Author: Sachdev, Rachana

Encountering China : early modern European responses
Publish_locationLewisburg, PA
PublisherBucknell University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesAperçus (Lewisburg, Pa.)
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS708.E63 2012
Descriptionx, 220 p. ; 23 cm.
NoteEncountering China : early modern European responses / edited by Rachana Sachdev and Qingjun Li.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-213) and index.

European responses to child abandonment, sale of children and social welfare policies in Ming China / Rachana Sachdev -- Of golden lilies and gentlewomen : constructions of Chinese women in early modern European travel narratives / Qingjun Li -- Earlier moderns : the novel form as national development in China and Europe / Daniel Dooghan -- "A strong resemblance" : Samuel Richardson, Chinese talent-beauty novels, and a secret origin of "world literature" / Ning Ma -- 'Magicians, enchanters, and professional crooks' : early modern understandings of Daoism / Ronnie Littlejohn -- Buddhism and idolatry / Terry Logan Mazurak.

SubjectChina--Description and travel--Early works to 1800 China--Foreign public opinion, Western Travelers' writings, European Europeans--China--History China--Foreign public opinion, European European literature--Chinese influences Chinese literature--European influences