Author: Rule, Paul A. 魯保祿

Claudia von Collani Archival Documents on the Chinese Rites
Record_typeDigital archives
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberCvC collection
Descriptiondig [20 folders : 5215 .tif images]

Archive consists of source documents concerning the Chinese Rites controversy chiefly from the Biblioteca nazionale centrale Vittorio Emanuele (BNC.VE) collected and microfilmed by Claudia von Collani. Microfilms were converted into .tif images in folders according to microform document roll/reel numbers. A catalog was compiled by Dr. von Collani and an enhanced and enlarged index was created by Dr. Paul Rule, editor of the Rites history project. We have retained the folder/reel organization, and each reel is indexed and cataloged by content and topic. Documents are chiefly in Latin with a host of other European languages.
Folder [reel] 1 begins here. Successive folders to follow.

Reel 1 BNC FG 1246 [positive]
[CvC Mcf Roll 1, on CD1] BNC.VE Ges. 1246/1 ff. 3r-19v. [TIF00010005- 23]
Acta Illustrissimi D. Maigrot Episcopi Cononensis in Aula Pekinensi Imperatoris Sinarum extracta ex documentis authenticis missis ad S. Pontificem ab Imperatore Peking, 19 December 1706 (17ff)

BNC.VE Ges. 1246/2 ff. 22-122. [TIF100022-123 ]
Gesta per Rev. Patrem Fray Didacum Collado Ordinis Praedicatorum Procuratoris Provinciae S.mi Rosarii in Insulis Philippinis in Romana, et Regis Catholici Curia in causa proponens pro Religionibus Sanctorum Dominici Francisci, et Augustini contra Patres Societatis Jesu.
Gesta per Rev. Patrem Franc. Baptistam Morales Ordinis Praedicatorum Procuratorem Provinciae Sanctissimi Rosarij in Insulis Philippinis in causa Regni Sinarum, seu Chinarum pro Religionibus Sanctorum Dominici Francisci contra Patres Societatis Jesu. [on BNC tp & tp of ms]
But on first page of ms (f.24r): Relacion del progresso de los negotios de las Misiones del Japon para inteligencia de los papeles y copias que quedan en Roma’.
Ms. Spanish. Author not named but probably a Dominican in Rome. Seems to stop in mid sentence and never gets to Morales so entirely about grievances of Friars in Japan against the Jesuits.

BNC.VE Ges. 1246/3 ff. 125r-222v. [TIF100124- 225. TIF225 blank]
Giovanni Francesco Nicolai da Leonessa OFM
Scripturae exhibitae ab ac Domino Fr. Ioanne Francisco de Nicolais Episcopi Beritensis
Animadversiones P. Francisci Noël Procuratoris Sinensis Societatis Jesu in scripturas Ill.mi ac R.mi Fr. Joannis Francisci de Nicolais Episcopi Beritensis

BNC.VE Ges. 1246/4 ff. 228r-293r. (followed by several blank pages) [TIF100226-297]
Kilian Stumpf
Compendium actorum Pekinensium 1705-1706
Peking, 1. November 1706 (65ff)
’Cop. d Pekino’ (f.226) Attested at the end by Antoine Thomas as the work of Stumpf.
A copy, not in hand of Thomas but could be Joseph Suarez.

BNC.VE Ges. 1246/5 ff. 297-325. [TIF 00010298-328]
Memorial del Procurador de Japon de la Compania de Jesus para el rey Nro S.or [BNC title]
Apologia Societatis contra calumnias ipsi irrogatas a F. Joanne de S.ta Maria Provinciali Franciscanorum in Indies Occidentales. (tp f.298)

BNC.VE Ges. 1246/6 ff. 328-363. [TIF 00010328-365 ]
Facultas et privilegia concessa PP. Gallis apud Sinas et Indos degentibus a R. P. N. Generali ad instantiam Regis Christianissimi
Unsigned and not dated [CvC gives 1704 but separation granted 1700].

[Local dig. access: Collani Archives]

SubjectChinese Rites controversy--Sources China--Church history--Sources
Claudia von Collani Archival Documents on the Chinese Rites 1
Record_typeDigital archives
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberCvC 1 (CD1)
Descriptiondig. file [370 .tif docs]
NoteReel 1 BNC FG 1246 [positive]
[CvC Mcf Roll 1, on CD1] BNC.VE Ges. 1246/1 ff. 3r-19v. [TIF00010005- 23]
Acta Illustrissimi D. Maigrot Episcopi Cononensis in Aula Pekinensi Imperatoris Sinarum extracta ex documentis authenticis missis ad S. Pontificem ab Imperatore Peking, 19 December 1706 (17ff)

BNC.VE Ges. 1246/2 ff. 22-122. [TIF100022-123 ]
Gesta per Rev. Patrem Fray Didacum Collado Ordinis Praedicatorum Procuratoris Provinciae S.mi Rosarii in Insulis Philippinis in Romana, et Regis Catholici Curia in causa proponens pro Religionibus Sanctorum Dominici Francisci, et Augustini contra Patres Societatis Jesu.
Gesta per Rev. Patrem Franc. Baptistam Morales Ordinis Praedicatorum Procuratorem Provinciae Sanctissimi Rosarij in Insulis Philippinis in causa Regni Sinarum, seu Chinarum pro Religionibus Sanctorum Dominici Francisci contra Patres Societatis Jesu. [on BNC tp & tp of ms]
But on first page of ms (f.24r): Relacion del progresso de los negotios de las Misiones del Japon para inteligencia de los papeles y copias que quedan en Roma’.
Ms. Spanish. Author not named but probably a Dominican in Rome. Seems to stop in mid sentence and never gets to Morales so entirely about grievances of Friars in Japan against the Jesuits.

BNC.VE Ges. 1246/3 ff. 125r-222v. [TIF100124- 225. TIF225 blank]
Giovanni Francesco Nicolai da Leonessa OFM
Scripturae exhibitae ab ac Domino Fr. Ioanne Francisco de Nicolais Episcopi Beritensis
Animadversiones P. Francisci Noël Procuratoris Sinensis Societatis Jesu in scripturas Ill.mi ac R.mi Fr. Joannis Francisci de Nicolais Episcopi Beritensis

BNC.VE Ges. 1246/4 ff. 228r-293r. (followed by several blank pages) [TIF100226-297]
Kilian Stumpf
Compendium actorum Pekinensium 1705-1706
Peking, 1. November 1706 (65ff)
’Cop. d Pekino’ (f.226) Attested at the end by Antoine Thomas as the work of Stumpf.
A copy, not in hand of Thomas but could be Joseph Suarez.

BNC.VE Ges. 1246/5 ff. 297-325. [TIF 00010298-328]
Memorial del Procurador de Japon de la Compania de Jesus para el rey Nro S.or [BNC title]
Apologia Societatis contra calumnias ipsi irrogatas a F. Joanne de S.ta Maria Provinciali Franciscanorum in Indies Occidentales. (tp f.298)

BNC.VE Ges. 1246/6 ff. 328-363. [TIF 00010328-365 ]
Facultas et privilegia concessa PP. Gallis apud Sinas et Indos degentibus a R. P. N. Generali ad instantiam Regis Christianissimi
Unsigned and not dated [CvC gives 1704 but separation granted 1700].

SubjectChinese Rites controversy--Sources
Claudia von Collani Archival Documents on the Chinese Rites 2
LanguageLatin, Portuguese, Spanish
Record_typeDigital archives
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberCvC
Descriptiondig. file [719 tiff images]
NoteContents of Reel 2 (719 tiff images)

BNC.VE Ges. 1249 [positive]
[CvC Mcf Roll 2, on CD1]

BNC.VE Ges. 1249/1 ff. 1r-34. [TIF00020001- 36]
Annuae Collegii Maximi Quitensis Societatis Jesu ab anno MDCCL ad MDCCLVII Provinciae moderatoribus P..Thoma Nieto Polo et Angelo Maria Manca. Sec.XVII.
On Quito.

BNC.VE Ges. 1249/2 ff. 36-42. [TIF00020037- 44. TIF44 blank]
[Joseph Bertrand S.J.]
Quelques pensées genérales sur les Missions de la Compagnie. Par le R.Père Bertrand Missionnaire de Maduré...Jour de S. Ignace 1845.

Ges. 1249/3 ff. 43-56. [TIF00020045- 58]
Apologia pro Paulistis in qua probatur D. Pauli Vadia centium oppidorum incolas, etiamsi non desistant ab Indorum Brasiliae invasione, neque restituta Iisdem Indiis, mancipiis suis libertate esse nihilominus sacramentalis confessionis et absolutionis capaces.
Brasilia De Paulistis 1674 (back cover)

BNC.VE Ges 1249/4 ff. 57-106r. [TIF00020059-110]
Antonio Rubino & Diego de Morales.
Reposta as calumnias que os Patres de S. Domingo et S. Francisco impoem aos Patres da Compagnia de Hiesus, que se occupao na convsersao do Reino da China, feita no anno 1641.

BNC.VE Ges. 1249/5 ff.109-204 [TIF00020111-217 – TIF212-217 blank]
Giandomenico Gabiani.
De rititbus Ecclesiæ Sinicæ permissis Apologetica dissertatio. Pro Sacrae Universalis Inquisitionis responsis ad quaesita Missionariorum Societatis Jesu Romae datis et auctoritate Pontificia confirmatis Anno Domini 1656.’ (48ff) Dated Sin Ngan 21 octobris an. 1680. ff. 109-158v. [TIF0002011-161]
Cover note in hand of Castner.
Apologeticæ dissertationis Appendix. De Cognitione Veri Numinis et Substantiae Spiritualis notitia aoud Sinaslegitimeque in huius modi Substantiana. Compellatione Sinensium Vocabularum Usu’ 1680 (37ff) ff. 159-199; 200-204v [TIF00020161-211]
or. autog. Dated urbi Si Ngan 21 octobris an. 1680.Gabiani signature & VP seal. Marked num. 18.

BNC.VE Ges. 1249/6 ff.212-347 [TIF00020218-372]
Augustin de S. Pascual OFM.
BNC title: Scripta varia Patris Augustini a S. Paschali et Epistola unius doctoris Theologi ad missionarium Sinensem 10 Maij 1687.
Note in hand of Castner (f.248v): Scripta R.P. Augustini a S. Paschali Ordinis S. Francisci, scilicet Responsio ad Epistolam unius Doctoris Theologiae, Oposculum sub titulo Fiscal de Conscientia.
Responsio ad Epistolam Abbatis de Lyonne.
Epistola Scripta ad P. Fr. Balthasarem de S.ta Cruz.
Responsio ad notas P. Fr. de Ventallos.
Adest etiam in principio erudita Epistola sub nomine unius Doctoris Theologiae ad unum Missionaroium Sinensem de usu vocum Tien et Xang Ty ad compellandum Deum &c.

- ‘Excerpta ex Tractatu R. di P. Fr. Augustini a S. Pasquali ord. Minorum in Sinis Missionarij cui titulus: Opuscolo fiscal de conciencia super ritibus, ac praxi missionariourum in metropoli cantoniensi scripto 2 Febr. 1694’ ff. 212r-213v. [TIF00020219-220]
- Respuesta al papal escrito por el M.R.P. Fr. Bartolomé Marron del orden de Predicatores contra la 4 opinion de las tablillas sinicas; (1694) ff. 214r-249r. [TIF00020221-261]
cf. edited version (omitting Rites matters) in SF 7: 290-311
- Respuesta a la carta del Senor Abbad de Leon. 1694, ff. 251r-272v. [TIF00020263-288]
cf. edited version (omitting Rites matters) in SF 7: 264-286: Responsum ad. D. Artus de Lionne, Cantone 25 Martii 1694.
- Note of G.P.Gozani (commenting on above), Nanking, 25 July 1701. f.274 [TIF00020289]
- Note re dispatch of preceding (to Rome?) through F. Noël (Gozani?). f.275 [TIF00020290]
- Carta de un doctor en Theologia a un Missionero de China 10 de Majo de 1687. ff.276r-347r. [TIF00020291-372]
(followed by several blank pages.)

BNC.VE Ges. 1249/7 ff. 354r-393v; 398r-431v. [TIF00020378- 421; 425-467 – 466 & 477 blank]
Francesco Saverio Filippucci SJ.
Praeludium ad plenam Disquisitionem an, bona vel mala fide impugnetur opiniones, et praxes Missionariorum Societatis Jesu in Regno Sinarum. Ad cultum Confucii et defunctorum pertinentes. De statu quaestionis.
Macao, 23. März 1683 (2 Kopien, 40ff + 38ff)

[Brevis notitia eorum quae tractabuntur in capite 5. Tractatus, qui inscribitur Praeludium ad plenam Disquistionem an bona vel mala fide impugnetur opiniones, et Praxes Missionaruiorum Societatis Jesu in regno Sinarum, ad cultum Confuciii et defunctorum pertinentes.
Macao, 23. March 1683 ff. 432r-437v. [Not on mcf.]

BNC.VE Ges. 1249/8 [TIF00020468-521]
Luis da Gama.
‚Extracto das ordens e cousas de major momento que nossos RR. PP. GG. enviarao nestas Provincias de Japao e China des dos annos de 1618 e appendice. Dall’Estratto ve ne sono due copie con firmata autografa e la data Macao 16 ottobre 1665.’
[‚Prima Parte. Extracto das cartas di N. R.P.e Mutio Vitelleschi de bta Memoria’ : 1 Jan.[?] 1618 [on discipline of (Chinese?) Brothers];... [TIF00020470-79][TIF00020480-82]‚ Tercera Parte: Extracto das ordens que se contem nas cartas de N. R. P. Geral Francisco Piccolomini’ [TIF00020482-3]‚ Quarta Parte: Extracto das ordens e cousas de mayor momento que se contem nas cartas de N. R. P. Geral Goswino Nickel.’ [TIF00020483-6]‚ Quinta Parte: Extracto das ordens e cousas de mayor momento que se contem nas cartas de N. R. P. Vigario GeralChristovao Schorren.’ [TIF00020486-7]‚ Sexta Parte: Extracto das ordens e cousas de mayor momento que se contem nas cartas de N. M. . P. Geral João Paulo Oliva.’ [TIF00020487-90]. [Mostly on disciplinary matters that had been referred to Rome by the Visitors in Macao]
Second copy marked ‚6a via’) [TIF00020492-512]
Appendix: [TIF00020514-21]
Macao, 16. Oktober 1665; ff. 442r-467r; 469r-497r.

BNC.VE Ges. 1249/9 ff. 497r-602v. [CvCTIF00020522-662 – TIFs 661&662 blank]
Franceso Saverio Filippucci.
Varie note sulla questione dei Riti (112ff)
[‘Varie Note sulla questioni dei riti Cinesi’, or. autog. Portuguese. 112ff. Brought to Rome by Castner– the contents on f.500r is in Castner’s hand)
Notae super Ly Ky (ff. 500- ) [TIF00020534-537]
Notae super Xy Kim (ff. ) [TIF00020539-547]
Notae in Ye Kim [TIF00020549-575]
Notae in Kia Yu [TIF00020576-589]
Ulterior oppositio PP. Dominicanorum contra explicationem 37 textuum Patris Philippucci [TIF00020590-603]
Notae super opera P.Fr. Dominici Navarrete [TIF000205606-660]
Portuguese – gives page references to Navarrete.
[Hand is that of Filippucci. Many Chinese characters. Notes for his unfinished Latin treatise?]

BNC.VE Ges. 1249/10 ff.637r-690r [CvC TIF00020664-719. TIF719blank] See also Ges.1326, ff. 1r-109r
Prospero Intorcetta S.J.
‘Apologetica Disputatio recentior. De officiis et Ritibus, quibus Sinenses memoriam recolunt Confucii Magistri sui et progenitorum suorum vita functorum. Ex occasione cuiusdam Tractatus hispanice conscripti a R.P. Fratre Dominico de Navarrete ordinis Praedicatorum 8 Martii anno 1668 quem obtulit Patri V. Provinciali Sinensi S. Jesu legendum atque examinandum eidem anno, quo in urbe Cantoniensi coactus est coetus Patrum Sinensium pro discutiendis rebus Sinicae Missionis', Quam Cheu fu, 4 Agosti 1668.
or. autog. In bad condition. Chinese characters in red. Approbation & seal of Pacheco (f.2r), 15 Aug.1668.

SubjectChinese Rites controversy--Sources
Claudia von Collani Archival Documents on the Chinese Rites 3
LanguageLatin, Italian, French
Record_typeDigital archives
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberCvC CD1
Descriptiondig. [502 .tif images]
NoteReel 3 BNC.VE Ges.1256 [positive]
On CvC CD1

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/1 ff.1-4< [000303001-7 .TIF]
De Sinici imperii regimine politico et militari (4ff)

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/2 [TIF00030001- ]
Extracta ex compendio actorum Pekinensium ff. 5bisr-v.-

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/3 [TIF00030008-11 , 12-17.]
Extracta ex compendio actorum Pekinensium ff. 7bisr-9v.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/4 [TIF00030018- 31]
Système abrégé des Rites de la piété filiale des Chinois par l'Empereur K'ang-hsi 1691 (KX29-iv-24) (10ff)
ff. 12r-21v. (pages out or order) Castner’s hand on cover. French hand. Probably Bouvet. Is this the Sacred Edict?

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/5 ff. 23bisr-v [TIF00030032-35 ]
[Tirso Gonzalez]
Razones que se han de representar a su Sandida a favor de la Mission de la China, Tumquin y Cochinquina, representalas el P.e Gen.e a su S.
19. Dezember 1688

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/6 ff. 25bisr-27v [0030036-46 .TIF]
‚S. Congreg. Indicis in causa libri Defensio Novorum Christianorum. Risposta alle opposizioni fatti dentro la Defensio novorum christianorum’
‚Dilucidatio quorumdam factorum ob quae accusatur in S. Congregatione Indici liber Gallicè dictus Defensio novorum Christianorum.’
April 1693 (9ff)

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/7 ff. 34bisr-56v. [0030047- 72.TIF]
Animadversiones generales circa libros, ax textus Sinicos a PP. Societatis Jesu deputatis ad informandum in causa Sinensi proposita S. Congregationi S. Officii, Die 16 Augusti 1700.
16. August 1700 (23ff)
From Jesuit procurators.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/8 ff. 58bisr-59v. [0030073- 76.TIF]
Considerazioni sui Riti Cinesi (2ff)
Seems to be a continuation of 1256/7. Relates to the Decree of Alexander VII.

BNC.VE Ges.1256/9 [0030077- 79.TIF]
BNC title: ‚Versione del memoriale dato all’Imperator della China affinchè ricevesseli Pp. Carmelatani mandati dal Papa’.
Version del memorial que il Cung-to, Prefecto primario de las dos Provincias Kuangtung y Kuanghsi, de alcuna Kung, dio al Emperador con occasion de la legada de los dos Padres Carmelitas embiados de Roma con Breves, y presente de su Santita al Emperador de China.
Firmato da P. Miguel Roca, OFM, Martin Aleman, OFM, Juan Fernandez Serrano OFM, 14 Jan.1726. 1f.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/10 f.64r-v [0030080- 83.TIF]
(Relazione dell'udienza imperiale del 18 marzo 1733)
Signed: Ignaz Kögler, Andre Pereyra, Dominique Parrenin, Joseph de Mailla, Antoine Gaubil, Valentino Chalier. 14. April 1733. 1f.
Audience with Yongzheng rejecting their memorial about the expulsion of missionaries from Canton.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/11 [0030084- 87.TIF]
Paragraphus suma Caietania contra propositionem quandam Missionariorum Gallorum in Cocincina.
A sentence from Cajetan’s Summa with commentary, on whether gentiles sin when they fornicate.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/12 [0030088- 95.TIF - 94 & 95 blank]
Memoriale al Sommo Pontifice sopra la risposta del procuratore del Sig. Card. di Tournon ad altro memoriale de Missionarij della Compagnia di Gesù (4ff)
Jesuit reply to response to a memorial of Provana. c. 1710. cf. the published Observationes in Responsionem Factam a procuratore Card. de Tournon ad quinque
memorialia Provana Procuratoris Missionariorum Chinesium S. J. Anno 1710.s.l., n.d. attributed to Vincenzo Mamiani della Rovere SJ. De Tournon’s procurator Giovanni Giacomo Fatinelli replied in his Apologia Delle Risposte date dal Procuratore dell'Eminentissimo Signor Cardinale di Tournon alli cinque Memoriali del P. Provana ; Contro Le osservazioni fatte sopra di esse da un'Autore Anonimo, Rome? 1710.

BNC.VE Ges.1256/13 [0030096- 117.TIF - 117 is blank] [Another copy in CvC Roll 10, TIF00100001-23]
Charles Maigrot.
Observationes in scriptum Jesuitarum, quo varia Sinarum Imperatoris mandata referunt.
1728 [On outside of last folio in a different hand] (20ff).
Ms. with abundant marginal annotations. Signed by Maigrot. ...can’t find any reference on which the date could be determined later than 1721 and he does not give any reference to the title of the ‚scriptum’ but it may be the Informatio pro Veritate (1717) However there is mention of the Mezzabarba mission. The usual Mezzabarba diatribe – assertions without proof.

BNC.VE Ges.1256/14 ff. 91-98 [0030118- 126.TIF]
Litterae annuae Provinciae Sinensis, 1754.
7ff. Includes discussion of the Portuguese embassy.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/15 [0030127- 156 .TIF. TIF156 blank]
Resposto a Relaçam do R. P. Fr. Francisco Gonzales de S. Pedro, (27ff) ff. 98bisr-122v. [0030127- 152.TIF]
Suplemento à Resposta Portugueza contra a relaçao do R.P. Fr. Francisco G.lis de S. Pedro da S. Ordem de S. Domingos.
ff. 123r-124v. [0030153-155.TIF]
[Also on Rouleau #25:TIF21-71 – a better darker copy.]

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/16 ff.? [00030157-176.TIF – TIF175&6 blank]
BNC title: Sin. 1710. Relazione dell’Legazione del Card, di Tournon
Ms. title: Breve relazione di ciò che accade a Monsig. di Tournon legato a latere di S.S.tà Clemente XI partito da Canton e giunto in Pechin metropoli da Cina 1710 (15ff)
Italian. Author not identified. Ends with interrogation of Maigrot, August 1706.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/17 ff. 144bisr-150v [0030177-187 .TIF – 186-189 blank]
BNC title: Relazione del Collegio di Pechino al Padre Generale SJ
Italian summary of several letters of Dentrecolles from Peking Sept. & Oct. 1723 plus one undated of Bayard. On the Foucquet problem and other issue among the missionaries of the Court.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/18 ff.155-188v [0030190-225 .TIF]
Julien Placide Hervieu SJ
BNC title: Narratio eorum quae Pekini contigerunt occasione RR. PP. Carmelitarum qui venerunt cum muneribus a S. Pontefice ad Sinensem Imperatorem destinatis.
- Narratio eorum qua Pekini contingerunt occasione PP. Carmelitarum Missionarios expulsos, in sua Ecclesia perseverantia.
Canton, 22. December 1725 [0030191-202 .TIF] ff.155r-165v.
- Continuatio narrationis eorum quae Pekini contigerunt occasione RR. PP. Carmelitarum Roma missorum cum muneribus ac brevibus Summi Pontificis, Canton, 24. Dezember 1725 [0030203-205 .TIF] ff. 167r-168v
- Supplementum Narrationis eorum quae Pekini contingerunt occasione duorum R. Patrum Carmelitarum Roma missorum cum Brevibus ac muneribus Pontificis. Canton. 8 January 1726. [0030205-211 .TIF] ff.169r-174v
Another copy of first two under title: Narratio eorum quae Pekini contigerunt anno 1725 occasione RR. PP. Carmelitarum qui venerunt cum muneribus a S. Pontefice ad Sinensem Imperatorem destinatis. and Continuatio….Pontificis. [0030211-225 .TIF] ff. 175r-186v, 187r-188v

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/19 ff. 189 -216 [0030226-255. TIF 255 blank. .TIF]
BNC title: Serie Istorica dell’Operato nella Causa de Riti, e vocaboli Cinesi controversi.
- Capo 2.o Serie storica dell’Operato nella Causa de Riti, e vocaboli Cinesi controversi. [0030227-41.TIF]
Italian. Chapter of a treatise on the Chinese Rites from the beginning (Morales etc. to accession of Clement XI
. - Copia d’un Paragrafo di Lettera, scritta alla Sag. Congregazione di Propaganda dall Monsig. Benavente vescovo d'Ascalona e Vicario Apostolico in Kiamsi della Cina, sotto i 27 Nov.e del 1700. [0030241-42.TIF]
- Copia del foglio di permissioni circa I Riti Cinesi, mandato da Clemente XI all’ della China per mano di Monsig.e Mezzabarba Patriarcha Alessandrino e Legato Apostolico, e da questo pubblicato per tutto quell’Impero. 1721 [0030242 -43.TIF]
- Capo 3.o. Stato presente delle Controversie Cinesi. ff.205-216 [0030243-254.TIF]

BNC.VE 1256/20 ff.212r-229 [0030256-269.TIF]
BNC title: Acta cum Quaestore Regio in Cochinchina circa Vicarios. 1669 Luis da Gama, Provincial of Japan to the Prcurador Real of Portugal in Cochinchina.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/21 [0030270.TIF – title page only]
Memoriale del P.P. Gesuiti a Papa Clemente XI sulle Missioni Cina.

BNC FG 1256/22 [0030271-275.TIF]
BNC title: Decreto de ClementeXI riguardante le controversie cinesi. Die 2.o novembris 1704.
Decretum a Sanctissimo D. N. S. Clemente divina providentia Papa XI in Sacra Congregazione Romae Universalis Inquisitionis die 20. Novembris 1704 editum quo responsa data a Praefata Congregatione aliquibus quaesitis excerptis ex mandato seu edicto D. Caroli Maigrot Vicarii Apostolici Fokiensis in Regno Sinarum nunc Episcopi Cononensis confirmantur et approbantur 1704 (2ff)
A partial copy.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/23 ff. 251bisr-252r. [0030276-81 .TIF]
BNC Title: Descrizione del miracolo avventuo nelle Provincie di Shantung e Chechiang.
Ms. title: ‘Miraculum quales repetitum in Provinciis Xantum et Chekiam.
Miraculum bis evenit in urbe Çi nan fu provinciae Xantum.’ (f. 253) [0030280]
Illustration of crosses observed in the sky [0030278] + 1-. (Lat.) describing the crosses. Events of Kangxi 57 & 61. Document itself not dated.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/24 ff. 253bisr-264r. [CvC 0030282- .TIF]
Pierre de Goville S.J.
Notizie varie delle Missioni Cinesi
An Italian summary, probably for the Jesuit General, of a letter from Pierre Goville, procurator of the missions in Canton, sent by the French mission with gifts for Louis XV, newly arrived on the English ship, the Montague .He discusses the new emperor, various missionaries and the Carmelite envoys.
(Letter of 24 July 1724, ff.254-260, [0030282-291.TIF]). Then summarizes letters of Placide Hervieu, Hoang Tcheou 24 Sept. 1723, ff.261r-v [0030291-292.TIF] , Dentrecolles, Peking 9 Oct. 1723, f.261v [292. TIF], Du Tartre, Peking 29 Nov. 1722, f.261v-262v [292 –293. TIF] on Foucquet, Dentrecolles, Peking 22 Nov. 1722, on necessity for Mezzabarba’s permissions, ff.261v-262v [293-294.TIF], Dentrecolles 27 Nov. 1722 ff.262v-263r [293-4], Dentrecolles 30 Nov. 1722, ff.263r-v , [294-5].
None of these letters are in the relevant ARSI letter file - Jap. Sin.179- which is an indication of the loss of important correspondance. They also illustrate the summarized and perhaps misleading form in which the General received information from China.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/25 ff. 265bisr-274r. [00030296-307.TIF] (cf.another copy on Reel 8 : 0008002-13 .TIF)
BNC title : Sinensis Controversiae Explicatio
Joseph de Jouvancy, SJ
Sinensis Controversiae explicatio. per interrogationes et responsiones dilucide ac breviter tractata
1699 (11ff)
Note on titlepage : Opusculum hoc concinnatum est à P. Joanne Giovansi Historico Societatis ad finem anni 1698 vel ad initium anni 1699 , quando tractabatur controversia de ritibus sinensibus, ut adiuvat PP. Baldigiani, Malastra, et Montecatini qui immediatè incumbunt huis operi. Sed re examinata iudicatum est non expedire, ut hoc pousculum communicaretur Cardinalibus.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/26 ff. 278bisr-280r. [00030308-312.TIF – 312 blank] [3 other copies in BNC.VE Ges. 1257-30. (00050071- 078.TIF)]
BNC title: Specimen Doctrinae p. Foquet Cira Libros Sinicos
Jean François Foucquet
– Specimen doctrinae P. Joannis Francisci Fouquet circa libros sinicos excerptae ex eius literis scriptis ad R.P. Generalem Societatis Jesu. Scripsit P. Jo. Fr. Foucquet ad P. Generalem 30 octobris ann. 1718 in hunc modum 30. October 1718. ff.278r -279r. [00030309-310.TIF]
– Aliud specimen doctrinae exoticae P. Ioannis Francisci Fouquet circa libros Sinicos. Excerptum a literis aliis ejusdem ad Rmus Generalem Societatis Jesu. Sic ille scripsit ad Rum Praepositum Generalem 19 novembris 1719. ff.279v-280r. [00030311.TIF]

BNC.VE 1256/27 f.282 [00030313-315.TIF]
Notizie sopra la priogionia del Sig. Appiani, 1f. n.d.
An Italian summary based on the Diario di Pekino i.e. the Acta Pekinensia.

BNC.VE 1256/28 ff.283-291 [00030316-326 .TIF]
De insula Koien et fundo controverso ultra molam Bartholdi.
Almost illegible.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/29 ff. 293-308 [00030327-346.TIF -342- 6 blank]
BNC title: Inter PP. Gallos et Lusitanos
Ms. title: Sinensis 1695. Inter PP. Gallos et Lusitanos
11ff. Italian and Latin Note f.303v [341.TIF]: Per manus R. Pis Assistentis 2 Jan. 1695
(Gruppo di lettere e documenti riguardanti i rapporti tra i missionari francesi e quelli portoghesi)
History of negotiations including correspondence relating to separation of French mission between French King and the Jesuit General via Cardinal [Tussano de Fourbin] Janson etc., January 1695.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/30 ff. 310r-311r. [00030347-350.TIF – 350 blank]
BNC title: Notizie varie della Cina
Calunnie diffuse su P. Diego de Morales e la necessità di dimostrare la sua Santità. 2ff. n.d. c. 1697? [Charmot begn presenting the anti-Rites case to the consultors of the papal commission in mid 1697.]
A brief 3 p. note in Italian on attempts by Charmot to deny Diego Morales S.J. was a martyr in Japan, probably writen by one of the Jesuit procurators for the Chinese Rites papal commission. Charmot claims he apostasised, married and died like a dog & that this was common knowledge in China and Macao. This say the procurators should be checked in the archives and refuted.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/31 ff. 312-315 [00030351-356 .TIF]
BNC title: Appunti sulle controversie cinesi
Questione dei Riti - Terminologia (3ff)
French. Fontaney? Le Comte? c.1704 [A French hand.Has consulted Leonissa. Opposes Maigrot. Patriarch en route. Fontaney returned to Europe early 1704. Le Comte was in Rome about this time contesting the Sorbonne condemnation of his book]
f.315v (outside cover): ‚Considerations sur soureleverser[?] les affaires de la Chine sans avoir un nouveau decret’
Proposes a papal declaration to be translated into Chinese on the Christian understanding of Tian and Shangdi.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/32 f.316 [00030357-359 .TIF]
Antonio de Barros
BNC Title: Testimonium P.Antonij de Barros de tabella Ching t'ien in Ecclesia PP. Dominicanorum
Testimonium P. Antonij de Barros de tabella King Tien in Ecclesia Dominicanorum (hand of Kaspar Castner S.J.)
Peking, 27. November 1701

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/33 ff.317-8 [00030360-363 .TIF]
Idolatria in Sinis Victrix. Triumphus haeresum seu Ritus Sinenses Idolatriae damnati sunt confirmatio et resuscitatio (2ff) Latin. No date or author.
Barely legible. Argument simple: Si Ritus Sinenses sunt idolatrici et superstitiosi, tunc Cultus Sacrarum Reliquiarum, Imaginum, Crucem Christi est idolatricus et Superstitiosus’ (f.318r)

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/34 f.319r [00030364-366 .TIF]
Sobre a la pr.a de China (1f) No date, no author.
A brief and enigmatic note in Portuguese by a former superior on China which seems to be denying that the evil practices alleged in the ‚tratado’[Maigrot’s? Navarrete’s?] are as depicted.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/35 ff.320-331 [00030367-380 .TIF]
François Noël S.J.
Ritus sinenses iidem mortuorum ac vivorum collecti ex libris classicis Sinarum a P. Francisco Noel S.J. Missionario Sinensi per annos, dum eos descripsit cum[?] procuratore Missionis pro pacificandis controversiis de Ritibus fieri in China solitis Confucio et Majoribus mortuis
1703 (12ff)

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/36 ff. 334bisr-337r. [00030381-386 .TIF]
Francesco Saverio Filippucci
Breve notitia das seitas e errores gentilicos da China
Portuguese. Copy?

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/37 f.338r [00030387-389 .TIF – 389 blank]
BNC title: Propositiones sulla religione della China
(Appunti sulla religione in Cina) (1f)
Ms. title: Proposition
French. No date or author. Le Comte?? [Contents are a summary of the views Les Comte put forward in his Nouveaux Mémoires]

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/38 ff. 339bisr-349v. [00030390-402 .TIF]
Notizie più recenti della Cina, Tunchino e Cocincina, cavate dalle Lettere di Sett.e, Ott.e, e Nov.e del 1723. Scritte al P. Generale della Compagnia di Gesù da suoi Missionari, 1723
Italian summary (sources not indicated).
Covers death of Kangxi Emperor (it is said of malaria) & accession to throne of Yongzheng.The case of Fr.Mourão.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/39 ff.351-382 [00030403-436 .TIF]
Nicolas de Fonseca, ‘Ciento y Veinte Mentiras en Ciento y Veinte Paginas de los Clerigos de Paris sobre la Persecución de Cochinchina con seis notas de eo lugares’ (Sina, Corte del Reyno do Cochinchina 31July 1708)
Directed against Labbé’s Récit abrégé de la dernière persécution de la religion chrétienne dans la Cochinchine (Paris, 1703).

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/40 ff.383bisr-384r. [00030437-440 .TIF]
Alcune notazioni da porsi sotto li prudenti.mi e santis.mi riflessi di S. S.tà sopra gli affari della Cina (2ff.) Italian.
Barely legible.
nach 1695?? [I can’t find any indication of date or context – PR]
#8 begins: ‚Appena sembra credibile che tanti generali de gesuiti che son esser si esattamente informati da loro sudditi de altre, e fra che S, Borgia el venerabile Servo di Dio P. Vincenzo Caraffa siao stati di longo ben ingannati nelle Informazioni continuate date ....’

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/41 ff.385-388v [00030441-446 .TIF]
Balthasar Miller SJ
Varia ex Sinis (4ff)
Latin. Undated, but an archivist’s note on the last page: Sinensi 1726, P. Baltharsio Miller, Varia ex Sinis & the document cites letters to Miller from Lisbon dated 2 &10 April 1725.
Outlines the position of the Yongzheng Emperors & hopes that a forthcoming Portuguese embassy will improve the condition of the mission.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/42 f.389r [00030447-449.TIF]
Declaratio Imperatoris Sinensis pro responso ad primam Brevem S. Pontificis. Versione dal Cinese di Juliano Placido Hervieu data in Canton, 22. Dezember 1725. (1f.)
Adressed on back flap to Jesuit General Tamburini. Date of Yongzheng’s decree not given. Acknowledges letter thanking his father for benefits to Christianity and announces release of Pedrini, Appiani and Guigues.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/43 ff. 390r-v. [00030450-452.TIF]
Notizie varie dalla Cina (1f)
Italian summary of news received in Rome on actions of new Emperor of China.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/44 ff. 391bisr-393r. [00030453-458.TIF-457&8 blank]
Jean-François Foucquet S.J.
BNC title. Parafrasi di un teste Cinese nel quale si prove che li Cinesi conosserano il Mistero della Trinità
Ms. title: Textus quidam ex libro antiquissimo Tao Te Kim 道德經 excerpti quibus probatur SS.mae Trinitatis mysterium Sinicae genti olim notum fuisse.
3ff. Author’s hand?

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/45 ff.395r-396v [00030459 - 462.TIF]
BNC title: Notizie varie dalla Cina
Domenico Perroni
Report on a consultation in Canton on 28 July 1725 (2 copies, undated). Attested by Joseph Labbe, Rector of the Jesuit residence of Canton (14 November 1725) & other superiors of mission houses in the city. (2f.)
A report of the procurator of Propaganda Fide in Canton to the other churches in the city, about a general consultation on 28 July 1725 to address the crisis caused by abandoning the old customs, forwarded to Rome (Jesuit General?) by Labbe.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/46 ff.397r-398v [00030463 - 466.TIF]
BNC title: Historia promotionis P. Ignatii Kegler ad Presidem Mathematicae et assessorem in Tribunali Rituum
Ms. title: Simplex narratio de modo et occasione novi tituli ac dignitatis ab Imperatore Sinensi in P. Ignatium Kogler S.J. collatae anno 1725 1725
2ff. No date or author. Jesuit archival mark: Sinensi 1725

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/47 ff.399-400 [00030467 -471.TIF]
BNC. Cat, & ms. title: Declaratio Imperatoris Sinensis ad Imperii ministros, primariosque maiorum tribunalium mandarinos directa die octava luna quarta anni quinti Yung-cheng [28 Maji 1727], 2ff (2copies)
Outer cover (f.401v): Declaratio Imp.ris 28 Maji 1727 Facta Praecipuis mandarinis: in qua Mysterium Incarnationis Blasphemat, seu Religionem Xnam praeferi Religioni Bonziorum, utramque Improbans, haec tamen decaratio non fui Iuridice promulgatua per Imperium.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/48 ff.402r-403v [00030472 - 475.TIF]
BNC title: Notizie delle Missioni in Cina
Ms. title: Ex gazetis per totum Sinicum Imperium ex Aula Pekinensi vulgatis
Translated, annotated & attested by Julien Placide Hervieu S.J., 24 January 1726.
(f.402v-403r) 2 copies.
Report to Board of Rites on letter of Pope Benedict XIV and suggested treatment of his envoys: they should be escorted outside the borders of China.
Aliud memoriale pariter impressum in gazetis publicis per totum Imperium Sinicum ex Aula Pekinensi vulgatis.
Translated, annotated & attested by Julien Placide Hervieu S.J., 29 January 1726.
On same subject. Emperor approves recommendation of the Board
. Addressed (f.403v) to Jesuit General Michelangelo Tamburini.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/49 ff.404bisr-405v. [00030476-479.TIF]
BNC Title: Notizie delle Missione Cinesi, Pekino 20 Novembre 1720.
Italian. No author noted. On Mezzabarba mission.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/50 f.406r-v [00030480-82.TIF]
BNC title: Quae acciderunt Cantone 1a Novembris Occasione Literarum Exc.mi Legati Lusitaniae ad Proregem Cantoniensem (from outside flap. f.406v)
Ms. title: Relacam sincera do que aconteceo na residencia de Tí Lô P’ú em Cantam ao I de Nov. de 1726 com occasiam da cassa do Embayx de Portugal a este Vizo rey
Signed Jacobo Philippo Simonellli Soc. J. da V. Prov.a da China, Canton 2 Nov. 1726 & attested byBalthazar Miller S.J. & Antonio Xavier Morabito S.J., Canton 2 Nov. 1626

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/51 ff.407r-408r [00030483-486.TIF]
BNC title: Sinensis 1726. Parte del diario dell'Ambasceria Mandata allo Imperatore della Cina dal re di Portogallo (from outside flap, f.408v)
Portuguese. No author or date.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/52 ff.409r-v [00030487-489.TIF]
BNC title: Sull ambasceria iviatata dal Re di Portogallo all.Imperatore della Cina Latin. Signed François Xavier Dentrecolles S.J., and attested Julien Placide Hervieu S.J., Canton 20 Sept. 1727.

BNC.VE Ges. 1256/53 ff.410r-411v. [00030490-493.TIF]
BNC title: Relazione de quello che accadde alla ambasciata Portoghese in Macao
Portuguese. Unsigned, undated. 1727?
Almost illegible. BNC.VE Ges. 1256/54 ff. 412-417 [00030494-501 .TIF -501 blank, 502 archival note on end of mcf of 1256]
BNC title: Descrizione de alcuni riti Cinesi
Latin. No author (Filippucci? v. Ges.1249/9) or date.

SubjectChinese Rites controversy--Sources
Claudia von Collani Archival Documents on the Chinese Rites 4
LanguageLatin, Italian, French
Record_typeDigital archives
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberCvC CD1
Descriptiondig. files [314 .tif images]
NoteReel 4 BNC FG 1257-I (from n. 1 to 25) [positive] On CD1: Roll 4

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/1 ff. 1-5r [00040001- 005.TIF]
Kaspar Castner S.J.
Brevis relatio de insula Sanciano, deque sepultura seu sepulchro primo S. Francisci Xaverii Orientis Apostoli, ornato et fide Christi introducta in istam insulam. Anno MDCC.
1700 (4ff)
Preceeded by maps of the Pearl River delta (ff.1-2)

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/2 ff. 5v – 7v [00040006-10.TIF ]
BNC title: Osservazioni sulle Controversie riguardanti i Riti Cinesi
No ms. title, author or date. Latin.
2 drafts in different hands and contents, the first in 4 points, the second in six. Seems to be a briefing note for cardinals etc.

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/3 ff. 8bis - 19. [TIFF00040011-23]
Giandomenico Gabiani
De latinae linguae usu Sinensibus alumnis non necessario indicendo Dissertatio.
1680 (9ff)

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/4 ff. 21-24bis [TIFF00040024-29]
BNC Title: Osservazioni sulle controversie cinesi
Outside cover: Alla Sacra Congregatione della Santa Inquisizione per li Padri della Compagnia di Gesù. 19 1701.
Unsigned. 19 January 1701 (4ff)
[Another copy on Roll 9: TIF00090323-31]

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/5 ff. 25r-28r. [00040030-035.TIF]
BNC & ms. title: Dubia proposita a P. NN. Societatis Jesu circa controversiam rerum Sinensium quae fervet Romae anno 1699
Notes (by Jesuit procurator) attempting to reduce the status quaestionis to 17 heads.

BNC FG 1257/6 ff. 29-44 [00040036-051 & 052-068 (recopied) .TIF]
Emanuele Laurifice S.J.
Brevis ac restricta lucubratio, in qua tum ratione, tum veterum auctoritate plurimisque testimoniis probatur priscos Sinas non fuisse penitus ignaros Supremi Luminis creberrime item voce Coelum fuisse usos quod distingunt in materiale visibile, et immateriale, invisibile, atque supremum sub quo nomine venerantur Shang ti, Supremus Deus (ff.29-37v) ... et 5 epistolae (in margin))
P. Laurificj 28 Augustj 1701 circa controversias de ritibus et vocibus sinicis (back cover – hand of Kaspar Castner S.J.)
– Brevis ac restricta lucubratio.... Latin with Chinese texts. (ff.29-37v)
– Laurifice to Antoine Thomas (ff.38r-v). 20 August 1701. Portuguese
– Responsa (to Leonissa) to Antoine Thomas, 20 August 1701 (f.39r-41v) Latin
– Laurifice to Antoine Thomas, 18 August 1701. (ff.42r-43r).Portuguese.

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/7 ff.45r-53v [00040069-079.TIF]
BNC title: Breve esposizione delle diverse determinazioni della S. Sede sopra i riti Cinesi
– Breve esposizione delle diverse determinazioni della S. Sede sopra i riti Cinesi (ff. 45r-48rv.)
Italian & Latin. A summary of Chinese Rites decisions from 1645 to dispatch of Mezzabarba‘s legate.
– A. Sommario [of Mezzabarba’s instructions re permissions] (ff.49r-52v)
– B. Transumptum permissionum, quas Illustrissimus Patriarcha Alexandrinus scripto significavit Imperatori Sinarum in materia Sinensium Rituum die
28 Decembris 1720.(ff.53r-v ) Text of Mezzabarba’s permissions
Italian and Latin.

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/8 ff. 55-59 [00040080-086 .TIF]
BNC & ms. title: [Controversia sui Riti Cinesi] Verificatio quorumdam punctorum ab Illustrissimo Domino Assessore S. Officii propositorum mense martio 1700

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/9 ff. 61r-68v. [00040087-096.TIF]
Nicola de Fonseca
Notitia compendiosa sopra i riti cinesi, i quali si convertono in Roma cavata da un trattato composto contro i Missionari Francesi da D. Nicolai Fonseca Sacerdote, nativo da Macao e Missionario apostolico in Regno di Cocincina. La composizione in Italia fatta in lingua spamgnuola, e qui si tradute in lingua italiana.
Sinoa, 31 July 1708
ff. 61r-68v.
[BM7, #3901]

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/10 ff. 69-73 [00040097-102 .TIF]
Novae circa ritus Sinensium quaestiones.
Eight questions about Chinese rituals not previously scrutinized. No author or date but the introduction attributes them to the Jesuits.

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/11 ff. 75-93 [00040103-123.TIF]
[Jean-François Foucquet]
– Textus quidam ex libro 道德經 deprompti, quibus probatur SS. Trinitatis et Dei Incarnati mysteria Sinicae genti olim nota fuisse et adhuc reperire in antiquis Sinarum monumentis (ff.75-83v) pp. 1- 24 [00040104-116.TIF]
– Quaestio Problematica. An sciri probabiliter possit, quonam sit illud nomen Domini, cujus fit in Ge,. Mentio Cap.25? Sed et Seth natus est filius, quem vocavit Enos: Iste coepit invocare nomen Domini. pp.1-12. (ff.84r-93v) [00040116-123.TIF]
(II. Teil von Gollet cf. Brotier u. Wien, m. Stammtafel der Menschheit)
No author or date, but hand of first part is that of Foucquet. The second is that of Gollet but Foucquet rather than he is probably the author.

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/12 ff. 94-95r [00040124- .TIF -127 blank]
BNC title: Minuta di supplica per chiedere tempo a preparare le discolpe circa gli affari dei riti Cinesi
Addressed by the ‚Padri della Compagnia di Giesu’ to the Cardinals (Emin:mi e Rev:mi SS:ri) of Propaganda Fide?

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/13 ff. 96-100v [00040128-134.TIF – 134 blank]
BNC title: Controversie intorno a Confucio
– Circa Confucium et Progenitores. (f.96r-98v)
– Circa voces et literas Tien 天 et Cham ti 上帝 (f.99r-100r )

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/14 ff. 102-113r. [00040135-147 .TIF]
Prospero Intorcetta
Informazione che dà Prospero Intorctta Sacerdote della Compagnia di Giesù e Procuratore della Cina alli Eminentissimi Signori Cardinali della Sacra Congregazione de Propaganda Fide. Si tratta delle condizioni che si richiedono in quelli cinesi che si hanno da promuovere alla dignità sacerdotale. E si difende il Privilegio conceduto a Padri Missionari della Compagnia nella Cina da Paulo V circa la Versione della Biblia, Messale, Breviario etc. in lingua cinese polita et propria de letterati cinesi
Roma, 24 di Marzo 1672.
Note at end: La sopradetta Informazione prima di presentarsi fu esaminato et approvato dalli Padri Revisori Generali dall Compagnia che furono il P. Francisco le Roy, P. Francisco Dunelli, P. Martino Espanola, e P. Giuseppe Martia Roquesens. (f.113v)

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/15 ff.115-118 [00040148-155 .TIF. 149 &154blank]
Louis Le Comte S.J.
BNC title: Necessità del culto a Confucio per salvare in Cristianismo in Cina Lettera al Santo Padre sulla questione dei Riti
French. Undated & unsigned. Copy?

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/16 ff.120-122 [00040156-160.TIF]br> François Noël S.J.
Notae in decretum Illustrissimi et Reverendissimi D. de Tournon Patriarchae Antiocheni circa Sinenses controversias
1 February 1709
Original (Noël’s hand). Note (f.122v): Sinensis Gemiensis[?] 1a. Feb.ri 1709. P. Franciscus Noël Procurator . Facit aliquas notas as decretum Illustrissimi Patriarchae de Tournon circa controversdias Sinenses.

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/17 ff. 123-148 [00040161- .TIF. 184-187 blank]
François Xavier Dentrecolles S.J.
BNC title:Tractatus P. D’Enrecolles de 4 punctis controversis (Riguarda i riti Cinesi)
Ms. title: Tractatus P. d’Entrecolles de 4 punctis controversis. F (f.123r)
Voicy quel est mon sentiment sur ces 4 propositions (f.124r)
French. Original? Signed. Undated.

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/18 ff.149-163 [00040188-203 .TIF]
BNCMs Ct.: Intorno al permesso di coprire il capo nelle chiese della China, secondo l’uso del luogo.
Francesco de Ferraris SJ
Apud Sinas in signum reverentiae tegendum esse caput
(ff. 149r-154v)
– P. Adrien Grelon SJ
An deceat, et expediat Christianos Sinas aperto capite sacro interesse et Sacerdoti sacris operandi ministrare? (155r -158r)
– Appendix dissertationis de pileo Sinico in templo a Christianis gestanto vel non gestando (ff. 159r- 161v)
– Numeri 20 et 22 sic habent emendari . Signed by 15 Jesuits. Attested by Luis da Gama . Dated Macao 10 Dec. 1668 (f.163r)

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/19 ff. 164-177. [00040204-219.TIF.
Jean Alexis Gollet S.J.
BNC title: Vari frammenti riguardanti la controversia die riti Cinesi: Continuatio falsorum quae continentur in epistola a directoribus Seminarii Parisiensis ad Miss. Extern. ad Summun Pontificem scripta .... Continuatur dissensio Sinarum quaesitorum quoad progenitores defunctos.
Outside Cover: Tractatus P. Gollet de 4 punctis controversis. G. (f.177v)
– Responsio quaesitis facta: Responsiones falsae in scriptis Sacrae Congregationi oblatis ab Adversariis de Tien et Chang Ti, de King tien. (ff.164-173v)
Continuatur dissensio Sinarum quaesitorum quoad progenitores defunctos.
Lat. & Chinese texts. Unsigned. Undated.

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/20 f.178-186r [00040220-231 .TIF. 230&231 blank]
Dissertazione teologica e morale in cui si cerca se possa trattarsi di modificare il decreto della S.ta Memoria di Clemente XI. intorno ai Riti Cinesi. o sospendere l'esecuzione (nach 1720)
Italian. No author or date. Commentary on Ex illa Die so after 1709 when it was made public and before its confirmation in 1715?

BNC FG 1257/21 ff. 188 -195r [00040232-241.TIF - 241 blank]
Risposta alla lettera de' Signori del Seminario delle Missioni Straniere al Papa intorno alle Cerimonie Cinesi.
Undated. Italian
The Lettre des Messsieurs des Missions Etrangères .... to which this was a reply was published in 1700. This is not the Jesuit published response, Lettera a Signori.

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/22 ff.196-216 [00040242-264 .TIF. – 243 blank]
BNC title: Osservazioni die PP. Gesuiti intorno alle controversie di riti Cinesi Relazione dei PP. Gesuiti intorno alle controversie sui Riti Cinesi
1700 (on cover, f.196r). ‚pag.M. Cingut’ (f.196v)

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/23 ff.217-218r [00040265-267 .TIF]
BNC title: Sillogistica Dimostrazione che la Delazione testimoniale di Mons. Maigrot alla Sacra Congregazione dell Santo Uffizio sopre le voci e Riti cinesi non puo attendersi né far fede ad alcun tribunale del mondo
(nach 1693)
Probably a submission by the Jesuit procurators to the papal commission c. 1699.

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/24 ff.219-255 [00040268-306 .TIF]
BNC title: Difesa dei Gesuiti contro l’accusa di essere promotori dell’idolatria in China
Ms. title: Dell'Irriverenza dello scrittore dell'Apologia verso le Sacre Congregationi e la Santa Sede Apostolica
Italian. Jesuit procurators to the Papal Commission? A response to Noël Alexandre O.P.’s Apologia de Padri Domenicani Missionarii della China (Cologne 1699).

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/25 ff.257- 263r [00040307-314.TIF]
BNC & ms. title: Denunzia del libro intitolato; Difesa del Giudizio formato dalla Santa Sede Apostolica intorno a' Riti e Cerimonie Cinesi
Italian. A Jesuit reply to the anonymous Difesa del Giudizio formato dalla Santa Sede Apostolica nel di 20. Novembre 1704.... intorno a' Riti e Cerimonie Cinesi, (Torino 1709).

SubjectChinese Rites controversy--Sources
Claudia von Collani Archival Documents on the Chinese Rites 5
LanguageLatin, Italian
Record_typeDigital archives
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberCvC CD1:5
Descriptiondig. [172 .tif files]
NoteReel 5 BNC FG 1257-II (from n. 26 to 37) [positive] On CD1: Roll5

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/26 f.265-271r
[TIFF00050001-009.TIF -009 is a repeat of 008]
BNC title: Fragmenta quaedam causae Sinicae circa voces ritusque Sinensium populorum….
Ms. title: Appendix. Fragmenta quaedam causae Sinicae circa voces ritusque Sinensium populorum, ex hactenusque desuper actis et scriptis eruta atque in considerationem vocata
- De Vocibus (f.265-267v)
- De Ritibus (ff.267v-271r)
Latin. No author or date. 7ff.
Procurators’ briefing notes for Cardinals? c.1700

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/27 ff.272-285 [TIFF00050010-025.TIF]
BNC & Ms. title: Analecta argumentorum pro sententia Missionariorum Societatis Jesu circa puncta in Ritibus Sinicis controversa.
Undated. No author indicated but copy in ARSI: JS150:246-267 signed by Giampaolo Gozani, Kaifeng, 30 July 1705. (did Stumpf have a hand in it?). This has some additional material by Monteyro and others not in the ARSI copy.
Latin. Pars Prima in 9 Chs. + Appendix (13ff)

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/28 ff. 286-315 [TIFF00050026-057.TIF] BNC title: Lettera al Santo Padre riguardante la controversia intorno ai Riti Cinesi Sacra Congregatio Sanctissimae Inquisitionis coram Sanctissimo pro Procuratoribus Societatis Jesu. Memoriale cum novo summario (rear cover f. 315v)
Latin. Copy in two hands. (29ff)
(After 1704 decree & Tournon’s Nanjing decree against which they appeal to the Pope as head of the Holy Office, discusses events in China of mid-1706. So 1707 at earliest.But no mention of 1710 decrees. Refers to numbered attachments, A-C & numbered Sommario.This appears to be the letter or memorial only.)

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/29 ff. 316-327 [TIFF00050058-069 .TIF]
François de Rougemont
Duo sunt de quibus queritur: primum an ex Neophytis Sinensibus asumi debeant aliqui ad ordines sacerdotales. Secundum, an hi patria an vero latina lingua in sacris usi debeant
1667 (11ff)

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/30 ff.328-333 [TIFF00050071- 078.TIF - 078 blank]
[cf. another copy in BNC.VE Ges.1256-26, ff.278-280. (00030308-312.TIF)]
Jean François Foucquet S.J.
Specimen doctrinae P. Joannis Francisci Fouquet circa libros sinicos, excerptae ex ejus literis scriptis ad R. P. Generalem Societatis Jesu
(From letters of 30 Oct. 1716 &19 November 1719 – entitled Aliud Specimen). Latin
3 copies with folios misplaced.

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/31 ff.334-341 [TIFF00050079-88.TIF] . [Also on #9: TIF00090024-00090033]
Réflexions sur un Extrait de l'écrit intitulé:
Sentiments de l'évêque d'Eleutheropolis sur la doctrine des chinois anciens et modernes
François-Xavier Dentrecolles S.J.? On the writings of Jean-François Foucquet
Peking, 29. October 1727 (8ff, paginated 1-16)

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/32 ff.342-344 [TIFF00050089-093.TIF]
Jean François Foucquet
Extrait d'un écrit intitulé:
Sentiments de l'évêque d'Eleutheropolis sur la doctrine des chinois anciens et modernes (3ff)
cf. full treatise, also titled 'Essai d'introduction preliminaire à l'intelligence des Kings…’ in BAV: Borgia Cinese 468:57-71, Vat.Lat. 12870, BNF Fr.12209: 1-36

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/33 ff. 345 – 372 [TIFF00050094- 123.TIF]
BNC title: P. Ferdinandi Verbiest responsa ad varia dubia p. Navarrete. Sul Riti Cinesi
Ferdinand Verbiest SJ
Responsum apologeticum P. Ferdinandi Verbiest Societatis Jesu ad aliquot dubia a R. P. Dominico Navarrete Sanctissimae Congregationi proposita, in quibus Patres Societatis Jesu Pekinenses potissimum sugillare videtur
1669 (27ff)
Another copy in BNC.VE Ges.1383/23.
Published in Verbiest, ed. Josson & Willaert, Correspondance , #XXV, 279-342.

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/34 ff.373-383 [TIFF000500124-136.TIF]
François Noël?
Osservazione intorno alla esposizione de' Riti Cinesi fatta alla Sacra Congregazione
Undated. Probably late 1704 or early1705 before Noël’s return to China if it is his. Certainly it is after the 1704 decree. Argues respectfully that the 1704 decree is based on an erroneous understanding of the facts.
Italian. (11ff) No date or author but it is identical to the following which is explicitly attributed to Noël in the handwriting of his fellow procurator Kaspar Castner (but f.385 may have been misplaced from Ges.1257/36).

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/35 ff. 385 -397 [TIFF000500137-151.TIF]
François Noël
BNC & ms.title:Osservazione intorno alla esposizione de' Riti Cinesi fatta alla Sacra Congregazione
Ms. cover: Patris Franciscij Noël scripta aliqua circa controversijs de ritibus Sinicis. (in hand of Kaspar Castner S.J. , f.385r)
Identical with Ges. 1257/34

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/36 ff.399-409 [TIFF000500152-164.TIF]
François Noël SJ
BNC title: P. Francisci Noël scripta aliqua circa controversias de ritibus Sinicis
Ms. title. Quaestiones seu responsiones circa ritus exequiarum Christianae religionis.
Latin. Undated.
In Noël’s hand? Almost illegible. Does not appear to be the Latin original of the preceding.

BNC.VE Ges. 1257/37 ff.410-415r [TIFF000500165-172.TIF - 172blank]
BNC title: Motivi che si propongono per dispensare il P. Giuseppe Enrico di Premare dall'obbligo di ritirare la sua opinione circa il libro del King. Opinione consistente nelsitessere como negli antichi libri Cinersi si rentenga una rivelazione del Mistero della S, Trinità e della Incarnazione.
Ms. title: Motivi che si propongono per dispensare il P. Giuseppe Enrico di Premare dall'obbligo di ritirare la sua opinione circa il libro del King.
Italian. Unsigned. Undated.
Probably relating to the attempted recall of Joseph Henri-Marie de Premare S.J. from China by Propaganda Fide c.1726

SubjectChinese Rites controversy--Sources
Confucian interpretation of the Jesuits. [Papers on Far Eastern History]
PublisherAustralian National University
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3417.R96 1972
Description61 p. ; 25.5 cm.
NoteThe Confucian interpretation of the Jesuits / Paul A. Rule.
Offprint from Papers on Far Eastern History : 6, September 1972.
"Canberra, Dept. of Far Eastern History, the Australian National University, 1972."
Includes bibliographical references.
SubjectConfucian-Christian dialogue--History--17th-18th centuries Confucianism--China--Religious aspects--Jesuit interpretations Christianity and other religions--Confucianism Jesuits--China--16th-18th centuries--Chinese impressions
Interview with Dr. Paul A. Rule, Distinguished Fellow, EDS-Stewart Chair
Publish_locationSan Francisco
PublisherKylin Media
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeVideo (DVD)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3415.2.R95 2006d
Description1:27:45 ; DVD & .mp4 (.m4v, 674 MB)
NoteInterview with Dr. Paul A. Rule, Distinguished Fellow, EDS-Stewart Chair / [Interviewer-producer, Qi Wang Dole].
Recorded 19 May, 2006 at the Ricci Institute, University of San Francisco, by Kylin Media.
1:27:45. CD & mp4 (m4v, 674 MB).
Local access .mp4(.m4v) [Rule Interview (2006).m4v]
SubjectChinese Rites controversy Catholic Church--China--17th-18th centuries Jesuits--Missions--China--History--17th century--Views on Chinese Rites
K'ung-tzu or Confucius? : the Jesuit interpretation of Confucianism
PublisherAustralian National University
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeThesis/Dissertation, Thesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfAdmin. Office, Digital Archives
Call NumberBL1852.R84 1972
Descriptionviii, 498, 46, 7 leaves ; 31 cm.+pdf
NoteK'ung-tzu or Confucius? : the Jesuit interpretation of Confucianism / [by] Paul A. Rule.
THESIS (Ph.D.)--Australian National University, 1972.
Bibliography: p. 1-46 (2nd group). Includes Chinese character index.

1. To "Become Chinese": Nestorian Christians of the T'ang (Tang)--Mongol missions of the 13th and 14th centuries--Syncretism and assimilation--European knowledge of Chinese religion before the Jesuits--Jesuit missionary experience--Alessandro Valignano and the accomodation method.
2. Matteo Ricci and the Jesuit interpretation of Confucianism: Michele Ruggieri and the establishment of the mission--Matteo Ricci and the discovery of Confucianism--Ricci's interpretation of Confucianism--Matteo Ricci and the Chinese Rites question--Ricci and Confucianism: syncretism, accomodation, encounter?
3. Confucian interpretation of the Jesuits: Late Ming Confucianism--Christian Confucians--the Buddhist reaction--the Confucian reaction--Alleged Jesuit influence on late Ming-early Ch'ing thought
4. A point of fact: the debate over terms and rites (1610-1688): Jesuit debate over terms--Arrival of the friars and the beginning of the debate over Chinese Rites--Legitimate prejudices?--Lull in the storm--Confucius Sinarum Philosophus.
5. Son of Heaven and Vicar of Christ: the Chinese Rites Controversy (1688-1742): Ching t'ien (Jing Tian 敬天) "Adore Heaven"--Louis Le Comte vs. the Sorbonne--Papal legates--Aftermath of the Rites.
6. Moses or China? the Jesuit Figurists: The Sources of Figurism--Figurists and their critics--Joachim Bouvet and the prophecies of the I-ching (Yijing 易經)--Jean-François Foucquet and the symbolism of the Chinese classics--Joseph de Prémare and the theory of "vestiges"
7. The Jesuits and the beginning of scientific sinology: Jean Baptiste du Halde--Antoine Gaubil--Alexandre de la Charme and the Hsing-li chen-ch'uan (Xingli zhenquan 性理真詮)--Memoires concernant l'histoire...etc. des chinois.

An agenda (for further research): p. 495
Local access dig.pdf. [Rule-K'ung-tzu or Confucius Diss.pdf]

SubjectChinese Rites controversy Christianity and other religions--Confucianism--17th-18th centuries--Sources Confucianism--China--Religious aspects--Jesuit interpretations Christianity--China--History Jesuits--China--History--Late Ming-Early Qing dynasties, 1550-1800 Figurism--China--History Confucianism--Relations--Christianity Jesuits--Missions--China--16th-18th centuries
K'ung-tzu or Confucius? : the Jesuit interpretation of Confucianism
PublisherAllen & Unwin
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesEast Asia series (Sydney, N.S.W.)
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBL1852.R84 1986
Descriptionxiii, 303 p. ; 22 cm. + dig.pdf.
NoteK'ung-tzu or Confucius? : the Jesuit interpretation of Confucianism / Paul A. Rule.
Bibliography: p. 199-236. Includes indexes.
Based on the authors thesis: Australian National University, 1972.

1. To "Become Chinese": Nestorian Christians of the T'ang (Tang)--Mongol missions of the 13th and 14th centuries--Syncretism and assimilation--European knowledge of Chinese religion before the Jesuits--Jesuit missionary experience--Alessandro Valignano and the accomodation method.
2. Matteo Ricci and the Jesuit interpretation of Confucianism: Michele Ruggieri and the establishment of the mission--Matteo Ricci and the discovery of Confucianism--Ricci's interpretation of Confucianism--Matteo Ricci and the Chinese Rites question--Ricci and Confucianism: syncretism, accomodation, encounter?
3. Confucian interpretation of the Jesuits: Late Ming Confucianism--Christian Confucians--the Buddhist reaction--the Confucian reaction--Alleged Jesuit influence on late Ming-early Ch'ing thought.
4. A point of fact: the debate over terms and rites (1610-1688): Jesuit debate over terms--Arrival of the friars and the beginning of the debate over Chinese Rites--Legitimate prejudices?--Lull in the storm--Confucius Sinarum Philosophus.
5. Son of Heaven and Vicar of Christ: the Chinese Rites Controversy (1688-1742): Ching t'ien (Jing Tian 敬天) "Adore Heaven"--Louis Le Comte vs. the Sorbonne--Papal legates--Aftermath of the Rites.
6. Moses or China? the Jesuit Figurists: The Sources of Figurism--Figurists and their critics--Joachim Bouvet and the prophecies of the I-ching (Yijing 易經)--Jean-François Foucquet and the symbolism of the Chinese classics--Joseph de Prémare and the theory of "vestiges"
7. The Jesuits and the beginning of scientific sinology: Jean Baptiste du Halde--Antoine Gaubil--Alexandre de la Charme and the Hsing-li chen-ch'uan (Xingli zhenquan 性理真詮)--Memoires concernant l'histoire...etc. des chinois.

Local access dig.pdf. [Rule-Kung-tzu or Confucius.pdf]

SubjectChinese Rites controversy Christianity and other religions--Confucianism--17th-18th centuries--Sources Confucianism--China--Religious aspects--Jesuit interpretations Jesuits--China--History--Late Ming-Early Qing dynasties, 1550-1800 Figurism--China--History Christianity--China--History--16th-18th centuries
Seriesfoo 101
Moses or China?. [Actes du VIe Colloque International de Sinologie de Chantilly, 1989]
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeExtract (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberPL1064.P73 R8 1989d
Descriptionpdf + doc.[29 p.]
NoteMoses or China? / Paul Rule.
Extract. Published as 'Moses or China?' in E. Malatesta & Y. Raguin, eds. Images de la Chine: le Contexte Occidental de la Sinologie Naissante, Actes du VIe Colloque International de Sinologie de Chantilly, 1989, San Francisco, Taipei, Paris (Ricci Institute) 1995, 303-331. ISBN 2 9505602 5 3.
Includes bibliographical references.
Local access dig.pdf. [Rule-Moses or China.pdf]
SubjectFigurism--China--History Figurism--China
Phillipps-Robinson Chinese Rites documents. [Sotheby's Lot 20 mss.]
Record_typeManuscript, Manuscript (pdf)
ShelfDigital Archives, Rare Book Cabinet
Call Numbern.a.
Description83 folders : manuscripts
NoteLot 20 was part of the Philipps-Robinson collection obtained by Fr. Edward Malatesta, S.J., in November, 1988.

Source: Sotheby’s catalog entry: The Library of Philip Robinson, Part II: the Chinese collection.
Lot 20. Chinese Rites Controversy. Collection of papers pertaining to the controversy and to the visit of Cardinal Maillard de Tournon, including copies of letters and proclamations by Tournon and the Archbishop of Goa, and account of Tournon’s audience with the Emperor, a letter by Claude Visdelou, Tournon’s only Jesuit supporter in China, letters of support from Rome and Paris, letters by Franciscans to Tournon, a list of missionaries working in China between 1706 and 1708, a memorandum concerning the translation of the Roman missal into Chinese, a memoir on the Chinese practices at funerals, and a French translation of a number of maxims of Confucius, upwards of 70 items, various sizes, some in Chinese characters, some on rice paper, c. 1705 to 1725.
鐸羅 【sic. 多羅】有關禮儀之爭論書信 (七十多件,手稿) 一七〇五到一七二五年
See catalog p.22-23.

General Notes on Lot 20:
Chinese texts are copies on rice paper in Chinese ink, probably by a secretary. Some are marked as having been sent (to Macau?) by Fr. Pedro Muñoz, O.P. (from Guangzhou?). Some have Latin translations, often in a fine secretarial hand, and attested by either Andreas Candela, the Patriarch's Chancellor, or by J.F. Martin de la Balvere - both in Macau. Some of the translations are in Spanish (by Muñoz?). The comments on the outside may be in the hand of Candela and contain details of provenance (often "con una Lettera del P. Muñoz"), summary of contents and dates. They are usually in Italian, sometimes in Latin (the Latin ones perhaps in a different hand).
Since they deal with the arrival of Pedrini & Co. early in 1710, they cannot come from this group of Italian Propagandists, but must come from one of de Toumon's suite, and not Sala who had already left for Europe. Some of the Chinese documents (e.g. 6, 21) have pronunciation notes added to the copy, especially re the pronunciation of names. Some (e.g. 25) have Latin notes and Italian notes in different hands. Probably all come from the Sala papers, and the annotations appear to be his, but perhaps as used later in Europe by one of the compilers of narratives of the legation, such as Cardinal Passionei. [Note by Paul Rule.]

SubjectChinese Rites controversy--Sources Tournon, Charles-Thomas Maillard de 多羅, 1668-1710 Catholic Church--China--History--Tournon legation, 1705-1710--Sources
Rouleau Collection catalogue
CollectionRouleau Archives
Record_typeDocument (pdf)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberIndex files
Descriptiondig.pdf. [130 p.]
NoteRouleau Collection catalogue / [Paul A. Rule]
An inventory of the files in the Ricci Institute, University of San Francisco mostly derived from the collection of the late Francis Rouleau, SJ as presently organized. Made by Paul Rule over several years. Some items may have been reordered and/or relabeled, Incomplete as of May 2006.

AMEP = Archives of the Missions Etrangères de Paris
APF = Archives of Propaganda Fide, Rome
ARSI = Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (Jesuit Archives, Rome)
JS: Jap. Sin. collection of above.
FG: Fondo Gesuitico collection of above
Lus: Lusitania (Portugal) collection of above.
Phil.: Philippina (Philippines) collection of above.
BC = Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome
BNC.VE = Bibliotheca Nazionale Centrale (Vittorio Emmanuele), Roma
- FG: Fondo Gesuitico
JnA = Jesuitas na Asia collection of the Ajuda Library, Lisbon.

SubjectRicci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History 利瑪竇中西文化歷史研究所--Archival resources Francis A. Rouleau, S.J. Archives--Indexes Chinese Rites controversy--Archival resources Jesuits--Missions--China--History--16th-18th centuries--Archival resources
strange death of religion in China
PublisherCharles Strong Memorial Trust
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesCharles Strong Memorial Trust lecture ; 1996
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberBL1802.R96 2000
Description14 p. ; 23 cm.
NoteThe strange death of religion in China / by Paul Rule, Director of the Religious Studies Program at La Trobe University ; delivered at the 21st Annual Conference of the Australian Association for the Study of Religions, 1996.
SubjectChina--Church history--20th century China--Religion--20th century Communism and religion--China--20th century Socialism and religion--China--20th century
Seriesfoo 112
The Acta Pekinensia, or Historical Records of the Maillard de Tournon Legation : Volume III : January 1708-February 1709. [ARSI Jap-Sin 138. Acta Pekinensia. English & Latin]
Publish_locationLeiden ; Boston
PublisherKoninklijke Brill NV
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesStudies in the history of Christianity in East Asia ; 10
ShelfDigital Archives, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBV3415.2.A3 S78 2019 v.3
Description644 pages ; 25 cm + pdf

The 'Acta Pekinensia' or historical records of the Maillard de Tournon legation. Volume III: January 1708 - February 1709 / by Kilian Stumpf SJ ; edited by Paul Rule, Claudia von Collani.

Includes bibliographical references (p. [615]-625) and index.

The 'Acta Pekinensia' is a Latin manuscript found in the Jesuit Roman Archives. It is a record of the papal legation to China of Charles Maillard de Tournon, from his arrival in China to his death in Macau. It was compiled by Kilian Stumpf, a German Jesuit missionary/scientist serving at the court of the Kangxi emperor of China. Stumpf was in a privileged position to record day by day the events of this crucial episode not only in the history of Christianity in China but in Chinese-Western relations. This annotated translation provides a full documentation and an acute and lively commentary on the clash of values which resulted in the failure of the legation and the condemnation of Chinese Rites.

Local access dig.pdf. [Acta Pekinensia 3]


SubjectChinese Rites controversy--Sources Tournon, Charles-Thomas Maillard de 多羅, 1668-1710 Jesuits--Missions--China--18th century--Sources Jesuits--China--History--17th-18th centuries--Sources Stumpf, Kilian 紀理安, 1655-1720. Acta Pekinensia
Seriesfoo 124
ISBN9789004696884 ; 9789004697621
The Acta Pekinensia, or, Historical records of the Maillard de Tournon legation : first transcribed edition and English annotated translation. Volume 1 December 1705-August 1706. [ARSI Jap-Sin 138. Acta Pekinensia. English & Latin]
PublisherInstitutum Historicum S.I.
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Latin
Record_typeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesMonumenta historica Societatis Iesu. Nova series ; vol. 9
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBV3415.2.A3 S78 2015 v.1
Descriptionclxx, 736 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. + CD-ROM

The Acta Pekinensia, or, Historical records of the Maillard de Tournon legation : first transcribed edition and English annotated translation / Kilian Stumpf SJ ; Paul Rule, Claudia von Collani, editors.
Print volumes contain the annotated English translation. Digital images of the original manuscript and transcriptions of its Latin text are available on the accompanying CD-ROM.

"Draft translators of the original Latin manuscript are for vol. I: Ian Falconer, Joseph Holland, both deceased, and Paul Rule."--Volume 1, title page verso.

Publication of the Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu and Macau Ricci Institute.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

*CD contains an index of abbreviations, the Acta Pekinensia [ARSI Jap-Sin 138] manuscript itself in 401 p. [i.e. 201 .jpg frames], and a 428 page pdf of the typescript of the Latin manuscript.
Volume I. December 1705-August 1706.

Local access dig.pdf. [Acta Pekinensia V.1.pdf]

SubjectChinese Rites controversy--Sources Tournon, Charles-Thomas Maillard de 多羅, 1668-1710 Jesuits--Missions--China--18th century--Sources Jesuits--China--History--17th-18th centuries--Sources Stumpf, Kilian 紀理安, 1655-1720. Acta Pekinensia
Seriesfoo 125
ISBN9788870412093 ; 8870412091
The Acta Pekinensia, or, Historical records of the Maillard de Tournon legation : Volume II : September 1706 - December 1707. [ARSI Jap-Sin 138. Acta Pekinensia. English]
Publish_locationLeiden ; Boston
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesStudies in the history of Christianity in East Asia ; v. 1
ShelfDigital Archives, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBV3415.2.A3 S78 2019 v.2
Descriptionx, 811 p. ; 24 cm.

The Acta Pekinensia, or, Historical records of the Maillard de Tournon legation : Volume II : September 1706-December 1707 / by Kilian Stumpf, SJ ; edited by Paul Rule, Claudia von Collani.
"With special thanks to Rev. Dr. Gerard J. Hughes, SJ, for his contribution to the scholarly translation of the Acta Pekinensia"
Includes bibliographical references (p. [785]-787 and index.

Contents: ‎Abbreviations -- ‎Introduction -- ‎The Acta Pekinensia-September 1706 to December 1707 -- ‎ Major Headings and Subheadings -- ‎Compendium of the Acta Pekinensia for 1705 and 1706 -- ‎September 1706 -- ‎October 1706 -- November 1706 -- ‎December 1706 -- January-February 1707 -- March 1707 -- ‎April 1707 -- ‎May 1707 -- ‎June 1707 -- ‎July 1707 -- August 1707 -- ‎September 1707 -- October 1707 -- ‎November 1707 -- ‎December 1707 -- ‎Bibliography -- General Index.

Volume 1 was released in the series: Monumenta historica Societatis Iesu. Nova series ; vol. 9.
Volume 2-3 is released in the series: Studies in the history of Christianity in East Asia ; v. 1., v. 10

"...As in the first volume, the translation is based on a transcription from the original manuscript of the "Acta Pekinensia" in the Jesuit Roman Archives (Jap. Sin.138) made by three Latinists in Poznan (Poland): Monika Miazek Meczynska, Ewa Jarmakowska, and Katarzyna Prychitko. A first draft translation was then made by Jesuit classicists (in Australia, Joseph Holland, John Wilcken, John Begley, and Stan Hogan; also Gerard ]. Hughes of Campion Hall, Oxford University).
This was then revised and annotated by Paul Rule and Claudia von Collani, who take ultimate responsibility for the text as it now appears. The Compendium was translated by Paul Rule with the assistance of Claudia von Collani. We wish to acknowledge the constant support of the Macau Ricci Institute, especially the initiators of the project, Yves Camus and Luis Sequeira, and for this and we hope subsequent volumes, the Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History at the University of San Francisco, under the direction of Fr. Antoni Ucerler and Dr. Wu Xiaoxin. And special thanks are due to the assiduous editor of this volume, Stephen Ford."--Introduction (vol. 2).

Local access dig.pdf. [Rule-Acta Pekinensia II.pdf]

SubjectChinese Rites controversy--Sources Tournon, Charles-Thomas Maillard de 多羅, 1668-1710 Jesuits--Missions--China--18th century--Sources Jesuits--China--History--17th-18th centuries--Sources Stumpf, Kilian 紀理安, 1655-1720. Acta Pekinensia
Seriesfoo 126