Subject: Catholic learning and scholarship--China--Sources

Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編. [Sequel to Chinese Christian texts from the Zikawei Library]
AuthorStandaert, Nicolas 鐘鳴旦Dudink, Ad 杜鼎克Xujiahui cangshulou 徐家滙藏書樓Wang Renfang 王仁芳, 1956-
PlaceTaibei Shi 台北市
PublisherTaipei Ricci Institute 利氏學社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.A2 X845 2013
Description34 vols. : ill. : 22 cm.
NoteXujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編 / Zhong Mingdan, Du Dingke, Wang Renfang 鐘鳴旦, 杜鼎克, 王仁芳 = Sequel to Chinese Christian texts from the Zikawei Library / edited by Nicolas Standaert, Ad Dudink, Wang Renfang.
Preface also in English.
"The present collection in 34 volumes reproduces 84 titles ...." -- Preface.
Table of contents online in pdf at: Chugoku Shoten.

"Sequel to the Chinese Christian Texts from the Zikawei Library is edited by Nicolas Standaert, Ad Dudink and Wang Renfang. In line with earlier collections, it reproduces not yet known or not yet published texts which were originally co-produced by Chinese and Europeans. These prints and manuscripts revive the early contacts between China and Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth century.

The present collection of 34 volumes includes 84 titles from the Zikawei (Xujiahui) Library in Shanghai. Two of these titles cover already 14 volumes: Zhang Xingyao’s 張星曜 Tianjiao mingbian 天教明辨 and Louis de Poirot’s translation of the Old (incomplete) and New Testament. The remaining 82 titles cover a wide range of subjects such as Bible texts, Christian explanations of the Book of Changes, apologetics, history of religion and science, and include unique or rather rare titles, for example Jingyi tang zhi 敬一堂誌, Renlei yuanliu 人類源流, Chongxiu jingyun 崇修精蘊, Lü Liben 呂立本 Yijing benzhi 易經本旨, Shang Huqing 尚祜卿 Bu Ru wengao 補儒文告, Lu Xiyan 陸希言 Yishuo 億說, and Chen Xun 陳薰 Xingxue xingmi 性學醒迷.

The purpose of this publication of precious works is twofold: to protect the ancient documents against damage and decay as well as to make these unique documents open to researchers in order to encourage new research. In this way, the editors hope to contribute to the protection and conservation of this cultural heritage."--Publishers note.

第 1 冊: 1. 易經本旨 (呂立本)卷1-3
第 2 冊: 易經本旨 (呂立本)(續) 卷4. -- 2. 瑣言分類 附 天主精義 (無名氏)-- 3. 經書精蘊 (無名氏)-- 4. 真道自著 (無名氏)
第 3 冊: 5. 天儒印正 : 敬一編(頁47-53), 闢妄摘錄(頁55-74)(尚祜卿)-- 6. 天儒印正 [節] 附 匾額對聯(頁85-110)(尚祜卿)-- 7. 補儒文告 (無名氏)(尚祜卿)卷1-3
第 4 冊: 補儒文告 (無名氏)(尚祜卿)(續) 卷4 -- 8. 考工記解 (徐光啟)-- 9. 殿試卷 (許讚曾)-- 10. 會元硃卷(郊社之禮所以事上帝也︱破迷論)(朱宗元)-- 11. 天主聖教通俗至言 (無名氏)
第 5 冊: 12. 人身圖說 (羅雅谷 Iacomo Rho)-- 13. 人身圖說五臟軀殼圖形 (羅雅谷 Iacomo Rho) --14. 康熙永年曆法 (南懷仁 Ferdinand Verbiest)1-2 -- 15. 不得已 (楊光先)-- 16. 彌撒冠儀 (無名氏)

第6-12 冊 : 17. 天教明辨 (張星曜)
第13冊: 18. 聖母七苦會規 (無名氏)-- 19. 聖母領報會規程 (我德費利鐸 Gottfried von Laimbeckhoven)-- 20. 立聖母始胎明道會牧訓 (湯亞立山 Alexandre de Gouveia)-- 21. 羅瑪聖母會規程 (無名氏)-- 22. 聖玫瑰會會規說略 (無名氏)-- 23. 聖母聖衣會恩諭 (那永福 Joseph M. Pruggmayer)-- 24. 敬一堂誌 (無名氏)[抄本A]
第 14 冊: 敬一堂誌 (無名氏)[抄本B] -- 26. 中國傳教緣由 徐文定公事實 (無名氏)-- 27. 天主總論 (無名氏)-- 28. 婚配訓言 (湯亞立山 Alexandre de Gouveia) -- 29. 家學淺論 (無名氏)-- 30. 祭祖答問簡約 (徐慕義)-- 31. 進教不逆祖宗小論 (無名氏)
第 15 冊: 32. 彌撒經典 (利類思 Lodovico Buglio)

第 16 冊: 33. 人類源流 (無名氏) -- 34. 古聖行實 (聶仲遷 Adrien Grelon)-- 35. 奉天學徐啟元行實小記 : 附 徐文定公行實(陸安多尼、沈若翰、周路加)
第 17 冊: 36. 天學雜選 [節] (無名氏) -- 37. 超性俚吟 (許鼎金)-- 38. (題)人類真安稿 (歐加略 Arcadio del Rosario)-- 39. 顯相十五端玫瑰經 (聖母領報會)-- 40. 聖心規條 (馮秉正 Joseph de Mailla) -- 41. 億說 (陸希言)-- 42. 天階 (潘國光 Francesco Brancati) -- 43. 信經解釋 (無名氏)-- 44. 真福八端解釋 (無名氏)-- 45. 聖教簡語 (嚴盎愽削 = 嚴贊化)-- 46. 天教略意 (無名氏)-- 47. 聖教要理俚言 (無名氏)
第 18 冊: 48. 身心四要 (周志)-- 49. 天教便蒙 (周志) -- 50. 天主聖教便蒙歌 (無名氏)-- 51. 醒世方言 (吳某(常熟人))-- 52. 性學醒迷 (陳薰)
第 19 冊: 53. 照永神鏡 (林德瑤 João de Seixas) 卷1-4. -- 54. 助終功用 (那永福 Joseph M. Pruggmayer) 卷1-2 -- 55. 宗元直指 (葉宗賢 Giovanni B. Maoletti)

第 20 冊: 56. 天主聖教口鐸 (無名氏)-- 57. 週年主日口鐸 (陸希言)上下卷
第 21 冊 : 58. 〔破迷集〕(利安寧 Manuel de Labañeza)-- 59. 歸真集 (徐依納爵)-- 60. 詮真指妄 (無名氏)-- 61. 銓真指妄 (無名氏)
第 22 冊: 62.〔佛教來歷,闢邪集〕(無名氏)-- 63. 辯理問答 (王望德)-- 64. 指迷小引 (施友雲)-- 65. 耶穌會例 (殷鐸澤 Prospero Intorcetta)-- 66. 初學指南 (無名氏)-- 67. 吾神父聖祖依納爵神行書工夫 (無名氏)
第 23 冊: 68. 聖祖依納爵神行書導引 (無名氏) --- 69. 八天避靜神書 (聶若望 João Duarte)-- 70. 論輔理修士 (無名氏)
第 24 冊: 71. 崇修精蘊 (林安多 Antònio da Silva) -- 72. 崇修精蘊(恆守良籌) (林安多 António da Silva)-- 73. 默想道規 (無名氏)-- 74. 聖人行實 (高一志 Alfonso Vagnone) 卷 1-3

第 25冊: 聖人行實 (高一志 Alfonso Vagnone) 卷4-7 -- 75. 聖路善工 (無名氏) -- 76. 吟詠聖詩三百首 (無名氏)
第 26 冊: 77. 儒交信 (馬若瑟 Joseph de Prémare)-- 78. 真道自證 (沙守信 Emeric de Chavagnac)-- 79. 論道書 (無名氏)--80. 人類源流 (無名氏)-- 81. 聖教信證 (無名氏)
第 27 冊: 82. 聖教各瞻禮鐸音 (聖教鐸音)(周志)上下卷 -- 83. 提正編[節] (賈宜睦 Girolamo de Gravina)

第 28-34 冊: 84. 古新聖經 (賀清泰 Louis de Poirot 譯): 第 28冊: 造成經(上)(Genesis 1-25); 造成經(下)(Genesis 26-50); 救出之經 (Exodus); 肋未之經 (Leviticus); 第 29 冊: 數目之經 (Numbers); 第二次傳法度之經 (Deuteronomy); 若穌耶之經 (Josue (Joshua)) ; 審事官經 (Judges); 祿德 (Ruth); 第 30 冊: 眾王經(一) (1 Regum (Samuel)) ; 眾王經(二); (2 Regum ( 2 Samuel)) ; 眾王經(三) (3 Regum ( 1 Kings)); 眾王經(四) (4 Regum ( 2 Kings)); 如達斯國眾王經尾增的總綱(一) (1 Chronicles) ; 第 31冊: 如達斯國眾王經尾增的總綱(二) (2 Chronicles) ; 厄斯大拉(上) (1 Esdrae ( Ezra)) ; 厄斯大拉(下) (2 Esdrae (Nehemia)) ; 若伯經 (Job); 達味聖詠(上中下)(Psalms 1-150) ; 撒落孟之喻經 ([Salomons] Proverbs) ; 第 32 冊: 智德之經(上) (Wisdom (of Salomon)) ; 智德之經(下) (Ecclesiastes ( Qohelet)) ; 厄格肋西亞斯第箇 (Ecclesiasticus (Wisdom of Jesus Sirach)) ; 多俾亞經 (Tobia (Tobith)) ; 如弟得經 (Judith); 厄斯得肋經 (Esther); 依撒意亞先知經 (Isaias (Jesaja)) ; 達尼耶爾經 (Daniel); 約那斯經 (Jonas (Jona)) ; 第33 冊: 瑪加白衣 (1-2 Machabaei (Maccabees)); 聖徒瑪竇紀的萬日略 (Gospel of Mathew); 聖史瑪爾谷紀的萬日略 (Gospel of Mark); 聖史路加紀的萬日略 (Gospel of Luke); 聖若望紀的聖經 (Gospel of John); 第 34 冊: 諸徒行實經 (Acts of the Aposles); 聖保祿諭羅瑪教友書札 (Romans); 聖保祿諭各林多教友書札1-2(1-2 Corinthians); 與加拉漆亞札 (Galatians); 與厄斐斯札 (Ephesians); 與斐理伯城人札 (Philippians); 與得撒落尼加札(一) (1 Thessalonians); 與各落梭城人札 (Colossians); 與得撒落尼加札(二) (2 Thessalonians); 與弟莫德阿書 1 -2(1-2 Timothy); 與弟多書 (Titus); 與斐肋孟書 (Philemon); 聖亞各伯之札 (Letter of James); 聖伯多祿之札(一) (First letter of Peter) ; 聖伯多祿之札(二) (Second letter of Peter); 聖如達之札 (Letter of Jude); 聖保祿與噯伯肋約斯書 (Letter of Paul to Hebrews); 〔 聖若望之札(1-3)〕 (First, Second, Third letter of John) ; 聖若望默照經 (Book of Revelation)

ISBN9789572984840 ; 9572984845
Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻. [Chinese Christian texts from the Zikawei Library]
AuthorStandaert, Nicolas 鐘鳴旦Dudink, Ad 杜鼎克Chu Ping-Yi 祝平一Gu Baogu 顧保鵠Xujiahui cangshulou 徐家滙藏書樓Huang Yi-Long 黃一農
PlaceTaibei Xian 臺北縣
PublisherFuren daxue Shenxueyuan 輔仁大學神學院
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBX1665.A2 H85 1996
Description5 v. (8, 2621 p.) ; 22 cm. + pdf

Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻 / edited by Nicolas Standaert, Adrian Dudink, Yi-Long Huang, Ping-Yi Chu = 鍾鳴旦, 杜鼎克, 黃一農,祝平一等編. 顧保鵠序.
Title in English on verso of t.p.: Chinese Christian texts from the Zikawei Library.
Table of contents also in English.

Volume 1:
1. Matteo Ricci 利瑪竇, Zhai zhi 齋旨, with appendix: Siduo huaren jiuyao 司鐸化人九要 (1A old ms., incomplete; 1B modern ms., complete).
2. Xu Guangqi 徐光啟, Pi Shishi zhuwang 闢釋氏諸妄 (1615?), copy of printed ed. (cf. Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, Chinois 7103) a version which differs from that published in Tianzhujiao Dongchuan wenxian xubian 天主教東傳文獻續編 (2.617-652)
3. Diego de Pantoja 龐迪我, Sabatino de Ursis 熊三拔, Zoushu 奏疏 (memorial, 1616)
4. Xiong Shiqi 熊士旂, Cedai jingyu 策怠警喻 (ca. 1621)
5. Giulio Aleni 艾儒略, Wanwu zhenyuan 萬物真源 (1628), repr. Peking 1791 (main text conform to original ed.)
6. Ding Zhilin 丁志麟, Yang Qiyuan chaoxing shiji 楊淇園超性事跡 (ca. 1628)
7. Alfonso Vagnone 高一志, Tongyou jiaoyu 童幼教育 (ca. 1628)
8. Francesco Sambiasi 畢方濟, Shui da Hua da 睡答畫答 [睡畫二答] (1629)
9. Alfonso Vagnone 高一志, Tuiyan zhengdao lun 推驗正道論 ; Zizhou oubian 諮周偶編 (c.q. Zouzi oubian 諏諮偶編, cf. ECCP 317)

Volume 2:
10. Alfonso Vagnone 高一志, Qijia xixue 齊家西學 (ca. 1633)
11. Han Lin 韓霖, Duo shu 鐸書 (1641)
12. João Monteiro 孟儒望, Tianxue sijing 天學四鏡 or Zhaomi jing 炤迷鏡 (1643)
13. Francesco Sambiasi 畢方濟, Bi Fangji zouzhe 畢方濟奏摺 (memorial, 1645)
14. Li Sixuan 李嗣玄, Siji Ai xiansheng xingji 思及艾先生行蹟 (ca. 1650)
15. Five large one-folio sheets (ca. 1661), João Soeiro, Tianzhu shengjiao yueyan 天主聖教約言
16. Johann Adam Schall, Tang Ruowang hewen 湯若望賀文, or Zengyan 贈言 (1661)
17. Buglio, de Magalhães, Verbiest, Li Leisi An Wensi Nan Huairen zoushu 利類思安文思南懷仁奏疏 (memorial, 1669)

Volume 3:
18. Anon., Daoxuejia zhuan 道學家傳 (c. 1684, enlarged in c. 1730, copy of 1865)
19. Lu Picheng 陸丕誠, (Feng Tianxue) Xu Qiyuan xingshi xiaoji 奉天學徐啟元行實小記 (1701)
20. Anon., Qinming chuanjiao yueshu 欽命傳教約述 (ca. 1714)
21. Anon., Annan fujiao xiansheng 安南副教先生 (ca. 1740)
22. Anon. (convert), Xingli canzheng 性理參證 (1756 or 1696)

Volume 4:
23. Fang Xun 方塤, Xiwangleiyan 息妄類言 (1766)
24. Anon. (Pierre Hoang?), Shengjiao shuji jipian 聖教書籍記篇 (1601-1776; 7 short texts, a.o. Huang Mingqiao 黃鳴喬, Tianxue chuangai 天學傳概, (1639)
25. Luo Mingyao 羅明堯 (Daxi shanji 大西山畸, Duoma shi 多瑪氏), Gezhi aolüe 格致奧略 (1820)

Volume 5:
26. Mgr. Ludovico Conte de Besi (Vicar Apostolique of Jiangnan), Ben zhujiao Leisi Luo 本主教類思羅 (pastoral instructions, ca. 1845)
27. Anon. (Catechist), Zhaoran gonglun 昭然公論 (Ash Wednesday 1846, Pamphlet against Mgr. de Besi and his Vicar General Daimu 代牧 Gotteland)
28. Claude Gotteland (Nan Gelu 南格祿), Wubanglun 誣謗論 (ca. 1846, refutation of no. 26)
29. Huang Entong 黃恩彤, censor, memorial (1848) in favor of Christianity; Huang Entong hujiao zoushu 黃恩彤護教奏疏.
30. Mgr. Joseph-Martial Mouly 孟, Tianzhujiao zouzhe 天主教奏摺 (1855)
31. Anon., Xingxin bian 醒心編 (anti-Christian, 1868, extracts from Pixie jishi 闢邪紀事)
32. Anon., Shengjiao yu gao 聖教諭稿, fuza 附雜 (Jiangnan, 1867-1886)
33. Pierre Hoang 黃伯祿, Zhuzha Shanghai zhujiao Zhong-Fa zhiguan biao 駐劄上海主教中法職官表 (tables, 1846-1908)
34. Anon., Jiaotang maidi gongjian 教堂買地公件 (1865-1892)
35. Anon., Tianzhu Tang jishi ji 天主堂基石記 (1863-1892, preceded by twelve inscriptions, notes, etc. from the period 1635-1800)
36. Li Gong Wenyu shuzha 李公問漁書札 (letters by and to Li Di 李杕, d. 1911)
37. Anon., Jiangnan Yuying Tang ji 江南育嬰堂記( 卷二), draft history of the T'ou-se-wei (Tushanwan 土山灣) orphanage at Zikawei (1864-1912).
For description of all 37 texts, see the catalog of the Fujen Zikawei collection in Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal XVIII (1996).

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