Author: Colloque international de sinologie (6th : 1989 : Chantilly, France)

Images de la Chine : le contexte Occidental de la sinologie naissante
Publish_locationSan Francisco
PublisherRicci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History 利瑪竇中西文化歷史研究所
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, French
SeriesVariétés sinologiques ; 78, Colloque international de sinologie ; 6 (1989)
ShelfStacks, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberD34.C6 C472 v.6
Descriptionxl, 434 p.; 25 cm.

"sous la direction de Edward J. Malatesta, Yves Raguin et Adrianus C. Dudink."
"...Organisé par The Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History et le Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires de Chantilly (CERIC)"-- p [iii].
Variétés sinologiques-nouvelle série ; vol. 78
"Ouvrage publié avec le concours de Fondations Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris, Henry Luce, New York et de la Province de France de la Compagnie de Jésus"
Cover and flyleaf title: Actes du VIe colloque international de sinologie, 11-14 septembre 1989.
Summaries of articles in English and French. Includes bibliographical references.

Contents: Preface, Edward Malatesta, S.J. et Yves Raguin, S.J.-- L'Images des régimes politiques de l'Europe dans le miroir des envoyés impérieaux chinois (1866-1907) / Ch'en Feng -- China's mid-nineteenth century images of Russia and Peter the Great / Fred W. Drake -- Some remarks on images of China in Scandanavia in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / Elizabeth Eide -- The "National" images of China in different European countries ca. 1550-1800 / Walter Demel -- The Ninety-nine ways of destroying the Manchus by Yen Chi-heng [Yan Jiheng 嚴季亨] : a rare survivor of Qianlong's "literary inquisition" / Giovanni Stary -- The "Mission Palais d'Été" and its study of the European palaces of the Yüan-ming-yüan [Yuanming Yuan 圓明園] / Régine Thiriez -- The War paintings of the Western region of China by Giuseppe Castiglione / Hao Zhenhua 郝鎮華 -- Orientalism, sinology and public policy: Baron Antoine Isaac Silvestre de Sacy and the foundation of Chinese studies in post-Revolutionary France / Harriet Zurndorfer -- La Chine populaire face aux jésuites (1582-1723): le début d'une réévaluation historique / Paolo Calanca -- Paul Pelliot and state-of-the-art research on the fifteenth-century navigations / Shih-san Tsai [Cai Shishan] -- The Earliest accounts of the Liqueio (Ryukyu) Islands in eighteenth-century Europe / Edward Kajdanski -- The Earliest European atlas of Ming China: an unpublished work by Michele Ruggieri / Eugenio Lo Sardo -- Une légation à Rome manquée: Joachim Bouvet et Sabino Mariani / Claudia von Collani -- Moses or China? / Paul Rule -- Leibniz and China: from natural theology to true philosophy / Rita Widmaier -- Empreintes figuristes dans Notiae Linguae Sinicae / Knud Lundbaek -- The Tragedy of Michael Boym / Edward Malatesta -- Claude Visdelou and the Chinese paradox / John Witek -- Chinese Catholic clergy and catechists in eighteenth century Szechuan [Sichuan 四川] / Robert Entenmann -- Development of Shilhak [實學] and Western studies in eighteenth century Korea / Kim Orun.

SubjectFigurism--China--History Jesuits--China--History--Congresses China--Relations--Europe--Congresses Europe--Relations--China--Congresses Sinologists--Europe--History--Congresses China--Foreign public opinion--Congresses
Seriesfoo 206