Subject: Geometry--China--Early works to 1800

China Mission Studies (1550-1800) Bulletin II (1980)
AuthorMungello, D.E.
PlaceCedar Rapids, IA
PublisherCoe College, Dept. of History
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, French
TypeSerial (Annual)
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3410.C44 no.2
Description19 p. : ill. ; 21.5 cm.
NoteDavid E. Mungello, editor.
Journal title became: Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal beginning with no. XI (1989).
Contents of no. II: (Cover): photo-reproduction of the Chinese map of the world by Matteo Ricci (3rd ed., Peking, 1602) preserved in the Biblioteca Vaticana. -- Jean Claude Martzloff: Note sur “L’explication générale de la géométrie” Jihe tongjie 幾何通解 de Mei Wending 梅文鼎(1633-1721). -- Edmund Leites: Report on the “IIIe Colloque International de Sinologie de Chantilly” (Sept. 11-14, 1980). --David E. Mungello: Source materials for China mission studies (1550-1800), report #2, the Chinese collection in the Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana. -- News & Notes.
Haidao suanjing 海島算經. Celiang fayi 測量法義. Celiang yitong 測量異同. Gougu yi 句股義 [勾股義]. Wangzhi limu suanfa jie 王制里畝算法解. Wangzhi jingtian suanfa jie 王制井田算法解. Liji yishu suanfa jie 禮記義疏算法解
AuthorRicci, Matteo 利瑪竇, 1552-1610Xu Guangqi 徐光啟, 1562-1633Liu Hui 劉徽, 3rd/4th cent.Li Chunfeng 李淳風 [李湻風], 602-670Tan Tai 談泰, juren 1786
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 1301
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1935 v. 1301
Description81 p. in various pagings : ill. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteHaidao suanjing 海島算經 / Liu Hui zhuan 劉徽撰 ; Li Chunfeng zhu 李淳風注. Celiang fayi 測量法義 / Li Madou koushou 利瑪竇口授 ; Xu Guangqi bishou 徐光啓筆受. Celiang yitong 測量異同 / Xu Guangqi zhuan 徐光啓撰. Gougu yi 句股義 / Xu Guangqi zhuan 徐光啓撰. Wangzhi limu suanfa jie 王制里畝算法解 / Tan Tai zhu 談泰著. Wangzhi jingtian suanfa jie 王制井田算法解 / Tan Tai zhu 談泰著. Liji yishu suanfa jie 禮記義疏算法解 / Tan Tai zhu 談泰著.
Alt. character form Gougu yi 勾股義 (cf. Standaert, et al.)
Jihe yaofa 幾何要法. [Jap-Sin II, 17. Jap-Sin II 18-18a]
AuthorAleni, Giulio 艾儒略, 1582-1649Qu Shigu 瞿式榖, b. 1593
PlaceFuzhou 福州
PublisherMinzhong Jingjiaotang 閩中景教堂
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本)
Description2 ce in 1 vol.
NoteFull textual citation see: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).

JapSin II, 17
Jihe yaofa 幾何要法.
Dictated by Ai Rulue 艾儒略 (Giulio Aleni) and transcribed by Qu Shigu 瞿式榖.
Four juan. Bamboo paper, two ce bound in one volume, European style. Published by the Catholic church of Fuzhou 閩中景教堂 (Fujian). No date of publication.

The middle of the title page bears the title in four large characters; on the right the author’s name is given 艾思及先生述 and on the left that of the publisher: 閩中景教堂藏板. On the verso of this folio the title of the book and the author’s name are given again, with the names of the censors: Gao Yizhi 高一志 (Alfonso Vagnone) and Deng Yuhan 鄧玉函 (Johann Schreck [Terrenz]). The imprimatur was given by Yang Manuo 陽瑪諾 (Manuel Dias Jr.), then Vice-Provincial.
There is a preface in four folios by Zheng Hongyou 鄭洪猷 of Liu’an 六安 (Anhui), dated Chongzhen 4 (1631).
The first folio of each juan gives the title of the book, the number of the juan, the names of the authors: 泰西艾儒略口述 | 海虞瞿式榖筆受 and of the proofreader, Ye Yifan 葉益蕃 of Fujian.
Each of the four juan has a table of contents (two, three, two and two folios). The main text of juan 1 consists of nineteen folios, juan 2 of nineteen folios, juan 3 of eight folios and juan 4 of ten folios.
In the middle of each folio the title of the book is given and the number of juan is given below the fish tail. Each half folio has nine columns, with nineteen characters in each column.
Pfister describes this book as: “Principes de géométrie” (p. 135, no. 22) and Couplet’s Catalogus as: “Praxes necessariae Geometricae” (p. 17). It deals with the line and the plane in geometry.
Qu Shigu was the eldest son of Qu Taisu 瞿太素, one of the first converts of Ricci. He was born in 1593 (Wanli 21) and baptized in 1607. In homage to Ricci he took the Christian name Matteo. In 1623 (Tianqi 3) he invited the missioners to Changshu 常熟, his native place, to start a mission there. We are told that through his efforts over 200 of his countrymen became Christians within a short period (cf. JWC 1:276–277; ECCP 1:199).

Cf. CJC, juan 44, ce 5, p. 576.
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp. 297-298.

JapSin II, 18
Jihe yaofa 幾何要法.
Dictated by Ai Rulue 艾儒略 (Giulio Aleni) and transcribed by Qu Shigu 瞿式榖.
Four juan. Bamboo paper, two ce bound in one volume, European style. No date or place of publication.

The cover bears a label with the title and a Latin inscription: “Liber Primus | Geometricus | de lineis. | Liber Secundus de lineis | inscriptis et circumscriptis | circulo. Liber Tertius de Angulis | et Triangulis. | Liber Quartus de Potentia linearum. | a p. Julio Aleni, S.J.”
There is a preface in four folios by Zheng Hongyou 鄭洪猷 of Liu’an 六安 (Anhui), dated Chongzhen 4 (1631). A table of contents is given in each of the juan; likewise each of the juan bears the title of the book, the number of juan, the names of the authors and the names of the proofreaders (Ye Yifan, Chen Yujie, Zheng Hongyou, and Chen Yingdeng: 泰西艾儒略口述 | 海虞瞿式榖筆受 | 古閩葉益蕃參較 | 吳淞陳于階 | 陸安鄭洪猷 | 山隱陳應登同較梓. The title of the book is given in the middle of each folio, with the number of the juan and the number of the folio below the fish tail.
Romanized phonetic transcriptions are given here and there with meanings given in Portuguese.
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, p. 298.

JapSin II, 18a
Jihe yaofa 幾何要法.
Dictated by Ai Rulue 艾儒略 (Giulio Aleni) and transcribed by Qu Shigu 瞿式榖.
Four juan. Bamboo paper, two ce bound in one volume, European style. No date or place of publication.

The cover bears a label with the title of the book and a Latin inscription: “Compendium geo | metriae | a p. Julio Aleni | S.J.”
This book is exactly the same as Jap-Sin II, 18. These two books are the same as Jap-Sin II, 17, except for a difference in edition. The preface by Zheng Hongyou in the former two books (Jap-Sin II, 17 and 18) is engraved from handwriting, but this edition (18a) has type engraving. Furthermore, the former two books (seventeen and eighteen) mention next to Ye Yifan three other proofreaders (including Zheng Hongyou).
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, p. 299.
Jihe yuanben 幾何原本
AuthorRicci, Matteo 利瑪竇, 1552-1610Xu Guangqi 徐光啟, 1562-1633
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 1294-1297
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1935 v. 1294-1297
Description4 v. ([10], 356 p.) : ill. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteJihe yuanben 幾何原本 / Li Madou kouyi 利瑪竇口譯 ; Xu Guangqi bishou 徐光啓筆受.
Jihe yuanben 幾何原本. [Jap-Sin II, 12–13]
AuthorRicci, Matteo 利瑪竇, 1552-1610Xu Guangqi 徐光啟, 1562-1633
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.R46 J5 1607d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [6 juan]
NoteJap-Sin II, 12–13
Incomplete copy of Ricci’s Jihe yuanben 幾何原本.

Jap-Sin II, 12
幾何原本Jihe yuanben

Translated orally by Li Madou 利瑪竇 (Matteo Ricci) and written down by Xu Guangqi 徐光啟. Six juan (in this copy only the preliminary and the first juan are preserved; for juan 2–5, see Jap-Sin II, 13). Chinese bamboo paper, bound in one volume with two cloth cases. No date or place of publication. The cover bears the title in Chinese with a Latin inscription: “De geometria | a p. Matteo Ricci, S.J.”
There is a preface by Xu Guangqi in four folios and a list of the proofreaders are given in one folio: Xu Leshan 許樂善 of Yunjian 雲間 (Jiangsu), Zhou Bingmu 周炳謨 of Xishan 錫山 (Jiangsu), Zhang Xuan 張萱 of Nanhai 南海 (Guangdong), Huang Jianzhong 黃建衷of Qi’an 齊安 (Huguang) and Yao Shishen 姚士慎 of Zuili 檇李 (Jiaxing 嘉興, Zhejiang).
An introduction to the Jihe yuanben by Ricci is given in six folios, dated Wanli 35 (1607) and a comment on the book by Xu Guangqi in two folios. Finally there is a colophon (one folio) on the revision of the Jihe yuanben by Xu Guangqi.
At the beginning of the preliminary juan the names of the authors are given: 泰西利瑪竇口譯 | 吳淞徐光啟筆受 . There are ten columns in each half folio, with twenty-two characters in each column; the preliminary juan consists of fifteen folios and juan one of forty-five folios.

Jap-Sin II, 13
幾何原本Jihe yuanben
Translated orally by Li Madou 利瑪竇 (Matteo Ricci), and written down by Xu Guangqi 徐光啟. Six juan. Chinese bamboo paper in two books: juan 2–5 (for juan 1 see Jap-Sin II, 12; juan 6 is missing); bound into one volume with a cloth case (folio 16 in juan 3 and folio 34 in juan 5 are missing). Both Jap-Sin II, 12 and 13 are in bad condition and have been repaired.

Inside the cloth case there are notes by D’Elia: “Questa è la traduzione cinese dei primi sei libri degli Elementi di Geometria di Euclide, fatta in collaborazione da Matteo Ricci S.J. e dal dott. Paolo Hsü Kuang-ch’i nel 1606–1607 a Pekino e da questo ultimo edita a Pechino nel 1607. | Non è però la 1a edizione, ma l’edizione reprodotta dal dottore Leone Li Chih-tsao nel 1629. | È molto male andata e vi manca il 6o libro: vi sono però sempre in male stato. P. D’Elia, S.J. 18–VI–56. | N.B. Il Libro 1o è al Num. Jap Sin II, 12.
The translation is not based on the original work of Euclid. It is taken from the annotated edition in Latin by Christoforo Clavius: the Euclidis Elementorum libri XV, Cologne, 1591 and Rome, 1603 (Verhaeren, no. 1297 and 1298).
According to Xu Guangqi (cf. Jihe yuanben yilu 幾何原本迻錄 in the Tianxue chuhan 天學初函), Ricci revised the first translation in 1608, and intended to have it published by someone in South China. This plan, however, was never carried out. By 1610, when Xu returned to Peking, Ricci had been dead for some months. The revised copy of the Jihe yuanben, all in Ricci’s handwriting, was presented to Xu Guangqii by Diego de Pantoja and Sabatino de Ursis. The three of them went through the copy again and made some alterations. A new edition was brought out in 1611, a year after Ricci’s death.
Our edition of the Jihe yuanben, which is part of the Tianxue chuhan 天學初函, was published in Hangzhou by Li Zhizao in the year 1629.
The Jihe yuanben was translated into Manchu by order of the Kangxi emperor. The rest of Euclid’s Geometry, i.e., books VII to XV were translated by Li Shanlan 李善蘭 (1811–1882) with the help of Alexander Wylie (Chinese name: Weilie Yali 偉烈亞力, 1815–1887). It was published in 1857 (Xianfeng 7) under the title Jihe yuanben hou jiujuan 幾何原本後九卷. According to the preface of Alexander Wylie, the translation was based on an English text (1660), translated from a Latin translation (1655) based on the original Greek text.

Cf. Luo Guang 羅光, Xu Guangqi zhuan 徐光啟傳 (Hong Kong, 1953), pp. 29–35; FR, II, pp. 356–357; TV II, p. 359; Mei Rongzhao 梅榮照, “Xu Guangqi de shuxue gongzuo 徐光啟的數學工作 (The mathematical work of Xu Guangqi) in HKC, pp. 143–161; Li Yan 1976, pp. 224–230; SHS, pp. 234–236; SKTY, pp. 2210–2211; Xu (1949), pp. 257–262; Pfister, p. 37 (erroneously gives 1605 as the date of publication of the Jihe yuanben, instead of 1607); Couplet, p. 6; Courant 4855–4860.

Presentazione della prima traduzione Cinese di Euclide
AuthorD'Elia, Pasquale M., b. 1890
PlaceTōkyō 東京
PublisherInstitut Monumenta Serica
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageItalian, English
ShelfFile Cabinet A
Call NumberBV3427.R46 J554 1956
Descriptionp. 161-202 ; 26 cm.
NotePresentazione della prima traduzione Cinese di Euclide / Pasquale D'Elia.
Monumenta Serica, reprint from Vol. XV, fasc.1, 1956.
Includes bibliographical references. In Italian, with English summary.
Analysis of the Ricci's and Xu Guangqi's translation and publication of the 1589 edition of Euclidis Elementorum Libri XV, written by Ricci's former professor at the Roman College, Cristoforo Clavio. Article consists of annotated Italian translation of the preface, introduction, "reflexions 雜議", and bibliographical note to the revised (再校本) of 1611.
reconstruction of the tables of the Shuli Jingyun (1713-1723)
AuthorRoegel, Denis
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Chinese
TypeDigital text [pdf]
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberQA27.C5 S784 2011d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [27 p. : tables}
NoteA reconstruction of the tables of the Shuli Jingyun (1713-1723) / Denis Roegel.
"The Shuli Jingyun encyclopaedia, published by the order of Emperor Kangxi, contained a set of tables of logarithms, trigonometrical functions and factors, which have been reconstructed here.'--pub. description.
Document no. HAL-00654450.
Includes bibliographical references.
Link to LOCOMAT.
Local access. dig.pdf. [Roegel-Shuli Jingyun tables.pdf]
sea island mathematical manual : surveying and mathematics in ancient China. [Haidao suanjing 海島算經. English]
AuthorLiu Hui 劉徽, 3rd/4th cent.Swetz, Frank J., 1937-
PlaceUniversity Park, PA
PublisherPennsylvania State University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberTA527.C6 S94 1992
Descriptiondig.pdf. [xi, 73 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.]
NoteThe sea island mathematical manual : surveying and mathematics in ancient China / Frank J. Swetz.
An annotated translation and discussion of Liu Hui's Haidao Suanjing (Sea island mathematical manual), written in 263 A.D.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [67]-70) and index.
Local access dig.pdf. [Swetz-Sea Island Math.pdf]
ISBN0271007958 ; 9780271007953
Shuli jingyun 數理精蘊
AuthorKangxi 康熙, Emperor of China, 1654-1722
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesGuoxue jiben congshu 國學基本叢書
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberQA27.C5 S78 1936
Description3 v. (11, 1659 p.) : ill. ; 18 cm.
NoteShuli jingyun 數理精蘊 / Qing Shengzu qibian 清聖祖敕編.
Published: 民國25 [1936].
Shuli jingyun 數理精蘊. [Yuzhi Shuli jingyun 御製數理精蘊]
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call Numberdig.pdf. [QA27.C5 S58 1981]
Descriptiondig.pdf. [3012 p. : ill.]

Shuli jingyun 數理精蘊.
T.p.: Yuzhi Shuli jingyun 御製數理精蘊
Dig. pdf (undated edition)
Cover collection title: Chizaotang Siku quanshu huiyao - Zibu - Shushulei 摛澡堂四庫全書薈要•子部•數術類
OCLC note for online edition: Originally published in 1723 (?) as part of the collection Lüli yuanyuan 律曆淵源, compiled ostensibly by He Guozong 何國宗, Mei Gucheng 梅榖成, and others, by direction of Qing Shengzu淸聖祖. Cf. Hummel. Eminent Chinese.
Local access dig.pdf [Folder-Shuli jingyun.pdf]



Yuanrong jiaoyi 圜容較義. [Jap-Sin II, 14. ; Barb. Or. 143 (6)]. [Huanrong jiaoyi 圜容較義]
AuthorRicci, Matteo 利瑪竇, 1552-1610Li Zhizao 李之藻, 1565-1630
PlaceHangzhou 杭州
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.R46 Y83 1614d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [ca. 60 p.]

Yuanrong jiaoyi 圜容較義 / Matteo Ricci (Li Madou 利瑪竇) and Li Zhizao 李之藻 (1614)
Variant pronunciation: Huanrong jiaoyi.

"圜容較義 Huanrong jiaoyi (Treatise on isoperimetric figures), a translation of Clavius's De figuris isoperimetris done by Ricci and Li Zhizao in Beijing in 1609 and published by the latter in 1614.'--Cf. Gianni Criveller, "The Missionary Method of Matteo Ricci" in Tripod Autumn 2010 Vol. 30 - No. 158 400th Anniversary of Matteo Ricci 1552-1610.

Jap-Sin II, 14
Yuanrong jiaoyi 圜容較義
Dictated orally by Li Madou (Matteo Ricci) and written down by Li Zhizao.
One juan. Chinese bamboo paper in one volume with a cloth case. No date or place of publication.

The cover bears a label with the title in Chinese and a Latin inscription that reads: “P. Mathaei Ricci | De Geometria.”

There is a preface by Li Zhizao in four folios, dated Wanli 42 (1614). At the top of folio 1 the title of the book is given; below are the names of the translators: 西海利瑪竇授 | 浙西李之藻演. The text consists of twenty-four folios. There are ten columns in each half folio with twenty-two characters in each column. The title of the book is given in the middle of each folio, and the number of the folio below the fish tail.
This is a short geometrical treatise, consisting of eighteen propositions, on the proportional capacities of various figures and bodies, commencing with the triangle and proceeding to the circle and sphere.
According to Li Zhizao’s preface, this book was first published in Peking in the eleventh month of Wanli 36 (7 Dec. 1608–5 Jan. 1609). Our 1614 edition was published in Hangzhou by Wang Mengpu 汪孟樸.

Cf. Pfister, p. 39; Hsü 1949, pp. 274–277. D’Elia (FR, II, p. 178) gives the following places where the 1614 edition can be located: Vatican Library (Barber. Orient., 143.16); Biblioteca Vittorio Emanuele, Rome; Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (Courant 4864); Roman Jesuit Archive (Jap-Sin II, 14); to this we may add: Academia Sinica, Taipei. For later editions see Siku quanshu 四庫全書 (天文算法類), Shoushange congshu 守山閣叢書 , Haishan xianguan congshu 海山仙館叢書 , Zhong Xi suanxue sizhong 中西算學四種 (published by the Saoyeshanfang 掃葉山房), Zhong-Xi suanxue congshu chubian 中西算學叢書初 , Xixue dacheng 西學大成 and Congshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編. --Cf. Albert Chan, Chinese books and documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp.292-293.

See online at World Digital Library (Chinese)
Haishan xianguan congshu 海山仙館叢書 ed. online at Hathi Trust.

