Subject: Persecution--China--History--Qing dynasty, 1644-1911--Sources

Canton Archives 'Alexandre Legros'
AuthorCatholic Church. Archdiocese of Guangzhou (Canton) 天主教廣州總教區. [Archidioecesis Coamceuvensis]
Place[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageFrench, Chinese
TypeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder F2.24
Description11 documents
NoteCanton Archives Folder F2.24 [French Documents Box 2, Folder 24]
(N.B. F=French, 2=Box no. 2, 24=Folder no. 24: “Alexandre Legros”)

001. Hand-written letter, dated Djiao Peng (H’u Kung) 25 August 1901, signed Alexandre Legros, about annual report for the district for 1900-1901, pillaging of chapel, 3,000 piaster for repairs, bought old house, harshness of plague, etc., 27 x 21 cm.
002. Two hand-written letters, dated Djiao Peng 12 August 1900 & 10 August 1900, signed Alexandre Legros, about Frs. Rondière & Boussac, pillaged chapel, Mr. 黃罔城 in 霞繞鄉, where residences of American & English were attacked, residence at 柘林, 8 Protestant churches in Djiao Peng pillaged, etc. 17,5 x 11.5, [17.5 x 23 cm].
003. Hand-written letter, holes in center leaves, dated Arcachon 27 September 1901, signed Alexandre Legros, about Frs. Guillaume & Rondière, retreat, civil & military mandarins, grenades, etc. 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
004. Hand-written letter with deteriorated ink, dated Djiao-Peng 28 August 1899, signed Alexandre Legros, about viceroy, some amounts of money, etc. 17.5 x 11, [17.5 x 22 cm].
005. Two hand-written letters, dated Djiao-Peng 18 March 1899, signed Alexandre Legros, and Arcachon 07 October, signed Victor, about last retreat, case of Koo-Csou-Poon (?), District of Bai Pou (?) 大埔, Hakkas, humidity, disease, impossibility of building chapel & residence, etc. 13.5 x 10.5, [13.5 x 21 cm].
006. Hand-written letter, undated, Djiao Peng, signed Alexandre Legros, about annual report for the district for 1897-1898, chapel, etc. 27 x 21 cm.
007. Hand-written, incomplete letter, dated Djiao-Peng 08 August 1898, unsigned, about protection for Christians of Koo-Csou-Poon (?), Fr. Rondière , etc. 21 x 13.5, [21 x 27 cm].
008. Hand-written letter with deteriorated ink, dated Djiao-Peng 04 November 1899, signed Alexandre Legros, about accusations by bachelors, Gua-Fou-swa (?) 外孚山, Koo-Csou-Poon (?) 高厝鋪, etc. 17.5 x 11.5, [17.5 x 23 cm].
009. Hand-written letter with deteriorated ink, dated Djiao-Peng 06 September 1899, signed Alexandre Legros, about chapel, Lay a sciang 賴阿祥, Lai a Louï 賴阿嘿, Bai Pou (?) 大埔, 潮陽, Lay zuoui fong (?) 賴美豐, Gua-Fou-swa (?) 外浮山, etc. 20 x 13.5, [20 x 27 cm].
010. Hand-written list in Chinese, undated, unsigned, probably subdivisions of the Raoping Catholic Church 饒平天主教教堂, 南澳屬, 24 x 30.5 cm.
011. Hand-written letter with ink heavily destroying paper, dated 13 October 1899, signed Alexandre Legros, about women made Christians, etc., 20 x 13.5 cm.

Daoxuejia zhuan 道學家傳
AuthorZheng Jiaozan 鄭交贊, 18th cent.
PlaceTaibei Xian 台北縣
PublisherFuren daxue Shenxueyuan 輔仁大學神學院
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
SeriesXujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.A2 H85 1996 v.3
Descriptionvol. 3, p. 1025-1228 ; 21 cm.
NoteAnon., Daoxuejia zhuan 道學家傳 (c. 1684, enlarged in c. 1730, copy of 1865)

091R ZKW - [d]
ms. (24.1 x 12.8 cm) Daoxue jia zhuan 道學家傳 (102 ff., 8/24), copy signed by Francis-Xavier Hu Huang 胡璜 at the old church of Shanghai on 8 August 1865.
note 64: "This copy contains virtually the same version as 090R (see below). After 1865 someone else (different handwriting and ink) added the Guangxu and Xuantong periods and the Republic 民國 (cf. 090R, f.113a: mention of only the Daoguang and Xianfeng periods: 1820-1861). The same person also made corrections elsewhere in the text. For other copies, see Wang, 附錄, p. 3; RWZ 3.61-65 (Canberra, Australia). One of these two ms. (090R, 091R) has been partly published in Shengjiao zazhi 聖教雜誌, 1925 (Pfister 353); one of them was returned by d'Elia." )--Cf. Adrian Dudink, "The Zikawei Collection" (Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal XVIII (1996)), p.25-26.

090R ZKW B-4 (540.9, Xu 431) [b,d] [Xu 224-225, CY 113] [B541]
ms. (20 x 12.7 cm), Daoxue jia zhuan 道學家傳 (136 ff., 7/20), usually attributed to Verbiest, apparently because it (ff. 85-112a and 116-127a) contains a slightly different version of Shengjiao xinzheng (087R). According to Wang Zhongmin, Daoxue jia zhuan was probably composed by Zheng Jiaozan 鄭交贊 (author of the second essay, ff. 8-16) during the persecution of the Yongzheng period (1723-1735). At some isolated places, the text has been updated by copyists, e.g. f.19b (5808 years have elapsed from the Creation to 1808)--Cf. Adrian Dudink, "The Zikawei Collection" (Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal XVIII (1996)), p.25.

In volume 3 of: Xujiahui cangshulou Ming Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻.
For complete contents see: Standaert, Nicolas, Xujiahui cangshulou Ming Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻.
For a description of all 37 texts, see the catalog of the Fujen Zikawei collection in Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal XVIII (1996).

Extraits des relations et des lettres venuës de la Chine & de Macao à Rome, au mois de septembre 1711
AuthorGonzález de San Pedro, Francisco, d. 1730
CollectionRouleau Archives
ShelfRare Book Cabinet
Call NumberBV3415.2.G659 1712
Description48 p. ; 16 cm.
NoteExtraits des relations et des lettres venuës de la Chine & de Macao à Rome, au mois de septembre 1711 ... ou l'on voit la suite des persecutions & des traverses faites aux Missionaires ; la maladie & la mort de Mr le Cardinal de Tournon.

Bound with; Relation abregée de la nouvelle persécution de la Chine and Oraison funèbre de l'Eminentissime Charles-Thomas Maillard, Cardinal de Tournon, légat apostolique dans la Chine et les Indes orientales, prononcée dans la Chapelle du Pape le 27 de novembre 1711 par Monsieur Charles Majel.

Innocentia Victrix, sive sententia Comitiorum Imperij Sinici pro innocentia Christianae Religionis....[Jap-Sin II, 74]
AuthorLubelli, Andrea-Giovanni 陸泰然, 1611-1685Rougemont, François de 魯日滿, 1624-1676Gouvea, António de 何大化, 1592-1677
PlaceTenri 天理
PublisherTenri Toshokan 天理圖書館
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本), Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesClassica Japonica: facsimile series in the Tenri Central Library : Section 11 : Varia III ; 2
ShelfDigital Archives, Rare Book Cabinet
Call NumberBV3415.2 .G689 1671r
Description2, 43 leaves ; 27 cm. ; boxed
NoteInnocentia victrix, sive sententia Comitiorum Imperij Sinici pro innocentia Christianae Religionis, lata juridice per annum 1669 & jussu R.P. Antonij de Gouvea Soc. Iesu, ibidem V. Provincialis Sinico-Latine esposita (Quam Cheu, 1671).
Text in Chinese with transliteration and Latin translation.
Foreward by Antonius de Gouvea; ed. by A. G. Lobelli. --Cf. Cordier and B(a)cker. (#37524936)
Half-title illustrated with Jesuit seal, and printed white-on-black.
Online at Bibliotheca Sinica 2.0.
Authors named also spelled: Gouveia/Lobelli. Catalog follows Standaert, Handbook.
Dig.pdf (BSB edition) local access [Innocentia Victrix.pdf]

"This work contains the official government texts of the Tribunal of Rites which in 1669 solemnly declared that the Christian religion was innocent of the calumnies which its enemies had fabricated. As a result, the missionaries held as prisoners in Canton were to be released"--Insert, "From the collections of the Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History."
"...this is a particular case, for its exceptional (Chinese-Latin) bilingual character, and for its documentary character, since it apparently almost completely relies on original Chinese documents. Its author is conventionally indicated A. de Gouvea or A, Lubelli; in fact, contemporary evidence points to F. de Rougemont."--Cf. N. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, vol. 1, p. 185.

JapSin II, 74

Innocentia | Victrix, | sive | Sententia Comitiorum Imperij Sinici | pro | Innocentia | Christianae Religionis | Lata juridicè per annum 1669. | & | iussu R. P. Antonij de Govvea, | Iesu, ibidem V. Provincialis, | Sinico Latinè exposita, | In Quamcheu metropoli provinciae Quam tum in Regno Sinarum, | Anno Salvtis Humanae MDCLXXI.
Twelve copies, in two paper cases. The book is bound in Chinese style and the folios are arranged from left to right.

The title page bears in the middle the emblem of the Society of Jesus. On top is printed the word Innocentia and at the bottom Victrix. Around the emblem a Latin inscription is given: promicat e tenebris clarius ipsis. The letters are in white on a black background. On the verso of the title page are engraved Chinese characters in the seal style: 上主赫臨 | 宣義於世 (The Lord [of Heaven] solemnly appears, He manifests his justice to the world). Each character is accompanied by the equivalent romanization (xam chu he lin | siuen y yu xi).
There is a preface (one-half folio), written in Latin by António de Gouvea. This book contains memorials to the throne presented by the Jesuits in the Imperial Observatory and memorials from the Ministry of Rites, all drawn up after the persecution by Yang Guangxian. There is a message offered to the deceased Schall by the Kangxi emperor written in seal style script. There are also some imperial decrees giving permission to the missioners who had been detained in Guangzhou to return to their missions. Some of these decrees are given also in the Xichao dingan 熙朝定案 (Jap-Sin II, 66–73); the texts, however, are not always exactly the same. The documents in Chinese given in this book are all accompanied by equivalent romanization side by side with the characters. A Latin translation is given after each document. Seemingly, the book was printed to be sent back to Europe. Pfister (pp. 222–223, no. 2) indicates:

Innocentia Victrix . . . , petit in–fol. de 43 pp. paginé à la chinoise. L’approbation est datée du 28 déc. 1670. Cet ouvrage, extrêment rare, a été imprimé à la manière chinoise sur planches de bois. C’est probablement le premier livre de ce genre imprimé à Canton. Le texte latin se trouve dans les Paralipomema ad Propylaeum Act. SS. Maii des Bollandistes, pp. 131–137. C’est la sentence par laquelle la première cour de l’empire déclarait solennellement, après examen, que la religion chrétienne était innocente des calomnies dont ses ennemis l’avaient chargée; on devait rendre à la liberté les missionnaires retenus prisonniers à Canton. Plusieurs d’entre eux étaient appelés à Pékin pour travailler à l’astronomie, les autres seraient renvoyés dans leurs églises respectives aux frais du Gouvernement, et les missionnaires pourraient faire profession de leur religion, mais il leur était encore défendu de la prêcher, et aux Chinois de l’embrasser. C’était un grand pas vers la liberté, après la persécution des 4 régents (1664–1666). (Cf. Cordier, L’imprimerie, p. 375).
Cf. Boxer, pp. 202–203 (no. 3); Braga, p. 127; Paul Pelliot, “La Brevis Relatio,” T’oung Pao 23 (1924), p. 358, n. 2.

Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp. 381-382.

Jiao'an yu wan Qing shehui 教案與晚清社會
AuthorZhao Shuhao 趙樹好
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZhongguo wenlian chubanshe 中國文聯出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesWenhua yu xueshu congshu 文化與學術叢書
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3415.2.Z56 2001
Description2, 2, 247 p. : fold. chart ; 20 cm.
NoteJiao'an yu wan Qing shehui 教案與晚清社會 / Zhao Shuhao zhu 趙樹好著.
At head of title page and cover.: Shandong Sheng zhexue shehui kexue "Jiu-Wu" guihua qingnian xiangmu 山東省哲學社會科學"九五"規劃青年項目.
附錄一: 影響晚清社會的百起重大教案紀略.
附錄二: 主要參考書目.
附錄三: 晚清教案簡表 (1842-1911年)[arranged chronologically and by province].
Includes bibliographical references.
Jindai Zhongguo fan yangjiao yundong 近代中國反洋教運動
AuthorLi Shiyue 李時岳
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherRenmin chubanshe 人民出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesZuguo congshu 祖國叢書
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberBV3415.2.L53 1985
Description2, 2, 121 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
NoteJindai Zhongguo fan yangjiao yundong 近代中國反洋教運動 / Li Shiyue zhu 李時岳著.
Colophon title also in pinyin: Jindai Zhongguo fan yangjiao yundong.
Includes bibliographical references.
Chronology: p. 116-121.
Qingmo jiao'an 清末教案
AuthorZhongguo di 1 lishi dang'anguan 中國第一歷史檔案館Fujian shifan daxue lishixi 福建師範大學歷史系Guo Shunping 郭舜平Zhu Jinfu 朱金甫Lü Jian 呂堅
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZhonghua shuju 中華書局
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesZhongguo jindaishi ziliao congkan xubian 中國近代史資料叢刊續編
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBR1608.C6 C55 1996
Description5 v. : ill. ; 21 cm.
NoteQingmo jiao'an 清末教案 / Zhongguo di yi lishi dang'anguan, Fujian shifan daxue lishixi hebian ; benjuan zhubian Zhu Jinfu ; benjuan bianzhe Lü Jian 中國第一歷史檔案館, 福建師範大學歷史系合編 ; 本卷主編朱金甫 ; 本卷編者呂堅.
vol. 4: Fawen ziliao xuanyi 法文資料選譯.
Vol. 5 has separate title on t.p.: Meiguo duiwai guanxi wenjian xuanyi 美國對外關係文件選譯.
“本卷主編陳增輝 ; 譯著郭舜平 ; 校訂者王建郎 , 杜繼東”
ISBN7101012035 ; 9787101012033
LCCN97-450336 z 99136151