Subject: Missionaries, Italian--Congresses

Scholar from the West : Giulio Aleni S.J. (1582-1649) and the dialogue between Christianity and China
AuthorMalek, RomanLippiello, Tiziana, 1962-International Symposium Giulio Aleni S.J. (1582-1649), Missionary in China, a Promoter of Dialogue between China and the West (1994 : Brescia, Italy)
PlaceBrescia ; Sankt Augustin
PublisherFondazione civiltà bresciana ; Monumenta Serica
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook (Proceedings)
SeriesMonumenta serica monograph series ; 42, Annali (Fondazione civiltà bresciana) ; 9
ShelfStacks, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBV3427.A38 S345 1997
Descriptionxxvi, 671 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm.

Scholar from the West : Giulio Aleni S.J. (1582-1649) and the dialogue between Christianity and China / edited by Tiziana Lippiello and Roman Malek.
Proceedings of the International Symposium "Giulio Aleni S.J. (1582-1649): Missionary in China: a Promoter of Dialogue between China and the West", held in Brescia, Italy, October 19-22, 1994 as part of the "Ottobre Cinese '94."
Includes bibliographical references (p. [xix]-xxvi) and index.

Contents (from Monumenta Serica):
ANGELO S. LAZZAROTTO, P.I.M.E.: The Brescia Symposium on Giulio Aleni.

Essays on the Historical Context:
GIULIANO BERTUCCIOLI: Europe as Seen from China before the Arrival of the Jesuits — PIERO CORRADINI: Christian Presence in China up to the Time of Aleni — ADOLFO TAMBURELLO: Western Powers’ Politics and Missionary Action in Seventeenth Century China — MASSIMO MARCOCCHI: The Missionary Élan in the Church of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.

Aleni’s Background, Biography, and Rôle:
MARIO COLPO: Giulio Aleni’s Cultural and Religious Background — ERIK ZÜRCHER: Giulio Aleni’s Biography — ADRIAN DUDINK: Giulio Aleni and Li Jiubiao — PAUL RULE: Giulio Aleni and the Chinese Rites Controversy — EUGENIO MENEGON: Jesuits, Franciscans and Dominicans in Fujian: The Anti-Christian Incidents of 1637–1638 — JOSEPH SHIH, S.J.: Western Attention to Aleni as Documented by Bartoli and Colombel.

The Religious and Missionary Work of Aleni:
JOHN W. WITEK, S.J.: Principles of Scholasticism in China: A Comparison of Giulio Aleni’s Wanwu zhenyuan with Matteo Ricci’s Tianzhu shiyi — CLAUDIA VON COLLANI: Francisco Luján’s "Annotationes" in Giulio Aleni’s Wanwu zhenyuan — PAUL RHEINBAY, S.A.C.: Nadal’s Religious Iconography Reinterpreted by Aleni for China — LIN JINSHUI: A Tentative Study on Aleni’s Adaptation Method for Christian Evangelization — MARK K. CHANG, S.J.: Impact of Aleni’s Apologetic and Pastoral Writings on the Missionary Work in China — XU MINGDE: Aleni's Writings on Matteo Ricci and on the Chinese Converts Yang Tingyun and Michael Zhang — XIE BIZHEN: Aleni’s Contribution to the History of Christianity in China: The Nestorian Stele and Ancient Christian Tombs in Quanzhou — CHEN CUNFU: Trying to Assess Aleni’s Mission: Success or Failure? — FRANCESCO D’ARELLI: Manuscript Notes of Carlo Horatii da Castorano O.F.M. and Francesco da Ottaviano O.F.M. on Some of Aleni’s Chinese Writings.

The Humanistic and Scientific Works of Aleni:
ALBERT CHAN, S.J.: The Scientific Writings of Giulio Aleni and Their Context — BERNHARD HUNG-KAY LUK: Aleni Introduces the Western Academic Tradition to Seventeenth-Century China: A Study of the Xixue fan — CHEN MIN-SUN: T'ien-hsüeh ch'u-han and Hsi-hsüeh fan. The Common Bond between Li Chih-tsao and Giulio Aleni — PAN FENGCHUAN: The Dialogue on Renxue. Giulio Aleni’s Writings on the Philosophy of the Soul and the Responses of the Chinese Scholars — FEDERICO MASINI: Aleni’s Contribution to the Chinese Language — CATHERINE JAMI: Aleni’s Contribution to Geometry in China. A Study of the Jihe yaofa — ISAIA IANNACCONE: The Transition of Scientific Culture from Ricci to Aleni, Schreck, Rho, and Schall von Bell: The Xiyang xinfa lishu.

Epilogue: ERIK ZÜRCHER: Aleni in Fujian, 1630—1640: The Medium and the Message.

Added keywords: Wanwu zhenyuan 萬物真原 -- Li Jiubiao 李九標, xiucai 1617 – Tianzhu shiyi 天主實義 – Xixue fan 西學凡 – Tianxue chuhan 天學初函 – Renxue 人學 – Jihe yaofa 幾何要法 –Xiyang xinfa lishu 西洋新法曆書.

strategia missionaria della Compagnia de Gesù in estremo orient nel sec. XVII
AuthorSebes, Joseph (József), 1915-1990Scienziati siciliani gesuiti in Cina nel secolo XVII
PublisherIstituto Italo Cinese
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV2290.S458 1983
Descriptionp. [83]-104 ; 24 cm.
NoteLa strategia missionaria della Compagnia de Gesù in estremo orient nel sec. XVII / Joseph Sebes.
Extract from: Scienziati siciliani gesuiti in Cina nel secolo XVII: atti del convegno, 29 Ottobre 1983.
Includes bibliographical references.