Subject: Aristotle--Influence--China

Cong xiehou dao xiangshi : Kongzi yu Yalishiduode xiangyu zai Ming-Qing 從邂逅到相識 : 孔子與亞里士多德相遇在明清
AuthorMeynard, Thierry 梅謙立
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing daxue chubanbu 北京大學出版部
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesRuxue yu Ouzhou wenming yanjiu congshu 儒學與歐洲文明研究叢書
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3413.M37 2019
Description5, 18, 2, 430 p. : ill. ; 25 cm
NoteCong xiehou dao xiangshi : Kongzi yu Yalishiduode xiangyu zai Ming-Qing 從邂逅到相識 : 孔子與亞里士多德相遇在明清 = De la rencontre à la compréhension : Confucius et Aristote sous les dynasties Ming et Qing / Mei Qianli zhu 梅謙立著.
Colophon title also in pinyin: Cong xiehou dao xiangshi : Kongzi yu Yalishiduode xiangyu zai MingQing.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 395-415) and index.

第一章章. 《天主實錄》及《天主實義》-- 第二章. 耶穌會傳教士對中國佛教的早期研究 -- 第三章. 理論哲學和修辭哲學的兩種不同對話模式 -- 第四章. 靈魂論的傳入 -- 第五章. 孔子土地上的亞里士多德倫理學 -- 第六章. 晚明中國的文藝復興教育 -- 第七章. 作為政治倫理學榜樣的賢王 -- 第八章. 倫理學的其他兩個榜樣:朋友及丈夫 -- 第九章. 儒家經典的解讀 -- 第十章. 耶穌會的《論語》 -- 第十一章. 耶穌會的“孔子傳” -- 第十二章. 耶穌會的《中庸》 -- 第十三章. 耶穌會的歷史考證 -- 第十四章. 神秘的中國 -- 第十五章. 在中西之間“宗教”概念的形成 -- 第十六章. 關於利瑪竇思想遺產最近的爭論.

明清之際耶穌會士赴華, 帶來了西方的亞里士多德主義學術體系, 他們很重要的一個工作便是將亞里士多德的著作翻譯成漢文並且進行了富有創意的詮釋. 與此同時, 他們學習, 吸收儒家經典, 並且嘗試以亞里士多德主義為理論依據, 發起了對儒家經典的新詮釋, 增加了新的內涵. 他們不僅使儒家經典在西文中獲得生命力,而且在中國儒家詮釋學中留下了一些影響. 在耶穌會士及其中國同仁的努力之下, 儒家經典可以從外來文化中獲得一些新的發揮, 這對中國和西方都有影響. 反過來, 耶穌會士用儒家術語寫成亞里士多德主義的著作, 使亞里士多德思想本身獲得新的發揮, 呈現出新的可能性. 如此, 在這種經典的交織過程中, 東,西文化在相互闡釋的過程中, 獲得了更加豐富的詮釋和內涵.






“西”/“東”/“中”概念 東、南、西、北、中都是相對的地理概念。中國曾經把印度作為西方,使第一批來華的耶穌會士自稱從“太西”而來,而後來他們變成了西方人。無論如何,明清時期的中國人沒有把自己放在東方,因為他們當時把中國作為世界中心。利瑪竇在肇慶印刷了中國第一幅世界地圖(《坤輿萬國全圖》),挑戰了中國傳統的世界觀。他沒有把歐洲或中國放在地圖的中心,而是把太平洋放在中間。事實上,在圖注裡,利瑪竇標明地球是一個球體。復旦大學葛兆光教授指出,那個時代的楊廷筠(1562—1627),對這個巨大轉變的表徵,做了比很多人都好的結論:既然地球是球體,所以它“無起止,無中邊”。換句話說,問題不再是把一個國家放在世界中心,因為沒有任何國家能夠是地球的地理中心。確實,利瑪竇地圖的新奇之處,就在於指明了一個喪失任何中心的世界。








ISBN9787301306710 ; 7301306717
introducción del Aristotelismo en China a través del De Anima, siglos XVI-XVII. [Lingyan lishao 靈言蠡勺. Spanish & Chinese]
AuthorSambiasi, Francesco 畢方濟, 1582-1649Xu Guangqi 徐光啟, 1562-1633Duceux, Isabelle
PlaceMéxico, D.F.
PublisherEl Colegio de México
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition1.a ed.
LanguageSpanish, Chinese
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberB415.A5 D818 2009
Description656 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteLa introducción del Aristotelismo en China a través del De Anima, siglos XVI-XVII / Isabelle Duceux.
Based on the authors dissertation (PhD.)--El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios de Asia y Africa, 2007.
A study of Francesco Sambiasi's Lingyan lishao (1624), with Chinese text and Spanish translation.
Bibliography: p. 339-364.

"Lingyan lishao 靈言蠡勺 (Humble Attempt at Discussing Matters Pertaining to the Soul).... One of the most important themes taken from Aristotelianism was the question of the soul, as appears from several writings devoted to this subject. Francesco Sambiasi (1582-1649) and Xu Guangqi (1562-1633) presented the theory of Aristotle's De Anima in Lingyan lishao 靈言蠡勺 (1624). Aleni gave a synopsis of this work, and of Parva Naturalia, in Xingxue cushu 性學觕述, written in 1624, but printed in its entirety only in early 1646 during the Longwu reign (Southern Ming) in Fujian." -- Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, vol. 1, p. 607. See also p. 445, 613, and: "...In accordance with the state of knowledge at the time, which viewed the soul as being closely associated with the nerves" (i.e. nervous system, medicine), p. 791.

introducción del Aristotelismo en China a través del De Anima, siglos XVI-XVII. [Lingyan lishao 靈言蠡勺. Spanish & Chinese]
AuthorSambiasi, Francesco 畢方濟, 1582-1649Xu Guangqi 徐光啟, 1562-1633Duceux, Isabelle
PlaceMéxico, D.F.
PublisherEl Colegio de México
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberB415.A5 D818 2007d
Descriptiondig.pdf [476 p.]
NoteLa introducción del Aristotelismo en China a través del De Anima, siglos XVI-XVII / auctora Isabelle Duceux. Directora de tesis: Elisabetta Corsi.
Dissertation (PhD.)--El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios de Asia y Africa, 2007.
A study of Francesco Sambiasi's Lingyan lishao (1624), with Chinese text and Spanish translation.

"Lingyan lishao 靈言蠡勺 (Humble Attempt at Discussing Matters Pertaining to the Soul).... One of the most important themes taken from Aristotelianism was the question of the soul, as appears from several writings devoted to this subject. Francesco Sambiasi (1582-1649) and Xu Guangqi (1562-1633) presented the theory of Aristotle’s De Anima in Lingyan lishao 靈言蠡勺 (1624). Aleni gave a synopsis of this work, and of Parva Naturalia, in Xingxue cushu 性學觕述, written in 1624, but printed in its entirety only in early 1646 during the Longwu reign (Southern Ming) in Fujian." -- Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, vol. 1, p. 607. See also p. 445, 613, and: "...In accordance with the state of knowledge at the time, which viewed the soul as being closely associated with the nerves" (i.e. nervous system, medicine), p. 791.
Local access [Duceux-De Anima.pdf]

Lingyan lishao. Lingyan lishuo 靈言蠡勺. [BAV Borg. Cin. 324.6. Jap-Sin II, 60]
AuthorSambiasi, Francesco 畢方濟, 1582-1649Xu Guangqi 徐光啟, 1562-1633
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherTaiwan xuesheng shuju 臺灣學生書局
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Photocopy)
SeriesZhongguo shixue congshu 中國史學叢書 ; 23
ShelfDigital Archives, Case X
Call NumberBX880.L5 1965x v.2
Descriptionp. 1127-1268 ; [22 cm.]
NoteLingyan lishao 靈言蠡勺 / [畢方濟, 徐光啟}
In volume 2 of Tianxue chuhan 天學初函 (1965 reprint ed.)

N.B. Although the following description applies to the Jesuit Archive edition (which differs slightly), the background still applies. For full bibliographic and textual citation see: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).

JapSin II, 60
Lingyan lishuo 靈言蠡勺
Transmitted orally by Bi Fangji 筆方濟 (Francesco Sambiasi) and written down by Xu Guangqi 徐根光啟.
Two juan. Bamboo paper with a paper case. Wooden blocks reengraved and published by the Shenxiutang 慎修堂 (in Hangzhou). No date or place of the original publication.

The cover bears a label with the title in Chinese and a Latin inscription: "De Anima vegetati | va, sensitiva, | rationali | a p. Franc. Sambiasi | S.J."
There is an introduction by Sambiasi (two and one-half folios), dated the seventh month of Tienqi 4 (14 August–12 September 1624).
Folio 1 of both juan A and juan B bear the title and the number of the juan, followed by the names of the authors and the place of publication: 泰西畢方濟口授, 吳淞徐光啟筆錄, 慎修堂重刻. There are nine columns on each half folio with eighteen characters in the first column of each paragraph and seventeen in the rest of the paragraph. Annotations are given in smaller type and in double lines. The title of the book is given in the middle of each folio together with the number of the juan and of the folio.

This book deals with the nature of the three kinds of souls: the vegetative, the sensitive and the rational soul. The term ya-ni-ma 亞尼馬 is a transliteration of the Latin word anima (soul). In 1919, when the scholar Chen Yuan (1880–1971) had this book reprinted, he stated that among all the philosophical treatises published in the Tianxue chuhan the Lingyan lishao is the best. We are told that the Shenxiutang edition was reprinted in the Chongzhen period. According to Pfister (p. 142, no. 1) this book was [first?] printed in Shanghai or Jiading in 1624 and based on the Tianxue chuhan. A century later this book brought about the conversion of Surgiyen (see Sunu, ECCP), a member of the Manchu imperial clan (see DMB 2:1151, L.C. Goodrich).
Cf. Feng 1938, pp. 167–168; Hsü 1949, pp. 200–204; SKTY 3:2631–2632; Courant 6863–6867; Couplet, p. 15; BR, pp. XXXII–XXXIII.
Source: Chan, Chinese books and documents in the Jesuit archives in Rome: a descriptive catalogue: Japonica-Sinica I-IV, p. 365-366.

Wan Ming Zhong-Xi lunlixue de xiangyu : cong Nigemake lunlixue dao Gao Yizhi de Xiushen Xixue 晚明中西倫理學的相遇 : 從尼各馬可倫理學到高一志脩身西學
AuthorMeynard, Thierry 梅謙立
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherZhongyang yanjiuyuan 中央研究院
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfFile Cabinet A
Call NumberBV3427.V35 M4 2011
Descriptionp.103-145. ; 25 cm.
NoteWan Ming Zhong-Xi lunlixue de xiangyu : cong Nigemake lunlixue dao Gao Yizhi de Xiushen Xixue 晚明中西倫理學的相遇 : 從尼各馬可倫理學到高一志脩身西學 / Mei Qianli 梅謙立 (Thierry Meynard)
Extract: Zhongguo wenzhe yanjiu jikan 中國文哲研究集刊 : 第39期, 2011.
Abstract also in English (p.143): Encounter between Chinese and Western ethics in the late Ming dynasty: from The Nicomachean Ethics to Alfonso Vagnone’s The Western study of personal cultivation.
Bibliography: p. 144-145.
民國100 [2011]