Top flight
News from the College of Arts & Sciences
Ten Fulbright winners, BC's latest Goldwater, and other high achievers.
Photographs from the Women's Resource Center
As part of an April conference at BC, "Envisioning the Church Women Want," the Women's Resource Center invited planners and participants to submit photographs that depict a vision of the Church drawn from experience or hope. The photographs were displayed at the conference and may be viewed online. New submissions on the theme are invited for the expanding project.
Googled: Herb Scannell '79, TV mastermind
Research from @BC
President of Nickelodeon and other top networks; personal friend of SpongeBob SquarePants. A look inside Herb Scannell's world.
Turning points
Video from Front Row
With same-sex marriage legal in Massachusetts as of May 17, @BC presents a gathering of links to recent campus presentations and discussions on gay life, Catholics, politics, and nuptials.
Update from the editors
Who were those people from 1956?
Many of you responded to our request to help us identify individuals in the 1956 documentary about Boston College, Towers on the Heights, that we featured in the last @BC Bulletin, and half of the 24 unknowns have now been identified. You can see who they are (and perhaps help us identify some of the others) here.