Subject: Church property--China--Guangdong Shi--19th-20th centuries--Sources

Canton Archives [中文文件第十二箱]
AuthorCatholic Church. Archdiocese of Guangzhou (Canton) 天主教廣州總教區. [Archidioecesis Coamceuvensis]
Place[Guangzhou 廣州]
CollectionCanton Archives
LanguageChinese, French
TypeArchival materials
ShelfArchive Cabinet
Call NumberCanton Archives Folder C12.17
Description35 items
NoteCanton Archives Folder C12.17 [Chinese Documents Box 12, Folder 17
(N.B. C=Chinese, 12=Box no. 12, 17 =Folder no. 17, “lending, real estate, property deeds”)

001. Handwritten envelope in French on stationary of the Vicariatus Apostolicus Canton 廣州市一德路石室天主堂; undated; unsigned; on registered titles [deeds] of tang Kigués (?) of San Shoui [三水]; 18.5 x 27 cm.
002. [Content of #001] Black-&-white photograph, stained; undated; unsigned; on construction zone (?) with text: “北旭石室天主堂”; 11 x 8 cm.
003. [Content of #001] Official form, red-stamped, dated 12th month of 19th year of Republic of China 中華民國十九年 [1930]; from Finance Bureau 財政廳 of Guangdong Province; addressed to Fr. Lu 魯司鐸 of French Catholic Church; acknowledging Catholic Church’s purchase of property located at Hekou 河口 on 12th day of 4th month of 30th year of Guangxu 光緒三十年 [1904], and on tax payment detail; 27.5 x 22 cm.
004. [Content of #001] Handwritten note on stationary of the 總理遺囑, with portrait of Sun Yat-sen 孫中山, red-stamped, dated 22nd day of 4th month of 25th year of Republic of China 中華民國二十五年 [1936]; signed (attorney) Wang Kuangzhong 王匡中; addressed to Shishi Catholic Church 石室天主堂; on Fuchang Tang 複昌堂 purchasing house from Huang family 黃族 on 11th day of 4th month of 21st year of Republic of China 中華民國二十一年 [1932]. (Fuchang Tang 複昌堂 elects to sell it to Jinshun Tang 金順堂 on 4th month of 1936, a board appearing beside property [#002] claims that property belonged to Catholic Church and any prospective purchaser should contact church; lawyer Wang inquiring whether this was true; 31 x 20 cm.

005. [Content of #001] Hand-drawn map/blueprint; undated; unsigned; of a row of houses in Sanshui Town 三水城, Li Zhenbiao 李振彪; 25 x 53 cm.
006. [Content of #001] Handwritten letter; dated 20th day of 7th month of 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903]; from local official of Sanshui County 三水縣; addressed to military officer Batulu 巴圖魯; on property transaction between Li Zhenbiao 李振彪 & Wang Guangyao 王光耀; 25 x 37 cm.
007. [Content of #001] Official document, with red seals, dated 28th day of 7th month of 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903]; from Buzhengshisi of Guangdong 廣東布政使司; addressed to Li Zhenbiao 李振彪 acknowledging Li Zhenbiao’s 李振彪 purchase of Wang Guangyao’s 王光耀 house located in Sanshui County 三水縣 using Nie Guofeng 聶國豐, Chen Tao 陳滔, ? Hongshu ?鴻書 & Wang Ronghui 王榕輝 as middlemen; 54/44.5 x 64 cm.
008. [Content of #001] Handwritten document; undated; unsigned; on tax assessment for Catholic Church property; 27 x 10 cm.
009. [Content of #001] Letter on official stationary of the 三水縣政府; undated [but Republic of China]; signed Deng Moguan 鄧莫光 of Sanshui County 三水縣 government; addressed to Wenjie 文階, with Deng Moguan’s official letter to director Wu 吳主任 attached; on tax assessment of property submitted by Fr. Lu 魯司鐸; 30.5 x 21.5 cm.
010. [Content of #001] Filled-out printed document, with red seal; dated 27th day of 3rd month of 19th year of [Republic of China中華民國, 1930]; from Chinese government; ordering owners of Guanglai Shop 廣來店 to report to Dongtian office 洞天處 of local government for property registration & tax payment; 23.5 x ca. 10 cm.
011. [Content of #001] Handwritten letter dated 27 February 1912, signed Fr. Li 荔司鐸 & A. Clauze (?); addressed to local government stating that house having been sold by former Qing official Wang Guangyao 王光耀, transaction documented by Sanshui County 三水縣 government, Catholic Church having paid tax until 31st year of Guangxu 光緒三十一年 [1905], Church not having paid tax for six years (from 31st year of Guangxu 光緒三十一年 [1905] to 3rd year of Xuantong 宣統三年 [1911]), not nine years; 24.5 x 13 cm.
012. [Content of #001] Handwritten lease dated 19th day of 7th month of 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903]; Li Zhisan 李植三 renting land from Lianyi Association 聯誼會 to build shop (ten year term); ca. 45 x ca. 40 cm.
013. [Content of #001] Hand-drawn map/blueprint, undated; unsigned; map/blueprint of Guanglai shop 廣來店 on Hekou Street 河口街; 46.5 x 32 cm.
014. [Content of #001] Property deed on stationary of the 教會置買公產契紙, with red seals and four fee stamps; dated 12th month of 19th year of Republic of China 中國民國十九年 [1930]; from Finance Bureau of Guangdong 廣東省財政廳; addressed to Fr. Lu 魯司鐸 of French Catholic Church 法國天主堂; acknowledging Church purchase of Li Zhenbiao’s 李振彪 shop & land located in Sanshui County 三水縣, on rules for church property purchases; 54 x 35.5 cm.
015. [Content of #001] Handwritten property deed on stationary of the Préfecture Apostolique du Kouang-Tong, Chine, with seal; dated 16th day of 4th month of 30th year of Guangxu 光緒三十年 [1904]; signed Li Zhenbiao 李振彪; on Li Zhenbiao 李振彪 selling house to Catholic Church using Liang Lanheng 梁蘭亨 as middleman; 43 x 32.5 cm.

016. Handwritten envelope [empty] in French & Chinese; signed Liu 劉 from local church; on purchase of rice fields in Nam-Chan in April 1904; 10 x 20 cm.
017. Printed form dated Guangxu 光緒 [1875-1908] from government of Shunde County 順德縣 addressed to He Leshan 何樂善 acknowledging receipt of payment for property registration; 25 x 18.5 cm.
018. Printed & handwritten document dated 20th day of 12th month of 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903]; from Buzhengshisi of Guangdong 廣東布政使司; addressed to He Leshan 何樂善 acknowledging He Leshan’s 何樂善 purchase of pond from He Shengxin 何聖心; 55.5/57.5 x 64.5 cm.
019. Handwritten paper wrapper in Chinese & French dated 30th and 31st year of Guangxu 光緒三十 [1904], 三十一年 [1905]; loan receipt; 44 x 20.5 cm.
020. [Content of #019] Handwritten receipt dated 15th day of 11th month of 30th year of Guangxu 光緒三十年 [1904] signed He Jingxiang 何敬祥; on He Jingxiang 何敬祥 borrowing two hundred silver taels from Fr. Liu 劉神父; 25.5 x 19 cm.
021. [Content of #019] Handwritten receipt dated 15th day of 11th month of 30th year of Guangxu 光緒三十年 [1904] signed He Changrong 何長榮 ; on He Qirong 何齊榮, He Lirong 何禮榮, He Peirong 何培榮 & He Zhanrong 何湛榮 borrowing one hundred liang silver from Fr. Liu 劉神父; 23 x 8.5 cm.
022. [Content of #019] Handwritten receipt dated 1st day of 12th month of 30th year of Guangxu 光緒三十年 [1904]; signed He Changrong 何長榮; on He Changrong 何長榮 borrowing three hundred silver taels from Fr. Liu 劉神父 to build house, with his house as collateral; 24 x 30 cm.
023. [Content of #019] Handwritten receipt on ornate mauve paper, dated 15th day of 1st month of 31st year of Guangxu 光緒三十一年 [1905]; signed He Maorong 何茂榮; on He Maorong 何茂榮 borrowing one hundred silver taels from Fr. Liu 劉神父 with his house as security; 23.5 x 11.5 cm.
024. Handwritten document in Chinese & French dated 12th month of 21st year of Guangxu 光緒二十一年 [1895]; on property purchased in Nam-Sha (Nansha 南沙) by Wang Ruohan 王若翰, with hand-drawn property map; 62 x 52.5 cm.
025. Handwritten document on payment for purchasing property located at Nansha 南沙; 25 x 26 cm.
026. Handwritten paper wrapper in French dated 1881; unsigned; on purchased land/lot at chapel in Vouong-len (?), Seng sam tong; 7x 14.5 cm.

027. [Content of #026] Handwritten property deed in Chinese & Latin dated 6th day of 11th month of 6th year of Guangxu 光绪六年 [1880]; signed ??; on Huang Ruohan 黃若翰 [Fr. Han] selling church property at Nansha yongcheng wei 南沙永成圍 [順德田地] to Chen Zhuangtian 陳莊恬 & Lu Shouchan盧守產?, after their deaths property being donated to Huanglian Catholic Church 黃連聖心堂 [see #029]; ca. 54 x 26.5 cm.
028. [Content of #026] Handwritten property deed dated 2nd month of 7th year of Guangxu 光緒七年 [1881]; on Liao 寥 & Liang 梁 of Zhang family 張氏 selling land to Catholic Church 聖心堂 using Fan Xunyu 范遜玉 as middleman; 54 x 51 cm.
029. [Content of #026] Handwritten document in Latin, undated [but probably 1880]; signed ??; about Catholics Tsan tschong-pim (?) & Loou Shaou-lim (?) trading eight mu of land for 200 taels [see #027]; 20.5 x 13.5 cm.
030. Handwritten paper wrapper; undated; unsigned; on Wang Ruohan’s 王若翰 property Nansha yongcheng wei 南沙永成圍; ca. 36 x ca. 37 cm.
031. [Content of #030] Handwritten property deed dated 20th day of 12th month of 29th year of Guangxu 光緒二十九年 [1903]; signed He Shengxin 何聖心; on He Shengxin 何聖心 selling property Nansha yongcheng wei 南沙永成圍 to He Leshan 何樂善 using Lu Wenqiao 陸文譙 as middleman; 53 x 56 cm.
032. [Content of #030] Handwritten property deed dated 20th day of 6th month of 6th year of Guangxu 光緒六年 [1880]; signed Wang Ruohan 王若翰; on Wang Ruohan 王若翰 selling property Nansha yongchengwei 南沙永成圍 to Shengxin 聖心何樂善 using Lu Wenqiao 陸文譙 as middleman; 69.5 x 65.5 cm.
033. [Content of #030] Handwritten property deed dated 2nd day of 2nd month of 4th year of Guangxu 光緒四年 [1878]; signed He Lianzhi 何連枝; on He Lianzhi 何連枝 selling property Nansha yongchengwei 南沙永成圍 to Wang Ruohan 王若翰 using He Ruixiang 何瑞祥 et al. as middlemen; 51.5 x 54.5 cm.
034. [Content of #030] Printed & handwritten document, red-stamped, dated 12th month of 12th year of Tongzhi 同治十二年 [1872]; from Buzhengshisi of Guangdong 廣東布政使司; signed He Shoukang 何壽康; addressed to He Lianzhi 何連枝; on He Shoukang 何壽康 selling property Nansha yongchengwei 南沙永成圍 to He Lianzhi 何連枝; 54/66 x 88 cm.
035. [Content of #030] Handwritten document, red-stamped; undated [est. 1878]; unsigned; hand drawn map of property in Nansha yongchengwei 南沙永成圍 purchased by Wang Ruohan 王若翰; 24.5 x 46 cm.