Author: Aristotle

Dongwuzhi 動物志. [Aristotelis Opera. Chinese]
Publish_locationBeijing 北京
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Edition第1版, 北京第1次印刷
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
Call NumberQL41.D764 A757 1979
Description569 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
NoteDongwuzhi 動物志 / Yalishiduode zhu 亞里士多德著 ; Wu Shoubang yi 吳壽彭譯.
Translation of: Aristotelis Opera.
SubjectAristotle. De anima--Translations into Chinese Zoology--Pre-Linnean works
Fenxixue houbian : mingzhengfa zhi fenxi 分析學後編 : 明證法之分析
Publish_locationTaibei 臺北
PublisherTaiwan Shangwu yinshuguan 臺灣商務印書館
CollectionRicci Institute Library [CB}
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesLuoji shiliao 邏輯史料 ; 5, Hanyi shijie mingzhu congshu 漢譯世界名著叢書
ShelfSeminar Room 102-103
Call NumberB491.L8 L75 1968
Description4, 5, 199 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.

Fenxixue houbian : mingzhengfa zhi fenxi 分析學後編 : 明證法之分析 / Yalisiduode zhu 亞里斯多德著 ; Lü Mudi yishu 呂穆迪譯述.
"所用主要圖書館目錄": p.198-199.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 195-197).

SubjectLogic Aristotle. Logica--Translations into Chinese
Seriesfoo 220
Huanyou quan 寰有詮. [De Coelo et Mundo. De caelo. Chinese]
Publish_location[China : s.n]
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
Record_typeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberQB36.F9 1628d
DescriptionDig.pdf. [59 frames [116 p.]]
NoteHuanyou quan 寰有詮 / [Fu Fanji yiyi ; Li Zhizao daci傅汎際譯義 ; 李之藻達辭]
LC edition, see World Digital Library.
Partial translation of the Coimbra commentary of Aristotle’s De coelo

“….The Coimbra commentaries on Aristotle as translated by Francisco Furtado (Fu Fanji 傅汎際, 1589-1653) and Li Zhizao (李之藻, 1565-1630)….present, among other things, physiological explanations of the movement of the blood by the heart beat, of the working of the brain, and of memory, and introduce the doctrine of the four humors.” Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, p. 791. See also pp. 607, 713.

Local access dig. pdf. [Furtado-Huanyouquan.pdf]

SubjectAstronomy--Early works to 1800 Cosmology--Early works to 1800 Aristotle. De caelo--Translations into Chinese
Huanyou quan 寰有詮. [Traité de l'univers. De caelo. BnF Chinois 3384]
Publish_location[China : s.n]
PublisherLingzhu xuanqi 靈竺玄棲
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
Record_typeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberQB36.F98 1628d
Descriptionpdf [6 juan]
NoteHuanyou quan 寰有詮 / (葡)傅汎際譯解 ; 李之藻達辭.
Cat. imp., liv. 125, f. 35.Par le P. Francisco Furtado (1587-1653) et Li Zhi zao. Préface de ce dernier (1628). Planches gardées au pavillon Ling zhu xuan.
[中國] : 靈竺玄棲, 明崇禎元年[1628]
Partial translation of the Coimbra commentary of Aristotle’s De coelo
書前有明崇禎元年李之藻《譯序》, 刻書年據此. 目錄後題"靈竺玄棲藏板", 刻書者據此.
匡20.3×14.6公分, 9行19字, 小字雙行同, 白口, 四周雙邊. 單黑魚尾, 版心上鐫書名, 中鐫卷次, 下鐫葉數.

"....The Coimbra commentaries on Aristotle as translated by Francisco Furtado (Fu Fanji 傅汎際, 1589-1653) and Li Zhizao (李之藻, 1565-1630) ...present, among other things, physiological explanations of the movement of the blood by the heart beat, of the working of the brain, and of memory, and introduce the doctrine of the four humors.” Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, p. 791. See also pp. 607, 713.

Local access dig. pdf. [Furtado-Huanyouquan BnF3384.pdf]
Online at Gallica
Full bibliographical information see Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).

SubjectAstronomy--Early works to 1800 Cosmology--Early works to 1800 Aristotle. De caelo--Translations into Chinese
Mingli tan shilun 名理探十倫. [Les dix catégories de la logique. BnF Chinois 3414]
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
Record_typeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberB485.F98 1628d
Descriptionpdf [5 juan]
NoteHuanyou quan 寰有詮 / 傅汎際譯解 ; 李之藻達辭.
[中國] : [刻書者不詳], [明後期[1573-1644]]
匡20×14.7公分, 9行19字, 小字雙行同, 白口, 左右雙邊,單黑魚尾, 版心上鐫書名, 中鐫卷次,下鐫葉數

"....The Coimbra commentaries on Aristotle as translated by Francisco Furtado (Fu Fanji 傅汎際, 1589-1653) and Li Zhizao (李之藻, 1565-1630) ...present, among other things, physiological explanations of the movement of the blood by the heart beat, of the working of the brain, and of memory, and introduce the doctrine of the four humors.” Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, p. 791. See also pp. 607, 713.

Local access dig. pdf. [Furtado-Minglitan BnF3314.pdf]
Online at Gallica.
Full bibliographical record see: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).

SubjectAstronomy--Early works to 1800 Aristotle. Logica--Translations into Chinese Cosmology--Early works to 1800
Mingli tan 名理探. [Jap-Sin II, 1]
LanguageChinese 中文
Description10 juan.
NoteJapSin II, 1
Mingli tan 名理探.
Narrated by Fu Fanji 傅汎際 (Francisco Furtado) and recorded by Li Zhizao 李之藻.
Ten juan (juan 1 is missing), bound in red leather with gold designs. Juan 3 and 4 are inverted; folio 80 is upside down and by mistake placed before folio 79. No date or place of publication.
The cover bears a label with the title.
The title page is missing. The recto of folio 1 of juan 2 bears the title of the book and at the side it gives: “wu gongcheng 五公稱, first volume” (but actually in the middle of each folio the number of the juan is 2). It then goes on to give the name of the narrator (遠西耶穌會士傅汎際譯義) and the name of the recorder (西湖存園寄叟李之藻達辭).
There are nine columns in each half folio and nineteen characters in each column. Annotations are given in small type and in double lines. The title of the book and the title of each chapter are given in the middle of each folio, and the number of the juan and of the folio are given below the fish tail.

As far as we know, Li Zhizao did not write a preface for this book, though he wrote one for another book, the Huanyouquan 寰有詮, which he published also with the help of Furtado. There is, however, a preface written by his son, Li Cibin 李次𢒹 [bin={U+224B9} similar to 虨] dated Chongzhen 12 (1639), and another by Li Tianjing 李天經, dated Chongzhen 9 (1636).
According to the preface of Li Cibin, his father, when he stayed in Hangzhou, invited Furtado to translate the Commentarii Collegii Coimbricensis Societatis Iesu in quatuor libros de coelo Aristotelis Stagiritae, to which he later gave the Chinese title Huanyouquan. The translation was started in 1623 and after a revision was completed in 1625. Two years later, in 1627, they took up again the work of translation and turned to another of the textbooks, published by the University of Coimbra, a commentary on the Book of Logic by Aristotle. This book, which still exists in the Beitang Library in Beijing (Verhaeren, no. 1365) has the title: Commentarii Collegii Coimbricensis & Societate Iesu: In universam Dialecticam Aristotelis Stagiritae. It was first published in Cologne (Germany) in 1611. To the translation of this book Li Zhizao gave the title Mingli tan. In 1629, Li Zhizao was summoned to Beijing to help in the reform of the Calendar. By then the translation of the Mingli tan had been completed and consisted of thirty juan, according to the preface of Li Cibin. We are told that the translation was by no means an easy task, especially because Li Zhizao was determined to make the work perfect: “he nearly bit off the hair of the brush trying to find the right word, and often a long period was spent when a phrase required careful wording.”

The Mingli tan was never published in its entirety. Only ten juan saw the light of day and even these were published at two different times: the first five juan were published about the year 1636 and the second five juan between 1637 and 1641 (cf. Courant 3413: “名理探,五卷, Traité de logique,” and 3414: “名理探十論,五卷, Les dix catégories de la logique.”) The manuscript copy of the Mingli tan kept in Zikawei also consists of the first five juan. The manuscript copy in ten volumes, kept in the Beitang Library in Beijing (no. 1064), consists of the first five and the second five juan. There is a Ming edition of the Mingli tan in ten juan in the Zikawei Library. This edition has nine columns in each half folio with nineteen characters in each column, in which it corresponds to the edition kept in the Roman Jesuit Archive.

The Mingli tan has been reprinted several times: 1. The Catholic University of Peking published in 1926 a photographic edition in three volumes, under the care of Chen Yuan 陳垣. It was based on the manuscript in five juan kept in the Zikawei Library. At the end of the book there is a postscript and a biography of Li Zhizao by Chen Yuan. 2. In the spring of 1931 the Guangqishe 光啟社 of Zikawei published the five juan edition with an introduction by Xu Zongze 徐宗澤. 3. The Commercial Press in Shanghai published the Mingli tan in ten juan: the first five juan based on the manuscript copy in the Zikawei Library and the second half based on the printed edition possessed by the Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris). At the end of this edition (Wanyou wenku, second series 萬有文庫二編) there is a postscript by Xu Zongze together with two prefaces taken from the manuscript copy in the Beitang Library. 4. The Commercial Press in Taipei reprinted the Mingli tan edition (no. 3) in 1965 as part of the Hanyi shijie mingzhu 漢譯世界名著 (Collection of Chinese Translations of Famous World Classics).

Cf. Fang Hao 1966; Hsü 1949, pp. 193–197; RBS, no. 17 (Shanghai, T’ou se we, 25 Juillet, 1928).
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp. 283-284.

Full citation see: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).

Shixue 詩學 [Peri poētikēs. Chinese]. Shiyi 詩藝 [Ars poetica. Chinese]
Publish_locationBeijing 北京
PublisherRenmin wenxue chubanshe 人民文學出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Edition北京第1版, 北京第3次印刷
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesWaiguo wenyi lilun congshu 外國文藝理論叢書
Call NumberPN1040.S459 A757 1984
Description[1], 168 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteShixue 詩學 / Yalisiduode 亞理斯多德 ; Luo Niansheng yi 羅念生譯. Shiyi 詩藝 / Helasi 賀拉斯 ; Yang Zhouhan yi 陽周翰譯.
Translation of: Peri poētikēs.
Translation of: Ars poetica .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Seriesfoo 119
Shixue 詩學. [Poetics of Aristotle. Chinese]
Publish_locationTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherTaiwan Shangwu yinshuguan 臺灣商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesRenren wenku 人人文庫 ; 0245
Call NumberAC149.R363 0245
Description2, 2, 1, 121, 6 p., [1] leaf of plates ; 17.5 cm.
NoteShixue 詩學 / Yalisiduode zhu 亞里斯多德著 ; Fu Donghua yi 傅東華譯.
"我現在的譯本是根據布乞爾(S. H. Butcher)的英譯本重譯的."
"Du shixue pangzha 讀詩學旁扎": p. [79]-121.
民國56 [1967].
SubjectPoetry--Early works to 1800 Aesthetics--Early works to 1800 Aristotle. Poetics
Seriesfoo 100
Yalishiduode Lunlixue 亞里士多德倫理學. [Ethica. Chinese]
Publish_locationChangsha 長沙
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesWanyou wenku 萬有文庫 ; 第12集 ; 簡便500種
Call NumberB502.Y265 A757 1939
Description2 v. (2, 306 p.) ; 18 cm.
NoteYalishiduode Lunlixue 亞里士多德倫理學 : [10 卷, 上下冊] : 附錄 / Yalishiduode zhu 亞里士多德著 ; Xiang Da yi 向達譯.
Translation of: Ethica.
“全書共分10卷. 卷 2, 4, 6 為夏崇璞譯, 其餘各卷為向達譯. 書末附錄湯用彤譯英國學者 E.Wallace著 “亞里士多德哲學大綱.“
民國28 [1939].
SubjectAristotle. Ethica--Translations into Chinese
Seriesfoo 119
Zhengzhixue 政治學. [Politica. Politics. Chinese]
Publish_locationBeijing 北京
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesHanyi shijie mingzhu congshu 漢譯世界名著叢書
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberJC71.A43 N4912 1981
Descriptionxvi, 522 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteZhengzhixue 政治學 / Yalishiduode zhu ; Wu Shoupeng yi 亞里士多德著 ; 吳壽彭譯.
Translation of: Politica.
"本書根據紐曼(W.L. Newman) 校訂的《亚里士多德〈政治学〉》(The Politics of Aristotle, Introduction, essays, text and notes) 希臘文原文譯出. . First published in 1887.
SubjectPolitical science--Early works to 1800 Philosophy, Greek--Translations into Chinese
Seriesfoo 122