Date | 2023 |
Publish_location | Venezia |
Publisher | Edizioni Ca' Foscari |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 1a ed. |
Language | Italian, Chinese |
Record_type | Digital Book (PDF) |
Series | Maestri, testi e fonti d’Oriente : Masters, Texts and Sources of the East ; 3 |
Shelf | Digital Archives |
Call Number | BS315.C59 D45 2023d |
Description | pdf. [140 p. : illustrations] |
Note | I francescani cinesi e la traduzione della Bibbia : con traduzione di Huainian Liu Xutang shenfu e testo cinese a fronte / Raissa De Gruttola. Includes bibliographical references (p. 133-140) Sommario -- Introduzione -- I francescani in Cina fra traduzione e missione -- I francescani cinesi dello Studio Biblico: profili biografici -- In memoria di Padre Liu Xutang Traduzione di Huainian Liu Xutang shenfu 懷念劉緒堂神父 --Osservazioni conclusive -- Appendice -- Bibliografia (p.133-140) Abstract (in English) The translation project of the Sigao Shengjing 思高聖經 or Studium Biblicum Version of the Catholic Bible in Mandarin Chinese was undertaken by the Italian Franciscan missionary Gabriele M. Allegra in 1935. In 1945 he decided to gather a group of collaborators and established the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Sinense (Sigao Shengjing Xuehui 思高聖經學會), an institute in charge of the translation and publication of the biblical volumes, which still operates today in Hong Kong. The single volume of the Bible was published in 1968 and is known with the name of the Studium Biblicum, however, the work of Father Allegra has been explored, while very few details on the Chinese members of the institute are available to date. The contribution of the Chinese friars was fundamental and remarkable in the translation and publication process, and they had an important role in the life of the Catholic Church during and after their work at the Studium. Furthermore, exploring their lives and activities, it must be noticed that their presence would be of primary importance in establishing the Franciscan Vicary, and later Province, of Our Lady of China. This volume considers the Chinese point of view in the experience of the translation of the Catholic Bible in Chinese and the life of the Franciscan Order in China, giving the historical context and outlining the lives and activities of the first ten Chinese members of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Sinense, exploring their work in the context of the biblical translation and the life of the Studium Biblicum. In particular, it focuses on Father Ludovicus Liu Xutang 劉緒堂 (1916-1989) whose life and activity details were collected in the booklet Huainian Liu Xutang shenfu 懷念劉緒堂神父, published in 1990. Its translation and comment will support the presentation of the peculiarities and the importance of the Chinese Franciscan Friars in the life of the Chinese Catholic Church in the wentieth century, both in biblical translation and in the issues related to the Franciscan Order. OCLC note: In 1968, the first complete edition of the Catholic Bible in the Chinese language was published. The authors of the translation were the members of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Sinense, the biblical institute founded in 1945 in Beijing by the Franciscan Father Gabriele Allegra, who had inaugurated the project and chosen its first collaborators. This volume explores the formation and role of the Chinese Franciscans involved in translation and outlines their activity in the subsequent foundation of the Chinese Franciscan Vicaria and Province (1970, 1989). The figure of Father Ludovico Liu Xutang, member of the Biblical Study and first Vicar in 1970 is presented in detail. The translation of the booklet Huainian Liu Xutang shenfuit allows you to see Father Liu's commitments in the biblical activities of the Study, in the erection of the Reginae Sinarum Province and in the resumption of contacts with the Catholics of mainland China, and offers the reader a collection of direct testimonies on the life of the Franciscan. Keywords: Chinese Bible. Chinese Franciscans. Catholicism in China. Missions in China. Liu Xutang. Gabriele Allegra. Sigao Shengjing. Studium Biblicum Version. Local access dig. pdf. [De Gruttola-Francescani cinesi.pdf] |
Subject | Bible--Influence--China Franciscans--China--History--20th century Bible--Translating--China--History Bible--Criticism, interpretation, etc.--China Religion and culture--China--History |
ISBN | 978-88-6969-672-5 |