Subject: China--Religion--20th century

China and the West : mankind evolving
AuthorNeedham, Joseph, 1900-1995Jungk, Robert, 1913-1994Robinson, Joan, 1903-1983Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Association of Great Britain and Ireland
PublisherGarnstone Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesTeilhard Study Library ; 05
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS721.C456 J864 1970
Descriptionxvii, 144 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
NoteChina and the West : mankind evolving / contributors Robert Jungk ... [et al.].
"Much of the material in this volume is based on papers, since revised and expanded, commissioned by the Teilhard Association of Great Britain and Ireland and given at its Third Annual Conference."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents: China and the West / Joseph Needham -- Society and economics in China today / Joan Robinson -- Religion in China today / William Sewell -- Social revolution and cultural revolution in China / Stuart Schram -- Teilhard, China and neo-Marxism / Ernan McMullin -- Evolution and revolution in the West / Robert Jungk -- Mankind evolving / Bernard Towers -- Appendix: Outline of a European look-out institution / Robert Jungk.
China's last Jesuit : Charles J. McCarthy and the end of the mission in Catholic Shanghai
AuthorClark, Amanda C. R., 1977-
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesChristianity in modern China (Palgrave Macmillan (Firm)), Palgrave pivot
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.M235 C53 2017d
Descriptionpdf. [xxv, 122 p. : ill., map ; 22 cm]

China's last Jesuit : Charles J. McCarthy and the end of the mission in Catholic Shanghai / Amanda C.R. Clark.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 115-118) and index.

The Young Jesuit -- China During an Era of Change -- Return to Shanghai -- The Prison Years -- The Philippines, a Change in Course, and the Last Years.

"....chronicles the life of Charles McCarthy, a San Francisco native and Jesuit missionary to China, and tells the unique and compelling story of a young man who experienced confinement under the Japanese occupation, followed shortly by imprisonment by the Chinese Communists in the 1950's. Through a study of McCarthy's unique epistolary exchanges, it considers the intellectual life of a Catholic missionary, his ongoing fight for equal citizenship rights, illustrating how American Catholic missionaries in Maoist-era Shanghai navigated the social tensions of a nation-state in turbulent transition. This narrative explores Jesuit strategies of resistance and persistence in an era of oppression, and ideological and religious conflict as those sent to fill the missionary spots left by European men lost in the World Wars were caught up in China's mid-century political upheavals."--OCLC note.

Local access dig.pdf. [Amanda Clark-China's Last Jesuit.pdf]

ISBN9811050228 ; 9789811050220
Chinese Protestant Christianity today
AuthorBays, Daniel H.
PublisherChina Quarterly
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeExtract/Offprint, Periodical (special no.)
Call NumberBL1802.R365 O838 2003
Descriptionp. 488-504 ; 24 cm.
NoteChinese Protestant Christianity today / Daniel H. Bays.
“June 2003.”
church in Communist China ; a Protestant appraisal
AuthorJones, Francis Price
PlaceNew York
PublisherFriendship Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberBR1285.J6
Description180 p. ; 19 cm.
NoteThe church in Communist China ; a Protestant appraisal / Francis Price Jones.
Includes bibliographical references.
Dangdai shijie zongjiaoxue 當代世界宗教學 = Religion in the late modern world
AuthorFan Lizhu 范麗珠Whitehead, James D.Whitehead, Evelyn Eaton
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherShishi chubanshe 時事出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfStacks, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBL1802.F365 2006
Description459 p. ; 24 cm.

Dangdai shijie zongjiaoxue 當代世界宗教學 / Fan Lizhu 范麗珠, James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead 著.
Bilingual edition 中英文對照. English title: Religion in the late modern world.

I. Making meaning: Religiousness and meaning-making – Religion and transcendence – The study of religion in the West – Chinese popular religion. II. Religion and modernity: Secularization and secularity re-examined – Modernity and disenchantment – Religion’s place in a late-modern world – Characteristics of late-modern religiousness. III. Religion, China and the future: China’s religious heritage as moral capital –- Adopting and adapting China’s religious heritage – Civil society, religion and the common good – China and the future of religion.
Includes bibliographical references.

2 copies in stacks.

Eglise catholique en Chine au XXe siècle
AuthorSoetens, Claude
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesL'histoire dans l'actualité ; 6
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.S64 1997
Descriptionvi, 193 p. : map ; 24 cm.
NoteL'Eglise catholique en Chine au XXe siècle / par Claude Soetens.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN2701013496 ; 9782701013497
Kou-Houng-Ming : L'Esprit du peuple chinois. [The spirit of the Chinese people. French]
AuthorGu Hongming 辜鴻銘, 1857-1928Rival, PaulFerrero, Guglielmo, 1871-1942
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition4e éd.
Call NumberDS721.K774 G847 1927
Descriptionviii, 180, [1] p. ; 19 cm.
NoteKou-Houng-Ming : L'Esprit du peuple chinois / Traduit de l'anglais par P. Rival ; Préface de Guglielmo Ferrero.
Contents: Préface de Guglielmo Ferrero --Préface de l'auteur -- Introduction: La religion du bon citoyen -- L'esprit du peuple chinois -- La femme chinoise -- La langue chinoise -- Les Anglais en Chine -- Les Lettres chinoises -- Appendice: L'adoration de la plèbe ou la guerre et le moyen d'en sortir.
Translation of: The spirit of the Chinese people.
Meiguijing jiuri jingli 玫瑰經九日敬禮
PlaceShijiazhuang 石家莊
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfStacks [AEC]
Call NumberBR1288.A64 M45 2008
Description74p. : illus. ; 18cm

Meiguijing jiuri jingli 玫瑰經九日敬禮

Neibu ziliao internal circulation 內部資料

Religion in China today
AuthorStockwell, Foster
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherNew World Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition1st ed.
ShelfDir. Office Gallery
Call NumberBL1802.S762 1993
Description274 p., [12] p. of plates : ill., maps ; 21 cm.
NoteReligion in China today / by Foster Stockwell.
Colophon and colophon title in Chinese: Zhongguo zongjiao gailan 中國宗教概覽.
Bibliography: p. 266-268. Includes index.
Religion under socialism in China. [Zhongguo shehuizhuyi shiqi de zongjiao wenti 中國社會主義時期的宗教問題. English]
AuthorLuo Zhufeng 羅竹風Ting, K.H. (Kuang-hsun) 丁光訓MacInnis, Donald E.Zheng Xi'an 鄭錫安
PlaceArmonk, NY
PublisherM.E. Sharpe
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesChinese studies on China
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBL1802.C59413 1991
Descriptionxxiii, 254 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteReligion under socialism in China / Luo Zhufeng, editor ; translated by Donald E. MacInnis and Zheng Xi'an ; with an introduction by Donald E. MacInnis ; with a foreword by K.H. Ting.
Translation of: Zhongguo shehuizhuyi shiqi de zongjiao wenti 中國社會主義時期的宗教問題.
Includes index.
strange death of religion in China
AuthorRule, Paul A. 魯保祿
PublisherCharles Strong Memorial Trust
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesCharles Strong Memorial Trust lecture ; 1996
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberBL1802.R96 2000
Description14 p. ; 23 cm.
NoteThe strange death of religion in China / by Paul Rule, Director of the Religious Studies Program at La Trobe University ; delivered at the 21st Annual Conference of the Australian Association for the Study of Religions, 1996.
The religious question in modern China
AuthorGoossaert, VincentPalmer, David A., 1969-
PublisherUniversity of Chicago Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library, Ricci Institute [AEC]
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives, Stacks [AEC]
Call NumberBL1803.G66 2011
Descriptionxi, 464 p. ; 24 cm.

The religious question in modern China / Vincent Goossaert and David A. Palmer.
Includes bibliographical references (405-440) and index.
Copy 2 A.E. Clarke collection.

Pt. I. Religions and revolutions. The late Qing religious landscape -- Ideology, religion, and the construction of a modern state, 1898-1937 -- Model religions for a modern China : Christianity, Buddhism, and religious citizenship -- Cultural revitalization : redemptive societies and secularized traditions -- Rural resistance and adaptation, 1898-1949 -- The CCP and religion, 1921-66 -- Spiritual civilization and political Utopianism -- Pt. II. Multiple religious modernities : into the twenty-first century. Alternative trajectories for religion in the Chinese world -- Filial piety, the family, and death -- Revivals of communal religion in the later twentieth century -- The evolution of modern religiosities -- Official discourses and institutions of religion -- Global religions, ethnic identities, and geopolitics.

Local access dig.pdf. [Goossaert-Religious question modern China.pdf]

ISBN9780226304168 ; 0226304167
Zhongguo Tianzhujiao sishinian dashiji 中國天主教四十年大事記. [Dalu Zhongguo Tianzhujiao sishinian dashiji 大陸中國天主教四十年大事記, 1945-1986]
AuthorLuo Yu 羅漁Wu Yan 吳雁Zhongguo Tianzhujiao shiliao yanjiu zhongxin 中國天主教史料硏究中心
PlaceTaibei Xian Xinzhuang Shi 台北縣新莊市
PublisherFuren daxue chubanshe 輔仁大學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesFuren daxue yanjiu congshu 輔仁大學硏究叢書 ; 40
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberBR1288.L6 1986
Description505 p. ; 22 cm.
NoteZhongguo Tianzhujiao sishinian dashiji 中國天主教四十年大事記 / bianzhuzhe Luo Yu, Wu Yan 編著者羅漁, 吳雁 ; [編印者中國天主教史料硏究中心].
Cover title: Dalu Zhongguo Tianzhujiao sishinian dashiji 大陸中國天主教四十年大事記, 1945-1986.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 498-501) and index.
民國75 [1986].