Author: Billings, Timothy James, 1963-

Jesuit fish in Chinese nets: Athanasius Kircher and the translation of the Nestorian Tablet
PublisherUniversity of California Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeExtract (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBX154.C4 B566 2004d
Descriptiondig.pdf [42 p. : ill.]
NoteJesuit Fish in Chinese Nets: Athanasius Kircher and the Translation of the Nestorian Tablet / Timothy Billings.
Extract. Originally published in: Representations, No. 87 (Summer, 2004), pp. 1-42.
Local access dig.pdf. [Billings-Kircher Nestorian Tablet.pdf]
Online (Subscription) at JSTOR.

ABSTRACT: "This essay offers a 'sinographic' reading of Athanasius Kircher's bilingual critical edition of a famous Tang dynasty monument (discovered in 1625) about Nestorian Christians, which frames the material in China Illustrata (1667). The author argues that Kircher's mode of translation is a doctrinal polemic that attempts to reconstruct an imaginary originary text from the Chinese inscription in order to contain unorthodox meanings that interfere with the Jesuit identity that is positively projected onto the stone."--JSTOR note.

SubjectKircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680 Nestorian monument--China--Translation--History and criticism
On friendship : one hundred maxims for a Chinese prince. [Jiaoyou lun 交友論. English]
Publish_locationNew York
PublisherColumbia University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library, Ricci Institute [AEC]
Record_typeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives, Seminar Room 102-103, Stacks [AEC]
Call NumberBV3247.R46 J5213 2009
Descriptionxi, 173 p. ; 19 cm.

On friendship : one hundred maxims for a Chinese prince / Matteo Ricci ; translated by Timothy Billings.
Introduction -- On friendship -- Chronology of editions -- Texts and variants.
Text in English and Chinese.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

Local access dig.pdf. [Ricci-Billings-On Friendship.pdf]

SubjectConduct of life--China--Catholic authors--16th century Friendship Friendship--Religious aspects--Christianity Friendship--Quotations, maxims, etc. Conduct of life--Quotations, maxims, etc. Ricci, Matteo 利瑪竇, 1552-1610. Jiaoyou lun 交友論--Translations into English
ISBN9780231149242 ; 0231149247