Author: Wesołowski, Zbigniew 魏思齊

Monumenta Serica : Journal of Oriental Studies 華裔學志中譯標題目錄1-50冊 (1935-2002)
Publish_locationTaibei Xian Xinzhuang Shi 台北縣新莊市
PublisherFuren daxue chubanshe 輔仁大學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesFuren daxue Huayi xuezhi congshu xilie 輔仁大學華裔學志叢書系列 ; 2
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS734.97.E85 W4 2004
Description423 p. ; 23 cm.
NoteMonumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental Studies : Huayi xuezhi Zhongyi biaoti mulu 1-50 ce 華裔學志中譯標題目錄1-50冊 (1935-2002) : A catalogue of titles and contents of Monumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental Studies volumes 1-50 (1935-2002) with Chinese translation / bianji Weisiji 編輯魏思齊 Zbigniew Wesolowski, SVD.
SubjectMonumenta Serica 華裔學志--Indexes Asia--Study and teaching--Periodicals--Indexes East Asia--Civilization--Periodicals--Catalogs Sinology--Periodicals--Catalogs
Youguan Zhongguo xueshuxing de duihua : yi Huayi xuezhi wei li 有關中國學術性的對話 : 以華裔學志為例
Publish_locationTaibei Xian Xinzhuang Shi 台北縣新莊市
PublisherFuren daxue chubanshe 輔仁大學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
Record_typeConference Proceedings
SeriesFuren daxue Huayi xuezhi congshu xilie 輔仁大學華裔學志叢書系列 ; 1
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS734.97.E85 F83 2003
Description332 p. : ill., port. ; 23 cm.
NoteFuren daxue diyijie Hanxue guoji yantaohui : Youguan Zhongguo xueshuxing de duihua : yi Huayi xuezhi wei li : Minguo jiushi'er nian jiuyue ershiliu, ershiqi ri lunwenji 輔仁大學第一屆漢學國際硏討會 : 有關中國學術性的對話 : 以'華裔學志'為例, 民國九十二年九月二十六, 二十七日論文集 = The first Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium : Scholarly Dialogue on China : Monumenta Serica as an example : September 26 and 27, 2003 symposium papers / 編輯 : Zbigniew Wesolowski, SVD (魏思齊).
Some articles translated from English. Includes bibliographical references.
SubjectCatholic Church--China--History--Congresses Christianity--China--History--Congresses China--Study and teaching--Europe--Congresses Monumenta Serica 華裔學志--History--Congresses Philosophy, Chinese--Congresses China--Civilization--Congresses Sinology--Congresses