Subject: Christianity--China--Doctrinal works

cultivation of virtue in Matteo Ricci's The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven [天主實義]
AuthorFerrero, Michele 麥克雷, 1967-
PlaceTaipei 臺北
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberBV3427.R46 F47 2003
Description[18], 446 p. ; 29.5 cm.
NoteThe cultivation of virtue in Matteo Ricci's The true meaning of the Lord of Heaven [天主實義] : issues for moral theology in Matteo Ricci's masterpiece / Michele Ferrero.
Thesis (S.T.D.) -- Fu Jen Catholic University, 2003.
Bibliography, p. 434-446.
This version appears to be the dissertation itself. Differs from 2004 ed. in format size and pagination, and lacks Fr. Savio Hon's preface and Fr. Louis Aldrich's presentation as well as the index, but the text appears to be the same.
cultivation of virtue in Matteo Ricci's The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven [天主實義] : issues for moral theology
AuthorFerrero, Michele 麥克雷, 1967-
PlaceTaipei 臺北
PublisherFuren daxue chubanshe 輔仁大學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.R46 F47 2004
Descriptionxiv, 389 p. ; 26 cm.
NoteThe cultivation of virtue in Matteo Ricci's The true meaning of the Lord of Heaven : [天主實義] : issues for moral theology / Michele Ferrero.
Based on the authors Thesis (S.T.D.) -- Fu Jen Catholic University, 2003.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 373-383) and index.
Colophon title also in Chinese: Xiude zai Li Madou(Tianzhu shiyi) zhong de chengxian lunli shenxue de fansi 修德在利瑪竇(天主實義)中的呈現倫理神學的反思.
ISBN9867587065 ; 9789867587060
Lun Shangdi zhi youwu deng qipian 論上帝之有無等七篇
AuthorChung, Andrew 鄭安德
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing daxue zongjiao yanjiusuo 北京大學宗教研究所
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeBook (Text in Collection), Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesMingmo Qingchu Yesuhui sixiang wenxian huibian 明末清初耶穌會思想文獻匯編 ; 55
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.Z6 C68 2000 v. 55
Description20, 60 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteLun Shangdi zhi youwu deng qipian 論上帝之有無等七篇 / Wumingshi ; Lou Yulie guwen ; Zheng Ande bianji 無名氏 ; 樓宇烈顧問 ; 鄭安德編輯.
Caption title: 英國瑞恩義上虞許家惺同譯.

1. Lun Shangdi zhi youwu 論上帝之有無 -- 2. Jidu zhi shenggong 基督之聖功 -- 3. Lun geren dejiu 論個人得救 -- 4. Lun Yesu suoxing zhi qishi 論耶穌所行之奇事 -- 5. Lun Yesu jiangsheng wei ren 論耶穌降生為人 -- 6. Lun Yesu zhi shenge 論耶穌之神格 -- 7. Fuyinshu zhong zhi Yesu 福音書中之耶穌.

明末淸初耶穌会思想文献汇编 = An expository collection of the Christian philosophical works between the end of the Ming dynasty and the beginning of the Qing dynasty in China ; 第55册.
Cover illustration: Sinologische Instituut Leiden.

Local access dig.pdf. in folder: [Andrew Chung Series].

Mingmo-Qingchu Yesuhui sixiang wenxian huibian 明末清初耶穌會思想文獻匯編
AuthorChung, Andrew 鄭安德
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing daxue zongjiao yanjiusuo
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.Z6 C68 2000
Description57 v. : ill. ; 24 cm.
NoteMingmo-Qingchu Yesuhui sixiang wenxian huibian 明末清初耶穌會思想文獻匯編 = An Expository Collection of the Christian Philosophical Works between the end of the Ming dynasty and the beginning of the Qing dynasty in China / Zheng Ande bianji 鄭安德編輯 ; Lou Yulie guwen 樓宇烈顧問.

Collection (treated as series) Main Entry. See individual titles or search Series for complete list.
Each title is reproduced in simplified characters with modern punctuation, including prefatory materials and bio-bibliographical references; each volume contains the same 20 page preface with contents, bibliographic citations, and editorial comments.
Series divided as:
Xifang chuanjiaoshi suo zhuan de Zhongwen hujiao wenxian 西方傳教士所撰的中文護教文獻 (1-23) ; Zhongguo xintu suo zhuan de Zhongwen hujiao wenxian 中國信徒所撰的中文護教文獻 (24-44) ; Qita Zhongwen hujiao wenxian 其它中文護教文獻 (45-57).

Local access dig.pdf. in folder: [Andrew Chung Series].

Mingmo-Qingchu Yesuhui sixiang wenxian huibian 明末清初耶穌會思想文獻彙編 = An expository collection of the Christian and anti-Christian philosophical manuscripts and prints in Ming-Qing China
AuthorChung, Andrew 鄭安德
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing daxue zongjiao yanjiusuo
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfSeminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBV3427.Z6 C68 2003
Description5 volumes ; 26 cm

Mingmo-Qingchu Yesuhui sixiang wenxian huibian  明末清初耶穌會思想文獻彙編 = An expository collection of the Christian and anti-Christian philosophical manuscripts and prints in Ming-Qing China /  Lou Yulie guwen 樓宇烈顧問 ; Zheng Ande bianji  鄭安德編輯.

Includes: Mingmo-Qingchu Tianzhujiao he Fojiao bianlun ziliao xuan 明末清初天主教和佛教辯論資料選 / 鄭安德 (diss.)

Cover title.

Includes bibliographical references.

2003 reprint of original 2000 edition (in 57 individual booklets) now bound in 5 volumes. 

Shengjiao jianyao 聖教簡要. [Jap-Sin I, 87]
AuthorBuglio, Lodovico 利類思, 1606-1682
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本)
Description1 juan.
NoteJapSin I, 87
Shengjiao jianyao 聖教簡要.
By Li Leisi 李類思 (Lodovico Buglio, 1606–1682).
One juan. Chinese bamboo paper in one volume. No date or place of publication.
The cover bears the title with a Latin inscription: “Christianae legis mysteria praecipua necessaria, a p. Lud. Buglio, S.J.”
The text consists of eight folios. The title of the book and the author’s name are given on the first folio. Each half folio contains eight columns. There are twenty characters in the first column of every paragraph and nineteen in the rest of the paragraph. The upper middle of each folio bears the title with the number of the folio marked below.
This book is a synopsis of the Catholic catechism. A statement at the end reads: “The above is only a synopsis. There are innumerable books on the doctrine of the Catholic Church; for an essential explanation we refer our readers to the Tianzhu shiyi [cf. Jap-Sin I, 53 B], the Chaoxingxue yao 超性學要 [the Summa Theologiae, cf. Jap-Sin II, 3–9] and the Shengjiao yuanqi 聖教緣起 [cf. Jap-Sin II, 36: Zhujiao yuanqi], etc.”

Cf. Pfister, p. 241; Courant 6922–6925; Couplet, p. 16; JWC 2:81–87.
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, p. 138.

"Summary of the Christian doctrine for non-Christians". Full bibliographic citation see: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).

Tiandao suyuan : Ding Weiliang Jidujiao zuopin xuancui 天道溯原 : 丁韙良基督教. [Tiandao suyuan 天道溯原. Tiandao hejiao 天道覈較. Sanyaolu 三要錄. Yudao zhuan 喻道傳. Xingxue juyu 性學舉隅. Gaohou lun 高厚論]
AuthorMartin, W. A. P. (William Alexander Parsons), 1827-1916Fu Deyuan 傅德元Wang, Xiaoqing. 王曉青
PlaceXinbei Shi 新北市
PublisherGanlan chuban youxian gongsi 橄欖出版有限公司
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesHanyu Jidujiao jingdian wenku jicheng Shiliu zhi shiba shiji pian 漢語基督教經典文庫集成十六至十八世紀篇, Hanyu Jidujiao jingdian wenku jicheng 漢語基督教經典文庫集成 ; 6
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBT77.M25 2013
Descriptionlxx, 502 pages ; 24 cm.
NoteTiandao suyuan : Ding Weiliang Jidujiao zuopin xuancui 天道溯原 : 丁韙良基督教 / Ding Weiliang 丁韙良(William A.P. Martin) zhu 著 ; Fu Deyuan, Wang Xiaoqing bianzhu 傅德元, 王曉青編注.
Colophon title also in English: Evidences of Christianity: the essential works of William A. P. Martin.
Includes bibliographical references (pages lix-lxvi).

Tiandao suyuan 天道溯原 = Evidences of Christianity -- Tiandao hejiao 天道覈較 = Christianity and other creeds -- Sanyaolu 三要錄 = The three important principles -- Yudao zhuan -- 喻道傳 = Religious allegories -- Xingxue juyu 性學舉隅 = Christian psychology -- Gaohou lun 高厚論.

ISBN9789575566982 ; 957556698X
Tianxue lüeyi 天學略義
AuthorChung, Andrew 鄭安德Dias, Manuel 陽瑪諾, 1574-1659Monteiro, João 孟儒望, 1602-1648Sambiasi, Francesco 畢方濟, 1582-1649Fiva, Nikolaus 徐日升, 1609-1640Zhang Geng 張賡, juren 1597
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing daxue zongjiao yanjiusuo
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesMingmo Qingchu Yesuhui sixiang wenxian huibian 明末清初耶穌會思想文獻匯編 ; 13
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.Z6 C68 2000 v. 13
Description20, 35 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteTianxue lüeyi 天學略義 / 孟儒望原著.
"張賡作序, 耶穌會士陽瑪諾, 畢方濟, 徐日升同訂 ..."--editors preface. [Zheng Ande bianji 鄭安德編輯.]
Cover illustration: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Rac. Gen. Or. III-213 (15)
明末清初耶穌會思想文獻匯編 = An expository collection of the Christian philosophical works between the end of the Ming dynasty and the beginning of the Qing dynasty in China ; 第13冊.

Local access dig.pdf. in folder: [Andrew Chung Series].

Xiaoluan bu bingming shuo 鴞鸞不並鳴說
AuthorChung, Andrew 鄭安德Yang Tingyun 楊廷筠, 1562-1627
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing daxue zongjiao yanjiusuo
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesMingmo Qingchu Yesuhui sixiang wenxian huibian 明末清初耶穌會思想文獻匯編 ; 28
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.Z6 C68 2000 v. 28
Description20, 7 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteXiaoluan bu bingming shuo 鴞鸞不並鳴說 / Yang Tingyun yuanzhu 楊廷筠原著 ; Zheng Ande bianji 鄭安德編輯.
Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, vol. 1, p. 617
Cf. Xu Zongze 徐宗澤, Ming-Qing jian Yesuhuishi yizhu tiyao 明清間耶穌會士譯著提要, p. 235

Cover illustration: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Borg. cine. 334 (27)
明末清初耶穌會思想文獻匯編 = An expository collection of the Christian philosophical works between the end of the Ming dynasty and the beginning of the Qing dynasty in China ; 第28冊.

Local access dig.pdf. in folder: [Andrew Chung Series].

Xiaoluan bu bingming shuo 鴞鸞不並鳴說. [Borg. Cinese 334 (27)]
AuthorYang Tingyun 楊廷筠, 1562-1627
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherTaiwan xuesheng shuju 臺灣學生書局
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeData CD (PDF)
SeriesTianzhujiao dongchuan wenxian xubian 天主敎東傳文獻續編 ; v. 1
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBX880.T56 1965 v.1
DescriptionCD-ROM [v. 1 ; 22 cm.]
NoteXiaoluan bu bingming shuo 鴞鸞不並鳴說 / Yang Tingyun 楊廷筠著.

Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, vol. 1, p. 617.
Cf. Xu Zongze 徐宗澤, Ming-Qing jian Yesuhuishi yizhu tiyao 明清間耶穌會士譯著提要, p. 235.