Author: John, Griffith 楊格非, 1831-1912

cause of the riots in the Yangtse Valley : a complete picture gallery. [Jinzun shengyu bixie quantu 謹遵聖諭辟邪全圖]
Publish_locationHankow 漢口
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
LanguageChinese, English
Record_typeAlbum (mounted images)
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberDS764.
Descriptionreprod. [62] p. : 34 color plates ; 21 x 27 cm.
NoteThe cause of the riots in the Yangtse Valley : a "complete picture gallery" = Jinzun shengyu bixie quantu 謹遵聖諭辟邪全圖. [English text by Griffith John 楊格非, 1831-1912.]
Album. Color photocopies of anti-Christian, anti-Western broadsides (illustrations). Lacks accompanying English text (see online versions linked below).

Original text and plates printed on double leaves, Chinese style.
Each plate accompanied by page with descriptive notes, not included in the pagination; also printed three columns to the page. (see PDF version)

" exact reproduction of one of the numerous publications ... widely circulated in China by the antiforeign party ..." cf. Introd. An anonymous reproduction of an anti-foreign pictorial work entitled "Chin tsun shêng yü pi hsieh ch'üan t'u". The original probably by Han Chou.

Book (color facsimile): Zhou Zhenhan (fl. 1890s), Jinzun shengyu bixie quantu (Hunan, China, 1891) 1891年,清-周漢(原名周振漢)主編印行了80萬冊之巨的【謹遵聖諭辟邪全圖】----未加連綴之單幅,計32頁全本大圖。(此為研究清末底層暴民反洋教案及義和團暴力活動緣起因素之重要圖文史料. 1891年,清-周漢【謹遵聖諭辟邪全圖】(是書乃庚子事變前期、湖南人周漢-原名周振漢主編印行之反洋教印刷品。書中繪圖與言辭,對基督教-傳教士-中國信徒乃至西醫等科學方面,用當年各國公使的話說已 “極盡凌辱”。因印量逾80萬冊之巨,此亦是煽動底層民眾及義和團仇恨洋教并挑起暴力之重要因素之一)--Anthony Clark collection note.

Complete edition online at MIT Visualizing Cultures.
See also alternate edition: Princeton Digital Library.

SubjectCaricatures and cartoons, Chinese China--History--Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1901--Sources Anti-Christian movements--China--History--Qing dynasty, 1644-1911--Sources Anti-Christian riots (China, 1891) Color prints, Chinese--19th century Propaganda, Anti-Christian--China--19th century--Pictorial works Block printing--China--19th century--Specimens
Voice from China
PublisherJames Clarke & Co.
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Call NumberBV3415.V752 J746 1907
Descriptionxv, 271 p. : ill. (some fold.), maps ; 20 cm.
NoteA Voice from China / by Griffith John.
Cover detached.
Last page missing.
Includes index.
Wan Qing Jidujiao xushi wenxue xuancui 晚清基督教敘事文學選粹. [Zhang Yuan liangyou xianglun 張遠兩友相論. Yabolahan jilüe 亞伯拉罕紀略. Zhengdao qimeng 正道啓蒙. Hengli shilu 亨利實錄. Shenglü jingcheng zhengbian 勝旅景程正編. Hongzhu Ruzhuan 紅侏儒傳]
Publish_locationXinbei Shi 新北市
PublisherGanlan chuban youxian gongsi 橄欖出版有限公司
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesHanyu Jidujiao jingdian wenku jicheng 漢語基督教經典文庫集成 ; 3, Hanyu Jidujiao jingdian wenku jicheng. Shijiu shiji pian 漢語基督教經典文庫集成. 十九世紀篇
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBR117.W25 2012
Descriptionlxii, 432 p. : ill., facsim. ; 24 cm.
NoteWan Qing Jidujiao xushi wenxue xuancui 晚清基督教敘事文學選粹 / Li Zipeng bianzhu 黎子鵬編注.
Translations of: Mortimer, Favell Lee, 1802-1878. Peep of day. Sherwood, Mary Martha, 1775-1851. History of little Henry and his bearer. Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. Pilgrim's progress. Pearse, Mark Guy, 1842-1930. Terrible red dwarf.
Includes bibliographical references (pages xlix-lxi).

Zhang Yuan liangyou xianglun 張遠兩友相論 / Milian 米憐 (William Milne) -- Yabolahan jilüe 亞伯拉罕紀略 / Li Yage 理雅各 (James Legge) -- Zhengdao qimeng 正道啓蒙 / Bin Weilin 賓為霖 (William C. Burns) -- Hengli shilu 亨利實錄 / Bai Hanli 白漢理 (Henry Blodget) -- Shenglü jingcheng zhengbian 勝旅景程正編 / Hu Demai 胡德邁 (Thomas H. Hudson) -- Hongzhu Ruzhuan 紅侏儒傳 / Yang Gefei 楊格非 (Griffith John), Shen Zixing 沈子星

SubjectChristian literature, Chinese--19th-20th centuries Christian literature--Translations into Chinese
ISBN9789575566722 ; 9575566726