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Stage presence

Slideshow from @BC

Since the Robsham Theater Arts Center opened in 1981, photographer Lee Pellegrini has been capturing dress rehearsals on the main stage. @BC presents a 30th anniversary review.


Physical property

Interactive feature from @BC

Inside the nano laboratory of physicist Zhifeng Ren.



Article from Boston College Chronicle

The Ignatian Colleagues Program offers faculty and staff a deeper understanding of the Jesuit mission.


Movers and shakers

A Boston College Video Minute

Rehearsing for the third annual "Dancing with the Stars" competition, Welch Dining Room, November 4, 2011.



Slideshow from @BC

November 2011 | Inside Stokes Hall, as construction on the University's new humanities building reaches the halfway point.



Focus on the future

Website from the CEO Club of Boston

Outgoing Freddie Mac CEO Charles Haldeman Jr. proposes measures to spur a housing market recovery.

Why Boston College?

Website from the Office of Undergraduate Admission

Five students discuss their reasons for choosing Boston College.

What remains

Article from Boston College Magazine

Improper burials tell the story of social change in medieval Britain.

Squared away

Blog from the Center for Retirement Research

The CRR's new financial literacy blog has earned praise from the Wall Street Journal.

Sophomore quest

Website from the Career Center

Helping second-year students think through the next few years and beyond.


From The Office of News and Public Affairs

Research by Vanderslice Millennium Professor of Chemistry Amir Hoveyda, team leads to improved catalyst. Science Codex, Chemical & Engineering News, PhysOrg.com

McMullen Museum Making History exhibition dubbed "quietly spectacular" by Boston Globe, cited in New York Times travel column

Law School Drinan Professor George Brown writes on the US government's approach to fighting terrorism. Boston Herald

The inspirational story of former Eagles linebacker, cancer survivor, and NFL player Mark Herzlich. 60 Minutes

Center for Work and Family Executive Director Brad Harrington writes in honor of National Work and Family Month. Huffington Post

BC Dining's Chocolate Bar lauded by Food and Wine magazine restaurant editor. CNN blog Eatocracy

Political Science Professor Robert Ross writes on US-China relations. The National Interest

Boston College is 8th in the nation among research universities in producing undergraduate Fulbright winners. Chronicle of Higher Education

Carroll School of Management Dean Andy Boynton writes on specialists versus generalists. Forbes.com

Sociology Professor Juliet Schor: consumer spending won't save the U.S. economy. Time

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