Date | 2011 |
Publish_location | Beijing 北京 |
Publisher | Zuojia chubanshe 作家出版社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Chinese-English |
Record_type | Book (fanfold) |
Shelf | Silver Room |
Call Number | PL2727.S2 S866 2011 |
Description | 2 v. in case : color fanfold ill. ; 42.5 cm. |
Note | Qing. Sun Wen hui Hongloumeng 清 ・孫溫繪全本紅樓夢 / Lüshun bowuguan bian 旅順博物館編 ; Han Dan yi 含澹譯 = A Dream of Red Mansions : as depicted in the Qing dynasty paintings by Sun Wen / edited by Lüshun Museum ; translated by Han Dan. Diancangben 典藏本 (Collectors Edition) Parallel text in Chinese and English. (漢英對照)
“….currently stored in Lushan Museum in Dalian…..set of paintings bound with the vertical accordion binding method, is consisted [sic] of twenty-four volumes, in which one volume is blank. Each volume possesses ten pictures and amount to two hundred and thirty pictures are displayed in the book….of the 120-chapter A Dream of Red Mansions. The number of pictures printed for each chapter varies. It seems the picture book was not finished by the same painter because the….style of the first 80 chapters differs significantly from…the last 40 chapters…” "清孫溫繪百廿回紅樓夢"原大版超大型畫冊, 系根據旅順博物館所藏國家一級文物, 享有國寶之稱的清代孫溫所繪"紅樓夢"大幅絹本工筆彩繪圖冊, 按原大尺寸仿真複製, 內文畫芯長七十六.五厘米, 寬四十三.三厘米, 是目前可見國內最大開本畫冊.高精度的原畫照相, 製版, 高質量的印刷及特製內文材料的使用, 保證了原畫工筆精細, 色彩艷美, 唯妙唯肖藝術魅力的再現.全書二百三十幅畫面, 三千多人物形象及豐富多彩的各類場景, 生動地表現了一百二十回"紅樓夢"的主要故事情節, 是研究"紅樓夢"的重要形象資料.全書五色印刷, 採用傳統手工經折裝形式, 進口布料燙金封面, "四合套"函裝, 豪華莊重, 高貴典雅.限量印刷2000套.是一部不可多得的藝術鑑賞及收藏, 饋贈精品.”—OCLC record note. Special Donation by Ms. Li Shuting 李舒婷 and Family |
Subject | Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹, ca. 1717-1763. Hongloumeng 紅樓夢--Illustrations Illustrated books--China--Ming-Qing dynasties, 1368-1911--Facsimiles Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹, ca. 1717-1763. Hongloumeng 紅樓夢--In art |
ISBN | 9787506360470 ; 7506360470 |