Subject: Sepulchral monuments--China

Confesseurs de la foi en Chine, 1784-1862
AuthorMoidrey, Joseph Tardif de, 1858-1937
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherImprimerie de T'ou-sè-wè près Zi-Ka-Wei
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook (Photocopy)
ShelfCase X
Call NumberBX1665.M63 1935x
Descriptionphotocopy [210 p. : ill ; 24 cm.]
NoteConfesseurs de la foi en Chine, 1784-1862 / par J. de Moidrey.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
"Bureau Sinologique de Zi-ka-wei"
Contains brief, convenient biographical entries for individuals and groups, with Chinese names included, in similar fashion to Van den Brandt, etc.
Liang Han jinshi wenxuan pingzhu 兩漢金石文選評注
AuthorHuang Gongzhu 黃公渚, 1900-1964
PlaceXianggang 香港
PublisherTaiping shuju 太平書局
CollectionRicci Institute Library [F2]
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberPL2448.L44 1966
Description20, 157 p. ; 19 cm.
Muzhu kao 木主考. [Jap-Sin I, (38/42) 41/1b]
AuthorYan Mo 嚴謨, b.1640?
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherTaipei Ricci Institute 利氏學社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesChinese Christian texts from the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus ; v. 11, Yesuhui Luoma dang'anguan Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian 耶穌會羅馬檔案館明清天主教文獻 ; 第11冊
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.A2 Y47 2002 v. 11
Descriptionpp. 29-36 ; 22 cm.
NoteMuzhu kao 木主考 / [Yan Mo zhu 嚴謨著].

JapSin I, (38/42) 41/1b
Muzhu kao 木主考.

An inscription on the upper margin reads: Mo chu cao.
This treatise deals with the tablets of deceased persons. It has already appeared in Lishi tiaowen (Jap-Sin I, [38/42] 40/2), pp. 93–100. The present manuscript has the following addition at the end of the book: 不然,凡筳亦猶倚神,何也.

Source: Albert Chan, SJ, Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, p. 63.

Qing Dongling shihua 清東陵史話
AuthorXu Guangyuan 徐廣源, 1946-
PlaceBeijing Shi 北京市
PublisherXin shijie chubanshe 新世界出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC-MQT]
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberDS793.E195 X83 2001
Description4, 218 p., [4] p. of plates : color ill. ; 21 cm
NoteQing Dongling shihua 清東陵史話 / Xu Guangyuan zhu 徐廣源著.
本書內容包括有: 清東陵巡視, 順治皇帝的孝陵, 康熙皇帝的景陵, 乾隆皇帝的裕陵, 咸豐皇帝的定陵等.
ISBN7800055507 ; 9787800055508
Qingdai diling 清代帝陵
AuthorLi Yin 李寅
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZhongguo xiju chubanshe 中國戲劇出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC-MQT]
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberDS706.3.L529 2005
Description[4], 8, 284 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 20 cm.
NoteQingdai diling 清代帝陵 / Li Yin zhu 李寅著.
本書全面而翔實地記述了清朝帝王的陵寢, 其中主要有啟清朝之運的永陵, 皇太極的昭陵, 順治的孝陵, 康熙大帝的景陵, 眾說紛紜的泰陵, 嘉慶帝的昌陵, 道光帝的慕陵, 咸豐帝的定陵, 同治帝的惠陵等.
Not in OCLC. ISBN duplicated (used by other items).
Qingdai diwang lingqin 清代帝王陵寢
AuthorZhongguo di 1 lishi dang'anguan 中國第一歷史檔案館Zhu Jinfu 朱金甫Liu Tong 劉彤
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherDang’an chubanshe 檔案出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [M5]
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberDS734.C6115 1982
Description84 p. of plates : ill., map ; 26 cm.
NoteQingdai diwang lingqin 清代帝王陵寢 / Zhongguo di 1 lishi dang'anguan bian ; zhubian Zhu Jinfu ; bianji Liu Tong, Li Wei, Wu Jianqun ; sheying Liu Tong 中國第一歷史檔案館編 ; 主編朱金甫 ; 編輯劉彤, 李偉, 吳建群 ; 攝影劉彤 ... [et al.].
Colophon title.
Cover title also in English: The imperial mausoleums of the Qing dynasty.
Zhongguo tapian 中國拓片 = Chinese rubbings
AuthorZhongguo guoji shudian 中國國際書店
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZhongguo guoji shudian 中國國際書店
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook (Sale catalog)
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberNK3634.Z47 1980
Description176 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 21 x 22 cm.
NoteZhongguo tapian 中國拓片 = Chinese rubbings / edited by Art Department, Chinese Publishing Centre.
Undated catalog. 1980?
***Graphic resource.
Zhongguo xibu kaoguji 中國西部考古記. [Mission archéologique en Chine. Chinese]
AuthorFeng Chengjun 馮承鈞, 1885-1946Segalen, Victor, 1878-1919
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherTaiwan Shangwu yinshuguan 臺灣商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesRenren wenku 人人文庫 ; 1498
Call NumberAC149.R363 1498
Description2, 1, 4, 84 p. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteZhongguo xibu kaoguji 中國西部考古記 / Sejialan zhu 色伽蘭著 ; Feng Chengjun yi 馮承鈞譯.
Translation of: Mission archéologique en Chine.
民國59 [1970].