Author: Catholic Church. Congregatio Sacrorum Rituum

Memoires for Rome concerning the state of the Christian religion in China. [Mémoires pour Rome sur l'état de la religion chrétienne dans la Chine. English]
PublisherPrinted for B. Tooke and G. Strahan
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Latin
Record_typeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3417.M4613 1710d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [4 p. l., 271 p. ; 19 cm.]
NoteMemoires for Rome concerning the state of the Christian religion in China : with the decree of His present Holiness Pope Clement XI. concerning the affair of the Chinese worship. And the ordinance of my Lord Card. of Tournon upon the same subject, An. 1710.
Cordier col. 912-3; Lust 865.
Translation of: Mémoires pour Rome sur l'état de la religion chrétienne dans la Chine.
"The letter of the Cardinal of Tournon ... to my Lord the Bishop of Conon" (p. 38-51), "The decree of Alexander VII. The answers of the sacred congregation ... 1654" (p. 88-103), "The mandate or ordinance of Mr. Maigrot" (p. 176-241), "Answers by the sacred congregation" (p. 242-259), [The decree of His Holiness Clement XI] (p. 258-261), "The decree of His Eminence the Cardinal de Tournon" (p. 262-271): Latin and English text on opposite pages.
Dig.pdf. local access [Memoires for Rome-Tournon & Maigrot]
SubjectChinese Rites controversy--Sources Catholic Church--Missions--China--History--18th century