Author | Hetl-Kuntze, H. |
Place | New York |
Publisher | Dell Pub. Co. |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library [M5] |
Language | English |
Type | Book |
Series | 20,000 years of world painting series ; 6 |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | ND1037.H413 1968 |
Description | 149 p. : color ill. ; 17 cm. |
Note | Far-Eastern art / [by] H. Hetl-Kuntze. Edited by Hans L.C. Jaffé; translated [from the German] by Robert Erich Wolf. "Originally published as part of one volume entitled 20,000 years of world painting." Includes index. [1968, c1967] |
Author | Huang Binhong 黄賓虹, 1865-1955 |
Place | Xianggang 香港 |
Publisher | Shangwu yinshuguan Xianggang fenguan 商务印書館香港分館 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 重印 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | ND1040.G848 H816 1975 |
Description | 2, 2, 54, 38 p. ; 21 cm. |
Note | Gu hua wei 古畫微 : Fu 附: Huang Shan huayuanlüe 黃山畫苑略 / Huang Binhong zhu 黄賓虹著. Title: Huang Shan huayuanlüe 黃山畫苑略. |
LCCN | c61-1690 |
Author | Sun Jiaqin 孫家勤, 1930- |
Place | Taibei Shi 臺北市 |
Publisher | Taiwan xuesheng shudian 臺灣學生書店 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 再版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | ND1040.C6 S85 1964 |
Description | 4, 2, 4, 224 p. : ill., tables ; 19 cm. |
Note | Guohua jianshi 國畫簡史 : [6篇] / Sun Jiaqin zhu 孫家勤著. Minguo 民國 53 |
Author | Huang Binhong 黄賓虹, 1865-1955Wang Bomin 王伯敏, 1924- |
Place | Shanghai 上海 |
Publisher | Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe 上海人民美術出版社 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 第1版 |
Language | Chinese 中文[簡體字] |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | ND1040.C6 H826 1961a |
Description | [1], 2, 58, [9] p. of plates : ill. ; 21 cm. |
Note | Huang Binhong huayulu 黄賓虹畫語錄 / [Huang Zhi 黄質] zhu 著 ; Wang Bomin bian 王伯敏編. |
LCCN | c65-478 |
Author | Wu Xingu 吳心穀 |
Place | Taibei Shi 臺北市 |
Publisher | Lianguan chubanshe 連貫出版社 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | ND1048.C6 W89 1973 |
Description | 1, 1, 30, 26, 27 p., [31] lvs. of plates : ill. ; 22 cm. |
Note | Lidai huashi huizhuan bubian 歷代畫史彙傳補編 : [4卷] / Wu Xingu bianzhu 吳心榖編著. 民國62 [1973]. |
Author | Zhang Yanyuan 張彥遠, 9th cent.Guo Si 郭思, jinshi 1082Yang Shen 楊慎, 1488-1559 |
Place | Taibei Shi 臺北市 |
Publisher | Taiwan Shangwu yinshuguan 臺灣商務印書館 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 臺一版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Series | Renren wenku 人人文庫 ; 特125 |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | AC149.R363 特125 |
Description | 2, 334, 9, 1, 18 p. ; 17.5 cm. |
Note | Lidai minghuaji 歷代名畫記 : [10卷] :
附: Hualun 畫論, Huapin 畫品 / Zhang Yanyuan zhuan 張彥遠撰. 附: (1) Hualun 畫論 / (Song 宋) Guo Si zhuan 郭思撰 -- (2) Huapin 畫品 / (Ming 明) Yang Shen zhuan 楊慎撰. 民國60 [1971]. |
ISBN | 74898884 |
Author | Gu Fu 顧復, fl. 1662-1692 |
Place | Shanghai 上海 |
Publisher | Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe 上海人民美術出版社 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | ND1040.C6 K848 1962 |
Description | 4 v. (various pagings) ; 21cm. |
Note | Pingsheng zhuangguan 平生壯觀 : [10卷] / Gu Fu zhu 顧復著. Facsimile repoduction of: Zhejiang Sheng wenwu guanli weiyuanhuicang Daoguangjian Jiangshi Songtijing chaoben 浙江省文物管理委員會藏道光間蔣氏宋体精抄本. |
LCCN | c63-2251 |
Author | Lang Shaojun 郎紹君Nie Chongzheng 聶崇正Yang Xin 楊新, 1940-Barnhart, Richard M., 1934-Wu Hung [Wu Hong 巫鴻], 1945-Cahill, James 高居翰, 1926-2014 |
Place | New Haven, CT |
Publisher | Yale University Press |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library [Luce] |
Language | English |
Type | Book |
Series | Culture & civilization of China = 中國文化与文明 |
Shelf | Seminar Room 102-103 |
Call Number | ND1040.T48 1997 |
Description | 402 p. : ill. (some color) ; 31 cm |
Note | Three thousand years of Chinese painting / Yang Xin, Richard M. Barnhart, Nie Chongzheng, James Cahill, Lang Shaojun, Wu Hung. Published simultaneously in Chinese. Includes bibliographical references (pages 355-364) and index. Approaches to Chinese painting / Yang Xin, James Cahill -- The origins of Chinese painting (Paleolithic period to Tang Dynasty) / Wu Hung -- The five dynasties and the Song period (907-1279) / Richard M. Barnhart -- The Yuan dynasty (1271-1368) / James Cahill -- The Ming dynasty (1368-1644) / Yang Xin -- The Qing dynasty (1644-1911) / Nie Chongzheng -- Traditional Chinese painting in the twentieth century / Lang Shaojun. Written by a team of eminent international scholars, this book is the first to recount the history of Chinese painting over a span of some 3000 years. "From Neolithic painted petroglyphs, early paintings on silk, and landscapes by twelfth-century literati to the traditional handscrolls being produced today, Chinese painting has always had the power to enthrall. This magnificent book, written by a team of eminent international scholars, is the first to recount the history of Chinese painting over a span of some three thousand years. Drawing on museum collections, archives, and archaeological sites in China--including many resources never before available to Western scholars--as well as on collections in other countries, the authors present and analyze the very best examples of Chinese painting: more than 300 of them are reproduced here in color. Both accessible to the general reader and revelatory for the scholar, the book provides the most up-to-date and detailed history of China's pictorial art available today. In this book the authors rewrite the history of Chinese art wherever it is found--in caves, temples, or museum collections. They begin by grounding the Western reader in Chinese traditions and practices, showing in essence how to look at a Chinese painting. They then shed light on such topics as the development of classical and narrative painting, the origins of the literati tradition, the flowering of landscape painting, and the ways the traditions of Chinese painting have been carried into the present day. The book, which concludes with a glossary of techniques and terms and a list of artists by dynasty, is an essential resource for all lovers of, or newcomers to, Chinese painting. Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting is the inaugural volume in a new series, The Culture & Civilization of China, a joint publishing venture of Yale University Press and the American Council of Learned Societies with the China International Publishing Group in Beijing. The undertaking will ultimately result in the publication of more than seventy-five volumes on the visual arts, classical literature, language, and philosophy, as well as several comprehensive reference volumes."--Publisher's description. |
ISBN | 0300070136 ; 9780300070132 |
LCCN | 97011152 |
Author | |
Place | Taibei Shi 臺北市 |
Publisher | Taiwan Shangwu yinshuguan 臺灣商務印書館 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 臺一版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Series | Renren wenku 人人文庫 ; 特132 |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | AC149.R363 特132 |
Description | 2, 594 p. ; 17.5 cm. |
Note | Xuanhe huapu 宣和畫譜 / xiangweiren zhuan 詳未人撰. 民國60 [1971]. |
LCCN | 72835847 |
Author | Zhuang Shen 莊申, 1932- |
Place | Taibei Shi 臺北市 |
Publisher | Zhengzhong shuju 正中書局 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 臺初版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | ND1040.C6 C482 1959 |
Description | 2, 6, 2, 264 p., [6] lvs. of plates : ill. ; 21 cm. |
Note | Zhongguo huashi yanjiu 中國畫史研究 / Zhuang Shen bianzhu 莊申編著. 民國48 [1959]. |
Author | Zheng Chang 鄭昶, 1894-1952Huang Baoyue 黄葆戉, 1880-1969 |
Place | Shanghai 上海 |
Publisher | Zhonghua shuju 中華書局 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | ND1040.C558 C326 1929 |
Description | 4, 14, 22, 550, 16, 36 p., [2] : ill. ; 24 cm. |
Note | Zhongguo huaxue quanshi 中國畫學全史 : [12章] : Fulu 附錄 / Bianzhuzhe Zheng Chang 編著者鄭昶 ; jiaoyuezhe Huang Baoyue 校閱者黄葆戉. 民國18 [1929]. |
LCCN | c62-332 |
Author | Pan Tianshou 潘天壽, 1897-1971 |
Place | Shanghai 上海 |
Publisher | Shangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 2版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Series | Shanghai meishu zhuanmen xuexiao congshu 上海美術專門學校叢書 |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | ND1040.C6 P25 1928 |
Description | 3, 8, 224 p., 43 p. of plates : ill. ; 19 cm. |
Note | Zhongguo huihuashi 中國繪畫史 / Pan Tianshou bian 潘天授[i.e., 壽]編. Title in English on colophon: A History of Chinese Painting. 民國17 [1928]. |
Author | Yu Jianhua 俞劍華, 1895-1979 |
Place | Xianggang 香港 |
Publisher | Shangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | ND1040.C6 Y843 1962 |
Description | 5, 8, 11, 237, 324 p., 80 p. of plates : ill., facsims, tables ; 19 cm. |
Note | Zhongguo huihuashi 中國繪畫史 : [上下冊,14章] : Fulu 附錄: Minguo yilai huihua shumu 民國以來繪畫書目 / Yu Jianhua zhu 俞劍華著. Title: Minguo yilai huihua shumu 民國以來繪畫書目 |
LCCN | 77-835310 |
Author | Pan Tianshou 潘天壽, 1897-1971 |
Place | Shanghai 上海 |
Publisher | Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe 上海人民美術出版社 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 第1版 |
Language | Chinese 中文[簡體字] |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | ND1040.C6 P25 1983 |
Description | 2, [1, 3, 2], 3, 301 p., 32 p. of plates : ill., facsims. ; 19 cm. |
Note | Zhongguo huihuashi 中國繪畫史 / Pan Tianshou zhu 潘天壽著. Includes bibliographical references. |
LCCN | 85-198438 |
Author | Yu Jianhua 俞劍華, 1895-1979 |
Place | Beijing 北京 |
Publisher | Zhongguo gudian yishu chubanshe 中國古典藝術出版社 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 第1版, 第1次印刷 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | ND1040.C6 Y843 1957 |
Description | 2 v. (2, 6, 19, 1314 p.) ; 22 cm. |
Note | Zhongguo huihuashi 中國繪畫史 : [上下卷,8編] / Yu Jianhua bianzhu 俞劍華編著. |
LCCN | c58-5227 |
Author | Lü Foting 呂佛庭, 1911- |
Place | Taibei Shi 臺北市 |
Publisher | Zhonghua wenhua chuban shiye weiyuanhui 中華文化出版事業委員會 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 再版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Series | Xiandai guomin jiben zhishi congshu 現代國民基本知識叢書 ; 第4輯 |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | ND1040.C6 L837 1956 |
Description | 1, 4, 1, 247 p., [2] p. of plates : ill., tables (some fold.) ; 19 cm. |
Note | Zhongguo shuhua yuanliu 中國書畫源流 : [10章] / Lü Foting zhu 呂佛庭著. Minguo 民國 45 |
LCCN | c58-7380 |