Subject: Illustrated books--China--Ming-Qing dynasties, 1368-1911--Facsimiles

Chengshi moyuan 程氏墨苑
AuthorCheng Dayue 程大約, 1541-ca. 1616
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberNK6035.2.C64 C452 1606d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [16 v. : ill.]
NoteChengshi moyuan 程氏墨苑 / [zhuanzhe Cheng Dayue 撰者程大約].
Unspecified stitch-bound edition. Prefaces dated 1594-1605.
Dig.pdf. local access [Chengshi Moyuan.pdf]; BnF Mss. Chinois [CSMY1134-1137] 1136 n.a.
Online at
See also BnF Mss. Chinois 1134-1137.

Chengshi Moyuan cataloged in six sections: heavenly works; places; officials; abundant items; scholarship; Buddhism and Daoism.
“….Four religious engravings that were owned by Ricci have been preserved in a most curious way, by being included in the “ink cake” album Chengshi moyuan 程氏墨苑 (The Ink Garden of Mr. Cheng), published shortly after 1605 by the famous ink master Cheng Dayue 程大約 (1541-1616?). With his fine sense of publicity Ricci had given them to Cheng to be reproduced both on his ink cakes and in this “sales catalogue”. Significantly, the four images (the disciples of Emmaus, Saint Peter sinking in the water, Sodom, and the Virgin with Child) were given a place in Cheng’s section of “Buddhist and Taoist subjects” (zihuang 緇黃). The reproduction of the Western prints is amazingly exact. Most interesting is the fact that the picture of the Virgin with Child according to its inscription was made “In Sem[inario] Jap[onico] 1597”, a clear sign of the connection with the Jesuit workshops in Japan.” ---Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, p. 811. See also p. 866.

Guben xiaoshuo congkan 古本小說叢刊 : 第一輯
AuthorGuben xiaoshuo congkan bianji weiyuanhui 古本小說叢刊編輯委員會
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZhonghua shuju 中華書局
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberPL2625.K86 1987
Description5 v. (4, 2842 p.) : ill. ; 21 cm.
Note古本小說叢刊. 第一輯 / [《古本小說叢刊》編輯委員會編輯].
Series main entry. See individual entries listed for details:
Vol. 1. Tang Sanzang Xiyou shi'e zhuan 唐三藏西游釋厄傳 / Zhu Dingchen bianji 朱鼎臣編輯.
Vol. 2. Shenghuameng 生花夢 / Guwu Echuanzhuren 古吳娥川主人.
Vol. 3. Zhangui zhuan 斬鬼傳 / Wu Xiaoling cang 吳曉鈴藏 -- Caimei qiaoxiangfeng Wanruyue 才美巧相逢宛如約 / Xihuazhuren piping 惜花主人批評.
Vol. 4-5. Hongloumeng : Shu Yuanwei xuben 紅樓夢 : 舒元煒序本 / Cao Xueqin zhuan 曹雪芹撰.
ISBN7101002056 ; 9787101002058
Liujing tu 六經圖周禮. [Zhouli 周禮]
AuthorZheng Zhiqiao 鄭之僑, jinshi 1737
Place[China : s.n]
PublisherShutang 述堂
CollectionRicci Institute Library [VS]
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本)
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberPL2468.Z6 Z4355 1743
Description4 juan in one v. : ill. ; 27 cm.
NoteLiujing tu 六經圖 : [二十四卷] / Zheng Zhiqiao bianji 鄭之僑編輯.
Library has Zhouli section only (juan 21-24)
Qing Qianlong kuihai 清乾隆癸亥 [8年, 1743]
框20.7 x 14.2公分, 9行22字, 白口, 四周雙邊, 單黑魚尾. 版心上鐫書名, 中鐫卷次及經名, 下鐫"述堂".
Fugitive volume lacking t.p., colophon or other identification. Publisher from caption title.
Qing. Sun Wen hui Hongloumeng 清・ 孫溫繪全本紅樓夢 = A Dream of Red Mansions : as depicted in the Qing dynasty paintings by Sun Wen. [Hongloumeng 紅樓夢. English & Chinese]
AuthorCao Xueqin 曹雪芹, ca. 1717-1763Lüshun bowuguan 旅順博物館Sun Wen 孫温, active 1862-1908Han Dan 含澹
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZuojia chubanshe 作家出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook (fanfold)
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberPL2727.S2 S866 2011
Description2 v. in case : color fanfold ill. ; 42.5 cm.
NoteQing. Sun Wen hui Hongloumeng 清 ・孫溫繪全本紅樓夢 / Lüshun bowuguan bian 旅順博物館編 ; Han Dan yi 含澹譯 = A Dream of Red Mansions : as depicted in the Qing dynasty paintings by Sun Wen / edited by Lüshun Museum ; translated by Han Dan.
Diancangben 典藏本 (Collectors Edition)
Parallel text in Chinese and English. (漢英對照)

“….currently stored in Lushan Museum in Dalian…..set of paintings bound with the vertical accordion binding method, is consisted [sic] of twenty-four volumes, in which one volume is blank. Each volume possesses ten pictures and amount to two hundred and thirty pictures are displayed in the book….of the 120-chapter A Dream of Red Mansions. The number of pictures printed for each chapter varies. It seems the picture book was not finished by the same painter because the….style of the first 80 chapters differs significantly from…the last 40 chapters…”
“ 七十三老人潤齋孫溫”

"清孫溫繪百廿回紅樓夢"原大版超大型畫冊, 系根據旅順博物館所藏國家一級文物, 享有國寶之稱的清代孫溫所繪"紅樓夢"大幅絹本工筆彩繪圖冊, 按原大尺寸仿真複製, 內文畫芯長七十六.五厘米, 寬四十三.三厘米, 是目前可見國內最大開本畫冊.高精度的原畫照相, 製版, 高質量的印刷及特製內文材料的使用, 保證了原畫工筆精細, 色彩艷美, 唯妙唯肖藝術魅力的再現.全書二百三十幅畫面, 三千多人物形象及豐富多彩的各類場景, 生動地表現了一百二十回"紅樓夢"的主要故事情節, 是研究"紅樓夢"的重要形象資料.全書五色印刷, 採用傳統手工經折裝形式, 進口布料燙金封面, "四合套"函裝, 豪華莊重, 高貴典雅.限量印刷2000套.是一部不可多得的藝術鑑賞及收藏, 饋贈精品.”—OCLC record note.

Special Donation by Ms. Li Shuting 李舒婷 and Family

ISBN9787506360470 ; 7506360470
Sheyuan mocui 涉園墨萃. [Li Madou ti baoxiang tu fuzeng 利瑪竇題寶像圖附贈]
AuthorRicci, Matteo 利瑪竇, 1552-1610Tao Xiang 陶湘, 1871-1940Cheng Dayue 程大約, 1541-ca. 1616
PlaceBeiping 北平
PublisherWujin Tao Shi 武進陶氏
CollectionRicci Institute Library [VS]
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本)
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberNK6035.2.C6 S53 1929
Description14 v. in 2 cases : illustrations ; 29 cm.

Sheyuan mocui 涉園墨萃 / [Tao Xiang jikan 陶湘輯刊].
"A Collectanea of Works on Ink and Inkstones" includes Cheng Dayue 程大約 Li Madou ti baoxiang tu fuzeng 利瑪竇題寶像圖附贈, the graphics and Romanized Chinese text from Chengshi moyuan 程氏墨苑.

[v. 1] 墨譜法式 3卷. (宋) 李孝美撰. 墨經. (宋) 晁貫之撰. 墨史3卷. 陸友篹 -- [v. 2] 墨法集要. 沈繼孫撰丁卯 (1927). 中山狼圖. (明) 程大約. (明) 利瑪竇題寶像圖附贈. 墨苑文. 程大約. 丁卯 (1927) -- [v. 3-8] 墨海內輯書3卷外輯圖 7卷附錄. (明) 方瑞生輯戊辰 (1928) -- [v. 8] 墨表 4卷. 萬夀祺 -- [v. 9-11] (鑑古齋)墨藪4卷附錄附錄補遺. 汪近聖. (清) 汪爾臧. (清) 汪惟高製. (清) 汪炳宇等輯戊辰(1928) -- [v. 12-14] 中舟藏墨錄3卷. 袁勵準戊辰石印己巳玻璃版印圖 -- [v. 14] 內務府墨作則例 己巳 (1929). 南學製墨箚記. 謝崧岱述己巳 (1929).

“….Four religious engravings that were owned by Ricci have been preserved in a most curious way, by being included in the “ink cake” album Chengshi moyuan 程氏墨苑 (The Ink Garden of Mr. Cheng), published shortly after 1605 by the famous ink master Cheng Dayue 程大約 (1541-1616?). With his fine sense of publicity Ricci had given them to Cheng to be reproduced both on his ink cakes and in this “sales catalogue”. Significantly, the four images (the disciples of Emmaus, Saint Peter sinking in the water, Sodom, and the Virgin with Child) were given a place in Cheng’s section of “Buddhist and Taoist subjects” (zihuang 緇黃). The reproduction of the Western prints is amazingly exact. Most interesting is the fact that the picture of the Virgin with Child according to its inscription was made “In Sem[inario] Jap[onico] 1597”, a clear sign of the connection with the Jesuit workshops in Japan.” ---Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, vol. 1, p. 811. See also p. 866.

Li Madou ti baoxiang tu fuzeng 利瑪竇題寶像圖附贈 in TIF & PDF see folder Ricci Insktone

Xianxiang shiwuduan Meiguijing 顯相十五端玫瑰經. [ZKW 95564B]
AuthorBritto, Domingos 畢多明. 1674-1742Hinderer, Romain 德瑪諾, 1668-1744Shengmu lingbaohui 聖母領報會 [Congregation of the Annunciation]
PlaceTaibei Shi 台北市
PublisherTaipei Ricci Institute 利氏學社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
SeriesXujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.A2 X845 2013 v.17
Descriptionpp. 261-294 : ill. ; 22.5 cm.
NoteXianxiang shiwuduan Meiguijing 顯相十五端玫瑰經 / Shengmu lingbaohui 聖母領報會.
Revisers 閱訂: Britto, Domingos S.J. 畢多明 (Bi Duoming) (1674-1742), Hinderer, Romain S.J. 德瑪諾 (De Manuo) (1668-1744) (vice-provincial 值會; actually visitator: 8 Sept. 1721 - 8 Sept. 1724; 8 Sept. 1725 - 18 July 1729)
Date between c. 1720 and 1730 [c. 1720's]
Orig. printed: Yunjian (Shanghai) Jingyitang 雲間敬一堂.
Variant title: (Shengmu lingbaohui) Xianxiang shiwuduan meiguijing (聖母領報會) 顯相十五端玫瑰經.

In vol. 17 of: Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編. -- 39. 顯相十五端玫瑰經 (聖母領報會)
Cf. Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).

Zhongguo gudai ershisi xiao quantu 中國古代二十四孝全圖 = The twenty four cases of filial piety
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBJ1639.E67 1892
Descriptiondig.pdf. [1 v. (chiefly color illustrations) ; 19 cm]
NoteZhongguo gudai ershisi xiao quantu 中國古代二十四孝全圖 = The twenty four cases of filial piety.
Place of publication not identified: publisher not identified, [Renchen (1892?)]
Twenty four stories with color illustrations, poems, and parallel Chinese and English text.
Chinese character "fu 福" on wood board cover.
Local access dig.pdf. [Twenty Four cases 二十四孝圖.pdf]