Subject: China--Description and travel--Early works to 1800

A Chinese bestiary : strange creatures from the guideways through mountains and seas. [Shanhaijing 山海經. English]
AuthorStrassberg, Richard E.
PublisherUniversity of California Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Chinese
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberDS707.S4713 2002d
Descriptionpdf + djvu [xxii, 313 p.: illustrations, maps]

A Chinese bestiary : strange creatures from the guideways through mountains and seas = 山海經 / edited and translated with commentary by Richard E. Strassberg.
"Philip E. Lilienthal Asian studies endowment."
Parallel title in Chinese characters.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 273-292) and index.

Illustrations; Preface; Editorial Notes; Introduction; Plates I to LXXVI from the Guideways through Mountains and Seas; Notes; Selected Bibliography; Glossary Index to Plates.

"A Chinese Bestiary presents a fascinating pageant of mythical creatures from a unique and enduring cosmography written in ancient China. The Guideways through Mountains and Seas, compiled between the fourth and first centuries, B.C.E., contains descriptions of hundreds of fantastic denizens of mountains, rivers, islands, and seas, along with minerals, flora, and medicine. The text also represents a wide range of beliefs held by the ancient Chinese. Richard Strassberg brings the Guideways to life for modern readers by weaving together translations from the work itself with information from other texts and recent archaeological finds to create a lavishly illustrated guide to the imaginative world of early China." "Unlike the bestiaries of the late medieval period in Europe, the Guideways was not interpreted allegorically; the strange creatures described in it were regarded as actual entities found throughout the landscape. The work was originally used as a sacred geography, as a guidebook for travelers, and as a book of omens. Today, it is regarded as the richest repository of ancient Chinese mythology and shamanistic wisdom. The Guideways may have been illustrated from the start, but the earliest surviving illustrations are woodblock engravings from a rare 1597 edition. All seventy-six of those plates are reproduced here for the first time, and they provide a fine example of the Chinese engraver's art during the late Ming dynasty."--Jacket.

Local access dig. pdf. [Strassberg-Bestiary.pdf]
Also in Djvu format.

ISBN9780520922785 ; 0520922786
An embassy to China : being the journal kept by Lord Macartney during his embassy to the Emperor Ch'ien-lung, 1793-1794
AuthorAlexander, William, 1767-1816Macartney, George Macartney, Earl, 1737-1806Cranmer-Byng, J. L.
PublisherFolio Society
CollectionRicci Institute Library [A8]
ShelfFolio Cabinet 1
Call NumberDS708.M14 2004
Descriptionxviii, 314 p. : color ill. ; 27 cm.

An embassy to China : being the journal kept by Lord Macartney during his embassy to the Emperor Ch'ien-lung, 1793-1794 / illustrated with watercolour sketches made during the Embassy by William Alexander ; introduced by Jonathan Spence ; edited by J.L. Cranmer-Byng.
Spine title: Lord Macartney, An Embassy to China.
In slip case. Maps on lining papers.
Includes index.

China illustrata. [China monumentis qua sacris qua profanis ... English]
AuthorKircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680Van Tuyl, Charles D.
PlaceMuskogee, Okla.
PublisherIndian University Press, Bacone College
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfStacks, Digital Archives, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberDS708.K513 1987
Descriptioniv, 228 p., [3] plates : ill., maps ; 28 cm.

China illustrata / by Athanasius Kircher ; translated by Charles D. Van Tuyl from the 1677 original Latin edition.
English translation of: China monumentis qua sacris qua profanis ....
Includes t.p. from original 1667 ed.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 226-228).

***Graphic resource: Intrduced European audience to China Jesuits, Nestorian monument translation, Sino-Chaldean, Syro-Chaldean text, early romanization systems, Christianity in China, Christian missions, Marco Polo, Brahmins, Indian scripts, plants and exotica, Great Wall, Chinese characters.
Local access dig.pdf. [China Illustrata-English.pdf]

China monumentis, quà sacris quà profanis ... [China illustrata]
AuthorKircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680
Publisherapud Joannem Janssonium à Waesberge & Elizeum Weyerstraet
CollectionRouleau Archives
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives, Rare Book Folio
Call NumberDS708.K58 1667
Description8 p. l., 237, [11] p. : ill., 23 plates, map ; 37 cm.

Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesu China monumentis, qvà sacris quà profanis, nec non variis naturæ & artis spectaculis, aliarumque rerum memorabilium argumentis illustrata, auspiciis Leopoldi Primi roman. imper ...
Added t.p., engraved. "Elenchus librorum a P. Athanasio Kirchero ... editorum": 2 p. at end.

Monumenti syro-sinici interpretatio.--De variis itineribus in Chinam susceptis.--De idololatria ex Occidente primùm in Persidem, Indiam ac deinde in ultimas Orientis, Tartariæ, Chinæ, Japponiæ regiones successivâ propagatione introducta.--China curiosis naturæ & artis miraculis illustrata.--De architectonica cæterisque mechanicis artibus Sinensium.--De Sinensium literatura.

Library copy markings (B[ibliotheca] M[ajor] ZKW M11).
N.B. Library copy missing two important engravings, those of Schall and of Ricci & Xu Guangqi. Bindery note inserted indicates missing sheets.

The full text of China monumentis is available online on several websites.
See ECHO website
See also: Internet Archive
See also: Beyond Ricci (as China Illustrata)

For complete bibliographic information see Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).
Local access digital pdf. [Kircher-China monumentis.pdf]

See also Hathi Trust



Correspondance de Pékin, 1722-1759
AuthorGaubil, Antoine 宋君榮, 1689-1759Simon, Renée
PublisherLibrairie Droz
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition1. éd
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesEtudes de philologie et d'histoire ; 14
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberDig. Archives [QB31.G37 1970]
DescriptionDig. pdf [xviii, 1001 p. ;18 cm.]
NoteCorrespondance de Pékin, 1722-1759 / publiée par Renée Simon ; préface par Paul Demiéville ; appendices par Joseph Dehergne.
Bibliography: p. 953-962.
Local access only. [Gaubil-Correspondance.pdf]
Encountering China : early modern European responses
AuthorSachdev, RachanaLi, Qingjun
PlaceLewisburg, PA
PublisherBucknell University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesAperçus (Lewisburg, Pa.)
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS708.E63 2012
Descriptionx, 220 p. ; 23 cm.
NoteEncountering China : early modern European responses / edited by Rachana Sachdev and Qingjun Li.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-213) and index.

European responses to child abandonment, sale of children and social welfare policies in Ming China / Rachana Sachdev -- Of golden lilies and gentlewomen : constructions of Chinese women in early modern European travel narratives / Qingjun Li -- Earlier moderns : the novel form as national development in China and Europe / Daniel Dooghan -- "A strong resemblance" : Samuel Richardson, Chinese talent-beauty novels, and a secret origin of "world literature" / Ning Ma -- 'Magicians, enchanters, and professional crooks' : early modern understandings of Daoism / Ronnie Littlejohn -- Buddhism and idolatry / Terry Logan Mazurak.

Historia de las cosas mas notables, ritos y costumbres del gran reino de la China
AuthorGonzález de Mendoza, Juan, 1545-1618García, Félix, padre
PublisherM. Aguilar
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
SeriesEspaña misionera ; 2
ShelfStacks, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberDS708.G643 1944
Descriptionlii, 396 p. ; 20 cm.

Historia de las cosas mas notables, ritos y costumbres del gran reino de la China / Fr. Juan Gonzalez de Mendoza ; ed., prologo y notas por Felix Garcia.
Includes bibliographical references.
Includes facsimile title page of 1585 ed.

Iram yŏn'gi 일암 연기 [Iram yeongi 一菴 燕記]
AuthorYi Ki-ji 이 기지 [I Giji 李 器之], 1690-1722Cho Yung-hŭI 조융희 [Jo Yunghui]
PlaceKyŏnggi-do Sŏngnam-si 경기도 성남시
PublisherHan'gukhak Chungang Yŏn'guwŏn Ch'ulp'anbu 한국학 중앙 연구원 출판부
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition제 1판
LanguageKorean, Chinese
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesAKS yŏkchu ch'ongsŏ 역주 총서 ; 16-17
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberDS708.Y523 2016
Descriptionpdf [2 v. : color ill. ; 24 cm]

Iram yŏn'gi  일암 연기 一菴 燕記 /  Yi Ki-ji chiŭm ; Cho Yung-hŭi, Sin Ik-ch'ŏl, Pu Yu-sŏp omgim  이 기지 지음 ; 조 융희, 신 익철, 부 유섭 옮김.

In Korean and Korean Hanmun (Chinese).
Includes index.

[1]. Yŏkchu p'yŏn 역주 편 -- [2]. Wŏnmun p'yŏn  원문 편.

"이 기지 (李 器之) 가 아버지 이 이명 (李 頤命) 을 따라 북경 에 다녀 오면서 기록 한 연행 (燕行) 일기 이다. 1720년 7월 27일 서울 을 출발 하여 1721년 1월 7일 에 귀환 하기 까지 의 기록"--역자 서문.

Dig. pdf local access: Iram yŏn'gi 일암 연기.pdf

La Chine d'Athanase Kirchere de la Compagnie de Jesus ... [China monumentis. French]
AuthorKircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680Grueber, Johann, 1623-1680Alquie, François-Savinien d', 17th centuryJanssonius van Waesberge, Johannes, 1616-1680Louvois, François-Michel Le Tellier, marquis de, 1641-1691, dedicateeHaeredes Elizei Weyerstraet, printer
PublisherChes Jean Jansson a Waesberge & les héritiers d'Elizé de d'Elizée de Weyerstraet
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberDS708.K5814 1670
Descriptionpdf. [16], 367, [13] p., 23 l. of plates: ill., maps, port. ; 39 cm]

La Chine d'Athanase Kirchere de la Compagnie de Jesus : illustrée de plusieurs monuments tant sacrés que profanes, et de quantité de recherchés de la nature et de l'art : a quoy on à adjousté de nouveau les questions curieuses que le serenissime grand duc de Toscane a fait dépuis peu au P. Jean Grubere touchant ce grand empire : avec un dictionaire [sic] chinois & françois, lequel est tres-rare, & qui n'a pas encores paru au jour /  traduit par F.S. Dalquié.

Translation of: China monumentis qua sacris qua profanis ..., 1667.
Added engraved title page has imprint: Amstelodami, Apud Johannem Janssonium à Waesberge et Elizeum Weyerstraet, 1667.
Dedicatory letter addressed: A monseigneur monseigneur le marquis de Louvois ...
Signatures: *⁴ **⁴ A-2Z⁴ 3A⁶.
Title page vignette; initials; tail-pieces. Page 151 misnumbered as first page 153.

L'interprétation du monument syro-chinois -- Des divers chemins qu'on a tenu pour aller à la Chine -- De l'idolatrie venue d'Occident -- La Chine illustrée des miracles de la nature & de l'art -- De l'architecture et des autres arts méchaniques de Chinois -- De l'escritures des Chinois -- La briefve & exacte response du père Jean Grubere de la Societé de Jesus, a toutes les questions que le serenissime grand duc de Toscane, luy a faites -- Dictionaire chinois & françois.

Local access dig.pdf. [Kircher-Chine.pdf]

Link to Internet Archive

Odorico da Pordenone in Cina: rilettura dei capitol cinesi della Relatio. [Relatio. Selections. Italian]
AuthorOdorico, da Pordenone, 1265?-1331De Biasio, Antonio, 1955-
PlaceCittà del Vaticano
PublisherLibreria Editrice Vaticana
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberDS6.O343 D43 2013
Description295 p. : ill., ; 22 cm
NoteOdorico da Pordenone in Cina : rilettura dei capitoli cinesi della Relatio / Antonio De Biasio.
Includes extracts from the Relatio by Odorico da Pordenone in Italian translation from the original Latin.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 267-274).
See Table of Contents.
ISBN9788820991531; 8820991535
preuve par la Chine : la Description de J.-B. Du Halde, Jésuite, 1735
AuthorDu Halde, J.-B. (Jean-Baptiste), 1674-1743Landry-Deron, Isabelle
PublisherEditions de l'Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageFrench, Chinese
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesCivilisations et sociétés ; 110
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberDS721.L3446 2002
Descriptiondig. pdf. [428 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.]
NoteLa preuve par la Chine : la Description de J.-B. Du Halde, Jésuite, 1735 / Isabelle Landry-Deron.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [387]-407) and index.
Contains some passages in Chinese.
Local access only. [LandryDeron-Preuve.pdf]
ISBN2713214262 ; 9782713214264
Primera historia de China, Sevilla, 1577
AuthorEscalente, Bernardino deSanz, Carlos, 1903-1979
PublisherLibreria General Victoriano Suarez
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Call NumberDS708.P756 E721 1958
Description1 v. (various pagings) : facsims., map ; 18 cm.
NotePrimera historia de China, Sevilla, 1577 / comentado y publicada por Carlos Sanz.
Contains facsimile reproduction of title-page and text of original.
Relatione della Cina. Historica relatione del gran regno della Cina
AuthorSemedo, Álvaro de 曾德照, 1585-1658Giattini, Giovanni Battista, 1600 or 1601-1672
PublisherStamparia de L. Grignani
CollectionRouleau Archives
ShelfRare Book Cabinet
Call NumberDS708.S486 1643
Description[6], 309, [15] p. ; 23 cm. (4to)
NoteHistorica relatione del gran regno della Cina : divisa in dve parti. Nella prima si tratta del regno in comune. Delle prouincie in particolare. Delle persone Cinesi. Del modo vestire ... Nella seconda, dell'origine della predicatione euangelica, con tutti li successi sino alli tempi nostri / del p. Alvaro Semedo Portoghese della Compagnia di Giesv.

Library copy imperfect. Lacks title page and engraved frontispiece (portrait of Semedo in Chinese costume).
Translation of: Relação da propagação da fe no reyno da China e outros adjacentes. Translated by G.B. Giattini, S.J.
Backer-Sommervogel, vol. 3, col. 1395, no. 11 (1653 edition?)
OCLC number is for 1653 ed. titled: Historica relatione del gran regno della Cina ...divisa in due parti. Nella prima si tratta del regno in comune. Delle prouincie in particolare. Delle persone Cinesi. Del modo vestire ... Nella seconda, dell'origine della predicatione euangelica, con tutti li successi sino alli tempi nostri / del p. Alvaro Semedo Portoghese della Compagnia di Giesv.

Shuzhong guangji 蜀中廣記. Yibu tanzi 益部談資. Yanshan zaji 顏山雜記. Lingnan fengwu ji 嶺南風物記. Longsha jilüe 龍沙紀略. Taihai shicha lu 臺海使槎錄. Dongcheng zaji 東城雜記
AuthorLi E 厲鶚, 1692-1752He Yudu 何宇度, 16th cent.Cao Xuequan 曹學佺, 1574-1647Huang Shujing 黄叔璥, ca. 1677-ca. 1753Sun Tingquan 孫廷銓, 1613-1674Wu Qi 吳綺, 1619-1694Fang Shiji 方式濟, jinshi 1709
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesShanchuan fengqing congshu 山川風情叢書
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberDS708.T83 1993
Description2 v. (772 p.) ; 20 cm.
NoteShuzhong guangji : wai liuzhong 蜀中廣記 : 外六種.
Shuzhong guangji 蜀中廣記 / 曹學佺 -- Yibu tanzi 益部談資 / He Yudu 何宇度 -- Yanshan zaji 顏山雜記 / Sun Tingquan 孫廷銓 -- Lingnan fengwu ji 嶺南風物記 / Wu Qi 吳綺 -- Longsha jilüe 龍沙紀略 / Fang Shiji 方式濟 -- Taihai shicha lu 臺海使槎錄 / Huang Shujing 黃叔璥 -- Dongcheng zaji 東城雜記 / Li E 厲鶚.
Reprint. Originally published: Qinding Siku quanshu shibu dililei 欽定司庫全書史部地理類 (group 591-592).
The journey to China in 1625. [Journey to China 1625 and beyond. Relación del padre Adriano de las Cortes del viaje naufragio en Chaucheo de la Gran China. English]
AuthorMcDermott, Joseph PeterCortes, Adriano de las, 1578-1629Asociación Cultural El Patiaz Macfarlane, AlanWang ZilanLi Yue Marschner, ChloeMoncó Rebollo, BeatrizBlanco, IraidaAries, EliezerNieto, Javier A.
PlaceCambridge, United Kingdom
PublisherCam Rivers Publishing
CollectionRicci Institute Library
EditionFirst English edition
ShelfSeminar Room 102-103
Call NumberDS708.C6713 2022
Description532 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.

The journey to China in 1625 /  P. Adriano de las Cortes (S.J.) ; general editor, professor Alan Macfarlane ; editors, Zilan Wang, Yue Li, Chloe Marschner ; introduction and afterword by Joseph P. McDermott ; Spanish original translation and advisor, Dr Beatriz Moncó ; translated into English by Iraida Blanco and Eliezer Aries, with the help of Javier Á. Nieto ; translation funded by El Patiaz Cultural Association.

Includes bibliographical references (p.525-528).

Cover titles: Journey to China 1625 and beyond.


ISBN9781912603596 : 1912603594
voyage to China and the East Indies. [A Voyage to Suratte. An account of the Chinese husbandry. Flora sinensis]
AuthorOsbeck, Pehr, 1723-1805Torén, Olof, 1718-1753Ekeberg, Carl Gustav, 1716-1784Forster, Johann Reinhold, 1729-1798
PublisherBenjamin White
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberDS708.O81 1771d
DescriptionDig.pdf. [2 v. : plates ; 22 cm.]
NoteA voyage to China and the East Indies / by Peter Osbeck. Together with A Voyage to Suratte, by Olof Toreen and An account of the Chinese husbandry, by Captain Charles Gustavus Eckeberg. Translated from the German, by John Reinhold Forster, F. A. S. To which are added, a Faunula and Flora sinensis.
Flora sinensis, or an essay towards a catalogue of Chinese plants. ii: 339-367.
Goldsmiths'-Kress no. 10715.

Online at Biblioteca Digital Hispánica (Biblioteca Nacional de España).
Online at Internet Archive.
Local access. dig.pdf. [Osbeck-Voyage v. 1 & 2.pdf]

Yesuhuishi Zhongguo shu jianji : Zhongguo huiyi lu 耶穌會士中國書簡集 : 中國回憶錄. [Lettres édifiantes et curieuses. Mémoires de la Chine. Chinese]
AuthorDu Halde, J.-B. (Jean-Baptiste), 1674-1743Zhu Jing 朱靜Zheng Dedi 鄭德弟Lü Yimin 呂一民
PlaceZhengzhou 鄭州
PublisherDa Xiang chubanshe 大象出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesXifang zaoqi Hanxue jingdian yicong 西方早期漢學經典譯叢
ShelfStacks, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBV2290.A212 2001
Description6 v. ; 21 cm. (Library has v. 1-3 only)

Yesuhuishi Zhongguo shu jianji : Zhongguo huiyi lu 耶穌會士中國書簡集 : 中國回憶錄 / Duhede bian ; Zheng Dedi, Lü Yimin, Shen Jian yi 杜赫德編; 鄭德弟, 呂一民, 沈堅譯.
Translators varies for each vol., e.g. 朱靜等譯 (v. 2-3).
Series edited by the Guoji Hanxue yanjiu shuxi 國際漢學研究書系 / Ren Jiyu zhubian 任繼愈主編.
A roster of members is included in v. 1.
Library has vol. 1-3 only. 

One copy of vol. 1, two copies of vol. 2, and two copies of vol. 3 also in stacks.

ISBN7534724821 ; 9787534724824
Yuanhe junxian tuzhi 元和郡縣圖誌
AuthorLi Jifu 李吉甫, 758-814He Cijun 賀次君
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZhongguoxue shuju 中國學書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Edition第1版, 北京第1次印刷
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesZhongguo gudai dili zongzhi congkan 中國古代地理總誌叢刊
Call NumberDS706.Y816 L555 1983
Description2 v. (1110, 126, [44] p.) ; 21 cm.
NoteYuanhe junxian tuzhi 元和郡縣圖誌 : [上下冊] / Li Jifu zhuan 李吉甫撰 ; [He Cijun dianjiao 賀次君點校].
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Zhongguo gudai lüxing zhi yanjiu 中國古代旅行之研究
AuthorJiang Shaoyuan 江紹源, 1898-1983
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherTaiwan Shangwu yinshuguan 臺灣商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesRenren wenku 人人文庫 ; 0150
Call NumberAC149.R363 0150
Description2, 16, 124, 4 p. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteZhongguo gudai lüxing zhi yanjiu 中國古代旅行之研究 / Jiang Shaoyuan 江紹源.
Includes bibliographical references.
民國55 [1966].
Zhongguo xinshi 中國新史 = A new history of the empire of China. [Doze excelências da China. Chinese]
AuthorMagalhães, Gabriel de 安文思, 1610-1677He Gaoji 何高濟Li Shen 李申
PlaceZhengzhou Shi 鄭州市
PublisherDa Xiang chubanshe 大象出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesGuojia Qingshi bianzuan weiyuanhui : Bianyi congkan 國家清史編纂委員會 : 編譯叢刊
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS708.M1712 2004
Description2, 4, 2, 2, 8, 247 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteZhongguo xinshi 中國新史 = A new history of the empire of China / An Wensi zhu ; He Gaoji, Li Shen yi 安文思著 ; 何高濟, 李申譯.
Translation of: Gabriel de Magalhães, Doze excelências da China.
ISBN7534734363 ; 9787534734366