Subject: Martini, Martino 衛匡國, 1614-1661. Grammatica linguae Sinensis

When the Europeans began to study Chinese : Martino Martini's Grammatica linguae Sinensis. [Grammatica linguae Sinensis. English]
AuthorMartini, Martino 衛匡國, 1614-1661Ferdinand Verbiest InstitutePaternicò, Luisa M.
PublisherFerdinand Verbiest Institute, K.U. Leuven
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Chinese, Latin
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesLouvain Chinese studies ; 24
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3415.L489 no.24
Descriptiondig.pdf. [290 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.]
NoteWhen the Europeans began to study Chinese : Martino Martini's Grammatica linguae Sinensis / Luisa Maria Paternicò.
Includes a photographic reproduction of Martini's manuscript of his Grammatica (pages 146-167), followed by a transcription (pages 168-190) and an English translation (pages 191-205).
Text of the Grammatica in Latin and Chinese.

"Through the comparative analysis of the extant copies in both manuscript and printed form, and at the same time trying to separate the contribution to the original work given by other scholars who possessed it, the present study aims at reconstructing the evolution course of Martini's grammar from the older Grammatica Sinica to the refined and annotated copy of the Grammatica Linguae Sinensis. This last version is included into this study in annotated transcript and English translation"--Page 4 of cover.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 275-290).

Local access dig.pdf. [Paternico-Martini Grammatica.pdf]

ISBN9789081436588 ; 9081436589