Interactive Features Archive



Interactive Feature from @BC

A new laboratory is designed to yield insights into the planet’s past.

Insider: The actors' warm-up

Insider: The actors’ warm-up

Interactive Feature from @BC

A student cast drills and ruminates before a performance in Robsham Theater.

Insider: Jerry York's locker room

Insider: Jerry York’s locker room

Interactive Feature from @BC

It’s minutes to game-time, against a long-standing rival, and Kelley Rink awaits. Enter Coach York.

Faculty books of 2015

Faculty books of 2015

Interactive Feature from @BC

Titles by Boston College faculty published in the past year.

Full house

Full house

Interactive Feature from @BC

A panoramic view inside Alumni Stadium during the University’s 139th Commencement ceremony.

The big picture

The big picture

Interactive Feature from @BC

A panoramic view (with zoom) of the University’s 138th Commencement ceremony, on May 19.

Forever young

Forever young

Interactive Feature from @BC

The real Boston College facebook.

In conclusion

In conclusion

Interactive Feature from @BC

With one semester remaining, here are some of the courses seniors couldn’t pass up.

Past forward

Past forward

Interactive Feature from @BC

A 1908 topographic map of the Heights, commissioned a year after Boston College’s purchase, captures a farmscape on the verge of transformation. Digital enhancements tell the rest.



Interactive Feature from @BC

On May 16, most of the 2,197 members of the Class of 2013 gathered for a group portrait that gives everyone a close-up.

Smile (Taggable version)

Smile (Taggable version)

Interactive Feature from @BC

On May 16, most of the 2,224 members of the Class of 2013 gathered on the lawn outside Higgins Hall for a group portrait.

Emerald isle

Emerald isle

Interactive Feature from @BC

This summer, the brick and concrete expanse of O’Neill Plaza will be replaced by trees and lawn.

Physical property

Physical property

Interactive Feature from @BC

Inside the nano laboratory of physicist Zhifeng Ren.

Corner office

Corner office

Interactive Feature from @BC

A glimpse inside the offices of University President William P. Leahy, SJ.

Office space

Office space

Interactive Feature from @BC

Four coaches, four workplaces, in the round.

The lot of the Civil War sketch artist

The lot of the Civil War sketch artist

Interactive Feature from @BC

On assignment, these artists sent scenes of war to their newspaper editors, who sometimes saw—and printed—things differently.