Author: Nieuhof, Johannes, 1618-1672

An embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham, emperor of China ....
PublisherJohn Ogilby
CollectionRicci Institute Library [JPW]
Edition2nd ed.
Record_typeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfRare Book Cabinet
Call NumberDS708.N54 1673
Description431 pages : illustrattions, engravings, map ; 39 cm.

An embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham, emperor of China : deliver’d by their excellencies Peter de Goyer and Jacob de Keyzer, at his imperial city of Peking wherein the cities, towns, villages, ports, rivers, &c in their passages from Canton to Peking are ingeniously described by John Nieuhoff : also an epistle of Father John Adams, their antagonist, concerning the whole negotiation : with an appendix of several remarks taken out of Father Athanasius Kircher : English’d and set forth with their several sculptures by John Ogilby

“The Second Edition”
London: John Ogilby. Printed by the Author at his Home in WhiteFriars, M.DC.LXXIII. [1673]

Library copy from the John Paul Wiest collection. This copy is imperfect, frontispiece engraving wanting; text after p. 426 [p. 427-431] missing. 

See University of Wisconsin-Madison online example, which is the same edition

Local access dig.pdf. [Nieuhof-Embassy.pdf]

SubjectChina--Description and travel--Qing dynasty, 1644-1911--Sources China--Description and travel--17th-18th centuries
Boomen, uit Nieuhof en Boim. Arbres. Boomen, uit Boim. [engravings]
Publish_locationLa Haye
PublisherChez Pierre de Hondt
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeCopper engraving
ShelfMap Case
Call NumberQK355.V36 1749
Description4 engravings, Image 190 x 138 mm [273 x 215 mm]
NoteBoomen, uit Nieuhof en Boim [40815]
Arbres / Boomen, uit Boim.
[A la Haye, Chez Pierre de Hondt, MDCCXLIX. Avec Privilege de Sa Majeste Imperiale, & de Nos Seigneurs les Etats de Hollande & de West-Prise. 1749]
Image 190 x 138 mm, Plate 212 x 181 mm, Sheet 273 x 215 mm.

A depiction of Chinese plants from the Dutch edition of the Description de la Chine, part of Prévost' s monumental 'l'Histoire General des Voyages’. The plate depicts two fruiting trees in an idealised Chinese landscape by a river. Both are labelled, with a corresponding key in French and Dutch appearing at the top of the plate as a decorative ribbon. The first, labelled 'Ya-ta,' is probably a variety of either a lychee or longan tree, though its scaled fruit could also be durian. The second, the quey-pe, is a Chinese cinnamon, the bark of which has been used as a spice for thousands of years. The depiction of both trees follows the earlier drawings of Chinese plants published by Michal Boym (1612-1659), a Polish botanist, author, explorer, and Jesuit missionary, who carried out an extensive survey of Chinese flora and fauna during his travels. The Histoire General des Voyages was a monumental eighteenth century general history divided according to geographic region. The original volumes were written by Antoine François Prévost d'Exiles, a French author, novelist, theologian, natural historian, and a priest of the Jesuit and Benedictine orders, but continued by numerous other authors after Prevost's death. The earliest books mostly deal with the Far East and South-East Asia, providing a general history of their regions, kingdoms, customs, culture, costumes, natural phenomena and religious beliefs. Much of Prevost's information is derived from the reports of Jesuit missionaries, Portuguese merchants, and famous explorers, from Marco Polo to Sir Francis Drake. Although written in French, the popularity of the Histoire among Dutch audiences meant that many of the illustrative plates and maps published to accompany the work were either re-engraved or subtitled in Dutch by the engraver Jakob van der Schley: Prevost himself had travelled widely throughout the Netherlands, launching his literary career in Amsterdam and the Hague after fleeing the Benedictines in France. Prevost's work on China, and indeed many of van der Schley's plates, owe a great debt to Johan Nieuhoff (1618-1672) , a Dutch traveller who explored much of China, India, and Brazil while in the employ of the Dutch East India Company. Nieuhoff wrote extensively, with a particular focus on China, for his memoirs, and his numerous drawings of Chinese places and people were much copied by later engravers for numerous works of Chinese interest. Nieuhoffs own book became a major source of inspiration for eighteenth century chinoiserie, and are amongst the first western illustrations to depict the Chinese people in a manner which was based upon personal observation rather than the tradition of oriental fantasy.

Jakob van der Schley (26th July 1715 - 12th February 1779), also known as Jan von Schley or Jacobus van Schley, was a Dutch engraver and draughtsman. An apprentice of the French engraver Bernard Picart, he is best known for his engravings of the majority of plates in the Dutch edition of 'l'Histoire General des V~ages.' Despite producing mainly maps and views for this work, van der Schley was predominantly a portrait artist and literary illustrator.
Condition: Sheet trimmed within plate on left margin, as issued. Binders crease and holes to right margin. Clean, crisp impression with 'M Gallard’ Angoumois watermark.

SubjectMedicinal plants--China Boym, Michał 卜彌格, 1612-1659. Flora sinensis Plants--China--Early works to 1800 Engraving, French--18th century Botany--China--Early works to 1800
Death of the last Chinese emperor of the Ming in 1644. Chinese actors. [Engraving]
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfMap Case
Call Number[1] ND1049.6.C5 A78 1745
Description1 sheet : 2 engraved images ; 37 x 24 cm.
NoteDeath of the last Chinese empr of the Ming in 1644 from Nieuhof. Chinese actors from Nieuhof / [G. Child, I. Basire sculpt].
Copper plate engraving published 1743-1747 by Thomas Astley, London for "A New General Collection of Voyages and Travels" by John Green (Compiler) and Thomas Astley from Nieuhof.
2 plates printed on single sheet: Plate 15, No. 7, page 27 -- Plate 16, no.7, page 39.

Online separately, e.g. NYPL Digital Collections.

SubjectChina--History--Ming dynasty, 1368-1644--Pictorial works China--Description and travel--17th-18th centuries Actors--China--Illustrations--18th century