Subject: Astronomers--China--Correspondence

Correspondance de Pékin, 1722-1759
AuthorGaubil, Antoine 宋君榮, 1689-1759Simon, Renée
PublisherLibrairie Droz
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition1. éd
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesEtudes de philologie et d'histoire ; 14
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberDig. Archives [QB31.G37 1970]
DescriptionDig. pdf [xviii, 1001 p. ;18 cm.]
NoteCorrespondance de Pékin, 1722-1759 / publiée par Renée Simon ; préface par Paul Demiéville ; appendices par Joseph Dehergne.
Bibliography: p. 953-962.
Local access only. [Gaubil-Correspondance.pdf]
Jesuitas portugueses astrónomos na China, 1583-1805
AuthorRodrigues, Francisco, b. 1873
PublisherTipografia Porto Medico
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfSeminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBX3746.C5 R62 1925
Description125 p., 1 fold. plate. : ill. ; 20 cm.
NoteJesuitas portugueses astrónomos na China, 1583-1805 / Francisco Rodrigues.
Another copy Gleeson Library.
Jesuítas portugueses astrónomos na China, 1583-1805
AuthorRodrigues, Francisco, b. 1873
PlaceMacau 澳門
PublisherInstituto Cultural de Macau 澳門文化司
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfStacks, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberQB36.R6212 1990
Description129 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Jesuítas portugueses astrónomos na China, 1583-1805 / Francisco Rodrigues = Putaoya Yesuhui tianwenxuejia zai Zhongguo 葡萄牙耶穌會天文學家在中國, 1583-1805 / Folangxisi Luodelijiesi 佛郎西斯.羅德里傑斯.
"Com prefácio de Benjamim Videira Pires, S.J. = qianyan Pan Riming 前言潘日明."
Revised version, with Chinese translation, of edition published: Porto : Tipografia Porto Medico, 1925.
Portuguese and Chinese.
***Graphic resource: black-line drawings of astronomical instruments.

Letters of a Peking Jesuit : the correspondence of Ferdinand Verbiest SJ (1623-1688)
AuthorGolvers, Noël
PublisherFerdinand Verbiest Institute, K.U. Leuven
CollectionRicci Institute Library
EditionRevised and expanded ed.
LanguageEnglish, Portuguese, Latin
SeriesLouvain Chinese studies ; 35
ShelfSeminar Room 102-103
Call NumberQB36.V46 A4 2017
Description962 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Letters of a Peking Jesuit : the correspondence of Ferdinand Verbiest SJ (1623-1688) /  [edited by] Noël Golvers.

Introduction and commentary in English; letters in various languages, chiefly Latin and Portuguese.

Revised and expanded version of the edition entitled Correspondance de Ferdinand Verbiest, edited by Henri Josson and Léon Willaert; published Brussels : Palais des Académies, 1938.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 949-962) and indexes.

Together with Verbiest’s printed works, this correspondence is the most direct witness of his rich life and activities (1623-1688). It covers the 43 years between his first application for the Indies (1645) and his farewell to the Kangxi Emperor (28.01.1688). Side by side with the copies of his astronomical drawings and eclipse maps, inventoried in F. Verbiest and the Chinese Heaven (2003), these letters reveal a wide-ranging network of contacts, within China and with Europe. The topics are as many and various as the 55 correspondents are different, spanning the whole spectrum from the Jesuits in Moscow to Pedro II in Lisbon, from the Franciscans in Shandong to Pope Innocentius XI and the Cardinals of CPF in Rome.  The topics are related to his successive positions in the Jesuit hierarchy in China, his work as an engineer and ‘astronomer’ for the Court and his international diplomatic interventions, with the Jesuit mission in China as the central argument. Verbiest appears in his letters as a very engaged personality, with strong (but carefully outed) convictions and a wide outlook, which comprises the Peking and European Courts, together with Manila, Goa and Siam in one vision. This edition of 134 letters from and to Verbiest replaces that of Henri Bosmans (ed. by H. Josson and L. Willaert), publ. in Brussels in 1938. It is a critical revision of the formerly known 80 items, with a restitution of the original Chinese transcriptions (due to A. Dudink), all extended with 54 new items, mostly from the Ajuda archives (Lisbon), the latter putting especially the Chinese scene in the focus. Two major documents are added (dated 1661 and 1681), which reflect his talents as a polemic writer; also in various other letters he unfolds scriptorial talents, combined to a sharp sense of observation. All this makes this pluri-linguistic corpus (mainly in Latin and Portuguese) to a first hand testimony of the Jesuit mission in China during the restoration from its crisis (1665-1669) to its apogee, of which many dramatic moments and aspects are revealed by the author, who was the main agent in this process.


ISBN9789082090987 ; 9082090988