Subject: Jesuits--Missions--China--16th-18th centuries

Chinese thought in early German Enlightenment from Leibniz to Goethe : abortive approaches to transcultural understanding
AuthorHoryna, Břetislav [Horyna, Bretislav], 1959-
PlaceLeiden ; Boston
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesNew research in the history of Western philosophy ; 2
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberB2628.C6 H67 2023
Descriptionpdf. [xii, 222 pages]

Chinese thought in early German Enlightenment from Leibniz to Goethe : abortive approaches to transcultural understanding / by Bretislav Horyna.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Leibniz's concept of translatio sapientiae as a practice of transcultural exchange -- Theoria cum praxi : Christian Wolff's Oratio de sinarum philosophia practica -- A reconstruction of the teachings of the ancient Chinese according to Georg Bernhard Bilfinger -- Political philosophy and system of government in China : the cameralists Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi -- The world is the antithesis of all opposites : Goethe enchanted by China -- How is transcultural comparison possible?

"The book is a philosophical-historical examination of the influence of the knowledge of China imparted by the Jesuits on the thinking of the German Enlightenment in the 18th century. Is it not primarily concerned with a comprehensive reconstruction of the philosophy of the thinkers discussed, but rather with the political and intellectual contextualisation of a line of thought that recognised the practical philosophy and state organisation of China as different from that of Europe, but equal to it and in some respects superior to it. This challenged the claim of theology that Christian revelation alone provided access to truth. The volume analyses the opposition to this line of thought, especially on the part of Protestant orthodoxy. It argues that in the German Enlightenment of the 18th century, the possibility emerged to conceive philosophy on the basis of reason as a phenomenon not limited to Europe but as a path followed under different conditions in China"-- Provided by publisher.

Local access dig.pdf. [Horyma-Chinese Thought German Enlightenment.pdf]

Dell'amicizia. [Jiaoyou lun 交友論. Italian & Chinese]
AuthorRicci, Matteo 利瑪竇, 1552-1610Mignini, FilippoQu Rukui 瞿汝夔 [Taisu 太素], 1549-1611
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageItalian, Chinese, Latin
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesQuaderni Quodlibet ; 19
ShelfDirector's Office, Digital Archives
Call NumberDir. Library [BV3247.R46 J52215 2005]
Descriptiondig.pdf. [212 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.]
NoteDell'amicizia / Matteo Ricci ; a cura di Filippo Mignini.
Translation of: Jiaoyou lun 交友論.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 189-195) and index.

Introduzione di Filippo Mignini -- Cronologia essenziale -- Sigle e abbreviazioni Dell’amicizia -- I. Jiaoyou lun (riproduzione fotografica dell’edizione a stampa, Pechino 1601) -- Dell’amicizia (nuova traduzione annotata) . – II. [Risposta intorno alla amicitia al Re Chiengan Chienzat] (autografo dell’Amicizzu in italiano, Nanchang 1595-1599) -- III. Risposta del P. Matteo Ricci da / Macerata della Compagnia di Giesù intorno / all’amicitia al Re Chiengan Chienzai / Tradotta dalla lingua Cinese in Italiano dal i medesimo Autore (apografo dell’Amzciziu in italiano, s. d.) -- Qu Taisu : Da Xiyu Ligong Youlun Xu (riproduzione fotografica dell’edizione a stampa, Pechino 1629) -- Prefazione all’Amicizia del signor Ricci dei Grandi Paesi Occidentali (nuova traduzione annotata) -- Fonti -- Note alle Sentenze -- Indice delle fonti riportate nelle note alle Sentenze – Bibliografia -- Elenco dei caratteri cinesi -- Indice dei nomi.
Local access dig.pdf. [Ricci-Dell'Amicizia.pdf]

ISBN8874620810 ; 9788874620814
Descripción de China. [Della entrata della Compagnia di Giesù e Christianità nella Cina. Spanish]
AuthorRicci, Matteo 利瑪竇, 1552-1610Marino, Giuseppe, 1982-
PublisherEditorial Trotta
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesPliegos de Oriente
ShelfSeminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBV3427.R46 A418 2023
Description255 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm.

Descripción de China / Matteo Ricci ; Edición de Giuseppe Marino.

Título original: Descrizione della Cina [Della entrata della Comapagnia di Giesù e Christianità nelle Cina] (libro I)
Includes bibligraphical references (p. 69-73) and index.

La «Descripción de China» de Matteo Ricci es considerada una de las obras más importantes acerca de la civilización, filosofía, historia, costumbres y geografía de China, tanto por el rigor de sus fuentes literarias como por la riqueza y autoridad de las orales, en especial los literatos chinos con los que el jesuita italiano tuvo trato. Primero de los cinco libros de su prolífica Historia de la introducción del cristianismo en China (también conocida como Commentarj della Cina), la Descripción es un trabajo etnográfico que cabe hoy enmarcar en el ámbito de las disciplinas que estudian los puentes culturales entre Europa y Asia, particularmente con el Lejano Oriente y China. Ricci consigue presentar a los lectores occidentales una China comprensible, pero que representa al mismo tiempo un desafío para la cartografía europea de los saberes.—Publisher description.

Siglas ........................................................................................... 9
Estudio introductorio: Giuseppe Marino....11 

1. Ricci, el cristianismo en China y el manuscrito de la Descripción ..... 11
2. Orígenes de la Descripción ............................................... 19
3. Contenido de la Descripción de China .............................. 24
4. La Descripción en las cartas de Matteo Ricci .................... 37
Cronología de Matteo Ricci ......................................................... 61
Nota a la traducción ................................................................... 67
Bibliografía ................................................................................. 69
1. Obras de Matteo Ricci publicadas en chino ...................... 69
2. Ediciones de obras de Matteo Ricci .................................. 70
3. Estudios citados ................................................................ 71

1. De la razón para escribir esta historia y de la manera en la
que en ella se ha de proceder ............................................... 77
2. Sobre el nombre, magnitud y lugar de China ....................... 81
Varias denominaciones de China – Posición geográfica y grandeza
de China – Sus ciudades y sus habitantes – Defensa del territorio
3. Acerca de las cosas que produce la tierra de China .............. 89
Fertilidad del territorio de China: trigo, legumbres, fruta, flores, aceites y vino – Animales usados como comida. Abundancia de pescado, animales salvajes y elefantes – Lino, algodón, seda, cáñamo, lana – Metales, oro, plata y porcelana – Madera para construir, carbón mineral. Plantas  medicinales. Sal y azúcar – Varios tipos de papel. Mármol, gemas y perlas. El cha – Barnices chinos, abundancia de salitre
4. Sobre las artes mecánicas de esta tierra ................................ 101
Criterios de esta disertación. La arquitectura – Antigüedad de la imprenta y sus diferencias con la nuestra – Pintura, escultura y artes de la escritura – Instrumentos musicales. Variedad de los relojes – Acerca de las representaciones dramáticas – Sellos y tintas excelentes – Sobre los abanicos
5. De las artes liberales, ciencias y grados que se confieren en China ............................................ 111
De los caracteres de la lengua china – Confucio, el más importante filósofo moral de China – Ciencias matemáticas y astronómicas – La medicina y la filosofía moral – Primer grado de los literatos – Segundo grado de los literatos – Tercer grado de los literatos – Los grados de literatos en el ejército
6. Del gobierno de China ........................................................ 131
La monarquía como forma constante de gobierno en China – Sucesión de los reyes y fidelidad de los súbditos – Leyes de China y nombre de sus reyes – Legislación de los reyes Humvu – El poder ejecutivo en manos de los literatos – Limitaciones impuestas al poder real – Renta del rey y del reino – Varias clases de magistrados – Los seis tribunales residentes en la corte – El tribunal de los colaos – Otros magistrados y mandarines
– El gran colegio de los literatos – Residencias de los colegios y tribunales chinos – Administración de las provincias y de las ciudades – El tutan y el ciaiuen – Subordinación de los mandarines y sus honorarios – Vestimentas e insignia de los mandarines – Principios distintivos entre chinos y europeos
7. Sobre las cortesías y algunos ritos ........................................ 157
Los chinos estudiosos de la urbanidad – Costumbres típicas en los saludos y en las visitas – Acerca de los presentes y ofrendas – Prescripciones en las vestimentas para las visitas – Hábitos tradicionales al sentarse – Las despedidas – Costumbres en los convites – Ceremonias para el rey – Obsequios a los mandarines – Culto hacia los parientes o ancianos y ritos fúnebres – Ritos nupciales – Fiestas y solemnidades chinas 
8. Sobre la fisonomía, el culto del cuerpo, la vestimenta y otras costumbres de los chinos ..................................................... 183
Calidades físicas de los chinos, hombres y mujeres – De las prendas de vestir que suelen usar – Nombre y apellidos: el nombre pequeño, el mediano y el grande – Antigüedades, sellos de los mandarines y barcos; respeto y reverencia a los maestros – Juegos más populares: el ajedrez chino – Docilidad en los castigos y penas de los delitos, tipos de hurtos
9. De las supersticiones y algunos abusos de China .................. 191
Supersticiones habituales entre los chinos: los días y las horas fastas y nefastas – Varias especies de divinización del futuro – Superstición china desconocida a los gentiles, griegos y romanos – Del vicio y deshonestidad – Causas inauditas de la esclavitud: inhumanidad hacia los hijos y hacia sí mismos – Castración de los eunucos y su influencia en los asuntos reales – Abusos de los magistrados – Sospechas y mentiras usadas  comúnmente y sus consecuencias – Sospechas y desprecios hacia los forasteros y también embajadores – El ejército y su vil condición – Dos vanas extravagancias: la alquimia y la receta de la inmortalidad
10. De las varias sectas religiosas que existen en China .............. 209
La religión primitiva de China – Seguidores de Mahoma, judíos y cristianos en el Imperio del Medio – Acerca de las tres sectas religiosas: la secta de los literatos o la academia de los literatos – La secta de sciechia o de los idólatras – La secta de Laozu o de Lao-tse
Índice analítico ........................................................................... 233
Índice general .............................................................................. 255

Dr. Giuseppe Marino; Ph.D., Spanish philology; associate professor of Spanish Language and Literature and co-founder of the new Spanish department at the College of Foreign Language and Literature of Fudan University in Shanghai. He was previously a visiting researcher at The University of Tokyo and The Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History at the University of San Francisco. His main research area lies within the study of Spanish Philology and Literature of the Golden Age (16-17th century) with further interest in the Modern Age, cultural translation and European intellectual history as well as its impact in Japan during the Christian Century (1550-1650)--LC Authority rec'd.


ISBN8413641047 ; ‎ 9788413641041
Distant souls : global religion and the Jesuit Missions of Germany, Mexico, and China, 1595-1705
AuthorClossey, Luke, 1975-
PublisherUniversity of California, Berkeley
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV2290.C556 2004d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [2 v. (xi, 559 l.) : ill., maps)]
NoteDistant souls : global religion and the Jesuit Missions of Germany, Mexico, and China, 1595-1705 / by Luke Sean Clossey.
Thesis (Ph. D., History)--University of California, Berkeley, Spring 2004.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 505-559).

“This dissertation suggests the new knowledge to be won by approaching the Jesuit missions as a macrohistorical phenomenon. Its first half, using the concept of local religion as a foil, develops the idea of "global religion" and suggests why the Jesuits' mentality can only be understood in a world-spanning context. Global religion also served to give legitimacy to a developing world church, to fuel (and to be fueled by) the Jesuit world missionary project.”—OCLC note.

Available to USF community via ProQuest.
Local access dig.pdf. [Clossey-Distant souls.pdf]

Embassies to China : diplomacy and cultural encounters before the Opium Wars
AuthorKeevak, Michael, 1962-
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberDS754.18.K44 2017eb
Descriptiondig.pdf. (x, 162 p. : ill. (some col.)
NoteEmbassies to China : diplomacy and cultural encounters before the Opium Wars / Michael Keevak.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 157-158) and index.

Chapter keywords (OCLC record):
Introduction. Making "Peace" with the East; The Pope's Two Letters; Carpini; Rubruck; Ascelin; The Mongols and Religion; An Embassy of Peace; Making Peace; Nestorianism; Christians and Others; Portugal and "Empire"; Tomé Pires; A Tale of Two Brothers; The Folangji; Padrões; Markers of "Discovery"; China as Empire?; Chinese Padrões?; The Portuguese as Inheritors; The King's Letter; The Portuguese Expulsion; Holland and "Trade"; Nieuhof; Trade and Tribute; Dutch Distortions; Schall Magalhães The Dutch Governor's Letter; The Chinese Translation; Divine Commerce; The Emperor's Decree; The Dutch Departure; References; The Pope's "Religion"; The Rites Controversy; Tournon's Motives; The Emperor's Intervention; True vs. False Missionaries; Mezzabarba; The Emperor's Skepticism; Christianity as Heterodox; "Of no consequence"; Russia and "Diplomacy"; The Treaty of Nerchinsk; "Mutual commerce"; Tulišen; Lange; Lange as "consul"; Permanent or Temporary?; "Mr. Agent"; The Treaty of Kiakhta; The Caravans Depart.

Local access dig.pdf. [Keevak-Embassies to China.pdf]

Friendship and hospitality : the Jesuit-Confucian encounter in late Ming China
AuthorXu Dongfeng 徐東風
PlaceAlbany, NY
PublisherState University of New York Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesSUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3417.X83 2021
Descriptionpdf. [xi, 276 pages]

Friendship and hospitality : the Jesuit-Confucian encounter in late Ming China /  Dongfeng Xu.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 245-265) and index.

Introduction -- Part One Friendship and the Jesuits -- 1 Striving for Divine Union: The Wholly Other and the Jesuit Vocation -- 2 Other Rhetoric: Reading Matteo Ricci's On Friendship -- Part Two Hospitality and the Confucians -- 3 The Subject of Hospitality and Sino-centrism: Theory and Chinese Cultural Background -- 4 Situating the Middle Kingdom: Matteo Ricci's World Map, the Wobbling Center, and the Undoing of the Host -- 5 Reforming the Calendar: The Ming Empire's Stairway to Heaven through the Jesuits -- 6 The Confucian Hospitality: Responding to the Jesuits -- Conclusion -- Notes.

Offers a comparative and deconstructive reading of the cross-cultural encounter between the Jesuits and their Confucian hosts in late Ming China.--OCLC note.

Librarian's note: While the focus of this study is on comparative concepts of friendship and hospitality, the text includes in-depth analysis of Ricci's 1602 Mappamondo, its layout, content, and background, and the Chinese critical response to it.  

Local access dig.pdf. [Xu-Friendship and hospitality.pdf]

Harmonious disagreement : Matteo Ricci and his closest Chinese friends
AuthorLiu Yu 劉豫
PlaceNew York
PublisherPeter Lang
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesAsian thought and culture ; 73
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.R46 L588 2016
Descriptionx, 246 pages ; 23 cm.
NoteHarmonious disagreement : Matteo Ricci and his closest Chinese friends / Yu Liu.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Another copy Gleeson Library.

"The fascinating story of Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) changing himself while trying to change the religious faith of the Chinese has been told many times. As a Jesuit, Ricci pushed Christian evangelism by claiming a theistic affinity with Confucianism and by presenting himself as a defender of Confucian orthodoxy from Buddhism. Already in his day, Ricci’s unusual cultural adaptation was controversial; not surprisingly, scholarly studies have hitherto focused almost exclusively on variations of this controversy. Reacting mostly to Ricci’s account of events, this line of research has provided insight, but much more can be learned about the early-modern cross-cultural encounter of Europe and China if the perspective is broadened to include his intricate and intriguing relationships with his Chinese friends. With his distinctively different religiosity, personal charisma, and knowledge of European science and mathematics, Ricci impressed the social and cultural elite of late Ming China, many of whom befriended him and some of whom became Christian converts. However, between him and his Chinese friends there were always disagreements, resulting sometimes from a lack of understanding or misunderstanding, and sometimes even when they apparently understood each other perfectly. Followed closely as the investigative thread of this book, the many kinds of disagreement cast an unusual light on an otherwise long familiar subject and are instructive for the at times tense and even hostile, but in reality always mutually energizing relationship of both competition and complement between China and the West in the early twenty-first century"--p.4 of cover.

Introduction: The Useful Instructions of Disagreement -- Journey to the Far East -- Michele Ruggieri -- Matteo Ricci -- Chapter Outline -- Chapter 1. Preparing the Ground for Evangelism: Matteo Ricci's Terms of Endearment in Jiaoyou Lun -- The Politics of Affection -- The Popular Reception -- The Distinct Lack of Distinction -- The Implications of Rhetoric -- The Divergent Expectation and Fulfilment -- Chapter 2. Reading Theism into Confucianism: Matteo Ricci's Ambiguous Alliance in Tianzhu Shiyi -- Ruggieri's Catechism -- Ricci's Revision -- Harmonious Disagreement -- The Tactical Maneuver -- The Ambivalent Appreciation -- The Surprising Directions of Change and Legacy -- Chapter 3. Arousing Antagonism out of Buddhism: Matteo Ricci's Deliberate Provocation in Tianzhu Shiyi -- The All-out War -- The Erstwhile Peace -- The Calculated Change -- The Gain and Loss -- Measures of Cultural Understanding -- Chapter 4. Making Use of Stoicism: Matteo Ricci's Surprising Breakthrough in Ershiwu Yan -- The Incongruent Mutual Appreciation --Epictetus and Adaptation -- The Unexpected Triumph -- The Secret of the Appeal -- Chapter 5. The Ambiguity of Intimacy and Distance: The Exemplary Friendship of Qu Taisu -- An Unusual Acquaintance -- A Relationship of Mutual Satisfaction -- A Skeleton in the Closet -- Intimacy and Distance -- Signs of Ideological Disagreement -- Chapter 6. The Intricacies of Motivation and Benefit: The Catholic Faith of Xu Guangqi -- Life before Baptism -- The Complex Motivation -- The Delicate Intimacy -- The Ambiguous Benefit -- Chapter 7. The Attractions of Science and Spirituality: The Independent Journey of Li Zhizao into Catholicism -- Family History and the Fateful Encounter -- The Limitations of Attraction -- The Subdued Voice of Reservation -- The Conversion -- Science and Faith -- Chapter 8. The Many Kinds of Acceptance and Rejection: The Ideological Commitment of Yang Tingyun -- The Mingled Doctrinal Influences -- The Different Degrees of Spiritual Openness -- The Conversion -- The Acceptance and Rejection -- The Question of Faith -- Conclusion: The Enduring Lesson of History.

ISBN9781433132414 ; 1433132419
harvest of the vine : the Jesuit missionary enterprise in China, 1579-1710
AuthorBrockey, Liam Matthew
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3417.B863 2002d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [624 p. : ill., maps.]
NoteThe harvest of the vine : the Jesuit missionary enterprise in China, 1579-1710 / by Liam Matthew Brockey.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Brown University, 2002.
Vita. Thesis advisor: Philip J. Benedict.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 586-624) [pdf doc. p.602-640.]
26.2MB pdf file. Original description: 2 v. (xii, 624 leaves) : ill., maps ; 28 cm.
Local access dig.pdf. [Brockey-Harvest.pdf]
History recorded by the stones : the 400 year story of the cemetery of Matteo Ricci and other foreign missionaries
AuthorBeijing Administrative College 北京行政學院
Place[Beijing] [北京]
PublisherBeijing Publishing House 北京出版社
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberBX1665.B345 2010
Description107 pages : color illustrations ; 26 x 27 cm
NoteHistory recorded by the Stones : the 400 year story of the cemetery of Matteo Ricci and other foreign missionaries / edited by Beijing Administrative College.
Relates the history of Zhalan cemetery 栅栏墓地 and gives short (one-paragraph) biographies of those missionaries, including their Chinese names. Features many photographs and images, contemporary and historical. ***Graphic resource
Jesuit in the Forbidden City : Matteo Ricci, 1552-1610
AuthorHsia, R. Po-chia [Ronnie Xia Bojia 夏伯嘉], 1953-
PlaceOxford, England
PublisherOxford University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.R46 H75 2010
Descriptionxiv, 359 p., [8] p. of plates : ill., maps ; 24 cm. + pdf

A Jesuit in the Forbidden City : Matteo Ricci, 1552-1610 / R. Po-chia Hsia.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [342]-349) and index.
Local access dig.pdf [Hsia-Jesuit Forbidden City Matteo Ricci.pdf]

"A 16th century Italian Jesuit, Matteo Ricci was the founder of the Catholic Mission in China and one of the most famous missionaries of all time. A pioneer in bringing Christianity to China, Ricci spent twenty eight years in the country, in which time he crossed the cultural divides between China and the West by immersing himself in the language and culture of his hosts. Even 400 years later, he is still one of the best known westerners in China, celebrated for introducing western scientific and religious ideas to China and for explaining Chinese culture to Europe.

The first critical biography of Ricci to use all relevant sources, both Chinese and Western, A Jesuit in the Forbidden City tells the story of a remarkable life that bridged Counter-Reformation Catholic Europe and China under the Ming dynasty. Hsia follows the life of Ricci from his childhood in Macerata, through his education in Rome, to his sojourn in Portuguese India, before the start of his long journey of self-discovery and cultural encounter in the Ming realm. Along the way, we glimpse the workings of the Portuguese maritime empire in Asia, the mission of the Society of Jesus, and life in the European enclave of Macau on the Chinese coast, as well as invaluable sketches of Ricci's fellow Jesuits and portraits of the Chinese mandarins who formed networks indispensable for Ricci's success.

Examining a range of new sources, Hsia offers important new insights into Ricci's long period of trial and frustration in Guangdong province, where he first appeared in the persona of a foreign Buddhist monk, before the crucial move to Nanchang in 1595 that led to his sustained intellectual conversation with a leading Confucian scholar and subsequent synthesis of Christianity and Confucianism in propagating the Gospels in China. With his expertise in cartography, mathematics, and astronomy, Ricci quickly won recognition, especially after he had settled in Nanjing in 1598, the southern capital of the Ming dynasty. As his reputation and friendships grew, Ricci launched into a sharp polemic against Buddhism, while his career found its crowning achievement in the imperial capital of Beijing, leaving behind a life, work, and legacy that is still very much alive today."--Publisher note.

1. Macerata and Rome
2. Portuguese Seas
3. Macau
4. Zhaoqing
5. Ruggieri
6. Shaozhou
7. Nanchang
8. Nanjing
9. Beijing
10. True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven
11. Laying the Foundations
12. The Man of Paradox
Chinese Glossary
Magistrate's Verdict in adultery accusation against Michele Ruggieri

Jesuit mission and submission : Qing rulership and the fate of Christianity in China, 1644-1735
AuthorSwen Litian [Sun Litian 孫立天 · 孙立天]
PlaceLeiden ; Boston
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesEast and West (Leiden, Netherlands) ; v. 9
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBV2290.S84 2021
Descriptionvii, 227 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.

Jesuit mission and submission : Qing rulership and the fate of Christianity in China, 1644-1735 / by Litian Swen.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

Jesuit Mission and Submission' explains how the Jesuits entered the Manchu world after the Manchus conquered Beijing in 1644. Supported by Qing court archives, the book discovers the Jesuits? Manchu-style master-slave relationship with the Kangxi emperor. Against the backdrop of this relationship, the book reconstructs the back and forth negotiations between Kangxi and the Holy See regarding Chinese Rites Controversy (1705-1721), and shows that the Jesuits, although a group of foreign priests, had close access to Kangxi and were a trusted part of the Imperial circle. This book also redefines the rise and fall of the Christian mission in the early Qing court through key events, such as the Calendar Case and Yongzheng's prohibition of Christianity.

(pp. 1-22) Introduction
Confusions Over the Relationship Between Kangxi and the Jesuits -- The Cultural-Conflicts Paradigm and Its Problems -- Manchu’s Master-Slave Relationship -- Booi Slaves and Qing Rulership -- The Imperial Household Department in the Qing Power Network -- Missionaries and the Imperial Household Department -- Were the Missionaries booi slaves of Kangxi? -- Viewing Missionaries Through the Lens of the Master-Slave Relationship

Part One: The Jesuits’ Identity and Qing Rulership, 1644-1705

(pp. 25-49) Chapter One: Jesuits and Their Entrance in the Manchu World
Captives in a Battlefield -- Jesuits as Slaves and the Legacy of the Tong Clan -- Manchus’ Impression of Europeans -- Jesuits’ First Helpers -- Jesuits’ Involvement in the Cannon Business -- The Tong Family and the Jesuits -- Released from the Slave Status -- Conclusion

(pp. 50-74) Chapter Two: The Jesuits’ Strategic Turn
Missionaries Arrested: The Calendar Case of 1664 -- The Manchu Way or the Chinese Way? -- Manchu’s Religious Policies -- Confucian-Christian Relationship on Schall’s Birthday -- Yang Guangxian: Not a Confucian -- Divination and Confucianism -- Schall’s Involvement in Chinese Divination -- Trials, and Buglio and de Magalhaens’s Manchu Network -- Conclusion

(pp. 75-106) Chapter Three: The Jesuits and Kangxi’s Imperial Household Department
Kangxi’s Political Backbone -- Jesuits’ Contributions -- Jesuits’ Participation in Court Politics -- Verbiest’s Strategy and Legacy -- The Edict of Toleration -- The Jesuits’ Identity in the Kangxi Court -- The New French Jesuits and Their Network -- Conclusion

Part Two: Emperor Kangxi’s Negotiations with The Pope, 1705-1721

(pp. 109-141) Chapter Four: Kangxi, the Jesuits, and the First Papal Legation to China
The Kangxi Emperor and his Empire before 1705 -- The Papal Legation in Kangxi’s eyes -- The First Audience -- The Chinese Rites Controversy During de Tournon’s Stay in Beijing -- The Farewell Audience -- The Jesuits’ Omission -- After the Farewell Audience -- Piao -- Conclusion

(pp. 142-166) Chapter Five: Kangxi’s Fourteen-Year Wait and the Second Papal Legation
Waiting for a Response from Rome -- The Red Manifesto: Kangxi’s Open Letter to Europe -- Kangxi’s Unusual Patience: Why? -- Making Threats and Making the Deal -- Conclusion

Part Three: The Prohibition in 1724

(pp. 169-195) Chapter Six: The Yongzheng Emperor and Christian Missionaries
Kangxi’s Late Years -- Yongzheng’s Enthronement -- Missionaries’ Efforts -- Why Did Yongzheng Prohibit Christianity -- Yongzheng’s Own Explanations for Prohibition -- The Prohibition from the View of Others -- Buddhism: The Basis of Yongzheng’s Intellectual and Spiritual Mind -- Buddhism and its Influence on Yongzheng -- Yongzheng’s Buddhism and the Prohibition of Christianity -- Conclusion

Local access dig.pdf [Swen-Jesuit Mission Qing Rulership.pdf]

ISBN9789004447004 ; 9004447008
Jesuits (1594-1994), Macao and China : East meets West. [RC-Review of Culture special ed.]
AuthorInstituto Cultural de Macau 澳門文化司署Cunha, Luís Sá
PlaceMacau 澳門
PublisherInstituto Cultural de Macau 澳門文化司
CollectionRicci Institute Library
EditionEnglish ed.
TypePeriodical (special no.), Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfReading Room, Digital Archives
Call NumberDS721.R48 no.21
Description285 p. : ill. (some col.), maps ; 28 cm.
NoteThe Jesuits (1594-1994), Macao and China : East meets West / [editorial director, Luís Sá Cunha].
"Commemorative Edition of the Fourth Centenary Anniversary of the Foundation of the College of St. Paul"--P. [4] of cover.
Special edition of the journal RC, Review of Culture, no. 21 (2nd series), 1994.
Cover title.
“….special edition of RC …. commemorating the four-hundredth anniversary of the foundation of St. Paul's College, the first Western University to be established in Asia…”—p.3
Also in Chinese & Portuguese editions (not digitized).
Includes bibliographical references.

Local access dig.pdf [Jesuits Macao & China RC.pdf]

Jidujiao yu Mingmo Ruxue 基督教與明末儒學
AuthorSun Shangyang 孫尚揚, 1965-
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherDongfang chubanshe 東方出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.S86 1994
Description2, 261 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteJidujiao yu Mingmo Ruxue 基督教與明末儒學 / Sun Shangyang zhu 孫尚楊著.
Originally presented as the author's thesis (Doctoral) under the title: Mingmo Tianzhujiao yu Ruxue de jiaoliu he chongtu 明末天主教與儒學的交流和衝突.
Includes bibliographical references.

"L'arrivée des Jésuites en Chine au XVIème siècle constitue le deuxième mouvement d'introduction sur le territoire chinois et dans sa culture, d'une pensée non chinoise. Cette étude porte sur les relations qu'ont entretenues les Jésuites à leur arrivée en Chine, avec les milieux confucéens. L'auteur suggère ici qu'une rencontre entre deux cultures bien différentes n'est pas toujours conflictuelle et ne se solde pas forcément par l'écrasement de l'une des des parties (comme ce fut le cas au XIXème siècle) ; il rend hommage aussi à Matteo Ricci (1552-1610). Sommaire : I) Etude de Matteo Ricci 1- La stratégie de propagande religieuse de M. Ricci 2- Les explications, un accord harmonieux 3- Les critiques à l'encontre des milieux confucéens II) Compréhension et réactions des mandarins [confucéens] vis à vis de la notion jésuite de 天 tian, à la fin de la dynastie des Ming (1368-1944) 1- Les relations nouées entre les mandarins et les Jésuites 2- Compréhension et acceptation 3- Résistances et critiques."--OCLC note.

Journey to the East : the Jesuit mission to China, 1579-1724
AuthorBrockey, Liam Matthew
PlaceCambridge, MA
PublisherBelknap Press of Harvard University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBV3417.B76 2007
Descriptionxii, 496 p. : ill., maps ; 25 cm. + pdf

Journey to the East : the Jesuit mission to China, 1579-1724 / Liam Matthew Brockey.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [427]-477) and index.

Preface -- Note on translations and orthography -- Introduction -- PART I. CHARTING THE COURSE. An uneasy foothold -- In the shadow of greatness -- Witnesses to Armageddon -- The problem of success -- Between tolerance and the intolerable -- PART II. BUILDING THE CHURCH. In the Apostles' classroom -- Learning the language of birds -- The business of conversion -- A good method and order -- Brothers of passion and mercy -- Conclusion -- Bibliographic note -- Notes -- Illustration credits -- Index.

Dig.ed. local access only [Brockey-Journey to the East.pdf]

K'ung-tzu or Confucius? : the Jesuit interpretation of Confucianism
AuthorRule, Paul A. 魯保祿
PublisherAustralian National University
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation, Thesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfAdmin. Office, Digital Archives
Call NumberBL1852.R84 1972
Descriptionviii, 498, 46, 7 leaves ; 31 cm.+pdf
NoteK'ung-tzu or Confucius? : the Jesuit interpretation of Confucianism / [by] Paul A. Rule.
THESIS (Ph.D.)--Australian National University, 1972.
Bibliography: p. 1-46 (2nd group). Includes Chinese character index.

1. To "Become Chinese": Nestorian Christians of the T'ang (Tang)--Mongol missions of the 13th and 14th centuries--Syncretism and assimilation--European knowledge of Chinese religion before the Jesuits--Jesuit missionary experience--Alessandro Valignano and the accomodation method.
2. Matteo Ricci and the Jesuit interpretation of Confucianism: Michele Ruggieri and the establishment of the mission--Matteo Ricci and the discovery of Confucianism--Ricci's interpretation of Confucianism--Matteo Ricci and the Chinese Rites question--Ricci and Confucianism: syncretism, accomodation, encounter?
3. Confucian interpretation of the Jesuits: Late Ming Confucianism--Christian Confucians--the Buddhist reaction--the Confucian reaction--Alleged Jesuit influence on late Ming-early Ch'ing thought
4. A point of fact: the debate over terms and rites (1610-1688): Jesuit debate over terms--Arrival of the friars and the beginning of the debate over Chinese Rites--Legitimate prejudices?--Lull in the storm--Confucius Sinarum Philosophus.
5. Son of Heaven and Vicar of Christ: the Chinese Rites Controversy (1688-1742): Ching t'ien (Jing Tian 敬天) "Adore Heaven"--Louis Le Comte vs. the Sorbonne--Papal legates--Aftermath of the Rites.
6. Moses or China? the Jesuit Figurists: The Sources of Figurism--Figurists and their critics--Joachim Bouvet and the prophecies of the I-ching (Yijing 易經)--Jean-François Foucquet and the symbolism of the Chinese classics--Joseph de Prémare and the theory of "vestiges"
7. The Jesuits and the beginning of scientific sinology: Jean Baptiste du Halde--Antoine Gaubil--Alexandre de la Charme and the Hsing-li chen-ch'uan (Xingli zhenquan 性理真詮)--Memoires concernant l'histoire...etc. des chinois.

An agenda (for further research): p. 495
Local access dig.pdf. [Rule-K'ung-tzu or Confucius Diss.pdf]

Lettres édifiantes et curieuses écrites des missions étrangères : Mémoires de la Chine. Tome vingt-deuxième
AuthorLe Gobien, Charles, 1653-1708Jesuits. Letters from missionsQuerbeuf, Yves Mathurin Marie Tréaudet de, 1726-1797
PublisherNoel-Etienne Sens, Imprimeur-Lib., Auguste Gaude, Libraire
CollectionRicci Institute Library
EditionNouvelle éd.
ShelfRare Book Cabinet
Call NumberBV2290.L388 J378 1811
Description423 p. ; 17 cm.
NoteLettres édifiantes et curieuses écrites des missions étrangères : Mémoires de la Chine. Tome vingt-deuxième /Compiled by C. Le Gobien, J. B. Du Halde, N. M. Maréchal and L. Patouillet, and published in Paris, 1702-1776. Revised and edited by Y. M. M. T. de Querbeuf, Paris, 1780-1783--Cf. NUC pre-1956 imprints.
Title: Mémoires de la Chine.
Li Madou de chuanjiao celüe he Zhongguo jiaohui 利瑪竇的傳教策略和中國教會 = The strategy of evangelization of Matteo Ricci and the Church in China / Ding 鼎 【Tripod 196 Spring 春季2020】
AuthorTripod 鼎 (Hong Kong)
PlaceHong Kong 香港
PublisherHoly Spirit Study Centre 聖神硏究中心
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese, English
ShelfSeminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBV3427.R46 T564 2020
Description[10], 233 p. ; 21 cm.

Li Madou de chuanjiao celüe he Zhongguo jiaohui 利瑪竇的傳教策略和中國教會 = The strategy of evangelization of Matteo Ricci and the Church in China / Ding 鼎 【Tripod 196 Spring 春季2020】

Includes bibliographical refernces.

Special issue of 鼎 【Tripod 196 Spring 春季2020】


簡介:「如何傳福音」這問題與傳教士和教會息息相關,因為傳福音的方法會根據時間、地點和文化的不同而轉變,並且對我們的適應能力構成一定的挑戰。在天主教的悠久歷史當中,眾多傳教士,通過不同方式向人們分享福音喜訊,耶穌會的利瑪竇神父就是其中之一。人們試圖從他身上,找出在自己的處境下,仍然具有意義和啟發性的東西。本期《鼎》嘗試探討,利瑪竇及其同伴的傳福音策略和態度,與今天的中國基督徒有何關係。--Publisher note.

Li Madou yu Zhongguo 利瑪竇與中國
AuthorLin Jinshui 林金水
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe 中國社會科學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesDongfang lishi xueshu wenku 東方歷史學術文庫
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.R46 L56 1996
Description2, 4, 2, 337, 1 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteLi Madou yu Zhongguo 利瑪竇與中國 / Lin Jinshui zhu 林金水著.
Cover title also in English: Matteo Ricci in China.
Table of contents also in English.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 325-337), plus a chronology of Ricci's meetings with scholars (with bibliographical citations) and a Ricci-Wade-pinyin table of Ricci's romanization system.
Inscribed by the author to Fr. Edward Malatesta, S.J.
ISBN7500418760 ; 9787500418764
Li Madou zai Zhongguo 利瑪竇在中國. [Matteo Ricci in China]
AuthorZhang Fengzhen 張奉箴
PlaceTainan Shi 台南市
PublisherWendao chubanshe 聞道出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfSeminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBV3427.R46 C43 1983
Description32, 311 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 21 cm

Li Madou zai Zhongguo  利瑪竇在中國  /  Zhang Fengzhen zhu  張奉箴著.

Includes bibliographical reference: p. 296-310

T.P verso and Colophon title also in English: Matteo Ricci in China, by Mark K. Chang, S.J.

Inscribed by the author to Fr. Edward Malatesta, January 18, 1985

民國七十二 [1983]; Tag in English pasted on t.p. verso: "Window Press, 1985"

Li Madou zhuan 利瑪竇傳
AuthorLuo Guang 羅光, 1911-2004
PlaceTaibei Xian Xinzhuang Shi 台北縣新莊市
PublisherFuren daxue chubanshe 輔仁大學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesFuren daxue congshu 輔仁大學叢書 ; 7
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.R46 L6 1982
Description235, [4] p. ; 19 cm.
NoteLi Madou zhuan 利瑪竇傳 / Luo Guang zhu 羅光著.
Title in English on verso of t.p.: Matteo Ricci.
Includes bibliographical references.
3rd ed. (printing) 民國71 [1982]
Libraries of Western learning for China : circulation of Western books between Europe and China in the Jesuit Mission (ca. 1650-ca. 1750)
AuthorGolvers, NoëlFerdinand Verbiest Institute
PublisherFerdinand Verbiest Institute, K.U. Leuven
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesLeuven Chinese studies ; 23
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3415.L489 no. 23
Descriptionv. ; 24 cm.
NoteLibraries of Western learning for China : circulation of Western books between Europe and China in the Jesuit Mission (ca. 1650 - ca. 1750) / Noël Golvers.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
v.1. Logistics of book acquisition and circulation.

This is the first volume of a wide-ranging study of the spread and penetration of Western books in late-Ming, early-Qing China via Jesuit missionaries. The study is based mainly on archival sources (letters,manuscripts, treatises), supplemented with the extant books (‘Beitang collection’), especially those containing an inscription (ca. 2,500). This first volume focuses on the logistics of the book acquisiton: from the selection made in China, through the role of the book agents and donors in Europe, to the delivery routes. The prosopographical study of the names mentioned in the book inscriptions revealsnot only the identity of the original owners and the intentional donors - and by consequence the milieusof interest and participation in the Jesuit mission - but especially the roughly fifteen regional supportnetworks of the mission, ranging from Sicily and the Low Countries, on the one hand, and Mitteleuropa and Portugal, on the other. The next volume will focus on the formation of regional Western libraries inChina (in Peking and the other main cities, but also in ‘minor’ residences), the different ‘classes’ of booksrepresented (from Bible study through sciences to belles lettres), and the different ways these books were used by the Jesuit readers for their missionary goals, within the program of an ‘apostolate of the press’,leading to the transmission to, and reception by, the Chinese literati. As such, this study - when completed - will reveal a largely neglected chapter of European book and reading history, and at the same time a crucial chapter in the intercultural exchange between the late humanistic Western culture and Chinese culture, in which the printed book played a pivotal role.--Publisher webpage.

ISBN9789081436571 ; 9081436570
life and methods of Matteo Ricci, Jesuit missionary to China, 1582-1610
AuthorRenich, Katharine Louise
PlaceUrbana, IL
PublisherUniversity of Illinois
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.R46 R45 1914d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [63, [1] p. : maps ; 29 cm.]

The life and methods of Matteo Ricci, Jesuit missionary to China, 1582-1610 [electronic resource] / by Katharine Louise Renich.
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Illinois, 1914.
Includes bibliographical references.
Online at Hathi Trust.
Local access dig.pdf. [Renich-Life of Ricci.pdf]


Mat'eo Rich'i : Tongyang kwa sŏyang ŭi chŏngchunghan mannam 마테오리치 : 동양과서양의정중한만남
AuthorSo Hyŏn-su 소현수
PlaceSŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi 서울특별시
PublisherSŏgang Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anpu 서강대학교출판부
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.R46 S659 1996
Description224 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm.
NoteMat'eo Rich'i : Tongyang kwa sŏyang ŭi chŏngchunghan mannam 마테오리치 : 동양과서양의정중한만남 / So Hyŏn-su chŏ 소현수著.
Includes bibliographical references (p.214-215) and index.
ISBN8972730254 ; 978897273025
Mat'eo Rich'i wa Chu Hŭi, kŭrigo Chŏng Yag-yong : Ch'ŏnju sirŭi wa Tong Asia yuhak ŭi chip'yŏng 마테오 리치 와 주 희, 그리고 정 약용 : 천주 실의 와 동 아시아 유학 의 지평
AuthorKim Sŏn-hŭI [Gim Seonhui] 김 선희
PlaceSŏul-si 서울시
PublisherSimsan 심산
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesHaksul chʻongsŏ 학술 총서 (Simsan 심산) ; 27
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.R46 K573 2012
Description572 pages ; 23 cm.
NoteMat'eo Rich'i wa Chu Hŭi, kŭrigo Chŏng Yag-yong : "Ch'ŏnju sirŭi" wa Tong Asia yuhak ŭi chip'yŏng 마테오 리치 와 주 희, 그리고 정 약용 : "천주 실의" 와 동 아시아 유학 의 지평 / Kim Sŏn-hŭi chiŭm 김 선희 지음.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 555-566) and index.
Gift of the author.
Matteo Ricci and the Catholic mission to China, 1583-1610 : a short history with documents
AuthorHsia, R. Po-chia [Ronnie Xia Bojia 夏伯嘉], 1953-
PlaceIndianapolis, IN
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesPassages: Key Moments in History
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.R46 H76 2016
Descriptionxvii, 146 p. : color maps ; 22 cm.

Matteo Ricci and the Catholic mission to China, 1583-1610 : a short history with documents / R. Po-chia Hsia.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction. Portuguese Asia -- Catholic renewal -- Ming China -- Matteo Ricci -- Ricci in our time.

Document 1. Excerpt from the chronicle of a Carthusian monk in Cologne, 1535 -- Document 2. Policy debate on maritime trade among Ming officials ca. 1564 -- Document 3. Gregory Martin, Roma Sancta (1581), excerpt describing the Jesuit College in Rome -- Document 4. Letter from the Jesuit missionary Nicolò Spinola, describing the dangers of sea voyage from Portugal to India, 1578 -- Document 5. Ricci's letter to General Claudio Acquaviva, November 25, 1581, from Goa, India -- Document 6. Ricci's letters from Macao to Martino de Fornari and Claudio Acquaviva, February 13, 1583 -- Document 7. Ricci's letter to Juan Bautista Roman, September 13, 1584, describing statecraft and religion in China (excerpts) -- Document 8. A Chinese poem by Michelle Ruggieri and an excerpt on his missionary strategy -- Document 9. Account of Ruggieri's encounter with Buddhist monks during his travels in the winter of 1585-86 to Zhejiang -- Document 10. Excerpts from relevant passages of Della entrata on the missionary work of the Jesuits in Zhaoqing, their relationship with their mandarin patrons, and Ricci's scientific work -- Document 11. Alessandro Valignano and Alonso Sanchez: two Jesuit views on evangelization in East Asia, 1581-88 -- Document 12. Excerpts from letters written by Ricci to General Claudio Acquaviva, Shaozhou, November 15, 1592, and January 15 and 17, 1593 -- Document 13. Excerpt from a description of Ricci by a mandarin in Shaozhou, written ca. 1592 -- Document 14. The first impression of Ricci by Qu Rukui (written in 1599 and recalling events from the 1580s) -- Document 15. Excerpts from a letter by Ricci to Duarte de Sande, Nanchang, August 29, 1595 -- Document 16. Translations from On Friendship, the first Chinese work written by Ricci in Nanchang (excerpts) -- Document 17. Excerpt from Della entrata on Ricci's debate with the Buddhist abbot Xuelang Hong'en in Nanjing, 1599 -- Document 18. Letter by the Chinese dissident and scholar Li Zhi to a friend, in which he describes his impressions of Ricci (ca. 1599) -- Document 19. Poem dedicated by Li Zhi to Ricci -- Document 20. The Nanjing writer Gu Qiyuan's description of Ricci (ca. 1598-99) -- Document 21. Excerpt from Della entrata on Ricci's 1600 journey to Beijing and his imprisonment by the eunuch Ma Tang -- Document 22. The mandarin Feng Yingjing's endorsement of Ricci's True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven (1603) -- Document 23. Excerpt from Ricci's True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven (1603) to illustrate the concordance between Christian moral teachings and Confucian texts and Ricci's attacks on Buddhism -- Document 24. Ricci's World Map compared with a Chinese map of the Ming Dynasty and a Portuguese map of 1502 -- Document 25. Letter by Ricci to his father, Giovanni Battista Ricci, May 10, 1605 -- Document 26. Preface by Ricci on the Chinese translation of Euclid and on his collaboration with Xu Guangqi (1608) -- Document 27. Excerpts from Ricci's Chinese work Qiren shipian (Ten Discourses of the Man of Paradox), which recorded actual conversations between Ricci and Chinese interlocutors on Christianity -- Document 28. Letter by the Buddhist layman Yu Chunxi to Ricci, in which he criticizes Ricci's opposition to Buddhism (1608) -- Document 29. Excerpts from a letter by Ricci to Francesco Pasio, vide-provincial in the Japan Jesuit mission, February 15, 1609 -- Document 30. The legacy of Ricci in China.

ISBN9781624664328 ; 1624664326
Matteo Ricci, S.J., in China, 1583-1610 : a case study of a precursor in educational anthropology
AuthorFord, Rosalie Judith
PlaceAnn Arbor
PublisherUMI Dissertation Information Service
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.R46 F67 1985a
Descriptionix, 246 leaves ; 21.5 cm.
NoteMatteo Ricci, S.J., in China, 1583-1610 : a case study of a precursor in educational anthropology / Rosalie Judith Ford.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Connecticut, 1985.
Photocopy. Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International, 1995.
Contents note: Examines the educational methods of the Jesuits based on Ignatius, the Constitution of the Society of Jesus, and experiences with the Brazilian and Japanese missions with Valignano; large section with Ricci's description of China and Chinese customs. Includes historical overview of educational anthropology in the U.S.
Includes abstract.
Bibliography: leaves 227-246.
Mingmo-Qingchu Yesuhui sixiang wenxian huibian 明末清初耶穌會思想文獻匯編
AuthorChung, Andrew 鄭安德
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing daxue zongjiao yanjiusuo
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.Z6 C68 2000
Description57 v. : ill. ; 24 cm.
NoteMingmo-Qingchu Yesuhui sixiang wenxian huibian 明末清初耶穌會思想文獻匯編 = An Expository Collection of the Christian Philosophical Works between the end of the Ming dynasty and the beginning of the Qing dynasty in China / Zheng Ande bianji 鄭安德編輯 ; Lou Yulie guwen 樓宇烈顧問.

Collection (treated as series) Main Entry. See individual titles or search Series for complete list.
Each title is reproduced in simplified characters with modern punctuation, including prefatory materials and bio-bibliographical references; each volume contains the same 20 page preface with contents, bibliographic citations, and editorial comments.
Series divided as:
Xifang chuanjiaoshi suo zhuan de Zhongwen hujiao wenxian 西方傳教士所撰的中文護教文獻 (1-23) ; Zhongguo xintu suo zhuan de Zhongwen hujiao wenxian 中國信徒所撰的中文護教文獻 (24-44) ; Qita Zhongwen hujiao wenxian 其它中文護教文獻 (45-57).

Local access dig.pdf. in folder: [Andrew Chung Series].

Mingmo-Qingchu Yesuhui sixiang wenxian huibian 明末清初耶穌會思想文獻彙編 = An expository collection of the Christian and anti-Christian philosophical manuscripts and prints in Ming-Qing China
AuthorChung, Andrew 鄭安德
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing daxue zongjiao yanjiusuo
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfSeminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBV3427.Z6 C68 2003
Description5 volumes ; 26 cm

Mingmo-Qingchu Yesuhui sixiang wenxian huibian  明末清初耶穌會思想文獻彙編 = An expository collection of the Christian and anti-Christian philosophical manuscripts and prints in Ming-Qing China /  Lou Yulie guwen 樓宇烈顧問 ; Zheng Ande bianji  鄭安德編輯.

Includes: Mingmo-Qingchu Tianzhujiao he Fojiao bianlun ziliao xuan 明末清初天主教和佛教辯論資料選 / 鄭安德 (diss.)

Cover title.

Includes bibliographical references.

2003 reprint of original 2000 edition (in 57 individual booklets) now bound in 5 volumes. 

P. Joachim Bouvet S.J. : sein Leben und sein Werk
AuthorBouvet, Joachim 白晉, 1656-1730Collani, Claudia von
PublisherSteyler Verlag
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesMonumenta serica monograph series ; 17
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.B62 C65 1985
Descriptionxii, 269 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
NoteP. Joachim Bouvet S.J. : sein Leben und sein Werk / Claudia von Collani.
Bibliography: p. 214-234. Includes index.
Einführung (1-9) — Der Figurismus im Leben des P. Joachim Bouvet S.J. (9-97) — Das figuristische Gedankensystem Joachim Bouvets (97-203) — hier u.a.: China im europäischen Weltbild des 17. Jahrhunderts — Die Göttliche Offenbarung in China — Die Spuren der Uroffenbarung in China — Der Erlöser der Welt in der chinesischen Literatur u.a.; Würdigung (203-212): Bouvets Persönlichkeit — Bouvets Werk; Literaturverzeichnis; Manuskripte und Briefe; Zeittafel; Glossarium (mit chinesischen Zeichen) und Register.

Keywords: Figurism, French Jesuits, Jesuit cartographers, Jesuit mathmaticians, Hongpiao 紅票.

P. Johann Adam Schall von Bell S.J. und die Geheimakten zum Gerichtsprozeß der Jahre 1664-1665 in China
AuthorGimm, Martin
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesSinologica Coloniensia ; Band 37
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.S35 G57 2021
Description468 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm

P. Johann Adam Schall von Bell S.J. und die Geheimakten zum Gerichtsprozeß der Jahre 1664-1665 in China / Martin Gimm. Tang Ruowang yu Qingchao mibendang  湯若望與清朝密本檔 /  Ji Mu zhu 嵇穆著.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Johann Adam Schall von Bell S.J. (1592–1666), der sich fast fünf Jahrzehnte in China aufhielt, gilt als einer der wichtigsten und einflussreichsten Persönlichkeiten der Frühgeschichte chinesisch-europäischer Beziehungen. Sowohl auf religiösem wie wissenschaftlichem Gebiet hervorragend ausgewiesen verstand er es, in stets tatkräftigem Einsatz seine Kenntnisse bis hinauf zu dem jugendlichen, ersten Kaiser der neuen manjurischen Qing-Dynastie weiterzugeben.

Martin Gimm entwickelt in seiner Studie auf der Grundlage neu erschlossener Quellen eine revidierte Chronologie des Wirken Schalls. Gleichzeitig gibt er einen Ausblick auf die in den 1660er Jahren in China aufkommenden antieuropäischen Bewegungen und die sich um 1664 aus den Anklagen des berüchtigten Yang Guangxian entwickelnden Strafaktionen gegen Schall, die schließlich zu seinem Todesurteil führten. Gimm wertet hierfür insbesondere die 24 um 1990 neu aufgefundenen manjurischen Geheimakten zum Prozessgeschehen aus, deren wichtiges I. Dokument in Übersetzung vorgelegt wird. Inhalt und Wesen sämtlicher Geheimakten, die Anklagepunkte, die beteiligten Behörden, Institutionen und Personen sowie die ausgesprochenen Strafurteile werden detailliert dargestellt. Abgerundet wird die Untersuchung durch ein ausführliches Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis und einen Index. --Publisher note.

ponte tra Cina e Europa : Matteo Ricci
AuthorMancini, Enzo
PublisherEdizioni paoline
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesPagine di storia ; 3
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.R46 M36 1990
Description339 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
NoteUn ponte tra Cina e Europa : Matteo Ricci / Enzo Mancini.
Inscribed by the author.
Bibliography: p. 337-339.
Includes chronology and glossary.
Privileges for being slaves : Christian missionaries in the early Qing court
AuthorSwen Litian [Sun Litian 孫立天 · 孙立天]
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3417.S946 2019d
Descriptionpdf [257 p. : ill.]

Privileges for being slaves: Christian missionaries in the early Qing court / by Litian Swen.
Thesis (Ph.D., History)—-City University of New York, 2019.
Bibliography: p.244-257.

This dissertation works to elucidate the long-term confusion over the identity of the Christian fathers in the early Qing court. The identity for which this dissertation argues is straightforward: Christian fathers were identified by the Kangxi emperor as his family slaves. The master-slave relationship has long been overlooked because it was overshadowed by an overwhelming focus on the Jesuit Adam Schall, who entered the Manchu court as a Chinese-style minister. Shifting the focus from Schall, this dissertation starts by showing two seldom mentioned Jesuits, Ludovico Buglio and Gabriel de Magalhaens, who entered into Manchu service as slaves. It was, this dissertation shows, not Schall but Buglio, Magalhaens, and the network they built through their slave status that set the foundation for future Jesuits’ successful participation in the Manchu empire. With the master-slave relationship between Kangxi and the Christian fathers established, the fourth and fifth chapters examine Kangxi’s receptions of the two papal legations as family guests instead of as foreign embassies of state.
The identity of the Christian missionaries, this dissertation shows, determined both rise and fall of the Christian mission in the Kangxi and Yongzheng’s reigns.

Chapter 1: Jesuits’ Entrance as Slaves into the Manchu's World
Chapter 2: The Calendar Case 1664 and the Beijing Jesuits' Adjustment of Strategy
Chapter 3: The Jesuits' Identity in Kangxi's Court
Chapter 4: Kangxi, the Jesuits, and the First Papal Legation to China
Chapter 5: Kangxi's Fourteen-Year Wait and the Second Papal Legation
Chapter 6: Yongzheng's Prohibition of Christianity in 1724

Local access dig.pdf. [Swen-Privileges.pdf]

Religion and culture : an international symposium commemorating the fourth centenary of the University College of St. Paul
AuthorInstituto Cultural de Macau 澳門文化司署Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History 利瑪竇中西文化歷史研究所Witek, John W. 魏若望Reis, MichelColégio Universitário de S. Paulo (Macau)
PlaceMacau 澳門
PublisherInstituto Cultural de Macau 澳門文化司
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook (Proceedings)
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS796.M2 R465 1999
Description398 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cm.
NoteReligion and culture : an international symposium commemorating the fourth centenary of the University College of St. Paul, Macau, 28 November to 1 December 1994 / editor, John J. Witek ; co-ordinator, Michel Reis.
Includes bibliographical references.
Conference sponsored by the Instituto Cultural de Macau and the Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History, University of San Francisco.

The antecedents and context of the University College of St. Paul / Bejamim Videira Pires -- St. Paul's University College: academy of religion and culture / Edward J. Malatesta -- With a view towards Japan: Alessandro Valignano and the opening of the college in Macau / John W. Witek; commentary: Juan Gil --The missions of Portuguese typography in the south of China in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries / Manuel Cadafaz de Matos -- Father Duarte de Sande, S.J., genuine author of De Missione Legatorum Iaponensium ad Romanam Curiam...Dialogus / Américo da Costa Ramalho; commentary: Mark K. Chang -- The influence of the Chinese pharmacopeia in the prescriptions of the Jesuit dispensaries / Ana Maria Amaro -- A study on Wu Yushan's poetry of Celestial Learning / Zhang Wenqin; commentary: Beatriz Basto da Silva -- The Church of the College of Madre de Deus / Gonçalo Couceiro; commentary: César Guillén-Nuñez -- A conjectural reconstruction of the Church of the College of Mater Dei / Fernando António Baptista Pereira; commentary: César Guillén-Nuñez -- The first university in Macau: the Colégio de São Paolo / Huang Qichen; commentary: Fei Chengkang -- The College of St. Paul of Macau and the church of Japan / Diego Yuuki; commentary: Sanji Yamaoka -- Korean Catholics as seen from Macau, 1566-1784 / Juan Ruiz de Medina; commentary: Albert Chan -- Services provided to the residents of Macau by St. Paul's College / António Lopes; commentary: Juan Ruiz de Medina -- The concept of China in sixteenth-century Europe and how it evolved: textual comparison of the works of Gaspar da Cruz and González de Mendoza / Hino Hiroshi -- The true significance of the College of St. Paul / Aloysius B. Chang.
Added keywords: Medicine, pharmacy, prescriptions -- printing technology -- Japan mission -- Wu Li 吳歷, 1632-1718 -- Tianxue 天學 -- Korean Catholic Church -- 16th century European views of China.

Res Sinicae : Pessoas, papéis e intercâmbios culturais entre a Europa e a China (1600-1800)
PublisherUniversity of Bamberg Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguagePortuguese, English
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesRomanische Literaturen und Kulturen ; 13
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3417.R37 2022d
Descriptionpdf. [320 ; color illustrations]

Res Sinicae : Pessoas, papéis e intercâmbios culturais entre a Europa e a China (1600-1800) / Arnaldo do Espírito Santo, Cristina Costa Gomes,
Enrique Rodrigues-Moura (eds.)

Includes bibliographical references.

Introdução – Res Sinicae (séculos XVI–XVIII) / Arnaldo do Espírito Santo | Cristina Costa Gomes | Enrique Rodrigues-Moura 

I. ARQUIVOS E MATERIAIS. Archives of Antwerp for the history of the relations between Europe and the Far East (16th–18th centuries) /
Noël Golvers

Janelas abertas sobre a cidade: A carta dos mercadores chineses de Macau ao rei de Portugal (Dezembro 1710) / Jorge Santos Alves

Os últimos jesuítas da China no exílio: Passos para reconstruir um percurso de vida / António Júlio Limpo Trigueiros, S.J.

II. PERCURSOS INDIVIDUAIS. La entrada de franciscanos y dominicos en China: Estrategias para la predicación y objetos para la fe / Anna Busquets Alemany

Dois procuradores jesuítas em confronto: Álvaro Semedo e António Francisco Cardim / Isabel Murta Pina.

O corpus epistolar de António de Gouveia / Cristina Costa Gomes | João Teles e Cunha

Duas breves trocas de correspondência entre Tomás Pereira e os Matemáticos do rei francês nos anos 1691 e 1693 / Bernardo Mota

«Homem de prendas e talentos»: Marcelo Leitão (1679–1755), Procurador-Geral da Vice-Província da China / Maria João Pereira Coutinho.

III. TRANSFERÊNCIAS E PERVIVÊNCIAS CULTURAIS. Notícia de uma edição em curso: Historia da Guerra dos Tartaros (1657), tradução para
português de Diogo Gomes Carneiro do livro De bello Tartarico historia (1654), de Martino Martini / Cristina Costa Gomes | Enrique Rodrigues-Moura

A contribution to the history of the restoration of mathematical teaching in Portuguese Jesuit Colleges in the 18th century, and the Jesuit mission in China / Noël Golvers

O outro lado da Astronomia: O papel dos jesuítas na transmissão da Astrologia europeia para a China e o Oriente / Luís Campos Ribeiro

A Relatio de Francisco Furtado, S.J.: O olhar de um humanista / Ana Cristina Pereira

Una visión retrospectiva de la obra lingüística del sinólogo católico Paul Perny /  Xavier Lee-Lee | Verónica C. Trujillo-González.

Edição conjunta com o Centro de Estudos Clássicos da Universidade de Lisboa. A investigação que deu lugar a esta edição foi fi nanciada por Fundos Nacionais através da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), no âmbito do projecto «Res Sinicae. Base digital de fontes documentais em latim e em português sobre a China (séculos XVI a XVIII). Levantamento, edição, tradução e estudos» (PTDC/LLTOUT/31941/2017). Os textos publicados neste livro foram, numa primeira fase, objecto de avaliação do Conselho Editorial do projecto Res Sinicae e, numa segunda fase, alvo de peer review.

URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:473-irb-568202

The studies gathered in this book make an important contribution to expanding knowledge of the intercultural relations established between Europe, namely Portugal, and China, during the 17th and 18th centuries. The thirteen texts reveal aspects that are little known about archives and materials and bring to light a set of documentary funds, most of them unpublished. In close articulation with the documentation published on the Res Sinicae digital platform, works and collective and individual journeys of some agents of this interculturality are approached, namely, some Portuguese Jesuits from the vice province of China and the province of Japan: Álvaro Semedo (1585–1658), Francisco Furtado (1587–1653), António de Gouveia (1592/1594–1677), Francisco Cardim (1596–1659), Tomás Pereira (1646–1708) and Marcelo Leitão (1679–1755).
This book also makes known some of the ways and means of cultural and scientific transmission operated in both directions, between China and Europe, in the period 1600–1800. Topics such as the reception of Martino Martini in Portugal, in 1657; the role of foreign Jesuits in the teaching of mathematics in the Jesuit colleges of Évora and Lisbon, in the 18th century; the spread of European astrology in Asia; or, still, how Western sinology, in the 19th century, ceased to be a field of knowledge dominated by Catholic missionaries.

The book «Res Sinicae». Pessoas, papéis e intercâmbios culturais entre a Europa e a China (1600–1800) brings together a set of studies initially presented at the Res Sinicae 2021. Arquivos e Materiais Conference, held on April 15 and 16 of that year. Subsequently, other texts were incorporated into the book in order to complete the theme under study. The texts published here were, in a first phase, subject to evaluation by the Editorial Board of the Res Sinicae project and, in a second phase, the target of peer review. The publication of this work, within the framework of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) project entitled «Res Sinicae. Base digital de fontes documentais em latim e em português sobre a China (séculos XVI a XVIII). Levantamento, edição, tradução e estudos» (PTDC/LLT-OUT/31941/2017), housed in the Center for Classical Studies of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon, responds to one of its main priorities, that of producing and disseminating results of the research carried out by the team and collaborators.

The thirteen studies gathered in this volume reveal a set of documentary funds, most of them unpublished, and point to new insights in the context of intercultural relations established between Europe, with a special focus on Portugal, and China, between 1600 and 1800. This opens up new understandings, whether in relation to individual paths taken by cultural intermediaries, or in relation to collective strategies for transferring knowledge and information, or in relation to contact and interaction with the alterity. Such paths were possible from the revisitation of known archives and documentary collections, as well as the unveiling of new collections and the availability of unpublished documents that were central to the knowledge of the exchanges registered in both directions, between China and Europe in the Early Modern Period.

Keywords: China; Macau; Jesuítas; Franciscanos; Dominicanos; Matemática; Astronomia; Sinologia; Linguística Missionária; Petrus Maelcamp, S.J.; Arquivos de Antuérpia; Via Ostendana; Mercadores Chineses; D. João V; Prosopografia jesuítica; Supressão da Companhia de Jesus; Ordens Mendicantes; Manila; Álvaro Semedo, S.J.; António Francisco Cardim, S.J.; Vice-Província da China; António de Gouveia, S.J.; Epistolografia; Jesuítas na China Qing; Tomás Pereira, S.J.; Jesuítas franceses; Missão jesuíta na China; Marcelo Leitão, S.J.; Martino Martini, S.J.; Diogo Gomes Carneiro; Tradução; Cultura matemática dos jesuítas; Colégio do Espírito Santo de Évora; Colégio de Santo Antão de Lisboa; Astrologia; Corte imperial chinesa; Francisco Furtado, S.J.; Paul Perny; Alteridade; Global South, China; Macau; Jesuiten; Franziskaner; Dominikaner; Mathematik; Astronomie; Sinologie; Missionarslinguistik; Petrus Maelcamp, SJ; Antwerpener Archive; Via Ostendana; Chinesische Kaufleute; D. João V.; jesuitische Prosopographie; Aufhebung des Jesuitenordens; Bettelorden; Manila; Álvaro Semedo, SJ; António Francisco Cardim, SJ; Vizeprovinz China; António de Gouveia, SJ; Epistolographie; Jesuiten in Qing-China; Tomás Pereira, SJ; französische Jesuiten; Jesuitenmission in China; Marcelo Leitão, SJ; portugiesische Unterstützung; Martino Martini, SJ; Diogo Gomes Carneiro; Übersetzungswissenschaft; Translatologie; Mathematische Kultur der Jesuiten; Kollegium des Heiligen Geistes von Évora; Kollegium von Santo Antão in Lissabon; Astrologie; Chinesischer Kaiserhof; Francisco Furtado, SJ; Paul Perny; Alterität; Global South, China; Macao; Jesuitas; franciscanos; dominicanos; Matemáticas; Astronomía; Sinología; Lingüística Misionera; Petrus Maelcamp, SJ; Archivos de Amberes; Via Ostendana; comerciantes chinos; D. João V; prosopografía jesuita; Supresión de la Compañía de Jesús; Órdenes Mendicantes; Manila; Álvaro Semedo, S.J.; António Francisco Cardim, S.J.; Viceprovincia de China; António de Gouveia, SJ; epistolografía; jesuitas en la China Qing; Tomás Pereira, SJ; jesuitas franceses; Misión jesuita en China; Marcelo Leitão, S.J.; Martino Martini, SJ; Diogo Gomes Carneiro; Ciencias de la Traducción; Traductología; cultura matemática de los jesuitas; Colegio del Espíritu Santo de Évora; Colegio de Santo Antão en Lisboa; Astrología; Corte Imperial China; Francisco Furtado, SJ; Pablo Perny; Alteridad; Global South, China; Macao; Jesuits; Franciscans; Dominicans; Mathematics; Astronomy; Sinology; Chinese studies; Missionary Linguistics; Petrus Maelcamp, SJ; Antwerp Archives; Via Ostendana; Chinese merchants; D. João V; Jesuit prosopography; Suppression of the Society of Jesus; Mendicant Orders; Manila; Álvaro Semedo, SJ; António Francisco Cardim, SJ; Vice Province of China; António de Gouveia, SJ; Epistolography; Jesuits in Qing China; Tomás Pereira, S.J.; French Jesuits; Jesuit Mission in China; Marcelo Leitão, SJ; Martino Martini JS; Diogo Gomes Carneiro; Translation studies; Mathematical Jesuit Culture; College of the Holy Spirit of Évora; College of Santo Antão in Lisbon; Astrology; Chinese Imperial Court; Francisco Furtado, SJ; Paul Perny; Alterity; Global South

See: Res Sinicae database 漢學文庫

Local access dig.pdf. [Res Sinicae.pdf] 

Shengjiao xinzheng 聖教信證. [BAV R.G. Oriente, III, 223.10-11]
AuthorHan Lin 韓霖, 1601-1649Zhang Geng 張賡, juren 1597
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherTaiwan xuesheng shuju 臺灣學生書局
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection), Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBX880.T562 1972 v. 1
Descriptionv.1, p. 267-362 ; 23 cm.
NoteShengjiao xinzheng 聖教信證 / [Han Lin 韓霖 & Zhang Geng 張賡 (attributed)].
In: Tianzhujiao dongchuan wenxian sanbian 天主教東傳文獻三編, v.1, p. 267-362.
Full citation see: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database)
Added edition: Digital edition (PDF)

"...Han Lin...with Zhang Geng (Fujian)...which shows the communication between the Shanxi and Fujian communities (p.426) ; ...Ancient lists such as.... Shengjiao xinzheng (ca. 1680) mention the burial places of many missionaries (p. 587) -- Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, vol. 1.

Taixi Rushi Li Madou 泰西儒士利瑪竇
AuthorLin Jinshui 林金水Zou Ping 鄒萍
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherGuoji wenhua chuban gongsi 國際文化出版公司
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesZhong-wai guanxishi zhishi congshu 中外關系史知識叢書
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.R46 L56 2000
Description3, 254 p. ; 20 cm.
NoteTaixi Rushi Li Madou 泰西儒士利瑪竇 / [zhuzhe Lin Jinshui, Zou Ping 著者林金水, 鄒萍].
Includes bibliographical references (p. [250]-254). (附參考文獻).
ISBN780105802X ; 9787801058027
Un jésuite à Pékin : nouveaux mémoires sur l'état présent de la Chine, 1687-1692
AuthorLe Comte, Louis 李明, 1655-1728Touboul-Bouyeure, Frédérique
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS708.L47 1990
Description554 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
NoteUn jésuite à Pékin : nouveaux mémoires sur l'état présent de la Chine, 1687-1692 / Louis Lecomte ; texte établi, annoté et présenté par Frédérique Touboul-Bouyeure.
When the Europeans began to study Chinese : Martino Martini's Grammatica linguae Sinensis. [Grammatica linguae Sinensis. English]
AuthorMartini, Martino 衛匡國, 1614-1661Ferdinand Verbiest InstitutePaternicò, Luisa M.
PublisherFerdinand Verbiest Institute, K.U. Leuven
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Chinese, Latin
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesLouvain Chinese studies ; 24
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3415.L489 no.24
Descriptiondig.pdf. [290 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.]
NoteWhen the Europeans began to study Chinese : Martino Martini's Grammatica linguae Sinensis / Luisa Maria Paternicò.
Includes a photographic reproduction of Martini's manuscript of his Grammatica (pages 146-167), followed by a transcription (pages 168-190) and an English translation (pages 191-205).
Text of the Grammatica in Latin and Chinese.

"Through the comparative analysis of the extant copies in both manuscript and printed form, and at the same time trying to separate the contribution to the original work given by other scholars who possessed it, the present study aims at reconstructing the evolution course of Martini's grammar from the older Grammatica Sinica to the refined and annotated copy of the Grammatica Linguae Sinensis. This last version is included into this study in annotated transcript and English translation"--Page 4 of cover.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 275-290).

Local access dig.pdf. [Paternico-Martini Grammatica.pdf]

ISBN9789081436588 ; 9081436589
Xitaizi lai Hua ji: Li Madou zhuan 西泰子來華記 : 利瑪竇傳. [Wise man from the West. Chinese]
AuthorSiguo 思果, 1918-2004Cronin, Vincent
PlaceTaizhong 臺中
PublisherGuangqi chubanshe 光啟出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.R46 C712 1964
Description253 p., [3] p. of plates : ill., map ; 19 cm.
NoteXitaizi lai Hua ji: Li Madou zhuan 西泰子來華記 : 利瑪竇傳 / Vincent Cronin ; Siguo [Cai Zhuotang] yi 思果 [蔡濯堂] 譯.
Joint publication with: Xianggang gongjiao zhenli xuehui 香港公教真理學會, 1964.
Translation of: The wise man from the west.
Zhongguo liyi zhi zheng : wenming de zhangli yu quanli de jiaoliang 中國禮儀之爭 : 文明的張力與權力的較量
AuthorWu Liwei 吳莉葦
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesLishi jujiao 歷史聚焦 (上海古籍出版社)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3417.W8 2007d
Descriptionpdf [2, 2, 135 p. : ill. ; 19 cm]
NoteZhongguo liyi zhi zheng : wenming de zhangli yu quanli de jiaoliang 中國禮儀之爭 : 文明的張力與權力的較量 / Wu Liwei zhu 吳莉葦著.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 131-135).

Local access dig.pdf. [Wu Liwei 吳莉葦-中國禮儀之爭.pdf]

ISBN9787532546367 ; 7532546365