Author: Wu Hung [Wu Hong 巫鴻], 1945-

Between past and future : new photography and video from China
PublisherSmart Museum of Art, University of Chicago
CollectionRicci Institute Library [Luce]
Edition1st ed.
Record_typeBook (Exhibition catalog)
ShelfStacks, Conference Room 108
Call NumberTR645.C552 D389 2004
Description224 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm

Between past and future : new photography and video from China / Wu Hung and Christopher Phillips ; with contributions by Melissa Chiu, Lisa Corrin, and Stephanie Smith.

"In collaboration with Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; Asia Society, New York."

Exhibition catalog.

Includes index.

Between past and future: a brief history of contemporary Chinese photography / Wu Hung. -- The great transition: artists' photography and video in China / Christopher Phillips. -- History and memory. -- People and place. -- Performing the self. -- Reimagining the body. -- Checklist. -- Artists' interviews. -- Artists' biographies. -- Artists' statements.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

"The massive political, economic, and social changes China has undergone during the past decade have dramatically altered its cultural landscape. The exhibition New Photography from China and its catalogue offer the first comprehensive look at the body of photographic art produced during this period. Often ambitious in scale and experimental in nature, the works featured in 'New Photography From China' encompass a wide range of highly individual responses to these unprecedented transformations. Essays by co-curators and distinguished scholars Christopher Phillips and Wu Hung examine the recent history and current status of photography in China. Also included are artist interviews conducted by Melissa Chiu, Lisa Corrin, and Stephanie Smith artists' biographies and a bibliography. Many of these artists will be introduced to the American public for the first time. This catalogue is a valuable resource for art and cultural historians, students, or anyone interested in contemporary Asian art." -- Publisher description.


SubjectPhotography, Artistic--China--Exhibitions Photography--China--Exhibitions Video art--China--Exhibitions Photographers--China--Biography
ISBN0935573399 ; 9780935573398
Remaking Beijing : Tiananmen Square and the creation of a political space
PublisherUniversity of Chicago Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberNA9072.B45 T539 2005
Description272 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 26 cm.

Remaking Beijing : Tiananmen Square and the creation of a political space / Wu Hung 巫鴻.




1 Tiananmen Square: A Political History of Monuments Tiananmen Square The Monument to the People's Heroes From April 5th to June 4th

2 Face of Authority: Tiananmen and Mao's Tiananmen Portrait Tiananmen Mao's Tiananmen Portrait

3 Displaying the People: National Day Parades and Exhibition Architecture

The National Day Parade Exhibition Architecture The "Ten Great Buildings" Project The Great Hall of the People and the Museum of Chinese History The Chairman Mao Memorial Hall

4 Monumentality of Time: From Drum Tower to "Hong Kong Clock"

The Hong Kong Clock and Post-1989 Tiananmen Square

The Drum Tower and the Politics of Traditional Time-telling

The Clock Tower and the Invasion of a Modern Temporality Back to the Hong Kong Clock: "Counting Down" as a Means of Political Control

5 Art of the Square: From Subject to Site Representing Authority

Counter Image

Objectifying Tiananmen and Mao Reframing

Tiananmen and Mao Emptying

Tiananmen and Mao

The Square Revisited Coda: Entering the New Millennium


Works cited


SubjectChina--History--Tiananmen Square Incident, 1989 Architecture, Modern--China--20th century Architecture--China--Beijing
ISBN9780226360782 ; 9780226360799
Three thousand years of Chinese painting
Publish_locationNew Haven, CT
PublisherYale University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [Luce]
SeriesCulture & civilization of China = 中國文化与文明
ShelfSeminar Room 102-103
Call NumberND1040.T48 1997
Description402 p. : ill. (some color) ; 31 cm

Three thousand years of Chinese painting / Yang Xin, Richard M. Barnhart, Nie Chongzheng, James Cahill, Lang Shaojun, Wu Hung.

Published simultaneously in Chinese.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 355-364) and index.

Approaches to Chinese painting /  Yang Xin, James Cahill -- The origins of Chinese painting (Paleolithic period to Tang Dynasty) /  Wu Hung -- The five dynasties and the Song period (907-1279) /  Richard M. Barnhart -- The Yuan dynasty (1271-1368) /  James Cahill -- The Ming dynasty (1368-1644) /  Yang Xin -- The Qing dynasty (1644-1911) /  Nie Chongzheng -- Traditional Chinese painting in the twentieth century /  Lang Shaojun.

Written by a team of eminent international scholars, this book is the first to recount the history of Chinese painting over a span of some 3000 years.

"From Neolithic painted petroglyphs, early paintings on silk, and landscapes by twelfth-century literati to the traditional handscrolls being produced today, Chinese painting has always had the power to enthrall. This magnificent book, written by a team of eminent international scholars, is the first to recount the history of Chinese painting over a span of some three thousand years. Drawing on museum collections, archives, and archaeological sites in China--including many resources never before available to Western scholars--as well as on collections in other countries, the authors present and analyze the very best examples of Chinese painting: more than 300 of them are reproduced here in color. Both accessible to the general reader and revelatory for the scholar, the book provides the most up-to-date and detailed history of China's pictorial art available today. In this book the authors rewrite the history of Chinese art wherever it is found--in caves, temples, or museum collections. They begin by grounding the Western reader in Chinese traditions and practices, showing in essence how to look at a Chinese painting. They then shed light on such topics as the development of classical and narrative painting, the origins of the literati tradition, the flowering of landscape painting, and the ways the traditions of Chinese painting have been carried into the present day. The book, which concludes with a glossary of techniques and terms and a list of artists by dynasty, is an essential resource for all lovers of, or newcomers to, Chinese painting. Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting is the inaugural volume in a new series, The Culture & Civilization of China, a joint publishing venture of Yale University Press and the American Council of Learned Societies with the China International Publishing Group in Beijing. The undertaking will ultimately result in the publication of more than seventy-five volumes on the visual arts, classical literature, language, and philosophy, as well as several comprehensive reference volumes."--Publisher's description.

SubjectPainting, Chinese Painting, Chinese--History
ISBN0300070136 ; 9780300070132
Yizhi yu tuxiang 遺址與圖像 = Sites and images
Publish_locationBeijing 北京
PublisherZhongguo minzu sheying yishu chubanshe 中國民族攝影藝術出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [Luce]
SeriesOCAT yanjiu zhongxin zhanlan yu wenxian yanjiu congshu OCAT研究中心展覽與文獻研究叢書
Call NumberN7480.Y595 2017
Description283 p. : ill. (some color) ; 25 cm.

Yizhi yu tuxiang 遺址與圖像 = Sites and images /  Wu Hong, Guo Weiqi zhubian 巫鴻, 郭偉其主編.

"This book is produced in conjunction with the exhibition 'Sites and images: two research projects of Oxford University and the University of Chicago'"--Page 282.
"Authors: Jaś Elsner, Katharina Ulmschneider, Sally Crawford, Wu Hung, Katherine Renhe Tsiang, Wei-cheng Lin, Zhang Xiao"--Page 282.
Includes bibliographical references.
Chinese and English.

本書為OCAT研究中心展覽與文獻研究叢書第三卷, 全書源於OCAT研究中心2017年度的年度展覽. 本次展覽為兩所大學的聯合展示, 即 "遺址與圖像: 牛津大學和芝加哥大學的兩項研究計劃". 牛津大學的部分, 是隸屬大學考古研究所的 "歷史環境圖像資源庫"(Historic Environment Image Resource, 簡稱HEIR)所提供的考古遺址歷史照片, 包括 "'彼時' 與 '此時'", "攝影作為藝術", "考古遺址的發掘與再造" 三個單元的照片, 並對1939年英國薩頓胡(Sutton Hoo) 船葬遺址發掘過程進行整體的幻燈片展示. 正如埃爾斯納教授所說, 這些攝影作品提供了兩種比較形式, 來自多個地區的不同記錄方式構成了19世紀中葉歐洲中心主義視角下的多元文化比較, 而通過這些在不同時期記錄相同遺址的攝影文獻我們又可以在當代學術的視野下嘗試更進一步的比較, 即遺址與進入博物館之前的文物所經歷的變化, 包括它們在物質上的變更以及在人們的目光與想像中的變遷. 這一點也正是芝加哥大學 "天龍山石窟" 項目的出發點, 研究人員對散落海外的天龍山造像進行三維掃描, 採集信息並建立模型, 以數字化的方式呈現石窟. 尤其有意義的是將藏於海外的天龍山造像與石窟的歷史照片相對照, 為造像找到原址, 通過數碼技術將這些殘缺部件重新組合起來, 從而使被肢解的佛頭和佛手在擬̌世界中找到了曾經失去的身體. 這種文物對於原境的要求, 被巫鴻教授概括為 "不可移動的文物". 除了埃爾斯納教授與巫鴻教授的展覽序言與文章之外, 關於19世紀以來攝影對考古發掘, 研究, 教學等方面的影響與反思, 可詳見本書中由牛津大學Katharina Ulmschneider博士與Sally Crawford博士撰寫的文章與圖錄; 關於天龍山項目的內容與意義, 詳見芝加哥大學蔣人和教授的文章, 關於展覽的技術問題可參考太原理工大學張曉教授的說明文字. 在本書中, 我們還收錄了"現代文物崇拜: 其特點與起源" 的完整英文譯本, 以及陳平教授修訂的中譯本, 供讀者參考

SubjectArt--Historiography Art, Comparative Photography in archaeology--Exhibitions Time and photography--Exhibitions Archaeology and art--Exhibitions Buddhist sculpture--China--Pictorial works--Exhibitions Three-dimensional imaging in archaeology--Exhibitions Cultural property--Exhibitions Tianlong Mountain Caves [Tianlongshan Shiku 天龍山石窟]--Pictorial works--Exhibitions
ISBN9787512210509 ; 7512210507