Author: Whitehead, James D.

Dangdai shijie zongjiaoxue 當代世界宗教學 = Religion in the late modern world
Publish_locationBeijing 北京
PublisherShishi chubanshe 時事出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfStacks, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBL1802.F365 2006
Description459 p. ; 24 cm.

Dangdai shijie zongjiaoxue 當代世界宗教學 / Fan Lizhu 范麗珠, James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead 著.
Bilingual edition 中英文對照. English title: Religion in the late modern world.

I. Making meaning: Religiousness and meaning-making – Religion and transcendence – The study of religion in the West – Chinese popular religion. II. Religion and modernity: Secularization and secularity re-examined – Modernity and disenchantment – Religion’s place in a late-modern world – Characteristics of late-modern religiousness. III. Religion, China and the future: China’s religious heritage as moral capital –- Adopting and adapting China’s religious heritage – Civil society, religion and the common good – China and the future of religion.
Includes bibliographical references.

2 copies in stacks.

SubjectReligion and culture--China Religion China--Religion--20th century
Zhongguo yu zongjiao de wenhua shehuixue 中國與宗教的文化社會學 = China and the cultural sociology of religion
Publish_locationBeijing 北京
PublisherShishi chubanshe 時事出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBL1802.F367 2012
Description2, 3, 498 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteZhongguo yu zongjiao de wenhua shehuixue 中國與宗教的文化社會學 = China and the cultural sociology of religion / Fan Lizhu 范麗珠, James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead 著.
"中美學合力打造宗教學新教程"--at head of t.p.
Includes bibliographical references.


1. Cultural sociology. Cultural sociology & religion –- Cultural psychology & religion -– Studying religion in China –- Multiple dilemmas.
2. Practicing cultural sociology. Religion & "habits of the heart" -– Mapping culture & religion: cultural codes, social imaginary, ideology –- New language for a modern China: evolution & national character -– Inculturation: Buddhism & Christianity in China.
3. Practicing cultural psychology. The language of culture & religion: symbol & myth -– The language of culture & religion: ritual -– The cultural self: China & the West –- Destiny & Fate in cultural context .
4. Transformations in society & religion. Cutlural evolution & religion –- The Axial Age: Confucius, Buddha, Socrates –- Humanism in China & the West.

SubjectChina--Religion--History Religion and culture--China Religion and sociology--China
ISBN9787802325289 ; 7802325285
Zongjiao shehuixue : zongjiao yu Zhongguo 宗教社會學 : 宗教與中國 = Sociology of religion : religion and China
Publish_locationBeijing 北京
PublisherShishi chubanshe 時事出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfStacks, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBL1802.F366 2010
Description1, 2, 443 p. ; 24 cm.

Zongjiao shehuixue : zongjiao yu Zhongguo 宗教社會學 : 宗教與中國 = Sociology of religion : religion and China / Fan Lizhu 范麗珠, James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead 著.
"本書集社會學, 社會心理學, 宗教歷史於一身, 共同努力成就這一跨學科, 跨文化研究的著作"
Includes bibliographical references.

1. China and religion. China’s common spiritual heritage –- Being religious in China: the Three Teachings -- China’s popular religion: surviving and thriving today -– Religions of the Book: finding a home in China.
2. China and the sociology of religion. Emile Durkheim: religion as a source of moral community –- C.K. Yang: China’s diffused religiousness -– Max Weber: Charism and the rationalization of religion -– Fei Xiaotong: Chinese images for Chinese society.
3. Religion in contemporary society. Religious ways of knowing –- Faith-based initiatives in China’s civil society –- Religion and violence–Religion and peacemaking -– The future of religion in a globalizing world.

SubjectChina--Religion--History Religion and sociology--China