Subject: Yijing 易經--Figurist interpretations

Bai Jin Yixue sixiang yanjiu : yi Fandigang tushuguan jiancun Zhongwen Yixue ziliao wei jichu 白晉易學思想研究 : 以梵蒂岡圖書館見存中文易學資料為基礎
AuthorChen Xinyu 陳欣雨
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherRenmin chubanshe 人民出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.B62 C536 2017
Description6, 6, 406 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
NoteBai Jin Yixue sixiang yanjiu : yi Fandigang tushuguan jiancun Zhongwen Yixue ziliao wei jichu 白晉易學思想研究 : 以梵蒂岡圖書館見存中文易學資料為基礎 / Chen Xinyu 陳欣雨.
Includes bibliographical references (p.367-388) and index.

白晉(Joachim Bouvet,1656—1730年),又作白進,字明遠,是法國耶穌會的著名傳教士,於清代康熙二十六年來到中國,是一位對於近代中西文化交流作出卓越貢獻的人物。白晉曾系統地向康熙講授過幾何學和算術,著有《幾何原本》。而在“中學西漸”的文化文流史和《易經》西傳史上,白晉作為“索隱學派”的開創人物,他的形象理論的建立,直接得益於對《易經》的系統研究,建構了一種基於形象理論的神學哲學體系,因而其作用猶為重要。國內對白晉易學的研究還很零散,缺少系統的論著。本書在充分掌握梵蒂岡教廷圖書館中見存中文易學資料和吸取國內外相關研究成果的基礎上,運用文獻學、經學、和合學、詮釋學以及索隱學等研究方法,不僅簡要論述白晉的生平以及來華的基本情況,對梵蒂岡圖書館內白晉中文易學著作進行了釐清、考證和介紹, 而且著重對白晉易學研究方法和易學思想特色進行梳理、探討,並對白晉弟子傅聖澤、馬若瑟的易學思想進行研究,審視了白晉易學思想的影響和局限性,是一部填補學術空白的論著,有很高的學術價值。

序 -- 緒論

第一章 《易經》研究的多元展開

第二章 白晉易學著作考證及主要內容

第三章 白晉易學思想方法

第四章 白晉易學思想特色

第五章 白晉弟子傅聖澤易學思想研究

第六章 白晉弟子馬若瑟易學思想研究

第七章 白晉易學思想的影響

第八章 白晉易學思想局限的審視與反思

結語 -- 附錄 -- 參考文獻 -- 索引 -- 後記

ISBN9787010161907 ; 7010161909
Chinese theology and translation : the Christianity of the Jesuit figurists and their Christianized Yijing
AuthorWei, Sophie Ling-chia [Wei Lingjia 魏伶珈]
PlaceAbingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Chinese
TypeDigital Book (PDF), Digital Book (epub)
SeriesRoutledge studies in Asian religion and philosophy
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBX3746.C5 W45 2020
Descriptionpdf. [xiii, 151 pages : ill. ; 25 cm.]

Chinese theology and translation : the Christianity of the Jesuit figurists and their Christianized Yijing / Sophie Ling-chia Wei.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

"This book uncovers the Jesuits mystic theological interpretation in the translation of the Book of Changes (the Yijing) in their mission in China. The book analyses how Jesuit Figurists incorporated their intra-lingual translation of the Yijing, the classical and vernacular use of Chinese language and the imitation of Chinese literati's format, and the divinization of Yijing numbers into their typological exegesis. By presenting the different ways in which Jesuit Figurists' Christianized the Yijing and crafted a Chinese version of Jesus and Christian stories onto the Chinese classics, this book reveals the value of Jesuit missionary-translators. The Chinese manuscripts the Figurists left behind became treasures which have been excavated and displayed in this book. These treasures reveal the other side of the story, the side not much shown in past scholarship on the Figurists. These handwritten manuscripts on the Christianized Yijing are a legacy which continues to impact the European understanding of Chinese history and civilization in later centuries. A first analysis of these manuscripts in Chinese, the book will be of interest to scholars working on the history of Christianity in China and East Asian Religion and Philosophy"-- Provided by publisher.

Cover; Half Title; Series Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Table of Contents; List of Credits; List of Figures; Foreword; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1: Introduction: Changes and non-changes in the Figurist interpretation of the Yijing; The Jesuit Figurists' encounter with the Yijing; Figurism in China; Finding the Prisca Theologia; Figurism and the Yijing; Topolects and Classical Chinese in intralingual translation; The making of Jesus in the hands of Jesuit Figurists; Different versions of manuscripts; Interaction with the Chinese literati; Numbers and charts in the Yijing

The emergence of Jesus in mythical legendsJesus-the Confucian sage; The making of Jesus in the hexagrams; The vernacular version of Jesus; Conclusion; Acknowledgments; Notes; Bibliography; Chapter 4: The classical and vernacular use of Chinese language in the Jesuit Figurists' re-interpretation of the Yijing; Introduction; Western missionaries' interests in Chinese languages and topolects; The Jesuit Figurists' use of the Yijing for exegetical decipherment of Chinese characters

A written space for communication with the Emperor: competition and cooperationManuscripts-Chinese literary garments; Conclusion; Acknowledgment; Notes; Bibliography; Chapter 6: Deciphering God's encoded messages with divine language: Jesuit Figurist theological interpretation of the Yijing's numbers; Introduction; The Jesuit Figurists' divinization of numbers; Divinization of numbers and the Kangxi Emperor; Divine numbers and charts in Figurists' proselytization; Conclusion; Acknowledgment; Notes; Bibliography; Chapter 7: Concluding remarks.

Local access dig.pdf. [Wei-Chinese theology and translation.pdf]. (also in epub).


Examen examinis, seu responsum ad scriptum censoris anonymi. [Jap-Sin IV, 5B]
AuthorBouvet, Joachim 白晉, 1656-1730Gozani, Giampaolo 駱保祿, 1659-1732
CollectionRicci Institute Library, ARSI
LanguageLatin, Chinese
TypeManuscript (pdf)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.B62 S7432
Descriptionpdf. mss. [39 p. ; 32.5 x 22.5 cm]
NoteJap-Sin IV, 5 B

Bouvet, Joach. Gozani Io. P ᅵ or lat. ᅵ Examen examinis, seu responsum ad scriptum censoris anonymi (Examen aliquot Propositionum ad R. P. Sup. PP. Gall.)
Manuscript copy, not in Bouvet’s own handwriting, written on Chinese paper in Chinese ink. 32.5 x 22.5 cm.

Compared with another copy in Jap-Sin 177, ff. 240–259, this manuscript is almost the same. In Jap-Sin 177, folio 1, the date is given on the left top corner as 29 December 1716 with the title: Apologia P. Bouvet, whereas the present manuscript lacks the date and the title.
The manuscript contains thirty-nine pages. The last page is wrongly numbered twenty-nine instead of thirty-nine. On the verso of this page an inscription is given in Latin: Pro Sententijs P. Bouvet. The manuscript in Jap-Sin 177 numbered thirty-eight pages. Not all the quotations in Chinese are found in Jap-Sin IV, 5 B.
As we have mentioned in Jap-Sin IV, 5 A, Bouvet had his own interpretations of the ancient Chinese Classics, which many of his confreres found hard to accept. As a result, he was told by his superior to submit his writings for censoring. The present letter to Gozani, the Visitor of the China mission, must have been written after the censor’s report on his writing. It was an Apologia pro operibus suis.

Cf. Witek 1982, p. 205, n. 128.

Source; A. Chan, Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp.522-523.

Local access in folder ARSI Jap-Sin I-IV under Jap-Sin IV-5B.pdf]
Online at ARSI via Internet Archive.

Jesuit Figurists and eighteenth-century religious thought
AuthorRowbotham, Arnold H. (Arnold Horrex), b. 1888
PlaceNew York
PublisherJournal of the History of Ideas
CollectionRouleau Archives
ShelfFile Cabinet A
Call NumberPL1064.P73 R682 1956
Descriptionp. 471-485 ; 26 cm.
NoteThe Jesuit Figurists and eighteenth-century religious thought / by Arnold H. Rowbotham.
"Reprinted from Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. XVII, No. 4, October, 1956, pages 471-485."
Note: Available online via JSTOR to the USF community and JSTOR subscribers.
Latina interpretatio veterrimi libri dicti 易 Y cum Prolegomenes sur L’Y Kim. [Jap-Sin I, 22]
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageLatin, Chinese, French
TypeDigital Book (PDF), Manuscript (pdf)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberPL2464.Z7 L38d
Descriptionpdf. [17, 28, 44 [...] ; 24 x 16 cm.]
NoteJapSin I, 22
Latina interpretatio veterrimi libri dictiY cum “Prolegomenes sur L’Y Kim.
Paper bound in one volume, European style. Anonymous and without date.
Léon Wieger (WH) wrote on the cover: “Prolegomena occupant pp. 17. Proemium 28 pp., Latina interpretatio 44 + 26 + 16 + 6 + 16 + 16 + 19 pp.; 8 capita legatus. 24 x 16.”
The interpretation of the Yijing is written in Latin throughout on Chinese paper with a Chinese brush and Chinese ink. The explanation of the diagrams of the Yijing are sometimes written in Chinese.The “Prolegomenes sur L’Y Kim” (17 pages) is written in French. The first paragraph reads:
J’ay cru que pour aider les scavans D’Europe à entrer dans la science de symboles, qu’ apres l’etude de l’ecriture ste me paroit seule digne d’eux, je devois tacher de les mettre sur la voye par quelques prolegomenes qu’ils n’auront pas de peine a comprendre et a retenir. Ce sera comme le 6, ce de L’Y Kim. J’ay travaillé et ils retireront le fruit de mon travail, n’en serai je pas assez bien payé.

Source: Albert Chan, SJ, Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, p. 21.

Available online on ARSI series, Jap. Sin. I-IV.
Local access dig.pdf. [Latina Y Kim Jap-Sin I-22.pdf]
Also in ARSI I-IV folder.

Mapping China and managing the world : culture, cartography and cosmology in late imperial times
AuthorSmith, Richard J. (Richard Joseph), 1944-
PlaceNew York
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesCritical Asian scholarship ; 9
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberGA1121.S65 2013d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [xvi, 270 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.]
NoteMapping China and managing the world : culture, cartography and cosmology in late imperial times / Richard J. Smith.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction -- The languages of the Yijing and the representation of reality -- Mapping China's world : cultural cartography in late imperial China -- Ritual in Qing culture -- The teachings of ritual and the rectification of customs : echos of tradition in the political culture of modern China -- Divination in the Qing -- Jesuit interpretations of the Yijing in global perspective.

Local access dig.pdf. [Smith-Mapping China.pdf]

Ming-Qing zhiji zai Hua Yesuhuishi zhi Yi shuo 明清之際在華耶穌會使之易說
AuthorYang Hongsheng 楊宏聲
PlaceJi’nan Shi 濟南市
PublisherShandong daxue chubanshe 山東大學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfFile Cabinet A
Call NumberPL2464.Z7 Y365 2003x
Descriptionp. 41-51 ; 26 cm.
NoteMing-Qing zhiji zai Hua Yesuhuishi zhi Yi shuo 明清之際在華耶穌會使之易說 / Yang Hongsheng 楊宏聲.
Extract from: Zhouyi yanjiu 周易研究2003年第6期 (總第六十二期)
Abstract also in English: Theories on Yi by the Jesuit missionaries in China at the turn of the Ming and Qing dynasties / YANG Hong-sheng.
".... Some contents of the Yi learning, such as mathematicized figures of Luoshu (洛書, Map of Luo), had been spread to the western world before modern times (mid-1800’s to 1919)....The initiators were Jesuit missionaries ... at the turn of the Ming and Qing dynasties. This paper primarily regulates[sic] the theories on Yi by Matteo Ricci and Joachim Bouvet....characterized with philosophical analysis, manifesting their religious philosophical standpoint around the arguments of Taiji. Jesuit missionaries generally advocate earlier Confucianism and original Chinese philosophical classics and ... criticize the neo-Confucianism of the Song and Ming dynasties as well as Song Yi learning."
Ricci, the Chinese, and the Toolkits of Textualists. [Ricci and the Chinese]
AuthorGrafton, AnthonyGoodman, Howard L.
PlacePrinceton, NJ
PublisherAsia major
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeExtract, Extract (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBV3427.R46 G66 1990
Descriptionp.95-148 ; 23 cm.

Ricci, the Chinese, and the Toolkits of Textualists / Howard L. Goodman and Anthony Grafton.
Offprint from Asia Major: THIRD SERIES, Vol. 3, No. 2 (1990), pp. 95-148.
Published by: Academia Sinica.
Running title: Ricci and the Chinese.
Includes bibliographical references.

Topics: Society of Jesus, Memory, Chinese culture, Confucianism, Palaces, Christian history, Literary criticism, Philology, Stoicism

Local access dig. pdf. [Ricci Toolkits.pdf].
Access Asia Major via BC Libraries

Specimen Sapientiae hieroglyphicae seu Theologiae Symbolicae priscorum Sinarum, proponendum omnibus viris Apostolicis & ceteris nationum orientalium conversionem, ardenter desiderantibu. [Jap-Sin IV, 5A]
AuthorBouvet, Joachim 白晉, 1656-1730
CollectionRicci Institute Library, ARSI
LanguageLatin, Chinese
TypeManuscript (pdf)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.B62 S743
Descriptionpdf. mss. [189 p. : ill.]
NoteSpecimen Sapientiae hieroglyphicae seu Theologiae Symbolicae priscorum Sinarum, proponendum omnibus viris Apostolicis & ceteris nationum orientalium conversionem, ardenter desiderantibus.

Citation: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp. 518-522.

Jap-Sin IV, 5

Some manuscript writings of Joachim Bouvet. Eight folders (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) in one case. Written in Chinese ink on Chinese paper. Wieger's catalogue (WH) gives: “Fouquet, Bouvet etc., MS (ineptiae).”

Jap-Sin IV, 5 A

Specimenᅵ Sapientiae hieroglyphicae ᅵ seu Theologiae Symbolicae priscorum Sinarum, ᅵ proponendum ᅵ omnibus viris Apostolicis ᅵ & ceteris nationum orientalium conversionem, ardenter desiderantibus.
Six fascicules, 189 pages. 33 x 24.2 cm.

On the first page there is a Latin inscription: “Admodum Reverendo in Christo Patri ᅵ P. Michaëli Archangelo Tamburino ᅵ Societatis Jesu praeposito generali.”

In this letter to the General of the Jesuits Bouvet defends himself against some of his French confreres on the question of his interpretation of the ancient Chinese Classics.

Bouvet was one of the five Jesuits sent by Louis XIV to China as mathematicians and astronomers. Both he and Jean-François Gerbillon were kept in the imperial court as tutors to the Kangxi emperor. They not only learned Chinese but also the Manchu language. The emperor seemed to be fond of Bouvet and considered him as the better student of the Chinese language among the foreign missioners then in China. Both Bouvet and Jean-François Foucquet had an idea of finding traces of Christianity in ancient Chinese monuments and writing. They even tried to identify the ancient Chinese kings with patriarchs in the Scriptures. For this they were known as “figurists” and their theory as “figurism.”

To begin his studies, Bouvet took up what he considered as the most ancient documents from the Classics , namely, the Yijing 易經 (Book of Changes) and the Shijing 詩經 (Book of Songs). He seemed to have paid special attention to the Yijing. When he revealed his project to the emperor, the latter gave his full support and followed his studies with enthusiasm.

This undertaking of Bouvet, however, did not please his confreres; in fact, it had caused uneasiness among many. Cyr Contancin, then superior of the French residence in Peking, writing to the General of the Order had this to report on Bouvet: “. . . sed post vinginti annos et amplius tali studio deditos nihil quidquam aliud consecutus est Pater, quam ut ab ipsamet sua majestate diceretur tandem bonum senem hallucinari et circa sui operis negotium non esse sanae mentis (Jap-Sin 177, f. 72v). F.-X. Dentrecolles, then superior of the French missioners in Peking, ordered Bouvet not to show his writings on ancient Chinese studies to any outsider (not even the emperor), unless these writings had been approved by censors who had been appointed by the superior. In a moment of distress Bouvet wrote to the General of the Order trying to justify his own position. J.-F. Foucquet meanwhile wrote a long letter to Jean-Joseph Guibert about the ins and outs of the conflict and sided with the views of Bouvet. The following is the summary of Bouvet’s letter to the General:

The first paragraph (pp. 7–39) bears the title: “De origine et antiquitate nationis Sinensis totiusque eius literaturae, in notitia Dei unius et Trini, Creatoris et Reparatoris, ac legi Decalogi ab initio fundata” with the following contents:

1. De monumentis praediluvianis, per Noe devolutis ad Sinas (p. 12).
2. De antiquitate librorum canonicorum sinensium (p. 13).
3. De caeteris libris majoris auctoritatis: 道德經,淮南子,太極圖 (on the Trinity) (p. 15).
4. De vera significatione vocis ye, unus (p. 25).
5. De vera significatione vocis Tai-kie, primum principium (p. 26).
6. De vera significatione vocis tai-ye [太一], ter maximus (p. 28).
7. De mystica sigificatione vocum vu [無], non ens; yeu-vu [有無], ens et non ens; et tai-hiu [太虛] — inane ter maximum, vel ter maximum immateriale (pp. 30–34).
8. Blank sheet (p. 40).

The second paragraph (pp. 41–70) bears the title: “De veteri chronico sinarum ubi demonstratur. 1.° Fohi 伏羲 1um Sinarum legislatorum, eundem ac S. Patr. Enochum. 2.° Diluvium Sinis notum, idem esse ac diluvium Noeticum.” On page 43, Bouvet draws a diagram where he presents Adam as Pan cu 盤古, Seth as Tien hoam 天皇, Enos as Ti hoam 地皇, Cain as Gin hoam 人皇, Malaléël as Yeu chao 有巢, Jared as Sui gin 燧人, Enoch as Fohi 伏羲, Mathusala as Xin num 神農, Lameth as Hoam ti 皇帝, Noe as Ti yao 帝堯. This is followed by “Diluvium in traditione sinensi memorandum idem ac diluvium Noëticum” (pp. 50–70), and four blank sheets (pp. 71–74).

The third paragraph (pp. 75–106) is entitled “De genuine priscorum sinarum doctrina ubi demonstratur. 1.o In eorum Libris canonicis non agi nisi de sapientia divina & eius sancta Lege nomine Tao [道] appellata. 2.o Divinam legem in libris canonicis contentam complecti notiones essentiales triplicis mundi status, i.e. mundi initio a Deo creati cum summa perfectione, deinde per Angeli & hominis inobedientia corrupti, ac demum a Deo ipso Incarnato reparati.” Page 75 starts with “Totam librorum canonicorum doctrinam voce tao comprehendi, nec esse diversam a Lege divina, et habere pro objecto eius divinum Auctorem.” At the end there are two blank sheets (pp. 107–108).

The fourth paragraph (pp. 109–148) bears the title: “De tertio mundi statu, seu de reparatione generis humani ac Domino eius Reparatore. Iuxta veteres sinarum traditiones” with the following contents:

1. Heutien [後天] seu caeli posterioris formator, id est: mundi Redemptor est Deum homo. 周易大全圖說 (Zhouyi daquan tushuo) (p. 109).
2. Diversa Xim gin [聖人] seu sancti nomina clare designant mundi Redemptor (p. 113).
3. Sanctus omniscius 論衡 : 世無聖人,不能知天 (Lunheng) (p. 118).
4. Sanctus Altissimus et humillimus. 易或 : 謙謙坤德, 聖人之至德也 (Yihuo) (p. 119).
5. Unus affectuum dominus perfecte sanctus, et principuum justitiae hominum. 禮記 : 中心安仁者,天下一人而已矣 (Liji) (p. 120).
6. Immunis ab omni peccato, satisfacit pro omnium peccatis. 易 :無咎者,善補過也 (Yijing) (p. 121).
7. Sancto coelitus imposita paciendi neccesitas. 孟子: 故天將降大任於斯人也 (Mengzi), etc. (p. 123).
8. Mortis sancti Salvatoris. 易損卦 : 損上益下,民說無疆,自上下下,其道大光 (Yijing) (p. 125).
9. Sancti in poenis invicta constantia. 事文類聚:斷火三日,謂去冬至,一百四日,五日,六日也。起於周舉,至唐時盛興之 (Shiwen leiju) (p. 126).
10. Triduum eius passionis et mortis. 禮記:親始死,水槳不入口,三日不舉火,又 … 三日而後斂者,以俟其生也 (Liji) (p. 127).
11. Sancto in coelum regresso, publicatio evangelium, omnium gentium convertio et via coeli aperta. ([Yiwei] Qianzuodu and Yijing) (p. 130).
12. Publicatio evangelii et gentium per operationem Spiritus Sancti. (Yijing)(p. 132).
13. Regeneratio per baptismum. (Yijing) (p. 135).
14. De immortalitate animae et aeternitate aut mortis iustorum et peccatorum, iusto sancti iudicio, in fine singulis decernenda. (Guanyinzi) (p. 138).

The fifth paragraph (pp. 149–189) bears the title: “De ratione symbolica & hieroglyphica libri Ye kim 易經 et caeterorum librorum canonicorum ubi de praecipuis symbolis messiam Salvatorem praefigurantibus; Necnon de stella prodigiosa, quae eius nativitatem, et de eclipsi portentosa, quae eius mortem universo orbi annuntiaverunt.” The contents are:

1. Mysticum libri Ye kim systema, est veluti compendiosum totius naturae exemplar sub technicis hieroglyphorum figuris recondes easdem Sanctae Legis notiones, quas prisci sapientias in immenso universi volumine olim contemplabantur sub symbolis rerum naturalium rationibus (p. 149).
2. Rationes symbolicae coeli, polis, stellis et planetis annexae (p. 155).
3. Quatuor animalia coelestia symbola Salvatoris. 十三經:麟鳳五靈,王者之嘉瑞也。疏:麟鳳與龜龍白虎,五者神靈之鳥獸,王者之嘉瑞也 (Shisanjing) (p. 164).
4. Unicornis Kilin symbolum Salvatoris (reference from Lushi 路史: 麟難紀) (p. 167).
5. Stella Epiphaniae in Sinarum monumentis veluti propheticis oraculis clare consignata. 綱鑑大全:舜帝時景星出,慶雲興 (Gangjian Daquan) (p. 178).

In the last paragraph (p. 189), Bouvet says:

Cum vix nunc mihi supersit tantum temporis quamtum requirit compendium computorum totius systematis chronologici Regum predictorum numero 120. praedicti chronici, quorum Regni duratio exhausit cum perfecta praecisione integram periodum figurae rotundae 64. hexagrammatum libri Ye kim, quam periodum contendo continere verum annorum imo et dierum numerum a interjectorum inter diem creationis mundi et diem quo Christus morte sua Redempto genere humano in coelum ascendit: nunc omissa paragraphi 6.ti expositione; ne lector rei novitate attonitus, existimet eius argumentum non posse esse in nulla soliditate fundamentum; his scriptis subjungo pro ultimo quaternione, expositionem unius odae valde singularis de quodam Herae seu sancto nomine Heu çie 後稷, vulgo habito pro tuneo radicali dynastiae Cheu, cuius lectio suadebit confido, quemcumque, non hunc solum esse vere eximium messiae Salvatoris typum propheticum, sed etiam plures alios similes occurere in veteribus Sinarum monumentis.

If we look at the bibliography taken from this writing of Bouvet, there is no doubt that he had made a great effort to pursue his studies. They are not simply ‘ineptiae’ (absurdities), as Wieger called them. Bouvet was a scholar and a seeker of the truth. His writings as we have seen, had caused some of his confreres’ uneasiness, but at the same time there were others who were in his favor.

The Chinese books quoted in Bouvet’s manuscript are [in source's original Wade-Giles romanization]:

Tzu-chih t'ung-chien 資治通鑑, Chu-ching k'ao-i 諸經考異, T'u-shu pien 圖書編,Chou-I chuan 周易傅, Ta-hsüeh yen-i pu 大學衍義補, Hsün-tzu 苟子, Shih-chi 史記, Ch'un-ch'iu Tso-chuan 春秋左傅, Mo-tzu 墨子, Huai-nan-tzu 准南子,Ch'un-ch'iu ta-ch'üan 春秋大全, Li-chi 禮記, Tung-tzu 董子, Lao-tzui i 老子翼, Lao-tzu 老子, Chuang-tzu 莊子, Yü-chih Chou-I che-chung 御製周易折中, Lieh-tzu 列子, Ho-kuan-tzu 鵲冠子, Shuo-wen tzu-yüan 說文字原, I-huo 易或, Shu-ching 書經, Lü-shih ch'un-ch'iu 呂氏春秋, Tao-te ching chih-kuei 道德經指歸, Hsing-li cheng-meng chi-shih 性理正蒙集釋, P'ei-wen yün-fu 佩文韻府, Chou-I t'u-shuo 周易圖說, Liu-ching t'u 六經圖, Nan-hua fu Mo 南華副墨, Lu-shih 路史, Shuoyüan 說苑, Liu-shu ching-yün 六書精蘊, T'ung-chien kang-mu yüan-shih 通鑑綱目原始, Kang-mu ch'ien-pien pien-i 綱目前編辨疑, Li Kuang-ti tsou che 李光地奏摺, Tzu-hui 字彙, Huai-nan hung-lieh chieh 准南鴻烈解, Lu-shih hou-chi 路史後記, Kung-yang chuan 公羊傳,Ku-liang chuan 穀梁傳, Ssu-shu k'ao 四書考, Chia I Hsin-shu 賈誼新書, Chin-k'uei 金宜, Chu 朱子, T'ung-chih 通志, Shan-hai ching 山海經, Chung-yung 中庸, Hsi-yüan yüeh-yen 西原約言, I cheng-i 易正議, I-wei Ch'ien-tso-tu 易緯乾鑿度, Kuei-yen-tzu 桂巖子, Feng-su t'ung 風通俗, Ta-hsüeh 大學, Chou-I t'u-shuo shu 周易圖說述, Hsiang-hsiang kuan-chien 像象管見, Yen-tzu 晏子, Ch'ien-ch 'üeh lei-shu 潛確類書, Pao-p'u-tzu 抱朴子, Shuo-wen 說文, Hsüan-chung chi 玄中記, Ch'u-tz'u wai-kuo t'u 楚辭外國圖, Lun-yü 論語, Shao-tzu 邵子, Erh Ch'eng i-shu 二程遺書, Yang-tzu chu 揚子註, Kuei-ku-tzu 鬼谷子, Meng-tzu 孟子, Hsing-li hui-t'ung 性理會遇, Wang Pi /-chieh 王粥易解, Pai-hu t'ung 自虎通, T’ai-p’ing yü-lan 太平御覽,Shuo-fu 說邪, Lun-heng 論衡, Lao-tzu Su chu 老子蘇注, Pu-te-i pien 不得已辯,K'uai-shu 快書, Han-shih wai-chuan 韓詩外傅, I-t'ung chih 一統志, Shih-wen lei-chü 事文類聚, Chou-I ku-pen 周易古本, Ta-tsai li, nei-ching 大戴禮內經, I Lai Chih-te chu 易來知德註, Kuan-yin-tzu 關尹子, Han-shu i-wen chih hsü 漢書藝文志序, Yü-p'i ku-wen yüan-chien 御批古文淵鑒, Wen-hsien t'ung-k'ao 文獻通考, Yen-t'ieh lun 鹽鐵論, Shih-wu yüan-shih 事物原始, Yüe-ling kuang-i 月令廣義, Jui-ying t'u 瑞應圖, Cheng-tzu t'ung 正字通, Ch'un-ch'iu yün-tou shu 春秋運斗樞, K'ung-ts'ung-tzu 孔叢子, Ch'un-ch'iu kan-ching fu 春秋感精符,Shih-wu kan-chu 事物紺珠, Hsing-ching 星經, P'i-ya 埠雅, Li han wen chia 禮合文嘉, Han-shu t'ien-wen chih 漢書天文志, Sui-shu t'ien-wen chih 隋書天文志, Erh-ya i 爾雅翼, Chan-shu 占書, Ch'un-ch'iu K'ung Yen t'u 春秋孔演圖and Hou Han-shu 後漢書.

Online at ARSI via Internet Archive.
Local access dig.pdf. in ARSI Jap-Sin I-IV Folder under: Jap-Sin IV, 5A

Suoyan fenlei 瑣言分類. Tianzhu jingyi 天主精義. [ZKW 250.2. ZKW 94380B]
AuthorShen Zongyan 沈宗彥, 18th cent.
PlaceTaibei 台北
PublisherTaipei Ricci Institute 利氏學社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
SeriesXujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.A2 X845 2013 v.2
Descriptionv.2 [p.207-249] ; 22 cm.
NoteSuoyan fenlei: fu Tianzhu jingyi 瑣言分類附天主精義 / 無名氏.
Anon., undated (between 1700-1725?).
Mss in one juan with Shen Zongyan 沈宗彥, 18th cent., Tianzhu jingyi 天主精義.
In collection Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編.
Cf. Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).
Tianxue shuo 天學說
AuthorChung, Andrew 鄭安德Shao Fuzhong 邵輔忠, jinshi 1595
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing daxue zongjiao yanjiusuo 北京大學宗教研究所
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeBook (Text in Collection), Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesMingmo Qingchu Yesuhui sixiang wenxian huibian 明末清初耶穌會思想文獻匯編 ; 40
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.Z6 C68 2000 v. 40
Description20, 12 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteTianxue shuo 天學說 / Shao Fuzhong yuanzhu ; Lou Yulie guwen ; Zheng Ande bianji 邵輔忠原著 ; 樓宇烈顧問 ; 鄭安德編輯.
N.B. Conflicting dates for Shao's jinshi degree: 1595, 1596, or 1605 (萬曆三十三年) are cited.

"...Bouvet was following a path blazed by Chinese Christian writers such as the late Ming convert, Shao Fuzhong (jinshi, 1596), whose book Tianxue shuo [On the Heavenly Learning], draws upon the Great Commentary, hexagram analysis and the writings of Shao Yong and others in comparing concepts and images in the Yijing with various Catholic doctrines such as the Trinity and the Immaculate Conception." See: "Jesuit Interpretations of the Yijing (Classic of Changes) in historical and comparative perspective", by Richard J. Smith (2001) PDF.

明末淸初耶稣会思想文献汇编 = An expository collection of the Christian philosophical works between the end of the Ming dynasty and the beginning of the Qing dynasty in China ; 第40册.

Local access dig.pdf. in folder: [Andrew Chung Series].

Tianxue shuo 天學說. [Borgia Cinese, 334.7]
AuthorShao Fuzhong 邵輔忠, jinshi 1595
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherTaiwan xuesheng shuju 臺灣學生書局
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesTianzhujiao dongchuan wenxian xubian 天主教東傳文獻續編 ; v. 1
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBX880.T56152 1966d. v.1
DescriptionPDF [WXXB, vol. 1, pp. 1-18]
NoteTianxue shuo 天學說 / Shao Fuzhong 邵輔忠.
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana ed.: Borgia Cinese, 334.7.
In vol. 1 of: Tianzhujiao dongchuan wenxian xubian 天主教東傳文獻續編.
N.B. Conflicting dates for Shao's jinshi degree and identity: 1595, 1596, or 1605 (萬曆三十三年) are cited.

"...Bouvet was following a path blazed by Chinese Christian writers such as the late Ming convert, Shao Fuzhong (jinshi, 1596), whose book Tianxue shuo [On the Heavenly Learning], draws upon the Great Commentary, hexagram analysis and the writings of Shao Yong and others in comparing concepts and images in the Yijing with various Catholic doctrines such as the Trinity and the Immaculate Conception." See: "Jesuit Interpretations of the Yijing (Classic of Changes) in historical and comparative perspective", by Richard J. Smith (2001).

See: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).
Local access [Shao-Tianxueshuo.pdf]

Translating the Book of Changes in nineteenth century Britain
AuthorWong Chi-Keung [Huang Zhiqiang] 黃志強
PlaceHong Kong 香港
PublisherUniversity of Hong Kong 香港大學
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberPL2478.W654 2010d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [2], 124 leaves ; 30 cm.]
NoteTranslating "The book of changes" in nineteenth century Britain / by Wong Chi Keung.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hong Kong, 2011.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 108-124).
Online at HKU Scholars Hub.
Local access dig.pdf. [Wong-BookChangesBritain.pdf]
Trans-textual dialogue in the Jesuit missionary intra-lingual translation of the Yijing
AuthorWei, Sophie Ling-chia [Wei Lingjia 魏伶珈]
PlacePhiladelphia, PA
PublisherUniversity of Pennsylvania
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.B62 W56 2015
Descriptiondig.pdf [x, 205 leaves : illustrations ; 29 cm]
NoteTrans-textual dialogue in the Jesuit missionary intra-lingual translation of the Yijing / Sophie Ling-chia Wei.
Thesis (Ph.D., East Asian Languages and Civilizations)--University of Pennsylvania.
Includes bibliographical references.


In Early Qing Dynasty, the Jesuit Figurists found the Yijing as their precious treasure and treated it as the bridge linking the gap between Christianity and Chinese civilization. The Yijing was viewed as preserving relics of this pure true religion. They tried to find Prisca theologia (ancient theology) in the Chinese classics, especially in the Yijing (the Book of Changes). This group of Jesuit Figurists viewed the Yijing as a prophetic book, which contained some of the mysteries of Christianity and so started their trans-textual dialogue with the ancient texts and the auxiliary commentaries of the Yijing. What distinguishes this dissertation from other academic research about the Jesuit Figurists is its focus on the Jesuit Figurists' Chinese works on the Yijing. Between 1710 and 1712, Bouvet wrote eight works about the Yijing in Chinese. This dissertation aims to discover the missing piece in the puzzle and make the whole research on the Jesuit Figurists' works of the Yijing more complete.
Though their endeavors on the re-interpretation of the Yijing and their proselytization failed to promote Catholicism as a national religion in China because the Kangxi Emperor and Chinese literati all had their own agenda, their dialogue with the Yijing to build the esoteric connection and parallels with Christianity reveals more and more valuable findings. The same mystical elements, such as numbers, images, characters in both the Western tradition of biblical hermeneutics, and the charts and hexagrams of Yijing, become tokens of exchange and disclose evidence of their deliberate interpretation. Each page of their Chinese handwritten manuscript should not be left unnoticed because they invite us to embark on a new journey to uncover their embedded mystic theological interpretation in their trans-textual dialogue in the intra-lingual translation of the Book of Changes.

Local access dig.pdf. [Wei-Jesuit Translation Yijing.pdf]

Yesuhuishi Fu Shengze shenfu zhuan : suoyinpai sixiang zai Zhongguo ji Ouzhou 耶穌會士傅聖澤神甫傳 : 索隱派思想在中國及歐洲. [Controversial ideas in China and Europe. Chinese]
AuthorWitek, John W. 魏若望Wu Liwei 吳莉葦
PlaceZhengzhou Shi 鄭州市
PublisherDa Xiang chubanshe 大象出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library, Ricci Institute [AEC]
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesGuojia Qingshi bianzuan weiyuanhui : Bianyi congkan 國家清史編纂委員會 : 編譯叢刊
ShelfHallway Cases, Admin. Office
Call NumberBV3427.F59 W5712 2006
Description10, 4, 467 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteYesuhuishi Fu Shengze shenfu zhuan : suoyinpai sixiang zai Zhongguo ji Ouzhou 耶穌會士傅聖澤神甫傳 : 索隱派思想在中國及歐洲 / [美] Wei Ruowan zhu 魏若望著 ; Wu Liwei yi 吳莉葦譯.
Translation of: Controversial ideas in China and Europe : a biography of Jean-François Foucquet, S.J. (1665-1741).
Original title page appears on t.p. verso.
Includes index (from original text). Bibliography: 309-441

C.2 AEC collection

Yijing benzhi 易經本旨. Yijing benzhi xu 易經本旨續. Yijing Lüzhu 易經呂註. [ZKW 250.3, ZKW250.8, ZKW 94441B-94444B]
AuthorLü Liben 呂立本 , fl. 1774
PlaceTaibei 台北
PublisherTaipei Ricci Institute 利氏學社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
SeriesXujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.A2 X845 2013 v.1-2
Descriptionp. 1-586 [v.1], p.1-206 [v.2] : ill. ; 22 cm.
NoteYijing benzhi 易經本旨. Yijing benzhi xu 易經本旨續/ [Lü Liben 呂立本].
In collection: Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編.
Mss. dated 1774. Pre/postfaces: Lü Liben 呂立本 [序] Qianlong 乾隆 39/6: 1774.
[Also in: Xu Zongze, Tiyao (1949), pp. 133-134]
"Zikawei 徐家匯 250.3 (易經呂註)"
Cf. Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).