Subject: Astronomy, Chinese--Early works to 1800

Fangxing tujie 方星圖解. Planisphère céleste avec légendes. [BnF Chinois 4928]
AuthorGrimaldi, Claudio Filippo 閔明我, 1638-1712
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection), Digital text [pdf]
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBX1665.A24 B526 2009 v.5.31
Descriptionv.5 + dig.pdf. [p. 307-330 : chiefly ill. ; 27 cm.]
NoteFangxing tujie 方星圖解. Planisphère céleste avec légendes / Claudio Filippo Grimaldi 閔明我.
In: 法國國家圖書館明清天主教文獻. Chinese Christian texts from the National Library of France. Textes chrétiens chinois de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, v.5.31.
Also included in: 續修四庫全書 ; 1032. 子部. 天文算法類. (與下列同本: 新製靈臺儀象志(二) / 南懷仁撰._
Dig.pdf. local access [Grimaldi-FangxingTujie.pdf]
Online at Gallica.
Gezhi cao 格致草
AuthorBayerische StaatsbibliothekXiong Mingyu 熊明遇, jinshi 1598
Place[China : s.n]
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberQB17.X57 1648d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [212 p. : ill., charts]
NoteGezhi cao 格致草 / Xiong Mingyu zhuan 熊明遇撰.
1st column title: Hanyutong 函宇通.
Cod.sin. 26
Gujin lüli kao 古今律歷考. Chunqiu Chunwang zhengyue kao 春秋春王正月考. Chunqiu Chunwang zhengyue kao bianyi 春秋春王正月考辨疑
AuthorXing Yunlu 邢雲路, jinshi 1580Zhang Yining 張以寧, 1301-1370
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 1311-1323
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1935 v. 1311-1323
Description13 v. : ill. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteGujin lüli kao 古今律歷考 / Xing Yunlu ji 邢雲路輯. Chunqiu Chunwang zhengyue kao 春秋春王正月考 ; Chunqiu Chunwang zhengyue kao bianyi 春秋春王正月考辨疑 / Zhang Yining shu 張以寧述.
民國25 [1936].
Haichaoshuo 海潮說. Haichao jishuo 海潮輯說. Diqiu tushuo 地球圖說. Diqiu tushuo butu 地球圖說補圖
AuthorRuan Yuan 阮元, 1764-1849Benoist, Michel 蔣友仁, 1715-1774Qian Daxin 錢大昕, 1728-1804Zhou Chun 周春, 1729-1815Yu Siqian 俞思謙, fl. 1781
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 1334
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1935 v. 1334
Description107 p. in various pagings : ill. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteHaichaoshuo 海潮說 / Zhou Chun zuan 周春纂. Haichao jishuo 海潮輯說 / Yu Siqian zuan 俞思謙纂. Diqiu tushuo 地球圖說 / Jiang Youren yi 蔣友仁譯 ; Qian Daxin deng xiugai 錢大昕等修改. Diqiu tushuo butu 地球圖說補圖 / Ruan Yuan zhuan 阮元撰.
民國26 [1937].
Huainan honglie jijie 淮南鴻烈集解. Huainan Tianwenxun buzhu 淮南天文訓補註
AuthorHuainanzi 淮南子, d. 122 B.C.Liu Wendian 劉文典, 1890-1958Qian Tang 錢塘, 1735-1790
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesGuoxue jiben congshu 國學基本叢書, Wanyou wenku 萬有文庫 ; 第1集 ; 0057種
Call NumberAC269.S416 1936 v. 1 ; 0057
Description6 v. ([1220] p.) : ill. ; 18 cm.
NoteHuainan honglie jijie 淮南鴻烈集解 : [21卷] / Liu Wendian zhu 劉文典著.
附: Qian Tang Huainan Tianwenxun buzhu 錢塘淮南天文訓補註 / Qian Tang zhuan 錢塘撰.
Colophon title also in English: The Explanation of Huai-Nan Digest.
Huangdao zong xingtu 黃道總星圖. [Huangdao zongxing tu]
AuthorKögler, Ignatius 戴進賢, 1680-1746Bayerische StaatsbibliothekMoggi, Fernando Bonaventura 利白明, 1684 or 1694-1761
Place[Beijing] [北京]
PublisherNeifu 内府
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeStar chart (dig. file)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberQB6.K65 1723d
Descriptiondig.file [color, orig. 51.5 x 63 cm.]
NoteHuangdao zong xingtu 黃道總星圖 / Dai Jinxian 戴進賢 ; [Li Baiming 利白明].
Alt. pinyin aggregation: Huangdao zongxing tu.
銅版. - 框 51,5 X 63 公分. - 圖下鐫 "大清雍正元年歲次癸卯 (1723)極西戴進賢立法利白明鐫".
Kögler’s 1723 Huangdao zong xingtu (variously "Two general maps of the stars relative to the ecliptic" ; "Tabula stella-rum universalis eclipticae 黃道總星圖" ; "Maps of the two hemispheres of heaven" ; etc.)

Digital file (high-resolution jpg) is from the Bavarian State Library. Please refer to BSB website OR MDZ for information.
Local access dig.jpg. [Kogler-Huangdao.jpg]

Note: The following description refers to the solitary example with Latin transcriptions by Fr. Gaubil, not the BSB version. The notes below are for informational purposes only.

KOGLER, Ignatius 戴進賢 and MOGGI, Ferdinando Bonaventuri. 利白明
Chinese Star Map: 黃道總星圖 Huangdao zongxing tu. [Tabula stellarum universalis eclipticae] (北京 Peking, 内府1723).
圖下鐫 “大清雍正元年歲次癸卯 - 極西戴進賢立法利白明鐫”

Background: Maggs Bros. catalogue 1480, Sino-European Imprints of the 17th and 18th century
Twin-hemispherical stellar map by Ignatius (Ignz) Kögler (1680-1746) arrived in China 1716, reached Beijing 1717, assumed position in Imperial Observatory. 18th century Jesuits at the Observatory kept informed of scientific developments in Europe. … aware of the findings of Jesuit astronomer Giovanni Battista Riccioli (1598-1671, Bologna) on lunar features as well as his arguments concerning the motion of the earth. Isaac Newton (1642-1726) first calculated perturbing effect of the sun on relative motion of earth and moon and Kögler quickly updated the lunisolar tables in China. 1742 he published his findings in the compilation Lixiang kaocheng houbian 御製曆象考成後編 (Second part of the thorough Investigation of Calendrical Astronomy composed for the Emperor)……combined elements of Kepler and Newton to form new mathematical principles underlying the motions of the sun and moon. In the lower center is an image of the moon clearly based on the findings of Riccioli. Ferdinando Bonaventuri Moggi (1694-1761) was a Florentine who studied art and architecture and it is likely that he is the engraver of the plate which - although written in Chinese – bears all the hall-marks of European map design of the late 17th century. Moggi built several churches in China, but none have survived. This map is undoubtedly a nei-fu 内府 palace production.
Needham states in Hall of Heavenly Records (1986) that he saw the present map with Mr. Philipp Robinson in 1953 and goes on to say: “Mr Robinson informed us that the engraving… appeared among a number of original documents and holograph letters of Antoine Gaubil S.J. (1689-1759) [...] One of Gaubil’s letters encloses a letter, written in Latin by Kögler on 13 March 1726, which refers to this very star-map.” It is likely that the annotations on this map are by Gaubil himself, giving transcriptions of the names of the planets. The map incorporates lunar surface phenomena from Galileo, Giovanni Domenico Cassini (1625-1712) and Christaan Huygens (1629-1695)....
Provenance: The Clermont – Meerman – Sir Thomas Phillipps – Robinson copy.

Background: Sotheby’s, The Library of Philip Robinson, Part II, The China Collection (catalogue, 1988, Lot 92, p.87)
This chart is the original from which a large Korean astronomical screen was made in the Yi dynasty of the Chosŏn Kingdom of Seoul. It was among the papers of Fr. Antoine Gaubil, gving transcriptions of the names of the planets.
Several lots from this auction are held at the Ricci Institute.

Hungai tongxian tushuo 渾蓋通憲圖說
AuthorLi Zhizao 李之藻, 1565-1630
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesSiku quanshu 四庫全書 ; 第789册
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberQB17.L5 H86d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [236 p. : ill., charts]
NoteHungai tongxian tushuo 渾蓋通憲圖說 / Li Zhizao zhuan 李之藻撰.
Online at Internet Archive.
Shoushan'ge congshu edition 《守山閣叢書》本 online at Chinese Text project.
Local access dig. pdf. [Li-Hungai Tongxian Tushuo.pdf], pts. 1 & 2 in one file.
Jiaguwen suojian tianwen qixiang ziliao yanjiu 甲骨文所見天文氣象資料硏究. [A study of the astronomical and meteorological information contained in oracle bone inscriptions]
AuthorWong King-sun [Huang Jingxin] 黃競新
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberQB17.W655 1992d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [v, 365 leaves : ill., maps ; 30 cm.]
NoteA study of the astronomical and meteorological information contained in oracle bone inscriptions = Jiaguwen suojian tianwen qixiang ziliao yanjiu 甲骨文所見天文氣象資料硏究 / submitted by Wong King Sun 黃競新.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hong Kong, 1992.
Title page & abstract in English.
Includes bibliographical references.
Online at HKU Scholars Hub.
Local access [Wong-Oracle Bone astronomical.pdf]
Jiaoshijing 交食經. Chunqiu rishi zhiyi 春秋日食質疑. Zhengshuo kao 正朔考. Wushen lichun kaozheng 戊申立春考證
AuthorWei Liaoweng 魏了翁, 1178-1237Zhang Caichen 張宷臣, 17th cent.Ouyang Binyuan 歐陽斌元, 1606-1649Wu Shouyi 吳守一Xing Yunlu 邢雲路, jinshi 1580
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 1310
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1935 v. 1310
Description[127] p. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteJiaoshijing : fu Rishi yiguange ; Yueshi yiguange 交食經 : 附日食一貫歌 ; 月食一貫歌 / Zhang Caichen zhishou 張宷臣指授 ; Ouyang Binyuan zhufa 歐陽斌元著法. Chunqiu rishi zhiyi 春秋日食質疑 / Wu Shouyi zhuan 吳守一撰. Zhengshuo kao 正朔考 / Wei Liaoweng zhu 魏了翁著. Wushen lichun kaozheng 戊申立春考證 / Xing Yunlu ding 邢雲路訂.
民國25 [1936].
Shiji Tianguanshu hengxingtu kao 史記天官書恒星圖考
AuthorSima Qian 司馬遷, ca. 145-ca. 86 B.C.Zhu Wenxin 朱文鑫, 1883-1938
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
Call NumberQB41.S455 S561 1934
Description2, 3, 2, 68 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
NoteShiji Tianguanshu hengxingtu kao 史記天官書恒星圖考 / Zhu Wenxin zhu 朱文鑫著.
Bibliography: p. 64-68.
民國23 [1934].
Shiji Tianguanshu jinzhu 史記天官書今註
AuthorSima Qian 司馬遷, ca. 145-ca. 86 B.C.Gao Pingzi 高平子, 1888-1970
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherZhonghua congshu bianshen weiyuanhui 中華叢書編審委員會
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesZhonghua congshu 中華叢書
Call NumberQB41.S455 S561 1965
Description2, 2, 92 p. : ill., tables ; 21 cm.
NoteShiji Tianguanshu jinzhu 史記天官書今註 / Gao Pingzi jiaozhu zhangju 高平子校註章句.
Title: Shiji Tianguanshu 史記天官書.
民國54 [1965].
Shuxue 數學. Xu Shuxue 續數學
AuthorJiang Yong 江永, 1681-1762
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 1328-1329
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call Number1328-1329
Description2 v. (4, 415 p.) : ill. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteShuxue : fu Xu Shuxue 數學 : 附續數學 / Jiang Yong zhuan 江永撰.
民國25 [1936].
Tuibu fajie 推步法解
AuthorJiang Yong 江永, 1681-1762
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 1327
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1935 v. 1327
Description129, 1 p. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteTuibu fajie 推步法解 / Jiang Yong zhuan 江永撰.
民國25 [1936].
Wuxing xingdu jie 五星行度解. Lixue dawen 歷學答問. Lixue yiwen bu 歷學疑問補. Eryiming buzhu 二儀銘補注
AuthorMei Wending 梅文鼎, 1633-1721Wang Xichan [Wang Xishan] 王錫闡, 1628-1682
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 1325
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1935 v. 1325
Description77 p. in various pagings : ill. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteWuxing xingdu jie 五星行度解 / Wang Xichan zhuan 王錫闡撰. Lixue dawen 歷學答問 / Mei Wending zuan 梅文鼎纂. Lixue yiwen bu 歷學疑問補 / Mei Wending zuan 梅文鼎纂. Eryiming buzhu 二儀銘補注 / Mei Wending zuan 梅文鼎纂.

"Wang Xishan....drew on the Tychonic model to construct his own, while pointing to some contradictions in the Jesuits’ writings. The model expounded in Wuxing xingdu jie 五星行度解 (Explanation of the Five Planets’ Angular Motions, 1673), gave a physical, rather than merely geometrical, account of planetary motion: Wang proposed that its cause was an attraction force comparable to that of a magnet"-–Cf. N. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, p. 726.

Yuanjing shuo 遠鏡說. Xingjing 星經. Xingxiang kao 星象考. Jingtian gai 經天該
AuthorRicci, Matteo 利瑪竇, 1552-1610Schall von Bell, Johann Adam 湯若望, 1592-1666
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 1308
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1935 v. 1308
Description31, 95, 3, 25 p. : ill. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteYuanjing shuo 遠鏡說 / Tang Ruwang [i.e. Ruowang] zuan 湯如望[i.e. 若望] 纂. Xingjing 星經 / Gan Gong Shishen zhu 甘公石申著. Xingxiang kao 星象考 / Zou Huai zhu 鄒淮著. Jingtian gai 經天該 / Li Madou zuan 利瑪竇纂.
Colophon and spine title: Yuanjing shuo ji qita sanzhong 遠鏡說及其它三種.
"據藝海珠塵本影印" -- T.p. verso.
民國25 [1936].

“....Yuanjing shuo 遠鏡說 (Explanation of the Telescope, 1626), by Schall, which contained the first account of the Tychonic world system in Chinese..” Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, v.1, p. 714.

Yuanjing shuo 遠鏡說
AuthorSchall von Bell, Johann Adam 湯若望, 1592-1666
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberQB17.S26 1936d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [31 p. : ill.]
NoteYuanjing shuo 遠鏡說 / Yuanjing shuo 遠鏡說 / Tang Ruwang [i.e. Ruowang] zuan 湯如望[i.e. 若望] 纂.
1st. section of vol. 1308 of Congshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編.
"據藝海珠塵本影印" -- T.p. verso.
民國25 [1936].
“....Yuanjing shuo 遠鏡說 (Explanation of the Telescope, 1626), by Schall, which contained the first account of the Tychonic world system in Chinese..” Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, v.1, p. 714.
See note for ARSI Japonica-Sinica edition.
Local access dig.pdf. [Schall -Yuanjingshuo.pdf]
Yuanjing shuo 遠鏡說. [mss]
AuthorSchall von Bell, Johann Adam 湯若望, 1592-1666
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeDigital Book, Manuscript (stitch-bound 線裝本)
ShelfDigital Archives, Rare Book Cabinet
Call NumberQB17.S26
Description43 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.
NoteYuanjing shuo 遠鏡說 / [Tang Ruowang zhu 湯如望著].
Undated manuscript copy of 1626 Chinese edition made in Japan during the period of prohibition of Jesuit/Christian works. Includes Japanese reading marks and similar (but not identical) illustrations from the original text.

“....Yuanjing shuo 遠鏡說 (Explanation of the Telescope, 1626), by Schall, which contained the first account of the Tychonic world system in Chinese.” Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, v.1, p. 714.

See Fr. A. Chan S.J. bibliographic entry for Japonica-Sinica II, 39.2 edition.
See full bibliographic entry Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).

Local access dig.pdf. [Schall-Yuanjingshuo mss.pdf] & folder with master (.tif) images.