Author: Voltaire, 1694-1778

Fu'ertai xiaoshuoxuan 伏爾泰小說選. [Zadig; Le monde comme il va; Candide; L'ingenu. Chinese]
Publish_locationBeijing 北京
PublisherRenmin wenxue chubanshe 人民文學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition北京第1版, 北京第1次印刷
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesWaiguo wenxue mingzhu congshu 外國文學名著叢書
Call NumberPQ2082.F837 V768 1980
Description5, 235 p., [1] ℓ of plates : ill., port. ; 21 cm.
NoteFu'ertai xiaoshuoxuan 伏爾泰小說選 / [Voltaire zhu 伏爾泰著] ; Fu Lei yi 傅雷譯 ; Waiguo wenxue mingzhu congshu bianji weiyuanhui bian 外國文學名著叢書編輯委員會編.
Translation of: Zadig; Le monde comme il va; Candide; L'ingenu.
Includes bibliographical references.
Contents: Chadige 查第格 -- Ruci shijie 如此世界 -- Laoshiren 老實人 -- Tianzhenhan 天真漢.
Title: Zadig.
Title: Le monde comme il va.
Title: Candide.
Title: L'ingenu.
SubjectVoltaire, 1694-1778 Short stories, French--Translations into Chinese French fiction--18th century--Translations into Chinese
Lettres chinoises, indiennes et tartares a Monsieur Paw
Publish_locationLondres [i.e. Amsterdam]
CollectionRouleau Archives
ShelfRare Book Cabinet
Call NumberPQ2086.L2 1776a
Description[4], 182, [2] p. ; 21 cm. (8vo)
NoteLettres chinoises, indiennes et tartares a Monsieur Paw / par un Benedictin ; avec plusieurs autres pièces intéressantes.
Penciled inside cover: Cordier 1855. Signatures: pi² A-L8 M⁴.

Source notes from several OCLC records: Authorship attributed in A.A. Barbier, Ouvrages anonymes, II, 1229 ; Actual place of publication from Bengesco ; First published: Paris [i.e. Geneva] in the same year, cf. Bengesco. Bengescu, G. Voltaire, no. 1859, note. ; Written by Voltaire. Cf. Bengesco, G. Voltaire, v. II, p. 317-318 ; "Probably a fictitious imprint. Compositorial practices (quire catchwords, arabic signature numerals, half plus one of each gathering signed) suggest that this edition may have been printed in the Netherlands or Germany."
Title vignette (putti with wreath, flowers & storm clouds); head-piece; tail-pieces.
Verso of t.p. (p. [4] at front) and final page are blank.

SubjectChina--Civilization China--Politics and government Europe--Civilization--Chinese influences Voltaire, 1694-1778--Views on China