Subject: Protestant missions--China--19th-20th centuries

1901-1920 nian Zhongguo Jidujiao diaocha ziliao : yuan Zhonghua guizhu. 1901-1920年中國基督教調查資料 : 原中華歸主. [Christian occupation of China. Chinese]
AuthorZhongguo shehui kexueyuan Shijie zongjiao yanjiusuo 中國社會科學院世界宗教研究所Cai Yongchun 蔡詠春, 1904-1983Stauffer, Milton Theobald, b. 1885Wong, Tsinforn C. [Wang Zhenfang 王振芳]Tewksbury, M. Gardner (Malcolm Gardner)China Continuation Committee. Special Committee on Survey and Occupation
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe 中國社會科學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition修訂版, 第1版
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3415.C45125 2007
Description2 v. (2, 6, 11, 2, 7, 1664 p.) : ill. , maps ; 27 cm.
Note1901-1920 nian Zhongguo Jidujiao diaocha ziliao : yuan Zhonghua guizhu. 1901-1920年中國基督教調查資料 : 原中華歸主 / Zhonghua xu xingweibanhui diaocha teweihui bian ; Cai Yongchun ... [et al.] yi. 中華續行委辦會調查特委會編 ; 蔡詠春... [et al.] 譯.
Translation of: The Christian occupation of China.
Includes bibliographical references

Original work: The Christian occupation of China : a general survey of the numerical strength and geographical distribution of the Christian forces in China, made by the Special Committee on Survey and Occupation, China Continuation Committee, 1918-1921. Milton T. Stauffer ... secretary and editor. Assisted by Tsinforn C. Wong .. M. Gardner Tewksbury ...Shanghai, China Continuation Committee, 1922.
v. 1 Demography of China, survey of Christian communities by province -- v. 2 survey of Christian communities by province (cont'd), missions, parishes of China -- v. 3 Education sphere, medical sphere, literature sphere, appendices, afterword.

ISBN7500400071 ; 9787500400073
1936 Handbook of the Christian Movement in China under Protestant Auspices
AuthorBoynton, Charles Luther, 1881-1967Boynton, Charles Dozier, b. 1910National Christian Council of China
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherKwang Hsueh Publishing House
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook (Photocopy)
ShelfCase X
Call NumberBR1280.H262 B796 1936
Descriptionxvi, 352 p. ; 19 cm.
Note1936 Handbook of the Christian Movement in China under Protestant Auspices / [edited by] Charles Luther Boynton [and] Charles Dozier Boynton. Published for the National Christian Council of China.
Title: Handbook of the Christian Movement in China.
Bianyuan de lishi : Jidujiao yu jindai Zhongguo 邊緣的歷史 : 基督教與近代中國
AuthorTao Feiya 陶飛亞
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesWan Qing minguo xueshu shuxi 晚清民國學術書系
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3415.2.T355 2005
Description13, 359 p. ; 20.5 cm.
NoteBianyuan de lishi : Jidujiao yu jindai Zhongguo 邊緣的歷史 : 基督教與近代中國 / Tao Feiya zhu 陶飛亞著.
Includes bibliographical references.
Added keywords: Christianity and communism ; Shandong xinjiao 山東新教 ; Christian cultural influences ; Christianity and education ; missionaries and mission studies ; Qi Lu daxue 齊魯大學 ; Harvard-Yenching Institute ; sectarianism ; Yihetuan 義和團.
By faith : Henry W. Frost and the China inland mission
AuthorTaylor, Howard, Mrs.Taylor, Howard, 1862-1946
PublisherChina Inland Mission
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberBV3415.T395 1938
Descriptionvii-xvii, 364 p : ill ; 21 cm
Note"By faith" : Henry W. Frost and the China inland mission / by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor.
Contextualization of Christianity in China : An Evaluation in Modern Perspective
AuthorWang, Peter Chen-Main [Wang Chengmian 王成勉]
PlaceSankt Augustin
PublisherInstitut Monumenta Serica
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook (Proceedings)
SeriesCollectanea serica
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBR1285.C5 C658 2007
Description316 p. ; 21.5 cm.
NoteContextualization of Christianity in China : An Evaluation in Modern Perspective / edited by Peter Chen-Main Wang.
"This volume presents the papers of an International Symposium on the 'Contextualization of Christianity in China: An Evaluation in Modern Perspective' held at Leiden University in 2002, supplemented by additional contributions, covering a wide range of fields, namely, Sinology, history, theology, missiology, religion, philosophy, and political science."

PETER CHEN-MAIN WANG 王成勉 : Introduction.
Part I: Early Mission: CLAUDIA von COLLANI: From Accommodation to a Chinese Theology. VINCENT SHEN 沈清松 : Generosity towards the Other. Matteo Ricci’s Strategy of Strangification in China
Part II: Contextualization Efforts – Three Aspects: CHRISTOFFER H. GRUNDMANN: Contextualizing the Gospel by "Imitating Christ". The Emergence of Medical Missions in Nineteenth Century China. JOHN E. GEDDES: Singing a New Song. The Development of the Use of Taiwanese-Chinese Words and Music in the Hymn Book of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, 1865–1965. JESSIE G. LUTZ: The Sinification of Historiography of the China Christian Colleges.
Part III: Individuals in the Light of Contextualization: PETER CHEN-MAIN WANG 王成勉 : Bishop Frederik R. Graves and the Changing Context of China in the 1920s. EDWARD YIHUA XU 徐以驊 : Westernization and Contextualization. A Study on Three Pioneering Chinese Pastors of the Sheng Kung Hui in China. RICHARD R. COOK: Wang Mingdao and the Evolution of Contextualized Chinese Churches.
Part IV: Church and State Relations: ROBERT ENTENMANN: Chinese Catholics and Their Relations with the State during the Campaign against White Lotus. R. G. TIEDEMANN: Anti-Christian Conflict in Local Context. The Life and Times of Pang Sanjie: Patriot, Bandit, Protector or Revolutionary? BEATRICE LEUNG 梁潔芬 : Christianity in Post-Mao China. Legalism and Accommodation.
Includes notes on the contributors and a glossary of Chinese names and terms.

Added keywords: Sheng Kung Hui (Shenggonghui 聖公會) Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA -- Wang Mingdao 王明道 -- Wong Kong-chai (K. C. Wong, Wang Guangcai 王光彩) -- Yen Yung Kiung (Y. K. Yen, Yan Yongjing 晏永京) -- Woo Hong Niok (H. N. Woo, Wu Hongyu 吳虹玉) -- Pang Sanjie 龐三傑 (Pang Shengxuan 龐盛選) -- Dadaohui 大刀會 (Big Sword Society) -- hymns, hymnals -- medical missions -– Jesuit theology -- Figurism --Church colleges.

Guangming qian de zhaimen: jindai Jidu xinjiao zai Hua mangren jiaoyu yanjiu 光明前的窄門 : 近代基督新教在華盲人教育研究. [The Narrow Gate before the Brightness: Protestant education for the blind in China]
AuthorLin Jianping 吝建平
PlaceWuhan 武漢
PublisherHuazhong shifan daxue 華中師範大學
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberDiss. Lin 2007 [HV1632.L56 2007]
Descriptioniii, 52 leaves : ill., table ; 29 cm.
NoteGuangming qian de zhaimen: jindai Jidu xinjiao zai Hua mangren jiaoyu yanjiu 光明前的窄門 : 近代基督新教在華盲人教育研究 / Lin Jianping 吝建平.
Thesis (M.A., History)—Huazhong Normal University, 2007.
Bibliography: p. 50-52. Includes English abstract.
Added t.p. in English: The "Narrow Gate" before the brightness: Protestant education for the blind in the [sic] modern China.
Lutherans on the Yangtze : a centenary account of the Missouri Synod in greater China, 1913-2013 = (Jangtzee Lutheraner)
AuthorKohl, David Grant
PlacePortland, Or.
PublisherOne Spirit Press
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberBV3415.2.K64 2013
Description[1 of] 2 vols : ill, maps ; 26 cm
NoteLutherans on the Yangtze : a centenary account of the Missouri Synod in greater China, 1913-2013 / by David G. Kohl, Concordia University, Portland, Oregon ; in consultation with Dr. Hank Rowold, Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri.
Additional cover title in Chinese: Fuyin dao Ludehui 福音道路德會.
Additional spine title in Chinese: Huaren Ludehui shilüe 華人路德會史略.
Only Volume 1 held; Volume 2 has subtitle: A centenary account of the Missouri Synod in greater China, 1949-2013.
ISBN1893075427 ; 9781893075429
Missionaries, Chinese, and diplomats : the American Protestant missionary movement in China, 1890-1952
AuthorVarg, Paul A., 1912-1994
PlacePrinceton, NJ
PublisherPrinceton University Press
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberBV3415.V35 1958
Descriptionxii, 335 pages : 23 cm.
NoteMissionaries, Chinese, and diplomats : the American Protestant missionary movement in China, 1890-1952 / by Paul A. Varg.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Our second decade in China, 1915-1925 : sketches and reminiscences
AuthorAugustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Board of World Missions
PlaceRock Island, Ill.
PublisherBoard of Foreign Missions of the Augustana Synod
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberBV3420.H6 O94 1925
Description224 p. : ill., maps. ; 23 cm.
NoteOur second decade in China, 1915-1925 : sketches and reminiscences / by Missionaries of the Augustana Synod Mission in the Province of Honan.
Includes: Annual statistical sheet, Augustana Synod Mission, Year 1924 and Missionaries and their addresses.
***Graphic resource: for database, clear (but small) photos of Chinese Christians, missionaries streetlife, the Vikners, a Vickers Vimy, and narrative of local events such as the Red Spears secret society, bandits, relations with Feng Yuxiang and local government.
Uplift of China
AuthorSmith, Arthur Henderson, 1845-1932Episcopal Church. Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society. Educational Dept.
PlaceNew York
PublisherEducational Dept. of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesForward Mission Study Courses
Call NumberBV3415.U765 S658 1907
Descriptionxv, 274, [17] p. : ill., col. map ; 19 cm.
NoteThe Uplift of China / by Arthur H. Smith.
Bibliography: p. 240-246.
Includes index.
Contents: The orthography and pronunciation of Chinese names -- List of thirteen large cities -- Area and population -- Opium edict, September 20, 1906 -- Dates of important events in modern Chinese history--A table of Chinese dynastic dates, after W. F. Mayers, Dr. S. W. Williams and Professor Herbert A. Giles -- Summary of Roman Catholic missions in China -- Statistics of Protestant missions in China.
Xiangcun muqu : 1930 niandai Zhongguo Jidujiaohui xiangjian linian de zhuixun 鄉村牧區 : 1930年代中國基督教會鄉建理念的追尋
AuthorLiu Jiafeng 劉家峰, b. 1970
PlaceXianggang 香港
PublisherXianggang Zhongwen daxue Chong Ji xueyuan 香港中文大學崇基學院
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesCSRCS Occasional paper ; no. 6
ShelfFile Cabinet A
Call NumberBV638.L585 2001
Description35, [1] p. ; 21 cm.
NoteXiangcun muqu : 1930 niandai Zhongguo Jidujiaohui xiangjian linian de zhuixun 鄉村牧區: 1930年代中國基督教會鄉建理念的追尋.
Alt. titles: 1930 niandai Zhongguo Jidujiaohui xiangjian linian de zhuixun 1930年代中國基督教會鄉建理念的追尋. Zhongguo Jidujiaohui xiangjian linian de zhuixun 中國基督教會鄉建理念的追尋.
Yijiu-sanling niandai Zhongguo Jidujiaohui xiangjian linian de zhuixun 一九三零年代中國基督教會鄉建理念的追尋.
Colophon title also in: Rural parish : the search for Christian rural reconstruction in China in the 1930s.
Published by: Xianggang Zhongwen daxue Chong Ji xueyuan jinxi xiaoqing 香港中文大學崇基學院金禧校慶.
Bibliography: p. 31-35. 附英文摘要 = Includes English abstract.
Zhongguo congbao yanjiu 中國叢報研究. The Chinese Repository (1832-1851): the two-way cultural intemediary bridged modern China and the West
AuthorYin Wenjuan 尹文涓
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing daxue 北京大学
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberDiss. Yin 2003 [PN5367.R4 Y47 2003]
Description2 v. (2, 274 leaves.) ; 29.5 cm.
NoteZhongguo congbao yanjiu 中國叢報研究 / Yin Wenjuan 尹文涓. Title and abstract also in English: The Chinese Repository (1832-1851): the two-way cultural intemediary bridged modern China and the West.
Dissertation (Ph.D., Beijing daxue 北京大學, 2003)
源系: 中國語言文學系. 專業: 比較文學與世界文學. 研究方向: 中外文學關系. 學號:19920801.
Bibliography: v.1., l. 146-163. Vol. 2 includes indexes of missionaries and "General list of articles in twenty volumes of the Chinese Repository" (v. 2., p. 201-274) arranged by volume.

內容提要: 十九世紀上半葉,第一批來華的新教傳教士在近代中西文化交流史上扮演了重要的角色。他們所出版的中英文書刊,起到了面向西方傳遞中國文化和向中國輸入西方文明的雙向文化媒介作用。作為第一份面向西方讀者,以介紹、研究中國為主要內容的英文報刊, «中國叢報》無疑是其中最值得關注的出版物之一。但是,由於種種原因, «叢報》迄今尚未引起國內外學術界的足夠重視。
本文分為囚章。文前的引言部分介紹本論文的選題緣起、前人研究和本文的視角與目標。本論文第一章擬先追述《叢報》創辦者、美國第一位來華傳教士禪治文的來華起因、神學背景、他抵華之際新教傳教士在華南沿海活動的格局與模式; 並簡要勾勒了《叢報》在中國近代第一批報刊中的位置。第二章是對《叢報》的創刊緣起、內容主旨、編輯運轉和停刊原因的分析。
第三章是對《叢報》內容的研究,本章將重點分析在《叢報》上展開的、曾在當時讀者中激起了強烈反響的兩起辯論:一是鴉片戰爭前夕西人關於鴉片貿易問題的爭論;另外是在華新教傳教士在《聖經》漢譯的過程中關於 God 的"譯名之爭"。本章試圖通過理清這兩起爭論在《叢報》上的歷時演變,以及具體撰稿者在不同時期、不同事件中的態度與觀點,從整體上把握《叢報》二十年的輿論效應和價值取向,以及這兩起論爭在中西關係格局變遷中的意義。論文第四章擬從《叢報》與十九世紀西方漢學的關係、《叢報》節譯《京報》的現象、以及《叢報》與當時中國知識界的接觸這三個方面,來探討《叢報》在中西文化交流史及中國近代思想史上的重要意義。最後為論文的結語部分。
關鍵詞: «中國叢報》傳教士報刊十九世紀中西文化交流