Movers and shakers

Published: November 2011


A Boston College Minute: Rehearsing for the third annual “Dancing with the Stars” competition, Welch Dining Room, November 4, 2011.

Modeled after the reality television show of the same name, Boston College’s “Dancing with the Stars” was started three years ago by the Cape Verdean Student Association (CVSA). This year’s event, which CVSA cosponsored with the Undergraduate Government of Boston College–UNITY (United Nationalities Integrated Throughout the Year), paired eight representatives of student-run dance troupes such as Synergy and Phaymus with eight student leaders (this year’s “stars” included UGBC president Mike Kitlas ’12 and Gururaj Shan ’12, president of the AHANA leadership council). The teams practiced a 45–60 second dance and competed before a panel of judges—two alumni of Boston College dance groups and one member of the Student Programs Office—who scored them on criteria such as “synchronization and time” and “communication with crowd.” The duo of Vanessa Gomez ’13 (vice president of the UGBC senate) and Elizabeth Woods ’13 (Irish Dance Club) step-danced to a first-place finish.

Dancers, in order of appearance: Gururaj Shan ’12 and Amy Walsh ’12; Carolyn McCrosson ’12 and Ryan Pais ’13; Jennifer Wanandi ’13 and Lucas Shin ’12; Jorge Miranda ’13 and Sandy Simeon ’12; Vanessa Gomez ’13 and Elizabeth Woods ’13; Mike Kitlas ’12 and Sarina Sadana ’12; Ariel Durgana ’12 and Scott Jean ’14.

This feature was posted on Thursday, November 17, 2011 and is filed under Boston College Minute.
Producer: Ravi Jain.