Subject: Catholic Church--Relations--Buddhism--17th century--Sources

Bianxue yidu 辯學遺牘. [Jap-Sin I, 51]
AuthorRicci, Matteo 利瑪竇, 1552-1610
PlaceFuzhou 福州
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本)
Description1 juan
NoteARSI variant of Jap-Sin I, 50.
For further textual information see: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database)

Bianxue yidu 辯學遺牘
By Li Madou 利瑪竇 (Matteo Ricci) and others.
One juan in one volume (thirty-three folios). Chinese bamboo paper. Re-engraved by the Qinyitang of Fuzhou (Fujian) after the second Xishizhai edition 習是齋續梓欽一堂刻. No date of publication.

The cover bears a label with the title in Chinese and a Latin inscription: “Dialogus inter P. Riccium et doctorem sinen. de falsis sectis, metempsychosi, etc.”
On top of folio 1 the title is given and the name of the publisher (see above): 習是齋續梓欽一堂刻. Each half folio contains nine columns with nineteen characters in each column. The upper middle of each folio bears the title with the number of the folio below.
This edition contains the same texts as that of Jap-Sin I, 50. However, in the postscript of Liang’an jushi (Li Zhizao) the character gan 敢 is omitted in the last sentence, which reads: 余何 [敢] 知焉.
In addition there is a second postscript by Migezi 彌格子 (transliteration of Michael), the Christian name of Yang Tingyun 楊廷筠. The postscript reads:
Having read the Tianshuo (Essays on Heaven) of the monk Shen (Zhuhong), I felt very sorry from him. How unexpected was his passing away after an interval of a few months! I have been told that on his death-bed he repented, saying: “I have gone astray and I have misled many [of my followers].” How terrible! This came from his sincere heart and it exposed his whole life, which admitted no hypocrisy. The virtuous men of our time believe that these eminent monks are all convinced of a future beatific life in the Western world. Is the Western world a labyrinth? Those who realize that they are not sages should embrace the truth instead of [walking in] error, otherwise how are they to avoid the same fate as Lienchi (Zhuhong)? As I went through this book I was greatly inspired by the clarity of its arguments. The book was written out of necessity, since it serves as a precaution to those who might fall into this pool of errors. (Signed by Migezi).

Cf. Jap-Sin I , 50.
Cf. Albert Chan, Chinese books an documents in the Jesuits Archives in Rome, pp. 82-83.

Daiyi bian 代疑編. Yang Qiyuan xiansheng chaoxing shiji 楊淇園先生超性事蹟. [Quæstiones Diversæ de Religione Christiana]
AuthorDing Zhilin 丁志麟Yang Tingyun 楊廷筠, 1562-1627
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShanghai Tushanwan yinshuguan 上海土山灣印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.Y36 D34 1935
Description28, 76 p. ; 19 cm.
NoteDaiyi bian 代疑編 / [Yang Tingyun 楊廷筠].
Title in Latin on verso of t.p.: Quæstiones Diversæ de Religione Christiana.
Contents: Yang Qiyuan xiansheng chaoxing shiji 楊淇園先生超性事蹟 / Ding Zhilin bi 丁志麟筆 -- Daiyi bian 代疑編 / Yang Tingyun Qiyuan fushu 楊廷筠淇園甫述.
"引徵儒道學說解釋有關天主教的問題. 內含答造化萬物一歸主者之作用, 答天主有形有聲, 答從來衣食資給本邦不受中國供養等24篇. 卷首有楊洪園先生超性事蹟,原序及總論"--National Library of China record.

References: Hummel, A., Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing period, p. 894-895.
Original essay titled: Zhengxin bian 徵新編.

Mingmo-Qingchu Tianzhujiao he Fojiao bianlun ziliao xuan 明末清初天主教和佛教辯論資料選
AuthorChung, Andrew 鄭安德
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing daxue zongjiao yanjiusuo 北京大學宗教研究所
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeBook (Text in Collection), Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesMingmo Qingchu Yesuhui sixiang wenxian huibian 明末清初耶穌會思想文獻匯編 ; 57
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.Z6 C68 2000 v. 57
Description20, 191 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteMingmo-Qingchu Tianzhujiao he Fojiao bianlun ziliao xuan 明末清初天主教和佛教辯論資料選 / Zheng Ande bianji 鄭安德編輯.
Cover illustration: Iso Kern. Buddhistische Kritik am Christentum im China des 17. Jahrhunderts.
明末淸初耶稣会思想文献汇编 = An expository collection of the Christian philosophical works between the end of the Ming dynasty and the beginning of the Qing dynasty in China ; 第57册.

Local access dig.pdf. in folder: [Andrew Chung Series].

Paozhi Piwang pi 泡製闢妄闢. [Jap-Sin I, 156]
AuthorXia, Mathias 夏瑪第亞, fl. 1686
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.A2 Y47 2002 v.10.50
Descriptionv.10, p. 17-34 (1 juan, 8 folios) ; 24.7 x 14.2 cm.
NoteIn 耶穌會羅馬檔案館明清天主教文獻. Chinese Christian texts from the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus. v.10.50. Paozhi piwang pi 泡製闢妄闢 / Xia Madiya 夏瑪第亞 (Mathias Hsia).

Full citation, see: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database)

Refutation of Piwang pi lüeshuo 闢妄闢略說, of which Xia gives eight quotations (fols. 1a, 2a-b, 3a-b, 4a, 5a-b, 6a, 7b, 8a), followed by comments.

JapSin I, 156
Paozhi piwang pi 泡制闢妄闢.
By Xia xianggong 夏相公 (Mathias Xia).
Manuscript, one juan (eight folios). Chinese bamboo paper in one volume. 24.7 x 14.2 cm.

The cover bears a label in ink and below it is written: 贛州堂夏相公 (Xia, xianggong of the Ganzhou mission). The Latin inscription reads: “Pao Chi Pi uam pi | Apologia contra Apologias in Pi uam.” There is an inscription in Francesco Filippucci’s own handwriting: “O Hia S.C. o fez e nos mandou no 1687” (Xia, xianggong made it and sent it to us in 1687).
Shortly after Xu Guangqi published his book Piwang in refutation of Buddhism (cf. Jap-Sin I, 139, 139a, 159), a monk named Puren of Yushan in Zhejiang wrote a book entitled Piwang pilüeshuo 闢妄闢略說 in defence of his religion. The treatise by the xianggong Xia was intended as a refutation of Puren’s writing. The manuscript is not listed among the Catholic publications of the time. Filippucci’s note indicates that the treatise was written two year earlier than the Pilüeshuo tiaobo 闢略說條駁 by Hong Ji 洪濟 and Zhang Xingyao 張星曜, which was published in 1689 (cf. Jap-Sin I, 132; 132a).

For Mathias Hsia, see Jap-Sin I, 39.1–5, 40.10a, etc.
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp. 207-208.

Pi Shishi zhuwang 闢釋氏諸妄. [Piwang 闢妄]. Bian bufeng zuxian shuo 辨不奉祖先說
AuthorXu Guangqi 徐光啟, 1562-1633
PlaceTaibei Xian 臺北縣
PublisherFuren daxue Shenxueyuan 輔仁大學神學院
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesXujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.A2 H85 1996 v. 1
Descriptionv. 1, pp. 37-70 ; 22 cm.
Note2. Xu Guangqi 徐光啟, Pi Shishi zhuwang 闢釋氏諸妄 (1615?), exact copy of printed edition (cf. Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Chinois 7103), a version which differs from that published in Tianzhujiao Dongchuan wenxian xubian 天主教東傳文獻續編 (2.617-652). 35 ms.

023R ZKW 230.2 (Xu 425) [c] [cf. Xu 106] [ECCP 317a, cf. B 554] ms., Xu Guangqi, Pi Shishi zhuwang 闢釋氏諸妄, 17 ff. (9/20); slightly different from the copy produced in WXXB 2.617-652; additional section Bian bufeng zuxian shuo 辨不奉祖先說 (ff.16b5-17a3), refuting the accusation that Christians do not honor their ancestors-- Cf. Adrian Dudink, "The Zikawei Collection" in Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal XVIII (1996)), p. 15

In volume 1 of: Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻.
For complete contents see: Standaert, Nicolas, Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻. For a description of all 37 texts, see the catalog of the Fujen Zikawei collection in Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal XVIII (1996), or see individual records.

Pi Shishi zhuwang 闢釋氏諸妄. [Piwang 闢妄]. Da xiangren shu 答鄉人書. Tian pixie shi 天辟邪事
AuthorChung, Andrew 鄭安德Xu Guangqi 徐光啟, 1562-1633Lei Chong 雷翀, fl. 1635
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing daxue zongjiao yanjiusuo
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesMingmo Qingchu Yesuhui sixiang wenxian huibian 明末清初耶穌會思想文獻匯編 ; 24
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.Z6 C68 2000 v. 24
Description20, 28 p. ; 24 cm.
NotePi Shishi zhuwang 闢釋氏諸妄. [Piwang 闢妄]. Da xiangren shu 答鄉人書. Tian pixie shi 天辟邪事 / Xu Guangqi yuanzhu 徐光啟原著 ; Zheng Ande bianji 鄭安德編輯.
Fu 1: Xu Guangqi 徐光啟. Da xiangren shu 答鄉人書 -- Fu 2: Lei Chong 雷翀. Tian pixie shi 天辟邪事

"...Because of Xu's defence of Christianity and because of his later high position, it is no surprise that other apologetic works were attributed to him, such as Piwang (also entitled Pi Shishi zhuwang), probably only composed after 1670."---(Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, vol. 1, p. 617)
Cover illustration: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Borg. cine. 324 (18)
明末清初耶穌會思想文獻匯編 = An expository collection of the Christian philosophical works between the end of the Ming dynasty and the beginning of the Qing dynasty in China ; 第24冊.

Local access dig.pdf. in folder: [Andrew Chung Series].

Tian shi mingbian 天釋明辨
AuthorChung, Andrew 鄭安德Yang Tingyun 楊廷筠, 1562-1627
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing daxue zongjiao yanjiusuo
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesMingmo Qingchu Yesuhui sixiang wenxian huibian 明末清初耶穌會思想文獻匯編 ; 27
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.Z6 C68 2000 v. 27
Description20, 97 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteTian shi mingbian 天釋明辨 / Yang Tingyun yuanzhu 楊廷筠原著 ; Zheng Ande bianji 鄭安德編輯.

" ... By becoming a Christian, Yang Tingyun had turned his back on Buddhism. He expressed this break in his first writing Tian shi mingbian (before 1621), in which he exposed the apparent similarities but essential differences between Christianity and Buddhism..." (Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, vol. 1, p. 617)

Cover illustration: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Rac. Gen. Or. III-221 (2)
明末清初耶穌會思想文獻匯編 = An expository collection of the Christian philosophical works between the end of the Ming dynasty and the beginning of the Qing dynasty in China ; 第27冊.

Local access dig.pdf. in folder: [Andrew Chung Series].

Tian shi mingbian 天釋明辨. [R.G. Oriente III, 221.2. Jap-Sin I, 165a]
AuthorYang Tingyun 楊廷筠, 1562-1627
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherTaiwan xuesheng shuju 臺灣學生書局
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesTianzhujiao dongchuan wenxian xubian 天主敎東傳文獻續編 ; v. 1
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBX880.T56152 1966dig. v.1
DescriptionPDF [WXXB v.1, p. 229-418]
Note天釋明辨 / (明)楊廷筠著. [武林楊淇園先生著].
[福州福建] 勅建天主堂.
For full bibliographical information, see also: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database)

" ... By becoming a Christian, Yang Tingyun had turned his back on Buddhism. He expressed this break in his first writing Tian shi mingbian (before 1621), in which he exposed the apparent similarities but essential differences between Christianity and Buddhism..." (Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, vol. 1, p. 617)

Jap-Sin I, 165a
Tian Shi mingbian 天釋明辨
By Yang Tingyun 楊廷筠 (1557–1627).
One juan. Chinese bamboo paper in one volume. Published by the Catholic church built by imperial order (Fuzhou, Fujian). No date of publication.

On the cover there is a Latin inscription: “Differentia inter | legem Christianam | et sectam idolatricam | foe | a doctore christiano Yam Ki yuen, nomine Michäelo.”
The title page gives the title in four large characters. On the right side the author’s name is given: 武林楊淇園先生著 and on the left the publisher: 勅建天主堂.
There is a preface (題天釋明辯; the character 辯 should be 辨) by Zhang Geng 張賡 and a table of content (two folios). The main text consists of eighty-nine folios. On top of folio 1 the title of the book is given and below the author’s name. There are nine columns in each half folio with nineteen characters to the column. The title of the book is given in the upper middle of each folio; the title of the chapter and the number of the folio are given below the fish-tail.

Yang Tingyun realized that, though in Buddhist teachings there are similarities to those of the Catholic Church, in fact their concepts are quite different. In his early days, Yang had been a devout Buddhist and was well versed in Buddhism; hence his refutation is always to the point.
It is to be noted that the Catholic terms are often rendered by transliteration: 罷辣依瑣 (paraiso), 因弗爾諾 (inferno), 撒責兒鐸德 (sacerdote), 費絡瑣費亞 (philosophia), 德路日亞 (theologia), 陡斯 (Deus), etc. This is also one of the earliest books to mention the European alphabet and the romanization of Chinese characters (cf. ff. 76a–78b).
Chang Keng in his preface tells that both Xu Guangqi and Yang Tingyun were intelligent and learned. For a long time they were absorbed in the errors of Buddhism. But after long consideration they were convinced of the true doctrine of God and, having regretted their belated entrance to the Church, their faith became stronger than ever.
Cf. Hsü 1949, pp. 113–114; Courant 7090–7092; Fang Hao 1969, pp. 2279–2281.

Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, p. 216.