Googled: Herb Scannell ’79, TV mastermind
Research from @BC
President of Nickelodeon and other top networks; personal friend of SpongeBob SquarePants. A look inside Herb Scannell’s world.
Video from @BC
Arts Festival readings and declamations by faculty and students of their prose and poetry.
In concert
Video from @BC
Singer/songwriter Ellis Paul (Paul Plissey ’87), the 2004 recipient of the Boston College Arts Council Alumni Award, performs live under the tent on O’Neill Plaza.
Turning points
Video from @BC
With same-sex marriage legal in Massachusetts as of May 17, @BC presents a gathering of links to recent campus presentations and discussions on gay life, Catholics, politics, and nuptials.
The Interview: Storyteller
Video from @BC
A conversation with Elizabeth Graver, fiction writer and author of the new novel Awake.