Subject: Astronomy--China--History--Early works to 1800

Biaodu shuo 表度說. [Jap-Sin II, 62]
AuthorDe Ursis, Sabatino 熊三拔, 1575–1620
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
ShelfDigital Archives, Case X
Call NumberBX880.L5 1965x
Description1 juan. (v.5, p.2523-2618)
NoteIn: [TXCH, vol. 5, pp. 2523-2618]
For full bibliographic and textual citation see: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).

JapSin II, 62
Biaodu shuo 表度說.
Transmitted orally by Xiong Sanba 熊三拔 (Sabatino de Ursis) and written down by Zhou Ziyu 周子愚 and Zhuo Erkang 卓爾康.
One juan. Bamboo paper in one ce with a paper case. No date or place of publication.

The cover bears a label with the title and a Latin inscription: “De Gnomonica | a p. Sabbathinus | de Ursis S.J.”
There is a preface (five and one-half folios) by Li Zhizao 李之藻 (Hangzhou). A second preface (three folios), dated 1614 (Wanli 42), by Zhou Ziyu of Cishui 慈水, at the end of which there are two wooden carved seals in cursive style: 古太史氏 and 周子愚印. Instead of the preface of Li Zhizao, Hsü Tsung-tse (1949, p. 283–284) reproduces the preface of Xiong Mingyu 熊明遇 (jinshi of 1601), which is not found in our copy.
Folio 1 gives the title, the author and collaborators (Zhou and Zhuo): 泰西熊三拔口授,慈水周子愚,武林卓爾康筆記. There are ten columns in each half folio with twenty-two characters to each column. The title of the book is given in the middle of each folio and the number of the folio below the fish-tail. The main text consists of forty folios, and contains tables and illustrations.
The book, which deals with the gnomon, is included in the Tianxue chuhan and was later copied into the Imperial Library, the Siku quanshu. Both the Huang-Qing jingjie 皇清經解 and the Chourenzhuan 疇人傳 make reference to it.

Cf. Pfister, p. 105, no. 3; Feng 1938, p. 125; Hsü 1949, pp. 281–284; SKTY 3:2180–2181; Courant 4903; Couplet, p. 13; DMB 2:1332.

Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, p. 368.

Ceshi lüe 測食略. [Jap-Sin II, 40.2, II, 41.1, II, 41.2. BnF Chinois 4921. Théorie abrégée des éclipses]
AuthorSchall von Bell, Johann Adam 湯若望, 1592-1666Bibliothèque nationale (France). Département des manuscrits
PlaceTaibei Shi 台北市
PublisherTaipei Ricci Institute 利氏學社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.A24 B526 2009 v. 5
Descriptionv.5, p. 247-316 ; 21.5 cm.
NoteCeshi lüe 測食略 [JapSin II-40.2] / Schall von Bell, Adam 湯若望 ; Zhou Ziyu 周子愚, 16th/17th cent., Zhuo Erkang 卓爾康, 1570-1644.
In: 法國國家圖書館明清天主教文獻. Chinese Christian texts from the National Library of France, vol. 5. 27. Johann Adam Schall von Bell 湯若望. Ceshi lüe 測食略. [4921]
Full bibliographic citation see; Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).
Available online at Gallica.

JapSin II, 40.2
Ceshi lüe 測食略.
By Tang Ruowang 湯若望 (Johann Adam Schall von Bell).
Two juan. Bamboo paper in one volume.

There is a label on the cover with the title of the book in Chinese. A note is attached to this book written by Louis Van Hée, S.J. (1873–1951), who tried to correct the Latin title given on the cover: “Error | Hic titulus debet aufferri et eius loco Calculandi eclipses | Summarium a p. Schall | L. v. H.”
There is a table of contents for both juan A and juan B. Folio 1r of both juan A and B give the title of the book and its author. Juan B gives in addition the names of those who had helped in polishing the Chinese style: Zhou Ziyu of Cishui and Zhuo Erkang of Wulin 慈水周子愚,武林卓爾康.
There are ten columns in each half folio with twenty characters in each column. The title of the book is given on the upper middle of the folio and the number of the juan and of the folio are given below the fish tail.
After the general remarks in juan A, there is a letter written by Schall to the Minister of Personnel, Li Song 李崧. This was a reply to the request of the minister, who was eager to see a book published on how to calculate eclipses of the moon. It reads:

復 | 大冢宰崧翁李老先生命測月食書 | 今歲仲春之望,據曆,月梭應食。望奉 | 命測算,造次呈 | 覽。猥蒙 | 軫念。孤旅候 | 命邸中,以所測說轉達春曹。隨蒙大宗伯林老先生差官至寓取稿,伏惟盛德弘仁,不遺遐遠,誠 | 上國之柔遠,而風慕義之極思也。第匆遽間,即以 | 所測原幅,輕褻于 | 當世大人之前,思之殊為悚慄。茲承 | 嚴命測算望不敢以所食分秒時刻一圖,漫爾塞 | 責。故忘其固陋,輒拾小邦之遺軌,述食理之梗 | 概,敬呈 | 台階,以塵 | 清目,或不即見笑于 | 大方也。於食之所以然 | 究其義理之所歸,則于天學七政,或不無少裨也。伏乞 | 台臺留神于若天齊政,而重茲學,更祈于 | 退食之暇,俯賜刪削,則遠人不勝拜惠之至 | 大西湯若望頓首具。

Cf. Courant 4921; Väth, p. 364, no. 10.
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, p. 336.

JapSin II, 41.1
Ceshilüe 測食略.
By Tang Ruowang 湯若望 (Johann Adam Schall von Bell).
Two juan in two volumes (in our collection juan B is missing). Chinese bamboo paper. No date or date of publication.

The cover bears the title in ink: 測食,上 and a Latin inscription: “Eclipsium obser | vatio | a p. Adam Schall | S.J.”
This book is an incomplete duplicate of Jap-Sin II, 40.2.
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp. 337-338.

JapSin II, 41.2
Ceshilüe 測食略.
By Tang Ruowang 湯若望 (Johann Adam Schall von Bell).
Two juan; Chinese bamboo paper in one volume. No date or place of publication.

There is a label with the title and with a Latin inscription: “Explicatur modus quo | fiunt eclipses solis et | lunae seu eas observandi | pars 1a et 2a | a p. Adam Schall, S. J.”
This book is the same as Jap-Sin II, 40.2; only this edition contains a preface (four folios), the last folio of which is missing. The letter of Schall to Li Song, the Minister of Personnel, also lacks the last folio.
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, p. 338.
Cetian yueshuo 測天約說. [Jap-Sin II, 40.3; II, 50; II, 50 D]
AuthorSchreck, Johann Terrenz 鄧玉函, 1576-1630
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本)
Description2 juan.
NoteFull bibliographic citation see: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).

JapSin II, 40.3
Cetian yueshuo 測天約說.
By Deng Yuhan 鄧玉函 (Johann Terrenz [Schreck]); revised by Tang Ruowang 湯若望 (Johann Adam Schall von Bell).
Two juan (juan A is missing in our collection). One volume in bamboo paper. No date or place of publication.

There is a Latin inscription on the cover: “Modus quo fiunt eclipses | solis et lunae seu eas | observandi | pars 2 | a pp. Schall et Terrentio.” A note by Louis Van Hée on a separate paper reads: “Datur tantum 2um volumen operis cuius titulus est: Observantis caeli brevis tractatus.”
The verso of the title page bears the title of the collection: Xiyang xinfa lishu and of the section 西洋新法曆書,法原部, followed by the names of the chief compiler: Xu Guangqi 明禮部尚書兼翰林院學士協理詹事府事加俸一級徐光啟督修, the author: Terrenz 修政曆法極西耶穌會士鄧玉函撰, the reviser: Schall 湯若望訂, and the proofreaders: Zhou Yin, Wang Yinglin, and Chen Yingdeng 門人周胤,王應遴,陳應登受法. There are nine columns in each half folio, with twenty-one characters in each column; annotations are given in double lines and in smaller characters.
Pfister gives two different translations of the title. On page 157 (no. 5) he translates “Compendium des deux sphères, 2 vol.” and attributes the authorship of the book to Terrenz. On p. 180 (no. 21) he translates “Abrégé des observations et des mesures célestes, 2 vol.” and gives Schall as the author, which attribution is erroneous. Schall only revised the text; see also Jap-Sin II, 50 (a complete copy of this book).

Cf. Courant 4911; Väth, p. 369, no. 32.
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, p. 337.

JapSin II, 50
Cetian yueshuo 測天約說.
By Deng Yuhan 鄧玉函 (Johann Terrenz [Schreck]).
Two juan. Bamboo paper with a paper case. No date or place of publication.

The cover bears a label with the title and a Latin inscription: “De Sphaera Tractatus | in duas partes diversus | a pe Joanne Terentio | pars 1a & 2a.”
This book is the same as Jap-Sin II, 40.3, but juan B is missing in the latter. In the Latin inscription of 40.3 the authorship is attributed to Terrenz and Schall. In our present book Terrenz is mentioned as the sole author, which seems to be more likely.
The title page bears four large characters: Xinfa lishu 新法曆書 (Calendar according to the new method). The verso of this folio gives the title of the book and the section it belongs to: 法原部 (the theoretical part). There follows a list with the names of the chief compiler (Xu Guangqi): 明體部尚書兼翰林院學士協理詹事府事加俸一級徐光啟修, the author (Terrenz) and the reviser (Schall): 修政曆法極西耶穌會士鄧玉函撰,湯若望訂 and the collaborators (Zhou Yin, Wang Yinglin, and Chen Yingdeng): 門人周胤,王應遴,陳應登受法.
The table of contents consists of three folios. There is an introductory note in one folio with someone’s romanization and notes written between the lines. Folio 1 of both juan A and juan B bears the title and the number of the juan. Each half folio consists of nine columns with twenty-two characters in the first column of each paragraph and twenty-one in the rest of the paragraph. The two juan are divided into eight chapters. Juan A consists of twenty-six and juan B of thirty-three folios.
In the introductory note Terrenz tries to show that cosmography is the foundation of calendar calculation. Unless one grasps the principles, the calculation may seem to be complicated and obscure. The treatise he has written is designed to make things more simple. It begins with evident and clear explanations, so that anyone can follow step by step and thus may come to learn this science.
According to Bernward H. Willeke (DMB 2:1282–1284, Terrenz), the Cetian yueshuo (Abridged theory of the measures of the sky) “was finished in 1628. The first part deals with static astronomy: of the equator and the horizon; the second with dynamic astronomy: with the ecliptic, orbit of the stars, daily motion, the sun, the moon, and the fixed stars. The manuscript was later revised and published by Schall. This work contains a full description of the telescope invented by Galileo as well as an account of the sun spots which at that time appeared as a new discovery though they had been known in China for over a millennium” (p. 1283).

Cf. Pfister, p. 157, no. 5; Feng 1938, p. 185; Hsü 1949, p. 369; Courant 4911; Couplet, p. 18; JWC 1:216–225.
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp. 353-354.

JapSin II, 50 D
Cetian yueshuo 測天約說.
By Deng Yuhan 鄧玉函 (Johann Terrenz [Schreck]).
Two juan (juan B is missing). Bamboo paper with a paper case. No date or place of publication.

The cover bears a label with the title and a Latin inscription: “De Sphaera | tractatus. pars 1a | a p. Joe Terrentino | S.J.”
This book is exactly the same as Jap-Sin II, 40.3 and Jap-Sin II, 50. Together with Jap-Sin II, 40.3 (in which juan A is missing) it constitutes a complete set.
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, p. 354.
Chongzhen lishu 崇禎曆書. [BnF Chinois 4966]
AuthorSchall von Bell, Johann Adam 湯若望, 1592-1666Xu Guangqi 徐光啟, 1562-1633
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherWuyingdian 武英殿
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberQB17.C476 1644d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [6 juan (192 frames) : ill.]
NoteChongzhen lishu 崇禎曆書 [Collection relative au calendrier, années Chongzhen] / [Tang Ruowang zhuan 湯若望譔].
Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Chinois 4966.
Contents : I. Hengxing lizhi 恒星曆指 [Théorie des étoiles fixes]. II. Hengxing jingwei biao 恒星經緯表 [Tables des latitudes et longitudes des étoiles fixes].
Local access dig.pdf. [Chongzhen lishu.pdf]
Online at Gallica.
Hengxing li 恆星曆. [Hengxing lizhi 恆星曆指]
AuthorSchall von Bell, Johann Adam 湯若望, 1592-1666
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese, Japanese
TypeManuscript (stitch-bound 線裝本)
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberQB65.S253 1780
Descriptionmss. (3 juan : ill. ; 27 cm.)

Hengxing li 恆星曆 / Tang Ruowang zhuan 湯若望譔.
Manuscript copy of Schall's Hengxing lizhi 恆星曆指 made in Japan. Undated, but probably late 18th-early 19th century.
The errors in binding match the edition held in Rome. See Jap-Sin II, 38.3 for bibliographic details.

One of a number of books written in Chinese by Jesuits that were copied in Japan after the prohibition of these works. Schall's original work was published in 1631 but not widely distributed. It was not on the early Japanese lists of prohibited books.
Vermillion seal imprint: 明德館圖書庫.

Huangchidao judao biao 黃赤道距道表. [Jap-Sin II, 52]
AuthorSchreck, Johann Terrenz 鄧玉函, 1576-1630
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本)
Description2 juan.
NoteFor full bibliographic and textual citation see: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).

JapSin II, 52
Huangchidao judao biao 黃赤道距道表.
By Deng Yuhan 鄧玉函 (Johann Terrenz [Schreck]).
Two juan. Bamboo paper with a paper case. No date or place of publication.

The cover bears a label with the title: Huangchi zhengqiu 黃赤正球 and a Latin inscription: De zodiaco et | Ecliptica | a p. Terentio | S.J.
The title page gives the title of collection and the section to which the book belongs: 西洋新法曆書,距緯度表,屬法數, the chief compiler (Xu Guangqi): 明體部尚書兼翰林院學士協理詹事府事加俸一級徐光啟修, the author (Terrenz) and reviser (Longobardo): 修政曆法極西耶穌會士鄧玉函撰,龍華民訂, and the proofreaders (Dong Siding, Zhang Caichen, and Chen Yujie): 門人董思定,張寀臣,陳于階受法. The verso of this folio gives the title of the book.
The middle of folio 1, first column, reads: 黃赤道距道表用法. The middle of folio 2, which has no number, reads: 升度表用法. In the middle of folio 3 and 4 the character er 二 (two) is given. The middle of the folios 5–35 reads: 黃赤距道表一. From folio 36 on the middle of each folio reads: 正球升度表二. The numbers of the folios are marked from one to fifteen, without the number of the juan.
Each half folio consists of nine columns with twenty-one characters to each column. There is a good number of tables with figures.
The Huangchi zhengqiu 黃赤正球 in two parts deals with the ecliptic, the equator, and the sphere. The first part entitled Huangchidao judu biao 黃赤道距度表, which before publication was revised by Longobardo, contains tables of the differences between the ecliptic and the equator; the second called Zhengqiu shengdu biao 正球升度表, revised and prepared for publication by Schall, contains tables of the grades of the sphere (Willeke, DMB 2:1283).
Cf. Pfister, p. 157, no. 7; Feng 1938, p. 185, no. 7; Hsü 1949, p. 369; Couplet, p. 18; Courant 4955 (publiée par ordre imperial avant 1644. Grand in–8. Papier blanc, couverture en soie jaune imperial. 1 vol. cartonnage), 4956 (Même ouvrage, réédition postérieure a 1644, portant les noms de Siu Koang khi et des PP. Jean Terrenz et Niccolò Longobardi, 1566–1654).
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp. 355-356.
Huangdao zong xingtu 黃道總星圖. [Huangdao zongxing tu]
AuthorKögler, Ignatius 戴進賢, 1680-1746Bayerische StaatsbibliothekMoggi, Fernando Bonaventura 利白明, 1684 or 1694-1761
Place[Beijing] [北京]
PublisherNeifu 内府
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeStar chart (dig. file)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberQB6.K65 1723d
Descriptiondig.file [color, orig. 51.5 x 63 cm.]
NoteHuangdao zong xingtu 黃道總星圖 / Dai Jinxian 戴進賢 ; [Li Baiming 利白明].
Alt. pinyin aggregation: Huangdao zongxing tu.
銅版. - 框 51,5 X 63 公分. - 圖下鐫 "大清雍正元年歲次癸卯 (1723)極西戴進賢立法利白明鐫".
Kögler’s 1723 Huangdao zong xingtu (variously "Two general maps of the stars relative to the ecliptic" ; "Tabula stella-rum universalis eclipticae 黃道總星圖" ; "Maps of the two hemispheres of heaven" ; etc.)

Digital file (high-resolution jpg) is from the Bavarian State Library. Please refer to BSB website OR MDZ for information.
Local access dig.jpg. [Kogler-Huangdao.jpg]

Note: The following description refers to the solitary example with Latin transcriptions by Fr. Gaubil, not the BSB version. The notes below are for informational purposes only.

KOGLER, Ignatius 戴進賢 and MOGGI, Ferdinando Bonaventuri. 利白明
Chinese Star Map: 黃道總星圖 Huangdao zongxing tu. [Tabula stellarum universalis eclipticae] (北京 Peking, 内府1723).
圖下鐫 “大清雍正元年歲次癸卯 - 極西戴進賢立法利白明鐫”

Background: Maggs Bros. catalogue 1480, Sino-European Imprints of the 17th and 18th century
Twin-hemispherical stellar map by Ignatius (Ignz) Kögler (1680-1746) arrived in China 1716, reached Beijing 1717, assumed position in Imperial Observatory. 18th century Jesuits at the Observatory kept informed of scientific developments in Europe. … aware of the findings of Jesuit astronomer Giovanni Battista Riccioli (1598-1671, Bologna) on lunar features as well as his arguments concerning the motion of the earth. Isaac Newton (1642-1726) first calculated perturbing effect of the sun on relative motion of earth and moon and Kögler quickly updated the lunisolar tables in China. 1742 he published his findings in the compilation Lixiang kaocheng houbian 御製曆象考成後編 (Second part of the thorough Investigation of Calendrical Astronomy composed for the Emperor)……combined elements of Kepler and Newton to form new mathematical principles underlying the motions of the sun and moon. In the lower center is an image of the moon clearly based on the findings of Riccioli. Ferdinando Bonaventuri Moggi (1694-1761) was a Florentine who studied art and architecture and it is likely that he is the engraver of the plate which - although written in Chinese – bears all the hall-marks of European map design of the late 17th century. Moggi built several churches in China, but none have survived. This map is undoubtedly a nei-fu 内府 palace production.
Needham states in Hall of Heavenly Records (1986) that he saw the present map with Mr. Philipp Robinson in 1953 and goes on to say: “Mr Robinson informed us that the engraving… appeared among a number of original documents and holograph letters of Antoine Gaubil S.J. (1689-1759) [...] One of Gaubil’s letters encloses a letter, written in Latin by Kögler on 13 March 1726, which refers to this very star-map.” It is likely that the annotations on this map are by Gaubil himself, giving transcriptions of the names of the planets. The map incorporates lunar surface phenomena from Galileo, Giovanni Domenico Cassini (1625-1712) and Christaan Huygens (1629-1695)....
Provenance: The Clermont – Meerman – Sir Thomas Phillipps – Robinson copy.

Background: Sotheby’s, The Library of Philip Robinson, Part II, The China Collection (catalogue, 1988, Lot 92, p.87)
This chart is the original from which a large Korean astronomical screen was made in the Yi dynasty of the Chosŏn Kingdom of Seoul. It was among the papers of Fr. Antoine Gaubil, gving transcriptions of the names of the planets.
Several lots from this auction are held at the Ricci Institute.

Jiaguwen suojian tianwen qixiang ziliao yanjiu 甲骨文所見天文氣象資料硏究. [A study of the astronomical and meteorological information contained in oracle bone inscriptions]
AuthorWong King-sun [Huang Jingxin] 黃競新
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberQB17.W655 1992d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [v, 365 leaves : ill., maps ; 30 cm.]
NoteA study of the astronomical and meteorological information contained in oracle bone inscriptions = Jiaguwen suojian tianwen qixiang ziliao yanjiu 甲骨文所見天文氣象資料硏究 / submitted by Wong King Sun 黃競新.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hong Kong, 1992.
Title page & abstract in English.
Includes bibliographical references.
Online at HKU Scholars Hub.
Local access [Wong-Oracle Bone astronomical.pdf]
Jiaoshi lizhi 交食曆指. [Jap-Sin II, 41.4]
AuthorSchall von Bell, Johann Adam 湯若望, 1592-1666
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本)
Description7 juan.
NoteFull bibliographic citation see: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).

JapSin II, 41.4
Jiaoshi lizhi 交食曆指.
By Tang Ruowang 湯若望 (Johann Adam Schall von Bell).
Seven juan. Chinese bamboo paper in seven volumes. No date or place of publication.

There is a label on the cover with the title and a Latin inscription: “Modus calculandi eclipses | solis et lunae | a p. Adam Schall | 7 Tomi.”
The verso of the title page bears the title of the collection: Xiyang xinfa lishu 西洋新法曆書 and the section the book belongs to: 法原部,交食一, followed by the names of the chief compiler: Xu Guangqi 明禮部尚書兼翰林院學士協理詹事府加俸一級徐光啟督修, the author of the book and the reviser: Schall and Rho 修政曆法極西耶穌會士湯若望撰,羅雅谷訂. The proofreaders (門人…受法) of the seven juan were:

Juan 1: Wu Mingzhu 鄔明著, Zhou Shitai 周士泰, Chen Yingdeng 陳應登, Zhu Guangxian 朱光顯, Cheng Tingrui 程廷瑞, and Zhou Shicui 周士萃.
Juan 2–3: Chen Yujie 陳于階, Yin Kai 殷鎧, Ge Chengke 戈承科, Xu Huan 徐瑍, Song Fa 宋發, and Bao Yingqi 鮑英齊.
Juan 4: Zhu Maoyuan 祝懋元, Zhang Youzhuan 掌有篆, Zhu Guoshou 朱國壽, Zuo Yunhe 左允和, Li Zubai 李祖白, and Wu Zhiyan 武之彥.
Juan 5: Huang Hongxian 黃宏憲, Li Hua 李華, Jia Liangdong 賈良棟, Jiao Yingxu 焦應旭, Zhang Cheng 掌乘, and Song Keli 宋可立.
Juan 6: Pan Guoxiang 潘國祥, Chen Zhengjian 陳正諫, Liu Youqing 劉有慶, Zhu Guangda 朱光大, Ge Jiwen 戈繼文, and Zhou Shichang 周士昌.
Juan 7: Jia Liangqi, Xu Huan, Chen Yingdeng, Liu Youtai 劉有泰, Wu Mingzhu, and Yin Kai.

The verso of the title page of juan 2 gives the name of the official who was in charge of the printing blocks (Yang Weiyi): 明工部虞衡清史司郎中楊惟一梓. Except for juan 1 and 7, this line appears in all the volumes. Folio 9a of juan 1 gives the title as: 曆指第九卷,交食一, the last or seventh volume of this book being 曆指第十五,交食七.
There is a preface by Schall himself (two and one-half folios). There are nine columns in each half folio with twenty-two characters in the first column of each paragraph and twenty-one in the rest of the paragraph. Annotations are given in double lines and in smaller characters.

Cf. Courant 4963–I; Väth, p. 364, no. 9.
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp. 339-340.

Kaiyuan zhanjing 開元占經
AuthorQutanxida 瞿曇悉達, fl. 718
PlaceChangsha Shi 長沙市
PublisherYuelu shushe 嶽麓書社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberBF1714.C5 C54 1994
Description2 v. (5, 4, 1212 p.) ; 19 cm.
NoteKaiyuan zhanjing 開元占經 / Qutanxida bian [zhuan] ; Li Kehe jiaodian 瞿曇悉達編[撰] ; 李克和校點.
Observations mathématiques, astronomiques, geographiques, chronologiques, et physiques, tirées des anciens livres chinois
AuthorGaubil, Antoine 宋君榮, 1689-1759Souciet, Étienne, 1671-1744
PublisherChez Rollin
CollectionRouleau Archives
ShelfRare Book Cabinet
Call NumberQB17.S68 1729
Description3 v. in 2. : charts, diagrs.; 26 cm.
NoteObservations mathématiques, astronomiques, geographiques, chronologiques, et physiques, tirées des anciens livres chinois : ou faites nouvellement aux Indes et a la Chine / par les peres de la Compagnie de Jesus. Redigées et publiées par le P.E. Souciet ...
"Tome 2 contenant une histoire de l'astronomie chinoise, avec des dissèrtations. Par le P. Gaubil; tome 3 contenant un traité de l'astronomie chinoise. Par le P. Gaubil."
Errors in pagination in each volume; Head-pieces; initials. Errata leaf at end of t. 1 and t. 3.
Includes bibliographical references.
Wuwei lizhi 五緯曆指. [Jap-Sin II, 25]
AuthorRho, Giacomo 羅雅谷, 1592-1638
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本)
Description9 juan.
NoteFull descriptive bibliography see: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).

JapSin II, 25
Wuwei lizhi 五緯曆指.
By Luo Yagu 羅雅谷 (Giacomo Rho).
Nine juan. Bamboo paper in nine ce bound in one volume, European style.

The cover bears a label with the title and a Latin inscription: “Modus calculandi | motus quinque | planetarum | a p. Jac. Rho, S.J. | 9 tomi.”
The title page is missing. The recto of folio 1, juan 1, gives: 曆指第十六卷,五緯一,總論,法原部. It then gives the names of the Chief Minister of the Astronomical Bureau (Xu Guangqi): 明太子太保禮部尚書兼文淵閣大學士徐光啟 and of his assistant (Li Tianjing): 山東布政使司右參政李天經督修. Then follow the names of the author (Giacomo Rho) and the reviser (Johann Adam Schall): 修正曆法極西耶穌會士羅雅谷撰湯若望訂 and of the proofreaders, students or assistants at the Astronomical Bureau (Cheng Tingrui, Song Kecheng, Zhu Tingshu, Zhu Guangxian, Li Cibin, and Pan Guoxiang): 門人程廷瑞,宋可成,朱廷樞,朱光顯,李次[bin, Unicode U+224B9 similar to 虨],潘國祥受法.
Each half folio has nine columns with twenty-two characters in the first column of each paragraph and twenty-one in the rest of the paragraph. Annotations are given in smaller type and in double lines. The title of the book is given in the middle of each folio with the number of the juan and the number of the folio below. In juan 2, folios 33–37 are missing and in juan 3 folio 9.
Pfister (p. 191, no. 11) gives the title of this book as “Manière d’ordonner et de faire les calcus pour les 5 planètes,” and Couplet: “Ad Planetarum ordines manuductio.”
This book is part of the Chongzhen lishu (cf. Jap-Sin II, 15), of which series Rho had written eleven books. As we have seen above, the Wuwei lizhi is put under the section fayuan 法原 (the origin, i.e., the rudiments, of the system). When Xu Guangqi started to reform the calendar, he had a project of translating essential books on Western astronomy and he emphasized the importance of the rudiments of astronomical knowledge. Of the 137 juan of the Chongzhen lishu, the fayuan section occupies forty odd juan (i.e., thirty percent of the whole series). This shows how much importance Xu Guangqi paid to it.
The Wuwei lizhi covers juan 16–24. The four other books entitled lizhi in the Chongzhen lishu are:

1. Hengxing lizhi 恆星曆指 (Theory on the fixed stars) by Adam Schall (juan 1–4),
2. Yueli lizhi 月離曆指 (Theory on the moon) by Giacomo Rho (juan 5–8),
3. Jiaoshi lizhi 交食曆指 (Theory on the eclipse of the sun and moon) by Adam Schall (juan 9–15),
4. Richan lizhi 日躔曆指 (Theory on the sun) by Giacomo Rho (juan 25).

Although this book is part of the Chongzhen lishu, the edition is that of 1645 (Shunzhi 2), when the collection was reduced to 103 juan with a new title Xiyang xinfa lishu 西洋新法曆書 (cf. Hsü 1949, pp. 239–253).
Students who were being trained in the Western method served in the Astronomical Bureau. Their names appear in this book and can be seen at the beginning of each juan; seemingly they were the proofreaders. Some of them appear more than once. Zhu Tingshu 朱廷樞, in particular, appears in all the juan. The following are their names as they appear in different juan:

Juan 16: Cheng Tingrui, Song Kecheng, Zhu Tingshu, Zhu Guangxian, Li Cibin, and Pan Guoxiang (the six aforementioned students).

Juan 17: Wang Yinglin 王應遴, Ge Jiwen 戈繼文, Zhu Tingshu, Zhou Shitai 周世泰, Wu Mingzhu 鄔明著, Xu Huan 徐瑍.
Juan 18: Cheng Tingrui, Zhou Shicui 周士萃, Zhu Tingshu, Liu Youtai 劉有泰, Chen Shilan 陳士蘭, Yin Kai 殷鎧.
Juan 19: Zhou Yin 周胤, Sun Youben 孫有本, Zhu Tingshu, Bao Yingqi 鮑英齊, Zuo Yunhe 左允和, Liu Yunde 劉蘊德.
Juan 20: Jia Liangdong 賈良棟, Zhang Youzhuan 掌有篆, Zhu Tingshu, Zhou Shichang 周士昌, Cheng Tingrui, Wu Zhiyan 武之彥.
Juan 21: Yang Zhihua 楊之華, Li Hua 李華, Zhu Tingshu, Chen Zhengjian 陳正諫, Huang Hongxian 黃宏憲, Song Keli 宋可立.
Juan 22: Liu Youqing 劉有慶, Li Zubai 李祖白, Zhu Tingshu, Zhu Guangda 朱光大, Cheng Tingrui, Song Fa 宋發.
Juan 23: Zhu Guoshou 朱國壽, Jia Liangqi 賈良琦, Zhu Tingshu, Jiao Yingxu 焦應旭, Huang Hongxian, Liu Youtai.
Juan 24: Ge Chengke 戈承科, Xu Huan, Zhu Tingshu, Zhang Cheng 掌乘, Zhu Guoshou, Liu Yunde.

Most of these students continued to serve at the Astronomical Bureau under the Qing dynasty as we see in the memorial to the throne written in 1644 (Shunzhi 1, cf. Jap-Sin II, 37). Many of them had been Christians (cf. Jap-Sin, 157), among whom was Li Zubin, the son of Li Zhizao. Five of them, Li Zubai, Song Kecheng, Song Fa, Zhu Guangxian, and Liu Youtai lost their lives during the persecution of Yang Guangxian 楊光先 in 1665 (Kangxi 4). Many of the names in our list appear in the memorials to the throne of Xu Guangqi (cf. Wang Zhongmin 王重民, Xu Guangqi ji 徐光啟集, Shanghai, 1963, juan B, pp. 392, 394, 401, 427–429). This shows that they served the Ming and the Qing government.

Liu Yunde (zi 素公, 1628–1707), one of the proofreaders (ch. 19 and 24), was a native of Huguang province. He was vice-president (you jianfu 右監副) of the Imperial Observatory. During the Kangxi period he was sent to Shanxi to supervise mining. Later he lost his office as the result of a calumny. It was then that he turned to Christianity and was baptized by Ferdinand Verbiest as Basilius (Blaise) and took his European name, Verbiest. In 1684 he became a Jesuit and in 1688 he was ordained priest in Nanjing, together with the renowned Chinese painter Wu Li 吳歷 (1631–1718) and (Paulus) Wan Qiyuan 萬其淵 (zi 三泉, 1635–1700) by the first Chinese bishop, Luo Wenzao 羅文藻 (known to Europeans as Gregorio López). For many years Liu worked in Shanghai and Nanjing. He died in Nanjing in 1707 (cf. Pfister, pp. 402–403; JWC 2:227–230; Répertoire, p. 288; SF, vol. VI, p. 646).
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp. 306-309.

Xichao ding'an 熙朝定案. [BAV Barb.Or. 132.3. Jap-Sin II, 67 II, II-67 III]
AuthorVerbiest, Ferdinand 南懷仁, 1623-1688
PlaceTaibei Shi 台北市
PublisherTaiwan xuesheng shuju 臺灣學生書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX880.T56 1965
Descriptionp. 71-224 : ill. ; 21 cm.
NoteXichao ding'an 熙朝定案 / Nan Huairen 南懷仁.
In: Tianzhujiao dongchuan wenxian 天主教東傳文獻.

Xichao ding'an 熙朝定案 : "...3rd important collection, by 1684 3 juan....started in the early 1670's [for] the purpose of defending the "restored" Western astronomy (April 1669 Verbiest had replaced Yang Guangxian as head of the Astronomical Bureau) by publishing official documents (ding'an) which tell the story of its restoration [and] victories over subsequent attacks on the validity of Western concentrating on the role of Verbiest as a loyal and esteemed servant of the Emperor, Xichao ding'an was meant as an apology for Christianity itself..." ; Xichao ding'an was printed in several parts dating before 1672....pp. 71-224 reproduces BAV Barb.Or. 132.3 (1668-1673). Xichao ding'an apparently constituted one of the main sources for Zhengjiao fengbao 正教奉褒 : p. 132-134."--Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, vol. 1.

JapSin II, 67 II
Xichao dingan 熙朝定案.
Three ce, in a paper case. Yellow bamboo paper (ce 1 and without division into juan 3) and white paper (ce 2). Ce 2 and 3 are the same, but to ce 3 five documents have been added.

The covers of ce 2 and 3 are rebound with new covers and bear no inscriptions. Ce 1 bears on the cover the title written in ink and a Latin inscription: “Decreta Imperatoris in favorem Mathematicae et PP. Pekinensium.”

Ce 1 has a table of contents in three and one-half folios. In the middle of each folio the title of the book is given and below the fish-tail the number of the folio.
These books contain memorials concerning the Imperial Observatory, dating from the seventh to the fifteenth year of the Kangxi reign (1669–1676).
Ce 1 deals quite fully with the persecution of Yang Guangxian 楊光先 and with Wu Mingxuan 吳明烜 and his Mohammedan calendar. At the end of the book there is a written message offered to the deceased Schall recognizing his innocence and at the same time restoring his former ranks. There is also an imperial decree granting to Schall the title of Tongwei jiaoshi 通微教師 (Religious Teacher Who Comprehends the Mysterious).
The folios 46v–52v of ce 2 contain the memorials of Duihana 對哈納 and other ministers (cf. Jap-Sin II, 42). These can be found also in Jap-Sin II, 67 2a 熙朝特典, document 6, folios 1r–16r. Again, the folios 53r–55r 史部題疏 can also be found in Jap-Sin II, 67 2a, document 7, folios 17r–19r. The memorial of Verbiest in folios 61r–64r appears also in Jap-Sin II, 67 2a, document 4, folios 6r–9r. Folio 33, another of Verbiest’s memorials, appears also in Jap-Sin II, 67 2a, document 2, folio 4. Finally, folios 34r–36r 內務府滿官傅旨 can also be found in Jap-Sin II, 67 2a, document 1, folios 1r–3r.
The documents added to ce 3 are: Xinzhi lingtai yixiangzhi tigao 新製靈臺儀象誌題稿 (five folios) and Xichao dingan tigao 熙朝定案題稿 (four documents, altogether thirteen folios).

Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, p. 379.

JapSin II, 67 III
Xichao dingan 熙朝定案.
No division of juan, one ce, without division into juan; bamboo paper with a paper case.

The cover bears the title written in ink.
In the middle of each folio the title of the book is given and below the fish-tail the number of the folio. The text consists of forty-six folios and starts with the folios 166–199 (containing ten documents). After folio 199 there are four more documents, the folios of which are numbered separately: 1–8 (document 11) and 1–4 (document 12–14). The fourteen documents are:

1. 恭紀驗砲綸音盛典,康熙二十一年南懷仁述. A description, composed by Verbiest in 1682, of the testing of the new cannon. Folios 166r–171r.

2. 康熙十九年十一月十六日南懷仁進呈砲式奏章. A memorial presented by Verbiest, dated 5 January 1681, presenting different types of cannons. Folios 172r–174v.

3. 康熙二十年二月十一日工部題稿論進呈砲式事. A memorial presented by the Ministry, dated 30 March 1681, presenting different types of cannons. Folios 175r–178v.

4. 康熙二十一年正月二十七日南懷仁奏論進呈神威砲圖書. A memorial presented by Verbiest, dated 5 March 1682, presenting the plan of the Shenwei cannon. Folios 179r–182v.

5. 康熙二十一年四月初十日史部題章論進呈神威砲圖書事. A memorial from the Ministry of Personnel, presented on 16 May 1682, dealing with the plan of the Shenwei cannon. Folios 183r–184r.

6. 康熙二十一年七月二十九日南懷仁奏論推定盛京本地交食之法. On 31 August 1682, Verbiest presented a memorial on how to determine eclipses in Liaodong province. Folios 185r–187v.

7. 康熙二十一年八月二十五日禮部題稿論推定盛京交食之法事. On 26 September 1682, the Ministry of Rites presented a memorial on how to determine eclipses in Liaodong province. Folios 188r–189r.

8. 禮部題稿論推定盛京本地交食之法. A memorial presented by the Ministry of Rites on how to determine eclipses in Liaodong province. Folio 190.

9. 康熙二十二年八月二十日南懷仁奏論進呈砲式事. A memorial presented by Verbiest, dated 10 October 1683, on different types of cannons presented. Folios 191r–195v.

10. 康熙二十二年八月二十六日南懷仁奏進呈窮理學書. A memorial presented by Verbiest, dated 16 October 1683, presenting books on philosophy. Folios 196r–199v.

11. 康熙二十五年三月二十九日工部奏論北京街道牌樓改正事. A memorial presented by the Ministry of Works, dated 21 April 1686, on the modification of the streets and the celebration arches. Folios 1r–8r.

12. 康熙二十五年七月二十八日侍衛趙昌傅帶旨諭南懷仁論製砲事. On 15 September 1686, the imperial Body Guard of the Kangxi emperor, Zhao Chang, communicated an imperial decree to Verbiest on the manufacture of cannons. Folios 1r–2v.

13. 康熙二十五年十月二十日南懷仁奉旨往海子測新開河道事. Verbiest left for Haizi on 5 December 1686, by imperial order, to survey the newly finished canal. Folio 3.

14. 康熙二十六年二月十六日旨命南懷仁鑄砲事. On 28 March 1687, by imperial decree, Verbiest was told to cast cannons. Folio 4r.

The last two folios consist of illustrations of different types of cannons.

Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp. 379-381.

For full information see: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database) (
