Subject: Catholic Church--Catechisms--Chinese

Dawen xinbian 答問新編
AuthorNi Huailun 倪懷綸, active 1887
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherXuhui yinshuguan 徐匯印書館
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBX1666.N5 1880
Descriptionpdf. [2, 9 (i.e.18) pages ; 26 cm.

Dawen xinbian  答問新編 /  Ni Huailun  倪懷綸.

Fu : Piqi qianlun 附: 闢畦淺論.(Appears on t.p.). PDF Copy from Rutgers Libraries, bookplate of Madame de Belprat., Columbia University in the City of New York Library affixed on t.p.. At head of. t.p.: Guangxu 6 nian [1880] = 光緖6年[1880]

N.B. This copy appears truncated, as text ends at p.9 (i.e. 18) mid-sentence, with Fu appendix section lacking.

Local access dig.pdf. [Ni-Dawen xinbian.pdf]

Michele Ruggieri's Tianzhu shilu (the True Record of the Lord of Heaven, 1584)
AuthorRuggieri, Michele 羅明堅, 1543-1607Wang Qi 王琦Canaris, Daniel Philip 柯修文Wang Huiyu 王慧宇
PlaceLeiden ; Boston
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Chinese, Latin
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesStudies in the history of Christianity in East Asia ; v. 5
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBX1966.C5 M53 2023
Descriptionpdf. [vii, 313 p: illustrations].

Michele Ruggieri's Tianzhu shilu (the True Record of the Lord of Heaven, 1584) / edited and translated by Daniel Canaris ; with contributions by Wang Huiyu, Wang Yuan and Wang Qi.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction / Daniel Canaris -- The life of Michele Ruggieri / Wang Huiyu and Daniel Canaris -- Critical Edition of the True Record of the Lord of Heaven /The Newly Revised True Record of the Lord of Heaven from Western India -- Vera et brevis divinarum rerum expositio/True and Brief Exposition of Divine Things -- Appendix : True Record of the Holy Religion of the Lord of Heaven.

"The True Record of the Lord of Heaven (Tianzhu shilu, 1584) by the Jesuit missionary Michele Ruggieri was the first Chinese-language work ever published by a European. Despite being published only a few years after Ruggieri started learning Chinese, it evinced sophisticated strategies to accommodate Christianity to the Chinese context and was a pioneering work in Sino-Western exchange. This book features a critical edition of the Chinese and Latin texts, which are both translated into English for the first time. An introduction, biography, and rich annotations are provided to situate this text in its cultural and intellectual context"--  Provided by publisher.

Text in English, Chinese, and Latin.

Local access dig.pdf. [Canaris-Ruggieri Tianzhu shilu.pdf]

Sinp'yŏn Ch'ŏnju sillok Lat'inŏbon Chunggugŏbon yŏkchu 신편 천주 실록 라틴어본 중국어본 역주. [Xinbian Tianzhu shilu 新編天主實錄. Korean & Latin. Chinese. ARSI Jap-Sin 189, 190]
AuthorRuggieri, Michele 羅明堅, 1543-1607Kwak Mun-sŏk 곽 문석
PlaceSŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi 서울특별시
PublisherTongmunyŏn 동문연
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesAnyangdae HK+ tongsŏ kyoryu munhŏn ch'ongsŏ 안양대 HK+ 동서 교류 문헌 총서 ; 01
ShelfSeminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBV3427.R47 T5315 2021
Description528 pages : facsim. ; 24 cm.

Sinp'yŏn Ch'ŏnju sillok Lat'inŏbon Chunggugŏbon yŏkchu  신편 천주 실록 라틴어본 중국어본 역주 /  Michele Ruggieri chiŭm ; Kwak Mun-sŏk, Kim Sŏk-chu, Sŏ Wŏn-mo, Ch'oe Chŏng-yŏn pŏnyŏk mit chuhae. 지음 ; 곽 문석, 김 석주, 서 원모, 최 정연 번역 및 주해

Includes bibliographical references (pages 51-52) and index.
Includes original text [photoreproduction] in Chinese and Latin with Korean translation.

명말청초 예수회 동서교류문헌 중 최초의 서학서이며 최초의 중국어본 교리교육서인 미켈레 루제리의 <신편천주실록>과 라틴어 저본인 Vera et Brevis Divinarum Rerum Expositio을 세계 최초로 완역 주해한 것이다.

발간에 즈음하여
역주자 서문

제1부 작품 해제
미켈레 루제리의 신편천주실록

제2부 미켈레 루제리의 신편천주실록 번역
천주실록 이끄는 말
제1장 한 분의 천주가 진실로 계시다
제2장 천주의 본성
제3장 세상 사람들이 천주를 경솔하게 인식함을 풀이하다
제4장 천주가 천지와 사람과 사물을 창조하시다
제5장 천사와 아담
제6장 사람의 혼이 불멸하며 짐승과 크게 다름을 논하다
제7장 혼이 네 곳으로 돌아감을 풀이하다
제8장 예로부터 지금까지 천주는 다만 세 차례에 걸쳐 세 가지 규계를 내리셨다
제9장 천주가 인간에게 세 번째 규계를 주셨다
제10장 세 번째로 사람에게 주신 규계의 내용을 풀이하다
제11장 사람은 천주가 실제로 하신 일을 믿어야 함을 풀이하다
제12장 천주 십계
제13장 첫 번째 비문을 풀이하다
제14장 천주의 두 번째 비문에 있는 일곱 가지 조항의 내용을 풀이하다
제15장 승도의 성심과 수행이 하늘로 오르는 정도임을 풀이하다
제16장 맑은 물로 이전에 지은 죄를 제거함을 풀이하다

라틴어 찾아보기
중국어 찾아보기

제3부 미켈레 루제리의 신편천주실록 중국어 원문
ARSI, Jap.Sin. I, 190 원문
ARSI, Jap.Sin. I, 189 표제지 


ISBN9791197416613 ; 9791197416606
Tianzhu shiyi jinzhu 天主實義今注. [Tianzhu shiyi 天主實義. 2014. Catechismus sinicus]
AuthorRicci, Matteo 利瑪竇, 1552-1610Meynard, Thierry 梅謙立Tan Jie 譚傑 [谭杰]
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfSeminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBV3427.R46 T53 2014
Descriptioniv, 249 pages ; 21 cm

Tianzhu shiyi jinzhu 天主實義今注 = Catechismus sinicus /  [Yi] Limadou zhu [意]利瑪竇著 ; [Fa] Mei Qianli zhu ; Tan Jie jiaokan ; [法] 梅謙立注 ; 譚杰校勘.

Parallel title from cover: Catechismus sinicus
Includes bibliographical references (pages 225-233) and index.


《天主實義》的文獻來源、成書過程、內容分析及其影响 / 1
羅明堅的《天主實錄》與利瑪竇的《天主實義》 / 3
范禮安《要理本》與利瑪竇《天主實義》 / 10
《天主實義》初稿與利瑪竇對四書五經的發現 / 24
《天主實義》与利瑪竇和士大夫在南京、北京的對話 / 28
利瑪竇在世時的五個版本 / 31
《天主實義》各個部分整理 / 32
《天主實義》内容分析 / 34
首篇 論天主始制天地萬物而主宰安養之 / 35
第二篇 解釋世人錯認天主 / 37
第三篇 論人魂不滅大異禽獸 / 38
第四篇 辯釋鬼神及人魂異論,而解天下萬物不可謂之一體 / 39
第五篇 辯排輪迴六道、戒殺生之謬說,而揭齋素正志 / 42
第六篇 釋解意不可滅,並論死後必有天堂地獄之賞罰,
以報世人所為善惡 / 43
第七篇 論人性本善,而述天主門士正學 / 48
第八篇 總舉大西俗尚,而論其傳道之士所以不娶之意,
並釋天主降生西土來由 / 50
關於利瑪竇思想遺產的最近爭論 / 52
版本說明 / 65
《天主實義》 / 67
《天主實義》序 / 69
《天主實義》重刻序 / 71
ISBN9787100086875 ; 7100086876
Tianzhujiao jiaoli 天主教教理. [Catechismus Ecclesiae Catholicae. Chinese]
AuthorZhongguo Zhujiaotuan 中國主教團Tianzhujiao jiaowu xiejinhui 天主教教務協進會
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherTianzhujiao jiaowu xiejinhui 天主教教務協進會
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1959.3.E5 C3812 1996
Descriptionxxvii, 825 p. : color plates ; 24 cm.
NoteChinese Regional Bishops Conference (Taiwan, R.O.C.)
Contains glossary and analytical index, with bibliographical references.
Latin text based on Libreria Editrice Vaticana edition (1996).
Tianzhujiao jiaoyi huibian 天主教教義彙編
AuthorLiu Yusheng 劉宇聲, b. 1906Yi Dianmo 易典謨
PlaceTaibei Shi 台北市
PublisherTianzhujiao wenwu fuwu zhongxin 天主教文物服務中心
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberBX1966.T516 L589 1983
Description[2], 14, 625 p. : ill., map ; 16 cm.
NoteTianzhujiao jiaoyi huibian 天主教教義彙編.
Minguo 民國 72
Tianzhujiaohui xundao wenxian xuanji : xinli lunli dacheng 天主敎會訓導文獻選集 : 信理倫理大成 . [Enchiridion symbolorum. Chinese]
AuthorDenzinger, Heinrich, 1819-1883Schönmetzer, Adolfus Shi Antang 施安堂
PlaceTaibei 台北
PublisherTaibei zongzhujiao gongshu 台北總主敎公署
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
Call NumberBX1747.5.D4612 1981
Description4, 35, 1070, 77 pages ; 19 cm

Tianzhujiaohui xundao wenxian xuanji : xinli lunli dacheng  天主敎會訓導文獻選集 : 信理倫理大成 /  Deng Xinji, Xiao Mozhi ji ; Shi Antang yi  鄧辛疾, 蕭默治集 ; 施安堂譯.

Translation of: Enchiridion symbolorum.
Separate title page in Latin: Enchiridion symbolorum, definitionum et declarationum de rebus fidei et morum / quod primum edidit Henricus Dennzinger et quod funditus retractavit auxit notulis ornavit Adolfus Schönmetzer S.I. Editio XXXIV emendata.
Includes index
Translated into Chinese by Fr. Anthony Shih Chia-Zen and published in 1975. 

民國64 [1975]. Reprint 1981

"A handbook of symbols, definitions and declarations on matters of faith and morals"), usually translated as The Sources of Catholic Dogma, is a compendium of texts on Catholic theology and marality. This compendium has been first published in 1854, and has been updated many times in subsequent editions since. It is sometimes referred to as Denzinger, after its first editor"

Xinkan Gewu qiongli lu bianlan 新刊格物窮理錄便覽. Símbolo de la Fe. [Gewu qiongli bianlan 格物窮理便覽. Jap-Sin I, 171]
AuthorMayor, Tomás [Thomas] 哆媽氏, d. 1612
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese, Spanish
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBX1966.M49 1607d
Descriptiondig.pdf [338 frames : color scans : ill.]
NoteGewu qiongli lu bianlan 格物窮理錄便覽 / Duomashi 哆媽氏 (Tomás Mayor).
Title in Spanish: Símbolo de la Fe, en lengua y letra China.
Adapted with added material from Introducción del Símbolo de la Fe (1583), by Luis de Granada (1505-1588). See CCT database (Link below)

N.B. Chan catalog title ends at lu 錄 and omits bianlan 便覽. Leiden OCLC and CCT record omit the character lu 錄. The cover is badly worn as to obscure a character, but the border doesn't appear to allow space for this. The running title on the first page indicates full title to be Xinkan gewu qiongli lu bianlan 新刊格物窮理錄便覽.

Jap-Sin I, 171
Xinkan gewu qiongli lu 新刊格物窮理錄 or Símbolo de la Fe.
By Duomashi 哆媽氏 (Tomás Mayor).
Manila (Binondoc), 1607. In bad condition.

The Latin catalogue gives: “Symbolum Fidei a Thoma Major O. Pr.”

This is another catechism written in Chinese by a Dominican. It was published in Manila in 1607. The author was a Spanish Dominican born in Jativa (Valencia) at the end of the sixteenth century. He was one of the founders of the Dominican mission in the Philippines. For some time he worked among the Chinese in Manila. According to Diego Aduarte (see preceding number), Mayor was a great minister to the Chinese and was well versed in their language. Around 1612 the bishop of Macao, Juan de la Piedad, when in Manila, asked several of the missioners who knew the Chinese language to help in the Chinese mission; Mayor was one of the men assigned. Owing to the strong opposition of the Jesuits in China they were not able to make their way to the interior and eventually Mayor returned to Spain. Besides the Símbolo de la Fe he wrote another book in Chinese with the title: De Rosario Deiparii Virginis.

There is a preface at the beginning of the book in which the author states that after a hard voyage of three years he had at last arrived in Luzon. He had been with the Chinese and had come to know something of their language. He loved them and tried to learn their customs. He then recalls how he and the other Dominican priests always tried to render them services. At length, after consulting his fellow priests, he wrote this book for them so that they might learn about the true God and his teaching.

Since this book was published only one year after the Memorial de la vida christiana (cf. Jap-Sin I, 170), and since it was written for the same Sangleys, the terms and the expressions used are very close to those in the previous book. Besides the term Liaoshi 僚氏 for God, the terms Tianzhu 天主, Tianshen 天神 and Tianren 天人 are also used.

The Chinese style of the book is rather clumsy and often hard to understand; in juan A, folio 74a, for instance, the Blessed Trinity is explained as follows:

予今再告汝等此俺本頭僚氏,實乃三別孫耶,第一名曰僚氏父;第二名曰僚氏子;第三名曰僚氏 挨氏卑尼廚山道。。。。為其僚氏實有三別孫耶,但僚氏則一而已, and the crucifixion: 咱本頭西士奇尼實道既被人鐙死在居律 [cruz] 上 . . . .

It is interesting to note that the last character of each half folio is repeated on the top of the following folio, a common practice in European books of the old days but very rarely used in Chinese books published by Europeans in China or elsewhere. At the end of the book there is:

1. A preface by Francisco de Herrera, November 1606 (badly damaged in our copy).
2. A note by Friar Miguel de S. Jacinto, prior and provincial, Manila, May 1607).
3. Another writing by Francisco de Herrera, Manila, 24 January 1607.
4. Another preface (the paper is so damaged that the name of the author cannot be verified).
5. Permission given for the publication of this book by the dean and the archdean of Manila, February 1607.
6. Permission for publication given by Diego de Leon, parish priest of the city, Manila, 22 December 1606.
7. Permission given for the publication of this book by the President and the magistrates of the audiences and by the Royal chancellery of the Philippine Islands.
8. A letter in which the author dedicates his book to Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and our Glorificator. It says in part: “Open the eyes of this people who possess such acute minds. Move their hearts which are so near to you. Incline their wills to the things of your divine faith which we here proposed to them, so that knowing you for their true God and Lord, they may seek you only. Amen . . .”

From the Latin inscription in Jap-Sin I, 171.a we learn that this book was suspended by the Dominicans because of its many errors, and that eventually whatever copies had been allowed to circulate, were totally suppressed.
Cf. Fang Hao and Van der Loon (pp. 31–37), see preceding number (i.e. Jap-Sin I, 170).

Source: Albert Chan, Chinese books and documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome (2002), pp.229-230.

Reference: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database)

Available online at ARSI Chinese books digitalized.
Local access dig.pdf. ARSI Jap-Sin I-IV folder {Jap-Sin I, 171]