Author: Grousset, René, 1885-1952

Bilan de l'histoire
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Call NumberCB73.B561 G778 1946
Description312 p. ; 18 cm.
NoteBilan de l'histoire / par René Grousset.
Conqueror of the world. [Conquérant du monde. English]
Publish_locationNew York
PublisherOrion Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS22.G7513 1966
Descriptionxvii, 300 p. :maps (on lining papers) ; 24 cm.
NoteConqueror of the world / translated from the French by Marian McKellar and Denis Sinor ; with preface, notes and bibliography by Denis Sinor.
Translation of: Conquérant du monde.
Bibliography: p. [293]-300.

PART ONE : THE ANCESTORS -- 1. The Sons of the Grey Wolf and the Tawny Doe -- 2. The Heavenly Visitor -- 3. The Gest of Bodonchar -- 4. Misery and Grandeur of the Nomads -- 5. Rude Chieftain at the Court of the King of Gold -- 6. Unquenchable Hatreds: The Death Throes of Ambaqay -- 7. The Mongol Hercules.

PART TWO : CONQUEROR OF THE WORLD -- 1. Yesugei the Brave and Prester John -- 2. Yesugei's Conquest of the Lady Ho'elun -- 3. Childhood Days of Chingis-khan -- 4. Orphans Driven from the Clan -- 5. The Young Chingis-khan Kills His Brother -- 6. Chingis-khan Pilloried -- 7. Chingis-khan Escapes -- 8. The Theft of the Horses -- 9. Chingis-khan's Marriage -- 10. The Coat of Black Sables -- 11. The Abduction of the Beautiful Borte -- 12. Chingis-khan Wins Back the Beautiful Borte -- 13. Convoy in the Night and the Separation of the Hordes -- 14. Chingis-khan, King of the Mongols -- 15. Prisoners Thrown into Boiling Cauldrons -- 16. The Brawl after the Banquet -- 17. Chingis-khan in the Service of the King of Gold -- 18. Chingis-khan Rids Himself of the Mongol Princes -- 19. Surprise Assaults in the Mountains -- 20. Chingis-khan's Magnanimity -- 21. The Anti-Caesar Jamuqa and the Battle in the Storm -- 22. Chingis-khan Wounded: The Devotion of Jelme -- 23. "The Arrow that Wounded Your Horse, It was I Who Shot It!" -- 24. "If You Had Delivered Up Your Master to Me, I Would Have Put You To Death." -- 25. The Extermination of the Tatars.

26. The Hearts of the Two Tatar Sisters -- 27. "Our Daughters Are Ladies: Theirs, Serving Women" -- 28. Nomads between Sworn Allegiance and Treason -- 29. The Two Herdsmen Save Chingis-khan -- 30. The Affray by the Red Willows -- 31. The Tears of Chingis-khan -- 32. "We Shall Gather Up the Mongols Like Dung-Pats." -- 33. The Complaint of Chingis-khan -- 34. The Bitter Water of the Baljuna -- 35. Night March and Surprise Attack -- 36. The Fate of the Kereit Princesses -- 37. "You Have Trampled Underfoot the Head of this Dead Man!" -- 38. "Those Evil-smelling Mongols" -- 39. En Route for the Hangay Mountains -- 40. The Dogs of Chingis-khan Eat Human Flesh -- 41. The Death of Tayang -- 42. The Advocacy of the Fair Qulan -- 43. "These Merkits, I Hate Them!" -- 44. A Note of High Tragedy: Chingis-khan and Jamuqa -- 45. The "May Field" of 1206; Proclamation of the Mongol Empire; Promotions and Citations -- 46. The Old Guard -- 47. In the Siberian Tayga -- 48. Priesthood Versus Empire: The Ambitions of the Grand Shaman -- 49. Chingis-khan Breaks the Back of the Grand Soothsayer -- 50. On the Approaches to China.

51. Vengeance for Ancient Injuries: The War of Chingis-khan against the King of Gold -- 52 The Storming of the Great Wall and the Descent into the Great Plain -- 53. The Mongols Take Peking -- 54. Chingis-khan's Meeting with the Chinese Man of Letters -- 55. On the Silk Road: The Uyghurs, Chingis-khan's Mentors in Civilization -- 56. The Ride of Jebe the Arrow from Mongolia to the Pamirs -- 57. The Massacre of the Caravan -- 58. Before the Great War: Chingis-khan's Testament -- 59. In Moslem Country -- 60. The Wind of Anger and the Taking of Bukhara -- 61. Toward Samarkand -- 62. At Urgenj: Attack Through a Town in Flames -- 63. Manhunt: On the Track of the Sultan -- 64. The Wind of Anger Blows over Khorassan -- 65. Storm Over Afghanistan -- 66. From the Destruction of Towns to the Revelation of Urban Civilization -- 67. Chingis-khan and the Problem of Death: The Summoning of the Alchemist -- 68. To Join Chingis-khan: Across Mongolia -- 69. Conversations of Chingis-khan with the Chinese Sage -- 70. Surfeited with Conquest, the Great Army Returns to Its Native Land -- 71. Persia, the Caucasus and Russia: The Fantastic Ride of Jebe the Arrow and Subotei the Bold -- 72. The Conqueror's Years of Repose -- 73. Return to China -- 74. "If It Means My Death I Will Exterminate Them!" -- 75. "My Children, the End Is Near For Me..." -- 76. "As a Falcon Soars Circling in the Heavens..." -- 77. Up There, Somewhere in the Forest.

SubjectCivilization, Medieval--13th century Genghis Khan 成吉思汗, 1162-1227 Mongols--Kings and rulers--Biography Conquerors--Asia--Biography
Empire of the Steppes : A History of Central Asia [Empire des steppes. English]
Publish_locationNew Brunswick, N.J.
PublisherRutgers University Press
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
EditionSecond printing
Call NumberDS785.E675 G778 1970
Descriptionxxx, 687 p. : ill., maps. ; 25 cm.
NoteThe Empire of the Steppes : A History of Central Asia / René Grousset ; Translated from the French by Naomi Walford.
Includes bibliographical references.

Contents: I. The high plateaus of Asia until the thirteenth century: 1. Early history of the Steppes : Scythians and Huns: The antiquity of Steppe civilization. The Scythians. Scythian art. The Sarmatians and Western Siberia. Pre-Turkic cultures of the Altai. Origins of the Hsiung-nu. Hunnic art. The first thrust of the Hsiung-nu and the migration of the Yüeh-chih. The repercussions of the first victories of the Huns : collapse of Greek domination in Afghanistan. Conflicts between the Hsiung-nu and the early Han : split with the western Hsiung-nu. Conflicts between China and the Hsiung-nu during the period of the Later Han Dynasty : split with the southern Hsiung-nu. The Silk Road. Pan Ch’ao's conquest of the Tarim Basin. Civilization of the Tarim oases at the end of antiquity and the beginning of the Middle Ages. Supplanting the northern Hsiung-nu by the Hsien-pi in the Empire of Mongolia. The great invasions of the fourth century : North China conquered by the Hsiung-nu and the Hsien-pi. The kingdom of the Tabgatch Turks, or Toba, and the Mongol khanate of the Juan-juan. The last Minusinsk culture. The Ephthalite Huns. The Huns in Europe : Atyila ; 2. The Early Middle Ages : T’u-chüeh, Uigur, and Khitan: The empire of the T’u-chüeh. Partition of the T’u-chüeh Empire. The destruction of the khanate of the eastern T’u-chüeh by Emperor T’ai-tsung. Dissolution of the khanate of the western T’u-chüeh. The Indo-European oases of the Tarim at the accession of the T’ang Dynasty. The establishment of the T’ang Protectorate in the Tarim Basin. T’ang China, lord of Central Asia. The last balze of T’u-chüeh power : Mo-ch’o Khagan. Kul-tegin and Mo-ki-lien. Destruction of the empire of the eastern T’u-chüeh : rise of the Uigur Empire. The peak of T’ang power : the subjection of western Turkestan. Chinese and Arab rivalry west of the Pamirs. The Chinese in the Pamirs, 747-750. The collapse of T’ang domination in Central Asia. The Uigur Turkic empire. The Sha-t’o Turks. The Khitan. The Jurchid ; 3. The Turks and Islam to the thirteenth century: The Iranian barrier against the Turkic world in the tenth century : the Samanids. The Turkicizing of Kashgaria and Transoxiana : the Karakhanids. Role of the Seljuks in Turkish history. Sultan Sanjar and the Watch on the Oxus. The Kara-Khitai Empire. The Khwarizmian Empire ; 4. The Russian Steppe from the sixth to the thirteenth centuries: The Avars. Bulgars and Magyars. The Khazars. Petchenegs and Kipchaks

II. The Jenghiz-khanite Mongols: 5. Jenghiz Khan: Mongolia in the twelfth century. First attempts at unity among the Mongols. The youth of Jenghiz Khan. Jenghiz Khan, vassal of the Kerayit. Breach with the Wang-khan : conquest of the Kerayit country. Conquest of the Naiman country : unification of Mongolia. Jenghiz Khan : Emperor. The new Mongol Empire : state and army. Conquest of northern China. Mongol conquest of the old Kara-Khitai Empire. Destruction of the Khwarizmian Empire. Raid by Jebe and Sübötäi into Persia and Russia. The last years of Jenghiz Khan. Jenghiz Khan : his character and achievements ; 6. The three immediate successors to Jenghiz Khan: Distribution of appanages among Jenghiz Khan's sons. The reign of Ogödäi (1229-41). Destruction of the Kin Realm by the Mongols. Conquest of western Persia by the Mongols. Batu's and Sübötäi's campaigns in Europe. Törägänä's regency (1242-46). Güyük's reign (1246-48). Regency of Oghul Qaimish. Mongka's reign (1251-59). Rubruck's journey. Monka's war against the Sung Empire ; 7. Kublai and the Mongol Dynasty of China: Rivalry between Kublai and Ariq-bögä. Conquest of the Sung Empire. Wars in Japan, Indochina, and Java. Struggle with Qaidu. Kublai's government : Mongol and Chinese policy. Religious policy of Kublai and his successors : Buddhism. Religious policy of Kublai and his successors : Nestorianism. Marco Polo's journey. Economic prosperity in China under Mongol rule. Catholicism in China under the Mongol Dynasty. The last of the Kublai line and the expulsion of the Mongols from China ; 8. Turkestan under the House of Jagatai: The Jagatai Khanate : origins and general characteristics. Alghu;s reign : Jagataite attempt at independence. The Khanate of Jagatai under Qaidu's suzerainty. The Khanate of Jagatai at its zenith : Duwa, Esen-buqa, and Kebek. Schism in the Khanate of Jagatai : Transoxiana and Mogholistan. Transoxiana under the rule of Emir Qazghan. Tughluq Timur : reintegration of Jagatai ; 9. Mongol Persia and the House of Hulägu: The Mongol regime in Persia until the coming of Hulägu : Chomaghan, Baiju, and Eljigidäi. The Mongol regime in Persia to the arrival of Hulägu : Körgüz and Arghun Agha. Hulägu's reign : destruction of the Assassins, conquest of Baghdad, and annihilation of the Caliphate. Hulägu sympathy with Christianity. Expedition of Hulägu to Syria. Hulägu's last years. Abaqa's reign. Arghun's reign. Rabban Sauma's embassy to the West. The reigns of Gaikhatu and Baidu. Ghazan's reign. Oljaitu's reign. Abu Sa’id's reign. Dissolution of the Mongol Khanate of Persia ; 10. The Khanate of Kipchak: Jöchi and his sons : the Golden Horde, the White Horde, and the Ulus of Shayban. Batu and Berke. Nogai and Toqtai. Özbeg and Janibeg. Mamai and Toqtamish ; 11. Tamerlane: The Kingdom of Transoxiana delivered from the Mongols by Tamerlane. Duel of Tamerlane and Mir Husain. Ruler of Transoxiana and the Timurid Empire. Conquest of Khwarizim. Expeditions to Mogholistan and Uiguria. Conquest of eastern Iran. Conquest of western Iran. Tamerlane and Kipchak. Expedition to India. Tamerlane and the mamelukes. Tamerlane and the Ottoman Empire. The conquest of China. The Tamerlane succession : Shah Eukh's reign. Abu Sa’id. The last Timurids

III. The last Mongols: 12. The Mongols of Russia: The end of the Golden Horde. The khanates of the Crimea, Astrakhan, and Kazan ; 13. The Shaybanids: From Shayban to Abu’l Khair. Muhammad Shaybani and the Shaybanid Khanate of Transoxiana. The Khanate of Bukhara under the Astrakhanids and Mangits, The Khanate of Khiva. The Khanate of Kokand. The Shaybanids of Siberia ; 14. The last Jagataites: Resurgence of Mogholistan after Tamerlane : Vais-khan and Esen-bugha. Yunus and the Jagataite revenge upon the House of Tamerlane. The Jagataites thrown back east of the T’ein Shan Range : influence of the Timurid Renaissance in Kashgaria : the historian Haidar-Mirza. The last Jagataites. The Khojas of Kashgaria ; 15. The last empires of Mongolia from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century: Anarchy in Mongolia after 1370. The first Oirat Empire : Toghan and Esen-taiji. The last Jenghiz-khanite restoration : Dayan-khan and Altan-khan. Partition of the Dayanid Empire : the Ordos and Khalka khanates. Conversion of the eastern Mongols to Lamaism. Conquest of China by the Manchus. The western Mongols in the seventeenth century. Movements of peoples among the western Mongols : the Kalmuck migration. The Khoshot Khanate of Tsaidam and the Koko Nor, Protector of the Tibetan Church. The Dzungar kingdom under the Choros Dynasty : Ba’atur-khongtaiji's reign. Galdan's reign (1676-97) : foundation of the Dzungar Empire. The Dzungar Empire under Tsewang Rabdan (1697-1727). Galdan Tsereng's reign (1727-45). Dawaji and Amursana : annexation of Dzungaria by the Manchu Empire. The unfulfilled destiny of the western Mongols. Annexation of Kashgaria by the Manchu Empire.

Translation of: Empire des steppes.
Title: Empire des steppes.

SubjectMongols--History Polo, Marco 馬可波羅, 1254-1323? Asia, Central--History
face de l'Asie : données permanentes et facteurs de renouvellement
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS33.1.G7
Description444 p. 23 cm.
NoteLe face de l'Asie : données permanentes et facteurs de renouvellement / René Grousset ; avec une préf. et 2 chapitres complémentaires par George Deniker.
Histoire de la Chine
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesLes Grandes études historiques
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS735.G85 1942
Description428 p. : fold. maps ; 19 cm.
NoteHistoire de la Chine / [René Grousset]. Paris, Fayard [1942].
SubjectChina--Civilization China--History
Seriesfoo 100
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesLes Civilisations de l'Orient, Collection Ars et historia
Call NumberN7302.C585 G778 1949
Descriptioniii, 171 p., [7] p. of plates : ill., maps ; 25 cm.
NoteL'Inde / René Grousset.
“Editions d'histoire et d'art.”
SubjectIndia--Civilization Art, Indic
Seriesfoo 191
Menggu shilüe 蒙古史略. [Histoire de l'Extrême-Orient. Chinese]
Publish_locationTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherTaiwan Shangwu yinshuguan 臺灣商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesRenren wenku 人人文庫 ; 1693
Call NumberAC149.R363 1693
Description2, 2, 3, 101 p. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteMenggu shilüe 蒙古史略 / Gelusai zhu 格魯賽著, Feng Chengjun yi 馮承鈞譯.
Translation from chapter 3 of: Histories [sic] de l’Éxtréme-Orient.
民國60 [1971].
SubjectMongolia--History Genghis Khan 成吉思汗, 1162-1227
Seriesfoo 100
Menggu shilüe 蒙古史略. [Histoire de l'Extrême-Orient-Epoque Mongole. Chinese]
Publish_locationShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesShidi xiao congshu 史地小叢書 (Shanghai 上海)
Call NumberDS19.M364 G778 1934
Description2, 3, 101 p. ; 19 cm.
NoteMenggu shilüe 蒙古史略 : [3卷] / Gelusai zhu 格魯賽著 ; Feng Chengjun yi 馮承鈞譯.
Translation of: Histoire de l'Extrême-Orient-Epoque Mongole.
民國23 [1934].
SubjectMongolia--History Genghis Khan 成吉思汗, 1162-1227 Mongols--History--13th-14th centuries
Seriesfoo 120
Principe unique de la philosophie et de la science d'Extrême-Orient
PublisherLibrairie Philosophique J. Vrin
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Call NumberB126.P756 O471 1970
Description159 p. ; 19 cm.
NotePrincipe unique de la philosophie et de la science d'Extrême-Orient / par Nyoiti Sakurazawa ; préface de ... S. [Serge] Elisséev et R. [René] Grousset.
SubjectScience--China--History Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, Japanese
rise and splendour of the Chinese Empire
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Call NumberDS735.G7 1970
Description312 p. : ill., maps ; 19 cm.
NoteThe rise and splendour of the Chinese Empire / [Translated by Anthony Watson-Gandy & Terence Gordon].
Translation of Histoire de la Chine.
Taiwanese edition of the 1960's or 70's. No date or edition statement present, but taken from the University of California Press edition (1968).
SubjectChina--History China--Civilization
rise and splendour of the Chinese Empire. [Histoire de la Chine. English]
PublisherUniversity of California Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition1st American ed.
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS735.G88r 1968
Description312 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm.
NoteThe rise and splendour of the Chinese Empire. [Translated by Anthony Watson-Gandy and Terence Gordon. 1st American ed.].
Translation of: Histoire de la Chine.
Originally published 1953.
SubjectChina--Civilization China--History
The empire of the steppes : a history of Central Asia . [L'Empire des steppes : Attila, Gengis-Khan, Tamerlan. English]
Publish_locationNew Brunswick, N.J.
PublisherRutgers University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberDS785.G8313 1970
Descriptionxxx, 687 p. : maps ; 24 cm.

The empire of the steppes : a history of Central Asia / René Grousset ; trans. Naomi Walford.

French original published in 1939.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

I. The high plateaus of Asia until the thirteenth century: 1. Early history of the Steppes : Scythians and Huns: The antiquity of Steppe civilization. The Scythians. Scythian art. The Sarmatians and Western Siberia. Pre-Turkic cultures of the Altai. Origins of the Hsiung-nu. Hunnic art. The first thrust of the Hsiung-nu and the migration of the Yüeh-chih. The repercussions of the first victories of the Hunds : collapse of Greek domination in Afghanistan. Conflicts between the Hsiung-nu and the early Han : split with the western Hsiung-nu. Conflicts between China and the Hsiung-nu during the period of the Later Han Dynasty : split with the southern Hsiung-nu. The Silk Road. Pan Chʻao's conquest of the Tarim Basin. Civilization of the Tarim oases at the end of antiquity and the beginning of the Middle Ages. Supplanting the northern Hsiung-nu by the Hsien-pi in the Empire of Mongolia. The great invasions of the fourth century : North China conquered by the Hsiung-nu and the Hsien-pi. The kingdom of the Tabgatch Turks, or Toba, and the Mongol khanate of the Juan-juan. The last Minusinsk culture. The Ephthalite Huns. The Huns in Europe : Atyila ; 2. The Early Middle Ages : Tʻu-chüeh, Uigur, and Khitan: The empire of the Tʻu-chüeh. Partition of the Tʻu-chüeh Empire. The destruction of the khanate of the eastern Tʻu-chüeh by Emperor Tʻai-tsung. Dissolution of the khanate of the western Tʻu-chüeh. The Indo-European oases of the Tarim at the accession of the Tʻang Dynasty. The establishment of the Tʻang Protectorate in the Tarim Basin. Tʻang China, lord of Central Asia. The last balze of Tʻu-chüeh power : Mo-chʻo Khagan. Kul-tegin and Mo-ki-lien. Destruction of the empire of the eastern Tʻu-chüeh : rise of the Uigur Empire. The peak of Tʻang power : the subjection of western Turkestan. Chinese and Arab rivalry west of the Pamirs. The Chinese in the Pamirs, 747-750. The collapse of Tʻang domination in Central Asia. The Uigur Turkic empire. The Sha-tʻo Turks. The Khitan. The Jurchid ; 3. The Turks and Islam to the thirteenth century: The Iranian barrier against the Turkic world in the tenth century : the Samanids. The Turkicizing of Kashgaria and Transoxiana : the Karakhanids. Role of the Seljuks in Turkish history. Sultan Sanjar and the Watch on the Oxus. The Kara-Khitai Empire. The Khwarizmian Empire ; 4. The Russian Steppe from the sixth to the thirteenth centuries: The Avars. Bulgars and Magyars. The Khazars. Petchenegs and Kipchaks -- II. The Jenghiz-khanite Mongols: 5. Jenghiz Khan: Mongolia in the twelfth century. First attempts at unity among the Mongols. The youth of Jenghiz Khan. Jenghiz Khan, vassal of the Kerayit. Breach with the Wang-khan : conquest of the Kerayit country. Conquest of the Naiman country : unification of Mongolia. jenghiz Khan : Emperor. The new Mongol Empire : state and army. Conquest of northern China. Mongol conquest of the old Kara-Khitai Empire. Destruction of the Khwarizmian Empire. Raid by Jebe and Sübötäi into Persia and Russia. The last years of Jenghiz Khan. Jenghiz Khan : his character and achievements ; 6. The three immediate successors to Jenghiz Khan: Distribution of appanages among Jenghiz Khan's sons. The reign of Ogödäi (1229-41). Destruction of the Kin Realm by the Mongols. Conquest of western Persia by the Mongols. Batu's and Sübötäi's campaigns in Europe. Törägänä's regency (1242-46). Güyük's reign (1246-48). Regency of Oghul Qaimish. Mongka's reign (1251-59). Rubruck's journey. Monka's war against the Sung Empire. 7. Kublai and the Mongol Dynasty of China: Rivalry between Kublai and Ariq-bögä. Conquest of the Sung Empire. Wars in Japan, Indochina, and Java. Struggle with Qaidu. Kublai's government : Mongol and Chinese policy. Religious policy of Kublai and his successors : Buddhism. Religious policy of Kublai and his successors : Nestorianism. Marco Polo's journey. Economic prosperity in China under Mongol rule. Catholicism in China under the Mongol Dynasty. The last of the Kublai line and the expulsion of the Mongols from China ; 8. Turkestan under the House of Jagatai: The Jagatai Khanate : origins and general characteristics. Alghu;s reign : Jagataite attempt at independence. The Khanate of Jagatai under Qaidu's suzerainty. The Khanate of Jagatai at its zenith : Duwa, Esen-buqa, and Kebek. Schism in the Khanate of Jagatai : Transoxiana and Mogholistan. Transoxiana under the rule of Emir Qazghan. Tughluq Timur : reintegration of Jagatai ; 9. Mongol Persia and the House of Hulägu: The Mongol regime in Persia until the coming of Hulägu : Chomaghan, Baiju, and Eljigidäi. The Mongol regime in Persia to the arrival of Hulägu : Körgüz and Arghun Agha. Hulägu's reign : destruction of the Assassins, conquest of Baghdad, and annihilation of the Caliphate. Hulägu sympathy with Christianity. Expedition of Hulägu to Syria. Hulägu's last years. Abaqa's reign. Arghun's reign. Rabban Sauma's embassy to the West. The reigns of Gaikhatu and Baidu. Ghazan's reign. Oljaitu's reign. Abu Saʼid's reign. Dissolution of the Mongol Khanate of Persia ; 10. The Khanate of Kipchak: Jöchi and his sons : the Golden Horde, the White Horde, and the Ulus of Shayban. Batu and Berke. Nogai and Toqtai. Özbeg and Janibeg. Mamai and Toqtamish ; 11. Tamerlane: The Kingdom of Transoxiana delivered from the Mongols by Tamerlane. Duel of Tamerlane and Mir Husain. Ruler of Transoxiana and the Timurid Empire. Conquest of Khwarizim. Expeditions to Mogholistan and Uiguria. Conquest of eastern Iran. Conquest of western Iran. Tamerlane and Kipchak. Expedition to India. Tamerlane and the mamelukes. Tamerlane and the Ottoman Empire. The conquest of China. The Tamerlane succession : Shah Eukh's reign. Abu Saʼid. The last Timurids -- III. The last Mongols: 12. The Mongols of Russia: The end of the Golden Horde. The khanates of the Crimea, Astrakhan, and Kazan ; 13. The Shaybanids: From Shayban to Abuʼl Khair. Muhammad Shaybani and the Shaybanid Khanate of Transoxiana. The Khanate of Bukhara under the Astrakhanids and Mangits, The Khanate of Khiva. The Khanate of Kokand. The Shaybanids of Siberia ; 14. The last Jagataites: Resurgence of Mogholistan after Tamerlane : Vais-khan and Esen-bugha. Yunus and the Jagataite revenge upon the House of Tamerlane. The Jagataites thrown back east of the Tʼein Shan Range : influence of the Timurid Renaissance in Kashgaria : the historian Haidar-Mirza. The last Jagataites. The Khojas of Kashgaria ; 15. The last empires of Mongolia from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century: Anarchy in Mongolia after 1370. The first Oirat Empire : Toghan and Esen-taiji. The last Jenghiz-khanite restoration : Dayan-khan and Altan-khan. Partition of the Dayanid Empire : the Ordos and Khalka khanates. Conversion of the eastern Mongols to Lamaism. Conquest of China by the Manchus. The western Mongols in the seventeenth century. Movements of peoples among the western Mongols : the Kalmuck migration. The Khoshot Khanate of Tsaidam and the Koko Nor, Protector of the Tibetan Church. The Dzungar kingdom under the Choros Dynasty : Baʼatur-khongtaiji's reign. Galdan's reign (1676-97) : foundation of the Dzungar Empire. The Dzungar Empire under Tsewang Rabdan (1697-1727). Galdan Tsereng's reign (1727-45). Dawaji and Amursana : annexation of Dzungaria by the Manchu Empire. The unfulfilled destiny of the western Mongols. Annexation of Kashgaria by the Manchu Empire.

SubjectKublai Khan 忽比烈, 1216-1294 Manchus--History Asia, Central--History Uighur (Turkic people)--History Genghis Khan 成吉思汗, 1162-1227 Khitan Mongols (Qidan Mengguzu 契丹蒙古族)--History Timur [Tamerlane], 1336-1405 Xiongnu 匈奴 (Asian people)--History Turks--Asia, Central--History China--History--Mongol invasion, 12th-13th centuries Mongols--Eurasia Huns
ISBN0813506271 ; 9780813506272