Author | Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Guangzhou (Canton) 天主教廣州總教區. [Archidioecesis Coamceuvensis] |
Place | [Guangzhou 廣州] |
Publisher | --- |
Collection | Canton Archives |
Language | Chinese, French |
Type | Archival materials |
Shelf | Archive Cabinet |
Call Number | Canton Archives Folder C1.12 |
Description | 82 docs. : ill., plans |
Note | Canton Archives Folder C1.12 [Chinese Documents Box 1, Folder 12] (N.B. C=Chinese, 1=Box no. 1, 12 =Folder no. 12, “Blueprints & real-estate”)
001. Hand-drawn construction blueprint, dated 17th day of 10th month of 22nd year of Republic of China 中華民國二十二年 [1933]; unsigned; blueprint of Shishi Catholic Church 石室天主堂; 54 x 79 cm.
011. Hand-drawn construction blueprint on stationary of the 羊城天主教堂面前法國傳教會之地建築鐵筋三合土工程住屋圖, 地址在廣州市石室前一德路; with stains; somewhat worm-eaten; dated 09 October 1922; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京; blueprint for new building for French Missionary Society in front of Sacred Heart Cathedral; 48 x 69 cm.
012. Hand-drawn construction blueprint on stationary of the 羊城天主教堂面前法國傳教會之地建築鐵筋三合土工程住屋圖, 地址在廣州市石室前一德路; dated 21 August 1923; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京; blueprint for new building for French Missionary Society in front of Sacred Heart Cathedral; 48.5 x 74.5 cm.
019. Hand-drawn construction illustration/map on stationary羊城天主教堂面前法國傳教會之地建築鐵筋三合土工程住屋圖, red-stamped; dated 21 February 1922; signed L. Gain, civil engineer 法國工程師廖京; on road & garden development for offices & residential flats on French Mission Ground, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Canton China; 50 x 74.5 cm.
049. Handwritten note on purchasing property on Jiucang Xiang 舊倉庫巷 in 1st year of Xuantong 宣統元年 [1908]; Jiujiang Bao 九江堡 in 1st year of Guangxu 光緒元年 [1875]; Nanhai County 南海縣 in 18th and 24th year of Guangxu 光緒十八年 [1892], 光緒二十四年 [1898]; 24 x 52.5 cm.
076. Handwritten note; unsigned; on Fr. Wu 武神父 purchasing property in 15th & 19th year of Guangxu 光緒十五年 [1889] & 光緒十九年 [1893]; 24 x 52.5 cm. |
Author | Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Guangzhou (Canton) 天主教廣州總教區. [Archidioecesis Coamceuvensis] |
Place | [Guangzhou 廣州] |
Publisher | --- |
Collection | Canton Archives |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Archival materials |
Shelf | Archive Cabinet |
Call Number | Canton Archives Folder C11.10 |
Description | 2 docs (a-zm) |
Note | Canton Archives Folder C11.10 [Chinese Documents Box 11, Folder 10] (N.B. C=Chinese, 11=Box no. 11, 10 =Folder no. 10, “real estate, rental records, Leshan Catholic Church 樂善堂”)
001a-e. Handwritten ledger dated 10th month of 11th year of Tongzhi 同治十一年 [1871]; signed Chengzuo 成佐, Chengtong 成通, Chenghan 成漢, Cheng’ai 成藹, Zongwang 宗汪 & Zonglin宗淋;; about Leshan Catholic Church 樂善堂 & regulations on how to manage church property; 25 x ca. 26 cm. |
Author | Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Guangzhou (Canton) 天主教廣州總教區. [Archidioecesis Coamceuvensis] |
Place | --- |
Publisher | --- |
Collection | Canton Archives |
Language | Chinese, French |
Type | Archival materials |
Shelf | Archive Cabinet |
Call Number | Canton Archives Folder C11.11 |
Description | 60 docs. : maps, plans |
Note | Canton Archives Folder C11.11 [Chinese Documents Box 11, Folder 11] (N.B. C=Chinese, 11=Box no. 11, 11 =Folder no. 11, “real estate, property deeds”) Items in this series are in delicate condition, with frayed edges, ink-stains and sometimes considerable insect damage.
001. Handwritten property deed cover, no. 146 號; undated; unsigned; property at Nanhai Longtou li 南海龍頭裏, [note by a 1989 reader] that it was replaced by property deeds in 2nd, 8th & 11th year of Republic China 民國二年 [1913], 民國八年 [1919] & 民國十一年 [1922]; 63 x 63.5 cm.
018. [Content of #012] Handwritten property deed dated 10th day of 7th month of 24th year of Daoguang 道光二十四年 [1843]; unsigned; on Wu Yupei 吳玉培 & Wu Yutian 吳玉添 selling house to Wu Yuhuai 吳玉懷 due to lack of money for funeral; ca. 48 x ca. 43 cm.
033. [Content of #031] Handwritten envelope in French [empty]; undated; unsigned; Nam-hoi [Nanhai] family Lo in Nam-tsang Village, Fr. Robert; 14.5 x 20 cm. |
Author | Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Guangzhou (Canton) 天主教廣州總教區. [Archidioecesis Coamceuvensis] |
Place | [Guangzhou 廣州] |
Publisher | --- |
Collection | Canton Archives |
Language | Chinese, French |
Type | Archival materials |
Shelf | Archive Cabinet |
Call Number | Canton Archives Folder C12.17 |
Description | 35 items |
Note | Canton Archives Folder C12.17 [Chinese Documents Box 12, Folder 17 (N.B. C=Chinese, 12=Box no. 12, 17 =Folder no. 17, “lending, real estate, property deeds”)
001. Handwritten envelope in French on stationary of the Vicariatus Apostolicus Canton 廣州市一德路石室天主堂; undated; unsigned; on registered titles [deeds] of tang Kigués (?) of San Shoui [三水]; 18.5 x 27 cm.
005. [Content of #001] Hand-drawn map/blueprint; undated; unsigned; of a row of houses in Sanshui Town 三水城, Li Zhenbiao 李振彪; 25 x 53 cm.
016. Handwritten envelope [empty] in French & Chinese; signed Liu 劉 from local church; on purchase of rice fields in Nam-Chan in April 1904; 10 x 20 cm.
027. [Content of #026] Handwritten property deed in Chinese & Latin dated 6th day of 11th month of 6th year of Guangxu 光绪六年 [1880]; signed ??; on Huang Ruohan 黃若翰 [Fr. Han] selling church property at Nansha yongcheng wei 南沙永成圍 [順德田地] to Chen Zhuangtian 陳莊恬 & Lu Shouchan盧守產?, after their deaths property being donated to Huanglian Catholic Church 黃連聖心堂 [see #029]; ca. 54 x 26.5 cm. |
Author | Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Guangzhou (Canton) 天主教廣州總教區. [Archidioecesis Coamceuvensis] |
Place | --- |
Publisher | --- |
Collection | Canton Archives |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Archival materials |
Shelf | Archive Cabinet |
Call Number | Canton Archives Folder C12.18 |
Description | 86 items |
Note | Canton Archives Folder C12.18 [Chinese Documents Box 12, Folder 18] (N.B. C=Chinese, 12=Box no. 12, 18 =Folder no. 18, “property deeds, real estate”)
001. Handwritten blue envelop in French & Chinese on stationary of the Mission Catholique Canton (Chine) 廣州石室天主堂; undated; unsigned; Pok-Lo 博多; 9.5 x 15.5 cm.
012. Handwritten envelope [empty], no. 241 號; undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing land located in Boluo County 博羅縣 from Huang Dongsheng 黃東勝 & Huang Qingxiang 黃慶祥 in 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903]; 28 x 15 cm.
026. Handwritten envelope, no. 242 號; undated; unsigned; Catholic Church purchase of building located in Boluo County 博羅縣 in 24th year of Guangxu 光緒二十四年 [1898]; 28 x 15 cm.
039. Handwritten envelope, no. 251 號; on Catholic Church purchasing building located in Boluo County 博羅縣 in 22nd year of Guangxu 光緒二十二年 [1896]; 28 x 15 cm.
052. Handwritten envelope, no. 233 號; undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing land from Zhang Yarong 張亞容, Zhang Yaqi 張亞奇 & Zhang Yahe 張亞和 on 5th day of 10th month of 19th year of Guangxu 光緒十九年 [1893]; 28 x 15 cm.
064. Handwritten envelope, no. 265 號; undated; unsigned; on Catholic Church purchasing land from Zhang Liuwen 張劉穩 in 4th year of Guangxu 光緒四年 [1878]; 28 x 15 cm. |
Author | Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Guangzhou (Canton) 天主教廣州總教區. [Archidioecesis Coamceuvensis] |
Place | [Guangzhou 廣州] |
Publisher | --- |
Collection | Canton Archives |
Language | French, Chinese |
Type | Archival materials |
Shelf | Archive Cabinet |
Call Number | Canton Archives Folder F2.9:1 |
Description | 37 documents |
Note | Canton Archives Folder F2.9 [French Documents Box 2, Folder 9] (N.B. F=French, 2=Box no. 2, 9=Folder no. 9: “H. Louvey”)
001. Two-page (metal pin removed) typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/175, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 08 February 1924, about deposits of $54,962 for the Canton Mission, discussing personal deposits of religious (interest rates), Yang family, Tertia Pars de Swatow, visiting shipyard in Shek Shat, P. Pradel in charge for that time, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm. 1. Nr. HS/863, about deposits of $14,697.01 for the Canton Mission, 6,000 Canton money to International Bank, Mr. Gain, Mr. Wu Shi Shun, more financial and real estate matters, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
007. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/863, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 23 October 1923, about demanding immediate action in solving disagreements concerning properties in #006, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm.
011. Typed letter on stationary of Procure des Mission Etrangeres, Battery Path 1, Hongkong, Adresse Telegraphique: ADEXTEROS-HONGKONG, Nr. HS/76, signed H. Louvey, addressed to A. Fourquet, Bishop of Canton, dated Hong Kong 17 January 1924, about two seminarists on “Cordillère” from Pinang moving on to Guangzhou, Fr. Pozzoni had a stroke, etc., 27 x 20.5 cm. |
Author | Xiang Hongyan 向紅豔 [向红艳] |
Place | University Park, PA |
Publisher | Pennsylvania State University |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | English |
Type | Thesis/Dissertation (PDF) |
Shelf | Digital Archives |
Call Number | BX1665.X52 2014 |
Description | Dig.pdf. [vi, 284 p. : ill. (some color)] |
Note | Land, Church, and Power : French Catholic Mission in Guangzhou, 1840-1930 / by Hongyan Xiang. Thesis (Ph.D., History), Pennsylvania State University), 2014. Includes bibliographical references. This is a study of the economic and financial history of the Paris Foreign Missions Society (Société des Missions Étrangères de Paris) in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong (formerly known as Canton) from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century. It examines how missionaries acquired and utilized local properties, demonstrating how property acquisitions provided a testing ground for Sino-Western relations. While historians have typically focused on the ways that missionaries affected Chinese populations and policies, I instead argue that living and attempting to gain influence in Guangdong altered missionaries' tactics and strategies in ways that had far-reaching consequences. The government of China (which over the course of my study changed from an empire to a republic) consistently attempted to restrict foreign missions' right to purchase Chinese properties. I show that, by indigenizing its property acquisition methods the French Catholic mission in Guangdong was able to accumulate a large quantity of properties both in urban and rural areas, but doing so required negotiating with authorities and commoners, and assistance from both Chinese converts and French authorities. As a result, the Guangzhou French Catholic mission's economic activities were intertwined with both local society and high level diplomacy. Local access. dig.pdf. [Xiang-French Mission Guangzhou.pdf] |