Author: Zhang Juzheng 張居正, 1525-1582

Dijian tushuo 帝鑑圖說
Publish_location[China : s.n]
CollectionRicci Institute Library [S6]
LanguageChinese 中文
Record_typeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本)
ShelfGold Room
Call NumberCase I [DS734.C34 1821]
Description4 v. : ill. ; 30 cm.
NoteDijian tushuo 帝鑑圖說 / [Zhang Taiyue (Juzheng) zhu 張太嶽[居正]著].
Library copy imperfect: no t.p., colophon, pages wanting. Appears to be similar to Jiangling Dengshi ed. 江陵鄧氏藏板, 清道光 i.e. between 1821 and 1850 (OCLC#28310781.
SubjectChina--Emperors China--Kings and rulers--Anecdotes Illustrated books--China--Ming-Qing dynasties, 1368-1911 China--Kings and rulers--Duties
Zhang Gelao zhengzi Sishu zhijie 張閣老正字四書直解. [Jap-Sin I, 14]
Publish_locationDejutang 德聚堂
PublisherChen Changqing zi 陳長卿梓
LanguageChinese 中文
Description24 ce ; n.d.
NoteJapSin I, 14
Zhang gelao zhengzi Sishu zhijie 張閣老正字四書直解.
By Chang Juzheng 張居正 (1525–1582).
Twenty-six juan in twenty-four ce. Bamboo paper. The book is in good condition, with a paper jacket. Late Ming edition.

The title page gives the title (Zhang gelao jingyan Sishu zhijie), the place of publication (Deju tang) and the publisher (Chen Changqing): 正字全編,張閣老經筵四書直解,德聚堂陳長卿梓. On top there is a red, round seal with a design of the god of literature (Kuixing 魁星) and a dragon. Below there is a red seal in seal characters, giving the place of publication: 德聚堂. An inscription on the first folio of juan 1 gives the title, the author (Zhang Juzheng) and the collaborators (Shen Li 沈鯉, Tao Gong 陶珙 and Fang Qixun 方奇峋): 新訂四書直解正字全編相國太岳張居正直解龍江沈鯉正字後學滇南陶珙訂新安方奇峋校.
There is a preface by Tao Gong 陶珙 of Yunnan, dated 15.VIII Chongzhen jiaxu 崇禎甲戌中秋 (6 September 1634), another preface by Ye Can 葉燦, dated 9.IX Chongzhen 8 (崇禎八年乙亥, 19 October 1635) and a prologue by Shen Li to the list of standard characters used for free private schools with the signature: “an elder of Longjiang” 龍江老人. At the end it gives the names of the supervisors of the printing of the book, Chen Youzhi and Chen Yuzhi, sons of the publisher Chen Changqing 陳長卿: 男有芝,毓芝督梓.
For Shen Li (1531–1615), see MJCC, p. 179; DMB 1:616; for Tao Gong, see Wang 1983, p. 351. Ye Can (1566–1643) was a native of Tongcheng 桐城 (Anhui) and a jinshi of 1613, see Wang 1983, p. 667.
The main text has eighteen characters to each column. Annotations and commentary are given in smaller print with seventeen characters to each column.
This book is a collection of lectures which were given to the Wanli emperor in the early days when the latter was still a minor and Zhang was his tutor. The style is simple and clear; it was probably revised before it was printed. Cf. Zhang Taiyue ji 張太岳集 (Shanghai, 1984), juan 38, folio 14b. This book consists of:

1. Daxue zhijie 大學直解, juan 1 (one ce);
2. Zhongyong zhijie 中庸直解, juan 2–3 (two ce);
3. Lunyu zhijie 論語直解, juan 4–12 (nine ce);
4. Mengzi zhijie 孟子直解, juan 13–26 (twelve ce).

The Siku tiyao does not list this book, but it does mention another book of Zhang Juzheng, the Shujing zhijie 書經直解 in thirteen juan (SKTY 1:269), a series of lectures given to the Wanli emperor and written about the time of the Lunyu zhijie. Cf. Wang 1983, p. 44.

The Naikaku Bunko owns a number of editions of this book by Zhang Juzheng (NBC, p. 37); other editions are mentioned by Shao Yichen (TTSK, p. 148). None of them, however, consists of twenty-six juan in twenty-four ce. Cf. Courant 2844–2846, 2847–2848 and 2849 (see K. Lundbaek, “Chief Grand Secretary Chang Chü-cheng & the early China Jesuits” and D. E. Mungello, “The Jesuits’ use of Chang Chü-cheng’s commentary of the Confucian Four Books (1687),” in China Mission Studies Bulletin 3, 1980, pp. 2–11 and 12–22).

Source: Albert Chan, SJ, Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp. 13-14.

SubjectNeo-Confucianism Sishu 四書 Confucianism--Sacred books
Zhang Jiangling shudu 張江陵書牘
Publish_locationShanghai 上海
PublisherGuangzhi shuju 廣智書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
Call NumberDS753.6.Z416 Z416 1907
Description2, 6, 2 , 212, 12 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
NoteZhang Jiangling shudu 張江陵書牘 / [Zhang Juzheng zhu 張居正著].
Guangxu 光緖33 [1907].
SubjectStatesmen--China--Correspondence Zhang Juzheng 張居正, 1525-1582--Correspondence
Zhang Juzheng ji 張居正集
Publish_locationWuhan Shi 武漢市
PublisherJing Chu shushe 荊楚書社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberDS753.6.C43 A2 1987
Description4 v. : facsims. ; 21 cm
NoteZhang Juzheng ji 張居正集 / zhubian Zhang Shunhui 主編張舜徽 ; fuzhubian Wu Liangkai 副主編吳量愷 ; Wu Liangkai, Cui Shuting, Li Guoxiang jiaozhu 吳量愷, 崔曙庭, 李國祥校注.
Contents.--v. 1. 奏疏 -- v. 2. 書牘 -- v. 3. 文集 -- v. 4. 詩,女誡附,直解錄.
SubjectChina--Officials and employees--Ming dynasty, 1368-1644--Sources Scholars--China--Ming dynasty, 1368-1644
Zhang Taiyue ji 張太岳集
Publish_locationShanghai 上海
PublisherShanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberDS753.6.C43 A2 1984
Description[4], 613 p. ; 21 cm
NoteZhang Taiyue ji 張太岳集 / Zhang Juzheng zhuan 張居正撰.
Photoreprint of Ming Wanli 明萬曆 Period copy. "據復旦大學圖書館藏明萬曆壬子[1612]刻本影印"--verso t.p.
Each page represents two leaves of the original. Caption title: 新刻張太岳先生文集.
References: Introduction to the sources of Ming history, p. 140
SubjectChina--Officials and employees--Ming dynasty, 1368-1644--Sources
Zhang Wenzhong Gong quanji 張文忠公全集
Publish_locationShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesGuoxue jiben congshu 國學基本叢書
Call NumberPL2698.Z416 Z416 1935
Description2 v (1, 2, 8, 44, 849 p.) ; 19 cm.
NoteZhang Wenzhong Gong quanji 張文忠公全集 : [上下冊] : 附: Wenzhonggong xingshi 文忠公行實 / Zhang Juzheng zhu 張居正著.
精,平裝. 平裝本分訂為3冊.
民國24 [1935].
SubjectChina--Politics and government--Ming dynasty, 1368-1644--Sources Chinese literature--Ming dynasty, 1368-1644 Zhang Juzheng 張居正, 1525-1582
Zhang Wenzhong Gong quanji 張文忠公全集
Publish_locationShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesGuoxue jiben congshu 國學基本叢書
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberPL2698.Z416 Z416 1935
Description2. v. (1, 2, 8, 44, 849 p.) ; 19 cm.
NoteZhang Wenzhong Gong quanji 張文忠公全集 : [上下冊] / Zhang Juzheng zhuan 張居正撰.
民國24 [1935].
SubjectChina--Politics and government--Ming dynasty, 1368-1644 Chinese literature--Ming dynasty, 1368-1644 Zhang Juzheng 張居正, 1525-1582