Subject: Musical instruments--China

Banhu jibengong xunlian 板胡基本功訓練
AuthorLiu Mingyuan 劉明源 [劉朙源], 1931-1996Li Heng 李恆
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherRenmin yinyue chubanshe 人民音樂出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeBook (music notation)
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberML335.2.B26 L59 1985
Descriptionx, 211 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
NoteBanhu jibengong xunlian 板胡基本功訓練 / Liu Mingyuan, Li Heng bianzhu 劉明遠, 李恆編著.
Includes music in number notation.
Dizi quxuan 笛子曲集. 第五集
AuthorRenmin yinyue chubanshe bianjibu 人民音樂出版社編輯部
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherRenmin yinyue chubanshe 人民音樂出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeBook (music notation)
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberML335.2.D5 R36 1986
Description102 pages ; 26 cm
NoteDizi quxuan 笛子曲集. 第五集 / Renmin yinyue chubanshe bianjibu bian 人民音樂出版社編輯部編.
Music in number notation.
function of western music in the eighteenth-century Chinese court
AuthorChiu Wai Yee Lulu 趙慧兒
PlaceHong Kong 香港
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Chinese
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberML336.3.C494 2007d
DescriptionDig.pdf. (ix, 219 pages)
NoteThe function of western music in the eighteenth-century Chinese court / Chiu Wai Yee Lulu.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007.
Abstract in English and Chinese.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 186-219).

During the reign of Kangxi (r. 1662-1722), the second Manchu emperor of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Western music began to take root in the Manchu court. There is abundant evidence that the missionaries performed Western music before Kangxi and the emperor looked upon the Jesuits Ferdinand Verbiest (1623-1688) and Tomas Pereira (1645-1708) as his music tutors. In 1713, Kangxi commissioned a treatise on music, Yuzhi Lülü Zhengyi (A True Doctrine of Music, by Imperial Authority), which was completed in 1714. Begun by Pereira but completed by the Italian Lazarist Paolo Felipe Teodorico Pedrini (c. 1670-1746), the third part of this musical treatise Xieyun duqu, is devoted exclusively to Western music theory. This treatise is the earliest official Chinese source concerning Western music theory.

Evidence that Western theoretical writings were included in Lülü Zhengyi raises an important question: why did Kangxi demand that Western music theory be incorporated within his imperial treatise? There are only a limited number of studies on Western music in the early Qing court, and this research fills in a serious lacuna. This study will argue that it is not simply due to Kangxi's open mind and fondness for European knowledge that leads to the incorporation of Western music theory in Lülü Zhengyi. Kangxi's goal was to use Western music as a tool to restore the lost Chinese ancient music.

The reign of Kangxi witnessed the elevation of Western music in the Qing court. After the reign of Kangxi, Western music continued to be performed at the court, however, its prestige diminished, and it served solely as entertainment for the emperors. Indeed, in Yongzheng's preface to Lülü yuanyuan (1723), Western music theory was regarded as that of the Western barbarian. Later, when Qianlong ordered the compilation of the sequel to Lülü Zhengyi in 1741, no Western music was included.

Local access dig.pdf. [Chiu-Music.pdf]

ISBN9780549400790 ; 0549400796
Genghelu 賡和錄
AuthorHe Mengyao 何夢瑤, jinshi 1730
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 1663-1664
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1935 v. 1663-1664
Description2 v. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteGenghelu 賡和錄 / He Mengyao zhuan 何夢瑤撰.
民國25 [1936]
Guoyue yueqi tushi 國樂樂器圖式 = Chinese musical instruments
AuthorHuang Tipei 黄體培, 1927-Liang Zaiping 梁在平
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherGuoli Taiwan yishuguan 國立台灣藝術館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberML531.K86 1968
Description[40] p. : chiefly ill. ; 27 cm
NoteGuoyue yueqi tushi 國樂樂器圖式 = Chinese musical instruments / [Huang Tipei bianzhu 黄體培編著 ; Liang Zaiping jiaoding 梁在平校訂].
Chinese and English captions accompany illustrations.
Guyue jingzhuan 古樂經傳
AuthorLi Guangdi 李光地, 1642-1718
Place[China : s.n]
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesQingding Siku quanshu. Jingbu 欽定四庫全書. 經部
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberML336.2.L55
Descriptiondig.pdf. [5 juan]
NoteGuyue jingzhuan 古樂經傳 : [五卷] / [Li Guangdi zhu 李光地註].
卷1. 樂經 -- 卷2. 樂記 -- 卷3. 附樂經 -- 卷4. 附樂記一 : 聲律篇 -- 卷5. 附樂記二 : 樂教篇, 樂用篇.
Online at Internet Archive.
Local access dig.pdf. [Guyue jingzhuan.pdf]
Huangyou xinyue tuji 皇祐新樂圖記. Qincao 琴操. Han naoge shiba qu jijie 漢鐃歌十八曲集解
AuthorCai Yong 蔡邕, 133-192Ruan Yi 阮逸, fl. 1023-1053Hu Yuan 胡瑗, 993-1059Tan Yi 譚儀
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 1671
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1935 v. 1671
Description[117] p. : ill. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteHuangyou xinyue tuji 皇祐新樂圖記 / Ruan Yi, Hu Yuan zhuan 阮逸, 胡瑗撰. Qincao 琴操 / Cai Yong zhuan 蔡邕撰. Han naoge shiba qu jijie 漢鐃歌十八曲集解 / Tan Yi zuan 譚儀纂.
民國26 [1937].
Jianming yangqin yanzoufa 簡明揚琴演奏法
AuthorLiang Duoping 梁多平
PlaceGuangzhou 廣州
PublisherHuacheng chubanshe 花城出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeBook (music notation)
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberML1015.Y35 L5 1985
Description2, 112 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
NoteJianming yangqin yanzoufa 簡明揚琴演奏法 / Liang Duoping bianzhu 梁多平編著.
Lishi xueyue lu 李氏學樂錄. Lülü xinlun 律呂新論
AuthorLi Gong 李塨, 1659-1733Jiang Yong 江永, 1681-1762
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 1662
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1935 v. 1662
Description52, 2, 92, 2 p. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteLishi xueyue lu 李氏學樂錄 / Li Gong zhu 李塨著. Lülü xinlun 律呂新論 / Jiang Yong zhuan 江永撰.
Listening to China : sound and the Sino-Western encounter, 1770-1839
AuthorIrvine, Thomas
PublisherUniversity of Chicago Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesNew material histories of music
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberML3797.2.E87 I78 2020d
Descriptionpdf [263 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm]

Listening to China : sound and the Sino-Western encounter, 1770-1839 / Thomas Irvine.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction : Process and perspective -- China and the enlightened ear -- Soundscapes in the contact zone : Listening in Canton, 1770-1839 -- Charles Burney discovers China -- Sound and the Macartney Mission, 1792-1794 -- Reading Burney listening to China -- Listening to China with Forkel and Marx -- Epilogue : sound and the Sino-Western encounter.

From bell ringing to fireworks, gongs to cannon salutes, a dazzling variety of sounds and soundscapes marked the China encountered by the West around 1800. These sounds were gathered by diplomats, trade officials, missionaries, and other travelers and transmitted back to Europe, where they were reconstructed in the imaginations of writers, philosophers, and music historians such as Jean-Philippe Rameau, Johann Nikolaus Forkel, and Charles Burney. Thomas Irvine gathers these stories in Listening to China, exploring how the sonic encounter with China shaped perceptions of Europe’s own musical development. Through these stories, Irvine not only investigates how the Sino-Western encounter sounded, but also traces the West’s shifting response to China. As the trading relationships between China and the West broke down, travelers and music theorists abandoned the vision of shared musical approaches, focusing instead on China’s noisiness and sonic disorder and finding less to like in its music. At the same time, Irvine reconsiders the idea of a specifically Western music history, revealing that it was comparison with China, the great “other,” that helped this idea emerge. Ultimately, Irvine draws attention to the ways Western ears were implicated in the colonial and imperial project in China, as well as to China’s importance to the construction of musical knowledge during and after the European Enlightenment. Timely and original, Listening to China is a must-read for music scholars and historians of China alike.

"Listening to China is our first important foray in the field of global music history, which is rapidly establishing itself as the main area of growth in music studies. Compellingly and expertly written by a seasoned scholar, it tells the story of how Westerners experienced China with their ears at the time of the Sino-Western encounter of ca. 1800, and what this meant for their own construction of musical knowledge. It explores two kinds of Western practices of listening in and to China: ear-witness accounts by travelers to China, including diplomats, trade officials, and missionaries; and writings about Chinese music by European writers, philosophers, and music historians who constructed China's sound in their imaginations. The book's primary objective is a better understanding of how Westerners gained/gathered sonic knowledge of China and to investigate the aural dimensions of the Sino-Western encounter At the same time, the book reconsiders the idea of a specifically Western music history by showing how it was precisely the comparison with a great "other"--China--that helped the idea itself to emerge. Ultimately, the book draws attention to the importance of China for the construction of (musical) knowledge during and following the European Enlightenment."-- Provided by publisher.

Local access dig.pdf. [Irvine-Listening to China.pdf]

Liuqin yanzoufa 柳琴演奏法
AuthorWang Huiran 王惠然
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherRenmin yinyue chubanshe 人民音樂出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition修訂本, 第1版
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeBook (music notation)
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberMT654.L58 W3 1977
Descriptioniii, 131 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
NoteLiuqin yanzoufa 柳琴演奏法 / Wang Huiran bianzhu 王惠然编著.
Music in number notation.
書號: 8026.3227.
1985 printing.
Lülü zuanyao 律呂纂要
AuthorPedrini, Teodorico 德理格, 1671-1746Pereira, Tomás [Tomé] 徐日昇, 1645-1708
PlaceHaikou Shi 海口市
PublisherHainan chubanshe 海南出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberML335.2.P45 2000d
Descriptiondig.pdf. (44 frames : ill., musical notation)
NoteLülü zuanyao 律呂纂要.
Each frame represents 4 pages of the original.
Margin title: Gugong zhenben congkan 故宮珍本叢刊.
Believed to be published: 海口市 : 海南出版社, [ca. 2000]. A bound volume of 5 musical texts including this text was released in 2000 from this publisher.

"... On the level of Western theory of music, the most important introduction was Lülü zuanyao 律呂纂要 (Compilation of Musical theory) written by Tomé Pereira on behalf of the Kangxi emperor, and completed after Pereira’s death by Pedrini.* The work was revised and partly integrated as the last part of the Lülü zhengyi xubian 律呂正義續編, the supplement to the imperial encyclopedia on music Lülü zhengyi 律呂正義 (part of Lülü yuanyuan 律呂淵源, 1723).** It features a presentation of the tonal system, rhythmic and staff notation and is a good example of the difficulties involved in translating musical terminology from a European into a Chinese tradition."

*mss discovered by Wu Xiangxiang 吳相湘, who first published his discovery in Guangzhou daguang bao 廣州大光報 (7 November 1936)…”
**"Also included in Siku quanshu 四庫全書...."

Local access dig.pdf. [Pereira-Lulu zuanyao.pdf]

Mengxi bitan yinyue bufen zhushi 夢溪筆談音樂部分註釋
AuthorShen Kuo 沈括, 1031-1095Zhongyang minzu xueyuan 中央民族學院. Yishuxi 藝術系. Wenyi lilunzu 文藝理論組
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherRenmin yinyue chubanshe 人民音樂出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition北京第1版, 北京第1次印刷
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
Call NumberML336.M264 S436 1979
Descriptionvii, 83 p. ; 21 cm.
Note"Mengxi bitan 夢溪筆談" yinyue bufen zhushi 音樂部分註釋 / Zhongyang minzu xueyuan yishuxi wenyi lilunzu 中央民族學院藝術系文藝理論組.
Minzu yueqi zhizuo gaishu 民族樂器制作概述
AuthorYue Sheng 樂聲
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherQinggongye chubanshe 輕工業出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
Call NumberML531.Y83 1980
Description219 p. : ill. ; 19 cm
NoteMinzu yueqi zhizuo gaishu 民族樂器制作概述 / Yue Sheng bianzhu 樂聲编著
música China. [Musique chinoise. Spanish]
AuthorLaloy, Louis, 1874-1944Forest, Melanie
PlaceBuenos Aires
PublisherEditorial Schapire
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
SeriesColección Alba
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberML336 .L218 1965
Description126 p. : ill. ; 18 cm
NoteLa música China / Luis Laloy ; traducción de Melanie Forest.
Qingdai lüxue ruogan wenti tantao 清代律學若干問題探討
AuthorWeng Panfeng 翁攀峰
Place[Beijing] [北京]
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberML335.2.W465 2014d
Descriptiondig.pdf (223 frames : ill.)
NoteQingdai lüxue ruogan wenti tantao 清代律學若干問題探討 / Weng Panfeng 翁攀峰.
Thesis (Ph.D.--Zhongguo kexue jishu daxue 中國科學技術大學, 2014).
Abstract also in English.
Includes bibliographical references.
附錄: 清代樂律學文獻 p.211 (frame 221)
Local access dig.pdf [Weng-Temperament.pdf]

清代律學若干問題探討 / 翁攀峰
【摘要】:清代律學是我國古代聲學的重要組成部分,是科學史的重要研究對象。本文討論了清代律學中的“康熙十四律”的合理性及其源流,清代學者對朱載堉新法密律的認識與評價,以及清代的連比例生律法三個問題,主要包括以下幾部分內容: 第一,分析了“康熙十四通”的律制結構和生律方法,在此基礎上,採用現代聲學理論證明了“康熙十四律”同徑管的黃鐘正律與太簇半律相合的觀點是錯誤的,其同形管也不能與同徑管實現聲音上的相應。第二,通過對比分析“康熙十四律”與傳教士所著《律呂節要》一書中的相關內容,發現“十四律”的思想源於《律呂節要》,該律制是結合了中西樂律理論的創新產物。第三,通過對《律呂正義》記載的幾種樂器型製的分析,發現這些樂器是嚴格按照“康熙十四律”的律制結構、相合觀以及同形管的要求製作的。第四,通過對乾隆朝批判朱載堉新法密率文獻的分析,發現乾隆朝御用學者對新法密率的評價,並非純粹的學術觀點爭鳴,而是皇權主導下的律學思想批判。乾隆的聖諭以及“康熙十四律”的權威直接影響了學者們的學術取向。第五,根據江永的三部律學著作,系統梳理了他從最初排斥新法密率與三分損益並創立“今律”,到放棄“今律”轉而接受新法密率的過程,分析了他能接受新法密率的原因:一是從江永極為重視的返宮標准上看,新法密率比“今律”更加完善;二是在接觸新法密率之前,他就十分推崇河洛之學與方圓相函理論在律呂研究中的基礎性作用。第六,通過對比安清翹的連比例律與朱載靖新法密率,發現安清翹的連比例算律思想源於朱載堉新法密率,但二人的計算思路不同。安清翹較朱載堉的進步之處在於提出了律長虛率的概念,認為黃鐘長度不限於朱載堉提出的長十寸、五寸或二十寸,對於任何長度的黃鐘,只要各律長滿足十二率連比例關係就能相合。這反映了安清翹對十二平均律之“平均”的認識較朱載堉更進一步。第七,通過對戴煦所著《音分古義》一書的分析,發現他的連比例算律思想源於傳統的三分損益法。他根據“康熙十四律”,對黃鐘與半太簇之間的各律呂長度進行了等比處理,但這並沒有達到實用意義上的各音之差相同。此外,戴煦以十五則邇言作為連比例算律的理論根據,當計算中出現與邇言不符的情況時,他會根據邇言對律呂長度進行調整。這種論證方式很有可能源自西方的公理化方法。第八,根據載武所著的四部律學著作,對他在否定中西音樂理論的基礎上,如何利用西方數學的計算方法算得七平均律進行了分析和討論。此外,本文采用現代聲學理論對載武的管弦音進行理論頻率計算,發現他在弦音上實現了七平均律,而對於管音,由於受到“康熙十四律”的影響,以及對律管發音認識的不足,並沒有實現平均。

Full Table of Contents see CNKI.

Shina gyōshōnin to sono gakki 支那行商人とその樂器
AuthorNakajima Kōzaburō 中島幸三, b. 1903
PlaceTōkyō 東京
PublisherToyamabō 富山房
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberHF5459.G977 N251 1941
Description1, 2, 6, 149, 1 p., [36] ℓ of plates (part col.) : ill. ; 19 cm.
NoteShina gyōshōnin to sono gakki 支那行商人とその樂器 / Nakajima Kōzaburō cho 中島幸三郎著.
Shōwa 昭和 16
Yangqin ba da jiqiao qianshu 揚琴八大技巧淺述
AuthorWang Ziqiang 王自強, 1938-
PlaceXi'an 西安
PublisherShaanxi renmin chubanshe 陝西人民出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Edition第1版, 第2次印刷
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
Call NumberML1015.Y264 W264 1983
Description2, 73 p. : ill., music ; 19 cm.
NoteYangqin ba da jiqiao qianshu 揚琴八大技巧淺述 / Wang Ziqiang bian zhu 王自強編著.
Music in number notation.
Yuejing lülü tongjie 樂經律呂通解
AuthorWang Fu 汪紱, 1692-1759
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 1668-1670
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1935 v. 1668-1670
Description3 v. (2, 338, 1 p.) : ill. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteYuejing lülü tongjie 樂經律呂通解 : [5卷] / Wang Xuan [Fu 紱] ji 汪烜輯. 民國25 [1936]
Zhongguo gudai yueqi 中國古代樂器 = Chinese ancient musical instruments
AuthorWu Zhao 吳釗
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherWenwu chubanshe 文物出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese, English
SeriesZhongguo wenwu xiao congshu 中國文物小叢書
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberML531.W8 1983
Description48 p. : ill. ; 19 cm
NoteZhongguo gudai yueqi 中國古代樂器 = Chinese ancient musical instruments / Wu Zhao bian 吳釗編.
Text in Chinese; with preface also in English.
Cover title.
Zhongguo yinyueshi 中國音樂史
AuthorChen Qingquan 陳清泉Tanabe Hisao 田邊尚雄, 1883-1984
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherTaiwan shangwu yinshuguan 臺灣商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberML336.T35 1975
Description2, 241 p. : ill. ; 19 cm
NoteZhongguo yinyueshi 中國音樂史 / Tianbian Shangxiong zhu 田邊尚雄著 ; Chen Qingquan yi 陳清泉譯.
Includes bibliographical references.
Zhongguo yinyueshi 中國音樂史
AuthorWang Guangqi 王光祈, 1898-1936
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherTaiwan Zhonghua shuju 臺灣中華書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberML336.W23 1956
Description2 v. in 1. : ill. ; 19 cm
NoteZhongguo yinyueshi 中國音樂史 / Wang Guangqi bian 王光祈編.
Bibliography: p. 114-115. (2nd group).
Includes indexes.
Zhongguo yueqi dagang 中國樂器大綱 = Chinese musical instruments & pictures
AuthorLiang Zaiping 梁在平
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherZhonghua guoyuehui 中華國樂會
CollectionRicci Institute Library [VS]
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberML531.K87 1970
Description[44], 105 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
NoteZhongguo yueqi dagang 中國樂器大綱 = Chinese musical instruments and pictures / bianzhuzhe Liang Zaiping 編著者梁在平.
Added English t.p.: Chinese musical instruments & pictures.
Chinese and English.
Includes bibliographical references (page 44).
Expansion of 1968 Chinese edition.