Published: May 2004
The same-sex marriages that became legal in Massachusetts on May 17 are at the center of a national debate on the nature of homosexuality in legal, social, and religious contexts. Boston College has been a forum for discussion on these topics over the past year, through panel discussions and lectures sponsored by the Church in the 21st Century initiative, and by student organizations such as the Undergraduate Government of Boston College and the College Republicans. Gathered here, a selection of recent Boston College programs from Front Row.
Log Cabin Republicans
April 21, 2004
Patrick Guerriero—executive director of the Log Cabin Republicans, a Washington, D.C.-based Republican gay advocacy organization, and a former Massachusetts legislator and mayor—discusses being both Republican and gay, and outlines his support of the movement for gay and lesbian civil rights. Sponsored by the College Republicans.
The Challenge of Gay Marriage
March 9, 2004
Alan Keyes, former U.S. representative to the United Nations, and two-time candidate for the Republican nomination for president, offers an argument in opposition to gay marriage based on a biblically-derived Christian understanding of marriage as sacrament, and a social understanding of heterosexual marriage as a necessary foundation for society. Sponsored by the Undergraduate Government of Boston College and the College Republicans.
Hearing the Still Small Voice
November 18, 2003
Catholic theologian James Alison, author of Faith Beyond Resentment: Fragments Catholic and Gay, keynotes a panel discussion on homosexuality and Catholicism. Respondents are Lisa Sowle Cahill, theology professor; Stephen Pope, theology professor; and James Keenan, SJ, Gasson Chair at Boston College and professor at the Weston Jesuit School of Theology. Sponsored by Allies of Boston College and the Church in the 21st Century.
Homosexuality in a Catholic Context: What has been said about it? What else can be said?
April 28, 2003
Andrew Sullivan and David Morrison discuss homosexuality in Catholic culture. Sullivan, senior editor at the New Republic, argues that there is no scriptural substantiation for the Church’s stance against homosexuality. Morrison, the author of Beyond Gay, promotes chastity for those who are attracted to persons of the same sex. Sponsored by the Church in the 21st Century.