Author: Francis A. Rouleau, S.J. Archives

Beijing Xuanwumen nei xinjian Tianzhutang beji 北京宣武門內新建天主堂碑記. [Jap-Sin IV, 2]
Publish_location[Beijing] [北京]
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageChinese, Latin
Record_typeRubbing (dig. image)
ShelfDigital Archives, Archive Cabinet
Call NumberBV3427.S35 B34 1650d
Descriptiondig.file [photostat, orig. 44 x 97 cm.]
Note2 Photostats of rubbing, with data cards by Fr. Rouleau. In Rouleau Archives folder (stacks): SCHALL: Peking inscription rubbing -- ARSI IV, 2 -- 1650.
Rubbing to Brancato, cf. Brancato to Gen. SJ 20.6.1651: Jap-Sin 161 362v.

Japonica-Sinica IV, 2
Beijing Xuanwumen nei xinjian Tianzhutang beji 北京宣武門內新建天主堂碑記
Photocopy, 29.7 x 22.5 cm.

On the upper right corner there is a Latin inscription: “Originali 44/97 cm.”
This inscription on a monument erected by Johann Adam Schall von Bell records the completion of the building of the church in Peking in 1650 (Shunzhi 7). The monument was destroyed in 1664 during the persecution of Yang Guangxian 楊光先. For this reason the Latin catalogue says: Pretiosa haec inscriptio est.
The top middle bears the emblem of the Society of Jesus with designs of clouds on both side. Below is the inscription borne by the monument:

自昔西漢時有宗徒聖多默者初入中國傳 | 天主正教此則唐貞觀以後有大秦國西士數 | 人入中國傳教又次明嘉靖時聖方濟各入中 | 國界傳教至萬曆時西士利瑪竇等先後接踵 | 入中國傳教譯有經典有書籍傳衍至今荷 | 蒙 | 清朝特用西法定造時憲新曆務告竣 | 謹於 | 都城宣武門內虔建 | 天主新堂昭明正教時 | 天主降生一千六百五十年為 | 大清順治七年歲次庚寅云 | 修政曆法湯若望記 | .

There are two seals at the end of the Chinese text: 1) the emblem of the Society of Jesus (IHS); 2) 湯若望印 (in seal characters). Both are in incised inscriptions.
The text of the Latin inscription as given by Athanasius Kircher and quoted by Pfister (p. 170 n. 1) is somewhat different from the text just given:
Post fidem a D. Thoma Apostolo primum advectam, postque eamdem a Syriis tempore imperii Tam, iterum et latius propagatam, tertio rursum sub imperio Min, post eamdem ducibus S. Francisco Xaverio et P. Matthaeo Riccio, per Societatis Jesu homines et verbo et libris Sinice editis divulgatam, magno quidem studio ac labore, sed propter gentis inconstantiam haud pari successu, devoluto jam ad Tartaros imperio, eadem Societas pro instaurati per suos Calendarii Xy hien lié dicti laborum coronide, templum Deo Opt. Max. publice Pekini Regum Sinarum curiae posuit dicavitque anno MDCL, Xunchi VII.
Pater Joannes Adamus Schall a Bell, Germanus, S.J. professus, et praefati Calendarii auctor, ex laboribus manuum suarum aedem hanc et patientiam posteris legat.
Väth (p. 168) gives a German translation of this inscription. P. Hoang’s Zhengjiao fengbao, folio 25v, gives the original text of this inscription. Hsiao Ching-shan, who does not seem to have come across the Chinese text, gave a Chinese translation of the Latin text (Hsiao, vol. 2, p. 7).

Liu Zhaoguo 劉肇國 in his essay Zeng Tianzhu xin tang ji 贈天主新堂記 ( Jap-Sin II, 76, ff. 3v–6v) gives an account of the building of this church. He mentions (f. 3) that there were two slabs at the entrance of the new church. According to him, Adam Schall intended to write an account on the building of the church and its religious aspect and to have it engraved on one of the slabs. On the other slab he would have had Liu’s essay inscribed, the theme of which would be on the calendar achievement of the Jesuit missioners at the Imperial Court. Seemingly, Schall was aware that the Chinese scholars were in general pagan in their outlook. They became friends of the missioners for the sake of their learning but were totally indifferent or even hostile when it came to the question of Christianity.

Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese books and documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp.511-513.
Local access dig. image [Tianzhutang beiji.tif/jpg]. See archive folder under Schall.

SubjectInscriptions, Chinese--China--Beijing Schall von Bell, Johann Adam 湯若望, 1592-1666--Inscriptions Inscriptions, Latin--China--Beijing Church buildings--China--Beijing--17th century--Dedications Catholic Church--China--Beijing--17th century--Monuments
Francis A. Rouleau Microfilm/Digital Archives
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageLatin, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French,German
Record_typeData CD
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberCD001-CD009
Description9 CD-ROMS : tif images
NoteHistory: The "digital" collection is based on 43 reels of microfilm made by Fr. Francis Rouleau as part of his research on Cardinal Charles Maillard de Tournon's mission to China and the Chinese Rites controversy. The microfilms (originally made in the 1950’s-60’s) have been transferred to CD-ROM. These items have been gathered from the following institutions and archives: Archivum Sacrae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide (APF), Scritture originali della congregazioni particolari: Indie orientale e Cina (APF SOCP), Archivum Romanum Scietatis Iesu (ARSI), Epistolae Nostrorum (ARSI Epp Nn), Fondo Gesuitico (ARSI FG), Epistolae Francia-Gallorum (ARSI Fran), Historia Societatis (ARSI HS), Japonica-Sinica (ARSI Jap-Sin), Lusitania (ARSI Lus), Goa-Philippines (ARSI GoaPh), Archives des Jésuites de la Province de Paris: anciennement province de Franciae, non Galliae (ASJP), Archivo Segreto Vaticano (ASV), Foldo Albani (ASV Alb), Nunziatura di Portogallo (ASV NunzPort), Benedict XIV Bolle e Constituzione (ASV BenXIV), Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele, Roma, Fondo Gesuitico (BVE Ges), Biblioteca da Ajuda, Jesuitas Na Asia, Lisboa, Portugal (B Ajuda), Biblioteca Angelicum, Roma (B Ang), Biblioteca Casanatense, Roma (B Cas), Bibioteca Nazionale, Roma (B Naz), Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu, Roma (MHSI), Dominican Archives, Manila, Philippines (OPPI).
Contents list is taken from a catalog compiled by Sr. Mary Celeste Rouleau, R.S.M.

Reel 1: 1640 Alexandre Rhodes, SJ; 1647-1650 A. Rhodes, Relazione d’un vaggio; 6 Jan 1615 "Admodum ..." Carolus Scribary et al.; 1616 Proposita; 24 Aug. 1721 João Mourao; Paradoxum Sinicum Visdelou; 9 Nov. 1710 Wm. Bonjour-Fabri; 1701 Catalogue dominorum et missionarum S.I.; 1703 Kaspar Gastner; 21, 24 Sept. 1706 P. Monteyro; 24 July 1607 Spinola; 17 Mar. 1608 Spinola.
Reel 2: Historiae Sinarum Imperii, Dunin-Szpot, pars I-II, liber V
Reel 3: Collectanea Historiae Sinensis ab anno 1641 ad annum 1700, ex varijis documentis in archivo Societatis existensibus excerpta duobus tomis distincta Auctore Dunin-Szpot.
Reel 4: Dunin-Szpot (cont’d) Tome II 1681-1692.
Reel 5: Dunin-Szpot (cont’d) Pars IV 1691-1700.

Reel 6: 1702-1703 Gerbillon, Patrum Gallorum S.J. apud Sinas laborantium; 1703 Thomas, Synopsis relationis staus missionis Sinensis; 26 mai 1652 Brancato; 26 June 1680 Furtado; 1650 Brancato Calendarium Sin.; 1650 Censura ad tractum, Brancato, Furtado; 3, 7 Dec. 1700, 2 July 1700, 12 Sept. 1701, 6, 9, 11 Nov. 1701, 25 Aug. 1702, 15 Oct. 1702 by A. Thomas, with index and synopsis; 12 Oct. 1696 Thomas (cover letter), 1686-1694 Brevis relatio, Annotationes annuae 1694; Indices JapSin; 20 Oct. 1704 Stumpf; 30 Aug. 1704 Bouvet [Chinese script]; 1 Nov. 1706 Thomas, “Compendium Actum Pk 1705-1706”; 15, 16, 18 July 1707 Hortiz to Thomas, Heironomous Franchi, Aug. Barelli; 1706 Breve Notitia [Chinese script], DaSilva.
Reel 7: 1669-1670 Littera annua Vice Prov. Sin; Europa mathematica; Eximus favoris c. 2; Ad religionem Sin.; Ecclesiarum ac civ. nostrorum status; 20 Aug. 1668 Intorcetta, 9 May 1677 Gregorio Lopez, Adrian Grelon, Diego Mozel, Ferdinand Verbiest; 3 Jan 1678 Ph. Grimaldi, Thomas Pereyra; 11 Jan 1678 Buglio; 15 Jan 1678 João Valat; 8 Jan 1678 Verbiest; 2 Feb. 1678 Intorcetta; 1 Apr. 1678 Gabiani, Henriques; 19, 25 May 1679 (?) Buglio, 27 May 1679 (?) Pereyra; 20 Aug. 1678 Pereyra; 29 Nov. 1685 Fabri; 3 Dec. 1685 Juan de Yrigent, Couplet; 18 Mar. 1664 Jo. Grueber; 10 Apr. 1644 Magalhaes, re Buglio; 18 May 1643 G. de Magalhaes; 15 Aug. 1695 Thomas; 6 Jan 1680 Vitelleschi, Litt. Ann. V. P Sin 1677-1680; 1678-1679 Annua V. Prov. Sin. (another copy); 30 Sept. 1692 Juan de Arnedo.
Reel 8-13: Entire contents of ARSI Jap-Sin 138. Elogium Kilian Stumpf; 25 Oct. 1702 Ad lectorum; Prolegomena Actorum Pek.; Dec. 1705 Acta Pekinensia, Jan-Dec. 1706-1711 (includ. Appeal of Jesuits to Clement XI; Thomas to Bp. of Peking; Acta Pek. cont’d, Tozanus, i.e. Joa. Paulus Tozani, Admodum (different script), K. Stumpf, "De novis controversiis...", "De statu missionis ab Oct. 1710 ad Oct. 1711," Banchieri; Conon and Carolus; "Acta Varia... 1705-1706," Thomas, Gerbillion 15 Oct. 1707)

Reel 14: 12, 22 Sept. 1686 Thomas, to Noyelles, re: Grimaldi; 6 Oct. 1700 Annotationese Pek.; 3, 7 Dec. 1700 Thomas , to Gonzalez; 20 Nov. 1701 Thomas to Bardijani; Nov. 1707 Thomas, 1708-1709 Thomas to Tamburini, to Olivia; 1679, 1681 (various) Thomas; "Status India Orien ..." ; 8 Sept. 1701 Th. Ep. Soc. in Europa; 22 Nov. 1702, 6 Nov. 1703 Thomas to Gonzalez; Dec. 1668 Joan. de Ferrarijs; 5 Oct. 1668 Navarette; 2 Nov. 1668 Domingo Ma de SP; 18 Nov. 1668 Pacheco "Apud Sinas ..." ; 27 Dec. 1668, 17 Jan. 1669 Pacheco, Fauré; 15 Apr. 1671 Intorcetta "Responsio" ; Dec. 1668 Prexes; 1668 Luis da Gama, appendix-da Gama; 11 Dec. 1668 di S. Pietro to da Gama; this reel also includes the following brief documents from 1661-1700 by Rougement, Brancato, Schall, V. Riccio, da Gama, Brancatio, Gabiani, Magalhaes, Buglio, Brancati, Ferrarijs, Fauré, Antonio de S. Maria, Canevarius, Pacheco, Siqueira, Gouvea, Marinis, Jorge, Valguarnera, de Veitia, Filippucci, Valat, G. Lopez, Tissanier, Fabri, Pasateri, Intorcetta, Bernardinus, Lionysia, Jos. Occa, Bernardo de l’In, “Memoria...”, Tarin, Delapinuela, Thomas Croker, Salvador, Miguel Rubio, Manuel de S. Juan Baptista, "Nullum hactenus ...", "l’Egaminacio ...", Spinola, Ludovicus de Franca, Alvarus Episc., Grimaldi, "Declaratio rituum ...", Bp. of Macau.

Reel 15: 1681 Manuel de Montafau; 6 Feb 1681 Pedro de Antitta; 19 Mar, 11 Oct 1686 Joannes (Juan) de Yrigoyen; 14 Jan. 1656 Andreas Cin (Cheng) to Fr. General; 19 Feb. 1656 Martini; 10 Dec. 1668 da Gama; 19 Sept. 1673 Magalhaes; 9 Dec. 1697 Turcotti; 19 Dec. 1697 Aug. Barrellius; 14 June 1699 Gonzalez; 19, 24 July 1699 Juan de Yrigoyen; "Esta carta ... "[three Chinese folii], Bentodemador; 10 Apr. 1665 Joseph de Marini; "Guggliemo Morgani ..." ; 12 Dec. 1668 Emmanuel de Siqueira; JS191 Chinese folio.
Reel 16: "Spinola" (sources not indicated) 19 documents; 5 Jan. 1686 Philippe Couplet; JS164, 17 docs. by Spinola, Grimaldi, Giuseppe Cardone, de Selenia, Couplet, Carlo Amiani, Filippucci, "Imperator Sin ... Alexander P.P. VIII" ; Couplet, "Memoria di varii ponti ..." ; JS165, 27 docs. Le Blanc, Stumpf, de Vitt., Moers. Spinola, Innocent XII, Pereira, Couplet, Bayard, Van Der Beken. JS166, 7 docs: Bandini, "Perguntas ...", "Copia da minuta ...", Gonzalez, Juan Antonio de Arnedo; JS127 "Anno 1692 Sinarum Relatio", 15 Jan. 1695 sig. Van den (der?) Beken; JS128 Spinola to Alex. VIII; "Catalogus tractat ..." ; "Decretum ..." ; "Facultates concessae ..."
Reel 17: 37 documents, 1708-1727, Dentrecolles, Kögler, de Regende “Relatio...”; Mourao, Tozanus, Episc., Kogler “Summaria explicatio...” [two folii in Chinese]; Ad, P. Generalis; Joseph da Costa; P. Gen. Kogler; Ottaiani; Hindere, de Britto, “Excerptum Loren...”; Fridelli, “Confessio Mourao...”; Pinto, Monteyro, Goziani, Hervien, Van Hamme.

Reel 18: JS184a Typed indices of volumes in Jap-Sin series (JS161-184)
Reel 19: JS206, “Brevis Relatio...” (1700)
Reel 20: 23 documents, 1705, 1707, “...quidam fimerat, item sibi”; Fontaney, Maigrot de Conon, Maigrot, Prima supplicatio a patr. Pek.; Benevente, Grimaldi to Maigrot, Joannes Laureati, Van Hamme, Francisco Pinto, Carolus, Fr. Pinto, Antonius Dantas, Carlo Turcotti, Joseph Raymundo, Dentrecolle, Josephus Suarez, [five Chinese folii], Hervier [incomplete], Monteyro, Pierre de Gouille [incomplete]

Reel 21: 26 docs. 1616 Nicolas Trigault; Philippe Couple, “In Prov. Sin. templa, collegia, residentia, missiones’; 1702, 1706-1707 Thomas, Gerbillon, Thjomas to Tambourini, to Appiani; “Relaças do 5 Dec. 1706”; “De dimensiones unius gradus orbis terra”; Maigrot, Van Hamme, Pereyra, Fontaney; Stumpf, “Expositio...”; Marino, Viaggio 1666”
Reel 22:1659 S. Miguel, Giuseppe Pimen, Breve Relatione delle Venta dell’Imp...alla Chiesa, e casa...; Breva Nanço; 1651 Christiani in Chancheu, Prov. Philipp. S.J.; 2 Feb. 1657 Tissanier; 30 Sept. 1658 Albertus de Dorville; 26 Oct. 1658 Gravina; 30 Oct. 1658 Dorville;18 Jan. 1659 Martini; 5 Nov. 1686 Filippucci; 29 Mar. 1711 Stumpf; 20 June 1702 Thomas to Ciceri; JS149 8 docs., A. Thomas; 1 Jan. 1687 Thomas “Annotationes”; Jan-Mar 1687 Thomas Diary; 1700 Stumpf toi Cardinals, 23 pages in response to Il Disinganno.

Reel 23: 16 doc. “Micro of fotos, ASV & ARSI” no source identification: Elogium Kiliani Stumpf, SJ; 14 Dec. 1652 Michael Boym; 14 Feb. 1680 Joseph de Veita Sinage “Certificamos”; Filipucci, Gabianim Bouvet, Thomas to Candela; Suarez “Expos. Tournon”; Levranotte; typed list: “Documents sur les missions de la Compagnie, spec. de la Chine”; “Synopsis relationis de Stat missionis Sin.” (1703); Pereyra to Tournon.
Reel 24: 78 docs. 20 Aug. 1668 Intorcetta to Oliva; 1666 “Ad postulata...; “Dubium...“; “Postulata....”; 20 Jan 1668 Luis da Gama, Brancatius; “Quid agendum...”; 10 Jan. 1668 da Gama and Intorcetta; 1667 Rougemont, “Resolutio...”; 20 Mar. 1664 Fauré, “Tractatus”; “Dialogo entre dous christaos” to Dom Pedro de Portugal (1679); [Second copy in different hand]; “Vera causa...ut Gallos in Sinis subtrahat iur. Lusitanorum”; 6 Aug. 1696 Memoriale; 11 Oct. 1698 Bouver; 6 Aug. 1696 “Annotatione c. mandatum”; “Cum sit absolutum...”; 14 Aug. 1696 Ludovico LeComte, Gonzalez, de la Chaise “3 postul.”; 27 Sept. 1700 Fontaney “Postulata”; [expenses P. Galli]; 25 Oct. 1700 Stumpf; 20 Apr. 1700 Monteyro; 25 Nov. 1702 Thomas, Grimaldi et al.; “Proemium” (1700); 29 Sept. 1669 Navarette; 23 Oct. 1669 Dom Maria a S. Pietro; Apr. 1642 Navarette; 3 Oct. 1669 de Gouvea; 4 Oct. 1669 Dom M. a S. Pietro; 13 Jan. 1670 Miguel dos anjos; 16 Dec. 1680 de Mello; 1704 Castner to Gonzalez; “Diarium actorum c. controversias”; Dentrecolles, “Relation” (8 Nov 1721); “Caput 3 de vera Dei appelatione apud Sinas”; [Six Chinese docs.], Noel; Fond. Ges. 725, 726, 730, by Navarette, Longobardo, Martini, Adrian Grelaon, Verbiest, Adam Schall, Jean Valet, L. Buglio, Le Fauré, Grelon to Boucher, Joannes de Haijmin, Brancati, François Ignace, Francisco Ferrari, Francisco Mesina, Andreas Lubellus (Lubelli), Gregory Lopez, Carol. episc. Conon, Carolus Amianus, Thomas, Noel report to Gonzalez, Bouvet on “Figurism”

Reel 25: 17 docs. 2 Jan 1695 de Janson; Gerbillon and Bouvet, Vlyrizone, Gonzalez, “Reposta....”, “Supplemento”
Reel 26: JapSin 152 Navarette, Tome II of “Tratados...Controversias antiguas y moderna de la mission de la gran China (vol. I, pp. 1-668)
Reel 27: (ASV Fondo Albani Tome 83-84, 526. 18, 234-236, 243-244, 246, 248, 249, 250, 252, 253(?), 248, 255, 257, 253) Nunziatura Venezia; mss. Gesuitico; 28 Nov. 1701 Fir. Seminarii Paris; 20 Nov. 1704 Pict. sacrifice to Confucius, seacrip.; 20 Feb 1702 Marinus to Clement XI; 6, 18 Dec. 1701 Nicolai to Clement XI; 1709-1710 Mezzafalce to Clement XI; 11 Mar. 1710 Montigny to Clement XII; 6 May 1710 Arxo to Clement XII; 8 Feb. 1707 Tournon to Clement XI; 7 Feb. 1707 Decret. Nank. (Tournon), Memoriale; 1 Dec. 1700 Pek. S.J. to Pope; 26 Aug. 1701 Gio. Bonaventura di Roma; 27 Nov. 1701 Ciceri, episc. Nanking; 1704 Gerbillion; 18 Oct. Appiani; 11 documenta (Tome 249); Nunziatura Venezia re : Michel Boym; 10 docs. (Tome 250), incl’d. 28 Nov. Relazione: Tournon in Macau; 1707 Tournon to Paolucci; 18 Nov. 1707 Tournon to Paolucci; 20 Nov. 1707 Benevente to Pope, 27 Dec. 1707 Tournon Relazione;25 Nov. 1707 Giampé to Paolucci; Dec. 1707 Tournon: Observatione on appeal by Jesuits; 7 Dec. 1707 Tournon to Lisbon Nuncio; 7 Dec. 1707 Benevente to SPCF; 8 Dec. 1707 Tournon to Lisbon Nuncio; 9 Dec. 1707 Tournon excommunicates Macau officials; 10 Dec. 1707 Tournon to Lisbon Nuncio; 12 Dec. 1707 Tournon to Paolucci; 17 Dec. 1707 Bonaventura to Clement XI; 17 Dec. 1707 Candela to Amiani; 18 Dec. 1707 Rome to Tournon; 27 Dec. 1707 Amiani to Candela; 27 Dec. 1707 Tournon: Relazione. Tome 251 10 Dec. 1707, 2 Jan 1708 Tournon to Lisbon Nuncio;Tournon to Visdelou; 4 Nov. 1707; 6 Jan 1708 Tournon to Sacripante, & Lisbon Nuncio; 9 Jan 1708 Tournon to Mezzafalce, & Goa to Cardinal Conti; 12 Jun. 1708 Tournon to Paolucci; 10 Feb, 1708 Tournon to Visdelou; 21 Mar. 1708 Tournon about Visdelou; 10 Apr. 1708 Tournon to Paolucci about Visdelou; 8 May, 10 May, 17 Apr. 1708 Mezzafalce to Rome; 1 July 1708 Noel to Pope from Brazil; 30 Aug. 1708 Paolucci summons Maigrot to Rome; 29 Oct. 1708 Giampé to SCPF; 29 Dec. 1708 Benevente to Sacripante; 1708(?) Minutes of SCPF; 28 Dec. 1708 Tournon to Paolucci, & Benevente to SCPF; Tome 252: 26 Apr. 1709 Tournon; 4 Mar. 1709 Tournon to Benevente; 17 Aug.-17 Oct. 1709 Tournon Diario;4 Mar. 1709 Tournib to Benevente; 13 or 23 Mar 1709 Tournon to San Giorgio; 26 Apr. 1709 Tournon to Paolucci; 1 July 1709 G. Borghese; 12 Nov 1709 to Clement XI; 4 Nov. 1709 Tournon to Paolucci; 30 Nov. 1709 Tournon to Clement XI; 2 Dec. 1709 Tournon to Paolucci; 15 Oct. 1709 Tournon Acta vs. Bp. of Macau; 3 Dec. 1709 Tournon to Clement XI; 12 Feb. 1710 (Bonjour-Fabri?); 11 Sept. 1710 Macau difficulties; (Tome 248) 10 Nov. 1701 Alvarus, ep. Ascalon; 12 Nove. 1701 PP. Pekin. Thomas et al.; 27 Nov. 1701 Ciceri; 9 Dec. 1701 Cazal; 9 Dec. 1701 Maigrot to Pope; 29 Dec. 1701 Turcotti to Clement XI; 12 Feb. 1702 Gio. Bonaventura de Roma; 16 Nov. 1702 Alvarus; 20 Nov. 1702 Emanuel Laurifice; 27 Mar 1702 El Rey to Clement XI; 25 Jan, 4 Feb (2), 22 Feb. 1704 Tournon to Paolucci; 28 Oct. 1704 Appiani; (Tome 255) 25 Apr. 1712 Borghese to Paolucci; (Tome 257) 14 Jan 1717 Carlo da Castorano to Clement XI; (Tome 253) Portrait of Tournon.

Reel 28: Biblioteca Casanatense (27 documents) incl’d. Borghese diary (28 Aug-19 Nov. 1706); Debate at Canton; Gerbillon on Visdelou; Clement XI to Tournon re: powers given; Tournon letters 1704-1706.
Reel 29: Biblioteca Casanatense Fondo Fatinelli, Tome 1633, 1706-1709 Visdelou, “Animadversiones”; T. 1627 Tournon Angelita transcript; T. 1634 Libelli supplices ad Tournon; t. 1636-1637 Fatinelli Istoria Parte II, Parte III.
Reel 30: Biblioteca Casanatense, Tome 1637-1638, Fatinelli Parte III (cont’d), Parte IV; Tome 2678 “Breve relatizione...” (with 5 photos at end).
Reel 31: Biblioteca Casanatense, Tome 2455, 1 Sept. 1702 Thomas to Maigrot; Maigrot “Observat.”; 7 Feb. 1702, 20 June, 6 Aug., 23 Sept., 5 Dec. 1701, 4 July 1706 Thomas; 7 July 1706 “Responsio prima as libellos super prima decl. Imp. Sin.”; 8 July 1701 Maigrot; 27 Dec. 1701 Pré Visitatore dell Com.; 1700, Salutor de S. Tha.

Reel 32: Biblioteca Casanatense, Tome 2457-2458, Maigrot: de Actis Tournon; 17 Dec. 1706 Decr. Imperiale.
Reel 33: Archivum Prop. Fide. no. 118 Promissione Sinensi I: 1672 Intorcetta to SCPF; 1646 Intorcetta; 1687 Grimaldi “Succ. informatione dello...mission. Cina; 23 Oct. 1687 Filippucci to Gonzalez; 1689 Postulatum Grimaldi; Sept. 1689 a Grimaldi; 29 Sept. 1690 Thomas to Gonzalez; 1692 Decr. Imperatoris; APF no. 120, Pro missione Sinensi 2: 23 Mar. 1656 Resp. S.C. Inquisit. ad quaesita miss. S.J. ad Sinas; APF 156, Pro missione Sinensi 4, 23 Sept. 1704 Facultates et Priv. concessa P.P. Gallis Gonzalez; APF 157 Pro missione Sinensi 5: 1697-1704 Catalog of writings re Rites Controversy; 1581-1634 Cont. of catalog; 14 May 1702 Bonaventure OSF; 6 Jan (1702?) Turcotti; 28 Sept. 1701 Posateri to SCPF; 6 Nov. 1699 Grimaldi, Grimaldi to Turcotti; 30 Nov. 1700 Pereyra et al, Castner; 21 Apr. 1705 Castner to Clement XI; Lettera al Clemente XI, da S.J. della Cina; 30 Nov. 1700 “Declaratio...”; 1704 “Observationes...”; [plus 6 documents]; APF163 Pro missione Sinensi 8: 1702-1705 Acta Varia; 1706 Acta Maigrot; 1707 Resp. Mariani; 1707 Decr. Imperatoris; 1707 Decr. Imperatoris [list of Chinese names]; 1707 Gerbillon to Benevente; 21 Feb. 1707 Gerbillon to Tournon; 13 Apr. 1707 Alvaro Bp.; 10 Dec. 1707 Tournon (Relatio); 1707 Monteyro et al; 6 Dec. 1707 Monteyro to Gonzalez; APF165 Pro missione Sinensis 10: to Clement XI, from S.J.; APF167 Pro missione Sinensis 12: 2 Apr. 1705-12 Jan. 1708 Tournon: Relazione; Nov. 1710 Becarelli; Provana: Itinerarium; APF SOCP 1707-1706: 8 Apr. 1704 Tournon to SCPF; 5 Feb. 1705 Muellener; 1 Feb. 1705 Appiani; Pastor. Goa c. Tournon; 25 Sept. 1705 Tournon, Tournon to Paolucci; 20 Sept. & 1 Oct. 1705 Tournon to Fatin.; 29 Sept. 1705 Tournon, Annot. Tournon c. Goa; APF SOCP 1710-1711: 1706-1707 Summ. lett. Tournon; 25 Nov. 1707 Tournon to SCPF [duplicate of above]; 12 Dec. 1708 Tournon to SCPF; 3 Dec. 1709 Tournon to Sacripanti; 4 Oct. 1709 Tournon to Sacripanti; 26 Jan. 1708 Visdelou to SCPF.
Reel 34: APF SRCong “Premiers jesuites francais en Chine” [typed]; APF SOCP 1677 II [7 docs.]; 1677 III [2 docs.]; 1684-1686 12 Nov. 1646 Decretum pro Jesuitis; 1677-1688; 1673-1684; 1679-1683; 1680; 1684-1687; 1686-1689; 1685-1687; APF SRCongr 4 (suite); APF SRCong 5; APF SCOP 1703-1704; 1705-1706 Candela Diario [5 folders]; 1707-1709; 1710-1711.

Reel 35: APF 118 24 May 1672 Intorcetta to SCPF; 1687 Grimaldi “Della mis. Cina...”; 23 Sept. 1704 “Facult. P.P. Gallis...”; APF 156, 157, 163, 167 [40 docs.]; 13 Apr. 1707 Actus App. A. Venavente’ “Scritture riferite nei congressi 1705-1706”; APF120 1698 Grelon “Notae in decl. Maigrot...”; “De dubaus litt. Kim Tien”; Appendix: “De oblationibus defunctis”; “Indie orientale Cina SRNC: vol. 4 Greg. Lopez; vol. 8 27 Sept. 1702 Fontanez; “Miscellanea Cina 1”; APF158 2 Dec. 1700 Grimaldi, Thomas et al.; [remainder of preface]; July 1704 “Observ. in quaesita Sin. Imperatori a PP. S.J. proposita, et resp.”; Sept. 1704 Responsio; 17 May 1705 Castner (Kastner); 21 Apr. 1705 Castner to Clement XI; JS193 1652 Martini; June 1649 deV, G.S.M.P., Morales.
Reel 36 BAV Borg.Lat. 543 Joannis Francisci E’S. J. Episc. Pekini; [10 docs. 1705, 1706, 1718] Visdelou, de Chavagnac.
Reel 37: “Memoire instructif en forme de Journal sur ce qui s’est passè au suject des missions de la Chine depuis l’arrivée en cet empire de Monseigneur de Tournon...jusqu’au départ de Monseigneur Maigrot” [23 Oct. 1705, from British Museum]

Reel 38: BAV R.G. Storia V 2388: :Memorie Storiche della legazione e morte dell’Eminentiss. Monsignor Cardinale di Tournon...volume ottavo, ed. ultimo. Contenente la Relazione dell’Abate Sala. Venezia MDCCLXII [1762] Appresso G. Bettinelli.
Reel 39: Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, 10550-10554 D: 20 Nov. 1704 Decretum Clemens XI; 5 Feb. 1659 Martini “De Quodam blasphemo...”; 8 Jan. 1615 Ferdinand Albenis; 21 Feb. 1615 Bautera; 7 Feb. 1615 Nicolai Trigault; 19 Feb. 1615 Trigault; (date?) Janssen to Van der Beken; [33 letters of Van Hamme, to Jammingo, Van Gallenberghe, Papebrochio, et al., 1685-1712]

Reel 40 British Museum Add. Mss. 20.903 “Conde de Vila Verde Corresondencia da India“; Add. Mss. 20.533 Papers of Card. F. A. Giualterio; Add. Mss. 19.303 Letters and mss. of the Missionariesl Jacques le Fauré.
Reel 41: British Museum Sloane OR 853A: Feb. 1687-1688 to Thomas Hyde of Oxford; 1687 [8 docs. by Michael Shin, one page of Chinese with Latin explanations].
Reel 42: Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze Manoscritta Palatini 1115, 1711-1728 and letters from 1664-1671, [138 letters and “relationes.” Index, typed]. BM Egerton 2212, Charmot; BM Harley 3570 Index; BM Harley Indices of Chinese books, Stowe 307, 256, 988, Arundel 13; BM Sloane 1005, 2, 1019, 54, 1050, 3, 4 ; BM various indices; BM list of mss. studied; BNP Department de affaires etrangères, archives nationales list of mss. studied and reviewed; Bibliothèque de l’arsenal, Paris: list of mss.; Bibliothèque Mazarine, Paris: list of mss.; Bibl. Ste. Geneviève (Parish); Biblioteca Casanatense [70 docs.]; BM Add. Mss. 20.904 8 Aug. 1695 “Relation de Manoel de S.A. sur son voyage en Chine.”
Reel 43: Bibliothèque nationale de Paris, Mercure Gallant Sept. 1684

SubjectCatholic Church--China--Sources Catholic Church--China--17th-18th centuries--Sources Jesuits--Missions--China--History--17th-18th centuries--Sources Chinese Rites controversy--Sources Catholic Church--Missions--China--History--Sources Tournon, Charles-Thomas Maillard de 多羅, 1668-1710
History of Zikawei Seminary. [manuscript]
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageEnglish, Latin
Record_typeManuscript (pdf)
ShelfDigital Archives, Rouleau Archives
Call NumberRouleau [DS796.S26 R69 1955]
DescriptionMss. [pdf. 138 p.]
NoteUnpublished mss.
Composed of several sections typewritten at different periods, some pages heavily marked and edited.

"Summarium Historiae Theologatus S. R. Bellarmini - Zikawei-Shanghai, in vigesimoquinto anniversario 1930-1954" (incomplete?]

"The Theological Faculty of St. R. Bellarmino : Zikawei-Shanghai-China [now in exile Baguio City]"
"Looking backwards: twenty-five years of a Jesuit seminary"

Rouleau, ‘History of Zikawei Seminary’ [Personal reminiscences on the twenty fifth anniversary of the Bellarmino theologate, Baguio, P.I., 1955]--P. Rule, Archive index.

Local access dig.pdf [Rouleau-Zikawei Theologate.pdf]

SubjectJesuits--China--Shanghai Shi--History Persecution--China--History--20th century--Sources Xujiahui 徐家匯 (Shanghai 上海). Jesuit Theologate--History Seminaries--China--Shanghai--Xuiahui [Zikawei]--History
Persecution of Catholics in China ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageEnglish, French
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Description1 linear ft. : 28 folders in archival carton
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1 linear ft. of clippings, copies, and extracts from various Catholic mission journals, newletters, and newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China from 1952-1968. Collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau after his expulsion from China, and arranged chronologically in 28 folders. Held in the Rouleau-Malatesta Archives of the Ricci Institute. Folders arranged chronologically by year; see individual folders for contents description.
SubjectReligion and state--China--1949-2001 Persecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Persecution--China--History--1949-1989 Christian martyrs--China--20th century Persecution--China--Shanghai--History--1949-1989 Communism and Christianity--China--20th century Freedom of religion--China--1949-1989 Political prisoners--China--1949-1989
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1952a ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageEnglish, French, Italian
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Description2 doc. folders ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1952 folders (A-B). Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newletters, and newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1952:
Rev. John H. Houle, S.J., captives of the Chinese Communists, Robert McCann, captured Navy pilots, Rev. Justin Garvey. Review of Fr. Mark Tennien's No Secret is Safe, Maryknoll fathers. Fr. Adolph Lenz, Bethlehem Foreign Mission Society, Keshan, Manchuria; death of Rev. Joseph Zeman, Vincentian; Bp. Alfonso Ferroni, O.F.M., Laohekou, Hubei; death of Rev. Anthony Shen; Revs. Francis Li, Bonaventure Hu, Fr. Guerra; death of Bp. Francis X. Ford, M.M., Sr. Joan Marie Ryan, Meixian; Br. Jose Torres, Tunki (Dunji) Anhui Province, medical missionaries; Prefect Apostolic Msgr. Jose Fogued, Fr. Agust Rebollar; Abp. Joseph Chou Chi-shih (Zhou Jishi), Nanchang, Jiangxi Province; Abp. Ignatius Pi Shu-shih (Pi Shushi), Mukden; Abp. Cyril Rudolph Jarre, O.F.M., Jinan, Bp. Leo J. De Smedt, Xiwanzi, Bp. Alessandro Carlo, Lanlong; Dr. William L. Wallace, Baptist medical missionary, Stout Memorial Hospital, Wuzhou, Guangxi; Gertrude Cone, Methodist missionary; Bp. Adolph J. Paschang, M.M.; list of seven American bishops in prison; Abp. Theodore Buddenbrock, S.V.D., Lanzhou, Gansu Province; Society for the Propagation of the Faith visit to Sancian Island; Sr. Raymond Marie, Sr. Veronique (Congregation of Our Lady of the Angels, Guiyang, Guizhou Province, Canadian nuns); Fr. Matthew Ruf, Qiqihar; death of Bp. Joseph Louis Lapierre, Sipingkai, Manchuria, Canadian missioner; Rev. Alphonse Buggenhout, Belgian Scheut Father, Datong, Shanxi; Frs. Albert Geusens, John Kerkhofs, Joseph Lindmans, Scheut Congregation, Fr. Ferdinand Tops, Suiyuan Diocese; Salesian Orphanage of Xuzhou, Fr. Pietro Ye (in Italian); Mgr. Anthony Pott, S.V.D., Fr. Henry Clemens, Frederick Kornfeld, Xinyang; Fr. John Heisel, Xinyang, Henan.

Xinjiang Kalmuks; Pastor Francis Stockwell, Bp. Silvanus P. Valentin, Frs. Jean Baptiste Charrier, Joseph Le Corre, Ferdinando Pecorero, Gangting, Xikang, Yajiang, MEP; Chengdu Diocese arrests; death of Fr. Joseph Leon Arcand; Courier Dove, Shanghai communist newspaper on failure of "reform" of the Catholic Church; Statement of Bishop Kung Pin-mei (Kong Pinmei) to Shanghai Vice-Mayor (Fides, Feb 2-52); Trial and expulsion of Frs.. Henry Pinault, Philip Charel, Yves Colin, Chengdu; Legion of Mary; Fr. Louis X. Jantzen, Abp. of Nanjing, Fr. Joseph Gallice, Henry Magnan; Abp. Jean Joseph Deymier, Hangzhou, forced confession; Frs. Patrick Ronan, John Casey, Missionary Society of St. Columban, Legion of Mary; Br. Jospeh Maggi, Milan Foreign Mission Society, Bp. of Hanzhong, Shaanxi; Frs. John Baptist Nordio, Erminio Corbella, Louis Moschini; Bp. John O'Shea, C.M., Bp. of Ganzhou, Sr. Vincent De Lude, Sisters of Charity; Bp. Edward J. Galvin St. Columban Mission Society, Bp. of Hanyang, Hubei; "Lo Stato attuale dell'opera Salesiana in Cina," Michele Arduino, Bp. of Xuzhou, Agenzia Missionaria Silesiana, 30 Giu. 1952, n. 62; death of Canadian missioner Fr. Didace Arcand, Chefoo (Yantai), Shandong; Sr. Constantine Sarias, Sup. of Catholic Mission Hospital, Zhaodong, Yunnan Province (Congregation of the School Sisters of Graz, Austria), Dr. Janez, Msgr. Joseph Kerec, Srs. Martina Drofenik, Xaveria Jerebic; accusations of murder of orphans, Ste. Foy (Elizabeth Lemire), Ste. Germaine (Imelda Laperrière), Ste. Victor (Germaine Tanguay); on Christmas; remaining Vincentians in China, Bp. John A. O'Shea, Fr. Kenneth Williams, Joseph Gately, Francis Moehringer, Joseph Hill, Lawrence Curtis, Walter Menig, Albert Fedders, Lucien Lacoste, Donimique Foucoulet, Joachim Spini; Sisters of the Holy Ghost Bilhilda (Helen Blank), Francesca (M. Hillebrand), Yanzhoufu, Shandong Province, hospital doctors; Sr. Vincent Louise Delude, Fr. Jules Meyrat, Ganzhou; Fr. Gaetano Pollio, Abp. of Kaifeng report on communist occupation of the mission; Rev. Ho (He) Vicar General of the Kaifeng Diocese; Seminarian Paul Che (Zhe), Abp. Anthony Riberi, papal Internuncio, Abp. Gaetano Pollio; Bp. Charles William Quinn, C.M.; Report: "Rééducation des Fonctionnaires au Yun-nan," M. Gerber, Fides doc. 21.VI. 1952 v. II, n.36, p. 297.; expulsion of Bp. August Gaspais, Qilin; death of Fr. Paul Muller, S.V.D.; expul. of Frs. Rene Boisguerin, Bp. of Yibin, Fr. John Larrart, Abp. of Guiyang, murder of Frs. Martin Joseph Ly and Charles Cheu (Tcheu); Canadian nuns Sr. Raymond Marie (Rose Alma Larose), Sr. Veronique (Jeanne Dionne), Sr. Alphonse du Redempteur (Antoinette Couvrette), Sr. Marie Germaine (Germaine Gravel), Sr. Notre Dame de Belval (Agnes Gruson), Mother St. Aubert Le Baron, Mother Prazeres da Silval, Sr. Mercedes Isaisi, Sr. Teresa Elorduy; Collegio Don Bosco a Macao; death of Abp. Ignatius Pi, Sr. Joan Gabriel Tounel; Fides doc. 13. XII. 1952. v. II, n. 45, p. 399 on communist persecution tactics and techniques (in French).

Report: Expulsion of 94 Catholic missioaries during June (1952); Frs. Harold Watters, Donald Fitzgerald, Eugene Spencer, Richard Downey, Wilfred Le Sage, Raineiro Bengoechea, John Toomey, Sr. Maria Corazon Jaramillo, Sr. Dominic Marie Turner, Aiden McGrath, Huzhou (Hangzhou); plans of Chinese communists for Chinese priests (Fides 7-5-52); "Comment les communistes ont anneanti la mission de Kirin (Mandchourie)," Mgr. A. Gaspais (Agenzia Internazionale Fides, Fides doc. 16, III. 1952, v.II, n. 30); article on overseas Chinese; "Higher education in communist China" (Fides #328); several articles on China under the communists "La Chine Rouge" ed. of Missi, 5 Mai 1952, XVIIe ann. n. 160.

SubjectPersecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989 Ford, Francis Xavier, 1892-1952
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1952b ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageEnglish, French, Spanish
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Description2 doc. folders ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China. 1952b] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1952 folders (A-B). Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, and newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1952:
Fides doc. 12. I. 1952. v. II, n. 26, pp. 208-210 on the persecution of Fr. Chang, S.J. (in French); imprisonment of Fr. Eugene Lauzon, S.J.; International Fides Service Feb. 9th, 1952. #297, NE 49, Asia China Shanghai “Aurora University” students about sacrifices to Bp. Kiung [Kong]; death of Frs. Anthony Renson & Henry Ullings, persecution of Vincentian Fr. Henri Hermans, Jesuit Frs. Alfred Bonningue, Louis Watine, Henry Pollet & Rene Archen; Rev. Thomas J. Bauer, M.M. about torturing Monsignor Eugene Fahy, S.J., imprisoned with Jesuit Rev. James E. Thornton and Frs. William D. Ryan & Paul Beauce, arrival of Rev. Rudolf Blockinger, O.F.M. Cap.; Fides Nov. 1-52 on expulsion of Fr. Joseph Szajko, S.J. from Shanghai; International Fides Service Jan. 5th, 1952, #292, NE 6 on arrest of Rev. Philip Cote S.J., Bp. of Suzhou, Jiangsu, along Rev. Paul Chang, S.J., Revs. Paul Hsu & Paul Kiang; International Fides Service Jan. 26th, 1952, #295, NE 32 on expulsion of Canadian Jesuits, Revs. Maurice Begin, Leon Malois & Philip Guimet; Rev. Eugene Lauzon, S.J. on torture; release of Bp. Philip Cote, S.J. along Rev. Horace Labranche & Paul Tien; expulsion of Bp. Philip Cote, S.J.; International Fides Service Mar. 7th, 1953, #351, NE 78. Bp. Zeno Aramburu, S.J., of Wuhu, interview about increasingly failing position in Communist China; Fr. Matthew Su dies in prison; International Fides Service Oct. 4th, 1952, # 329, NE 290 on release of Sts. Mercedes Isaśi & Teresa Edsuroy from the Sisters of Marcy of Berritz; Msgr. Eugene Fahy congratulates Abp. Joseph Kuo on consecration; American Jesuits in China, San Francisco, IV-5 May 1952 on exit visas for Frs. Donohoe, Klaeser, Latham, Rouleau, Jack Clifford, LeSage, Gatz & John Brennan, no applications for Frs. Charles McCarthy, Philips, Houle & Palm; American Jesuits in China, San Francisco, IV-10 October 1952, on transfers to Japan; (Fides) Apr. 12-52 on expulsion of Rev. George Germain, S.J., rector of Aurora University; arrests at Zikawei Orphanage of Rev. John Billot, S.J. & St. Pia de Moppay; Chengdu without foreign missionary priests; International Fides Service June 14th, 1952, # 315, NE 188 on barbarous treatment, arrival in Hong Kong of Jesuit Msgr. Eugene Fahy and Revs. James Thornton, William Ryan & Paul Beauce; Fr Louis J. Dowd, S.J. on desolation; International Fides Service June 14th, 1952, # 315, NE 189 on Msgr. Fahy’s treatment in prison.

Life Magazine Sept. 8th, 1952, pp.126-146 on Msgr. Eugene E. Fahy’s time before, during, and after imprisonment by the Communists. In Yangchow (Yangzhou) with Frs. Thornton, Ryan, Beaucé, Liou (Liu) and Br. Fekete. Attacks by Lo Ping-yeh (Luo Pingye). Speech by Chu Shih Ch’ang (Zhu Shichang).

Fides doc. 22. XI. 1952, vol. II, n. 43, pp. 371-376 on P. Biaucé’s treatment before and during imprisonment (in French); Louis J. Dowd, S.J. on mistreatment in Nanking (Nanjing) and Yangchow (Yangzhou); Rev. John B. Ebel, series on noted converts; Msgr. Fahy and Frs. William D. Ryan, James Thornton & Paul Beauce are released; Fr. Albert R. O’Hara, S.J. on bleak Christmas; Apostolic Letter to the martyr-church of China; (Fides) Jan 26-52 on imprisonment of Sts. Mercedes Isasi and Theresa Elorduy; International Fides Service Feb. 2nd, 1952, # 296, NE 39 on candidates for priesthood in Wuhu held on starvation diet; International Fides Service Mar. 15th, 1952, # 302, NE 94 on children’s letter from Tou Se Wei (Tushanwan 土山灣) orphanage saving Rev. John Billot, S.J. jail; Fr. Edward J. Murphy, S.J. introduction to summer school in Formosa; notes on summer school in Formosa; notes on summer school in Formosa; Frederick J. Foley, S.J. on house rules in Jesuit house in Taipei (Taibei), staff: Frs. Edward Murphy, Patrick Shaules, Fredric Weingartner, F.J. Foley, Joseph B. Donohoe, Jose Rodriguez & Br. James Finnegan; International Fides Service Dec. 20th, 1952, # 340, NE 377 on expelled Italian and Spanish missionaries: Rev. Frs. Fausto Gnavi, Adolfo Novella, Mariano Santos & Br. Restituto Diez; Mons. Frederico Melendro, S.J. on treatment of Jesuits in China (in Spanish); (Fides, 29.11.52) on expulsion of Fr. Joseph M.H., S.J. for six crimes; Dominicans open house; International Fides Service May 10th, 1952, #310, NE 150 on numbers of imprisonments and expulsions, name list; Albert O’Hara on China’s new marriage law; letter about future assignments.

SubjectPersecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1953a ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageEnglish, French
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Description2 doc. folders ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1953 folders (A-B). Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, and newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of person/topics in these articles from 1953:
U. S. News & World Report, March 13, 1953, Interview with John D. Hayes, Presbyterian Missionary. Imprisoned in Kweiyang (Guiyang), current life in China, the trial; Fr. Joseph Peter McGinn from Maryknoll expelled; U. S. News & World Report, February 20, 1953, “China Blockade: How it Works”; The Saturday Evening Post, September 12, 1953, pp. 32-33, pp. 164-165?, George Weller: “Will Red China Break with Russia?”, including report about Li Lisan, rival of Mao Zedong; The New York Magazine, September 20, 1953, pp. 9, 64, 66, 68, Barbara Ward: “The Fateful Race Between China and India”, a rather economical report; The Saturday Evening Post, June 20, 1953, pp. 27, 119-121, 123, Reginald C. Thomas: “I spied on The Chinese Communists”; Fides doc., 28. II. 1953, vol. II, n. 46, pp. 408-412, Léon Trivière M.E.P.: “Developpement de la Question Agraire en Chine Communiste” (in French); Fides doc., 19. XII. 1953, vol. III, n. 3, pp. 33-39, Léon Trivière M.E.P.: “Le Mariage en Chine Communiste” (in French); Fides doc., 28. III. 1953, vol. II, n. 50, pp. 446-453, Léon Trivière M.E.P.: “La Reeducation des Prisonniers en Chine Communiste (1)”, includes pretrial moves (in French); Fides doc., 28. XI. 1953, vol. III, n. 2, pp. 28-30, Albert R. O’Hara, S.J.: “Chinese Communist Society takes Shape”, Five-Year-Plan, collectivation; Fides doc, 28. XI. 1953, vol. III, n. 2, pp. 16-22, Léon Trivière M.E.P.: “Le Role des Femmes dans la Chine Nouvelle” (in French).

Fides doc., 26. IX. 1953, vol. III, n. 1, pp. 1-15, Léon Trivière M.E.P.: “La Jeunesse de la Chine sous l’Emprise du Communisme” (in French); (Fides, Jan. 31, 1953), Irish Columban Frs. Seumas O’Reilly and Luke O’Reilly mistaken as Soviets; International Fides Service, December 12, 1953, # 390, NE 360, Frs. Theodore Roling, S.V.D. & Hugo Schulz, S.V.D.’s experience, together with Fr. Louis Andrea, S.M.B.; (Fides, March 21, 1953), Lanchow (Lanzhou) regional seminary, Episcopal Bp. Buddenbrock; Book review: “Cavalry in China”, Fr. Robert Greene, Maryknoller, Fr. John F. Donovan, superior; International Fides Service January 10, 1953, # 343, NE 9, Fr. McGinn’s ordeal, met Frs. William O’Hara, C.M., Paul Duchesne, M.M., Albert O’Hara, S.J. & Bp. Pashang (Bashang) of Kongmoon (Jiangmen); International Fides Service, December 6, 1953, # 389, NE 357, Msgr. Hermenegild Hintringer, O.FM.Cap., Prefect Apostolic of Kiamusze (Jiamusi) heading the list of expelled; Zealandia, May 7, 1953, Rev. Francis Xavier Ford, D.D. martyred, recollected by Str. Joan Marie from Maryknoll; International Fides Service, February 28, 1953, # 350, NE 65, Release of Franciscan Mtrs. St. Aubert & Dos Prazeres, originally additionally charged were Mtrs. Achille, Robertlebis, Bilhildis Just & Venantia; Fides, 7/20/53, overseas Chinese; (Fides, Jan. 3, 1953), Bp. Charles van Melckebecke of Ninghsia (Ningxia) will serve from outside; (Fides), July 11, 1953, Brs. of the Society of the Divine Word back from Tsingtao (Qingdao): Matthew (John Swift), Michael Kirsch, Paul Christ, William Witte, Paul Karlheim, Ernest Montag, Casper Sinzig & Francis Maus, as Franciscan priests Edmund Trachternach, Edward Sauvage, Carhaix France, Fabian Bougeard & Burkhard born Napiersky; International Fides Service, March 21, 1953, # 353, NE 90 on expelled Bethlehem Mission Society Fr. Jorrit De Boer in Talihsien (Dalixian); International Fides Service, November 21, 1953, # 387, NE 341 on Fr. Siegried Schneider, O.F.M. of Wuchang and nine others expelled; International Fides Service, June 20, 1953, # 366, NE 185, arriving in Hong Kong: Fr. Joseph Wehner, Strs. Lucentia (B. Leber) & Mary Dulcena (Mary Woitukiewiez); [Fides], expelled: Rev. Augustine Olbert, S.V.D., Bp. of Tsingtao (Qingdao), Frs. John Dahlenkamp, S.V.D., Joseph Kaufhold, S.V.D., William Kreomer, S.V.D. & Bertram Rüssel, S.V.D.

International Fides Service, March 7, 1953, # 351, NE 80 on expulsion of Abp. Rev. Luke Capozi, O.F.M. of Taiyuan; (Fides), Dec. 12-53, four Strs. Of the Immaculate Conception arriving in Hong Kong from Szepingkai (Sipingjie): Marie Josephine (Elaine Gravel), Ste Emerentienne (Berte Fleurent), Marie de la Charite (Corine Bourassa) & Marie Germaine (Germaine Gravel); International Fides Service, December 12, 1953, # 390, NE 359, treatment of Bp. Faustino Tissot from Chengchow (Zhengzhou), arriving in Hong Kong: Revs. Theodore Franco, S.X. & Salvatore Santi, S.X. of Loyang (Luoyang), Brs. Valerian Germano & Rigoni, S.X. of Chengchow (Zhengzhou); The Church World, 1/30/53, Fr. Peter Crevits model prisoner; International Fides Service, February 14, 1953, # 348, NE 50/51, Br. Leo Stocco of Parma Mission Society in Chengchow (Zhengzhou) mistreated and expelled; 2/19/53, expulsion of Br. Leo Stocco; [Fides], arrivals in Hong Kong: Amoy (Xiamen) Bp. John B. Velasco, O.P., Rev. John Fernandez, O.P., Frs. August Barreau, M.E.P from Pakhoi Diocese & Schmitz, S.V.D.

SubjectPersecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989 Ford, Francis Xavier, 1892-1952
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1953b ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageEnglish, French, Spanish
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Description2 doc. folders ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1953 folders (A-B). Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, and newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1953:
International Fides Service, March 28, 1953, # 354, NE 96, Arriving in Hong Kong: Revs. John M. Struyven, Trappist priest of Chengtingfu (Zhengdingfu), Hopei (Hebei) & Rene Flament, Vincentian priest; International Fides Service, November 28, 1953, # 388, NE 350, Hankow (Hankou) church desecrated, Fr. Gervasius Rossato, O.F.M. arrives; (Fides, Febr. 7, 1953), Fr. Joseph Seng of Hanyang Diocese dies, witnessed by Fr. John Billot, S.J., arrests of: Msgrs. Gabriel Quint Ch’en & Gustave Prevost, Frs. Francis X. Legrand, Aiden McGrath, Matthew Ch’en & Joseph Seng; Fides doc., 28. XI. 1953, vol. III, N. 2, pp. 23-28, S.E.Mons. Juan B. Velasco, O.P.: “Cuatro Años de Comunismo en Amoy”; (Fides, Jan. 3, 1953), expulsion of Srs. Alphonse du Rédempteur & Marie Germaine (Germaine Gravel) from Canton (Guangzhou), Sr. Imelda of Hong Kong informed, welcomed by Msgr. Martin T. Gilligan & Fr. Albert R. O’Hara; International Fides Service, January 31, 1953, # 346, NE 35, Sr. Dominic Marie Turner from Kongmoon (Jiangmen) released, Fr. John Toomey, M.M., expelled earlier; Bp. Cuthbert M. O’Gara, C.P. of Yuanling released; Advocate, 11/21/53, interview with Bp. Cuthbert M. O’Gara, C.P. about ordeal; International Fides Service, May 9, 1953, # 360, NE 142, arrival in Hong Kong of Rev. Cuthbert O’Gara, Bp. of Yuanling, and Revs. Paul Ubinger, C.P. & William Westoben; release of Bp. John A. O’Shea, C.M. of Kanchow (Ganzhou); January 15, 1953, expulsion of Str. Vincent Loise DeLude, D.C. of Kanchow (Ganzhou), reunion with Str. Louise Cush, D.C.; (Fides, Feb. 14, 1953), Vincentian Fr. Joseph Hill of Kanchow (Ganzhou), Kaingsi (Guangxi) leaves for Hong Kong; International Fides Service.

October 31, 1953, # 384, NE 321, Frs. John Brambilla & John Carbone, both with P.I.M.E., leave Kaifeng, Honan (Henan) for Hong Kong; International Fides Service, November 7, 1953, # 385, NE 328/329, arriving in Hong Kong from Kaifeng: Frs. Henfy Vigo, P.I.M.E., Dionysius Busnelli, P.I.M.E. & Victor Pollo, P.I.M.E., arriving from Chengchow (Zhengzhou) Parma Missionary Frs. Sperindio Orlandini & Joseph Zanini, arrest of Brothes Stocco, M.D., ordeal for Brs. Gemma & Rigoni; International Fides Service, November 21, 1953, # 387, NE 343, Bp. Karl Weber, S.V.D. arrives in Hong Kong from Tientsin (Tianjin), bp. of Ichowfu (Yizhoufu?), Shantung (Shandong); (Fides, Sept. 5, 1953), Bp. Hermenegild Focaccia, O.F.M., dies at Yutze, Shansi (Shanxi) of heart disease; (Fides, September 19, 1953), arrival in Hong Kong of Fr. Henry Schmitz, S.V.D. from Yengchowfu (Yangzhoufu?); expelled: Bp. Cuthbert M. O’Gara, C.P. of Yuanling, Frs. Paul Ubinger, C.P. & William Westhoven, C.P.; expulsion of three Jesuits: Frs. Mario Francisconi, S.J., Clemente Dutto, S.J. & Constantino Fadda, S.J.; (Fides, Jan. 3, 1953), “Last Foreign Priests Expelled from Nanking - 6 Other Missionaries”: Frs. Gerbert Dierksmeier & Raoul Falaise, missionaries: Rev. Frs. Daniel Sicard, S.J., Juan B Lazpita, S.J., Juan A. Arcaya, S.J., Guerrino Marsecano, S.J., Rudolph Frish, S.V.D. & Rev. Br. Francisco Mendiburu; American missionaries still imprisoned in Shanghai: Thomas L. Phillips, S.J., Charles J. McCarthy, S.J., John A. Houle, S.J., John William Clifford, S.J. & Joseph McCormack, M.M.; International Fides Service, November 21, 1953, # 387, NE 342, Fr. Henry Pattyn, S.J. arrives from Pekin (Beijing); (Fides, Feb. 14, 1953), Fr. Joseph Jaeggy, S.J. arrives from Tientsin (Tianjin) in Hong Kong, with Fr. Enrico Rimaldi, P.I.M.E. of Weihwei (Weihui) Mission in Honan (Henan); 1/30/53, nine priests: Frs. Joseph Caron, S.J., Aurelian Demers, S.J., Matthias Haberl, S.V.D., Guiseppe Muttoni, S.J., Pietro Donatelli, S.J., Luis Castillo, S.J. & Francis Xerica, and four nuns starved and expelled, also expelled: Frs. Innocente Burroni, O.F.M. & Bartlme Elmar, O.F.M., Bp. Msgr. Zeno Arramburu remains confined with seven priests and four brothers, Jesuit Frs. Chang & Hu forced to live with progressivists.

Catholic Opinion, January 25, 1953, Fr. Jose Rodriguez expelled for harboring downed pilot, also expelled Frs. Alonso Barandiaran, S.J. & Henri Cotto of Paris foreign Mission Society; (Fides, Dec. 12-53), Rev. F.X. Tchao, S.J., Bp. of Diocese of Sienhsien (Xian Xian) in Hopeh (Hebei), is detected, release of other priests, still jailed: Frs. Chrysostom Chang & Joseph Wang; Fr. Su dies in Wuhu, ousted: Frs. Emeric Kekessy, Avelino Echarri, S.J., Emanuel Reinaud, S.J. & Br. Barrenechea, S.J.; Catholic Review, 2/6/53, Fr. Matthew Su of Wuhu dies of starvation; American Jesuits in China, April, 1953, vol. II, No. 4, Msgr. Fahy organizes Yangchow Guardians, Frs. Joseph Donohoe & Shaules teach Beda Tsang Hall; American Jesuits in China, March 1953, vol. II, No. 3, news from Formosa; (Fides, Dec. 2-53), Fr. Richard Kennedy being nursed by Chinese convert; nine priests and four nuns: Strs. Angeles Acha, Pilar Ibanez, Josefa Iraola & Freforia Otaegui, arrive in Hong Kong, earlier arrival: Fr. Peter Crevets; (Fides, Jan. 31, 1953), two French Jesuits, Frs. Francis Thery, S.J. & John Billot, S.J., arrive in Hong Kong; International Fides Service, January 3, 1953, # 342, NE 1, Rev. Daniel Sicard, S.J. arrives in Hong Kong from overcrowded jail; International Fides Service, January 31, 1953, # 346, NE 34, 15 cross over to Hong Kong: from Anking (Anjing) Frs. Francisco Jaureguizar, S.J., Juan del Rio, S.J., Brs. Blas Burguaga, S.J., Aguio, S.J., Pariente, S.J., José Joaristi, S.J., Frs. Francisco Echaverria, S.J., from Pengpu (Bengbu), Anhwei (Anhui) Francisco Biancolini, Emilio Putero, Donato Scattaglia, Dominico Gras, S.J. & Modesto Vasquez, S.J., no more missionaries in Anking (Anjing); Francis Fallert, S.J. & Leonard Kaufer, S.J.: “The Story of a Catechism Class”; (Fides, July 18, 1953), Rev. Clement Dutto, S.J., reports about Ankwei (Ankui) northeast of Pengpu (Bengbu); Edward J. Murphy, S.J.: report of student Theresa Chang; Theresa Chang; American Jesuits in China, 1953, closure of Zikawei, Fr. Lacrotelle in prison.

SubjectXujiahui 徐家匯 (Shanghai 上海)--History Persecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1954 ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Descriptiondoc. folder ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecutions of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1954 folder. Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, and newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1954:
New Leader, January 25, 1954, G. S. Bhargava: “The Tibet Headache”; “Red Mob Desecrates Blessed Sacrament”, Hachow (Hazhou), Hupeh (Hubei), Fr. Rossato; Abp. Joseph Chou (Chou Chi Shih) (Zhou Jishi?) of Nanchang dies in prison, reported by expelled Fr. Angel Bacchin, further expelled: Society of St. Francis Xavier Frs. Hugo Bonaventura, O.P., Raymond Bergamin, Dominican Srs. Rosa Edmunda Keller & Anna Christa Bundi, ordinations of Frs. Bernard Kao, Linus Liao & Stephen Chang; Time, March 1, 1954, p. 26, “The New Empire Builders”, about new infrastructure; Lienche Fang: “Report on Books in China”; U. S. News & World Report, Oct. 1, 1954, pp. 40-48, 110-132, “How the Communists got China” by John Leighton Stuart; Business Week, July 24, 1954, Special Report, pp. 1-11, “Red China: An Ancient Land with New Ambitions”; Saturday Evening Post, December 25, 1954, pp. 24, 78-79, Henry William Carter: “You Can’t Do Business with Red China”, businessman forced to run waterworks; Saturday Evening PostOctober 30, 1954, pp. 24-25, 143, 145-146, 149, Joseph Alsop: “Will China Stay Red?”, little-known truths; Life, September 20, 1954, pp. 47-48, 50, 52, 55-56, 58 Rene MacColl: “With Laborites in Lotus Land on Guided and Misguided Tour”, planned, unplanned sights; The New Leader, October, 18, 1954, p. 6, Jack James: “Red China’s New Constitution”, interpretation; The New Leader, December, 20, 1954, pp. 12-14, Irwin Ross: “Red China’s Dope Peddlers”, Heroin from China; U. S. News & World Report, July 2, 1954, pp.32-33, “Reds Gain Among Chinese Overseas”; James F. Kearney, S.J.: "The Jesuits Dig in in Malaya", Fr. Kelly, catholic school.

SubjectPersecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1955 ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Descriptiondoc. folder ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1955 folder. Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1955:
[Fides], Fr. Octavian Devries, C.I.C.M. from Chihfeng (Zhifeng) in Jehol (Liaoning) arrives in Hong Kong and reports; (Fides, Dec. 17-55) on Frs. Tong Che-Tseu & Cheu’s efforts at continuation in Chungking (Chongqing), layman John Baptist Chang; International Fides Service, November 19, 1955, # 485, NE 334, Fr. Sun(g?), Vicar General of Jehol (Liaoning) administering for expelled Bp. Oste, C.I.C.M.; International Fides Service, January 8, 1955, # 442, NE 1, expulsion of Abp. Riberi, statistics about expulsions, deaths, imprisonments; (Fides, Nov. 19-55), Rev. A. Ferroni, O.F.M., Bp. of Laohokow (Laohukou), arrives in Rome, Abp. Peter Sigismondi present; International Fides Service, May 21, 1955, # 561, NE 143, 200,000 Catholics among 12 million overseas Chinese; The Shield, September, 1955, pp. 2-3, 28-31, Rev. Thaddeus Yang, O.S.B.: “Religion among the Chinese”, account of historical and current situation; various articles related to contemporary China.

SubjectPersecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1956 ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Descriptiondoc. folder ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1956 folder. Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1956:
International Fides Service, July 14, 1956, # 520, NE 185, Mission of Sienhsien (Xian Xian?) in Hupeh (Hubei), formerly under Bp. Msgr. Francis Xavier Chao, S.J.; Pat Shaules, S.J.: “Catholic Mission Hsinchu Taiwan”; Clarke Trent, S.J. on Christmas in Manila; (Fides, Apr. 28-56), Chinese in Vietnam; International Fides Service, February 25, 1956, Rev. Henry Cotto in Tamatave, Madagascar, Catholic Chinese Center; International Fides Service, September 22, 1956 on ongoing church in China, 24 remaining missionaries, Bp. Rev. James E. Walsh, incarceration of Bps. Rev. Alphonse Ferroni & Rev. Ignatius Kiong Pin Mei, Rev. Francis Xavier Tchang vicar capitular; various articles about contemporary China.

SubjectPersecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1957 ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Descriptiondoc. folder ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1957 folder. Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1957:
Register, Feb. 4, 1957, Frs. Gerald J. Pope, S.J. & Louis J. Dowd, S.J. withdraw from teaching in Nanking (Nanjing); Fr. Patrick Shaules, S.J.: “Hsinchu Mission Letter”, boom time for church; Jack Deeney, S.J.: “Jesuit House of Correction”, St. Francis Xavier, Fr. Noel Chabanel, S.J.; International Fides Service, January 19, 1957, # 547, NE 16, Chinese refugees in Macau entrusted to Bp. Rev. Polycarp da Costa; International Fides Service, April 27, # 561, NE 115, “The Church in Macao”; [Fides], “The Chinese Diaspora”; [Fides], 2/9/57, overseas Chinese and Singapore; International Fides Service, August 24, 1957, # 576, NE 229, “Chinese in Canada”; International Fides Service, February 2, 1957, # 549, NE 29, foreign missionaries in China in early 1957: Revs. Peter Hengsberg, Fulgence Cross, Cyril Wagner, Charles McCarthy, Hohn Houle, Anatole Chestin, James Walsh, Joseph McCormack, Kim, Yen, Gratian Kolodziechik, Alex Bulkiewicz, Srs. Winifred Duff, Caroline Bordeleau, Cecile Levoille, Olga Fedorawich, Stefanie Mugler, Helen Hanlon, Catherine Rogan, Molly O’Sullivan, Therese Grossens, Irene Zarotiadi & Rose Millefante; International Fides Service, February 23, 1957, # 552, NE 55, on situation in China, Rev. Malcolm Mackay; various articles on contemporary China.

SubjectPersecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1958 ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageEnglish, French
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Descriptiondoc. folder ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1958 folder. Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1958:
Fides, Mar. 22-58, Soochow (Suzhou) diocese, Rev. Ignatius Kiung (Kung, Gong Pinmei), Bp. of Shanghai; International Fides Service, January 18, 1958, # 595, NE 20, condemnation of Rev. Joseph Hu, C.M., Bp. of Taichow (Taizhou), Rev. Paul Su, Rev. John Wang, imprisonment of Rev. Dominic Tang, S.J., Abp. of Canton (Guangzhou), Abp. of Nanchang Rev. Joseph Chow (Zhou), C.M., released; Pat Shaules: letter from Hsinchu (Xinchu), Taiwan; International Fides Service, October 18, 1958, # 362, NE 296, Amoy (Xiamen) language school for Chinese priests, St. Joseph Chinese Seminary; Fides Doc., 5. IV. 1958, vol. III, n. 43, pp. 386-391, “Election d’évêques et recrutement du clergé par l’Association Patriotique” on situation in China, Vicaire Capitulaire Tong Wen-long, Mgr, Jarre, O.F.M. Mme. Kiong, Mgr. Ignace Kiong (in French); International Fides Service, May 31, 1958, # 613, NE 156, Chinese congress about Abp. Rev. Joseph Chow, Vicar Capitular Chang Shih-leang, accusers: Hu Chin-ming, Ma Li-hua, Cheng Tu-ching, San Yao-han & Chang Cheng-to; Fides doc., 22. II. 1958, vol. III, n. 41, pp. 369-373, “Differents Aspects de la Situation”, Mgr. Kiong, Ministre de l’Intérieur Lo Jui-ching (Luo Ruijing) (in French); communist confidence, Rev. Jules Meyrat; Fides doc., 22. XII. 1958, vol. III, n. 47, pp. 420-423, “Le Communautes Catholiques de la Diaspora Chinoise” (in French); International Fides Service, January 11, 1958, # 594, NE 8, successful diasopra; International Fides Service, March 22, 1958, # 602, NE 86, diaspora in Indonesia; International Fides Service, February 1, 1958, # 596, NE 33, “Chinese Students in America”; International Fides Service, June 14, 1958, # 615, NE 168, Chinese diaspora; (Fides, Oct. 18, 1958), Chinese in the Philippines; various articles about contemporary China.

SubjectPersecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989 Tang, Dominic Yee-ming (Deng Yiming 鄧以明), 1908-1995 Kung Pin-Mei, Ignatius, Cardinal [Gong Pinmei 龔品梅], 1901-2000
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1959 ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Descriptiondoc. folder ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1959 folder. Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1959:
12/29/59, about St. Francis Xavier; 3/8/59, arrest of Mgr. Dominic Tang and Fr. Anthony Yen Te-keng (Ren/Yan Degeng); (Fides, Oct. 14, 1959), Diaspora Chinese in Madagascar; International Fides Service, September 19, 1959, # 681, NE 693, Chinese in South Africa; International Fides Service, October 3, 1959, # 683, NE 712, “China’s Tragic Decade”, summary of Communist Party’s oppression, “obliged to apostasy”; Newsweek, June 8, 1959, on People Party Power in Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, Overseas Chinese, support for Peking; International Fides Service, August 8, 1959, # 675, NE 236-237, Catholic Relief Services for refugees in Macau, Fr. Charles de Foucauld, Srs. Dominica Pascale & Cecile Andree de Jesus, refugee Peter Chu (Zhu) about his ordeal as Catholic, 5 Catholic refugees to Macau; (Fides, April 11, 1959), Frs. Joseph Li Ts’ung-cha (Li Congzha) & John Baptist Wang Hsi-hsien (Wang Xixian) imprisoned in Inner Mongolia, accusers Chang Wei-hing (Zhang Weijing?) & Chao Kuou-fan (Zhao Guofan); National Review, February 28, 1959, pp. 553-555, Christian view of Communist recognition, persecution of religion; various articles about contemporary China, Great Leap Forward.

SubjectPersecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989 Ford, Francis Xavier, 1892-1952 Tang, Dominic Yee-ming (Deng Yiming 鄧以明), 1908-1995
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1960 ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageEnglish, French
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Descriptiondoc. folder ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1960 folder. Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1960:
James F. Brown, S.J. on ordination of priests in Taiwan; [Fides], Bp. Simon Tsu (Zu) dies in Haimen near Nanking (Nanjing); [Fides], Macau students in Catholic schools; International Fides Service, January 30, 1960, # 700, NE 45, schools in 1957; International Fides Service, August 20, 1960, # 729, NE 270, numbers of refugees in Macau; Fides doc. 8. III. 1960, vol. IV, no. 14, pp. 82-85, student congress in Peking (Beijing), president: Hu Chi-li (Hu Jili) (in French); International Fides Service, March 25, 1960, # 708, NE 99, Bp. James E. Walsh, Francis Cardinal Spellman, accusations; International Fides Service, March 25, # 708, NE 106-109, trials of Bps. Rev. Ignatius Kiung & James Edward Walsh, 13 priests, Anthony Riberi, Fernand Lacretelle, Louis King, S.J., other accused: Chu Hsueh-fan (Zhu Xuefan) Sylvester, Chen Che-min (Zhen Zhemin), Chang Si-pin (Zhang Xibin), Chu Shu-te (Zhu Shude) S.J. Francis, Chen Tien-sang (Zhen Diansang) S.J. Gabriel, Tsu Hong-seng (Zhu Hongseng) Vincent, S.J., Tsa Tsong-i (Zha Zongyi) Francis X.S.J., Wang Jen-cheng (Wang Renzheng) Aloysius, S.J., Fou Ngo-tse (Fu Eze?) John Nepomucene, Chen Yu-tang (Zhen Yudang) Joseph, S.J., Li Se-ngoh (Li Sewo?), Lieou Ki-che (Liu Jishe?), Heou Tche-cheng (Hou Zhezheng?); International Fides Service, April 9, 1960, # 710, NE 127, Chan Po about Rev. Ignatius Kiung; (Fides), Mar. 25, 1960, Bp. Rev. William Charles Quinn, C.M. dies in Formosa (Taiwan); Fides doc., 9. I. 1960, vol. IV, n. 5, pp. 32-39, “Diaspora Chinoise 1960” (in French); Fides doc., 29. III. 1960, vol. IV, no 17, pp. 95-100, about magic bread, destruction of family in China; July 8, 1960, Rev. I. Oudejans, O.F.M. on discrimination of Chinese in Indonesia; (Fides), July 9, 1960, Chinese in Mauritius, Fr. Emil Vandewalle, S.J.; (Fides), July 9, 1960, situation of Eastern Chinese diaspora; International Fides Service, March 25, 1960, # 708, NE 104, persecution of Chinese in Indonesia, Treaty of Bandung; (Fides), March 5, 1960, Malaya Chinese Diaspora; various articles about contemporary China.

SubjectPersecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989 Kung Pin-Mei, Ignatius, Cardinal [Gong Pinmei 龔品梅], 1901-2000
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1961 ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Descriptiondoc. folder ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1961 folder. Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1961:
4/25/61, anniversary Fr. Luis Castillo, S.J., Fr. Provincial; namelist : Caritas, Hong Kong, 1961; daily program Caritas, Hong Kong, 1961; agenda for SELA meeting, July 1961; March 1961, KuangChi (Guangqi) Cultural & Educational Program Ctr.; KCEP broadcasting; International Fides Service, September 9, 1961, # 807, NE 475-478, report on “Patriotic” church, persecution; 9/61, schismatic church a flop; various articles on contemporary China.

SubjectCatholic Church--China--20th century Persecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1962 ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Descriptiondoc. folder ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1962 folder. Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1962:
NCWC News Service (Foreign), 10/8/62 - F., Thomas Cardinal Tien (Tian) of Taipei (Taibei), anniversary of Paul Hsu (Xu); flier St. Aloysius Technical School, Taiwan.

SubjectCatholic Church--China--20th century Persecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1963 ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Descriptiondoc. folder ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1963 folder. Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1963:
description of Jesuits in Taiwan, 1963; Msgr. E. E. Fahy, S.J.: “Bamboo Shoots”, chronology of events in Taiwan; Msgr. E. E. Fahy, S.J.: “Bamboo Shoots”, chronology of events in Taiwan; Edward J. Murphy, S.J.: “American Jesuits in China, Tien Educational Center”, brochure, 1963.

SubjectPersecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989 Christianity--Taiwan--20th century Taiwan 臺灣--Church history--20th century Jesuits--Taiwan--20th century
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1964 ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageEnglish, Chinese, Latin
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Descriptiondoc. folder ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1964 folder. Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1964:
Memorabilia S.J., februario 1964, no. 2, “De salute N. P. Generalis” (in Latin); Msgr. Eugene E. Fahy, S.J.: “Bamboo Shoots”, chronology of affairs in Taiwan; brochure of Fu Jen (Furen) Catholic University in Taiwan, 1964 (in Chinese); letter from Sacred Heart Mission Club, January 31-May 31, 1964, conditions overseas, John W. Clifford, S.J.; 4/17/64, Fr. Edward J. Murphy, S.J. returning to CA, Frs. Juan Gandarius, S.J. & J. David Reed, S.J. ordained in Taipei (Taibei); Msgr. Eugene Fahy, S.J.: “Bamboo Shoots”, August 18, 1964, chronology of events in Taiwan; NCWC News Service (Foreign), 8/31/64, Pope Paul VI to keep up heritage, Fr. Thomas D. Carroll, S.J. drowns in Hong Kong; NCWC News Service (Foreign), 9/28/64, Fr. George Donohoe, S.J. to go to Taiwan, Dominican Strs. Marie Joseph, Juliana, M. Giovanni & Ruth off to La Paz, Bolivia; NCWC News Service (Foreign), 6/20/64, new Hsu Hwei (Xu Hui) Middle School in Taipei (Taibei), ministers Huang Chi-lu (Huang Jilu) & Hsieh Kwan-Sheng (Xie Guansheng); various “Bamboo Shoots” & “ Council Shoots” by Msgr. Eugene E. Fahy, S.J.

SubjectPersecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989 Taiwan 臺灣--Church history--20th century Jesuits--Taiwan--20th century Carroll, Thomas D., S.J.--Death
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1965 ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Descriptiondoc. folder ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1965 folder. Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1965:
International Fides Service, June 2, 1965, # 1,161, NE 324 on Fu Jen (Furen) in Taipei (Taibei); NCWC News Services (Foreign), 9/23/65 - Th. on drop in conversions in Taiwan, Fr. Ivar McGrath, S.S.C., Fr. Günter Kaplan, Bp. Helmut Wittler; International Fides Service, May 8, 1965, # 1, 154, NE 263-264, more refugees in S. Vietnam, Saigon Abp. Paul Nguyen Van Bin, Bp. Andrew J. Vérineux, M.E.P. of Yingkow (Yingkou); International Fides Service, May 26, 1965, # 1,159, NE 310-311, Rev. Peter Arrupe, S.J. Superior General; NCWC News Services (Foreign), 4/22/65, stress on self-help, Fr. Francis J. O’Neill, M.M.; NCWC News Services (Foreign), favor liturgical changes in Taiwan, rememberence dead council fathers; International Fides Service, June 9, 1965, # 1,163, NE 345-346, Fr. John Clifford’s, S.J. book now in Chinese, massacre in Congo; NCWC News Services (Foreign), 5/29/65, Fr. Robert Ronald, S.J. ordained; Fr. Frederic Foley interviews Fr. Walter Hogan on the mission; NCWC News Services (Foreign), 10/5/65, Fr. Albert O’Hara commended by Taiwanese government; various articles about contemporary China; various “Bamboo Shoots” by Fr. Eugene E. Fahy, S.J.

SubjectPersecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989 Taiwan 臺灣--Church history--20th century Jesuits--Taiwan--20th century
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1966 ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageEnglish, French
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Descriptiondoc. folder ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1966 folder. Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1966:
NCWC News Service (Foreign), 6/10/66, Fr. John Kay Wei Chung dies in prison camp; NCWC News Service (Foreign), 9/20/66, Catholics quadruple in Taiwan; NCWC News Service (Foreign), 12/3/66, Fujen (Furen) University, Abp. Paul Yu Pin; [Fides], 11/16/66 on mountain tribes in Taiwan; [NCWC], 12/28/66, hostel for factory girls, Fr. Edward J. Wojniak, S.V.D.; NCWC News Service (Foreign), 11/3/66, aborigines in Taiwan, Fr. Richard Devoe, M.M., Abp. Stanislaus Lo Kuang (Luo Guang) of Taipei (Taibei) ; [Fides], 10/22/66, problems in mission of Hwalien (Hualian), Taiwan, Rev. Andrew J. Verineux; NCWC News Service (Foreign), 10/20/66, automotive schools in central Taiwan, Fr. Joseph A. McDonald; NCWC News Service (Foreign), 9/30/66, drop in conversions in Taiwan; NCWC News Service (Foreign), 6/21/66, meeting of 19 active orders, chairman Bp. Frederick A. Donaghy; NCWC News Service (Foreign), 5/17/66, problems in Chinese mass; NCWC News Service (Foreign), 5/6/66, Fr. Edmund L. Fitzgerald, S.J. on sanitary engineering; NCWC News Service (Foreign), 4/7/66, rhythm clinics in Taiwan, Sr. Antonia Maria (Maryknoll); NCWC News Service (Foreign), 3/1/66, Church & population growth in Taiwan; NCWC News Service (Foreign), 2/22/66, Church & Daoism, Fr. John Wiggins, M.M.

NCWC News Service (Foreign), 1/12/66, hostels for students in Taiwan, Fr. Peter Cheng; NCWC News Service (Foreign), 1/15/66, rhythm clinics in Taiwan, Fr. Bartley Schmitz, S.V.D.; George V. Donohoe, S.J.: “Tien Center’s Sodality ‘Vista’ or ‘Peace Corps’ Program”; letter from Robert J. Ronald, S.J. (with pictures); “Ricci Institute for Chinese Studies”, Fr. Thomas Carroll, S.J.; NCWC News Service (Foreign), 1/21/66, training for mission, Bp. Stanislaus Lo Kuang of Tainan; NCWC News Service (Foreign), 6/6/66, appointment Fr. Deeney, S.J. to Taiwan Normal University Research Institute, Prof. Liang Shih-chiu (Liang Shiqiu); NCWC News Service (Foreign), 4/15/66, Fr. James Roche at Kuangchi Radio Service; various articles about contemporary China; various “Bamboo Shoots” by Msgr. Eugene E. Fahy, S.J.

SubjectPersecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989 Taiwan 臺灣--Church history--20th century Catholic Church--Taiwan--20th century
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1967 ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageEnglish, Italian, Spanish
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Descriptiondoc. folder ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1967 folder. Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1967:
NCNS (Foreign), 1/20/67 on new Ricci Institute for Chinese Studies, Fr. Yves Raguin, S.J.; NCNS (Foreign), 2/2/67 on ecumenical activities, Msgr. John Hu, Fr. Francis Heras, S.J., Rev. Edmund B. Der; NCNS (Foreign), products of Taiwan social action, Fr. Louis J. Dowd, S.J.; The Jesuit, April 1967, pp. 16-17, Stephen Douglas S.J.: “Father Louis Dowd S.J. plays the Pied Piper in Hsinchu, Taiwan”; NCNS (Foreign), 12/14/67, new faculty of theology at Fu Jen (Furen) University, Abp. Paul Yu Pin, Fr. Matthew Chu; NCNS (Foreign), 12/9/67, Bp. Philip Cote, S.J., in fishing village Suao, Taiwan; Le Missioni Cattoliche, October 1967, pp. 455-457, “’Fu Jen’ la rinata Università Cattolica di Cina” (in Italian); NCNS (Foreign), 7/19/67, “Ecumenical Gathering Discusses Taiwan Education”, Abp. Paul Yu Pin; [Fides], 7/5/67, Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek addresses first graduation at Fu Jen (Furen) University, Abp. Paul Yu Pin; NCNS (Foreign), 12/21/67, Taichung (Taizhong) diocesan radio broadcasting station big hit, Msgr. Leonard R. McCabe, M.M.; NCNS (Foreign), 12/11/67, papal letter encouraging land reform in Taiwan, Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, Papal Secretary of State, Abp. Joseph Kuo; 12/5/67, Kuo Hsi-ling (Guo Xiling), leader of Taiwan independence movement, deported to Taiwan; NCNS (Foreign), 11/27/67, descendants of former headhunters now nuns, Bp. Andre-Jean Verineux.

NCNS (Foreign), 10/28/67, joint Catholic-Protestant efforts in vernacular; NCNS (Foreign), 10/6/67, alienation from Church, Msgr. Alfons van Buggenhout, C.I.C.M.; NCNS (Foreign), 9/27/67, freedom to the Church by Taiwan, Abp. Joseph Caprio, Fr. Francis Hsu; International Fides Service, September 20, 1967, # 2,049, NE 462, 300,000 Catholics in Taiwan; [NCNS (Foreign)], 9/12/67, 299,608 Catholics in Taiwan; NCNS (Foreign), 9/6/67, Catholic schools in Taiwan, Fr. Ivo Stucyk, C.I.C.M.; NCNS (Foreign), 8/22/67, Maryknoll in the mountains of Taiwan, Fr. Wenceslaus Knotek, M.M.; NCNS (Foreign), 6/20/67, US Catholic Relief Services’ projects in Taiwan, Fr. Paul J. Duchesne, M.M.; (Fides), June 14, 1967, German-speaking missionary priests; NCNS (Foreign), 5/19/67, blessing of Benedictine priory, Abp. Thomas Cardinal Tien, Fr. Francis X. Clougherty, O.S.B., Abbot Daniel W. Kucera, O.S.B.; NCNS (Foreign), 5/10/67, Maryknoll in Hsinchu (Xinchu), Fr. Charles Hilbert, Bp. Frederick A. Donaghy, M.M.; NCNS (Foreign), 2/7/67, priest in Tien Hsiang (Tianxiang), Fr. Paul Coquoz; various articles about contemporary China.

SubjectPersecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989 Taiwan 臺灣--Church history--20th century Catholic Church--Taiwan--20th century
Persecution of Catholics in China. 1968 ]
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageEnglish, French
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberBX3743.R6 1952-1968
Descriptiondoc. folder ; 38 x 24 cm.
Note[Persecution of Catholics in China] / collected by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau, S.J.
1968 folder. Clippings, copies, and reports from various Catholic mission journals, newsletters, newspapers concerning the persecution of Catholics in China in 1952.

List of persons/topics in these articles from 1968:
NCNS (Foreign), 2/5/68, exhibition at Tien Center, Fr. Frederic J. Foley, S.J.; Chin. Madagascar, Jan. 1968, “Le ‘Kuang Chi Radio Television Program Service’ de Taipei” (in French); NCNS (Foreign), 1/12/68, increase of Catholics in Taiwan, Bp. Paul Cheng of Tainan; (Fides), 2/3/68, Catholic University Students’ Association of Taipei (Taibei); NCNS (Foreign), 2/24/68, Maryknoll in Taiwan, Fr. Albert V. Fedders, M.M.; various articles about contemporary China.

SubjectPersecution--China--20th century Communism and Christianity--China--Catholic Church--20th century Christian martyrs--China--20th century Political prisoners--China--1949-1989 Taiwan 臺灣--Church history--20th century Catholic Church--Taiwan--20th century
Rouleau Collection catalogue
CollectionRouleau Archives
Record_typeDocument (pdf)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberIndex files
Descriptiondig.pdf. [130 p.]
NoteRouleau Collection catalogue / [Paul A. Rule]
An inventory of the files in the Ricci Institute, University of San Francisco mostly derived from the collection of the late Francis Rouleau, SJ as presently organized. Made by Paul Rule over several years. Some items may have been reordered and/or relabeled, Incomplete as of May 2006.

AMEP = Archives of the Missions Etrangères de Paris
APF = Archives of Propaganda Fide, Rome
ARSI = Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (Jesuit Archives, Rome)
JS: Jap. Sin. collection of above.
FG: Fondo Gesuitico collection of above
Lus: Lusitania (Portugal) collection of above.
Phil.: Philippina (Philippines) collection of above.
BC = Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome
BNC.VE = Bibliotheca Nazionale Centrale (Vittorio Emmanuele), Roma
- FG: Fondo Gesuitico
JnA = Jesuitas na Asia collection of the Ajuda Library, Lisbon.

SubjectRicci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History 利瑪竇中西文化歷史研究所--Archival resources Francis A. Rouleau, S.J. Archives--Indexes Chinese Rites controversy--Archival resources Jesuits--Missions--China--History--16th-18th centuries--Archival resources