitarian View on quaestio fidei in the Context of Modern Culture; Wolfgang Kubin: Vox clamantis in deserto. The Worldly Faces of Jesus Christ: China and the West.

Anthology IV: Dom Pierre-Célestin Lou Tseng-Tsiang, O.S.B. (1871–1949): Ways of Confucius and of Christ; John C.H. Wu (1899–1986): A Chinese Tunic for Christ; Guo Moruo (1892–1978): Jesus and Stalin; Ya Xian: The Monastery; Lin Yutang (1895–1976): The Teachings of Jesus; Chiang Kai-shek (1888–1975): Testimony on Good Friday 1960; Ji Xian: Type-B Blood; Chiang Kai-shek (1888–1975): Testimony on Easter 1961; Chiang Kai-shek (1888–1975): Testimony on Easter 1963; Chiang Kai-shek (1888–1975): Testimony on Easter 1964; Frère Pierre Zhou: Rêve de Noël; Jesus, Mao, and Gesta Dei per Sinenses (1966–1976); Yesu (Zongjiao cidian, Shanghai 1981); Choan-seng Song: From the Point-Nosed to the Flat-Nosed Christ; Simon Zhao: Bitter Cup and the Place of Skulls; A.B. Chang Ch’un-shen, S.J.: Jesus Christus – Der „Himmel-Mensch“ und das ch’i in der Christologie; Shen Yifan (1928–1994): Paradoxe Wahrheit des Kreuzes; Ch’iao Lin: The Face of Christ; Bai Hua: Auferstehen; Wang Meng: On the Cross; Han Bide: Why Jesus Christ Died on the Cross; Ding Guangxun (K.H. Ting): The Cosmic Christ; Gu Cheng (1956–1993): The Cross; Jung Young Lee: Jesus Christ: The Perfect Realization of Change; Wang Weifan: Meditationen über Jesus; Sha Yexin: Jesus, Confucius, and John Lennon: Act I; Choan-seng Song: Jesus, the Reign of God, and the Crucified People; Agnes Lee, S.M.I.C.: Jesus Christ and the Christian Identity in China; Harmony in Jesus Christ (fabc); Edmund Chia, F.S.C.: Face of Jesus Christ in Asia; Luis Antonio G. Tagle – Jacob Theckanath: Faces and Images of Jesus Christ in Asia.

SubjectJesus Christ--History of doctrines Christianity--China--History--Sources Jesus Christ--Art--China China--Church history--Sources Christian art and symbolism--China--History Theology, Doctrinal--China--History Theology, Doctrinal--China--History--Sources
Seriesfoo 105
Fallbeispiel China : Ökumenische Beiträge zu Religion, Theologie, und Kirche im chinesischen Kontext
Publish_locationSankt Augustin
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBR1285.F35 1996
Description693 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Note"Fallbeispiel" China : ökumenische Beiträge zu Religion, Theologie, und Kirche im chinesischen Kontext / herausgegeben von Roman Malek.
Includes bibliographical references.
SubjectMissions--China--History Figurism--China--History Christianity--China China--Religion Religion and culture--China
From Shanghai : Jews in China
Publish_locationSankt Augustin
PublisherMonumenta Serica
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, German, Chinese
SeriesMonumenta serica monograph series ; 46
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS135.C5 F76 2000
Descriptionxii, 706 p. : ill., maps, music ; 24 cm.
NoteFrom Kaifeng--to Shanghai : Jews in China / edited by Roman Malek ; joint publication of the Monumenta Serica Institute and the China-Zentrum.
English, German, or Chinese.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Book contents, notes, and Robert Entenmann's H-Net book review.

ROMAN MALEK, Intercultural encounters: From Kaifeng ... to Shanghai. Jews in China. An Introduction. From Kaifeng ... : HERBERT FRANKE: Der Weg nach Osten. Jüdische Niederlassungen im Alten China (The Way Eastward. Jewish Settlements in Old China) — DONALD DANIEL LESLIE: Integration, Assimilation, and Survival of Minorities in China: The Case of Kaifeng Jews — MICHAEL POLLAK: The Manuscripts and Artifacts of the Synagogue of Kaifeng: Their Peregrinations and Present Whereabouts — LEO GABOW (1916—1998): Jewish Property in Kaifeng — XU XIN: Jewish Identity of the Kaifeng Jews — ZHANG QIANHONG 張倩紅 and LI JINGWEN 李景文: 關於開封猶太後裔的幾個問題 (Some Observations on the Descendants of the Jews in Kaifeng) — NATHAN KATZ: The Judaisms of Kaifeng and Cochin: Parallel and Divergent Styles of Religious Acculturation — HARTMUT WALRAVENS: Bibliographical Notes on Jews in China — YANG HAIJUN: Die Erforschung der Juden in China (Eighty Years of Research on Jews in China)
... to Shanghai: FANG JIANCHANG 房建昌: 內蒙古, 遼寧, 北京, 天津及青島猶太人史 (1911-1949年) (History of Jews in Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Beijing, Tianjin, and Qingdao (1911—1949) — AVRAHAM ALTMANN: Controlling the Jews, Manchukuo Style — ZVIA BOWMAN: Unwilling Collaborators: The Jewish Community of Harbin under the Japanese Occupation 1931-1945 — RENA KRASNO: History of Russian Jews in Shanghai — MAISIE MEYER: The Sephardi Jewish Community of Shanghai and the Question of Identity — CHIARA BETTA: Myth and Memory: Chinese Portrayal of Silas Aaron Hardoon, Luo Jialing, and the Aili Garden Between 1924 and 1995 — DAVID KRANZLER: Shanghai Refuge: The Jewish Refugee Community of Shanghai 1938-1949 — IRENE EBER: Flight to Shanghai 1938-1939 and Its Larger Context — PAN GUANG: Uniqueness and Generality: The Case of Shanghai in the Annals of Jewish Diaspora — PAUL U. UNSCHULD: Ärzte aus Deutschland und Österreich in der Emigration in Shanghai zwischen 1934 und 1945 — GERD KAMINSKI: Dr. Jakob Rosenfeld: Mensch und Mythos — CHANG SHOOU-HUEY: China und Jiddisch: Jiddische Kultur in China — Chinesische Literatur auf Jiddisch -- ALEXANDER KNAPP: The State of Research into Jewish Music in China — FRANÇOISE KREISSLER: Ein Journalist im Exil in Shanghai: Adolph J. Storfer und die Gelbe Post.
Europe, China, and "the Jewish Paradox": CLAUDIA VON COLLANI: Cabbala in China — RITA WIDMAIER: Zur Frage der Juden in China in der Korrespondenz von G.W. Leibniz — MARÍAN GÁLIK: The Old Testament of the Bible in Modern Chinese Literary Criticism and Creative Literature — ZHOU XUN: Youtai: A History of the "Jew" in Modern China — JOËL THORAVAL: Chinese Intellectuals and "the Jewish Paradox" — HUANG LINGYU: Research on Judaism in China — XU XIN: Document: Some Thoughts on Our Policy Toward the Jewish Religion — Including a Discussion of Our Policy Toward the Kaifeng Jews. General Index with Glossary.

SubjectJews--China--History Judaism--China--History
Seriesfoo 106
Georg M. Stenz, SVD (1869-1928) : Chinamissionar im Kaiserreich und in der Republik
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberBV3427.S8134 P85 1994
Description317 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm.
NoteStephan Puhl ; mit einem Nachwort von R.G. Tiedemann, "Der Missionspolitische Kontext in Süd-Shantung am Vorabend des Boxeraufstands in China." ; herausgegeben von Roman Malek.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [251]-255) and index.
SubjectStenz, G. M. (Georg Maria) 薛田資, b. 1869 Stenz, G. M. (Georg Maria) 薛田資, b. 1869--Correspondence Missionaries--China--Biography Catholic Church--Missions--China--Shandong Sheng--History Missions, German--China--Shandong Sheng--History Society of the Divine Word--Missions--China--Shandong Sheng Society of the Divine Word--Biography China--History--Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1901 Shandong Sheng 山東省--History--Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1901 Shandong Sheng 山東省--Church history--19th century
Jingjiao : the Church of the East in China and Central Asia
Publish_locationSankt Augustin
PublisherInstitut Monumenta Serica
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Chinese
Record_typeBook (Proceedings), Book (PDF)--Conference Proceedings
SeriesCollectanea serica
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBX154.C4 J56 2006
Description701 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. + pdf

Jingjiao : the Church of the East in China and Central Asia / edited by Roman Malek in connection with Peter Hofrichter.
English and Chinese.
Proceedings of a conference held in Salzburg, Austria, in 2003 under the theme "Research on Nestorianism in China".

Part I: Matteo Nicolini-Zani: Past and Current Research on Tang Jingjiao Documents: A Survey -- T.H. Barrett: Buddhism, Daoism and the Eighth Century Chinese Term for Christianity. A Response to Recent Work by Antonino Forte and Others.
Part II: Stephen Eskildsen: Parallel Themes in Chinese Nestorianism and Medieval Daoist Religion -- Chen Huaiyu: The Connection between Jingjiao and Buddhist Texts in Late Tang China -- Max Deeg: Towards a New Translation of the Chinese Nestorian Documents from the Tang Dynasty -- Lin Wushu: Additional Notes on the Authenticity of Tomioka’s and Takakusu’s Manuscripts -- Gunner B. Mikkelsen: Haneda’s and Saeki’s Editions of the Chinese Nestorian Zhixuan anle jing. A Comment on Recent Work by Lin Wushu -- Wang Ding: Remnants of Christianity from Chinese Central Asia in Medieval Ages -- Ge Chengyong: The Live Style of Nestorian Preachers and Their Cultural Influence on China during the Tang Dynasty (Chin.) -- Jürgen Tubach: Deuteronomistic Theology in the Text of the Stele of Xi’an -- Benoit Vermander: The Impact of Nestorianism on Contemporary Chinese Theology.
Part III: Zhou Liangxiao: Chinese Nestorianism in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties (Chin.) -- Niu Ruji: Nestorian Inscriptions from China (13th – 14th Centuries) -- Geng Shimin: Reexamination of the Nestorian Inscription from Yangzhou (Chin.) - - Xie Bizhen: The History of Quanzhou Nestorianism -- Samuel N.C. Lieu: Nestorian Remains from Zaitun (Quanzhou) South China -- Majella Franzmann and Samuel N.C. Lieu: A New Nestorian Tombstone from Quanzhou: Epitaph of the Lady Kejamtâ -- Tjalling Halbertsma: Some Notes on Past and Present Field Research on Gravestones and Related Stone Material of the Church of the East in Inner Mongolia, China. With 21 Illustrations of the Hulsewé-Wazniewski Project in Inner Mongolia -- Ken Parry: The Art of the Church of the East in China -- Peter Zieme: A Cup of Cold Water. Folios of a Nestorian-Turkic Manuscript from Kharakhoto -- Pier Giorgio Borbone: Princess Sara’s Gospel Book. A Syriac Manuscript Written in Inner Mongolia? -- Tang Li: Sorkaktani Beki: A Prominent Nestorian Woman at the Mongol Court -- Maurizio Paolillo: A Nestorian Tale of Many Cities. The Problem of the Identification of Urban Structures in Önggüt Territory during the Yuan Dynasty according to Chinese and Western Sources.
Part IV: Heleen (H.L.) Murre-van den Berg: The Church of the East in Mesopotamia in the Mongol Period -- Philipp G. Rott: Christian Crosses from Central Asia -- Wassilios Klein – Philipp Rott: Einige problematische Funde von der Seidenstraße: Novopokrovka IV und V, Issyk-Kul’-Gebiet, Chotan -- Michel van Esbroeck, s.j. († 2003): Caucasian Parallels to Chinese Cross Representations -- Christoph Baumer: Survey of Nestorianism and of Ancient Nestorian Architectural Relics in the Iranian Realm -- Wilhelm Baum: Shirin – Christian Queen of Persia. History and Myth -- Jacob Thekeparampil: Vestiges of East Syriac Christianity in India.
Part V: Preliminary Bibliography on the Church of the East in China and Central Asia.

The contributions in this volume were mostly first presented at the conference “Research on Nestorianism in China. Zhongguo jingjiao yanjiu" held in Salzburg, 20–26 May 2003. Like the conference, the volume explores the subject of “Nestorianism” (jingjiao, “Luminous Religion”) in a variety of aspects. The material of the present collection is organized in five parts. The first part presents different aspects of the past and current research on jingjiao. The second part discusses jingjiao in the Tang dynasty, especially the question of the “Nestorian” texts and documents, their authenticity and theology. The third part deals with the “Nestorian” inscriptions and remains from the Yuan dynasty, especially from Quanzhou. Part four is dedicated to questions of the Church of the East in Central Asia and other historically relevant countries. The last part of the book presents a “Preliminary Bibliography on the Church of the East in China and Central Asia” prepared especially for this volume.

Local access dig.pdf. [Malek-Jingjiao Church of the East.pdf]

SubjectNestorian monument--China Nestorian Church--China--Antiquities Syro-Chaldean Church--China--Inscriptions Nestorians--China--Monuments Nestorians--China--History--Congresses Nestorians--Asia, Central--Congresses Nestorian Church--China--Congresses Nestorian Church--Asia, Central--Congresses
Seriesfoo 86
ISBN3805005342 ; 9783805005340
Light a candle : encounters and friendship with China : Festschrift in honour of Angelo S. Lazzarotto P.I.M.E.
Publish_locationSankt Augustin
PublisherInstitut Monumenta Serica
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Chinese
Record_typeBook (Festschrift), Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesCollectanea serica
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBX1665.L54 2010
Descriptionviii, 564 p. : ill., port. ; 24 cm. + pdf
NoteLight a candle : encounters and friendship with China : Festschrift in honour of Angelo S. Lazzarotto P.I.M.E. / edited by Roman Malek and Gianni Criveller.
Primarily in English, with some text in Chinese.
Bibliography of Angelo S. Lazzarotto: p.[43]-65.
Includes bibliographical references.

ROMAN MALEK S.V.D. and GIANNI CRIVELLER P.I.M.E.: Light a Candle. Encounters and Friendship with China. Introduction to the Festschrift -- Tabula gratulatoria -- BARBARA HOSTER: Shen Zuyi’s Painting Zhu song. An Explanatory Note Dedicated to Father Angelo S. Lazzarotto -- GEROLAMO FAZZINI: The Profile of Father Angelo Lazzarotto -- CHEN CUNFU 陈村富: 怀念我的老朋友 Father Angelo S. Lazzarotto -- GIANNI CRIVELLER P.I.M.E. (comp.): Bibliography (1950–2010) of Angelo S. Lazzarotto.

I. PAOLO DE TROIA: Cathay, China. Two Names, One Country. A Three Centuries Long Misunderstanding -- TIZIANA LIPPIELLO: A Confucian Adage for Life: Empathy (shu) in the Analects -- CHIARA PICCININI: The Xiguo jifa. Treatise on Western Mnemonic Arts by Matteo Ricci S.J. Its Importance in Chinese Language Learning -- ELISABETTA CORSI: From the Aristoteles latinus to the Aristoteles sinicus. Fragments of an Unfinished Project -- EUGENIO MENEGON: Memento Mori. Preparing for Death in China and Europe during the Early Modern Era -- PAN FENG-CHUAN: God, Sinner, and Saintly Governance. François Noël and Renzui zhizhong -- ZBIGNIEW WESOŁOWSKI S.V.D.: The European Search for a Universal Language and the German Search for Clavis Sinica. The Role of Chinese Characters in Leibniz’s Theory of Signs.

II. NOËL GOLVERS: Litterae Indipetae from the Jesuit Provincia Flandro-Belgica 1640/1660–1700 -- CLAUDIA VON COLLANI: A Collection of Documents Concerning the Chinese Rites Controversy in the Biblioteca Queriniana in Brescia -- PIER FRANCESCO FUMAGALLI: Ancient Chinese Cultural Treasures in Milan -- MATTEO NICOLINI-ZANI: Christian Monastic Literature in China. Preliminary Survey and Bibliography.

III. PAUL RULE: On Being Chinese and Christian. Some Idiosyncratic Reflections on the History of the Catholic Church in China -- R.G. TIEDEMANN: The Controversy over the Formation of an Indigenous Clergy and the Establishment of a Catholic Hierarchy in China, 1846–1926 -- ELISA GIUNIPERO: Pius XI and the Inquiry into Communism in China -- BETTY ANN MAHEU M.M.: John Paul II and the Charism of Persuasion -- AGOSTINO GIOVAGNOLI: Ostpolitik: a Historiographical Assessment -- SANTIAGO MIRO: What is the Significance of Calling Victims of Political Repression “Martyrs”? -- JEROOM HEYNDRICKX C.I.C.M.: A New Encounter Between the Catholic Church and China -- GIANCARLO POLITI P.I.M.E.: The List of Chinese-born Bishops.

IV. PETER BARRY M.M.: Cooperation Between P.I.M.E. and Maryknoll During World War II -- ANTHONY LAM: Sino-Vatican Diplomatic Relations in World War II. A Hong Kong Perspective.

V. CLARA BULFONI: Electronic Communication in China -- ALESSANDRA C. LAVAGNINO: Gao Xingjian. A Chinese Cosmopolitan Writer.

Local access dig.pdf. [Malek-Light a candle.pdf]

SubjectCatholic Church--Missions--China--History Catholic Church--China--History Christianity and other religions--Chinese Lazzarotto, Angelo S. Lazzarotto, Angelo S.--Festschriften
Seriesfoo 86
ISBN9783805005630 ; 3805005636
Martino Martini S.J. (1614-1661) und die Chinamission im 17. Jahrhundert
Publish_locationSankt Augustin
PublisherInstitut Monumenta Serica
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageGerman, English, French
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.M46 M36 2000
Description260 p. : ill., facsims., maps ; 24 cm.
NoteMartino Martini S.J. (1614-1661) und die Chinamission im 17. Jahrhundert / herausgegeben von Roman Malek und Arnold Zingerle.
Contains mostly selected contributions to an international symposion held in June 1995 in Würzburg. Includes bibliographical references and index.

FRANCO DEMARCHI: Martino Martini und die Chinamission der Jesuiten im 17. Jahrhundert — KLAUS SCHATZ S.J.: Jesuiten und Propaganda-Missionare. Zwei unterschiedliche Wege der Akkommodation — SEVERINO VARESCHI: Heiliges Offizium gegen Propaganda"? Das Dekret des Jahres 1656 in der Ritenfrage und die Rolle Martino Martinis — LANFRANCO M. FEDRIGOTTI S.D.B.: Martino Martini's De Bello Tartarico. A Late Ming and Early Qing Chronicle, Valid Point of Reference for a "History of the People" — ADRIAN HSIA: The Literary Reception of Martino Martini's De Bello Tartarico Historia (1654) in Europe — UTA LINDGREN: Wissenschaftshistorische Bemerkungen zur Stellung von Martinis Novus Atlas Sinensis (1655) — CLAUDIA VON COLLANI: Theologie und Chronologie in Martinis Sinicae Historiae Decas Prima (1658) — LUCIA LONCO: Martino Martinis Traktat über die Freundschaft (1661) — ARNOLD ZINGERLE: Verwandtschaft trotz Fremdheit? Eine Hypothese zu den Bedingungen der Verständigung zwischen Jesuiten-Missionaren und Literaten-Beamten.
Drei Nachdrucke: BENNO M. BIERMANN, O.P.: War Martino Martini chinesischer Mandarin? -- HENRI BERNARD, S.J.: Les sources Mongoles et Chinoises de l’Atlas Martini (1655) -- H. VERHAEREN, C.M.: A German edition of Fr. Martini’s Novus Atlas Sinensis.
Biogramm — Bibliographie — Generalindex.

SubjectJesuits--China--History--17th century China--History--Manchu conquest, 1643-1644--Sources Jesuits--Missions--China--History--17th century China--Relations--Europe--History--16th-18th centuries Martini, Martino 衛匡國, 1614-1661 Missions--China--History--17th century Martini, Martino 衛匡國, 1614-1661. Novus Atlas Sinensis
Monumenta serica : journal of Oriental studies
Publish_locationSankt Augustin
PublisherInstitut Monumenta Serica
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, German, French, Chinese
Record_typeSerial (Annual)
ShelfHallway Cases
Call Number[Case 18 DS701.M6]
Descriptionv. : ill., maps ; 27 cm.
NoteMonumenta Serica : journal of Oriental studies / Editor-in-Chief: Roman Malek, S.V.D.
Half title in Chinese: Huayi xuezhi 華裔學志.
Record information based on vol. LVI (2008).
Original title: Monumenta Serica : journal of Oriental studies of the Catholic University of Peking.
Semiannual, 1936-1957. Annual, 1958-Current (Suspended 1949-1954?).
"Issued 1935/1936-1948 by the Catholic University of Peking; 1949/1955-1957 by the S.V.D. Research Institute (later Nagoya); 1958-1962 by the Society of the Divine Word; 1963- by the Monumenta Serica Institute."--OCLC record.
SubjectChristianity--China--History--Periodicals China--Civilization--Periodicals China--Study and teaching--Periodicals Sinology--Periodicals
LCCN38-16674 z 98-47725
Scholar from the West : Giulio Aleni S.J. (1582-1649) and the dialogue between Christianity and China
Publish_locationBrescia ; Sankt Augustin
PublisherFondazione civiltà bresciana ; Monumenta Serica
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeBook (Proceedings)
SeriesMonumenta serica monograph series ; 42, Annali (Fondazione civiltà bresciana) ; 9
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.A38 S345 1997
Descriptionxxvi, 671 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm.
NoteScholar from the West : Giulio Aleni S.J. (1582-1649) and the dialogue between Christianity and China / edited by Tiziana Lippiello and Roman Malek.
Proceedings of the International Symposium "Giulio Aleni S.J. (1582-1649): Missionary in China: a Promoter of Dialogue between China and the West", held in Brescia, Italy, October 19-22, 1994 as part of the "Ottobre Cinese '94."
Includes bibliographical references (p. [xix]-xxvi) and index.

Contents (from Monumenta Serica):
ANGELO S. LAZZAROTTO, P.I.M.E.: The Brescia Symposium on Giulio Aleni.

Essays on the Historical Context:
GIULIANO BERTUCCIOLI: Europe as Seen from China before the Arrival of the Jesuits — PIERO CORRADINI: Christian Presence in China up to the Time of Aleni — ADOLFO TAMBURELLO: Western Powers’ Politics and Missionary Action in Seventeenth Century China — MASSIMO MARCOCCHI: The Missionary Élan in the Church of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.

Aleni’s Background, Biography, and Rôle:
MARIO COLPO: Giulio Aleni’s Cultural and Religious Background — ERIK ZÜRCHER: Giulio Aleni’s Biography — ADRIAN DUDINK: Giulio Aleni and Li Jiubiao — PAUL RULE: Giulio Aleni and the Chinese Rites Controversy — EUGENIO MENEGON: Jesuits, Franciscans and Dominicans in Fujian: The Anti-Christian Incidents of 1637–1638 — JOSEPH SHIH, S.J.: Western Attention to Aleni as Documented by Bartoli and Colombel.

The Religious and Missionary Work of Aleni:
JOHN W. WITEK, S.J.: Principles of Scholasticism in China: A Comparison of Giulio Aleni’s Wanwu zhenyuan with Matteo Ricci’s Tianzhu shiyi — CLAUDIA VON COLLANI: Francisco Luján’s "Annotationes" in Giulio Aleni’s Wanwu zhenyuan — PAUL RHEINBAY, S.A.C.: Nadal’s Religious Iconography Reinterpreted by Aleni for China — LIN JINSHUI: A Tentative Study on Aleni’s Adaptation Method for Christian Evangelization — MARK K. CHANG, S.J.: Impact of Aleni’s Apologetic and Pastoral Writings on the Missionary Work in China — XU MINGDE: Aleni's Writings on Matteo Ricci and on the Chinese Converts Yang Tingyun and Michael Zhang — XIE BIZHEN: Aleni’s Contribution to the History of Christianity in China: The Nestorian Stele and Ancient Christian Tombs in Quanzhou — CHEN CUNFU: Trying to Assess Aleni’s Mission: Success or Failure? — FRANCESCO D’ARELLI: Manuscript Notes of Carlo Horatii da Castorano O.F.M. and Francesco da Ottaviano O.F.M. on Some of Aleni’s Chinese Writings.

The Humanistic and Scientific Works of Aleni:
ALBERT CHAN, S.J.: The Scientific Writings of Giulio Aleni and Their Context — BERNHARD HUNG-KAY LUK: Aleni Introduces the Western Academic Tradition to Seventeenth-Century China: A Study of the Xixue fan — CHEN MIN-SUN: T'ien-hsüeh ch'u-han and Hsi-hsüeh fan. The Common Bond between Li Chih-tsao and Giulio Aleni — PAN FENGCHUAN: The Dialogue on Renxue. Giulio Aleni’s Writings on the Philosophy of the Soul and the Responses of the Chinese Scholars — FEDERICO MASINI: Aleni’s Contribution to the Chinese Language — CATHERINE JAMI: Aleni’s Contribution to Geometry in China. A Study of the Jihe yaofa — ISAIA IANNACCONE: The Transition of Scientific Culture from Ricci to Aleni, Schreck, Rho, and Schall von Bell: The Xiyang xinfa lishu.

Epilogue: ERIK ZÜRCHER: Aleni in Fujian, 1630—1640: The Medium and the Message.

Added keywords: Wanwu zhenyuan 萬物真原 -- Li Jiubiao 李九標, xiucai 1617 – Tianzhu shiyi 天主實義 – Xixue fan 西學凡 – Tianxue chuhan 天學初函 – Renxue 人學 – Jihe yaofa 幾何要法 –Xiyang xinfa lishu 西洋新法曆書.

SubjectAleni, Giulio 艾儒略, 1582-1649--Congresses Jesuits--Missions--China--History--16th-17th centuries--Congresses Missionaries, Italian--Congresses Christianity--China--History--16th-17th centuries--Congresses
Seriesfoo 215
Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal XXVIII (2006)
Publish_locationWaco, TX
PublisherBaylor University Dept. of History
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, German, Chinese
Record_typeSerial (Annual)
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3410.C44 no.28
Description84 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
NoteSino-Western Cultural Relations Journal XXVIII (2006) / D.E. Mungello, SWCRJ Editor.
Issues 1-10 entitled: China Mission Studies (1550-1800) Bulletin.
Cover title also in Chinese: Zhong-Xi wenhua jiaoliushi zazhi 中西文化交流史雜誌 [Zhongguo Tianzhujiaoshi yanjiu 中國天主教史研究].
Articles abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life.

Adrian Dudink 杜鼎克: Lubelli’s Wanmin simo tu 萬民四末圖 (Picture of the Four Last Things of All People), ca. 1683. -- Necrology of Professor Arnulf Pierre Camps, O.F.M. 甘柏主神父 -- Jocelyn M. N. Marinescu 倪卓熙: The Ruijianlu 睿鑒錄 (Record of Sage Scrutiny) and its Role in the Defense of Christianity in Early Qianlong Era. -- Roman Malek 馬雷凱: Index der Biographien in Fang Haos Zhongguo Tianzhujiao shi renwu zhuan 中國天主教史人物傳. -- Henrietta Harrison 沈艾娣: Archives of the Diocese of Northern Shanxi (Taiyuan) 山西北教區檔案, 1900-1949 in the Collection of Father Li Jianhua 李建華, Taiyuan Cathedral, Taiyuan, Shanxi. -- New Publications in the Field.

SubjectChristianity--China--Apologetic works Lubelli, Andrea-Giovanni 陸泰然, 1611-1685. Wanmin simo tu 萬民四末圖 Fang Hao 方豪, 1910-1980. Zhongguo Tianzhujiaoshi renwuzhuan 中國天主教史人物傳--Indexes Ruijianlu 睿鑒錄--History and criticism Shanxi Sheng 山西省--Church history--Archival resources
Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal XXXI (2009)
Publish_locationWaco, TX
PublisherBaylor University Dept. of History
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, German
Record_typeSerial (Annual)
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3410.C44 no.31
Description88 p. : ill., maps ; 21.5 cm.
NoteSino-Western Cultural Relations Journal XXXI (2009) / D.E. Mungello 孟德衛, SWCRJ Editor.
Issues 1-10 entitled: China Mission Studies (1550-1800) Bulletin.
Cover title also in Chinese: Zhong-Xi wenhua jiaoliushi zazhi 中西文化交流史雜誌 [Zhongguo Tianzhujiaoshi yanjiu 中國天主教史研究].
Articles abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life.

[Cover: Kaifeng Synagogue interior, manuscripts of Jean Domenge, S.J., 1717-1725, Archiv S.J. Prov. Paris.]
Thomas G. Oey 黃美樹: 'Essay on the Term for Diety', a key text of William Jones Boone in his nineteenth-century debate with William Medhurst on the Protestant Chinese term for God.
Roman Malek, SVD 馬雷凱: China im Lexicon für Theologie und Kirche (LThK).
Gail King 歐凱妮: Four editions of Couplet's biography of Madame Candida Xu.

Review article: Visual culture as a historical source: Reed, Marcia & Paola Demattè, eds. China on Paper: European and Chinese works from the late sixteenth to the early nineteenth century. Standaert, Nicolas. An illustrated Life of Christ presented to the Chinese emperor: the history of the Jincheng shuxiang (1640).

New publications: Mythistory in Sino-Western contacts. Jesuit missionaries and the pillars of the Chinese Catholic religion, by Chen Min-sun. Confucian tradition and global education. The Tang Chun-i Lectures for 2005, by Wm. T. de Bary et al. Chinese and Jews: encounters between cultures, by Irene Eber. Sino-Western relations, conceptions of China, cultural influences and the development of sinology disclosed in Western printed books, 1477-1877, by Björn Löwendahl. The Jesuits, the Padroado and East Asian science (1552-1773), Luís Saraiva & Catherine Jamie, eds. The interweaving of rituals: funerals in the cultural exchange between China and Europe, by Nicolas Standaert. Drawing the dragon: Western European reinvention of China, by Tao Zhijian. Richard Wilhelm (1873-1930): Missionar in China und Vermittler chinesischen Geistguts, by Hartmut Walravens.

SubjectGod (Name)--China--Sources God--Name Couplet, Philippe 柏應理, 1623-1693. Histoire d'une dame chrétienne de la Chine--Editions Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche--References to China
Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal XXXII (2010)
Publish_locationWaco, TX
PublisherBaylor University Dept. of History
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeSerial (Annual)
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3410.C44 no.32
Description92 p. : ill. ; 21.5 cm.
NoteD.E. Mungello 孟德衛, SWCRJ Editor.
Issues 1-10 entitled: China Mission Studies (1550-1800) Bulletin.
Cover title also in Chinese: Zhong-Xi wenhua jiaoliushi zazhi 中西文化交流史雜誌 [Zhongguo Tianzhujiaoshi yanjiu 中國天主教史研究].
Abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life.

Cover: Xi'an Jesuit stele (1644) rubbing, Xaverian Museum of Chinese Art and Ethnography in Parma, Italy (original size: cm 143 x 63.5)
1. Jonathan Chaves 齊皎瀚: Two Sonnets in Memoriam.
2. Xiaoxin Wu 吳小新: Necrology & Bibliography of J.W. Witek, SJ 魏若望.
18. Roman Malek, SVD 馬雷凱: Legacy of Pasquale d’Elia, SJ 德禮賢 (1890-1963).
63. Matteo Nicolini-Zani 馬明哲: Tang Christianity as Perceived by Missionaries & Chinese Converts in the Seventeenth Century.
89. Reviews: Chronique du Toumet-Ortos : looking through the lens of Joseph Van Oost, missionary in Inner Mongolia (1915-1921) by Ann Heylen. Review by Jocelyn M.N. Marinescu 倪卓熙 ; 歐洲所藏雍正乾隆朝天主教文獻匯編 / 吳旻. Review by D.E.M.

SubjectChristianity--China--History--7th-10th centuries D’Elia, Pasquale 德禮賢, 1890-1963--Influence
Western learning and Christianity in China : the contribution and impact of Johann Adam Schall von Bell, 1592-1666
Publish_locationSankt Augustin
PublisherChina-Zentrum : Monumenta Serica Institute
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese, English, French, German
Record_typeBook (Proceedings)
SeriesMonumenta serica monograph series ; 35
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBR1285.W47 1998
Description2 v. (1259 p.) : ill., map ; 24 cm.

Western learning and Christianity in China : the contribution and impact of Johann Adam Schall von Bell, 1592-1666 / edited by Roman Malek.
"The papers presented here ... are mainly the proceedings of the International Schall Symposium, held in Sankt Augustin in May 1992"-- p. xxi.
Each Western language essay includes Chinese abstract.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

Vol. 1. Johann Adam Schall von Bell and his 1992 Anniversary / Roman Malek -- Johann Adam Schall von Bell : a Jesuit / Peter Hans Kolvenbach -- Schall's educational foundation and the intellectual climate of his time / Arnold Sprenger -- Three issues on Johann Adam Schall von Bell / Lu Yao 路遙 -- J. A. Schall von Bell : Weltbild und Weltchronologie in der Chinamission im 17. Jahrhundert / Claudia von Collani -- J. A. Schall von Bell and Chinese tradtional philosophy / Ma Biao -- J. Adam Schall von Bell and the transition from the Ming to the Ch'ing Dynasty / John W. Witek -- Schall's role in the reform period between the Ming and Qing dynasties / Liu Mengxi 劉夢溪 -- Schall and the first Dutch diplomatic mission to the Qing empire / Hao Zhenhua 郝鎮華 -- Mandschurische Inschriften und Zeugnisse zu Johann Adam Schall von Bell / Giovanni Stary -- The Lost sheep of Adam Schall: reflections on the past and present of Zhalan (Shala) Cemetery / Edward J. Malatesta.
Adam Schall in the Pei-yu lu (Beiyou lu 北游錄) of T'an Ch'ien (Tan Qian 談遷) and in the eyes of his contemporaries / Albert Chan 陳綸緒, S.J. -- Johann Adam Schall 湯若望, Hsü Kuang-ch'i (Xu Guangqi 徐光啟), and Li T'ien-ching (Li Tianjing 李田經) / Min-sun Chen -- Yang Guangxian's opposition to Johann Adam Schall: Christianity and western science in his work Budeyi 不得已 / Eugenio Menegon -- Wang Zheng 王徵: a scientist, philosopher, and Catholic in Ming dynasty China / Ren Dayuan 任大援 -- Theologie und Astronomie in China / Claudia von Collani -- Astronomy and astrology: J. Adam Schall von Bell / Tiziana Lippiello -- East-West cultural confrontation and compromise in early Ch'ing China: a case study on Adam Schall's civil calendars / Huang Yi-Long 黃一農 -- The "Calendar Case" in th early Qing dynasty re-examined / Zhang Dawei 張大衛 -- J. A. Schall von Bell and Ptolomaic astronomy in China: aspects of the Western New Calendar (Xiyang xinfa lishu 西洋新法歷書) / Jiang Xiaoyuan 江曉原 -- Johann Adam Schall and astronomical works on star mappings / Keizo Hashimoto 橋本敬造 -- J .A. Schall von Bell and his horizontal sundial of the New Western Calendar and the cultural exchange between China and foreign countries / Gu Ning 顧寧 -- Les cartes astronomiques des missionnaires Jesuites en Chine: de Johann Adam Schall von Bell à Ignace Kogler et leur influence en Coree at au Japon / Minako Debergh -- Several newly found astronomical instruments related to J. A. Schall von Bell / Yi Shitong 伊世同 -- Quotations from the works of J. A. Schall von Bell in the Yixiang zhi 議象志 of Ferdinand Verbiest / Nicole Halberghe -- Notes on planetary theories in Giacomo Rho's Wuwei lizhi 五緯曆指 / Jean-Claude Martzloff.

Vol. 2. The "Chinese sciences" in policy questions from Confucian civil examinations during the late Ming / Benjamin A. Elman -- Mathematical knowledge in the Chongzhen lishu 崇禎歷書 / Catherine Jami -- J .A. Schall von Bell and the spread of Georgius Agricola's De re metallica in late Ming China / Pan Jixing 潘吉星 -- J. A. Schall von Bell and his book On Telescopes (Yuanjing shuo 遠鏡說) / Zhang Zhishan 張至善 -- J. A. Schall von Bell und die wetlichen "Feuerwaffen" in China / Sun Xi 孫西 -- The Geyuan baxian biao 割圓八線表 and some remarks about the scientific collaboration between Schall, Rho, and Schreck / Isaia Iannaccone -- Diie Haltung der chinesischen Intellektuellen zur Xixue 西學 (Westliche Lehre) am Ende der Ming- und Anfang der Qing-Dynastie, Ein Vergleich von Matteo Ricci und Johann Adam Schall im Hinblick auf ihre Methode der "Evangelisierung durch Wissenschaft" / Yang Xiaohong 樣小紅 -- Modern scientific culture introduced into China by Catholic missionaries during the Ming and Ch'ing dynasties / Zhang Xiao 張曉 -- J. A. Schall von Bell in China: Propagating Catholicism through academic activities / Chen Song 陳崧 -- The religious works composed by J. A. Schall von Bell, especially his Zhuzhi qunzheng 主制群徵 and his efforts to convert the last Ming emperor / Adrian Dudink -- J. A. Schall and Zhuzhi qunzheng 主制群徵 / Zhao Pushan 趙璞珊 -- J. A. Schall and his work Zhuzhi qunzheng 主制群徵 / Xiao Liangqiong 肖良瓊 -- The wide apostolic concern of J. Adam Schall / Angelo S. Lazzarotto -- Der Beitrag von Johann Adam Schall von Bell zur einheimischen christlichen Kunst / Horst Rzepkowski -- J. A. Schall and the Jesuit mission in Vondel's Zungchin / Gregory Blue -- Der literarische Beitrag zur Darstellung der Jesuitenmission in China, insbesondere des Wirkens von J. Adam Schall von Bell / Adrian Hsia 夏瑞春 -- Das Portrat von Johann Adam Schall in Athanasius Kircher's China illustrata / Chang Sheng-ching 張省卿 -- Das Adam-Schall-Gemalde der Ars Sacra Pekinensis von Lu Hung-nien (Lu Hongnian 陸鴻年) / Horst Rzepkowski -- Differences and similarities of Chinese and Western culture as reflected in works written by early Jesuits in Chinese / Hao Guiyuan 郝貴遠 -- J. Adam Schall's writings in China / Yang Yi 楊怡 -- An introduction to some Chinese records and research on J. Adam Schall von Bell's scientific activities / Wang Bing 王冰 -- Research on J. Adam Schall von Bell in 19-20th century China / Gu Weimin 顧衛民 -- The Works of J. A. Schall von Bell in Tokugawa Japan / Yoshida Tadashi 吉田忠 -- Russian evidence of J. A. Schall von Bell / Tajana A. Pang -- The Development of the Confucius Sinarum Philosophus reconsidered in the light of new material / Noël Golvers -- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz' Streben nach Harmonie zwischen China und Europa / Rita Widmaier -- The Introduction of European musical theory during the early Qing dynasty: the achievements of Thomas Pereira 徐日升 and Theodorico Pedrini 德理格 / Gerlinde Gild -- Science and faith in China today / Paul Shan 單國璽.

SubjectChina--Church history--Congresses Jesuits--China--History--Congresses Schall von Bell, Johann Adam 湯若望, 1592-1666--Congresses Jesuits--China--16th-18th centuries--Contributions in astronomy Jesuits--China--16th-18th centuries--Contributions in science China--Civilization--Ming-Qing dynasties, 1368-1911--Jesuit influences
Seriesfoo 105
Zwischen Autonomie und Anlehnung : die Problematik der katholischen Kirche in China, theologisch und geschichtlich gesehen
PublisherSteyler Verlag
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeBook (Conference Proceedings)
SeriesVeröffentlichungen des Missionspriesterseminars St. Augustin bei Bonn ; Nr. 37
Call NumberBX1665.Z96 1989
Description203 pages ; 24 cm.

Zwischen Autonomie und Anlehnung : die Problematik der katholischen Kirche in China, theologisch und geschichtlich gesehen / herausgegeben von Roman Malek und Werner Prawdzik.

Papers presented at a China-symposium held in St. Augustin/Bonn, Nov. 11-13, 1987.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 178-203).


SubjectChina--Church history--Congresses Catholic Church--China--Congresses Church and state--China--Congresses
Seriesfoo 149
ISBN3805002181 ; 9783805002189