Subject: Jesuits--China--Reports

Cartas ânuas da China : (1636, 1643 a 1649)
AuthorAraújo, Horácio Peixoto deGouvea, António de 何大化, 1592-1677
PlaceMacau 澳門
PublisherInstituto Português do Oriente (IPOR) 東方葡萄牙學會
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesDocumenta (Instituto Português do Oriente) ; D1
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX3746.C5 G68 1998
Description484 p. : ill. (some col.), map ; 21 cm.
NoteCartas ânuas da China : (1636, 1643 a 1649) / António de Gouvea ; edição, introduão, e notas de Horácio P. Araújo.
Includes bibliographical references.
Also published: Lisboa : Biblioteca Nacional (ISBN 9725652584).
China monumentis, quà sacris quà profanis ... [China illustrata]
AuthorKircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680
Publisherapud Joannem Janssonium à Waesberge & Elizeum Weyerstraet
CollectionRouleau Archives
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives, Rare Book Folio
Call NumberDS708.K58 1667
Description8 p. l., 237, [11] p. : ill., 23 plates, map ; 37 cm.

Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesu China monumentis, qvà sacris quà profanis, nec non variis naturæ & artis spectaculis, aliarumque rerum memorabilium argumentis illustrata, auspiciis Leopoldi Primi roman. imper ...
Added t.p., engraved. "Elenchus librorum a P. Athanasio Kirchero ... editorum": 2 p. at end.

Monumenti syro-sinici interpretatio.--De variis itineribus in Chinam susceptis.--De idololatria ex Occidente primùm in Persidem, Indiam ac deinde in ultimas Orientis, Tartariæ, Chinæ, Japponiæ regiones successivâ propagatione introducta.--China curiosis naturæ & artis miraculis illustrata.--De architectonica cæterisque mechanicis artibus Sinensium.--De Sinensium literatura.

Library copy markings (B[ibliotheca] M[ajor] ZKW M11).
N.B. Library copy missing two important engravings, those of Schall and of Ricci & Xu Guangqi. Bindery note inserted indicates missing sheets.

The full text of China monumentis is available online on several websites.
See ECHO website
See also: Internet Archive
See also: Beyond Ricci (as China Illustrata)

For complete bibliographic information see Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).
Local access digital pdf. [Kircher-China monumentis.pdf]

See also Hathi Trust



Choix des Lettres Édifiantes, écrites des missions étrangères
AuthorJesuits. Letters from missionsMontmignon, Jean Baptiste de, 1737-1824
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberBV2290.A1 1808
Description8 v. ; 21 cm
NoteChoix des lettres édifiantes : écrites des missions étrangères ; avec des additions, des notes critiques, et des observations pour la plus grande intelligence de ces lettres ; précédé d'un tableaux géographique de la Chine, de sa politique, des sectes religieuses, de la littérature, et de l'état actuel du Christianisme chez ce peuple / par M. ***
t. 1-3. Missions de la Chine -- t.4. Missions de l'Inde -- t.5-6. Missions du Levant -- t.7-8. Missions de l'Amérique.
Another copy Gleeson Library (vols. 7 & 8) .

Various volumes and editions online:Hathi Trust: Revised and considerably enlarged edition, prepared by a new and unnamed editor, of Choix des lettres, etc., ed. by J. B. Montmignon, 8 v., Paris, Maradan, 1808-09. V.6. p. 1-331 contains a new introductory account of the discovery of America and of Canada, and letters from missions, as in the Lyons 1819 ed.
Also at BSB, and various other sites.

Chuanjiaoshi yu Zhongwai wenhua jiaoliu : Li Ming Zhongguo jinshi baodao yanjiu 傳教士與中外文化交流: 李明中國近事報導研究. [Nouveaux memoires sur l'etat present de la Chine. Selections. Chinese]
AuthorLe Comte, Louis 李明, 1655-1728Zhou Yan 周燕, 1974-
PlaceHangzhou 杭州
PublisherZhejiang daxue chubanshe 浙江大學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS708.L4723 2012
Description2, 3, 9, 247 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
NoteChuanjiaoshi yu Zhongwai wenhua jiaoliu : Li Ming "Zhongguo jinshi baodao" yanjiu 傳教士與中外文化交流: 李明《中國近事報導研究》/ Zhou Yan zhu 周燕著.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

本書主要以法國來華傳教士李明的《中國近事報導》為研究對象, 從該書的寫作特點、主要內容、對中國禮儀之爭影響和對伏爾泰、魁奈、萊布尼茨等啟蒙思想家的影響四方面進行研究, 凸顯出李明在中外文化交流史上的貢獻和地位.--OCLC record.

目錄. 序. 前言
第一章 “國王數學家”李明來華
第一節 保教權下的中國
第二節 “國王數學家”李明來華
第三節 李明回國時間考
第四節 李明在中國的活動
第一節 中國人的性格
第二節 中國女人
第三節 軍人、軍事
第四節 中國政治制度
第一節 瓷器、建築
第二節 茶、人參
第三節 中國的水果
第一節 “禮儀之爭”的背景
附錄一 李明在華期問未刊信札. 附錄二《中國近事報導》的常見版本
參考文獻. 外國人名中西文對照表. 後記.

Innocentia Victrix, sive sententia Comitiorum Imperij Sinici pro innocentia Christianae Religionis....[Jap-Sin II, 74]
AuthorLubelli, Andrea-Giovanni 陸泰然, 1611-1685Rougemont, François de 魯日滿, 1624-1676Gouvea, António de 何大化, 1592-1677
PlaceTenri 天理
PublisherTenri Toshokan 天理圖書館
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本), Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesClassica Japonica: facsimile series in the Tenri Central Library : Section 11 : Varia III ; 2
ShelfDigital Archives, Rare Book Cabinet
Call NumberBV3415.2 .G689 1671r
Description2, 43 leaves ; 27 cm. ; boxed
NoteInnocentia victrix, sive sententia Comitiorum Imperij Sinici pro innocentia Christianae Religionis, lata juridice per annum 1669 & jussu R.P. Antonij de Gouvea Soc. Iesu, ibidem V. Provincialis Sinico-Latine esposita (Quam Cheu, 1671).
Text in Chinese with transliteration and Latin translation.
Foreward by Antonius de Gouvea; ed. by A. G. Lobelli. --Cf. Cordier and B(a)cker. (#37524936)
Half-title illustrated with Jesuit seal, and printed white-on-black.
Online at Bibliotheca Sinica 2.0.
Authors named also spelled: Gouveia/Lobelli. Catalog follows Standaert, Handbook.
Dig.pdf (BSB edition) local access [Innocentia Victrix.pdf]

"This work contains the official government texts of the Tribunal of Rites which in 1669 solemnly declared that the Christian religion was innocent of the calumnies which its enemies had fabricated. As a result, the missionaries held as prisoners in Canton were to be released"--Insert, "From the collections of the Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History."
"...this is a particular case, for its exceptional (Chinese-Latin) bilingual character, and for its documentary character, since it apparently almost completely relies on original Chinese documents. Its author is conventionally indicated A. de Gouvea or A, Lubelli; in fact, contemporary evidence points to F. de Rougemont."--Cf. N. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, vol. 1, p. 185.

JapSin II, 74

Innocentia | Victrix, | sive | Sententia Comitiorum Imperij Sinici | pro | Innocentia | Christianae Religionis | Lata juridicè per annum 1669. | & | iussu R. P. Antonij de Govvea, | Iesu, ibidem V. Provincialis, | Sinico Latinè exposita, | In Quamcheu metropoli provinciae Quam tum in Regno Sinarum, | Anno Salvtis Humanae MDCLXXI.
Twelve copies, in two paper cases. The book is bound in Chinese style and the folios are arranged from left to right.

The title page bears in the middle the emblem of the Society of Jesus. On top is printed the word Innocentia and at the bottom Victrix. Around the emblem a Latin inscription is given: promicat e tenebris clarius ipsis. The letters are in white on a black background. On the verso of the title page are engraved Chinese characters in the seal style: 上主赫臨 | 宣義於世 (The Lord [of Heaven] solemnly appears, He manifests his justice to the world). Each character is accompanied by the equivalent romanization (xam chu he lin | siuen y yu xi).
There is a preface (one-half folio), written in Latin by António de Gouvea. This book contains memorials to the throne presented by the Jesuits in the Imperial Observatory and memorials from the Ministry of Rites, all drawn up after the persecution by Yang Guangxian. There is a message offered to the deceased Schall by the Kangxi emperor written in seal style script. There are also some imperial decrees giving permission to the missioners who had been detained in Guangzhou to return to their missions. Some of these decrees are given also in the Xichao dingan 熙朝定案 (Jap-Sin II, 66–73); the texts, however, are not always exactly the same. The documents in Chinese given in this book are all accompanied by equivalent romanization side by side with the characters. A Latin translation is given after each document. Seemingly, the book was printed to be sent back to Europe. Pfister (pp. 222–223, no. 2) indicates:

Innocentia Victrix . . . , petit in–fol. de 43 pp. paginé à la chinoise. L’approbation est datée du 28 déc. 1670. Cet ouvrage, extrêment rare, a été imprimé à la manière chinoise sur planches de bois. C’est probablement le premier livre de ce genre imprimé à Canton. Le texte latin se trouve dans les Paralipomema ad Propylaeum Act. SS. Maii des Bollandistes, pp. 131–137. C’est la sentence par laquelle la première cour de l’empire déclarait solennellement, après examen, que la religion chrétienne était innocente des calomnies dont ses ennemis l’avaient chargée; on devait rendre à la liberté les missionnaires retenus prisonniers à Canton. Plusieurs d’entre eux étaient appelés à Pékin pour travailler à l’astronomie, les autres seraient renvoyés dans leurs églises respectives aux frais du Gouvernement, et les missionnaires pourraient faire profession de leur religion, mais il leur était encore défendu de la prêcher, et aux Chinois de l’embrasser. C’était un grand pas vers la liberté, après la persécution des 4 régents (1664–1666). (Cf. Cordier, L’imprimerie, p. 375).
Cf. Boxer, pp. 202–203 (no. 3); Braga, p. 127; Paul Pelliot, “La Brevis Relatio,” T’oung Pao 23 (1924), p. 358, n. 2.

Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp. 381-382.

Memoirs and observations ... Made in a late journey through the Empire of China
AuthorLe Comte, Louis 李明, 1655-1728
PublisherPrinted for Benj. Tooke
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives, Rare Book Cabinet
Call NumberDS708.L4712 1697
Description12 p., 527 (i.e. 543) p. : 3 pl (2 fold.) ; 20 cm.
NoteMemoirs and observations topographical, physical, mathematical, mechanical, natural, civil, and ecclesiastical. Made in a late journey through the Empire of China, and published in several letters. Particularly upon the Chinese pottery and varnishing; the silk and other manufactures; the pearl fishing; the history of plants and animals. Description of their cities and publick works; number of people, their language, manners and commerce; their habits, oeconomy, and government. The philosophy of Confucius. The state of Christianity, with many other curious and useful remarks / By Louis Le Compte, Jesuit ... Tr. from the Paris ed. ...
Translation of: Nouveaux mémoires sur l'état présent de la Chine.
Signatures: A4a8B-Q8[R]8R-Ll8. Error in paging: 225-240 numbered as leaves.
Gift of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrow's, St. Clare's Retreat, Soquel, CA.
Sr. Mary Francis 方弘明 and Fr. Michel Marcil 滿而溢, S.J.

Local access dig.pdf. [Le Comte-Memoirs English.pdf]

Nouveaux memoires sur l'etat present de la Chine
AuthorLe Comte, Louis 李明, 1655-1728
PublisherChez Henri Desbordes, & Antoine Schelte
CollectionRouleau Archives
Edition3é ed
ShelfRare Book Cabinet
Call NumberDS708.L47 1698
Description2 v. : ill., ports. ; 17 cm.
NoteNouveaux memoires sur l'etat present de la Chine / par le p. Louis le Comte, de la Compagnie de Jesus ...
Troisiéme ed., reveüe, & corrigée sur la derniere de Paris.
Vol. 1: [16], 342 p., [20] leaves of plates ([4] folded); v. 2: [?], 355 p., [2] leaves of plates.
Some eds. include as v. 3: Histoire de l'edit de l'empereur de la Chine en faveur de le religion chrestienne ... / par le p. Charles le Gobien.

N.B. 1696 Paris ed. in dig. pdf. [Le Comte-Nouveaux memoires.pdf (v.1-2)]

Status Missionis Societatis Jesu 1943-1944
AuthorSociety of Jesus Chinese Province [Yesuhui Zhonghua Sheng 耶穌會中華省]
PlaceShang-hai Zi-ka-wei 上海徐家匯
PublisherT'ou-sè-wè, Zi-ka-wei, Tushanwan yinshuguan 土山灣印書館
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook (Related articles bound)
ShelfRare Book Cabinet
Call NumberBV2290.J47 1943
DescriptionBound in 1. v. : tables ; 22 cm.
NoteStatus Missionis Societatis Jesu 1943-1944.

Status Missionis Shanghai [上海]: anno 1943-1944 / Provinciae Franciae Societatis Jesu. -– Status Missionis Ankinensis [安慶] / Provinciae Legionensis Societatis Iesu 1943-1944. -– Status Vicariatus Apostolici Haimenensis (Kiang-su) [海門] anno 1943-1944. -– Status Missionis Kinghsiensis Societatis Iesu [景縣] anno 1943-1944. -– Status Missionis Pengpu Provinciae Taurinensis [蚌埠] Societatis Jesu anno 1943-1944. -– Catalogus Missionis de Sienhsien Provinciae [獻縣] Campaniae Societatis Iesu anno 1943-1944. –- Status Missionis Süchowensis [徐州] Societatis Iesu anno 1943-1944. –- Status Missionis Taming [大名] Provinciae Hungariae Societatis Iesu anno 1943-1944. –- Status Missionis Wuhuensis [蕪湖] Provinciae Castellanae Societatis Iesu [1]943-1944.

Printer marks vary: Zi-Ka-Wei [Shanghai] : Ex Typographia Missionis Catholicæ in Orphan. Tʻou-sè-wè.
Separate reports bound together in leather boards, tabs in Chinese added.
Text in Latin and Chinese.
Includes indexes and tables.
At head of title: A.M.D.G. (1st number)
"Octobri 1943."

Gift of Artur Stasiek, UIUC. April 2017.
