Encounters and dialogues : changing perspectives on Chinese-Western exchanges from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries / edited by Xiaoxin Wu. Seventeen papers presented at the conference "Encounters and Dialogues: an International Symposium on Cross-Cultural Exchanges Between China and the West in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties," Beijing, October 15-17, 2001.
Jointly sponsored by the Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History at the University of San Francisco and the Institute of World Religions at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. "Jointly published by Monumenta Serica Institute, Sankt Augustin, and The Ricci Institute of [sic] Chinese-Western Cultural History at the University of San Francisco."
"The Chinese version of the proceedings, which included twenty-eight papers .... was edited by Dr. Zhuo Xinping and published under the title Xiangyu yu duihua: Mingmo Qingchu Zhong-Xi wenhua jiaoliu guoji xueshu yantaohui wenji 相遇與對話: 明末清初中西文化交流國際學術研討會文集 (Beijing: Zongjiao wenhua chubanshe 宗教文化出版社, 2003)." Papers and Abstracts in English or Chinese. Bibliography: p. [337]-384. Includes index.
Contents: Foreword, Wu Xiaoxin 吳小新.
I. Diplomacy, Trade and Mission before 1800 The early Jesuits and the late Ming border: the Chinese search for accommodation (早期的耶穌會士與中國明末的疆界) / Timothy Brook -- Lun shiba shiji houqi Aomen haishang maoyi de diqu fenbu yu shangpin jiegou 論十八世紀後期澳門海上貿易的地區分布與商品結構 (On the proliferation of Macau’s maritime trade and commodities system in the late eighteenth century) / Zhang Tingmao 張廷茂 -- Priests or Fidalgos? The Portuguese official discussion on the nature of diplomatic envoys to China in the eighteenth century (神父或貴族? 葡萄牙關於十八世紀遺華外交使節性質的官方討論) / António Vasconcelos de Saldanha.
II. Grassroots Exchanges in Local Contexts Li Jiugong and his Meditations (Shensi lu) (李九功及其慎思錄) / Erik Zürcher -- The emergence of a Christian community in Beijing during the late Ming and early Qing period (明末清初北京天主教團體之萌芽) / John W. Witek, S.J. -- Ming-Qing zongzu shehui yu Tianzhujiao de chuanbo: yixiang lizu yu Dongnan chengxiang de kaocha 明清宗族社會與天主教的傳播: 一項立足於東南城鄉的考察 (On the contact between lineage society and Catholicism during the late Ming and early Qing period) / Zhang Xianqing 張先清 -- Xixue dongjian yu Qingdai Zhe-Dong xuepai 西學東漸與清代浙東學派 (The eastward spread of Western learning and the Eastern Zhejiang School in the Qing dynasty / Xu Haisong 徐海松.
III. Presenting the Message Yi shi ji shi, yi shi zheng shi: cong "Minzhong zhugong zengshi" kan Mingmo Yesuhuishi zai Fujian de chuanjiao huodong de lishi 以詩紀事, 以詩證史: 從閔中諸公贈詩看明末耶穌會士在福建的傳教活動的歷史 (The function of poetry in recording events and verifying history: Jesuit activities in Fujian from the mirror of Poems to Giulio Aleni by Fujian scholars) / Lin Jinshui 林金水 -- Chinese dictionaries prepared by Western missionaries in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (十七, 十八世紀西方傳教士所編輯的幾本漢語辭典) / Federico Masini.
IV. Art and Science in Religious Context Fengjiao Tianwenxuejia yu "Liyi zhi zheng" 奉教天文學家與禮儀之爭 (1700-1702) / (The Directorate of Astronomy in the Chinese Rites Controversy) / Han Qi 韓琦 -- For whose greater glory? Jesuit strategies and science during the Kangxi reign (1662-1722) (愈顯誰榮? 康熙時期耶穌會士的策略與科學 (1662-1722)) / Catherine Jami -- Folk Goddess or Madonna? Early missionary encounters with the image of Guanyin (是民間仙女, 還是聖母瑪利亞? 早期傳教士與觀音形象接觸) / Lauren Arnold -- "Jesuit Perspective" at the Qing court: Chinese painters, Italian technique and the "science of vision" (透視學在清朝宮廷: 中國畫家, 西洋技巧和視學的科學) / Elisabetta Corsi.
V. Contructing Memory: Historiographical Issues Early translations of Chinese texts in French Jesuit publications: politics in historiography (十八世紀中國文獻西譯探討) / Isabelle Landry-Deron -- Cong Xifang xuezhe de bianlun kan Zhong-Xi wenhua de tongyixing, chayixing he hubuxing 從西方學者的辯論看中西文化的同一性, 差異性和互補性 (The identity, difference and reciprocity of Chinese and Western cultures seen from arguments by Western scholars / Shen Dingping 沈定平 -- The construction of a Christian history in China (勾畫中國的基督教史) / Nicolas Standaert, S.J. -- A tale of two cities: the Jesuits’ scientific and educational work in Beijing and Shanghai (雙城紀: 耶穌會士在北京與上海的科學與教育) / Jean-Paul Wiest. |