Author: Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Guangzhou (Canton) 天主教廣州總教區. [Archidioecesis Coamceuvensis]

Canton Archives [Communication with consulate 1890-1940]
Publish_location[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageFrench, Chinese, English
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder F6.8
Description66 documents
NoteCanton Archives Folder F6.8 [French Documents Box 6, Folder 8] (N.B. F=French, 6=Box no. 6, 8=Folder no. 8: “Communication with consulate 1890-1940”)

001. [Partial (?)] printed list in Latin & Chinese “Vicariatus Apostolicus de Canton in Sinis. Prospectus Status Spiritualis a Die 30 Junii 1934 ad Diem 30 Junii 1935”; partially repaired with cellophane tape; gutter heavily torn; ink stained; undated [but after 30 June 1935]; unsigned; report on administrative data for the Diocese of Canton for the year 1934-1935, with detail of Districts; 30 x 43.5 cm.
002. Printed letter in Chinese, dated 18th day of 10th month of Xuantong 宣統 1 [1909]; signed Consul 馬; addressed to Zongli Yamen minister Wang; about requesting investigation in Henan, priest 牛; 28.5 x 27 cm.
003. Printed imperial decree in Chinese, dated 4th day of 2nd month of Guangxu 光緒 25, 15 March 1899; signed Minister Wang 王; about Catholic propagation & its protection, bishops being of equal rank with viceroys & governors, bishops making list of priests for relations with authorities, protection by embassies, consulates & Pope; 41.5 x 65 cm.
004. Carbon copy of typewritten letter, Guangzhou, 20 February 1938; unsigned [but probably Msgr. Fourquet]; addressed to Consul; about war destruction, asking army leaders to spare Guangzhou, creating neutral zones; 27.5 x 21 cm.
005. Typewritten draft of letter, Guangzhou, 20 February 1938; unsigned [but probably Msgr. Fourquet]; addressed to Consul; same as #005; 28 x 21.5 cm.
006. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine); undated [1925 (?)]; unsigned [but probably Msgr. Fourquet]; about commencement, question of Shek Shat [Sacred Heart Cathedral], municipal treasury & new construction, taxes; quarto 27.5 x 21.5, 27.5 x 43 cm.
007. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine); margins frayed & torn; stained; with rusted staple holes; somewhat worm-eaten; undated [but after December 1923]; unsigned; about letter to Msgr. Fourquet, quietly continuing conversions, Dr. Sun man lui (?) demanding social programs from government, old treaties & Mission’s real estate/properties, Mr. Ou ting fang & buildings for catechists, Msgr. Fourquet’s collaboration with French government; quarto 27.5 x 21.5, 27.5 x 43 cm.
008. [Partial] typewritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine); undated [but after December 1923]; unsigned; about people of the Mission not living out in the air of heaven, not public slaves, problems with construction permits, property tax; 27.5/13.5 x 21.5 cm.
009. Typewritten translation of letter [#009c]; Guangzhou, 09 April 1925; signed Fou Ping Cheung [translator]; addressed to Consul; about letter from commissioner of foreign ministry, property/real estate of Diocese Canton, invitation to render property to Chinese government, prior contract with Viceroy Lao to allow Mission to construct being annulled, having no permission to build for rent, resale of objects in question; 27.5 x 21.5, 21 x 33 cm.
010. Typewritten cover letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton & carbon copy of translation of letter [#011]; dated Guangzhou 06 May 1925; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Fourquet/Commissar Fou Ping Siang; about letter to commissar of foreign ministry, property/real estate of Diocese Canton, Convention of 1919 between Mission & Municipality of Guangzhou & no restrictions; 31/ca. 33 x 21.5/21 cm.
011. Handwritten copy of letter in Chinese; See #010; 25 x 21 cm.
012. Typewritten cover letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton for #013; dated Guangzhou 20 May 1925; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Fourquet; about sending translation of letter to commissar of foreign ministry; 31 x 21.5 cm.
013. Typewritten carbon copy of translation of letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton, dated Guangzhou 20 May 1925; unsigned; addressed to Commissar Fou Ping Siang; about letter to commissar of foreign ministry, property/real estate of Diocese Canton, futile discussion, Convention of 1919/1862, Convention of Beijing 1860; 31 x 21.5 cm.
014. Handwritten letter; dated Guangzhou 18 February 19??; signed Bianca Sannino Tam; addressed to bishop; about wanting to enter Doumer Hospital for protection, military hospital, Colonel Fun Sun; 18.5 x 21 cm.
015. Typewritten letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), dated 25 May 1937; signed A. Fourquet; addressed to U.S. consul in Guangzhou; about Mr. Charles Chan graduating & Mission wanting him to specialize in Manila, needing visa; 28.5 x 21.5 cm.
016. Typewritten letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), Guangzhou 29 May 1947; signed A. Fourquet; addressed to General MacArthur; about destruction of property by Japanese bomb attacks August 1938, including five buildings & part of cathedral, Japanese occupation of Guangzhou October 1938, Colonel Oka assuring repair to cathedral, still needing to repair artwork, asking for help; quarto 31 x 21.5, 31 x 43 cm.
017. Typewritten letter in English on stationary of the General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Office of the Supreme Commander, dated 02 July 1947; signed Douglas MacArthur; addressed to Msgr. Fourquet; about France not being at war with Japan at time, having to go through French government for compensation from Japan, Treaty of Potsdam prohibiting artists/artwork crossing borders; 26.5 x 20 cm.

018. Printed circular in English “U.S. Information service”; dated 22 March 1949; unsigned; NATO, forming United Nations, President Truman confident of working together with Congress, housing legislation; 33 x 20.5 cm.
019. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), dated 05 May 1937; signed Antoine Fourquet; addressed to Consul; re: plot of land cut in half by new street, municipal authorities, replacement of actual street, conserving status quo, vast boulevard, Pak-mai Street, College of Holy Heart, Seminary, Ming-Tak School, house of Canadian Sisters; quarto 27.5 x 21.5, 27.5 x 43 cm.
020. [Partial] handwritten draft of letter, undated; unsigned; re: plot of land, status quo, boulevard, etc.; 27.5 x 21.5 cm.
021. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), dated 20 October 1938; unsigned [but probably Msgr. Fourquet]; addressed to Consul; about ambassador & municipal authorities, rest homes for elderly men, women & handicapped, Shek-pai, rest home for foreigners at Fong tchuen, hospital administration, leprosarium Shek lung & $700, total of $5,000, terrain across from Shameen/Shamian Fongtchun, Fati & Pak ok tong; quarto 30.5/31 x 20/21.5, 30.5/31 x 40/43 cm.
022. Typewritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton, No 5, Guangzhou 17 January 1940; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Fourquet; about sending seven military draft status certificates (deferred) for Frs. Le Baron, Chatelain [#023], Pierre Fleury, Francis Morel, Pierre Narbais, Seznec & Robert Vetch; quarto 31.5 x 21.5, 31.5 x 43 cm.
023. Typewritten certificate on stationary of the République Française, Ambassade de France en Chine—Mobilisation 1939, stamped Ambassade de France en Chine; with upper margin crumpled; dated Shanghai 30 November 1939; signed G. Georges-Picot; addressed to Fr. Chatelain; re: having to keep his position until war ministry decides on draft; 31 x 21 cm.
024. Typewritten circular on stationary of the Ambassade de France en Chine, No 76-S, dated Shanghai 28 December 1939; signed G. Georges-Picot; about Mr. Naggiar, new Japanese approach, protection of Mission properties, painting flags 6x4 meters on roofs; quarto 31.5 x 20.5, 31.5 x 41 cm.
025. Typewritten letter on stationary of the Ambasciata d’Italia in Cina, No. 314; dated Nanjing 12 March 1947; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Fourquet; about treatment of Mme. Tam Sannino; 27.5 x 21 cm.
026. Carbon copy of typewritten letter, Guangzhou 16 September 1924; unsigned [but probably consul]; addressed to Foreign Affairs Commissar Foo Ping Tcheng; about Msgr. Fourquet & time of heavy actions against foreigners in Shameen/Shamian, press campaign against Diocese Canton, injustice & hostile sentiments, looking for proof of authorization for building/property; 33 x 21 cm.
027. Carbon copy of typewritten letter, Guangzhou 08 September 1924; signed A. Fourquet; addressed to consul; about receiving official letter from foreign affairs commissar on buildings/property in front of cathedral, attacks by press, protests by Msgr. de Guébriant, students dying in attacks on Tcheung-mung-ki Palace, new republican government, Msgr. de Guébriant claiming land taken by street, Wan Lok Restaurant at compound of Shing Wong Temple, ceding of land without compensation, license to build houses, tax not less than $120,000; 33 x 21 cm.
028. Handwritten letter in Chinese, dated 16th day of 9th month of ?? [1924?]; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Fourquet; about Guangdong Finance Ministry, press release on street-building at Sacred Heart Cathredal; 25 x 54.5 cm.
029. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), dated 06 June 1923; unsigned [but probably Msgr. Fourquet]; about Mr. Goubault’s visit, Pak-hoi, local sympathies, Consul Kahn; quarto 21.5 x 13.5, 21.5 x 27 cm.
030. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), dated 05 July 1923; signed A. Fourquet; addressed to Mr. Knight; about difficult times, sexagenarian bishop, Fr. Lebbe, socialism, indigenous priests; quarto 21.5 x 13.5, 21.5 x 27 cm.
031. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), embossed, dated 05 August 1924; signed A. Fourquet; addressed to consul; about photograph, bishops’ council, effusion, psychology, Mrs. Wilden; quarto 21.5 x 13.5, 21.5 x 27 cm.
032. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), dated 08 September 1924; unsigned [but probably Msgr. Fourquet]; addressed to consul; same as #027; quarto 27.5 x 21, 27.5 x 42 cm.

033. Handwritten draft of letter, Guangzhou November 1919; unsigned [but probably Msgr. de Guébriant]; addressed to consul; about telegrams & articles from local press, Boxers & compensation, France suffering from barbarism & vandalism directed at imperial government, deplorable waste, location of Pichon School; 27.5 x 21.5 cm.
034. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), “Confidential”; dated 14 August 1925; unsigned [but probably Msgr. Fourquet]; addressed to consul; about dissention from fellow priests, Shameen/Shamian, censorship, warning fellow priests & sisters on talking or writing to outsiders; 21 x 13.5 cm.
035. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine); with stains; somewhat worm-eaten; dated 07 September 1925; signed A. Fourquet; addressed to consul; re: relations between Mission & consulate; quarto 21 x 14, 21 x 28 cm.
036. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), dated 10 October 1925; signed A. Fourquet; addressed to consul; re: July & August, $500, departure of French ship for Haiphong, letters for commandant, passport; 20.5 x 14 cm.
037. Handwritten draft of letter, dated Shamian 16 October 1925; signed Laurenti; addressed to consul; about interest in democratic China, unquestioned authority in Guangzhou, result of strikes, sanctuary for 600-700 people, abuse; 21 x 14 cm.
038. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), dated 02 November 1925; unsigned [Msgr. Fourquet?]; addressed to consul; about press subsidies, articles against Indochina, Guomindang 國民黨; quarto 21 x 14, 21 x 28 cm.
039. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), dated 26 June 1926; unsigned [Msgr. Fourquet?]; re: no discontinuation of contact between Diocese & consulate, invitation, Mrs. Kahn, Dire, Beauvais & Knight; quarto 27.5 x 21, 27.5 x 42 cm.
040. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), dated 07 December 1926; unsigned [Msgr. Fourquet?]; addressed to consul; about looking for letter from 07 September 1925, Honam & Shameen/Shamian, priests & Sisters not to write or talk about affairs of Diocese Canton; 27.5 x 21 cm.
041. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), dated 03 October 1927; signed A. Fourquet; addressed to consul; about passage of troops, Tshang Kai-shek (Chaing Kai-shek) 蔣介石 & soldiers, asking General Ly tsai sam to return 200 sheets (?), Commission, Hong Kong; 27.5 x 21 cm.
042. Handwritten draft of letter, dated Shanghai 02 January 1929; unsigned [Msgr. Fourquet?]; addressed to Consul Danjou in Guangzhou; re: coming through Nanjing, English prayer book, problems with buildings in Guangzhou, compensation for 1919, reductions in payment obligations, Treaties; 28 x 21.5 cm.
043. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), Guangzhou 31 January 1929; unsigned [Msgr. Fourquet?]; addressed to Ambassador Count of Martel in Beiping; about Mr. Cosme at embassy, etc.; 13.5 x 21 cm.
044. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), dated 29 April 1929; unsigned [Msgr. Fourquet?]; addressed to Consul Lymard; about official relations, campaign, Mr. Danjou, Fr. Thomas being in charge during his absence; 14 x 21 cm.
045 (046?). Typewritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton, No 37, Guangzhou 07 May 1930; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Fourquet; about sending copy of communication with mayor on dispositions for registration of Mission property/real estate titles; quarto 31 x 21, 31 x 42 cm.
046. Typewritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton, No 41 P., Guangzhou 15 May 1930; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Fourquet; about sending certified copy of communication with mayor on interpretations given by central government on provisional regulations of Mission property/real estate; quarto 31 x 21, 31 x 42 cm.

047. Handwritten draft of letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), dated 01 November 1930; unsigned [but probably Msgr. Fourquet]; addressed to consul; about “Morning Post,” elevation to Consul General; 31.5 x 21.5 cm.
048. Typewritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton, No 4, dated Guangzhou 09 April 1931; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Fourquet; about sending HK$252.06/1,651 francs from vice-admiral Herr for tombstone on T’ouo Kin Heng cemetery honoring killed marines & soldiers in Opium War of 1860-1861, additional money for work will be issued by consulate; 31.5 x 21 cm.
049. Typewritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton, No 48, dated Guangzhou 30 November 1931; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Fourquet; dispatch from vice-admiral Herr reporting HK$138.94 left for repair of tombstone on T’ouo Kin Heng cemetery given by Board of Directors of French Concession, contractor Tong Yick, to be undertaken on the spot; 31.5 x 21 cm.
050. Handwritten draft letter on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), dated 01 December 1931; signed Antoine Fourquet; addressed to consul; about receiving HK$138.94 for repair of tombstone on T’ouo Kin Heng cemetery, determining final cost for vice-admiral Herr, contractor Tong Yick, quick undertaking; quarto 27.5 x 21, 27.5 x 42 cm.
051. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton, dated Guangzhou 14 June 1933; signed ??; addressed to bishop; enquiry on conditions to install Sisters of Immaculate Conception; quarto 21.5 x 14, 21.5 x 28 cm.
052. Typewritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton, No 57, dated Guangzhou 21 July 1933; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Fourquet; treaties on dispossession of land of Diocese for street construction, Yat Tak Lou, Tai Sun Kiai, mayor of Guangzhou sending more information to Dr. Ringenbach, affecting garden of Holy Spirit School, no enlargement of street, instead new arteries for Guangzhou, dispossession relative to repair work; 31.5 x 21 cm.
053. Typewritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton, No 31, dated Guangzhou 15 October 1937; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Fourquet; embassy wanting Diocese to paint French flag on roofs of its buildings as precaution against Japanese bombers; 32 x 21.5 cm.
054. Typewritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton, Le Consul de France à Canton, No 2, dated Guangzhou 12 April 1927; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Fourquet; sanctions against government, Mission protectorate of France, preparing evacuation to Hong Kong, Jesuits evacuating to Macau; penned in are responses & commentaries: informing all priests, meeting at port, question of indigenous Religious; quarto 31 x 21, 31 x 42 cm.
055. Carbon copy of typewritten letter on stationary of the Légation de la République Française en Chine, dated Beijing 02 June 1926; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Fourquet; pressuring Chinese government to block anti-Christian movements, robberies, Missions & French protectorates; 28.5 x 21.5 cm.
056. Mimeographed translation of flier “Pagoda-shaped Song”; undated; signed Anti-Christian Federation of Tcheng Tcheou [Zhengzhou 鄭州 (?)]; disparaging song against Christians, canon of imperialism, etc. ; 27 x 21 cm.
057. Mimeographed translation of flier “Down with Christianity” in English & French, dated January 1926; signed Institute students from Shanghai; eight arguments against Christianity, tool of world imperialism, not scientific, etc.; 27 x 21 cm.
058. Carbon copy of typewritten letter on stationary of the Légation de la République Française en Chine, No 20, dated Beijing 01 March 1926; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Fourquet; anti-Christian movement & intervention with Wai Kiao Pou [Waijiaobu 外交部] & Marshal Touan Tsi-Jouei for measures to end campaign, suppression of anti-Christian associations, sending translated newspaper article (#059) [& probably #056/057/060]; 30.5 x 21 cm.
059. Mimeographed translation of newspaper article “Decree of 28 February 1926” dated March 1926; unsigned; Buddhism, Daoism & Islam long established in China but Christianity part of Treaties & protected, ban on anti-religious associations, enforced by civil & military functionaries; 30.5 x 21 cm.
060. Mimeographed translation of letter, No 17, dated Beijing 08 February 1926; unsigned; addressed to Foreign Minister C. T. Wang; incidents with missionaries being victims, Chinese authorities & right of Missions to invoke Chinese-French treaties, state asked to stop actions, looting in Shaanxi Yeh nan-fou [延安府], robbers in Msgr. Van Dyck’s vicariate, missionaries refusing to wear arms for defense, property confiscations in Suiyuan, arbitrary taxes in Sichuan, denial of right to purchase property in Jiangxi, acting against Berthemy Convention, Henan’s Zhengzhou, Zhili’s Nan Kong Xian, students at Tianjin’s Institute of Higher Studies, need for decree; 30.5 x 21 cm.
061. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Procure des Missions Étrangères, Battery Path 1, Hongkong—P.O. Box 87, dated Hong Kong 02 May 1927; signed A. Biotteau; addressed to bishop; sending circular by Msgr. Gorostarzy (?) [#062], Msgr. Gauthier; 20.5 x 13.5 cm.
062. Mimeographed circular, dated Yunnan Fu 15 April 1927; partly illegible signed Gorostarzy (?); about Yunnan Consul Lépissier ordering evacuation; 30.5 x 25.5 cm.
063. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Vce Consulat de France à Pakhoi & Tung-Hing, dated Beihai 23 October 1899; signed ??; addressed to Fr. Le Tallandier in Kaotcheou; presentation, silence & good relation with local authorities, asking for reports at regular intervals, inquiries to Frs. Baloit & Gauthier, Fr. Maréchal, ambassador & regulations, Mr. Pichon visiting Kiutchéou, Lieutchéou & Kaotchéou Prefectures, travelers Bartholin & Brérault coming through Kaotch’eou & itinerary, German Mission Lörcher; quarto 27 x 21.5, 27 x 43 cm.
064. Handwritten copy of article in Hong Kong Wa tsze yät po Journal on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine), dated 31 December 1924/01 January 1925; unsigned; re: $15,000,000 mortgage for French railway from Guangzhou to Hankou; quarto 27.5 x 21, 27.5 x 42 cm.
065. Carbon copy of typewritten list, dated 10 November 1931; unsigned; personal name listiing of French marines & soldiers killed 1858-1861 & buried in Guangdong, with birth information, list of French nationals buried on Val d’Or Cemetary (To Tam Hang) in March 1924; 28 x 21.5 cm.
066. Printed imperial decree in French & Chinese, dated 4th day of 2nd month of 25th year of Guangxu 光緒 = 15 March 1899; signed Minister Wang; right of Catholic Church to propagate faith in China; 41.5 x 65 cm.

SubjectGuangzhou 廣州--Church history--Archives Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Archival materials France--Foreign relations--China--Sources Catholic Church--Foreign relations--China--20th century--Sources Missions étrangères de Paris--China--Guangzhou--Archival material Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Records, reports, registers Missions étrangères de Paris--China--Guangzhou--Correspondence Missions étrangères de Paris--China--Guangzhou--History--19th century Catholic Church--Foreign relations--China--19th century--Sources Diplomatic and consular service, French
Canton Archives [Communication with consulate 1892-1907]
Publish_location[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageFrench, Chinese, Latin
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder F6.7
Description72 documents
NoteCanton Archives Folder F6.7 [French Documents Box 6, Folder 7]
(N.B. F=French, 6=Box no. 6, 7=Folder no. 7: “Communication with consulate 1892-1907”)

001. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton; with left-hand side margin frayed, in somewhat smudged ink; dated Guangzhou 05 August 1901; signed Hardouin; addressed to Msgr. Mérel; about ambassador informing that request for compensation for Fr. Gervaix could be included in total compensation from Chinese government; 31 x 20 cm.
002. Handwritten letter; with left-hand side margin frayed; dated Guangzhou 15 August 1901; signed Mas (?); addressed to priest; about being sick with dysentery & unable to come; 13.5 x 11.5 cm.
003. Handwritten letter; with hole in center; with heavily leaked ink partially eating through the paper; semi-legible; dated Guangzhou 28 August 1901; signed American Consul Wade; addressed to French Consul Hardouin; about convention to be signed; quarto 21 x 13.5, 21 x 27 cm.
004. Translation of handwritten letter; with right-hand side margins frayed & stained; dated Guangzhou 28 August 1901; signed American Consul Wade; addressed to French Consul Hardouin; about convention to be signed, litigation, catechists & propagandists, combat between factions, religious persecution; quarto 27 x 21, 27 x 42 cm.
005. Translation of handwritten letter; with all margins torn; dated Guangzhou 28 August 1901; signed American Consul Wade; addressed to French Consul Hardouin; same as #004; quarto 32 x 21, 32 x 42 cm.
006. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton; with right-hand side margin frayed & stained; dated 12 December 1901; signed Hardouin; addressed to Msgr. Mérel; about question of land for hospital & compensation, influence; quarto 27.5 x 21, 27.5 x 42 cm.
007. Handwritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton; with all margins frayed; dated Guangzhou 06 January 1900; signed Hardouin; addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about taking over position; 31 x 21 cm.
008. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Vce. Consulat de France à Pakhoi & Tong-Hing.; dated Pakhoi 03 February 1900; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about Fr. Kammerer & anonymous letter & threats, demanding move to Beijing or Shanghai; quarto 21 x 13.5, 21 x 27 cm.
009. Handwritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton; with all margins frayed; dated Guangzhou 06 January 1900; signed Hardouin; addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about taking over position; quarto 19.5 x 15.5, 19.5 x 31 cm.
010. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton, “Personal”; dated 16 January 1900; signed Hardouin; addressed to bishop; about seeing Fr. Martinet in Hong Kong, depositing funds, Guangxi; quarto 21 x 13.5, 21 x 27 cm.
011. Handwritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton; with left-hand side margin frazzled; dated 09 March 1900; signed Hardouin; addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about Mr. Flayelle & lot of land, viceroy & customs/tariffs, clearing land of rocks; 27 x 21 cm.
012. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton; with right-hand side margins frazzled & stained; with upper margin torn; with somewhat leaky ink; dated 11 March 1900; signed Chancellor P. Filippini; addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about visit by ambassador, commandant inviting to “Kersaint”; quarto 27 x 21, 27 x 42 cm.
013. [Partial] handwritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton; dated 11 April 1900; unsigned; addressed to bishop; about circular & missions, resistance against instructions by viceroy, Taotai of Shantou, 2% on lending, ambassador; quarto 21 x 13.5, 21 x 27 cm.
014. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton; with margins frayed & stained; dated 22 May 1900; signed Hardouin; addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about ambassador Pichon & circular from December 1886 asking for list of missionaries, request for updated list; 27 x 21 cm.

015. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton; with stains; dated 13 August 1900; signed M. Guillien; addressed to bishop; about letter from viceroy & requesting return to Mr. Hardouin, telegram & accusation, replacement of Fr. Legros; quarto 21 x 13.5, 21 x 27 cm.
016. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton; with left-hand side margin frayed, stained; dated Guangzhou 20 November 1900; signed ??; addressed to bishop; about Beijing & naval attaché, pamphlets, viceroy & consulate; 21 x 13.5 cm.
017. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Institut des Petits Frères de Marie; with right margins frayed & stained; dated St Genis-Laval (Rhône) 18 January 1899; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about French to be founded in China, foreign minister demanding that Brothers live in China according to vocation, being at least three within one city, 1,500 francs of allowance each, having to assist religious office or mission, needing inspection of schools, Brothers needing annual retreat not having to be paid by ministry; quarto 27 x 21.5, 27 x 43 cm.
018. Handwritten copy of report dated 03 February 1899; unsigned; about project to lease land on Shamian Island in Guangzhou, Consul Flayelle, Marist Mission in Guangzhou, construction plans needing approval of consul; quarto 31 x 21, 31 x 42 cm.
019. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton; with left margin frayed and stained; Guangzhou 03 February 1899; signed L. Hayeles (?); addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about sending #018, defense ministry & draft & Fr. Etienne Marius Cellard; 27 x 21 cm.
020. Handwritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton dated 30 March 1899; signed L. Hayeles (?); addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about ambassador & new instructions by Guangdong authorities, regulations, inhabitants of Pak T’ong; 27 x 21 cm.
021. Handwritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton frayed & stained; dated 27 August 1899; signed L. Hayeles (?); addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about visit with German consul, Mr. Genähr, Pakkung & Fr. Julien, on hostility between French & German missions & unfortunate consequences, Mr. Lahm/Zahm, necessary replacement [of Fr. Julien (?)]; 27 x 21 cm.

022. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Canonniere la “Surprise,” Commandant; faded ink; dated Ft. Bayard 24 September 1899; signed ??; addressed to bishop; about returning to France, Fr. Ferrand & Catholic residence, etc.; quarto 20.5 x 13, 20.5 x 26 cm.
023. Handwritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton; lower margins torn; dated 23 November 1899; signed L. Hayeles (?); addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about regulations for new French school, modifications in contract between consulate & Congregation of Little Brothers of Mary; quarto 27 x 21, 27 x 42 cm.
024. Handwritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton dated 07 December 1899; signed L. Hayeles (?); addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about ambassador & Pak t’ong affair; 27 x 21 cm.
025. Handwritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton dated 13 December 1899; signed L. Hayeles (?); addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about ambassador allowing consul to accept Chinese government in Pak t’ong affair, compensation of $80,000, viceroy; 27 x 21 cm.
026. Handwritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton dated 16 December 1899; signed L. Hayeles (?); addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about sending original in Pok lo affair, Sub-prefect Ko sending check for different amount, other affairs & litigation; 27 x 21 cm.
027. Handwritten letter on stationary of the République Française, Consulat de France à Canton dated 19 December 1899; signed L. Hayeles (?); addressed to Msgr. Chausse; asking for amount of compensation in Pak tong affair to inform ambassador & for distribution; 27 x 21 cm.
028. Handwritten “Regulations for the French School in Guangzhou”; undated; unsigned; about school relations with consulate, embassy & Little Brothers of Mary, three classes with 20-25 students each, etc.; quarto 31 x 21, 31 x 42 cm.
029. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton; stained; with fading ink; semi-legible, dated Guangzhou 20 August 1892; signed ??; addressed to bishop; about letter & Shantou, Lien Shing affair, publication of proclamation, Chinese Christians, compensation; quarto 21 x 13.5, 21 x 27 cm.
030. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton dated Guangzhou 28 September 1895; signed ??; addressed to bishop; about lease for lot no. 24 [on Shamian Island], Mr. Francis; quarto 21 x 13.5, 21 x 27 cm.
031. Handwritten copy of letter dated Beijing 01 October 1895; signed ??; addressed consul; about sending documents [#033 & 034] on Tsong-li Yamen 總理衙門 trying to repeal articles from 1858 Treaty [of Tianjin] concerning treatment of Christians, rights in propagation & exercise of Catholic Religion, princes of imperial ministry, ban on Western religions; 31 x 21 cm.

032. Typewritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton 大法國領事署; dated Guangzhou 02 November 1895; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about sending copy of letter [#031] & two documents [#033 & 034] on suppression/ban on Western religions; 27 x 20.5 cm.
033. Handwritten copy of document in Chinese dated 5th day of 6th month of 21st year of 光緒 [1895]; signed Prince/Minister Wang 王大臣 (?); about repealing articles from 1858 Treaty [of Tianjin] concerning treatment of Christians, rights in propagation & exercise of Catholic Religion; 25.5 x 46.5 cm.
034. Handwritten copy of document in Chinese dated 19th day of 7th month of 21st year of 光緒 [1895]; signed Prince/Minister Wang 王大臣 (?); about propagation of Catholic Religion in all of China, Yamen; 25.5 x 17 cm.
035. Handwritten letter dated Guangzhou 02 December 1898; signed L. Hayeles (?); addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about instructions by ambassador for founding of French school in Guangzhou; 27 x 21 cm.
036. Handwritten letter (frayed & side margins torn) dated Guangzhou 10 October 1899; signed L. Hayeles (?); addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about new lease project & allocation/subvention, treatment of teaching Brothers, school’s chapel, ambassador; quarto 31 x 21, 31 x 42 cm.
037. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton dated 21 January 1890; signed Hardouin; addressed to bishop; about sending 10,000 piasters, Mr. Pichon; quarto 21 x 13.5, 21 x 27 cm.
038. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton dated Guangzhou 03 December 1895; signed ??; addressed to bishop; about Mr. Sié [Hu Yuying] 胡玉英, Fang tsing 房祥 (?), etc.; quarto 20.5 x 13.5, 20.5 x 27 cm.
039. Handwritten letter; all margins frayed & stained, dated Hanoi 14 October 1897; signed Jollivet (?), MD; addressed to bishop; report on leprosy in Indochina & needing comparisons, questionnaire; quarto 26.5 x 20.5, 26.5 x 41 cm.
040. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Vice-Consulat de France; somewhat worm-eaten; dated Haikou 15 April 1898; signed Baumkaller (?); addressed to bishop; about Flayelle incident, Kouang tchao affair, viceroy, Portuguese Sisters & Hoihow, Fr. Barbosa & lease on Schomburg House for Sisters, Frs. Lao, Zimmermann & Cellard, Admiral de Beaumont arriving in Saigon, question of Hainan, Kouang tchao wan [Ft. Bayard, 湛江] becoming French being good for security of Frs. Zimmermann & Cellard, Mr. G. Kahn; quarto 20 x 12.5, 20 x 25 cm.
041. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton; left margin frayed, worm-damage; dated Guangzhou 24 May 1898; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about Mrs. Ao tchao & Lam tze-t’ong, Mr. Melbourne from Hong Kong; 27 x 21 cm.
042. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Division Navale de l’Océan Pacifique—Chef de Division, le Capitaine de Vaisseau Fort, Chef de la Division Navale de l’Océan Pacifique, a Bord du “Duguay-Trouin,” No. 42; margins crushed, stained; dated Hoï-ts’ou 03 June 1898; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about Fr. Zimmermann being on board, going to Kwang-chau-wan [Ft. Bayard, 湛江], asking Fr. Zimmermann to stay longer for his knowledge, defending interests of parishioners; quarto 26.5 x 21, 26.5 x 42 cm.

043. Handwritten letter on stationary of the République Française—Vice-Consulat de France à Hoi How (Ile d’Hai-Nan) dated Haikou 10 January 1898; signed ??; addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about ambassador giving 1,000 francs toward founding of school, Frs. Zimmermann & Celard in charge of school; 27 x 21.5 cm.
044. Handwritten document in Chinese; margins frayed & stained, dated 30th year of Guangxu 光緒 [1904], signed 甘司東 (of consulate), 胡銘?, 薛永年 & 巍暢茂 [Jean Marie Mérel]; about opening school next to Sacred Heart Cathedral, details of lease of buildings, restrictions, annual rent of $50; 25.5 x 31.5 cm.
045. Handwritten annex to letter; undated [but not later than 1900]; unsigned [but consul]; addressed to Msgr. Chausse; about reconciliation of Mr. Zahn & Fr. Julien, Fr. Julien paying $50, consuls of France & Germany informing viceroy; 31 x 21 cm.
046. Printed spreadsheet for payables & receivables, budget “Conseil d’Administration Municipale de la Concession Française de Shameen”; damaged; dated Guangzhou 18 February 1899; signed L. Flayelle, J. Trévoux, S. N. Karanjia & Ch. Saglio; detailed income & expenses for 1898 for French Concession on Shamian/Shameen Island with available balance of $114.38, budget for 1899; ca. 38.5 x 25.5 cm.
047. Handwritten draft of letter, undated [but probably 1899]; unsigned [but probably Msgr. Chausse]; addressed to ambassador; about imperial decree of 1899, fixing reports with provincial authorities; quarto 21.5 x 13.5, 21.5 x 27 cm.
048. [Partial] handwritten letter, undated; signed ?? [consul]; about land purchase by Catholics of Fr. Grandpierre’s for chapel, Taotai, Tsong Li Yamen 總理衙門, Hainan & seven Sisters to Haikou, bishop of Macau, hostility of American missionaries, Pakhoi; quarto 20.5 x 12.5, 20.5 x 25 cm.
049. Handwritten report in Latin; undated; unsigned [Fr. Laurent?]; report about Fr. Julien affair; quarto 20.5 x 13, 20.5 x 26 cm.
050. Handwritten letter, undated; signed ??; addressed to bishop; about hospital Sister & services, baby & wife being tired; quarto 20.5 x 13.5, 20.5 x 27 cm.

051. Handwritten letter, undated [but before 1901]; signed ??; addressed to bishop; about rebellion, British consul, Fr. Mérel; quarto 22 x 13.5, 22 x 27 cm.
052. Handwritten letter, undated; signed ??; addressed to bishop; about time of arrival, etc.; quarto 20.5 x 13.5, 20.5 x 27 cm.
053. Handwritten draft of letter, undated; unsigned; about circular, regulations of religious affairs at consulates, missions & local authorities, decentralization; quarto 21 x 13.5, 21 x 27 cm.
054. Handwritten draft of letter, undated; unsigned; about circular, regulations of religious affairs at consulates, missions & local authorities, decentralization; 21.5 x 13.5 cm.
055. Handwritten draft of letter, undated; unsigned; same as #053/054; quarto 21 x 13.5, 21 x 27 cm.
056. Handwritten rules/articles; margins frayed & upper margins heavily torn; undated; unsigned; re: rules at new Pichon School: open to all Chinese, run by Little Brothers of Mary, president is consul, three classes with 20-25 students each, hours, vacations, exclusions, one piaster a month, orphans not paying, Brothers report to consul; quarto 33 x 20.5, 33 x 41 cm.
057. Handwritten string of communication in French, Chinese & English, undated; unsigned; letter from British consul to viceroy: Li kam Poon/Lu Loi Wing affair, tribunal in Hong Kong, viceroy should give magistrate of Sunning instructions; reply by viceroy: will give instructions, tribunal in Hong Kong, foreign minister; letter from foreign minister to magistrate in Sunning: Li Kam Poon & mother petitioning, decision; reply from viceroy to Chung Kwong’s petition: Li Loi Wing paying, prisoner in Guangdong, magistrate selling belongings for compensation; viceroy’s reply to petition from 24th day of 4th month: Li Loi Wing & compensation, priest opposed; quarto 26 x 20.5, 26 x 41 cm.
058. Printed newspaper page in Chinese; document heavily torn; undated; 47 x ca. 55 cm.
059. Printed newspaper clipping in Chinese; document heavily torn; undated; 20 x ca. 14 cm.
060. Printed newspaper clipping in Chinese; document heavily torn; undated; 20.5 x ca. 19 cm.
061. Printed newspaper cropping in Chinese; document heavily torn; undated; 20.5 x ca. 23 cm.
062. Handwritten copy of letter for Msgr. Mérel on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton, undated [but after 1900]; unsigned; extract from a letter by ambassador [to consul]: possibly accepting six first articles of Chinese regulations on property & real-estate titles; 32.5 x 21.5, 32.5 x 43 cm.
063. Handwritten envelope, undated; unsigned; addressed to Msgr. Mérel, T’ien-tchou-tang, Canton; penciled in: Mr. Madrolle (?); 9.5 x ca. 12 cm.
064. [Content of #063] Handwritten letter on stationary of the Canton Club; with heavy ink partially eating through the paper; undated. Hanoi; signed Cl. Madrolle (?); about luggage inspection, Hong Kong, visiting Sancian [Shangchuan Dao 上川島]; quarto 17.5 x 11, 17.5 x 22 cm.
065. Handwritten copy of letter, undated [but probably around 1905]; unsigned; from Viceroy to consul: letter to admiral with report from Colonel Ma te siu, “Mauser” weapons, going to Saigon, guns introduced to Hoei-tcheou, Lin-hoei, French missionaries, borders closing, tens of thousands of cartridges & French weapons at depot at Kao-long, made for Russia-Japanese war, Kouang-li pirates, Chinese killed in Hong Kong, arrests; 26.5 x 21 cm.
066. Printed letter in Chinese “越南華僑之血淚書“ (bloodshed of Chinese émigrés in Vietnam), dated 4th day of 5th month of 民國 2 [1913]; signed “returned overseas Chinese from Yunnan” Yang Zishi 楊紫石 & 34 others; about bloodshed & bombs, assistance from people from Yunnan for the revolution, criminals, etc.; 22 x 22 cm.
067. Handwritten letter in Chinese, dated 14th day of 2nd month of 民國 2 [1913]; signed company president Luo Yanghui 羅洋輝; addressed to French Consulate; about criminals & French Fr. Huang Shiguang 黃實光, $2,900 & $5,400; 25.5 x 22 cm.
068. Handwritten letter dated Guangzhou 05 May 19??; signed ??; addressed to bishop; about Yun chen naï, etc.; 21 x 13.5 cm.
069. Handwritten letter on stationary of the Consulat de France à Canton; dated Guangzhou March 19??; signed ??; addressed to bishop; about journal, Beijing; quarto 21 x 13.5, 21 x 27 cm.
070. Handwritten letter in Chinese dated 20th day of 9th month of 黃帝 4609, 09 November 1911; signed company president Luo Yanghui 羅洋輝; addressed to French Consulate; about Chinese Republican Military Government, life & property in Guangdong, consulates; 25.5 x 17 cm.
071. Handwritten cover (?) in Chinese with newsprint on back, undated; unsigned; “sent from Sacred Heart Cathedral, Msgr. Mérel”; 26 x 37.5 cm.
072. Handwritten draft (?) of letter, undated; unsigned; about sending communication with sub-prefect of Yang Kiang forbidding Christians to rent houses to establish chapels, Chang Yang, mandarin’s hostility, persecution & insult, murders & looting, letting Catholics establish church in Chang Yang; 33.5 x 21 cm.

SubjectGuangzhou 廣州--Church history--Archives Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Archival materials France--Foreign relations--China--Sources Missions étrangères de Paris--China--Guangzhou--Archival material Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Records, reports, registers Missions étrangères de Paris--China--Guangzhou--History--19th century
Canton Archives '[Joseph] Lasportes'
Publish_location[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageFrench, Chinese
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder F2.2
Description10 documents
NoteCanton Archives Folder F2.2 [French Documents Box 2, Folder 2]
(N.B. F=French, 2=Box no. 2, .2=Folder no. 2: “[Joseph] Lasportes (?)”)

001. Hand-written report and data to the Archdiocese Canton from parish, signed Joseph Lasportes (?), dated 02 September 1902, quarto 21 x 13, 21 x 26 cm.
002. Hand-written report and data to the Archdiocese Canton from parish, signed Joseph Lasportes (?), dated Fai Yong (?) 18 August 1909, quarto 21 x 13.5, 21 x 27 cm.
003. Hand-written, undated note to the Archdiocese Canton from parish, signed Joseph Lasportes (?) in Fai Yong (?), 21 x 13.5 cm.
004. Hand-written, unsigned report and data to the Archdiocese of Canton from parish, dated Ng Kang Post 09 September 1903, quarto 21 x 13.5, 21 x 27 cm.
005. Hand-written report and data to the Archdiocese Canton from parish, signed Joseph Lasportes (?), dated Fai Yong (?) 20 August 1908, quarto 21 x 13.5, 21 x 27 cm.
006. Hand-written report and data to the Archdiocese Canton from parish, signed Joseph Lasportes (?), dated Fai Yong (?) 28 August 1910, quarto 21 x 13, 21 x 26 cm.
007. Hand-written report and data to the Archdiocese Canton from parish, signed Joseph Lasportes (?), dated Fai Yong (?) 29 August 1901, quarto 13.5 x 10.5, 13.5 x 21 cm.
008. Hand-written data to the Archdiocese Canton from parish, signed Joseph Lasportes (?), dated Fai Yong (?) 23 August 1911, quarto 13.5 x 11.5, 13.5 x 23 cm.
009. Hand-written report and data to the Archdiocese Canton from parish, signed Joseph Lasportes (?), dated Ng Kang Post 17 August 1903, confirmations had been performed by archbishop, quarto 21 x 13.5, 21 x 27 cm.
010. Hand-written report and data to the Archdiocese Canton from parish, signed Joseph Lasportes (?), dated Fai Yong (?) 29 August 1912, quarto 22.5 x 13.5, 22.5 x 27 cm.

SubjectCatholic Church. Diocese of Canton--Archives Guangzhou 廣州--Church history--Archives Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Archival materials Catholic Church--China--19th-20th centuries--Sources
Canton Archives [中文文件第一箱]
Publish_location[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageChinese, French
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder C1.1
Description6 documents/articles
NoteCanton Archives Folder C1.1
(N.B. C=Chinese, 1=Box no.1, .1=Packet no.1)

001 Calling card of Ishibashi Rokurou 石橋六郎. Black calligraphy on red paper. (20 x 10.5 cm.) Margin: 大日本真宗大谷派本願寺. 大清國佈教使.
002 Announcement card for baptism of Chen Asi 陳阿賜. Black calligraphy on red paper. (24 x 7 cm.). Marginalia in French “… du baptisme..(?)”
003 Baptism of 109 infants. “Annee 1901 enfants […] Sai Kwan: 付洗一百0九[個?] (18 x 8.5 cm.) Stamp of Shenxiutang 慎修堂.
004a -004b Envelope (recto-verso) addressed to Bishop Mei in Beijing at Xishiku. 梅主教大人升啟. 要公件…廣東廣州城靖海門內查送. 京都西什庫天主堂賬房緘. 18.2 x 9 cm. Insect damaged. Penned on verso: 光緒卅年甲辰年 [1904].
005 Label. Black calligraphy on red paper. (24 x 9.2 cm.)
006a-d Decorated hand-colored note of appreciation: 多感主教老大人… (quarto 27.5 x 22 cm, inner pages blank). Verso depicts flowers in vase, with crossed French and Chinese flags (the Chinese flag is the “first flag” with five colored stripes representing “five races in one union.”

SubjectCatholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Archival materials Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Records, reports, registers
Canton Archives [中文文件第一箱]
Publish_location[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageChinese, French
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder C1.13
Description46 documents
NoteCanton Archives Folder C1.13 [Chinese Documents Box 1, Folder 13]
(N.B. C=Chinese, 1=Box no. 1, 13 =Folder no. 13, “tombstone inscriptions, letters from Catholics, letters from local government”) [All scans are made from photocopies in A4 format]

001. Handwritten tombstone inscription of Liu family; dated 1st year of Xuantong 宣統元年 [1909]; Liu family’s 劉府 support of Christianity.
002. Handwritten tribute; dated 24th day of 4th month of 6th year of Republic of China 中華民國六年 [1917]; tribute to Bishop Guang‘s 光主教 [de Guébriant] arrival on Haiyan Street 海宴街.
003. Handwritten letter; dated 10th month of 1st year of Xuantong 宣統元年 [1909]; sent by Christians in Foshan 佛山; addressed to bishop [Mérel] asking Bishop not to transfer Fr. Lu 魯神父.
004. Handwritten tribute; dated 9th day of 7th month of 6th year of Republic of China 中華民國六年 [1917]; praising Bishop’s 光主教 [de Guébriant] contributions to Catholicism & Christians.
005. Handwritten tribute; dated 6th year of Republic of China 中華民國六年 [1917]; praising Bishop’s 光主教 [de Guébriant] contributions.
006. Handwritten letter; dated 5th month of 3rd year of Xuantong 宣統三年 [1911]; sent by Christians of Yangjiang Prefecture 陽江州; asking for investigation of unsolved anti-Christian cases.
007. Handwritten letter; dated 6th day of 5th month of 1st year of Republic of China 中華民國元年 [1912]; sent by leaders of Christian association [Guomin tuanti 國民團體] in Gaozhou 高州 (Guangzhou 廣州); addressed to Bishop; request allow Fr. Zhou 周教士 remain (virtue).
008. Handwritten letter; dated 5th day of 2nd month of 2nd year of Xuantong 宣統二年 [1910]; signed Christian Zheng Shijin 鄭世進; addressed to Bishop Mei 梅主教 [Mérel]; asking Bishop to punish Zheng Shijin’s 鄭世進 nephew for bad behavior.
009. Handwritten list; dated 12th month of 1st year of Republic of China 中華民國元年 [1912]; list of names on red paper.
010. Handwritten letter; dated 8th day of 9th month of 34th year of Guangxu 光緒三十四年 [1908]; signed Yang Peiyun 楊培鋆 of Labor Bureau [伯] 勞局; on results of a robbery investigation, ruling that those robbery not confined to Christians. 011. Handwritten list; dated 19th day of 4th month of 33rd year of Guangxu 光緒三十三年 [1907]; list of anti-Christian incidents.
012. Handwritten letter; dated 9th month of 34th year of Guangxu 光緒三十四年 [1908]; sent by Christians to Bishop Mei 梅主教 [Mérel]; asking Bishop to investigate anti-Christian incident.
013. Handwritten list; dated 33rd year of Guangxu 光緒三十三年 [1907]; list of anti-Christian incidents.
014. Handwritten letter; dated 2nd month of 3rd year of Xuantong 宣統三年 [1911]; sent by Christians to Bishop Mei 梅主教 [Mérel] asking Bishop to investigate anti-Christian incidents taking place in 33rd year of Guangxu 光緒三十三年 [1907].
015. Handwritten letter; dated 31 May 1909; sent by members of St. Francis Association to Bishop [Mérel] asking Frs. Mang 芒神父 & Lü 呂神父 to return money they borrowed from Association.

016. Handwritten letter; dated 3rd month of 1st year of Xuantong 宣統元年 [1909]; signed Cai Bigui 蔡壁珪 of Chenghai County 澄海縣 to Chinese official (?) on property dispute.
017. Handwritten list on red paper; undated; list of Christians in Jiaying Prefecture 嘉應州.
018. Handwritten letter; dated 12th day of 8th month of 3rd year of Xuantong 宣統三年; signed student Chen Qitai 陳其泰 of Shengxin College 聖心書院; addressed to Bishop Mei 梅主教 [Mérel] complaining of Fr. Li’s 荔神父 punishment of Chen Qitai 陳其泰, insisting that punishment should follow school regulations.
019. Handwritten letter; dated 15th day of 7th month of 1st year of Republic of China 中華民國元年 [1912]; signed Zeng Shuimei 曾水妹; addressed to Bishop [Mérel] asking Bishop to investigate bandit activity.
020. Handwritten letter; undated; sent by Christians of Zhushan 竹山 to Bishop asking another priest be sent to Zhushan 竹山.
021. Handwritten letter dated 1910’s? sent by Christians in Zhushan 竹山 to Bishop about one Christian’s bad behavior.
022. Handwritten letter, undated; signed He Tingjie 何廷傑 to Bishop, relating that He Tingjie’s entire family would like to be converted if Church could protect his family from bandits.
023. Handwritten letter; dated 29th day of 3rd month [no year]; signed Chen 陳 of Guangdong Hygiene Bureau (Public Health) 衛生司 to Bishop Mei 梅主教 [Mérel] informing Bishop that Chen 陳 will visit leprosarium 麻風院.
024. Handwritten announcement, stamped [worm damaged]; dated 1st year of Republic of China 中華民國元年 [1912]; sent by Guangdong Health Dept [Hygiene Bureau 衛生司] asking not to stop Bishop Mei 梅主教 from visiting leprosarium 麻風院.
025. Handwritten note, undated; sent by Hygiene Bureau 衛生司 (Guangdong 廣東) to Bishop Mei 梅主教 [Mérel].
026. Handwritten draft of speech; undated [ca.1912]; speech given by Bishop Mei 梅主教 [Mérel] at annual graduation ceremony at Shengxin College 聖心書院.
027. [Same as #008] Handwritten letter; dated 5th day of 2nd month of 2nd year of Xuantong 宣統二年 [1910]; signed Christian Zheng Shijin 鄭世進 to Bishop Mei 梅主教 [Mérel]; asking Bishop to punish Zheng Shijin’s 鄭世進 nephew for bad behavior.
028. Handwritten list; dated 12th month of 1st year of Republic of China 中華民國元年 [1912]; name list.
029. Handwritten letter; dated 8th day of 9th month of 34th year of Guangxu 光緒三十四年 [1908]. [Same as #010]
030. Handwritten list dated 19th day of 4th month of 33rd year of Guangxu 光緒三十三年 [1907]; list of anti-Christian incidents. [Same as #011]
031. Handwritten list; dated 19th day of 4th month of 33rd year of Guangxu 光緒三十三年 [1907]; list of anti-Christian incidents. [Same as #011]
032. Handwritten letter; dated 9th month of 34th year of Guangxu 光緒三十四年 [1908]; [Same as #012]
033. Handwritten list; dated 33rd year of Guangxu 光緒三十三年 [1907]; list of anti-Christian incidents. [Same as #013]
034. Handwritten letter; dated 2nd month of 3rd year of Xuantong 宣統三年 [1911]; sent by community to Bishop [Mérel] asking Bishop to investigate anti-Christian incident.
035. [Same as #015]
036. [Same as #016]
037. [Same as #017] Handwritten list on red paper; undated; list of Christians in Jiaying Prefecture 嘉應州.
038. [Same as #018]
039. [Same as #019]
040. [Same as #020]
041. [Same as #021]
042. [Same as #022]
043. [Same as #023]
044. [Same as #024]
045. [Same as #025]
046. [Same as #026]

SubjectCatholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Archival materials Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Records, reports, registers Persecution--China--History--20th century--Sources
Canton Archives [中文文件第一箱]
Publish_location[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageChinese 中文
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder C1.11
Description4 docs :blueprints
NoteCanton Archives Folder C1.11-II.II [Chinese Documents Box 1, Folder 11]
(N.B. C=Chinese, 1=Box no. 1, 11-II.II =Folder no. 11-II.II, “Building construction, real estate”)

001. Hand-drawn (i.e. not scale elevation) blueprint of church cathedral. Undated, unsigned; 39.5 x 44.5 cm.
002. Hand-drawn blueprint of church cathedral and property. Undated; unsigned; 53 x 59 cm.
003. Handwritten list, red-stamped, dated 10th day of 7th month of 37th year of ??; unsigned; value-estimation list of construction materials to Fr. Luo 羅司鐸; 25 x 44.5 cm.
004. Handwritten list, red-stamped, dated 18th day of 7th month; unsigned; value-estimation list of construction materials to Fr. Luo 羅司鐸; 25 x 44.5 cm.

SubjectCatholic Church. Diocese of Canton--Archives Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Archival materials Church architecture--China Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Records, reports, registers Catholic church buildings--China--Guangdong Sheng--Sources Church architecture--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi
Canton Archives [中文文件第一箱]
Publish_location[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageChinese, French
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder C1.12
Description82 docs. : ill., plans
NoteCanton Archives Folder C1.12 [Chinese Documents Box 1, Folder 12]
(N.B. C=Chinese, 1=Box no. 1, 12 =Folder no. 12, “Blueprints & real-estate”)

001. Hand-drawn construction blueprint, dated 17th day of 10th month of 22nd year of Republic of China 中華民國二十二年 [1933]; unsigned; blueprint of Shishi Catholic Church 石室天主堂; 54 x 79 cm.
002. Hand-drawn construction blueprint dated 17th day of 10th month of 22nd year of Republic of China 中華民國二十二年 [1933]; unsigned; blueprint of Shishi Catholic Church 石室天主堂; 54.5 x 79 cm.
003. Hand-drawn construction blueprint dated 17th day of 10th month of 22nd year of Republic of China 中華民國二十二年 [1933]; unsigned; blueprint of Shishi Catholic Church 石室天主堂; 54.5 x 79 cm.
004. Official construction certificate (building permit); red-stamp: 廣州市工務局, 頒發建築說明書, no. 94; dated 19th day of 12th month of 12th year of Republic of China 中華民國十二年 [1923]; from Industrial Bureau of Guangzhou 廣州市工務局; addressed to Shishi Catholic Church 石室天主堂; area location of construction as well as basic scale; 39.5 x 54.5 cm.
005. Hand-drawn construction blueprint, no. 1, dated 17th day of 10th month of 22nd year of Republic of China 中華民國二十二年 [1933]; unsigned; blueprint of Shishi Catholic Church 石室天主堂; 54 x 79 cm.
006. Hand-drawn construction blueprint in Chinese & English on stationary. 羊城天主教堂面前法國傳教會之地建築鐵筋三合土工程住屋圖, 地址在廣州市石室前街; dated 16 August 1922; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京; blueprint for new building for French Missionary Society in front of Sacred Heart Cathedral; 48.5 x 65 cm.
007. Hand-drawn construction blueprint in Chinese & English on stationary. 羊城天主教堂面前法國傳教會之地建築鐵筋三合土工程住屋圖, 地址在廣州市石室前街; dated 16 August 1922; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京; blueprint for new building for French Missionary Society in front of Sacred Heart Cathedral; 49 x 62 cm.
008. Hand-drawn construction blueprint in Chinese & English on stationary. 羊城天主教堂面前法國傳教會之地建築鐵筋三合土工程住屋圖, 地址在廣州市石室前街, red-stamp; dated 16 August 1922; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京; blueprint for new building for French Missionary Society in front of Sacred Heart Cathedral; 49 x 67.5 cm.
009. Hand-drawn construction blueprint in Chinese & English on stationary of the 羊城天主教堂面前法國傳教會之地建築鐵筋三合土工程住屋圖, 地址在廣州市石室前街; dated 16 August 1923; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京; blueprint for new building for French Missionary Society in front of Sacred Heart Cathedral; 49 x 64.5 cm.
010. Hand-drawn construction blueprint on stationary of the 羊城天主教堂面前法國傳教會之地建築鐵筋三合土工程住屋圖, 地址在廣州市石室前一德路, red-stamp, dated 20 May 1922; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京; blueprint for new building for French Missionary Society in front of Sacred Heart Cathedral; 48.5 x 74 cm.

011. Hand-drawn construction blueprint on stationary of the 羊城天主教堂面前法國傳教會之地建築鐵筋三合土工程住屋圖, 地址在廣州市石室前一德路; with stains; somewhat worm-eaten; dated 09 October 1922; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京; blueprint for new building for French Missionary Society in front of Sacred Heart Cathedral; 48 x 69 cm. 012. Hand-drawn construction blueprint on stationary of the 羊城天主教堂面前法國傳教會之地建築鐵筋三合土工程住屋圖, 地址在廣州市石室前一德路; dated 21 August 1923; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京; blueprint for new building for French Missionary Society in front of Sacred Heart Cathedral; 48.5 x 74.5 cm.
013. Certificate, red-stamped dated 7th day of 5th month of12th year of Republic of China 中華民國十二年 [1923]; signed Liu Qingguang 劉慶光 from Industrial Bureau of Guangzhou 廣州市工務局; addressed to Sacred Heart Cathedral; on construction permit and related legal procedures; 40 x 53.5 cm.
014. Certificate, red-stamped, dated 23rd day of 12th month of 12th year of Republic of China 中華民國十二年 [1923]; signed Huang Yansun 黃燕孫; from Industrial Bureau of Guangzhou 廣州市工務局; addressed to Sacred Heart Cathedral on construction permit and related legal procedures; 36 x 38 cm.
015. Hand drawn color illustration/map in Chinese & English on stationary of the 羊城天主教堂面前法國傳教會之地建築鐵筋三合土工程住屋圖, 地址在廣州市石室前一德路, red-stamped; (document somewhat brittle); dated 14 April 1923; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京; on proposed improvement of road & garden development of offices & residential flats on French Mission Ground, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Canton China; attached is handwritten report dated 14 April 1923; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京 on construction permit and related legal procedures; 67.5/23 x 99/ca. 34 cm.
016. Handwritten envelope in French on stationary of the Consulat de France Canton, dated 1919; unsigned; addressed to Msgr. de Guébriant in Hong Kong; about demolition of buildings; 18 x 23 cm.
017. Certificate, red-stamped; dated 26th day of 12th month of12th year of Republic of China 中華民國十二年 [1923]; from Public Works Bureau 工務局 of Guangzhou 廣州; signed Liu Qingguang 劉慶光; addressed to Sacred Heart Cathedral; about construction permit and related legal procedures; 35.5 x 38 cm.
018. Certificate, red-stamped 廣州市工務局, 頒發建築說明書; dated 19th day of 12th month of 12th year of Republic of China 中華民國十二年 [1923]; from Public Works Dept. 工務局 of Guangzhou 廣州; unsigned; addressed to Sacred Heart Cathedral; on proposed construction location; ca. 38 x 54.5 cm.

019. Hand-drawn construction illustration/map on stationary羊城天主教堂面前法國傳教會之地建築鐵筋三合土工程住屋圖, red-stamped; dated 21 February 1922; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京; on road & garden development for offices & residential flats on French Mission Ground, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Canton China; 50 x 74.5 cm.
020. Hand-drawn construction blueprint in Chinese & English on stationary. 羊城天主教堂面前法國傳教會之地建築鐵筋三合土工程住屋圖, 地址在廣州市石室前街, red-stamped; dated 23 June 1923; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京; blueprint for new building for French Missionary Society in front of Sacred Heart Cathedral; 48.5 x 67 cm.
021. Hand-drawn construction blueprint in on stationary. 羊城天主教堂面前法國傳教會之地建築鐵筋三合土工程住屋圖, 地址在廣州市石室前街, red-stamped; dated 21 February 1922; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京; blueprint for new building for French Missionary Society in front of Sacred Heart Cathedral; 48.5 x 67 cm.
022. Hand-drawn construction blueprint on stationary. 羊城天主教堂面前法國傳教會之地建築鐵筋三合土工程住屋圖, 地址在廣州市石室前前街, red-stamped; with right-hand side margin frazzled & torn; dated 18 August 1922; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京; blueprint for building for French Missionary Society in front of Sacred Heart Cathedral; 48.5 x 69.5 cm.
023. Hand-drawn construction blueprint in Chinese & English. 羊城天主教堂面前法國傳教會之地建築鐵筋三合土工程住屋圖, 地址在廣州市石室前街, dated 23 June 1923; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京; blueprint for new building for French Missionary Society in front of Sacred Heart Cathedral; 48.5 x 69.5 cm.
024. Handwritten title tag in French & Chinese; undated, unsigned; on leprosarium in Sheklung [Shilong fengyuan 石龍瘋院]; 7 x 9.5 cm.
025. Handwritten note in Chinese & French dated 13th day of 8th month of 11th year of Xianfeng 咸豐十一年 [1860]; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchased property on Baimi Xiang 白米巷 from different sellers; 24 x 52.5 cm.
026. Handwritten note in Chinese & French on Catholic Church purchasing property at Shilongtou Village 石龍頭村 from Li Jisheng 李己勝, Li Tubao 李土保, Li Lida 李立達 on 25th day of 12th month of 12th year of Guangxu 光緒十二年 [1886]; property in Longchuan County 龍川縣 from Chen Yalian 陳亞連 on 30th day of 11th month of 17th year of Guangxu 光緒十七年 [1891]; property in Nanhai County 南海縣 from Luo 羅 family in 12th month of 25th year of Guangxu 光緒二十五年 [1899]; property on Baimi Xiang 白米巷 in Guangzhou from Chen Deming 陳德明 on 10th day of 11th month of 8th year of Tongzhi 同治八年 [1868]; property in Guangzhou 廣州 from Hu Yongfu 胡永富 on 25th day of 8th month of 11th year of Xianfeng 咸豐十一年 [1861]; property in Guangzhou from Xie Baoshu 謝寶樹 on 8th day of 7th month of 11th year of Xianfeng 咸豐十一年 [1861]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
027. Handwritten note in Chinese & French dated 18th day of 5th month of 24th year of Guangxu 光緒二十四年 [1898] [among other dates]; unsigned; on purchasing property in Longchuan County 龍川縣, Shunde County 順德縣, Gaoming County 高明縣, on Baimi Xiang 白米巷; Sacred Heart Cathedral 石室天主堂 renting land from Chinese government; 24 x 52.5 cm.
028. Handwritten note in Chinese & French with various dates; unsigned; on purchasing property in Haikang County 海康縣 & Shunde County 順德縣; 24 x 52.5 cm.
029. Handwritten note in Chinese & French dated 14th day of 7th month, 11th day of 8th month, 1st day of 9th month, 1st day of 10th month, 7th day of 9th month of 11th year of Xianfeng 咸豐十一年 [1861]; unsigned; on purchasing property on Baimi Xiang 白米巷; 24 x 52.5 cm.
030. Handwritten note in Chinese & French dated 11th year of Xianfeng 咸豐十一年 [1861]; unsigned; on purchasing property on Baimi Xiang 白米巷; 24 x 52.5 cm.
031. Handwritten note in Chinese & French; unsigned; on purchasing property in Yangjiang 陽江城 on 24th day of 7th month of 24th year of Guangxu 光緒二十四年 [1898]; property on Jiucang Xiang 舊倉巷 on 29th day of 6th month of 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903]; property on Baimi Xiang 白米巷 & Jinghai Men 靖海門 in 24th year of Guangxu 光緒二十四年 [1898]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
032. Handwritten note in Chinese & French; unsigned; on purchasing property in Zengcheng County 增城縣 on 15th day of 12th month of 14th year of Guangxu 光緒十四年 [1888]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
033. Handwritten note in Chinese & French; unsigned; on purchasing property in Shunde County 順德縣 in 5th year of Tongzhi 同治五年 [1865]; property in Sihui County 四會縣 in 28th year of Guangxu 光緒二十八年 [1902]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
034. Handwritten note in Chinese & French; unsigned; on purchasing property in Guangzhou 廣州 in 28th, 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十八年 [1902], 二十九年 [1903]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
035. Handwritten note in Chinese & French on purchasing property in Guanping County 關平縣 in 27th year of Guangxu 光緒二十七年 [1901]; Jinghai Men 靖海門 in 18th year of Guangxu 光緒十八年 [1892]; Dongwan County 東莞縣 in 24th year of Guangxu 光緒二十四年 [1898]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
036. Handwritten note in Chinese & French; unsigned; on purchasing property in Dongwan County 東莞縣 in 23rd year of Guangxu 光緒二十三年 [1897]; Nanhai County 南海縣 in 25th year of Guangxu 光緒二十五年 [1899]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
037. Handwritten note in Chinese & French; unsigned; on purchasing property on Shoupu Xiang 首璞巷 in 11th year of Xianfeng 咸豐十一年 [1861]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
038. Handwritten note in Chinese & French; unsigned; on purchasing property in Lechang County 樂昌縣 in 17th year of Guangxu 光緒十七年 [1891]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
039. Handwritten note in Chinese & French; unsigned; on purchasing property on Shoupu Xiang 首璞巷 in 11th year of Xianfeng 咸豐十一年 [1861]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
040. Handwritten note in Chinese & French; unsigned; onpurchasing property on Maima Street 賣麻街 & Shoupu Xiang 首璞巷 in 11th year of Xianfeng 咸豐十一年 [1861]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
041. Handwritten note in Chinese & French; unsigned; on purchasing property on Baimi Xiang 白米巷 in 11th year of Xianfeng 咸豐十一年 [1861]; Nanhai County 南海縣 in 2nd year of Tongzhi 同治二年 [1862]; Dongwan County 東莞縣 in 24th year of Guangxu 光緒二十四年 [1898]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
042. Handwritten note in Chinese & French, unsigned; on purchasing property on Baimi Xiang 白米巷 in 11th year of Xianfeng 咸豐十一年 [1861]; Shoupu Xiang 首璞巷 in 11th year of Xianfeng 咸豐十一年 [1861]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
043. Handwritten note in Chinese & French; unsigned; on purchasing property on Maima Street 賣麻街 in 11th year of Xianfeng 咸豐十一年 [1861]; Jinghai Men 靖海門 in 11th year of Xianfeng 咸豐十一年 [1861]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
044. Handwritten note in Chinese & French; unsigned; on purchasing property on Maima Street 賣麻街 in 11th year of Xianfeng 咸豐十一年 [1861]; Baimi Xiang 白米巷 in 11th year of Xianfeng 咸豐十一年 [1861]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
. 045. Handwritten note in Chinese & French; unsigned; on purchasing property on Baimi Xiang 白米巷 in 1st year of Tongzhi 同治元年 [1861]; Lechang Street 樂昌街 in 3rd year of Tongzhi 同治三年 [1863]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
046. Handwritten note in Chinese & French; unsigned; on purchasing property on Maima Street 賣麻街 in 11th year of Xianfeng 咸豐十一年 [1861]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
047. Handwritten note in Chinese & French; unsigned; on purchasing property on Tiyun Li 梯雲裡 in 2nd year of Republic of China 中華民國二年 [1913]; Jiucang Xiang 舊倉巷 in 32nd year of Guangxu 光緒三十二年 [1906]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
048. Handwritten note; unsigned; on purchasing property on Jiucang Xiang 舊倉庫巷 in 31st year of Guangxu 光緒三十一年 [1905] & 2nd year of Republic of China 中華民國二年 [1913]; property at Tiyun Li梯雲裡 in 3rd year of Xuantong 宣統三年 [1910]; 24 x 52.5 cm.

049. Handwritten note on purchasing property on Jiucang Xiang 舊倉庫巷 in 1st year of Xuantong 宣統元年 [1908]; Jiujiang Bao 九江堡 in 1st year of Guangxu 光緒元年 [1875]; Nanhai County 南海縣 in 18th and 24th year of Guangxu 光緒十八年 [1892], 光緒二十四年 [1898]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
050. Handwritten note; unsigned; on purchasing property on Shahe Bao 沙河堡 in 24th year of Guangxu 光緒二十四年 [1898]; Shanhe Village 山河村 in 1st year of Xuantong 宣統元年 [1908]; Shanhe Bao 山河堡 in 34th year of Guangxu 光緒三十四年 [1908]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
051. Handwritten note; unsigned; on purchasing property in Shanhe Village 山河村 in 29th, 32nd & 34th yearof Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903], 三十二年 [1906] & 三十四年 [1908]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
052. Handwritten note on purchasing property in Shahe Bao 沙河堡 in 27th, 28th, 31st & 32nd year of Guangxu 光緒二十七年 [1901], 二十八年 [1902], 三十一年 [1905] & 三十二年 [1906]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
053. Handwritten note on purchasing property in Guanshan County 官山鄉 in 22nd year of Daoguang 道光二十二年 [1841]; Heyuan County 河源縣 in 12th year of Guangxu 光緒十二年 [1886]; 9th year of Tongzhi 同治九年 [1869]; Xinfeng County 新豐縣 in 31st year of Guangxu 光緒三十一年 [1905]; Zengcheng County 增城縣 in 23rd year of Guangxu 光緒二十三年 [1897]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
054. Handwritten note; unsigned; on purchasing property in Heyuan County 河源縣 in 12th year of Guangxu 光緒十二年 [1886]; Shiluo County 恃羅縣 in 19th & 28th year of Guangxu 光緒十九年 [1893] & 二十八年 [1902]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
055. Handwritten note on purchasing property in Shiluo County 恃羅縣 in 7th & 23rd year of Guangxu 光緒七年 [1881] & 光緒二十三年 [1897], 6th year of Daoguang 道光六年 [1825]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
056. Handwritten note; unsigned; on purchasing property in Shiluo County 恃羅縣 in 20th, 23rd & 28th year of Guangxu 光緒二十年 [1894], 光緒二十三年 [1897] & 光緒二十八年 [1902]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
057. Handwritten note; on purchasing property in Boluo 博羅 in 4th & 6th year of Guangxu 光緒四年 [1878] & 光緒六年 [1880]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
058. Handwritten note; unsigned; on purchasing property in Shiluo County 恃羅縣 in 26th year of Guangxu 光緒二十六年 [1900]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
059. Handwritten note; unsigned; on purchasing property in Dongwan County 東莞縣 in 22nd year of Guangxu 光緒二十二年 [1896]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
060. Handwritten note; unsigned; on purchasing property on Shanhe Bao 山河堡 in 34th year of Guangxu 光緒三十四年 [1908]; Shahe Bao 沙河堡 in 1st year of Xuantong 宣統元年 [1908]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
061. Handwritten note; unsigned; on purchasing property in Fangdong Village 方洞村 in 21st year of Guangxu 光緒二十一年 [1895]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
062. Handwritten note; unsigned; on purchasing property in Beihutang 背戶塘 in 21st year of Guangxu 光緒二十一年 [1895]; Fangdong Village 方洞村 in 22nd year of Guangxu 光緒二十二年 [1896]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
063. Handwritten note; on purchasing property in Shahe Bao 沙河堡 in 1st year of Xuantong 宣統元年 [1908]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
064. Handwritten note; unsigned; on purchasing property in Lingshan County 靈山縣 in 22nd year of Guangxu 光緒二十二年 [1896]; Xinbao Town 新寶城 in 30th year of Guangxu 光緒三十年 [1904]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
065. Handwritten note; unsigned; on purchasing property in Gaozhou 高州 in 14th year of Guangxu 光緒十四年 [1888]; Baishi Tang 白石塘 in 22nd year of Guangxu 光緒二十二年 [1896]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
066. Handwritten note; unsigned; on purchasing property in Nanhai County 南海縣 in 59th year of Qianlong 乾隆五十九年 [1793]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
067. Handwritten note; unsigned; about purchasing property in Dipu Village 地埔村 in 2nd year of Guangxu 光緒二年 [1876]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
068. Handwritten note; unsigned; about purchasing property in Liangshun Village 良順村 in 25th year of Daoguang 道光二十五年 [1844]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
069. Handwritten note; unsigned; on purchasing property in Yeshan Village 葉山村 in 2nd year of Guangxu 光緒二年 [1876]; Liangshun Village 良順村 in 25th year of Daoguang道光二十五年 [1845]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
070. Handwritten note; unsigned; on property purchased in 10th, 11th & 12th year of Guangxu 光緒十年 [1884], 光緒十一年 [1885] & 光緒十二年 [1886]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
071. Handwritten note; unsigned; on property purchased in Lingshan County 靈山縣 in 31st year of Guangxu 光緒三十一年 [1905]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
072. Handwritten note; unsigned; on property purchased in Fuhou Village 福厚村 in 9th year of Tongzhi 同治九年 [1869]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
073. Handwritten note on property purchased in Fuhou Village 福厚村 in 10th year of Tongzhi 同治十年 [1870]; Guangzhou 廣州 Juxing Li 聚星裡 in 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
074. Handwritten note on Catholic Church in Fangdong Village 方洞村 purchasing property in Beihu Tang 背戶塘 in 21st & 23rd year of Guangxu 光緒二十一年 [1895] & 光緒二十三年 [1897]; He Yuanxi borrowing money from He Yunlian several times in 25th year of Guangxu 光緒二十五年 [1899]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
075. Handwritten note; unsigned; ont Catholic Church purchasing property in Hechangtou 禾場頭 in 33rd year of Guangxu 光緒三十三年 [1907]; 24 x 52.5 cm.

076. Handwritten note; unsigned; on Fr. Wu 武神父 purchasing property in 15th & 19th year of Guangxu 光緒十五年 [1889] & 光緒十九年 [1893]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
077. Handwritten note; unsigned; on Catholic Church in Fandgong Village 方洞村 purchasing property in 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903]; Fr. Bo 柏神父 purchasing property in 1899; 24 x 52.5 cm.
078. Handwritten note; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing property in Dongwan County 東莞縣 in 23rd year of Guangxu 光緒二十三年 [1897]; property in Chaotian Fang 朝天坊 in 3rd year of Guangxu 光緒三年 [1877]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
079. Handwritten note; unsigned; Frs. Su 蘇神父 & Zhang 張神父 purchasing property for Catholic Church; 24 x 52.5 cm.
080. Handwritten note; unsigned; on Fr. Mang 芒教士 & Catholics getting robbed; people selling children to Catholic Church in 7th year of Guangxu 光緒七年 [1881], 14th year of Tongzhi 同治十四年 [1874] & 4th year of Xianfeng 咸豐四年 [1853]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
081. Handwritten note; unsigned; on Catholic Church in Sanzhou 三洲天主堂 purchasing property in Shangchuan 上川 (Taishan 台山) in 2nd & 3rd year of Republic of China 中華民國二年 [1913] & 中華民國三年 [1914]; property on Beijiang Li 北江裡 in 4th year of Republic of China 中華民國四年 [1915]; property in Haiyan 海宴 in 4th year of Republic of China 中華民國四年 [1915]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
082. Handwritten note; unsigned; on Church purchasing property in Haiyan 海宴in 34th year of Guangxu 光緒三十四年 [1908] & 9th year of Republic of China 中華民國九年 [1920]; property in Sanzhou 三洲 in 2nd, 4th & 8th year of Republic of China 中華民國二年 [1913], 中華民國四年 [1915] & 中華民國八年 [1919]; 24 x 52.5 cm.

SubjectChurch architecture--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 耶穌聖心主教座堂 (Guangzhou) [Shishi / Seksat Church 石室天主堂] Church property--China--Guangdong Sheng--19th-20th centuries--Sources Church buildings--China--Guangzhou Shi--Designs and plans
Canton Archives [中文文件第十一箱]
Publish_location[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageChinese 中文
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder C11.10
Description2 docs (a-zm)
NoteCanton Archives Folder C11.10 [Chinese Documents Box 11, Folder 10]
(N.B. C=Chinese, 11=Box no. 11, 10 =Folder no. 10, “real estate, rental records, Leshan Catholic Church 樂善堂”)

001a-e. Handwritten ledger dated 10th month of 11th year of Tongzhi 同治十一年 [1871]; signed Chengzuo 成佐, Chengtong 成通, Chenghan 成漢, Cheng’ai 成藹, Zongwang 宗汪 & Zonglin宗淋;; about Leshan Catholic Church 樂善堂 & regulations on how to manage church property; 25 x ca. 26 cm.
001 f-zm. Handwritten ledger dated 1st to 17th year of Guangxu 光緒一年至十七年 [1875-1891];unsigned; records of property rentals and expenses of Leshan Catholic Church 樂善堂.
002 a-e. Handwritten ledger dated 10th month of 11th year of Tongzhi 同治十一年 [1871]; on Chenghan‘s 成漢 lineage donating houses and attached property to Leshan Catholic Church 樂善堂 and regulations on how to manage church property; 25.5 x 29 cm.
002 f-u. Handwritten ledger dated 18th to 26th year of Guangxu 光緒十八至二十六年 [1892-1900]; account records of earnings and expenses of Leshan Catholic Church 樂善堂.

SubjectChurch property--China--Guangdong Sheng--19th-20th centuries--Sources
Canton Archives [中文文件第十一箱]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageChinese, French
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder C11.11
Description60 docs. : maps, plans
NoteCanton Archives Folder C11.11 [Chinese Documents Box 11, Folder 11]
(N.B. C=Chinese, 11=Box no. 11, 11 =Folder no. 11, “real estate, property deeds”)
Items in this series are in delicate condition, with frayed edges, ink-stains and sometimes considerable insect damage.

001. Handwritten property deed cover, no. 146 號; undated; unsigned; property at Nanhai Longtou li 南海龍頭裏, [note by a 1989 reader] that it was replaced by property deeds in 2nd, 8th & 11th year of Republic China 民國二年 [1913], 民國八年 [1919] & 民國十一年 [1922]; 63 x 63.5 cm.
002. [Content of #001] Printed property deed dated 3rd month of 2nd year of Republic of China 民國二年 [1913]; signed Deng Shaoli鄧紹禮; from Finance secretary (bureau) of Guangdong Province 廣東省財政司; addressed to Deng Shaoli 鄧紹禮 acknowledging purchase of Liu Peitian’s 劉佩田 property on 19th day of 1st month of 2nd year of Guangxu 光緒二年 [1876] & replacing old deeds with new ones; 31.5 x 60.5 cm.
003. [Content of #001] Handwritten property deed dated 19th day of 1st month of 2nd year of Guangxu 光緒二年 [1876]; signed Liu Peitian 劉佩田; on Deng Shaoli 鄧紹禮 purchase of Liu Peitian’s 劉佩田 land; ca. 55 x ca. 54.5 cm.
004. [Content of #001] Handwritten property deed dated 27th day of 4th month of 8th year of Republic of China 民國八年 [1919]; signed Deng Shaojian 鄧紹堅; about selling land in Nanhai County 南海縣 to Catholic Church with Deng Shaoxi 鄧紹錫 as witness; 27 x 53.5 cm.
005. [Content of #001] Handwritten envelope in French & Chinese about donation in Loung t’ao li [i.e. 龍頭裏] in District of Shiè loung, Nanhai Shelong Longtou li 南海蛇龍龍頭裏; 14.5 x 22.5 cm.
006. [Content of #001] [Content of #005] Handwritten receipt dated 2nd day of 6th month of 8th year of Republic of China 民國八年 [1919]; signed Deng Shaojian 鄧紹堅; addressed to Fr. Wang汪神父; on having received Church’s payment for land located at Longtouli 龍頭裏; 26 x 10.5 cm.
007. [Content of #001] [Content of #005] Handwritten receipt dated 27th day of 4th month of 8th year of Republic of China 民國八年 [1919]; signed Deng Shaojian 鄧紹堅; addressed to Fr. Wang 汪神父 on having received Church’s payment for land located at Longtouli 龍頭裏; 25 x 12 cm.
008. [Content of #001] [Content of #005] Handwritten note; undated [but after 1884]; unsigned; about deeds lost during unrest in 10th year of Guangxu 光緒十年 [1884] being found & kept as purchase evidence; 21.5 x 7.5 cm.
009. [Content of #001] [Content of #005] Handwritten property deed dated 11th year of Republic of China 民國十一年 [1922]; signed Deng Xuebin 鄧學斌 & Deng Xuechao 鄧學朝; on Deng Xuebin 鄧學斌 & Deng Xuechao 鄧學朝 selling land in Shelong County 蛇龍鄉 to Longtouli Catholic Church 龍頭裏天主堂; 21 x 27.5 cm.
010. [Content of #001] [Content of #005] Handwritten envelop in French; undated; unsigned; contract to purchase land in Shiè loung [Shelong 蛇龍]; 9.5 x 14 cm.
011. [Content of #001] Handwritten property deed dated 6th day of 12th month of 9th year of Guangxu 光緒九年 [1883]; signed Liu Yanji 劉衍基 on selling land in Shelong 蛇龍 to Deng Shaoli 鄧紹禮; 44.5 x 42.5 cm.
012. Handwritten property deed cover in Chinese & French, no. 146 號; undated [but probably 1902]; unsigned; on deeds of houses in Zaowei County 藻尾鄉 of Nanhai 南海 lost during unrest in 26th year of Guangxu 光緒二十六年 [1900], but recovered in 28th year of Guangxu 光緒二十八年 [1902]; 63 x 63 cm.
013. [Content of #012] Handwritten property deed dated 24th year of Jiaqing 嘉慶二十四年 [1819]; about Luo 羅 selling house in Zaomei County 藻美鄉 [Jin Quan 錦全?] ; ca. 47 x ca. 23 cm.
014. [Content of #012] Handwritten property deed, heavily damaged; content unclear.
015. [Content of #012] Handwritten property deed; undated; unsigned; on Li Yanhui 黎燕輝 selling land to Huai懷?; ca. 22 x ca. 22 cm.
016. [Content of #012] Handwritten property deed dated 8th month of 25th year of Daoguang 道光二十五年 [1844]; signed Li Zhizhuo 黎智卓; on Li Zhizhuo 黎智卓 selling land to Wu Liangshu 吳良叔; ca. 45 x ca. 19.5 cm.
017. [Content of #012] Handwritten property deed dated 28th day of 8th month of 24th year of Daoguang 道光二十四年 [1843]; on Tan Zongyao 譚宗耀 selling house to Wu Yuhuai 吳玉懷 with Wu Zhuhua 吳珠華 as middleman; ca. 45.5 x ca. 33.5 cm.

018. [Content of #012] Handwritten property deed dated 10th day of 7th month of 24th year of Daoguang 道光二十四年 [1843]; unsigned; on Wu Yupei 吳玉培 & Wu Yutian 吳玉添 selling house to Wu Yuhuai 吳玉懷 due to lack of money for funeral; ca. 48 x ca. 43 cm.
019. [Content of #012] Handwritten property deed dated 20th day of 11th month of 3rd year of Daoguang 道光三年 [1822]; unsigned; on Zhou Shunyuan 周順元 selling land to Li Jinquan 黎錦泉 with Ma Runzong 馬潤宗 as middleman; ca. 50 x ca. 46.5 cm.
020. [Content of #012] Handwritten property deed dated 15th day of 10th month of 1st year of Xianfeng 咸豐元年 [1850]; unsigned; Yuchao ?玉超 selling house to Wu Yuhuai吳玉懷; ca. 47 x ca. 41.5 cm.
021. [Content of #012] Handwritten property deed dated 3rd day of 7th month of 26th year of Daoguang 道光二十六年 [1845]; signed Fu Liang 富亮; on Fu Liang 富亮 selling house to Wu Yuhuai 吳玉懷; ca. 46.5 x ca. 44 cm.
022. [Content of #012] Handwritten property deed dated 6th day of 8th month of 8th year of Daoguang 道光八年 [1827]; signed Li Hailiang 黎海亮; on Li Youkai 黎有開 selling land to Li Qianliang 黎乾亮; ca. 48 x ca. 44 cm.
023. [Content of #012] Handwritten property deed dated 20th day of 12th month of 15th year of Jiaqing 嘉慶十五年 [1810]; signed Zhou Dianyuan 周殿元 & Zhou Shunyuan 周順元; on selling land to Li Youkai 黎有開 with Ma Runzong 馬潤宗 as middleman; ca. 50.5 x ca 46.5 cm.
024. [Content of #012] Handwritten note on property deed in Chinese & French, red- & blue-stamped; undated; unsigned; on not needing to report eleven (11) property deeds to the government in order to avoid further complications; ca. 28.5 x ca. 44 cm.
025. [Content of #012] Handwritten property deed dated Xianfeng 咸豐 [1850-1861]; signed Wu Liang 吳良 & Wu Yuhuai 吳玉懷; on selling land & houses purchased from others to Catholic Church; 57.5 x 28.5 cm.
026. [Content of #012] Handwritten envelope in French [empty]; undated; unsigned; contracts of Fr. Robert; 17 x 22 cm.
027. [Content of #012] Handwritten envelope in French [empty]; unsigned; contracts of Fr. Robert; 10 x 14.5 cm.
028. [Content of #012] Printed form, undated; unsigned; from Nanhai County government in Guangdong 廣東南海縣; addressed to people purchasing property during Guangxu 光緒 reign to acknowledge ownership; 28.5 x 58.5 cm.
029. [Content of #012] Handwritten note on property deed; undated; unsigned; exchange rate for 152 taels; 23.5 x 6.5 cm.
030. [Content of #012] Deed dated 28th year of Guangxu光緒二十八年 [1902]; unsigned; official property purchase acknowledgement from government to Catholic Church, Wu Liangyu 吳良 & Wu Yuhuai 吳玉懷 selling house & land to Catholic Church using Wu Yutian 吳玉添 as middleman; 58.5 x 54.5 cm.
031. Handwritten property deed cover, no. 9 號; undated; unsigned; on shop & land located in Nanzhuang County 南莊鄉 of Nanhai 南海; 63.5 x 62 cm.
032. [Content of #031] Hand-drawn map; undated; unsigned; church building details; 33.5 x 29.5 cm.

033. [Content of #031] Handwritten envelope in French [empty]; undated; unsigned; Nam-hoi [Nanhai] family Lo in Nam-tsang Village, Fr. Robert; 14.5 x 20 cm.
034. [Content of #031] Handwritten letter in French dated 01 January 1900; signed Camille Robert; addressed to bishop; on 400 piasters for chapel, religious affairs, three villages in ruins due to fire; 20.5 x 13.5, 20.5 x 27 cm.
035. [Content of #031] Handwritten property deed dated 12th month of 25th year of Guangxu 光緒二十五年 [1899]; signed Luo Chaochang 羅超常, Luo Zongyi 羅綜義, Luo Kaizheng 羅開正, Luo Yongtai 羅勇泰, Luo Shenggang 羅盛綱, Luo Zhixiu 羅秩秀, Luo Qilin 羅啟林 & Luo Zhihui 羅秩輝; about Luo Chaochang 羅超常, Luo Zongyi 羅綜義, Luo Kaizheng 羅開正, Luo Yongtai 羅勇泰, Luo Shenggang 羅盛綱, Luo Zhixiu 羅秩秀, Luo Qilin 羅啟林 & Luo Zhihui 羅秩輝 of Nanzhuang County 南莊鄉 selling shop & land to Catholic Church; 46.5 x 23.5 cm.
036. [Content of #031] Handwritten announcement; undated; from Guangdong government announcing that many people of Luo lineage 羅姓 of Nanzhuang County 南莊鄉 of Nanhai 南海, being robbers & criminals should be arrested, asking people to be alert & helping capture them; 25 x 27 cm.
037. [Content of #031] Handwritten agreement & list in stitch-bound ledger dated 3rd day of 7th month of 24th year of Guangxu 光緒二十四年 [1898]; unsigned; agreement between Catholic Church/Guangzhou Consulate & Luo clan 羅姓 of Nanzhuang County 南莊鄉 of Nanhai 南海, long name list of Luo family: e.g., Luo Chaochang 羅超常, Luo Zongyi 羅綜義, Luo Kaizheng 羅開正, Luo Yongtai 羅勇泰, Luo Shenggang 羅盛綱, Luo Zhixiu 羅秩秀, Luo Qilin 羅啟林 & Luo Zhihui 羅秩輝; 26 x 13.5 cm.
038. Handwritten property deed envelope, no. 189 號; undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing houses located at Enzhou Bao 恩州堡 in Nanhai County 南海縣 from Ruan Yamu 阮亞木 on 8th day of 11th month of 24th year of Guangxu 光緒二十四年 [1898]; 28.5 x 15 cm.
039. [Content of #038] Handwritten property deed in Chinese & French dated 8th day of 11th month of 24th year of Guangxu 光緒二十四年 [1898]; on Ruan Yamu 阮亞木 selling houses located at Enzhou Bao 恩州堡 in Nanhai County 南海縣 (north of Guangzhou) to Catholic Church with Li Shebao 李社保 as middleman; ca. 57 x 27 cm.
040. Handwritten property deed cover, no. 70 號; undated [but probably 1897]; unsigned; Wu Yuhuai 吳玉懷 selling land located in Zaomei County 藻美鄉 of Nanhai 南海 to Catholic Church on 21th day of 7th month of 23rd year of Guangxu 光緒二十三年 [1897]; 63 x 61.5 cm.
041. [Content of #040] Hand-drawn map; undated; unsigned; map of church buildings; 32 x 21.5 cm.
042. [Content of #040] Handwritten envelop in French & Chinese [empty]; undated; unsigned; French embassy in Beijing, donation contract for chapel in Tso Mey [Zaomei 藻美?], Fr. Robert; 12 x 14.5 cm.
043. [Content of #040] Handwritten property deed dated 21st day of 7th month of 23rd year of Guangxu 光緒二十三年 [1897]; signed Wu Cijia 吳賜家; on Wu Yuhuai 吳玉懷 donating land located in Zaomei County 藻美鄉 of Nanhai 南海 to Catholic Church; 60.5 x 39 cm.
044. Handwritten property deed envelop, no. 193 (?) 號; undated [but probably 1875]; unsigned; on Yan Fengzhen 向鳳珍 donating house & land located on Jiujiang Bao 九江堡 in Rulin County 儒林鄉 to Catholic Church on 21st day of 4th month of 1st year of Guangxu 光緒元年 [1875]; 28.5 x 15 cm.
045. [Content of #044] Handwritten note of property deed dated 21st day of 4th month of 1st year of Guangxu 光緒元年 [1875]; signed ??; on Yan Fengzhen 向鳳珍 donating house & land located on Jiujiang Bao 九江堡 in Rulin County 儒林鄉 to Catholic Church; 24.5 x 49.5 cm.
046. [Content of #044] Handwritten document dated 8th month of 7th year of Xianfeng 咸豐七年 [1856]; from Peilin 佩林; addressed to all his children on distributing family property to all children & asking them to obey & maintain family peace; 59.5 x 54.5 cm.
047. Handwritten property deed cover, no. 118 (?) 號; undated [but probably 1869]; unsigned; on Wu Huaiyu 吳懷玉 donating house & land located in Zaomei County 藻美鄉 of Nanhai 南海 to Catholic Church in 9th year of Tongzhi 同治九年 [1869]; 63 x 63 cm.
048. [Content of #047] Handwritten French envelop [empty]; undated; unsigned; Chathaou (?); 8 x ca. 11 cm.
049. [Content of #047] Handwritten property deed dated 6th day of 9th month of 6th year of Tongzhi 同治六年 [1866]; signed ??; on Wu Yuhuai 吳玉懷 donating land & house located in Zaomei County 藻美鄉 to Catholic Church; ca. 53 x 54 cm.
050. Handwritten property deed cover, no. 117 號; undated [but probably 1864]; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing land from Deng Deri 鄧得日 in 4th year of Tongzhi 同治四年 [1864]; 63 x 63 cm.
051. [Content of #050] Handwritten property deed dated 10th day of 4th month of 4th year of Tongzhi 同治四年 [1864]; signed Deng Deri 鄧得日 & Deng Deyin 鄧得蔭, on sale of land located in Bijian County 碧澗鄉 to Catholic Church using Wu Yuqi 吳玉齊 as middleman; ca. 55 x ca. 35 cm.
052. [Content of #050] Handwritten paper wrapper (?) in French addressed to Msgr. Guillemin in Guangzhou on donation of property in Tsô-me (?) in 1867; 20 x 13.5 cm.
053. Handwritten property deed cover, no. 119 號; somewhat worm-eaten; undated [but probably 1862]; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing land located at Shatou Bao 沙頭堡 of Nanhai 南海 from wife of He Longji 何龍濟 in 2nd year of Tongzhi 同治二年 [1862]; 63 x 63 cm.
054. [Content of #053] Handwritten property deed dated 11th month of 2nd year of Tongzhi 同治二年 [1862]; signed He 何?; on Catholic Church purchasing land located at Shatou Bao 沙頭堡 of Nanhai 南海 from wife of He Longji 何龍濟; ca. 50 x 25.5 cm.
055. [Content of #053] Handwritten paper wrapper (?) in French; undated; unsigned; on purchase of land & house close to chapel in Châ-thaou; 13 x 20.5 cm.
056. Handwritten property deed cover, no. 143 號; undated [but probably 1847]; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing property located in Datong 大同 of Nanhai 南海 28th year of Daoguang 道光二十八年 [1847]; 63 x 63 cm.
057. [Content of #056] Handwritten French envelop [empty]; undated; unsigned; addressed to Msgr. Chausse; 11 x 14 cm.
058. [Content of #056] Handwritten property deed dated 18th day of 8th month of 28th year of Daoguang 道光二十八年 [1847]; signed Cheng Xianxiu 程賢秀, Cheng Guangxiu 程廣秀 & Cheng Jianning 程堅寧 on Catholic Church purchasing house & land located in Datong 大同 of Nanhai 南海 from Cheng Xianxiu 程賢秀, Cheng Guangxiu 程廣秀 & Cheng Jianning 程堅寧; ca. 47.5 x ca. 33 cm.
059. Handwritten property deed envelop, no. 142 號; undated; unsigned; about Yang Chengguang 楊程光 selling property in Nanhai 南海 to Liu family 劉宅 on 23rd day of 11th month of 59th year of Qianlong 乾隆五十九年 [1793]; 29.5 x 15 cm.
060. [Content of #059] Handwritten property deed dated 23rd day of 11th month of 59th year of Qianlong 乾隆五十九年 [1793]; signed ??; on Yang Chengguang 楊程光 selling property in Nanhai 南海 to Liu family 劉宅; ca. 44 x ca. 21 cm.

SubjectChurch property--China--Guangdong Sheng--19th-20th centuries--Sources Deeds--China--Guangdong Sheng--Catholic Church--Cases Real property--China--Guangdong Sheng--19th-20th centuries--Archival materials
Canton Archives [中文文件第十二箱]
Publish_location[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageChinese, French
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder C12.17
Description35 items
NoteCanton Archives Folder C12.17 [Chinese Documents Box 12, Folder 17
(N.B. C=Chinese, 12=Box no. 12, 17 =Folder no. 17, “lending, real estate, property deeds”)

001. Handwritten envelope in French on stationary of the Vicariatus Apostolicus Canton 廣州市一德路石室天主堂; undated; unsigned; on registered titles [deeds] of tang Kigués (?) of San Shoui [三水]; 18.5 x 27 cm.
002. [Content of #001] Black-&-white photograph, stained; undated; unsigned; on construction zone (?) with text: “北旭石室天主堂”; 11 x 8 cm.
003. [Content of #001] Official form, red-stamped, dated 12th month of 19th year of Republic of China 中華民國十九年 [1930]; from Finance Bureau 財政廳 of Guangdong Province; addressed to Fr. Lu 魯司鐸 of French Catholic Church; acknowledging Catholic Church’s purchase of property located at Hekou 河口 on 12th day of 4th month of 30th year of Guangxu 光緒三十年 [1904], and on tax payment detail; 27.5 x 22 cm.
004. [Content of #001] Handwritten note on stationary of the 總理遺囑, with portrait of Sun Yat-sen 孫中山, red-stamped, dated 22nd day of 4th month of 25th year of Republic of China 中華民國二十五年 [1936]; signed (attorney) Wang Kuangzhong 王匡中; addressed to Shishi Catholic Church 石室天主堂; on Fuchang Tang 複昌堂 purchasing house from Huang family 黃族 on 11th day of 4th month of 21st year of Republic of China 中華民國二十一年 [1932]. (Fuchang Tang 複昌堂 elects to sell it to Jinshun Tang 金順堂 on 4th month of 1936, a board appearing beside property [#002] claims that property belonged to Catholic Church and any prospective purchaser should contact church; lawyer Wang inquiring whether this was true; 31 x 20 cm.

005. [Content of #001] Hand-drawn map/blueprint; undated; unsigned; of a row of houses in Sanshui Town 三水城, Li Zhenbiao 李振彪; 25 x 53 cm.
006. [Content of #001] Handwritten letter; dated 20th day of 7th month of 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903]; from local official of Sanshui County 三水縣; addressed to military officer Batulu 巴圖魯; on property transaction between Li Zhenbiao 李振彪 & Wang Guangyao 王光耀; 25 x 37 cm.
007. [Content of #001] Official document, with red seals, dated 28th day of 7th month of 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903]; from Buzhengshisi of Guangdong 廣東布政使司; addressed to Li Zhenbiao 李振彪 acknowledging Li Zhenbiao’s 李振彪 purchase of Wang Guangyao’s 王光耀 house located in Sanshui County 三水縣 using Nie Guofeng 聶國豐, Chen Tao 陳滔, ? Hongshu ?鴻書 & Wang Ronghui 王榕輝 as middlemen; 54/44.5 x 64 cm.
008. [Content of #001] Handwritten document; undated; unsigned; on tax assessment for Catholic Church property; 27 x 10 cm.
009. [Content of #001] Letter on official stationary of the 三水縣政府; undated [but Republic of China]; signed Deng Moguan 鄧莫光 of Sanshui County 三水縣 government; addressed to Wenjie 文階, with Deng Moguan’s official letter to director Wu 吳主任 attached; on tax assessment of property submitted by Fr. Lu 魯司鐸; 30.5 x 21.5 cm.
010. [Content of #001] Filled-out printed document, with red seal; dated 27th day of 3rd month of 19th year of [Republic of China中華民國, 1930]; from Chinese government; ordering owners of Guanglai Shop 廣來店 to report to Dongtian office 洞天處 of local government for property registration & tax payment; 23.5 x ca. 10 cm.
011. [Content of #001] Handwritten letter dated 27 February 1912, signed Fr. Li 荔司鐸 & A. Clauze (?); addressed to local government stating that house having been sold by former Qing official Wang Guangyao 王光耀, transaction documented by Sanshui County 三水縣 government, Catholic Church having paid tax until 31st year of Guangxu 光緒三十一年 [1905], Church not having paid tax for six years (from 31st year of Guangxu 光緒三十一年 [1905] to 3rd year of Xuantong 宣統三年 [1911]), not nine years; 24.5 x 13 cm.
012. [Content of #001] Handwritten lease dated 19th day of 7th month of 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903]; Li Zhisan 李植三 renting land from Lianyi Association 聯誼會 to build shop (ten year term); ca. 45 x ca. 40 cm.
013. [Content of #001] Hand-drawn map/blueprint, undated; unsigned; map/blueprint of Guanglai shop 廣來店 on Hekou Street 河口街; 46.5 x 32 cm.
014. [Content of #001] Property deed on stationary of the 教會置買公產契紙, with red seals and four fee stamps; dated 12th month of 19th year of Republic of China 中國民國十九年 [1930]; from Finance Bureau of Guangdong 廣東省財政廳; addressed to Fr. Lu 魯司鐸 of French Catholic Church 法國天主堂; acknowledging Church purchase of Li Zhenbiao’s 李振彪 shop & land located in Sanshui County 三水縣, on rules for church property purchases; 54 x 35.5 cm.
015. [Content of #001] Handwritten property deed on stationary of the Préfecture Apostolique du Kouang-Tong, Chine, with seal; dated 16th day of 4th month of 30th year of Guangxu 光緒三十年 [1904]; signed Li Zhenbiao 李振彪; on Li Zhenbiao 李振彪 selling house to Catholic Church using Liang Lanheng 梁蘭亨 as middleman; 43 x 32.5 cm.

016. Handwritten envelope [empty] in French & Chinese; signed Liu 劉 from local church; on purchase of rice fields in Nam-Chan in April 1904; 10 x 20 cm.
017. Printed form dated Guangxu 光緒 [1875-1908] from government of Shunde County 順德縣 addressed to He Leshan 何樂善 acknowledging receipt of payment for property registration; 25 x 18.5 cm.
018. Printed & handwritten document dated 20th day of 12th month of 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903]; from Buzhengshisi of Guangdong 廣東布政使司; addressed to He Leshan 何樂善 acknowledging He Leshan’s 何樂善 purchase of pond from He Shengxin 何聖心; 55.5/57.5 x 64.5 cm.
019. Handwritten paper wrapper in Chinese & French dated 30th and 31st year of Guangxu 光緒三十 [1904], 三十一年 [1905]; loan receipt; 44 x 20.5 cm.
020. [Content of #019] Handwritten receipt dated 15th day of 11th month of 30th year of Guangxu 光緒三十年 [1904] signed He Jingxiang 何敬祥; on He Jingxiang 何敬祥 borrowing two hundred silver taels from Fr. Liu 劉神父; 25.5 x 19 cm.
021. [Content of #019] Handwritten receipt dated 15th day of 11th month of 30th year of Guangxu 光緒三十年 [1904] signed He Changrong 何長榮 ; on He Qirong 何齊榮, He Lirong 何禮榮, He Peirong 何培榮 & He Zhanrong 何湛榮 borrowing one hundred liang silver from Fr. Liu 劉神父; 23 x 8.5 cm.
022. [Content of #019] Handwritten receipt dated 1st day of 12th month of 30th year of Guangxu 光緒三十年 [1904]; signed He Changrong 何長榮; on He Changrong 何長榮 borrowing three hundred silver taels from Fr. Liu 劉神父 to build house, with his house as collateral; 24 x 30 cm.
023. [Content of #019] Handwritten receipt on ornate mauve paper, dated 15th day of 1st month of 31st year of Guangxu 光緒三十一年 [1905]; signed He Maorong 何茂榮; on He Maorong 何茂榮 borrowing one hundred silver taels from Fr. Liu 劉神父 with his house as security; 23.5 x 11.5 cm.
024. Handwritten document in Chinese & French dated 12th month of 21st year of Guangxu 光緒二十一年 [1895]; on property purchased in Nam-Sha (Nansha 南沙) by Wang Ruohan 王若翰, with hand-drawn property map; 62 x 52.5 cm.
025. Handwritten document on payment for purchasing property located at Nansha 南沙; 25 x 26 cm.
026. Handwritten paper wrapper in French dated 1881; unsigned; on purchased land/lot at chapel in Vouong-len (?), Seng sam tong; 7x 14.5 cm.

027. [Content of #026] Handwritten property deed in Chinese & Latin dated 6th day of 11th month of 6th year of Guangxu 光绪六年 [1880]; signed ??; on Huang Ruohan 黃若翰 [Fr. Han] selling church property at Nansha yongcheng wei 南沙永成圍 [順德田地] to Chen Zhuangtian 陳莊恬 & Lu Shouchan盧守產?, after their deaths property being donated to Huanglian Catholic Church 黃連聖心堂 [see #029]; ca. 54 x 26.5 cm.
028. [Content of #026] Handwritten property deed dated 2nd month of 7th year of Guangxu 光緒七年 [1881]; on Liao 寥 & Liang 梁 of Zhang family 張氏 selling land to Catholic Church 聖心堂 using Fan Xunyu 范遜玉 as middleman; 54 x 51 cm.
029. [Content of #026] Handwritten document in Latin, undated [but probably 1880]; signed ??; about Catholics Tsan tschong-pim (?) & Loou Shaou-lim (?) trading eight mu of land for 200 taels [see #027]; 20.5 x 13.5 cm.
030. Handwritten paper wrapper; undated; unsigned; on Wang Ruohan’s 王若翰 property Nansha yongcheng wei 南沙永成圍; ca. 36 x ca. 37 cm.
031. [Content of #030] Handwritten property deed dated 20th day of 12th month of 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903]; signed He Shengxin 何聖心; on He Shengxin 何聖心 selling property Nansha yongcheng wei 南沙永成圍 to He Leshan 何樂善 using Lu Wenqiao 陸文譙 as middleman; 53 x 56 cm.
032. [Content of #030] Handwritten property deed dated 20th day of 6th month of 6th year of Guangxu 光緒六年 [1880]; signed Wang Ruohan 王若翰; on Wang Ruohan 王若翰 selling property Nansha yongchengwei 南沙永成圍 to Shengxin 聖心何樂善 using Lu Wenqiao 陸文譙 as middleman; 69.5 x 65.5 cm.
033. [Content of #030] Handwritten property deed dated 2nd day of 2nd month of 4th year of Guangxu 光緒四年 [1878]; signed He Lianzhi 何連枝; on He Lianzhi 何連枝 selling property Nansha yongchengwei 南沙永成圍 to Wang Ruohan 王若翰 using He Ruixiang 何瑞祥 et al. as middlemen; 51.5 x 54.5 cm.
034. [Content of #030] Printed & handwritten document, red-stamped, dated 12th month of 12th year of Tongzhi 同治十二年 [1872]; from Buzhengshisi of Guangdong 廣東布政使司; signed He Shoukang 何壽康; addressed to He Lianzhi 何連枝; on He Shoukang 何壽康 selling property Nansha yongchengwei 南沙永成圍 to He Lianzhi 何連枝; 54/66 x 88 cm.
035. [Content of #030] Handwritten document, red-stamped; undated [est. 1878]; unsigned; hand drawn map of property in Nansha yongchengwei 南沙永成圍 purchased by Wang Ruohan 王若翰; 24.5 x 46 cm.

SubjectChurch property--China--Guangdong Shi--19th-20th centuries--Sources Church property--China--Guangdong Sheng--19th-20th centuries--Sources
Canton Archives [中文文件第十二箱]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageChinese 中文
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder C12.18
Description86 items
NoteCanton Archives Folder C12.18 [Chinese Documents Box 12, Folder 18]
(N.B. C=Chinese, 12=Box no. 12, 18 =Folder no. 18, “property deeds, real estate”)

001. Handwritten blue envelop in French & Chinese on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine) 廣州石室天主堂; undated; unsigned; Pok-Lo 博多; 9.5 x 15.5 cm.
002. [Content of #001] Handwritten letter in French dated Hong Kong 07 October 1980 [but really after 1914]; signed Frayssinet; addressed to bishop; on Church purchasing real estate in Pok-Lo’s 博多 Koun Tchong &Sheuong T’ong 上塘, registering of properties with soldiers of Loung tsai-kong, pillaging & robbing in 1914, purchased building in Way tchao in 1899, consul & viceroy, parcel of land in Vouong t’ong for $50; quarto 17 x 11, 17 x 22 cm.
003. Handwritten note in French dated 14 December 1933; signed A. Fourquet; about Fr. Veyrés registering rice fields in Pak Tong; 15 x 19.5 cm.
004. Handwritten envelope in French & Chinese on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine) 廣州石室天主堂; undated; unsigned; Lizhiyuan 荔枝園 [lychee garden] in Boluo 博羅; 12.5 x 15 cm.
005. [Content of #004] Handwritten property deed dated 19th day of 4th month of 24th year of Republic of China 中華民國二十四年 [1935]; signed Chen Yupi 陳玉皮; on Chen Tongzhi 陳同誌 selling lychee garden [荔枝園] to Fr. Wu 吳神父 using Chen Bingnan 陳炳南 as middleman; 53.5 x 49 cm.
006. Handwritten property-deed holder, no. 51 號; undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing property located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from seller Huang Luhe 黃祿和 in 24th year of Guangxu 光緒二十四年 [1898], deed being destroyed during fire & being resigned with seller on 4th day of 2nd month of 26th year of Guangxu 光緒二十六年 [1900]; 63 x 63 cm.
007. [Content of #006] Handwritten envelope in French [empty]; undated; unsigned; on Pak tong documents; 11 x 14.5 cm.
008. [Content of #006] Handwritten document, with red seals dated 18th day of 12th month of 13th year of Tongzhi 同治十三年 [1873]; from Buzhengshisi of Guangdong 廣東布政使司; addressed to Liu Xiulan 劉秀蘭; acknowledging Liu Xiulan’s purchase of Lin Longji’s 林隆記 land located at Botangxu 柏塘圩, information on tax payment regulations; 58/55 x 28/ca. 28 cm.
009. [Content of #006] Handwritten property deed, with red seal; dated 19th day of 1st month of 19th year of Guangxu 光緒十九年 [1893]; on Liu Xiulan 劉秀蘭 selling house to Huang Luhe 黃祿和; 57 x 25.5 cm.
010. [Content of #006] Handwritten property deed dated 4th day of 2nd month of 26th year of Guangxu 光緒二十六年 [1900]; on Huang Luhe 黃祿和 selling house to Catholic Church using Zhang Yaqin 張亞欽 as middleman; 53.5 x 25 cm.
011. [Content of #006] Handwritten property deed; undated; unsigned; on Huang Luhe 黃祿和 selling house to Catholic Church; 53 x 12.5 cm.

012. Handwritten envelope [empty], no. 241 號; undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing land located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from Huang Dongsheng 黃東勝 & Huang Qingxiang 黃慶祥 in 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903]; 28 x 15 cm.
013. Handwritten envelope, no. 244 號; undated; unsigned; about Catholic Church purchasing land located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from Yang Tingzhen 楊廷禎 in 27th year of Guangxu 光緒二十七年 [1901]; 28 x 15 cm.
014. [Content of #013] Document dated Guangxu 光緒 [but 1901]; from Buzhengshisi of Guangdong 廣東布政使司; addressed to Catholic Church; about acknowledging Catholic Church’s purchase of land located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from Yang Tingzhen 楊廷禎 in 27th year of Guangxu 光緒二十四年 [1901], information on tax payment regulations; 55.5 x ca. 26.5 cm.
015. [Content of #013] Handwritten property deed dated 10th day of 2nd month of 24th year of Guangxu 光緒二十四年 [1898]; unsigned; on Yang Tingzhen 楊廷禎 selling land to Catholic Church, Zhang Gui 張歸 & Fr. Shen 伸神父 using Yang Yiguang 楊儀光 as middleman; 59 x 30 cm.
016. Handwritten envelope, no. 243 號; undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing house from Li Guansheng 李觀生 & Li Yuanzhen 李遠貞 in 28th year of Guangxu 光緒二十八年 [1902]; 28 x 15 cm.
017. [Content of #016] Document dated 6th month of 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903]; unsigned; from Buzhengshisi of Guangdong 廣東布政使司; addressed to Catholic Church acknowledging Catholic Church’s purchase of property from Li Guansheng 李觀生; 53.5 x 25 cm.
018. [Content of #016] Handwritten property deed dated 12th day of 11th month of 28th year of Guangxu 光緒二十八年 [1902]; signed Li Yannan 李燕南; on Li Guansheng 李觀生 & Li Yuanzhen 李遠貞 selling land to Catholic Church using Li Chunda 李椿達 et al. as middlemen; 54.5 x 27 cm.
019. Handwritten envelope, no. 232 號; undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing land located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from Li Guansheng 李觀生 & Li Yuanzhen 李遠貞 on 22nd day of 11th month of 28th year of Guangxu 光緒二十八年 [1902]; 28 x 15 cm.
020. [Content of #019] Handwritten property deed dated 12th day of 11th month of 28th year of Guangxu 光緒二十八年 [1902]; signed Li Yannan 李燕南; about Li Guansheng 李觀生 & Li Yuanzhen 李遠貞 selling land to Catholic Church using Li Yadeng 李亞登, Li Chunda 李椿達 et al. as middlemen; 55 x 53 cm.
021. Handwritten envelope, no. 250 號; undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing land located in Boluo County 博羅縣 on 24th day of 3rd month of 26th year of Guangxu 光緒二十六年 [1900]; 28 x 15 cm.
022. [Content of #021] Handwritten official announcement, red-stamped, dated 24th day of 3rd month of 26th year of Guangxu 光緒二十六年 [1900]; from government of Boluo County 博羅縣; announcing a parcel of government land being approved to bury Fr. Shen 伸教士; 57 x 36.5 cm.
023. Handwritten envelope, no. 248 號; undated; unsigned; Catholic Church purchasing land located in Boluo County 博羅縣 in 26th year of Guangxu 光緒二十六年 [1900]; 28 x 15 cm.
024. [Content of #023] Document dated 26th year of Guangxu 光緒二十六年 [1900]; from Buzhengshisi of Guangdong 廣東布政使司; addressed to Catholic Church acknowledging purchase of land from Liu Wanhe 劉萬和 & tax payment regulations; 55 x ca. 25.5 cm.
025. [Content of #023] Handwritten property deed dated 2nd day of 2nd month of 26th year of Guangxu 光緒二十六年 [1900]; signed Liu Yakang 劉亞康; Liu Wanhe 劉萬和 selling land in Boluo County 博羅縣 to Catholic Church using Zhang Ruitang 張瑞堂 et al. as middlemen; 56 x ca. 37 cm.

026. Handwritten envelope, no. 242 號; undated; unsigned; Catholic Church purchase of building located in Boluo County 博羅縣 in 24th year of Guangxu 光緒二十四年 [1898]; 28 x 15 cm.
027. [Content of #026] Document dated 4th day of 2nd month of 26th year of Guangxu 光緒二十六年 [1900]; from Buzhengshisi of Guangdong 廣東布政使司; signed Huang Rongguang 黃榮光; to Catholic Church acknowledging purchase of land from Huang Luhe 黃祿和 using Zhang Yaqin 張亞欽 as middleman & tax payment regulations; 55.5/53 x 55 cm.
028. Handwritten envelope, no. 234 號; undated; unsigned; Catholic Church purchase of building located in Boluo county 博羅縣 from Yang Yuji 楊裕記 on 19th day of 10th month of 23rd year of Guangxu 光緒二十三年 [1897]; 28 x 15 cm.
029. [Content of #028] Handwritten property deed dated 19th day of 10th month of 23rd year of Guangxu 光緒二十三年 [1897]; signed Chen Xianting 陳顯廷; Catholic Church purchase of building located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from Yang Yuji 楊裕記 using Yang Yafu 楊亞福 as middleman; 54 x 28.5 cm.
030. Handwritten envelope, no. 247 號; undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing land located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from Zhang Zhuxiu 張朱秀 in 23rd year of Guangxu 光緒二十三年 [1897]; 28 x 15 cm.
031. [Content of #030] Handwritten note, undated; unsigned; on property deed No. 2; 13 x 4.5 cm.
032. [Content of #030] Document dated 28th year of Guangxu 光緒二十八年 [1902]; from Buzhengshisi of Guangdong 廣東布政使司; addressed to Catholic Church acknowledging purchase of building from Zhang Zhuxiu 張朱秀 using Zhang Lihe 張利合 & Zhang Maolong 張茂隆 as agents & tax information; 54/56.5 x 53.5 cm.
033. Handwritten envelope, no. 240 號; on Catholic Church purchasing building located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from Zhang Yayang 張亞揚 in 23rd year of Guangxu 光緒二十三年 [1897]; 28 x 15 cm.
034. [Content of #033] Handwritten property deed dated 9th day of 3rd month of 23rd year of Guangxu 光緒二十三年 [1897]; on Catholic Church purchasing building located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from Zhang Yayang 張亞揚 using Zhang Lihe 張利合 & Zhang Maolong 張茂隆 as agents; 52.5 x 36.5 cm.
035. [Content of #033] Document dated 27th year of Guangxu 光緒二十七年 [1901]; from Buzhengshisi of Guangdong 廣東布政使司 addressed to Catholic Church acknowledging purchase of building from Zhang Yayang 張亞揚 & tax information; ca. 54 x ca. 25.5 cm.
036. Handwritten envelope, no. 246 號; undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing building located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from Zhang Zhuxiu 張朱秀 in 23rd year of Guangxu 光緒二十三年 [1897]; 28 x 15 cm.
037. [Content of #036] Handwritten property deed dated 9th day of 3rd month of 23rd year of Guangxu 光緒二十三年 [1897]; signed Zhang Danju 張丹居; on Catholic Church purchasing building located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from Zhang Zhuxiu 張朱秀 using Zhang Lihe 張利合 & Zhang Maolong 張茂隆 as middlemen, includes small map with details of property; 53 x 22.5 cm.
038. [Content of #036] Document dated 27th year of Guangxu 光緒二十七年 [1901]; from Buzhengshisi of Guangdong 廣東布政使司 addressed to Catholic Church acknowledging purchase of building from Zhang Zhuxiu 張朱秀 & tax information; 55 x 25.5 cm.

039. Handwritten envelope, no. 251 號; on Catholic Church purchasing building located in Boluo County 博羅縣 in 22nd year of Guangxu 光緒二十二年 [1896]; 28 x 15 cm.
040. [Content of #039] Handwritten property deed dated 17th day of 12th month of 22nd year of Guangxu 光緒二十二年 [1896]; ont Ye of Zhong family 鐘葉氏 selling house to Catholic Church; 42 x 29 cm.
041. Handwritten envelope, no. 236 號; undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing land from Sun Tangjiao 孫塘嬌 on 21st day of 5th month of 21st year of Guangxu 光緒二十一年 [1895]; 28 x 15 cm.
042. [Content of #041] Handwritten property deed dated 21st day of 5th month of 21st year of Guangxu 光緒二十一年 [1895]; signed Sun Zhuxiu 孫珠琇; on Catholic Church purchasing land from Sun Tangjiao 孫塘嬌 using Yang Yasheng 楊亞生 as middleman; 45 x 43 cm.
043. Handwritten envelope, no. 268 號 undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing land from Luo Jieru 羅捷如 in 9th month of 20th year of Guangxu 光緒二十年 [1894]; 28 x 15 cm.
044. [Content of #043] Handwritten property deed dated 20th year of Guangxu 光緒二十年 [1894]; on Catholic Church purchasing land from Luo Jieru 羅捷如; 21 x 14.5 cm.
045. [Content of #043] Handwritten property deed dated 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903] on Catholic Church purchasing land from Luo Jieru 羅捷如; 21 x 14.5 cm.
046. [Content of #043] Handwritten paper wrapper in Chinese & French undated; unsigned; on Vicar Léang, Fr. Zhu 朱, etc.
047. Handwritten envelope, no. 245 號 undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing land from Huang Guiquan 黃貴銓 & Huang Acheng 黃阿成 in 20th year of Guangxu 光緒二十年 [1894]; 28 x 15 cm.
048. [Content of #047] Handwritten property deed dated 2nd day of 4th month of 20th year of Guangxu 光緒二十年 [1894]; signed Wang Chao 王朝?; on Catholic Church purchasing land from Huang Guiquan 黃貴銓 & Huang Acheng 黃阿成 using Zhang Yaliang 張亞良 et al. as middlemen; 53.5 x 47 cm.
049. [Content of #047] Document dated 27th year of Guangxu 光緒二十七年 [1901]; from Buzhengshisi of Guangdong 廣東布政使司; addressed to Catholic Church acknowledging purchase of building from Huang Guiquan 黃貴銓 & tax information; 54.5 x 26 cm.
050. Handwritten envelope, no. 249 號; on Catholic Church purchasing property from Huang Guiquan 黃貴銓 & Huang Acheng 黃阿成 in 20th year of Guangxu 光緒二十年 [1894]; 28 x 15 cm.
051. [Content of #050] Document dated 2nd day of 4th month of 20th year of Guangxu 光緒二十年 [1894]; from Buzhengshisi of Guangdong 廣東布政使司; addressed to Catholic Church; signed Wang Chao 王朝?acknowledging purchase of building from Huang Guiquan 黃貴銓 & Huang Acheng 黃阿成 using Zhang Yaliang 張亞良 et al. as middlemen; 54 x ca. 68 cm.

052. Handwritten envelope, no. 233 號; undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing land from Zhang Yarong 張亞容, Zhang Yaqi 張亞奇 & Zhang Yahe 張亞和 on 5th day of 10th month of 19th year of Guangxu 光緒十九年 [1893]; 28 x 15 cm.
053. [Content of #052] Handwritten property deed dated 5th day of 10th month of 19th year of Guangxu 光緒十九年 [1893]; signed Zhang Yarong張亞容, Zhang Yahe 張亞合, Zhang Yakun 張亞閏; about Zhang Yarong張亞容, Zhang Yaqi張亞奇, Zhang Yahe 張亞和 selling land to Catholic Church using Zhang Yacheng 張亞成 as middleman; 56 x 53.5 cm.
054. Handwritten envelope, no. 239 號; on Catholic Church purchasing land for burial ground & cemetery located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from He Zhenhai 何振海 on 19th day of 9th month of 6th year of Daoguang 道光六年 [1826]; purchasing land from Ge Lingzhu 葛令硃 on 24th day of 3rd month of 16th year of Guangxu 光緒十六年 [1890]; 28 x 15 cm.
055. [Content of #054] Handwritten announcement dated 24th day of 3rd month of 26th year of Guangxu 光緒二十六年 [1900] from local government of Boluo County 博羅縣 announcing that Fr. Feng 馮教士 purchased Liu Wanhe’s 劉萬和 property to build church, requesting local population remain calm; 56 x 32 cm.
056. [Content of #054] Handwritten property deed dated 19th day of 9th month of 6th year of Daoguang 道光六年 [1825]; signed He Tongji 何統基; on Catholic Church purchasing land for burial ground & cemetery located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from He Zhenhai 何振海 et al. using Gan Yagui 甘亞貴 et al. as middlemen; ca. 50 x 26 cm.
057. Handwritten envelope, no. 264 號; undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing orchard from Zhang Yashui 張亞水 & Zhang Rongguang 張容光 in 7th month of 7th year of Guangxu 光緒七年 [1881]; 28 x 15 cm.
058. [Content of #057] Handwritten ornate envelope “喜報” in Chinese & French; undated; unsigned; containing documents representing properly deal; 15 x 7.5 cm.
059. [Content of #057] [Content of #058] Handwritten property deed dated 3rd day of 12th month of 7th year of Guangxu 光緒七年 [1881]; signed Zhang Yashui 張亞水 & Zhang Rongguang 張容光; on Zhang Yashui 張亞水 & Zhang Rongguang 張容光 selling orchard to Catholic Church using Xu Yingming 許應明 as middleman; ca. 53 x 26 cm.
060. Handwritten envelop, no. 237 號; undated; unsigned; on Fr. Ba 巴神父 purchasing land from Li Yanian 李亞年 on 4th day of 2nd month of 7th year of Guangxu 光緒七年 [1881]; 28 x 15 cm.
061. [Content of #060] Handwritten property deed dated 4th day of 2nd month of 7th year of Guangxu 光緒七年 [1881]; signed Li Yaxiu 李亞秀 & Li Yanian 李亞年; on Li Yalian 李亞連 and Li Yaxiu 李亞秀 selling land to Church using Li Lianxing 李連興 as middleman; ca. 52 x 22.5 cm.
062. Handwritten envelope, no. 238 號; undated; unsigned; on Fr. Ba 巴神父 purchasing land from Li Yaying 李亞穎 on 8th day of 3rd month of 7th year of Guangxu 光緒七年 [1881]; 28 x 15 cm.
063. [Content of #062] Handwritten property deed dated 8th day of 3rd month of 7th year of Guangxu 光緒七年 [1881]; on Li Yaying 李亞穎 selling land to Fr. Ba 巴神父 using Li Chou 李疇? as agent; 53 x 23 cm.

064. Handwritten envelope, no. 265 號; undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing land from Zhang Liuwen 張劉穩 in 4th year of Guangxu 光緒四年 [1878]; 28 x 15 cm.
065. [Content of #064] Handwritten ornate envelope “喜報” in Chinese & French; undated; unsigned; containing documents representing properly deal in Liou-voun (?); 15 x 7.5 cm.
066. [Content of #064] [Content of #065] Handwritten property deed dated 8th day of 5th month of 6th year of Guangxu 光緒六年 [1880]; about Zhang Liuwen 張劉穩 selling land to Catholic Church; 54 x 32.5 cm.
067. Handwritten envelope, no. 267 號; undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing land from Zhang Folian 張佛聯 in 6th year of Guangxu 光緒六年 [1880]; 28 x 15 cm.
068. [Content of #067] Handwritten ornate envelope “喜報” in Chinese & French; undated; unsigned; containing documents representing properly deal in Poc-lo; 15 x 7.5 cm.
069. [Content of #067] [Content of #068] Handwritten property deed dated 5th day of 6th month of 6th year of Guangxu 光緒六年 [1880]; about Zhang Folian 張佛聯 selling land to Catholic Church; ca. 54 x 53 cm.
070. Handwritten envelope, no. 266 號; undated; unsigned; Catholic Church purchasing land from Zhang Sansheng 張三勝 in 6th year of Guangxu 光緒六年 [1880]; 28 x 15 cm.
071. [Content of #070] Handwritten ornate envelope “喜報” in Chinese & French; undated; unsigned; containing documents representing properly deal in Poc-lo; 15 x 7.5 cm.
072. [Content of #070] [Content of #071] Handwritten property deed dated 20th day of 5th month of 6th year of Guangxu 光緒六年 [1880]; Zhang Sansheng 張三勝 selling land to Catholic Church; 54.5 x 54 cm.
073. Handwritten envelope, no. 261 號; Catholic Church purchasing land located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from Zhang Yaguan 張亞觀; 28 x 15 cm.
074. [Content of #073] Handwritten ornate envelope “ 喜報” in Chinese & French; undated; unsigned; containing documents representing properly deal in Poc-lo; 15 x 7.5 cm.
075. [Content of #073] [Content of #074] Handwritten property deed dated 5th day of 6th month of 6th year of Guangxu 光緒六年 [1880]; Zhang Yaguan 張亞觀 selling land located in Boluo County 博羅縣 to Catholic Church using Zhang Yahua 張亞華 as middleman; 44 x 42 cm.
076. Handwritten envelope, no. 235 號; Li Yakang 李亞康 et al. selling land to Catholic Church on 20th day of 9th month of 5th year of Guangxu 光緒五年 [1879]; 28 x 15 cm.
077. [Content of #076] Handwritten property deed dated 20th day of 9th month of 5th year of Guangxu 光緒五年 [1879]; signed Li Shiqi 李石其; on Li Yakang 李亞康, Li Yahua 李亞華 & Li Yading 李亞丁 selling land to Yang An 楊安 using Li Yapin 李亞頻 as middleman; 55 x 27.5 cm.
078. Handwritten envelope, no. 263 號; Catholic Church purchasing tree grove and orchard located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from Zhang Liuwen 張劉穩 in 4th year of Guangxu 光緒四年 [1878]; 28 x 15 cm.
079. [Content of #078] Handwritten ornate envelop “喜報” in Chinese & French; undated; unsigned; containing documents representing properly deal in Poc-lo; 15 x 7.5 cm.
080. [Content of #078] [Content of #079] Handwritten property deed dated 7th day of 3rd month of 4th year of Guangxu 光緒四年 [1878]; signed Zhang Chengmei 張成美; Catholic Church purchasing tree grove & orchard located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from Zhang Liuwen 張劉穩 using Zhang Yafo 張亞佛 as middleman; 43.5 x 28.5 cm.
081. Handwritten envelope, no. 260 號; undated; unsigned; on thirty-eight (38) households in Shangtangwei 上塘圍 of Boluo County 博羅縣 giving land belonging to Zhang 張 to Fr. Ba 巴神父; 28 x 15 cm.
082. [Content of #081] Handwritten ornate envelope “喜報” in Chinese & French; undated; unsigned; containing documents representing properly deal in Poc-lo; 15 x 7.5 cm.
083. [Content of #081] [Content of #082] Handwritten property deed; undated; on thirty-eight (38) households in Shangtangwei 上塘圍 of Boluo County 博羅縣 donating land belonging to Zhang 張 to Fr. Ba 巴神父, with a list of about forty names from this village agreeing to this donation, including clan leader Zhang Sansheng 張三勝; 24 x 79.5 cm.
084. Handwritten envelope, no. 262 號; undated; unsigned; on Zhang Folian 張佛聯 & Zhang Guandai 張觀帶 selling land to Fr. Ba 巴神父 in 4th year of Guangxu 光緒四年 [1878]; 28 x 15 cm.
085. [Content of #084] Handwritten ornate envelope “喜報” in Chinese & French; undated; unsigned; containing documents representing properly deal in Poc-lo; 15 x 7.5 cm.
086. [Content of #084] [Content of #085] Handwritten property deed dated 8th day of 3rd month of 4th year of Guangxu 光緒四年 [1878] on Zhang Folian 張佛聯 & Zhang Guandai 張觀帶 selling land to Fr. Ba 巴神父 of Catholic Church; 43.5 x 38.5 cm.

SubjectChurch property--China--Guangdong Sheng--19th-20th centuries--Sources Deeds--China--Guangdong Sheng--Catholic Church--Cases Church property--China--Guangdong Sheng--Boluo Xian 博羅縣--Sources Real property--China--Guangdong Sheng--19th-20th centuries--Archival materials
Canton Archives 'Alexandre Legros'
Publish_location[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageFrench, Chinese
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder F2.24
Description11 documents
NoteCanton Archives Folder F2.24 [French Documents Box 2, Folder 24]
(N.B. F=French, 2=Box no. 2, 24=Folder no. 24: “Alexandre Legros”)

001. Hand-written letter, dated Djiao Peng (H’u Kung) 25 August 1901, signed Alexandre Legros, about annual report for the district for 1900-1901, pillaging of chapel, 3,000 piaster for repairs, bought old house, harshness of plague, etc., 27 x 21 cm.
002. Two hand-written letters, dated Djiao Peng 12 August 1900 & 10 August 1900, signed Alexandre Legros, about Frs. Rondière & Boussac, pillaged chapel, Mr. 黃罔城 in 霞繞鄉, where residences of American & English were attacked, residence at 柘林, 8 Protestant churches in Djiao Peng pillaged, etc. 17,5 x 11.5, [17.5 x 23 cm].
003. Hand-written letter, holes in center leaves, dated Arcachon 27 September 1901, signed Alexandre Legros, about Frs. Guillaume & Rondière, retreat, civil & military mandarins, grenades, etc. 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
004. Hand-written letter with deteriorated ink, dated Djiao-Peng 28 August 1899, signed Alexandre Legros, about viceroy, some amounts of money, etc. 17.5 x 11, [17.5 x 22 cm].
005. Two hand-written letters, dated Djiao-Peng 18 March 1899, signed Alexandre Legros, and Arcachon 07 October, signed Victor, about last retreat, case of Koo-Csou-Poon (?), District of Bai Pou (?) 大埔, Hakkas, humidity, disease, impossibility of building chapel & residence, etc. 13.5 x 10.5, [13.5 x 21 cm].
006. Hand-written letter, undated, Djiao Peng, signed Alexandre Legros, about annual report for the district for 1897-1898, chapel, etc. 27 x 21 cm.
007. Hand-written, incomplete letter, dated Djiao-Peng 08 August 1898, unsigned, about protection for Christians of Koo-Csou-Poon (?), Fr. Rondière , etc. 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
008. Hand-written letter with deteriorated ink, dated Djiao-Peng 04 November 1899, signed Alexandre Legros, about accusations by bachelors, Gua-Fou-swa (?) 外孚山, Koo-Csou-Poon (?) 高厝鋪, etc. 17.5 x 11.5, [17.5 x 23 cm].
009. Hand-written letter with deteriorated ink, dated Djiao-Peng 06 September 1899, signed Alexandre Legros, about chapel, Lay a sciang 賴阿祥, Lai a Louï 賴阿嘿, Bai Pou (?) 大埔, 潮陽, Lay zuoui fong (?) 賴美豐, Gua-Fou-swa (?) 外浮山, etc. 20 x 13.5, [20 x 27 cm].
010. Hand-written list in Chinese, undated, unsigned, probably subdivisions of the Raoping Catholic Church 饒平天主教教堂, 南澳屬, 24 x 30.5 cm.
011. Hand-written letter with ink heavily destroying paper, dated 13 October 1899, signed Alexandre Legros, about women made Christians, etc., 20 x 13.5 cm.

SubjectPersecution--China--History--Qing dynasty, 1644-1911--Sources China--History--Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1901--Sources Guangzhou 廣州--Church history--Archives Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Archival materials Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Records, reports, registers Missions étrangères de Paris--China--Guangzhou--Correspondence
Canton Archives 'H. Louvey'
Publish_location[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageFrench, Chinese
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder F2.9:1
Description37 documents
NoteCanton Archives Folder F2.9 [French Documents Box 2, Folder 9]
(N.B. F=French, 2=Box no. 2, 9=Folder no. 9: “H. Louvey”)

001. Two-page (metal pin removed) typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/175, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 08 February 1924, about deposits of $54,962 for the Canton Mission, discussing personal deposits of religious (interest rates), Yang family, Tertia Pars de Swatow, visiting shipyard in Shek Shat, P. Pradel in charge for that time, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
002. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/197, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 08 February 1924, about account of trip on the Hang Cheong to Lung Shan, received documents from Mr. Piry and P. Robert, Mr. P. Papinot, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
003. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, 73, River Valley Road, Singapore, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-SINGAPORE, signed J. M. Occillom (?), addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Singapore 20 February 1924, about receiving envelope from Fr. Camille Robert, he won’t return until 06 March with Fr. Vignal, can’t leave because only representative, Fr. Barillon sick again, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
004. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. 295, signed E. Beaudevin, addressed to A. Fourquet, Canton Mission, dated Hong Kong 21 July 1924, about mail leaving with the “Porthos, etc.,” 27 x 20.5 cm.
005. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. 331, signed E. Beaudevin, addressed to A. Fourquet, Canton, dated Hong Kong 19 August 1924, about receiving letter from Fr. Guilbaud concerning 176 piasters, two large trunks destined for the missionary exhibition embarked on the “Amazone” with a 50% reduced fee, etc., 27 x 21.5 cm.
006. One two-page and one one-page (staple removed) typed letters on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 18 October 1923:

1. Nr. HS/863, about deposits of $14,697.01 for the Canton Mission, 6,000 Canton money to International Bank, Mr. Gain, Mr. Wu Shi Shun, more financial and real estate matters, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
2. Nr. HS/837, about property matters in Shameen [Shamian 沙面], Hongkong Hotel Co., Maison Varenne & Proton, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.

007. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/863, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 23 October 1923, about demanding immediate action in solving disagreements concerning properties in #006, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
008. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/864, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 23 October 1923, about need to address the Hongkong Hotel Company about lots 18 & 24 [in Shamian 沙面], offer of $450 monthly in rent, Fr. Laurent, H. H. Xavier & A. Pereira, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
009. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/943, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 18 December 1923, about advice to stick to the properties [in Shamian 沙面], interest rates for deposits, Frs. Vircondelet & Beaudevin, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
010. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/59, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 14 January 1924, about Fr. Fabre to France on “Angers,” etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.

011. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/76, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 17 January 1924, about two seminarists on “Cordillère” from Pinang moving on to Guangzhou, Fr. Pozzoni had a stroke, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
012. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/104, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 28 January 1924, about outstanding taxes from tenant Mr. Law Yam Sun and tax collector Mr. Chan Pak Wa, tax for police, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
013. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/133, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 01 February 1924, about advice on the tenant problem in #12, financial information ($739.50 for repairs to British Concession in Shamian 沙面), etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
014. Hand-written note on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, signed H. Louvey, dated Hong Kong 21 February 1924, about death of Mgr. Pozzoni (?), funeral held at Hong Kong Cathedral (?), 21 x 13.5 cm.
015. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/684, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 07 September 1923, about maintenance on buildings on lots 18 & 24 in Shamian 沙面, sale to the Hongkong Hotel, Mr. Valentin, Mr. Taggart to Guangzhou to sign contracts in question, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
016. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/696, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 12 September 1923, about subsidies for the formation for the Mission in Tokyo, Mgr. Rayssac arrived and will leave for Guangzhou, Fr. Vircondelet off to Shanghai, Br. Joseph, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
017. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/738, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 21 September 1923, about details about the founding of Mission in Tokyo, complaining of nasty propaganda there, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
018. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/758, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 27 September 1923, about purchase of lots 18 & 24 in Shamian沙面: Mr. Macnamara, notary public at Deacon, Harston & Shenton will sign for the Hongkong Hotel and then come to Guangzhou for blank spaces to be signed, mortgage for $200,000, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
019. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/786, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 05 October 1923, about details of sale of lots to the Hongkong Hotel ($200,000 at 6.5% interest), etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
020. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/787, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 05 October 1923, about $210 in reimbursements to religious, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
021. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/800, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 06 October 1923, about steamer Tai Yuan arriving from Australia with Mr. Joseph Ting Heong of Sarawak, Fr. A. Stotter, principal of St. Mary’s Church in Sandakan will bring a check to credit the seminary in Guangzhou, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
022. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/810, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 10 October 1923, about Hongkong Hotel Co. and tenants on sold lots, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
023. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/811, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 12 October 1923, about third-quarter accounts given to Fr. Pradel, Hongkong Hotel, property in Shameen [Shamian 沙面] and revenue at Shek Shat [Guangzhou Cathedral], etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
End of Part 1.

SubjectCatholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Archival materials Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Records, reports, registers Church property--China--Guangdong Sheng--19th-20th centuries--Sources
Canton Archives 'H. Mathon'
Publish_location[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageFrench, Chinese
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder F2.4
Description21 manuscript docs.
NoteCanton Archives Folder F2.4 [French Documents Box 2, Folder 4] (N.B. F=French, 2=Box no. 2, .3=Folder no. 4: “H. Mathon”)

001. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris (VIIE), signed by H. Mathon, dated 22 November 1909, about the sum of 900 being sent to Hong Kong, etc., Mr. Sulpice’s not coming to the Canton seminary, quarto 21 x 13.5, (21 x 27 cm.)
002. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris (VIIE), signed by H. Mathon, dated 09 January 1903, about Fr. Delpede consenting to volunteer; Hainan Island, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, 21 x 27 cm.
003. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris (VIIe), signed by H. Mathon, dated 10 January 1903, about donations of 20,868.99, Fr. Pie arriving in Marseille, etc., quarto 17.5 x 11.5, [17.5 x 23 cm.]
004. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris, signed by H. Mathon, dated 21 January 1900, about a school and hospital in Guangzhou, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm.]
005. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris (7e), signed by H. Mathon, dated 02 January 1904, about Fr. Henry, etc., quarto 17 x 10.5, [17 x 21 cm.]
006. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris, signed by H. Mathon, dated 09 July 1902, about sending 4,923, Werner de Masbourg, Fr. Delpede, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
007. Hand-written list of the sources of the money sent in #006, 11.5 x 22.5 cm.
008. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris, signed by H. Mathon, dated 08 March 1902, about Constancis de Clermont en Auvergne arriving in Guangdong, Mr. de Belley, Chinese caricature, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
009. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris, signed by H. Mathon, dated 16 November 1899, about 200 francs, problems of the Province, Mr. Julien, Mr. Gervais, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
010. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris, signed by H. Mathon, dated 14 January 1899, about misunderstanding over 3,630 francs, 4,000 for French school in Hong Kong, problems with Petits Frères de Marie, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].

011. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris, signed by H. Mathon, dated 06 May 1899, about problems with Petits Frères de Marie, Fr. Henry, new French school in Guangzhou, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
012. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris (VIIe), signed by H. Mathon, dated 06 August 1903, about sending the amount of 8,437.30, Fr. Pie, Mr. Jarreau, Mr. Léauté, etc., quarto 17 x 11, [17 x 22 cm].
013. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris, signed by H. Mathon, dated 18 November 1898, about Fr. Delpech, Dreyfus Affair, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
014. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris, signed by H. Mathon, dated 01 July 1898, about Fr. Delpech, missionaries Lasportes, de Bayonne, Clauzet, de Saint-Hour, Douspis, du Puy, 2,000 francs, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
015. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris, signed by H. Mathon, dated 17 December 1897, quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
016. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris, signed by H. Mathon, dated 02 December 1898, about Fr. Grosjean, Fr. Chanès, French school, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
017. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris, signed by H. Mathon, dated 29 December 1899, about change to vicariate apostolic, difficulties with Rome and Portugal, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
018. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris (7e), signed by H. Mathon, dated 14 April 1906, about problems in Guangdong, etc., in pencil on top right corner: “P. Bourdin,” quarto 18 x 11, [18 x 22 cm].
019. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris (7e), signed by H. Mathon, dated 11 October 1909, about M. Bourdin in Guangdong, Fr. Hinard & Fr. Lalouyer for Manchurian Mission, etc., quarto 18 x 11, [18 x 22 cm].
020. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Séminaire des Missions Etrangères, 128, Rue du Bac, Paris (7e), signed by H. Mathon, dated ? October 1919, about P. Fourquet (?), P. Robert, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
021. Typed letter to H. Mathon, no author, dated 19 October 1915, about purchase of Societe fonciere de Canton, $20,000, P. Robert, etc., 27.5 x 21 cm.

SubjectCatholic Church. Diocese of Canton--Archives Guangzhou 廣州--Church history--Archives Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Archival materials Missions étrangères de Paris--China--Guangzhou--Archival material
Canton Archives J. Masseron
Publish_location[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder F2.3
Description3 documents
NoteCanton Archives Folder F2.3 [French Documents Box 2, Folder 3]
(N.B. F=French, 2=Box no. 2, .3=Folder no. 3: “J. Masseron (?)”)

001. Hand-written note on stationary of the Missions Etrangères, 38, Rue Nau, 38, Marseille – J. Masseron, Procureur, signed by J. Masseron, dated Marseille 31 January 1940, announcing that the bishop of Nimes is donating money. 10.5 x 14 cm.
002. Hand-written note, signed by J. Masseron, dated Marseille 08 March (?) 1941, largely illegible. 13.5 x 10.5, [13.5 x 21 cm].
003. Typed note on stationary of the Missions Etrangères – Procure de Marseille, 38, Rue Nau, 38, signed by J. Masseron, about higher calculations for the half year. 21 x 13.5 cm.

SubjectCatholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Archival materials Missions étrangères de Paris--China--Guangzhou--Archival material Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Records, reports, registers Missions étrangères de Paris--China--Guangzhou--Correspondence
Canton Archives 'Michotte'
Publish_location[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageFrench, Chinese, Latin
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder F2.7
Description6 documents
NoteCanton Archives Folder F2.7 [French Documents Box 2, Folder 7]
(N.B. F=French, 2=Box no. 2, .7=Folder no. 7: “Michotte”)

001. Template form in Latin, not filled out, “Petitio Adoptionis Seminarii minoris de …,” 14 x 21.5 cm.
002. Hand-written letter on stationary of the Missions Etrangères de Paris, Procure de Rome, Piazza Girolamo Fabrizio N. 1, signed R. Michotte, dated Rome 27 January 1941, about transmission of documents, Séminaire de Paris … 105 candidates, 21 x 13.5 cm.
003. “… Le 6 novembre, S.E. le Cardinal Caccia Dominioni m’a imposé le Pallium qui vous était destiné …,” typed letter on stationary of the Missions Etrangères de Paris, Procure de Rome, Piazza Girolamo Fabrizio N. 1, Telefono 80-551, addressed to A. Fourquet, archbishop of Canton, signed Michotte, dated Rome 21 January 1947, about decoration of “Commandeur de St Sylvestre,” taxes of 1,500 lire, being taken care by Propaganda, etc., 29.5 x 21 cm.
004. “… Le séminaire de Bièvres a fini par être rendu, mais dans quell état! Plus d’autels ni de stalles à la chapelle …,” typed letter, signed Michotte, dated Rome 23 April 1946, about the diocese of Canton being an oasis among the wreckage, new superior general, seminary of Bievres ready for return, but without a budget and the chapel in need of an altar, reduction of masses, etc., 27 x 21 cm.
005. “… Il Paraît désormais certain que l’Assemblée Générale ne pourra avoir lieu en 1947. Comme vous le dites il y a des changements à faire à notre Règlement pour l’adapter à la situation présente …,” typed letter on stationary of the Missions Etrangères de Paris, Procure de Rome, Piazza Girolamo Fabrizio N. 1, Telefono 80-551, addressed to A. Fourquet, archbishop of Canton, signed Michotte, dated Rome 25 December 1946, about adaptation to new situation, visit of superior general in Rome, etc., 30 x 21 cm.
006. “Pontificium opus a S. Petro Apostolo pro clero indigena,” filled-out form, in Latin, dated 1948, for the amount of $770 received by the Diocese of Canton via the MEP offices in Shanghai, indecipherable signature, 9 x 21.5 cm.

SubjectGuangzhou 廣州--Church history--Archives Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Archival materials Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Records, reports, registers
Canton Archives 'Mirambeau'
Publish_location[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageFrench, Chinese
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder F2.7
Description18 documents
NoteCanton Archives Folder F2.7 [French Documents Box 2, Folder 7]
(N.B. F=French, 2=Box no. 2, .7=Folder no. 7: “Mirambeau”)

001. Hand-written list of Church activities in Youn On for the year 1906, edges very brittle, signed by Merle Pierre, 19.5 x 15.5 cm.
002. Hand-written letter, dated Chang Zsay 09 August 1909, signed Mirambeau, about spending half the year at Bethsamé, administration in district has suffered in his absence, list of Church activities in district, etc., quarto 20.5 x 12.5, [20.5 x 25 cm].
003. Hand-written letter, dated Koung Ts’ong 09 August 1909, signed Mirambeau, about list of Church activities in district, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
004. Hand-written letter, dated Vou-nay 01 August 1902, signed Mirambeau, about great district, list of Church activities in district, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
005. Hand-written letter, dated Vou-nay 01 August 1904 (?), signed Mirambeau, about looting in Ho-guên, pirates in Séao Kong, list of Church activities in district, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
006. Hand-written letter, dated Vou-nay 03 November 1904 (?), signed Mirambeau, about need to construct chapel in Ho-guên, especially because of the Protestants, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
007. Hand-written letter p. 16-19, probably part of much longer letter, undated, unsigned, about a chapel (?), etc., 21 x 13.5 cm.
008. Hand-written letter, dated Chang Tsay 16 August 1908, signed Mirambeau, about rebuilding children’s home Ste Enfance, old one falling apart, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
009. Hand-written letter, dated Vou-nay July 1903, signed Mirambeau, about looting in Ho-guên, pirates in Séao Kong, list of Church activities in district, etc., quarto 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
010. Hand-written letter, dated Koung Tsong 08 August 1904, signed Mirambeau, about 341 Christians in this new district, regretful massacre, increasing success with women, list of Church activities in district, etc. 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].

011. Hand-written list of Church activities in Chang Ts’ay for the year 1909, signed by Mirambeau, 17.5 x 11.5 cm.
012. Hand-written letter, dated Vounay 18 May 1925, signed Mirambeau, about Vounai in critical condition, on 06 May group of 4-500 “Yananese” (Bolsheviks) entered from mountains into Wong tien guarded by a score of soldiers, that evening two young men from Vounai, one Christian, one pagan, paid thousands of piasters to trespassing brigands, 3,000 soldiers of Hu tchong tchi’s are at Lao Lung prepared to descend, selling of opium, soldiers at Lam Fou are from 2nd army command of Yeung ping wai, Vounai preparing for struggle, situation requires a gunboat. 21 x 16.5, [21 x 33 cm].
013. Hand-written list of Church activities in Kong Ts’ong for the year 1905-1906, signed by Mirambeau. 21 x 13.5 cm.
014. Hand-written letter, dated Koung Ts’ong 04 August 1906, signed Mirambeau, about house foundation problems at Pok lo, etc. 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
015. Hand-written list of Church activities in Chang Tsay for the year 1909-1910, signed by Mirambeau. 20.5 x 12.5 cm.
016. Hand-written letter, dated Chang Tsay 17 August 1910, signed Mirambeau, about new school at Chang Tsay, etc. 20.5 x 12.5, [20.5 x 25 cm].
017. Hand-written letter, dated Chang Tsay 11 January 1910, signed Mirambeau, about land taxes, requirement to buy land, 3,430, P. Gerardeu, P. Houery, Keou tsay heou (?), Heou poy Zong (?), revenue for 1909 insufficient, etc. 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
018. Hand-written letter, dated Chang Tsay 28 March 1910, signed Mirambeau, about explanation of revenue, construction of school, veranda for chapel, new stage at Bêlhanie, etc. 21 x 13.5 cm.

SubjectGuangzhou 廣州--Church history--Archives
Canton Archives: 'Plan-Terrains Banque'
Publish_location[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageFrench, Chinese, Latin
Record_typeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder F2.1
Description30 documents
NoteCanton Archives Folder F2.1 [French Documents Box 2, Folder 1]
(N.B. F=French, 2=Box no.2, .1=Folder no.1: “Plan-Terrains Banque”)

001. “Demande de mise en vente publiqie des lots de terrains de la ville de Qiang-Tchéou.” Blank application form, 34 x 22 cm. Guangzhou
002. “ [1] projet de bail pour la location du terrain de Sha-meen appurtenant à la France à Canton -- [2] l’établisement des Maristes à Canton [3] construire et entrepenir…une école…la langue français”
[1] Project to lease out French properties at Shameen [Shamian 沙面] in the Province of Guangdong – [2] founding of Marists in Guangdong – [3] constructing and running a school in French, hand-written note, no author, no date. 22 x 14, [27 x 14 cm].
003. “Administration 1884” hand-written table of names of missionaries and their achievements in numbers of Christians, baptisms, confessions, confirmations, etc., 34 x 30 cm.
004. “Administration 1884” hand-written table of names of missionaries and their achievements in numbers of Christians, baptisms, confessions, confirmations, etc., 34 x 30 cm. Identical to 003
005. “Administrato sacramentorum pro anno 1919, 1920. Missionis Kwang Tong (d. Yaneary m. up.) – TungKuy [or GungKuy] occidental” filled-out template table for the parish (?) of TungKuy [or GungKuy] occidental in the Diocese of Guangdong with numbers of confessions, communions, baptisms, weddings, deaths, etc., hand-written “Propriétés” on verso, 22 x 43 cm.
006. “Extrait du Procés-verbal d’Adjudication aux Encherés des baux emphytéotiques des terrain de l’Ile de Shameen appartenant ou Gouvernement Français. [December 6th, 1889] procédé … conformément aux Instruction du Départment des Affaires Etrangéres en date du 29 Juin 1889.” Embossed and sealed hand-written letter from Interpreter-Chancellor of French Consulate General, Léonce Playelle in Guangzhou (with additional signature by Consul General Camille Imbault-Huart), lease for 99 years parcels 1-23 in Shameen [Shamian 沙面], ceded to the French Government from China as concession, parcel 20 will go to Mission Catholique du Kouang-tong [Guangdong 廣東] represented by Monseigneurs Azerédo and Augustin Chausse 邵斯. Marie Emile Henri Pasquet, Maison Russell et cie., Jean Philibert Michel Camet, property lease, French Concession of Xiamen, sublease to Catholic Church, quarto 31 x 21, 31 x 41 cm.
007. Another copy of 006.
008. Another copy of 006.
009. “Copie de l’édite public par sou Exe. Le Vice-rai de Canton au sujet des terrains de Man loun pou (?). La Vice-roi a étable un agence appeleé Csung tin (?) que a pour fonctions de veiller sur les dunes, les banes de sable les terres arides et sans maitres avérés dits terrains mandarinaur, et de les mattre en vente et de délivrer aux acquéreurs un certificate domante titre de propriété.” undated, stationary of the Préfecture Apostolique du Kouang-tong (Chine) [Prefecture Apostolic of Canton], hand-written, sale of 150, then 22 mu in Sha mei shoui pae tan from a person named Man loun pou through the agency of Csing tin to the Catholic Mission for 50,000 silver taels, quarto 32 x 21, [32 x 42 cm].

010 (011-017 are contents of this). “La Grandeur Monseigneur Chausse, Préfet Apostolique du Kouang-tong, etc., etc., etc., Canton,” envelope, stamp on verso: Legation de la Republique Française, Pekin, 19 x 25 cm.
011 (referring to 012). “J’ai l’honneur de vous addresser ci-joint le texte chinois et la traducion d’un Décret Imperial don’t le Tsong-li Ya-men m’a donné communication par une dépêche officielle en date du 15 de ce mois et qui avait paru, le 13, dans la Gazette de Pékin. Ce Décret, rendu sur ma demande ainsi que sur celle des autres Représentants Etrangers à Pékin, rappelled que la propagation des religions étrangérs est stipule dans les traits, que ces religions ont pour but d’exhorter les homes au bien et que des Décrets, précédemment promulgués, ont prescript aux autorités provincials d’assurer aux missionnnaires et aux chrétiens une protection efficace,” chiefly typed stationary of the Légation de la République Française en Chine, dated Beijing, 22 June 1891, addressed to Monseigneur Augustin Chausse 邵斯, Prefect Apostolic of Canton, signed by P. Ristelhueber, quarto 27 x 21, 27 x 42 cm.

012. 鈔錄光緒十七年五月初七日[June 13th, 1891]

上諭總理各國事務衙門秦各省教案疊出請嚴飭各督撫迅速籌辦一摺據稱本年四月安徽蕪湖教堂被匪徒焚毀江蘇丹陽縣湖北武穴鎮等處教堂亦相繼被毀亟應查拏匪犯早為嚴防等語各國傳教載在 Décret Impérial, Rendu le 13 Juin 1891.
NOTRE Conseil des affaires étrangéres NOUS a présenté un rapport dans lequel il NOUS expose que des affaires concernant les missions religieuses se sont produites, d’une façon répétée, dans de donner des orders formels aux vice-rois et gouverneurs pour qu’ils avisent promptement à la solution qu’il convient de donner à ces affaires. Il est dit, dans ce rapport, que, pendant la quatriénne lune de cette année (mai-juin 1891), la sission religieuse de Wou-hou, dans le Ngan-hiuei, a été incendiée par des malfaiteurs, que celles de Tan-yang-hien, dans le Kiang-sou, et de Wou-hiue-tchen, dans le You-pe, ont aussi été successivement détruites et qu’il importe absolument de rechercher et d’arrêter les coupables et de prendre rapidement des mesures preventives sérieuses,” Chinese imperial decree (and translation into French) to apologize for and retaliate against violent mobs attacking religious institutions in Danyang Xian, Jiangsu province, and Wuxue Zhen, Hubei province, etc., translation signed by A. Vissière, printed double leaf, quarto 29.5 x 21, [29.5 x 42 cm].
013. “Dans une Dipéche addressee au Tsong-li-Yamen, le 20 Octobre, at par laquelle je réclamais du Gouvernement chinois la mite à execution de l’avant-dernier paragraph, du Décret Impérial du 13 Juin…” hand-written letter by G. Luneller (?) to Monseigneur Chausse, Préfet Apolstoloique du Kouang-tong, on stationary for the Légation de la République Français en Chine, dated Beijing, 14 December 1891, information that the French delegation has contacted Prince K’ing (Qing?) and Chinese ministries with letters from 25 August and 7 October to demand execution of the last paragraph, which seems to concern questions of Church real estate in Guangdong. quarto 27 x 21, 27 x 41 cm.

014. “J’ai reçu la letter que Votre Grandeur m’a fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 25 Février dernier. Je regretted, Monsigneur, de sous informer yue je ne crois pas que nous entreprendrions fructueusement aujourd’hui une campagne ayant pour objet de raire indemniser votre mission et les chriétiens qu en dependent des…,” …” hand-written letter by G. Luneller (?) to Monseigneur Chausse, Préfet Apolstoloique du Kouang-tong, on stationary for the Légation de la République Français en Chine, dated Beijing, 6 April 1892, about compensation for the Church and anticipation of hostilities with the Chinese in 1884 and 1885, Li Hantchang, resolvement of hostilities, Tsong-li-Yamen (Zongli Yamen 總理衙門), quarto 27 x 21, 27 x 41 cm.
015. “Municipalité Française de Shameen. Impôt pour l’année prenant fin le 31 décembre 1890,” filled-out property tax form of the French city of Shameen [Shamian 沙面] for lots #14, 19, 20, $20 each for a total demand of $60, addressed to Monseignieur Augustin Chausse 邵斯, representing the Catholic Mission in Guangdong, signed by L. Flayelle, dated 24 September 1890, 20 x 15 cm.
016. “J’ai l’honneur de vous faire parvenir ci-inclus deux imprimés reproduisant le texte chinois et la traduction des deux importants Décrets rendus, pour assurer la protection des établissements religieux, des missionnaires, des chrétiens et des voyageurs étrangers, l’un par S. M. l’Empereur de Chine le 12 juillet dernier, l’autre par S. M. l’Impératrice Douairiére, le 6 de ce mois,” preprinted and addressed letter on stationary of the Légation de la République Française en Chine, dated Beijing, October 27th, 1898, addressed to Monsigneur Augustin Chausse 邵斯, Prefect Apostolic of Canton, signed by S. Pichon (?), cover letter for two Chinese decrees concerning the protection of foreigners in China, signed by emperor Guangxu 光緒 on 12 July 1898, and the Empress Dowager 慈禧 on 6 July 1898, quarto 28 x 20.5, 28 x 41 cm.
017. “Cher Pére, La cérémonie du ? de Monseigneur Paris ? à Shanghai plus…,” hand-written note on stationary of the Procure des Missions Etrangéres Shanghai, dated 21 November 1900, seems to be an invitation to an French priest (Farcier ?) in honor of Mr. Paris (?) and Mr. Pichon (?), signature illegible, quarto 21.5 x 13.5, 21.5 x 27 cm.
018. “Suivant votre demande, je vous ??? de $ 25000 ??? de la maison de Shameen que nous vous avous achetée. Cette somme de $ 25000 ??? chez nous en depot…,” hand-written cover letter on stationary of the Banque de L’Indo-Chine Privilégiée par décrets du 21 Janvier 1875 et du 20 Février 1888 Agence de Hong-Kong, for a withdrawal in order to purchase a building in Shameen [Shamian 沙面], dated Hong Kong 1 December 1900, addressed to Monsieur le Réverénd Père Sozui, Superieur de la Mission Canton, signature illegible, quarto 27 x 21, 27 x 41 cm.
019. “J’ai l’honneur ??? reception ?? votre letter et ???. ??? votre ??? 2%. ??? $2000…,” hand-written letter on stationary of the Banque de L’Indo-Chine Agence de Canton-Shameen Adresse Télégraphique Indochine-Canton-Shameen, dated Canton-Shameen [Guangzhou Shamian 廣州沙面] 12 May 1902, addressed to Monseigneur Jean-Marie Mérel, bishop of Canton, seems to be the confirmation of a deposit at the bank, signature illegible, 26.5 x 21 cm.
020. Envelope, sender is Légation de la République Francaise en Chine, recipient is La Grandeur Monseigneur Chausse, Préfet Apostolique du Kouang-tong, Canton, 12 x 18 cm.

021. “… reception de ??? letter du 14 avril et de vous ??? $25000 ??? 4 ½% $1541.10, $3000 = 23541.10…,” hand-written letter on stationary of the Banque de L’Indo-Chine Agence de Canton-Shameen Adresse Télégraphique Indochine-Canton-Shameen, dated Canton-Shameen [Guangzhou-Shamian 廣州沙面] 16 April 1902, addressed to a Monseigneur Jean-Marie Mérel, bishop of Canton, lists and describes interest accumulation in the account of the Diocese of Guangdong, signature illegible, added is a table with a listing of dates and amounts of interest distribution, 26.5 x 21 cm., 26.5 x 21 cm.
022. Envelope, registered (R Hongkong China No. 1899), from the Banque de L’Indo-Chine, to Monsieur le Révérend Pere Sorin, Superieur de la Mission Canton, 1900, “piece tres importante,” 12 x 15.5 cm.
023. Envelope, addressed to Rev. P. Sorin, Procur. De la Mission du Kouang-tong, unstamped, probably in-house or hand-delivered, verso has 法國禮 (?) written in blue pencil, 15.5 x 22 cm.
024. “…que le Banque de l’Indo Chine vous a envoyé un memo…au 30 juin. …intéres vous sont…en bloc au jour le de la somme place. …le Swatow, retour de Canton…,” hand-written letter on stationary of the Procure des Missions Etrangéres, 26 Caine Road. Adresse Télégraphique “Adexterós” Hongkong, addressed to Father Sorin, dated 16 Hong Kong July ????, written by Father Partinet (?), about dealing with the Bank of Indochina and travelling to Swatow [Shantou 汕頭] and Guangzhou, quarto 21.5 x 13.5, 21.5 x 27 cm.
025. “J’ai l’honneur de vous informer que votre Compte Courant présentait … un solde créditeur de $2627.70 auquel il convient d’ajouter les interest du semestre à 2% soit $89.34 = $2717.04,” filled-out printed form, dated Guangzhou 31 December 1902, addressed to Jean-Marie Mérel, bishop of Canton, no name of bank, illegible signature, 21 x 13.5 cm.
026. “J’ai l’honneur de vous informer que votre Compte Courant présentait … un solde créditeur de $18541.10 auquel il convient d’ajouter les interest du semestre à 2% soit $886.60 = $18627.70,” filled-out printed form, dated Guangzhou 1 July 1902, addressed to Jean-Marie Mérel, bishop of Canton, no name of bank, illegible signature, 21 x 13.5 cm.
027. “… parvenir le montant de la rente due au Gouvernement Chinois (année 1899) pour le lots 4. 12. 13. 14. 18. 19. 20. 24 soit une somme de $33.04,” hand-written letter on stationary of the Municipalité Française de Shameen [French City of Shamian 沙面], addressed to Augustin Chausse 邵斯, Prefect Apostolic of Guangzhou, dated Guangzhou 28 April 1899, illegible signature, stamped Consulat de France Canton, about due rent of $33.04 to the Chinese government for lots 4, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, and 24 in Shamian 沙面 for the year 1899, quarto 27 x 21, 27 x 42 cm.
028. “… l’attention de Votre Grandeur sur l’état de saleté et de degradation dans lequel se trouve la maison appurtenant à la Mission sur le lot No. 14 de la Concession Française et occupée en dernier lieu per Mr. Alvéz,” hand-written letter to Augustin Chausse 邵斯, Prefect Apostolic of Guangzhou, on stationary of the Municipalité Française de Shameen [Shamian 沙面], dated Guangzhou 31 January 1899, about the filthiness of lot #14, occupied by a Mr. Alvéz, mainly due to broken sewage pipes, as reported by the municipal chief of police, request to proceed and undertake necessary repairs, written by the municipal secretary, illegible signature, quarto 27 x 21, 27 x 42 cm.
029. “…remettre ci joint quittance pour $33.04. Cette somme est le montant de la rente due au Gouvernement les lots possédés par les … sur Shameen,” hand-written note, dated Guangzhou 3 April 1900, no recipient name, written by an employee of the municipality of Shamian 沙面, illegible signature, about receipts for received $33.04 for rent for lots, quarto 20 x 12.5, 20 x 25 cm.
030. “Conformément aux Instructions que le Départment des Affaires Etrangéres … par me letter en date du 22 mars, … de Vous informer que le lot No. 13 de la Concession Française de Shameen est cedé … à la Congrégation des Missions Etrangéres,” hand-written letter to Augustin Chausse 邵斯, Prefect Apostolic of Guangzhou, on stationary of the Consulat de France a Canton République Française, dated Guangzhou 7 May 1890, signed by Consul General Camille Imbault-Huart, about the ownership of lot #13 in Shamian 沙面, now belonging to the MEP, and the project to build a chapel there. On the 4th page of the letter is written “13-chapelle” in pencil. Quartio 31 x 20.5, 31 x 41cm.

SubjectGuangzhou 廣州--Church history--Archives Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Archival materials Catholic Church--China--Guangdong Sheng--Guangzhou Shi--Records, reports, registers